Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product VR-561 Cisco Systems
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VR-561 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh This chapter present s the commands to conf igure and maintain Cisco IO S voice, vide o, and fax applications. The commands are p resented in alphabet ical order beg inning with R.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh register e164 VR-562 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference register e164 To config ure a gate way to re gister or dere gister (remov e the re gistration for) a fully qualif ied plain old telephone service (PO TS) dial-peer E.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh register e164 VR-563 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e The follo wing commands deregister an address with the gatekeeper: dial-peer voice 111 pots no register e164 The follo wing example sho ws that you must ha ve a connecti on to a gatekeeper and def ine a unique E.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh registered-caller r ing VR-564 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference registered-caller ring T o conf igure the Nar iwak e service re gistered caller rin g cadence, us e the register e d-caller ring command in dial-peer co nfigu ration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh req-qos VR-565 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e req-qos T o specify the desired quality of service to be used in reaching a specified dial peer , use the req-qos command in dial-peer conf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh reset VR-566 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference reset T o reset a set of digital signal processors (DSPs), use the reset command in global conf iguration mode. res e t nu mber Syntax Descripti on Defaults No default beha vior or values.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh resource threshold VR-567 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e resource threshold T o configure a gateway to report H.323 resour ce availability to the its g atekeeper , use the re s o u rce threshold command in gateway configuration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh resource thr eshold VR-568 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference When any monitored H.323 resources e xceed the threshold lev el defined b y the high parame ter , the gatew ay sends an RAI message to the gatekeeper w ith the AlmostOutOfResources f ield flagged.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh response-timeout VR-569 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e response-timeout T o configu re the maximum time to w ait for a response from a serv er, use th e response-timeout command in settlement co nfigur ation mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh response -timeout VR-570 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference session-timeout Sets the interval for closing the connec tion when there is no input or output tr a ffi c . settlement Enters settlement mode and specif ies the attributes specif ic to a settlement provider .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh retry-delay VR-571 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e retry-delay T o set the time between attempts to connect with the settlement prov ider , use the ret ry -de la y command in settlement conf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh retry-delay VR-572 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference session-timeout Sets the interval for closing the connec tion when there is no input or output tr a ffi c . settlement Enters settlement confi guratio n mode a nd specifies the attributes specific to a settlement provi der .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh retry-limit VR-573 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e retry-limit T o set the maximum number of attempts to connect t o the provi der , use the re tr y- l im i t command in settlement conf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh retry-limit VR-574 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference session-timeout Sets the length of interv al for closing the conn ection when there is no input or output traf fic. settlement Enters settlement mode and specif ies the attrib utes specific to a settl ement provider .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh retry (SIP user-agent) VR-575 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e retry (SIP user-agent) T o config ure the number of retry attempts for Session Init iation Protocol (SIP) messag es, use the retr y command in SIP user -agent conf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh ring VR-576 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference ring T o set up a distincti ve ring for your connected tel ephones, fax machines, or modems, use th e ring command in interface configuration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh ring VR-577 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands Com ma nd De scr ipt ion destination-patter n Specifies either the prefix, the fu ll E.164 telephone n umber , or an ISDN directory number (depending on the dial pl an) to be used for a dial peer .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh ring cadence VR-578 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference ring cadence T o specify the ring cadence for a Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) voice port, use the ring cadence command in v oice-port conf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh ring cadence VR-579 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Command Modes V oice-port configur ation Command History Usage Guidelines The patternXX k eyword pro vides prese t ring cadence patterns for us e on any platform.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh ring frequency VR-580 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference ring frequency T o specify the ring frequenc y fo r a specified Foreign Exchange St ation (FXS) v oice port, use the ring frequency command in v oice-port configurati on mode .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh ring frequency VR-581 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands Com ma nd De scr ipt ion ring cadence Specifies the ring caden ce for an FXS v oice port on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh ring numb er VR-582 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference ring number T o specify the number of rings for a speci fied F o reign Exchange Off ice (FXO) voice port, use the ring number command in v oice-port confi guration mode .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh ring numb er VR-583 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands Com ma nd De scr ipt ion ring frequency Specifies the ring frequenc y for a specified FXS v o ice port.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh roaming (dial-peer ) VR-584 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference roaming (dial-peer) T o enable the roaming capabilit y for the dial peer , use the roa mi n g comm and in dial-pe er configuration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh roaming (settlement) VR-585 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e roaming (settlement) T o enable the roaming capabil ity for a settlement pro vider , use the roam in g command in settlement confi guration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh rtsp client session history dura tio n VR-586 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference rtsp client session history duration T o specify h.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh rtsp client session history records VR-587 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e rtsp client session history records T o configure t.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh rule VR-588 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference rule T o apply a translation rul e to a calling party number or a call ed party number for both i ncoming and outgoing cal ls, use the rule command in translation-rule configur ation mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh rule VR-589 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Usage Guidelines When config uring your dial peers, you are pro vided with an option called the tr anslation rule .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh security VR-590 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference security T o enable authentication an d auth orization on a gatekeeper , use the security command in gatekeeper configuration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh security VR-591 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e A RADIUS/T A CA CS+ server and encryption k ey must ha ve been co nf igured in Cisco I OS software for security to work. Only the f irst alias of the proper type wil l be identif ied.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh sequence-numb ers VR-592 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference sequence-numbers T o enable the generation of seq uence numbers in eac .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh sequence-numbers VR-593 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands Com ma nd Des cr ipt ion called-number (dial-peer) Enables an incoming V oFR call leg to get bridged to the correct PO TS call leg wh en using a static FRF .