Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product E Agilent Technologies
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Us er ’s a nd S erv ice G uid e Agi lent T echno log ies 85 036B/ E 75 Ω Type- N Calibr at ion Kit s This manual a pplies directly to Agi lent 85036B calibrati on kits with seria l number prefi x 3514A, and Ag ilent 85036E calib ration kit s with ser ial number prefix 3 142A.
Cont ents 85036B/E iii 1. Gen eral In form atio n Cali bration Kit Over v iew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Kit Con tent s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 85036B/E iv 6. Rep la cea bl e P ar ts Int r oduc tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 A. Standard Definitions Sta ndar d Clas s Assig n ments.
1- 1 1 Gen e ral In forma tio n.
1- 2 850 36B/E General Inf or mation Calibrati on Kit Overview Calibr ati on Kit Overview The Agil ent 85036B and 85036E type- N calibr ation ki ts are used to cal ibrate Agi lent network analyzers up to 3 G Hz for measureme nts of c omponents wit h 75 Ω type-N connector s.
85036B/ E 1-3 General Information Calibrat ion Kit Overvie w Adap ters Like the other devic es in the kit, t he adapters are b uilt t o very ti g ht tolerance s to pr ovide good broadb and performanc e. T he adapter s utili ze a dual -beaded connector struc ture to ensure st able , r ep ea tabl e conn ections .
1- 4 850 36B/E General Inf or mation Incoming Inspection Inc o mi ng Ins p e c tio n V er ify that the shi pment is c omplete by ref err ing to Figure 1- 1 o n pag e 1-5 . Check for dama ge. T he foa m-lined stor age case pr ovides protect ion during shi p ping .
85036B/ E 1-5 General Information Incoming Inspection Figur e 1-1 C alib ration K it Co ntent s.
1- 6 850 36B/E General Inf or mation Recordi ng the Device Serial Numbers Record ing the Device Serial Nu mb ers In addit i on to the kit seri al number , the d evi ces in t his kit a re indi vidually s erializ ed (ser ial numbers a re l abeled onto the b ody of ea ch devi ce).
85036B/ E 1-7 General Information C ali br ati on K it s D o cum en te d i n th is M a nu al Cali bra tion Ki ts Do cumented i n t his Manu a l This manual a pplies to any 8503 6B or 85036E ca libration ki t whose seria l prefi x is l isted on the ti tl e page.
1- 8 850 36B/E General Inf or mation Clarifyin g the Sex of a Connector Clarify ing the Sex of a C onn e ctor In thi s manual, the sex of cali bra tion de vi ces and ada pters a r e r ef erred to in terms of thei r connector interface . F or example , a mal e open has a m ale connector .
2-1 2 Spec ifica tion s.
2-2 85036B/ E Specificati ons En vironm ental R equi rements Environment al Requirement s T emperature —What to W atch Out F or Changes i n temperatur e can aff ect el ectric al charac teristics. T herefore , the operati ng temperatur e is a c ritic al fa ctor in performance .
85036B/ E 2-3 Specifications Mechanical Specifi cations Mechani cal Sp ecific atio ns The mechanic al spec ificati ons in T a ble 2-2 a pply to the devices in the 8 5036B and the 8503 6E 75 Ω type-N ca libration kits.
2-4 85036B/ E Specificati ons Electrical Specifi cat ions Electr ic al Specific ation s The el ectrical specif ications i n T able 2-4 apply to t he devices in your c alibrati on kit when connected with an Agilent p recisi on inter face .
3-1 3 Us e, Main ten anc e, an d Ca re of the De vic es.
3-2 85036B/ E Use, Maintenance, and Care of the D evi ces Electr ostatic Disc harge Elect rostati c Discha rg e Protect ion agai nst ESD ( electrosta tic di scharge) i s essential whi le c onnecting , inspecting , or cl eaning connectors a ttached to a static-sens itive c ircuit (such as thos e found in test sets) .
85036B/ E 3-3 Use, Maintenance, and Care of t he Devices Visual Inspection Visual Ins pect ion Visual inspe ction and, i f necessary , cleaning should be d one ever y time a connection i s made. Metal parti cl es from the c onnector t hr eads may fal l into the c onnector when i t is disconnect ed.
3-4 85036B/ E Use, Maintenance, and Care of the D evi ces Cleani ng Connect or s Inspect the Pr ecision S lotless C onnectors (female) Preci sion slotle ss female connectors are used to improv e accuracy . T he slotl ess contact s are not aff ected by the s light va riations i n male c ontact p in diameter .
85036B/ E 3-5 Use, Maintenance, and Care of t he Devices Cleani ng Connect ors Use a l i nt-free sw ab or c lea ning cl oth moistened w ith isop ropyl al cohol to remove any dirt or stubbor n conta minants on a connec tor t ha t cannot be r emoved with compressed air or nitrogen.
3-6 85036B/ E Use, Maintenance, and Care of the D evi ces Connect ions Co nne c ti on s Good connecti ons requi re a ski lled op erator . The mo st com m o n caus e of me asu re me n t erro r is bad c onnections . The followi ng proced ures il lustrate how to make good connecti ons.
85036B/ E 3-7 Use, Maintenance, and Care of t he Devices Connections Using a torque wrenc h guara ntees that the connection is not too tight, p reventing possib le connect or damage . It a lso guarantees tha t all co nnections a re equal ly tight each ti m e.
3-8 85036B/ E Use, Maintenance, and Care of the D evi ces Connect ions 4. Hold th e torque wrench l i ghtly , at the end of th e handle onl y (beyo nd the groov e). Se e Figu r e 3 -3 . Figure 3 -3 Usi ng the T o r que W ren ch 5. Appl y do wnwa rd f orce p erpend icul a r t o the wrench han dle .
