Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product XHD7714 Dual
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INSTALLATION/OWNER'S MANUAL AM/FM/CD/MP3/WMA/USB/3.5mm/iPod ® /Bluetooth ® /HD Radio™/iTunes ® Tagging Receiver with Detachable Face XHD7714.
2 TYPICAL FRONT-LOAD DIN MOUNTING METHOD Please read entire manual before installation. Before You Start • Disconnectnegative batteryterminal.
3 FUSE Whenreplacing thefuse, makesure newfuseisthe correcttype andamperage. Usingan incorrectfuse coulddamage theradio. TheXHD7714 usesone 10amp ATMfuselocated besidethe wiringconnector.
4 TheXHD7714 allowsplayback ofyour favoriteMP3 andWMA filesrecordedon CD-Rand CD-RWdiscs. Itspowerful on-boardDSP processordecodes thecompressed audiowhile maintainingnear-CD soundquality.
5 Control Locations - Remote Key9 Mute/EndCall Display/Key0 T alk Key8/T ag Key7 Preset4/Play/Pause Preset1/Repeat Band/ESC/*Key Tune/TrackDown 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.
6 Faceplate Removal Semi-Permanent Faceplate Installation Power On/Off Mode Auxiliary Input Steering Wheel Input Interface Volume Mute Preset EQ Curves Display Set the .
7 Pressand hold AUD•MENU formore than3 secondsto access thesetup menu,then press AUD•MENU tocycle throughmenu options.
8 XHD7714 OPERATION Press ESC toexit anymenu adjustmentmode. Press AUD•MENU momentarilyto selectbetween Volume (default),Bass, Treble,Balance, Fader,Subwoofer and SourceVolume Level.
9 XHD7714 OPERATION Analog and Digital Tuning Seek Tuning Manual Tuning Scan Tuning Band Storing and Recalling Station Presets Thefollowing tuningfunctions willaccess bothanalog and digitalstations.
10 Display HD Seek Mode Whenthe unitis tunedto ananalog station,press DISP to togglethe displaybetween thefollowing options: Whenthe unit.
11 TheiTunes T aggingfeature ofthe XHD7714allows theuser to"T ag" songsthat areplaying onHD Radio™stations and enablesthem tobe purchasedlater throughiTunes ® .
12 iTunes ® Tagging XHD7714 OPERATION iPod Compatibility with iTunes Tagging Thefollowing modelssupport iTunesT agging • Fifthgeneration iPod • T.
13 Insert CD Eject CD Track Select Fast Forward and Reverse Pause Repeat Random Intro CD-R/CD-RW Compatibility Press OPEN tofold downthe frontpanel andexpose theCD slot.Then withthe labelfacing up,insert astandard sizeCD intothe CDslot.
14 CD Player Operation - MP3/WMA Files Playing an MP3/WMA Disc Displaying Information Title Icon Artist Icon Folder Icon File Icon Character Support (MP3 ID3 tag v1.0 - 1.
15 XHD7714 OPERATION CD Player Operation - MP3/WMA Files Folder/File Search Mode (step 1) Folder/File Selection (step 2) Changing Directories (step 3) File Playback (step 4) Press SELECT toenter thefolder/file searchmode.
16 CD Player Operation - MP3/WMA Files XHD7714 OPERATION Folder Access Repeat Random Intro Press to selectthe previousfolder. Press toselect thenext folder. Note: Folder accessis onlyavailable onMP3/WMA discs recordedwith morethan onefolder.
17 XHD7714 OPERATION CD Player Operation - MP3/WMA Files Thefollowing typesof discs/filesare compatible: •CD-ROM (ISO),CD-R, CD-RW •CD-DA •.
18 CD Player Operation - MP3/WMA Files XHD7714 OPERATION Aninternal bufferprovides ESP(Electronic SkipProtection) tovirtually eliminateskipping. Whenplaying adisc recordedwith regularaudio files (CD-DAor .
19 XHD7714 OPERATION PlayMP3/WMA filesfrom mostmass storagedevices by connectingthem tothe XHD7714'sUSB port. Whena USBdevice isfirst connected,play willbegin automatically,and “READING”will appearmomentarily in thedisplay.
20 USB Operation - MP3/WMA Files (Optional) XHD7714 OPERATION Repeat Random Intro Folder/File Search Mode (step 1) Folder/File Selection (step 2) Changing Directori.
21 XHD7714 OPERATION USB Operation - MP3/WMA Files (Optional) Maximumcharacter displayinformation •Track name– 30character maximum •Folder nam.
22 OnlyMP3 fileswith filenameextension (.mp3)can beplayed. Onl yWMAfi les with filen ame exte nsi on(.w ma) canbe played. Do notattempt toplay non-MP3/WMAfiles withthe MP3/WMAextension.
23 XHD7714 OPERATION Usethe included2-wire iPodcable toconnect aniPod tothe XHD7714 . Onceconnected, press MODE until"IPOD" appears inthe display.The iPodwill automaticallybegin playback.
24 Press ll toskip tothe beginningof thenext song. Press nn toreturn tothe beginningof thecurrent song. Pressing nn againskips tothe beginningof theprevious song. Pressand hold ll or nn tofast forwardor reversea song.
25 Bluetooth ® Operation Overview TheXHD7714 supportsthe HFP(hands-free profile),A2DP (advancedaudio distribution profile)and AVRCP(audio videoremote controlprofile).
26 Bluetooth ® Operation Function Description Making a Phone Call Press once. "EnterNumber" willbe shown,then An"_" will appearon thedisplay. Inputthe desiredphone numberusing the0-9, *,# buttonsonthe remotecontrol.
27 Bluetooth ® Settings XHD7714 OPERATION Function Description Last Number Dialing Toenter lastnumber dialingmode, press ,then press a secondtime. Thehead unitwill display"LASTCALL MENU.
28 TheXHD7714 supportsA2DP wirelessstreaming audiofrom yourBluetooth mobiledevice directlyto yourhead unit.You canalso controlyour musicfromthe frontpanel ofthe head unitusing AVRCP.
29 Thiswarranty givesyou specificlegal rights. Youmay alsohave otherrights whichvary from state to state.
30 XHD7714 OPERATION Troubleshooting - General Problem Cause Action Unit will not turn on (no power) Yellowwire notconnectedor incorrect voltageRed wire.
31 XHD7714 OPERATION Specifications Frequencyresponse: 10Hz-20kHz Channelseparation @1kHz: >65dB D/Aconverter: 1 Bit Tuningrange: 87.
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An important point after buying a device Dual XHD7714 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Dual XHD7714 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Dual XHD7714 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Dual XHD7714 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Dual XHD7714 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Dual XHD7714, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Dual XHD7714.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Dual XHD7714. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Dual XHD7714 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center