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh server ( R LM) VR-594 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference server (RLM) T o identify an RLM serv er , use the server RLM conf iguration command.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh server (RLM) VR-595 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands Com ma nd D es cri pti on clear interface Resets the hardware logic on an interf ace. clear rlm group Clears all RLM group time stamps to zero.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh server regi stration- port VR-596 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference server registration-port T o configure the listener port fo r the server to establish a connec tion with the gatekeeper , use the server registrat ion-port command in gatekeeper conf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh server trigger VR-597 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e server trigger T o configure a static server trigger for e xternal applications, use the server tr igger command in gatekeeper conf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh server trigger VR-598 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference In LCF submode, enter the f ollo wing syntax: server trigger lcf gkid prio.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh server trigger VR-599 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e The r emote-ext-addr ess argument is under the LCF trig ger submode and .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh sessio n VR-600 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference session T o associat e a trans port sessi on with a specif ied session-group, use the session group command in backhaul sess ion mana ger configuration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh session protocol VR-601 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e session protocol T o specify a session protocol for call s between the local and remote routers using the packet network, use the session protoco l command in dial-peer conf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh session protocol VR-602 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference The follo wi ng e xample selects AAL2 trunking as the sessio n proto col.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh session protocol (Voice over Frame Relay) VR-603 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e session protocol (Voice over Frame Relay) T o.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh session protocol (Voice over Frame Relay) VR-604 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands Com ma nd De scr ipt ion called-number (dial-peer) Enables an incoming V oFR call leg to get bridged t o the correct PO TS call leg when using a static FRF .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh session protoc ol aal2 VR-605 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e session protocol aal2 T o enter the voice-service-sessio n conf .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh session protocol multicast VR-606 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference session protocol multicast T o set the session protocol as multicast , use the session protocol mul ticast command dial-peer confi guration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh session target (VoATM) VR-607 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e session target (VoATM) T o specify a network-speci fi c address fo r a specif ied V oA TM dial peer , use the ses sion ta rget command in dial-peer conf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh session target (VoATM) VR-608 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Command History Usage Guidelines Use the session target command to specify a ne twork-specific address or domain name for a dial peer .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh session target (VoATM) VR-609 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands Com ma nd De scr ipt ion called-number Enables an incoming V oFR call leg to be bridged to the co rrect PO TS call leg .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh session target (VoFR) VR-610 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference session target (VoFR) T o specify a network-specific address fo r a specified V oFR dial peer, use the session target command in dial-peer conf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh session target (VoFR) VR-611 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Command History Usage Guidelines Use the session target command to specify a ne twork-specific address or domain name for a dial peer .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh session target (VoFR) VR-612 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands Com ma nd De scr ipt ion called-number Enables an incoming V oFR call leg t o be bri dged to th e correct PO TS call le g.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh session target (VoIP) VR-613 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e session target (VoIP) T o specify a network-specific address fo r a specified V oIP dial peer , use the session target command in dial-peer configuration m ode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh session target (VoIP) VR-614 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Defaults The default state for thi s command is enabled, w ith no IP address or domain name def ined.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh session target (VoIP) VR-615 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e session target The follo wing e xample conf igures a session t arget u sing DNS, with the o ptional $u$.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh session transport VR-616 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference session transport T o configure t he V oIP dial peer to use TCP or User.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh set VR-617 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e set T o create a fault-tole rant or non-fa ult-tolerant se ssion-set with the client or server option, u se the set command in backhaul session manager con fi guration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh settle-call VR-618 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference settle-call T o force a call to be auth orized with a settlement s erver that uses the address resolution method specif ied in the session target type command, use the settle-call command in dial-peer co nf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh settle-call VR-619 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands Com ma nd De scr ipt ion session target Specifies a network-specific addr ess for a specif ied dial peer .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh settlement VR-620 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference settlement T o enter settlement conf iguration mode and specify the attributes specific to a settlement pro vider , use the settlement command in global co nf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh settlement VR-621 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e session-timeout Sets the interval for closing the connec tion when there is no input or output tr a ffi c . show settlement Displays the conf iguration for all settlement serv er transactions.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh settlement roam-pattern VR-622 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference settlement roam-pattern T o config ure a pattern that must be matched to determine if a user is roaming, use the settlement roam-patter n command in global conf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh sgcp VR-623 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e sgcp T o start and allocat e resources for the Simple Gate way Control Protocol (SGCP) daemon, use the sgcp command in global conf iguration mo de.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh sgcp VR-624 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands Com ma nd De scr ipt ion sgcp call-agent Defines the IP address of the default SGCP call agent. sgcp graceful-shutdown Gracefully terminates all SGCP acti vity .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh sgcp call-agent VR-625 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e sgcp call-agent T o define the I P address of the def ault Simp le Gate way Control Protocol (SGCP) call agent in the router configuration f ile, use the sgcp call-agent command in global conf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh sgcp call-agen t VR-626 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands Com ma nd De scr ipt ion sgcp Starts and allocates resources for th e SGCP daemon. sgcp graceful-shutdown Gracefully terminates all SGCP activity .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh sgcp graceful-shutdown VR-627 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e sgcp graceful-shutdown T o block all new calls and gracef ull y terminate all e xi s ting calls (wait for the caller to end the call), use the sgcp graceful-shutdown command in globa l configuration mode .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh sgcp graceful- shutdown VR-628 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference sgcp quarantine-buffer disable Disables t he SGCP quar antine b uffer . sgcp request r etries Specif ies the number of times to retry sending “notify” an d “delete” messages to the SGCP call agent.