85036B/ E 3-9 Use, Maintenance, and Care of t he Devices Connections Co nnect ing a n d Di sc o nnect ing th e Tw o-Pi ece Female O pen ( 85036B ) The female open st andard in the 85036B calibr ation ki t i s c omposed of two parts : the open body (outer cond uctor) a nd the cente r conductor ext ender .
3-10 85036B/ E Use, Maintenance, and Care of the D evi ces Handli ng and Storage Ha ndling and S torage • Install the p rotective end c aps and store the c alibrat ion devices in the foam-line d storage c ase when not i n use. • Never stor e connector s lo ose in a box, desk, or bench dra wer .
4-1 4 P erf orm anc e V erific at ion.
4-2 85036B/ E P erformance V er ification Int roduct ion In troduct i on The perfor mance of your cali bra tio n kit c an on ly be verif ied b y retur ning the kit to Ag ilen t T echnol ogies f or rec ertifi cation.
85036B/ E 4-3 P erformance V er ification Recer ti fication Rec ert ification The foll owing will be prov ided with a recer tified kit: • a new calibrati on sticker aff ixed to t he case • a cert .
4-4 85036B/ E P erformance V er ification Recertification.
5-1 5 T roub leshoot ing.
5-2 85036B/ E T roub l eshooting T roubl eshooting Process Tr oub l esh ooting Pr ocess If you suspec t a bad c alibration, or if y our network ana lyzer doe s not pass p erformance verif ication, follow the steps in Figure 5-1 .
85036B/ E 5-3 T roubleshooting Returning a Kit o r Device to Agilent Ret u rning a K it or Device t o Agilent If your ki t or device requi res service , conta ct the Agile nt T ec hnologies office nearest yo u for informati on on wher e to send i t. See T ab le 5-1 .
5-4 85036B/ E T roub l eshooting Returni ng a Kit or Devi ce to A gilent.
6-1 6 R eplacea ble P arts.
6-2 85036B/ E Replaceab le P ar ts Int roduct ion In troduct i on T ab le 6-1 list s the rep lacement part numbers f or items included in the 8 5036B cali bration kit and Figu r e 6 -1 i llustrates each of t hese items .
85036B/ E 6-3 Replaceable Parts Intr oducti on Figur e 6-1 R epl acea b le P arts f or the 85036B C a libration Kit.
6-4 85036B/ E Replaceab le P ar ts Int roduct ion Figure 6 -2 Repla ce able P ar ts f or t he 85036 E Ca libr a tion Kit T able 6 -2 Rep lace able P arts fo r the 8 5036 E Ca libra tion Kit Des cri pt.
85036B/ E 6-5 Replaceable Parts Intr oducti on Ta b l e 6 - 3 R eplac ea ble Parts— Ite ms Not I nclud ed in the 8 5036 B an d 8 503 6E Calib ration K its De sc rip ti on Qt y Ag i lent P art N um b.
6-6 85036B/ E Replaceab le P ar ts Int roduct ion.
A-1 A S tand ard D efini tio ns.
A-2 85036B/ E Standard De finitions Standar d Class Assignments Stand ard C lass A ssignm ents Class a ssignment orga nizes cal i bration sta ndards into a format c ompatibl e with the er ror models us ed i n the measurement cal i brat ion.
85036B/ E A-3 Standard Definitions Standar d Class Assignments Blank F orm The standard c lass a s signments listed i n T able A-1 may be c hanged to meet y our specific requirements . T a ble A-2 i s provided to record the m odified standa rd class assignments .
A-4 85036B/ E Standard De finitions Nominal Standar d Defi nitio ns Nomina l Stand ard Defi nit ions Standard definiti ons provide the c onstants needed to m athematicall y model t he elect rical charac teristi cs (del ay , attenuation, a nd impedance) of each calibr ation sta ndard.
85036B/ E A-5 Standard Definitions Nominal Standar d Definiti ons T able A-3 Standard Definition s Syst em Z 0 a = 75 Ω Ca li br ati on Ki t L a be l : N 75 Ω Standa rd b C0 × 10 − 15 F C1 × 1.
A-6 85036B/ E Standard De finitions Nominal Standar d Defi nitio ns Blank F orm The sta ndard defi nitions l isted in T able A- 3 m ay be c hanged to m eet your spec ific requir ements . T able A-4 is p rovided to rec ord the modi fied sta ndard defini ti ons.
85036B/E Inde x- 1 A adapters , 1-3 part numbers , 6-5 alcoho l isopr opyl as clea nin g solven t , 3-4 altitud e , 2- 2 B blank form sta nda r d cla ss assig nme n ts , A-3 standard definitions , A-6.
Index 85036B/E Inde x-2 when mak i ng c onnection s , 3- 6 envir onmental requir ement s , 2- 2 equi pment req ui red , 1- 3 but n ot supp lied , 1-3 , 6-2 , 6- 5 sup plie d , 1-2 , 6- 2 , 6-4 ESD , 3.
Index 85036B/E Inde x- 3 requir ements envir onmental , 2- 2 retu rn lo ss sp ecif ic at ions , 2-4 retu rn , ki t or d evi ce , 5- 3 S sales and service offi ces , 5- 3 sales an d servic e off ice s .
An important point after buying a device Agilent Technologies E (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Agilent Technologies E yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Agilent Technologies E - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Agilent Technologies E you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Agilent Technologies E will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Agilent Technologies E, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Agilent Technologies E.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Agilent Technologies E. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Agilent Technologies E along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center