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh sgcp max-wa iting-del ay VR-629 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e sgcp max-waiting-delay T o set the Simple Gate way Co ntrol Protocol (SGCP) max imum waiting del ay to pre vent r estart av alanches, use the sgcp max-waiting-delay command in global conf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh sgcp max-waiting- delay VR-630 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference sgcp restart T riggers the router to send an RSIP message to the SGCP call agent indicating that the T1 co nt roller is up or do wn so that the call agent can synchronize with the T1 contro ller .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh sgcp modem passthru VR-631 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e sgcp modem passthru T o enabl e Sim ple Ga teway Control Protoco l (SG CP) mo de m o r fax pass-th roug h, use t he sgcp modem passthru command in global conf ig uration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh sgcp modem passth ru VR-632 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference sgcp modem passthru nse sgcp tse payload 110 Related Commands Com ma nd De scr ipt ion sgcp Starts and allocates resources for th e SGCP daemon.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh sgcp quarantine-buffer disable VR-633 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e sgcp quarantine-buffer disable T o disable the Simple Gate way Control Protocol (SGCP) quarantine b uf fer , use the sgcp quarantine-buffer disabl e command in global con figur ation mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh sgcp quarantin e-buffer disable VR-634 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference sgcp restart T riggers the router to send an RSIP message to the SGCP call agent indicating that the T1 co nt roller is up or do wn so that the call agent can synchronize with the T1 contro ller .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh sgcp request retrie s VR-635 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e sgcp request retries T o specify the number of times to retry sen.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh sgcp request retr ies VR-636 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands Com ma nd Des cr ipt ion sgcp Starts and allocates resour ces for the SG CP daemon. sgcp call-agent Defines th e IP address of the def ault SGCP call agent.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh sgcp request timeou t VR-637 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e sgcp request timeout T o specify how long the syst em should wait for a response to a request, use the sgcp r equest timeout command in global conf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh sgcp request timeo ut VR-638 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference sgcp request r etries Specifies the number of times to retry sendin g “notify” and “delete” messages to the SGCP call agent.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh sgcp restart VR-639 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e sgcp restart T o trigger the router to send a Restart in Progr ess (RSIP) .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh sgcp restart VR-640 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands Com ma nd D esc ri pti on sgcp Starts and allocates resources for the SGCP d aemon. sgcp call-agent Defines the IP address of the default SGCP call agent.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh sgcp retransmit timer VR-641 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e sgcp retransmit timer T o configu re the Simple Gate way Control Protocol (SGCP) retransmissi on timer to use a random algorithm, use the sgcp r etransmit timer command in glob al config uration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh sgcp retransmit timer VR-642 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands Com ma nd De scr ipt ion sgcp Starts and allocates resources for th e SGCP daemon. sgcp call-agent Def ines the IP address of the default SGCP call agent.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh sgcp timer VR-643 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e sgcp timer T o configure h o w th e gat e w ay detects the Real- T ime T ranspor t Protocol (R TP) stream lost, use the sgc p timer command in global conf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh sgcp timer VR-644 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands Com ma nd Des cr ipt ion sgcp Starts and allocates resources for the SGCP daemon. sgcp call-agent Def ines the IP address of the default SGCP call agent.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh sgcp tse payload VR-645 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e sgcp tse payload T o enable Inband T elephony Signali ng Event s (TSE) for f ax and modem operation, use the sgcp tse payload command in gl obal configuratio n mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh sgcp tse payload VR-646 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference sgcp max-waiting-delay Sets the SGCP maximum w aiting delay to pre vent restart a v alanches. sgcp modem passthru Enables SGCP modem or fax pass-thro ugh.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show aal2 profile VR-647 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show aal2 profile T o display the A TM adaptation layer 2 (AAL2) prof iles configured on the sy stem, use the show aal2 prof ile command in pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show aal2 profile VR-648 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Printing all the Profiles in the system Profile Type: ITUT Profile Numb.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show atm video-voice address VR-649 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show atm video-voice address T o display the network service acce ss point (NSAP) address for the A TM interface, e nter the show atm video-voice addr ess command in privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show backhaul- session-manager group VR-650 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show backhaul-session-manager group T o display stat.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show backhaul-session-ma nag er group VR-651 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e cumulative ack max :3 retrans max :2 out-of-sequence max :3 auto-reset max :5 The follo wing displa ys the current status of all sessi on-groups.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show backhaul- session-manager session VR-652 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show backhaul-session-manager session T o display v a rious informatio n for about a session or sessi ons, use the sh ow backhaul-session-manager session command in pri vileg ed EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show backhaul-session -manag er session VR-653 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Transmit Failures (PDU Only) Due to Blocking (N.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show backhaul- session-manager set VR-654 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show backhaul-session-manager set T o display session-groups associat ed with a specified session-set or all session-sets, use the show backhaul-session-manager set command in pri vileg ed EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show call active VR-655 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show call active T o display acti ve call informatio n for voice call s or fax transmissions in pro gress, use the show call active command in user EXEC or pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show call active VR-656 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Examples The followi ng is sample output fr om the show c al l a ct ive .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show call active VR-657 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e SessionTarget=ipv4:1.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show call active VR-658 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference CallState=4 CallOrigin=2 ChargedUnits=0 InfoType=10 TransmitPackets=0 TransmitBytes=0 ReceivePackets=0 ReceiveBytes=41190 MMOIP: ConnectionId[0x37EC7F41 0xB0110001 0x0 0x35C34] RemoteIPAddress=0.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show call active VR-659 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Tele <int>: tx:<tot>/<v>/<fax>ms <codec> noise:<l> acom:<l> i/o:<l>/<l> dBm 1 : 22021hs.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show call active VR-660 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference GapFillW ithPrediction Duration of the v oice signal played out with sig.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show call active VR-661 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands RoundT ripDelay V oice packet round trip delay betw een the local and remote syst ems on the IP backbone for this call.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show call applica tion voice VR-662 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show call application voice T o define the n ames of the aud.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show call application voice VR-663 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e and do nothing State get_account has 4 actions and 7 events Do Action IVR_ACT_PLAY. URL: allowInt=1, pContent=0x60E4C564 Do Action IVR_ACT_ABORT_KEY.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show call applica tion voice VR-664 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference State authenticate_fail has 1 actions and 2 events Do Action IVR_ACT_PLAY.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show call application voice VR-665 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e If Event IVR_EV_AAA_FAIL goto state authenticate_fail State collect_dest has 4 actions and 8 events Do Action IVR_ACT_PLAY.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show call fallback cache VR-666 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show call fallback cache T o see the current C al c ul a te d P l an n in g I m pa i r me n t Fa ct o r ( IC P IF ) estimates for a ll IP addresses in cache, use the show call fallback cache command in EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show call fallback cache VR-667 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Router# show call fallback cache Probe IP Address Codec ICPIF Reject Accept ----- ---------- ----- ----- ------ ------ 1 10.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show call fa llback config VR-668 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show call fallback config T o display the call fallback configuration, use the show call fallback config command in EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show call fallback stats VR-669 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show call fallback stats T o display the call fallback statistics, us e the show call fallback stats command in EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show call history VR-670 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show call history T o display the call h istory table for v oice calls or f ax tran smissions, use the sho w call history co mmand in user EXEC or pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show call history VR-671 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e T o display a truncated v ersion of the call history table, use the brief ke yword. When using the fax keyw ord, this command applies to both on-ramp and of f-ramp store-an d-forward fax functions.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show call history VR-672 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Corrected packet-loss Events = 0 Last Buffer Drain/Fill Event = 373sec .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show call history VR-673 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e DisconnectText=normal call clearing.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show call history VR-674 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference 2 : 5996450hs.25 +-1 +3802 pid:100 Answer 408 tx:0/0 rx:0/0 1F (T30 T1 EOM timeout) Telephony : tx:38020/38020/0ms g729r8 noise:0dBm acom:0dBm 2 : 5996752hs.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show call history VR-675 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e CallDuration Length of the call, in hours, minutes, and seconds, hh:mm:ss. CallOrigin Call origin: answer o r originate.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show call history VR-676 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Modem passthrough signaling method is nse Indicate s that this is a modem pass-through call and named sig naling ev ents (NSEs)—also called telephone-events in RFC 2833—are used for signaling codec upspeed .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show call history VR-677 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands V AD Specifies whether v oice acti vation detection (V AD) was enabled for this call. V oiceTxDuration Duration of v oice transmission from this peer to the v oice gate way for this call.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show call history video record VR-678 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show call history video record T o display information ab out video calls, use the show call history video record command i n priv ileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show call history voice record VR-679 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show call history voice record T o display Call Detail Record (CDR) e vents in the call h istory table, use the sho w call history voice re cord command in pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show call history vo ice record VR-680 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands T able 29 show call history v oice re cord Field Descr iptions Field Description ConnectionID Global call ident ifier for this vo ice call.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show call resource voice stats VR-681 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show call resource voice stats T o displa y resource statistics for an H.32 3 gatew ay , use the show call resour ce v oice stats comman d in pri vile ged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show call resourc e voice stats VR-682 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands T able 30 show call resour ce vo ice stats Fiel d Descr iptions Statistic Definition T otal channels Number of channels physically co nfigu red for the resource.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show call resource voice threshold VR-683 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show call resource voice threshold T o display the threshold co nfigu ration settings and statu s for an H.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show call rsvp-sync conf VR-684 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show call rsvp-sync conf T o display the configuration settings fo r Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) synchronizat ion, use the show call rsvp-sync conf command in privile ged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show call rsvp-sync conf VR-685 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands Com ma nd De scr ipt ion call rsvp-sync Enables synchronization betw een RSVP and the H.323 voi ce signalin g protoc ol.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show call rsvp-sync stats VR-686 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show call rsvp-sync stats T o display statistics for call s that attempt ed Resour ce Reserv ation Protocol (RSV P) reserv ation, use the show call rsvp-sync stats command in privile ged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show call rsvp-sync stats VR-687 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands Com ma nd De scr ipt ion call rsvp-sync Enables synchronization between RSVP and the H.323 voice si gnaling protoco l.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show cdapi VR-688 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show cdapi T o display the Call Distrib utor A pplication Programming Interface (CD API), use the show cdapi command in pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show cdapi VR-689 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands Com ma nd De scr ipt ion isdn protocol- emulate Conf igures the Layer 2 and Layer 3 port protocol of a BRI v oice port or a PRI interface t o emulate NT (network) or TE (user) functionality .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show ces clo ck-select VR-690 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show ces clock-select T o display the setting of the network clock fo r the specified port, use the show ces clock-select command in pri vileg ed EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show connect VR-691 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show connect T o display conf iguration information about drop-and-insert conn ections that ha ve been conf igured on a router , enter the show connect command in pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show conne ct VR-692 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Examples The followi ng examples sho w how the same tab ular information ap.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show controllers rs366 VR-693 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show controllers rs366 T o display informatio n about the RS-366 video in terface on the video d ialing module (VDM), use t he show co ntroll ers rs366 co mmand in pri vile ged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show controller s rs366 VR-694 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference ICSR Interrupt control an d status reg ister of the VDM. EXT Ext ended register of the VDM. T1 through T5 Ti meouts 1 through 5 of t he watchdog timer , in milliseconds.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show controllers timeslots VR-695 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show controllers timeslots T o show the channel-associated signaling (C AS) and ISDN PRI stat e in detail, u se the show contr ollers timeslots command in pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show controllers timeslots VR-696 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference 10 cas - - maint static-bo 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 11 cas - - maint st.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show controllers voice VR-697 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show controllers voice T o display informat ion about v o ice-related hardware, use the show contr oller s voice command i n pri vile ged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show controllers voice VR-698 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference 0040: BBC8 7E48 3B34 3131 363D 4FDE C3B9 B3B1 B3B8 C2DB 0060: 533F.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show controllers voice VR-699 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e 0040: BBC8 7E48 3B34 3131 363D 4FDE C3B9 B3B1 B3B8 C2DB 0060: 53.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show controllers voice VR-700 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference 0 drops, 0 no buffers, 0 input errors 0 input overruns 393976 byte.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show csm VR-701 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show csm T o display the call switchin g module (CSM) statisti cs for a p arti.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show csm VR-702 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Use the sh ow c sm voi ce c ommand to display CSM statistics fo r a particula r DSP channel.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show csm VR-703 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Ta b l e 3 4 describes the signif icant f ields sho wn in the display . T able 34 s how csm voice Field Descr iptions Field Description slot Slot where the VFC resides.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show csm VR-704 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference de vice_status The status of the de vi ce. Possible values are as follo ws: • VDEV_ST A TU S_UNLOCKED—De vice is unlocke d (meaning that it is av ailable for new calls).
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show csm VR-705 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e csm_state CSM call state o f the cu rrent ca ll (PRI line) associated with this de vice. Possible values are as follo ws: • CSM_IDLE_ST A TE—Device is idle.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show csm VR-706 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference csm_state: in valid _e vent_ count= Number of in valid e vents recei ved b y the C SM state machine. wdt_timeout_count= Number of times the w atchdog timer is acti vated for t his call.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show csm VR-707 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands total_b usy_rbs_time slot = T otal number of RBS (CAS) time slots t hat hav e been busied-out. This includes both dynamically and statically busied o ut RBS time slots.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show dial-p eer video VR-708 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show dial-peer video T o display dial-peer conf iguration, use the show dial-peer vi deo command in pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show dial-peer voice VR-709 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show dial-peer voice T o display conf iguration information for dial p eers, use the show dial-peer voice command in privi leged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show dial-p eer voice VR-710 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 0 Accepted Calls = 0, Refused .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show dial-peer voice VR-711 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands huntstop Indicates w hether dial-peer huntin g has been turned on, b y using the huntstop command, for this dial peer .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show dialplan inc all number VR-712 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show dialplan incall number T o show w hich plain old tel ep.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show dialplan incall number VR-713 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Examples The followi ng exampl e sho ws that an incoming ca.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show dialplan inc all number VR-714 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference forward-digits 4 session-target = `', voice-port = `1/0/1:D', direct-inward-dial = enabled, digit_strip = enabled, register E.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show dialplan incall number VR-715 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands digit_strip Whether digit stripping i s enabled or disab led in the dial peer . Enabled is the defa ult.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show dialplan number VR-716 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show dialplan number T o show which dial peer is reache d when a particular telephone number is dialed, use the show dialplan number command in pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show dial plan numbe r VR-717 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e direct-inward-dial = disabled, Connect Time = 0, Charged Units =.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show dialplan number VR-718 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Last Disconnect Text is "", Last Setup Time = 0. Matched: 1001 Digits: 4 Target: Ta b l e 3 7 explains th e signif icant f ields sho wn in this example.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show frame-relay vofr VR-719 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show frame-relay vofr T o display informatio n about the FRF .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show frame-relay vofr VR-720 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference The follo wing is sample ou tput from the show frame-relay v ofr co.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show frame-relay vofr VR-721 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show frame-r elay pvc Displays statistics about PVCs for Frame Relay interf aces. show voi ce -po rt Displays configuration inf ormation about a specif ic voice port.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show gateke eper calls VR-722 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show gatekeeper calls T o show the status of each ongoing call of which a gatekeeper is aware, use the show gatekeeper calls command in pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show gatekeeper calls VR-723 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Ta b l e 3 9 describes the signif icant f ields sho wn in the display . Related Commands Ta b l e 3 9 show gatekeeper calls Field Descriptions Field Description LocalCallID Identif ication number of the cal l.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show gatekeepe r endpoints VR-724 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show gatekeeper endpoints T o display the status of all re gistered endpoints for a gat ekeeper , use the show gatek eeper endpoints command in EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show gatekeep er endpoints VR-725 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands Ty p e The endpoint type (for e xample, terminal, gate way , or MCU).
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show gatekeepe r gw-type-pre fix VR-726 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show gatekeeper gw-type-prefix T o display the gateway technology prefix table, use th e show gatekeeper gw-type-pref ix command in pri vile ged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show gatekeeper gw-typ e-pre fix VR-727 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Ta b l e 4 1 describes the fields contained in the show gatekeeper gw-type-pref ix sample output.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show gatekeepe r gw-type-pre fix VR-728 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands Com ma nd De scr ipt ion show gatekeeper calls Displays the status of each ongoing call that a gatekeeper is aware of.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show gatekeeper serve r s VR-729 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show gatekeeper servers T o see a list of currently registered and statically co nf igu red triggers on this ga tek eeper router , enter the show gatekeeper ser vers command in EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show gatekeepe r servers VR-730 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference ARQ Priority:1 Server-ID:sj-server Server IP address: Server type:dynamically registered Connection Status:active Trigger Information: Destination Info:M:nilkant@zone14.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show gatekeeper sta tus VR-731 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show gatekeeper status T o show o v erall gatek eeper status, including authoriz ation and authentication st atus, zone status, and so on, use the show gatekeeper status command in EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show gatekeeper zon e prefix VR-732 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show gatekeeper zone prefix T o display the zone pref ix table, use the show gatekeeper zone pr efix command in privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show gatekeeper zone statu s VR-733 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show gatekeeper zone status T o display the status of zones related to a gatek eeper , use the show gatekeeper zone status command in pri vileg ed EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show gatekeeper zon e status VR-734 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Ta b l e 4 4 describes the signif icant f ields sho wn in the display .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show gateway VR-735 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show gateway T o display the current g ate way status, use the show gateway command in pri vileged EXEC mode. show gateway Syntax Descripti on This command has no ar guments or ke ywords.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show gatewa y VR-736 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference H323-ID gateway1 H323 resource thresholding is Enabled and Active H323 reso.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show interface dspfarm VR-737 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show interface dspfarm T o display digital signal p rocessor (DS.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show interface dspfarm VR-738 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference 30887 packets input, 616516 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcas.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show interface dspfarm VR-739 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Tx packets Number of transmit (tx) packets. Tx frags Number of tx packets that were fragmente d. Curr_dsp_tx_queued Number of tx packets that are bein g queued at host DSP queues.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show interface dspfarm VR-740 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Giants Number of packets that are discarded because they exceed the maximum packet size f or the medium. F or instance, an y Ethernet pack et that is greater than 15 18 bytes is considered a giant.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show interface dspfarm VR-741 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Interface resets Number of times an in terface has been completely reset. Resetting can happen if packet s queued for transmission were not sent within a cert ain interv al.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show mgcp VR-742 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show mgcp T o display Media Gate way Contro l Protocol (MGCP) conf iguration informatio n, use the show mgcp command in EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show mgcp VR-743 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Ta b l e 4 6 describes the signif icant f ields sho wn in the display . T able 46 show mgcp Field Descr iptions MGCP Admin State.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show mgcp VR-744 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands MGCP IP T o S high reliability The high-reliability parameter setting for t he mgcp ip-tos command. MGCP IP T oS low co st The lo w-cost parameter setting for the mgcp ip-tos command.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show mgcp connection VR-745 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show mgcp connection T o display Media Gate way Control Protocol (MGCP) conf iguration information, use the show mgcp connection command in EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show mgcp conn ection VR-746 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands (P)ort The ports used for this connection. The first port is the lo cal UDP port. The second port is the remote UDP port.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show mgcp endpoin t VR-747 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show mgcp endpoint T o display Media Gate way Control Protocol (MGCP) conf iguration information, use the show mgcp endpoint command in EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show mgcp statistics VR-748 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show mgcp statistics T o display Media Gate way Contro l Protocol (MGCP) conf iguration informatio n, use the show mgcp statistics command in EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show mgcp statistics VR-749 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Ta b l e 4 8 describes the signif icant f ields sho wn in the display .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show mgcp statistics VR-750 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show mgcp connection Displays connection-related MGCP conf iguration in formation. show mgcp endpoint Displays endpoint-specif ic MGCP configuration informatio n.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show num-exp VR-751 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show num-exp T o show the number expan sions configured, use the show num-exp command in pri vileged EXEC mode. show num-exp [ dialed-nu mber ] Syntax Descripti on Defaults No default beha vior or values.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show num- exp VR-752 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Ta b l e 4 9 describes the signif icant f ields sho wn in the display .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show pots csm VR-753 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show pots csm T o sho w the current state of calls and the most recent ev ent recei ved b y the call switching modul e (CSM) on the Cisco 800 series router , use the show pots csm command in EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show pots status VR-754 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show pots status T o display the settings of the telephone port phy sica.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show pots stat us VR-755 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e CODEC Registers: SPI Addr: 2, DSLAC Revision: 4 SLIC Cmd: 0D, TX TS: .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show pots status VR-756 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Ta b l e 5 0 describes the signif icant f ields sho wn in the display .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show pots stat us VR-757 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e pots silence-time Specifies the interv al of silenc e after a calling party disconnects (Cisco 800 series router).
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show proxy h323 calls VR-758 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show proxy h323 calls T o list each active call on the proxy , use the show pr oxy h323 calls comman d in pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show proxy h3 23 detail-call VR-759 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show proxy h323 detail-call T o display t he details of a particul ar call on a proxy , use the show proxy h323 detail-call command in pri vile ged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show proxy h323 detail-call VR-760 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Bandwidth = 374 kbps Time created = 731146318 ms Channel number = 1 Type = AUDIO State = OPEN Bandwidth = 81 kbps Time created = 731146317 ms H245 logical channels for call leg pte111@zone1.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show proxy h3 23 detail-call VR-761 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e State = OPEN Bandwidth = 225 kbps Time created = 730949664.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show proxy h323 detail-call VR-762 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Min Jitter = 0(ms) Max Jitter = 28(ms) Average Jitter Rate = .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show proxy h3 23 detail-call VR-763 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Channel number = 257 RTP stream from cisco7-pxy to proxy.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show proxy h323 detail-call VR-764 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands Com ma nd De scr ipt ion h323 qos Enables QoS on the proxy .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show proxy h323 status VR-765 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show proxy h323 status T o display the o verall status of a proxy , use the show pr oxy h323 status command i n pri vile ged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show rawms g VR-766 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show rawmsg T o show the raw messages owned by the required component, use the show rawmsg command in pri vileged EXEC mod e.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show rlm group statistics VR-767 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show rlm group statistics T o display the network latenc y of the Redundant Link Manager (RLM) group , use the show rlm group statistics command in pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show rlm group statistics VR-768 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Server Link Group[r2-server]: Open the link [,]: last time occurred at 02:46:06.724, success=0(0%), failure=1 avg=0.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show rlm group statistics VR-769 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands Com ma nd Des cri pti on clear interface Resets the hardware logic on an interface. clear rlm group Clears all RLM group time stamp s to zero.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show rlm group status VR-770 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show rlm group status T o display the status of the Redun dant Link Manager (RLM) gro up, use the show rlm gr oup status command in pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show rlm group status VR-771 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands socket The status of the in dividual signaling link. Server Li nk Group[r2-serv er] The statu s of all signaling li nks confi gured under a particular RLM server link g roup (r2-server ).
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show rlm group timer VR-772 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show rlm group timer T o display the current timer v alues, use the show rlm gr oup timer c o m m a n d i n p r iv i l e g e d E X E C m o d e .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show rlm group time r VR-773 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands Com ma nd D esc ri p ti on clear interface Resets the hardware logic on an interface. clear rlm group Clears all RLM grou p time stamps to zero.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show rtsp client session VR-774 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show rtsp client session T o display cumulati ve informat ion about Real T ime Streaming Pr otocol (R TSP) session record s, use the show rtsp client session command in pri vile ged EXEC mo de.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show rtsp client session VR-775 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Examples The fol lowing output is displaye d when the show rts.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show rtsp client session VR-776 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands Com ma nd De scr ipt ion rtsp client session history duration Specifi es the length of time the R TSP is kept during the session.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show rudpv0 failure s VR-777 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show rudpv0 failures T o show SS7 Reliable User Datagram Protocol (R UDP) failure statistics, en ter the show rudpv0 failur es command in pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show rudpv0 failures VR-778 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands Com ma nd D es cri pti on clear rudpv0 statistics Resets the counters for the statistics g enerated b y show rudpv0 failures to 0.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show rudpv0 statistics VR-779 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show rudpv0 statistics T o show SS7 Reliable User Datagr am Protocol (R UDP) internal statistics, enter the show rudpv0 statistics pri vileged EXEC command.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show rudpv0 statistics VR-780 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference SoftResets 0 SoftResetsRcvd 0 TotalPacketsSent 7863 TotalPacketsRe.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show rudpv1 VR-781 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show rudpv1 T o display Reliable User Datagram Pro tocol (R UDP) information, use the show rudpv1 command in pri vile ged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show rudp v1 VR-782 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference BufferTooLargeFailures 0 ConnNotOpenFailures 0 SendWindowFullFailures 0 GetB.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show rudpv1 VR-783 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Send Seg Size 384 Requested Negotiated Max Auto Reset 5 5 Max Cum Ack 3 3 M.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show rudp v1 VR-784 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference TotalPacketsReceived 1047 TotalDataBytesSent 18048 TotalDataBytesReceived 18.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show set tle men t VR-785 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show settlement T o display the conf iguration for all settlement serv er s and see the specific provider and transactions, use the show settlement command in pri v ile ged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show settlement VR-786 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference The follo wing example sho ws transaction and state information about a s.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show sgcp connection VR-787 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show sgcp connection T o see all acti ve SGCP connections on this router , use the show sgcp connection command in EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show sgcp conn ection VR-788 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands T able 55 s how sgcp connec tion Field Descr iptions Field Description SGCP Admin State The administrati ve and operational state o f th e SGCP daemon.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show sgcp endpoin t VR-789 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show sgcp endpoint T o see SGCP endpoints eligible for SGCP management, use the show sgcp endpoint command in EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show sgcp endp oint VR-790 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands Com ma nd D esc ri pti on show sgcp connection Displays all the acti ve connections on the host rou ter .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show sgcp statistics VR-791 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show sgcp statistics T o see global statistics for the SG CP packet count, success and failure counts, and other information, use the show sgcp statistics command in EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show sgcp statistics VR-792 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference ModifyConn rx 0, successful 0, failed 0 DeleteConn tx 0, successful .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show sip-ua VR-793 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show sip-ua T o display informatio n and settings for the Session Ini tiation Protocol (SIP) User A gent (U A), use the show sip-ua co mmand in pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show sip-ua VR-794 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference OkInvite 0/0, OkBye 0/0, OkCancel 0/0, OkOptions 0/0 Redirection (Inbound onl.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show ss7 mtp2 ccb VR-795 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show ss7 mtp2 ccb T o display SS7 MTP 2 Channel Contro l Block (CCB) information, use the show ss7 mtp2 ccb command in pri vileg ed EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show ss7 mtp2 ccb VR-796 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference AbnormalBSN_flag = FALSE UnreasonableBSN = FALSE UnreasonableFSN = FALS.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show ss7 mtp2 state VR-797 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show ss7 mtp2 state T o display i nternal SS7 Me ssage T ransfer P art le vel 2 (MTP 2) stat e mac hine informat ion, u se th e sho w ss7 mtp2 state command in pri vileged EXEC mo de.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show ss7 mtp2 state VR-798 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference T able 56 SS7 MTP 2 Stat e Inf ormation Fiel ds State Description Possible V alues MTP2LSC Indicates the ove rall status of the link.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show ss7 mtp2 state VR-799 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e MTP2AERM Indicates the status of the alignment error rate monitor state machine (AERM). IDLE—The state machine is inactiv e .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show ss7 mtp2 stats VR-800 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show ss7 mtp2 stats T o displa y SS7 MTP 2 operat ional statis tics, use the show ss7 mtp2 stats command in priv ileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show ss7 mtp2 stats VR-801 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e OMLSSU_RCV_Count = 0 OMLSSU_RCV_SINCount = 0 OMLSSU_RCV_SIECount = .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show ss7 mtp2 stats VR-802 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference T able 57 SS7 OM Inf or mation Fields Field Description OMIA CAlignAttemptCount OMIA CAlignFailCount OMIA CAlignCompleteCount Counts for Initial Alig nment Control (IA C) attempts.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show ss7 mtp2 stats VR-803 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e OMT1_TMO_Count OMT2_TMO_Count OMT3_TMO_Count OMT4_TMO_Count OMT5_TM.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show ss7 mtp2 timer VR-804 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show ss7 mtp2 timer T o display durations of the SS7 MTP 2 state machine timers, use the show ss7 mtp2 timer command in pri vile ged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show ss7 mtp2 timer VR-805 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Examples The followi ng exampl e sho ws ho w to display ti mer information f or channel 0: Router# show ss7 mtp2 timer 0 SS7 MTP2 Timers for channel 0 in milliseconds Protocol version for channel 0 is Japan NTT Q.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show ss7 mtp2 varian t VR-806 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show ss7 mtp2 variant T o display information ab out the SS7 MTP 2 protocol v ariant, use the show ss7 mt p2 va ria nt command in pri vileg ed EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show ss7 sm session VR-807 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show ss7 sm session T o display informat ion about SS7 Session Manager sessi on, use the show ss7 sm session comman d in pri vile ged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show ss7 sm session VR-808 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands T able 58 Session Mana ger Session Infor mat ion Field Description Remote Host, Local Host Sho w s the IP address and port numb er for the session.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show ss7 sm set VR-809 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show ss7 sm set T o display informatio n about the SS7 failo ver timer , use the show ss7 sm set command in pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show ss7 sm stats VR-810 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show ss7 sm stats T o display SS7 Session Manager se ssion stat istics, us e the show ss7 sm stats command i n pri vileg ed EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show ss7 sm stats VR-811 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Pkts send count = 0 Pkts requeue count = 0 -Pkts window full count = .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show translation-rule VR-812 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show translation-rule T o display the conten ts of the rules that ha ve been configu red for a specif ic translation name, use the show translation-rule command in privile ged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show translation-rule VR-813 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Examples The followi ng exampl e sho ws output for t he show tran.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show translation-rule VR-814 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference translate Applies a translation rule to a cal ling party number or a called party number for incoming call s.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show vfc VR-815 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show vfc T o see the entries in the host-n ame-and-address cache, use the show vfc command in priv ileged EXEC mode. show vfc slot-number [ technology ] Syntax Descripti on Defaults No default beha vior or values.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show vfc cap-list VR-816 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show vfc cap-list T o show th e current l ist of f iles on the capabili ty list for this v oice feature card (VFC), use the show vfc cap-list command in user EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show vfc default-file VR-817 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show vfc default-file T o show the defa ult files included in the default file list f or a voice feature card (VFC), use the show vfc default-f ile command in user EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show vfc dire ctory VR-818 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show vfc directory T o show the list of all f iles residing on a v oice feature card (VFC), use the show vfc dir ectory command in user EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show vfc dir ectory VR-819 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands Com ma nd Desc rip ti on show vfc cap-list Displays the current list of f iles on the capability list for this VFC.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show vfc version VR-820 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show vfc version T o sho w the versio n of the software residi ng on a voice feature car d (VFC), use the show vf c ve rs io n command in user EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show video call summary VR-821 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show video call summary T o display summary informat ion about video calls and the curr ent status of the V ideo Call Manager (V iCM), use the show video call summary command in privi leged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show voice busyout VR-822 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show voice busyout T o display informat ion about the v oice bu syout state, use the show voic e busyout comma nd in privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show voice busyout VR-823 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands Com ma nd De sc rip tio n bus yo u t fo rc e d Forces a v oice port into the busyout state. busy out monitor Places a voice port in the b usyout monitor state.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show voice call VR-824 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show voice call T o show the call status for voice ports on the Cisco router or concentrator , use the show v oice call EXEC command.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show voice call VR-825 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e For the Cisco MC3810 Multiservice Concentrator with Analog Voice Ports:.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show voice call VR-826 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference The show voi ce c al l command provides the status at these le vels of th.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show voice call VR-827 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e sys252#show voice call 1/4 1/4 vtsp level 0 state = S_CONNECT vpm level.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show voice ds p VR-828 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show voice dsp T o show the current status of all digital si gnal processor (DSP) voice channels, use the s how voi ce d s p command in pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show voice dsp VR-829 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e The follo wing is sample ou tput from the show v oice dsp command on a C.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show voice perm anent-call VR-830 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show voice permanent-call T o display information about t he perman ent calls on a voice interface, use the show vo ic e permanent-call command in user EXEC or pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show voice perm anent-call VR-831 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e max timeout timer 5016 (ms), restart timeout is 0 (ms) signa.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show voice perm anent-call VR-832 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Ta b l e 6 3 describes the fields sho w n in these displays. T able 63 sho w v oice per manent-call Field Descr iptions Field Description state Current status of the call on this v oice port.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show voice perm anent-call VR-833 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Related Commands RX INFO:missing Indicates the number of FR F .11 Annex B packets that were counted as missing based on checking Anne x B sequence numbers.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show voice port VR-834 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show voice port T o display conf iguration information about a specif ic voice port, us e the show voic e p or t command in EXEC command.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show voice port VR-835 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e For the Cisco 2600 and 3600 Series Router with Analog Voice Ports: For .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show voice port VR-836 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference For the Cisco MC3810 Multiserv ice Concentrator with Digital Voice Ports:.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show voice port VR-837 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Command Modes EXEC Command History Usage Guidelines Use the show vo ice port EX EC command to disp lay conf iguratio n and v o ice-interface-card-specific information abou t a specific port.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show voice port VR-838 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference 0:21 22 fxo-ls up dorm idle on-hook y 0:22 23 fxo-ls up dorm idle on-hook.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show voice port VR-839 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Dial Type is dtmf In Seizure is inactive Out Seizure is inactive Digit .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show voice port VR-840 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Connection Mode is normal Connection Number is not set Initial Time Out i.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show voice port VR-841 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e The follo wing is sample ou tput from the show v oice port summary comm.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show voice port VR-842 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference InterDigit Pulse Duratio n T iming Pulse dialing interdigit timing , in milliseconds. Interdigit T ime Out Amount of time the system waits for a subsequent input digit from the caller .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show voice port VR-843 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e The follo wing e xample d isplays v oice port conf iguration informatio.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show voice port VR-844 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Ta b l e 6 5 describes the signif icant f ields sho wn in the display . T able 65 show voice port Field Descr iptions for the Cisco AS5800 Field Description T ype of V oicePort Indicates the voice port type.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show voice trunk-cond itioning signaling VR-845 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show voice trunk-conditioning signaling T o di.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show voice trunk-conditioning signaling VR-846 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference TX INFO :slow-mode seq#= 25, sig pkt cnt= 42, las.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show voice trunk-cond itioning signaling VR-847 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Ta b l e 6 6 describes the signif icant f ields sho wn in the display .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show voice trunk-conditioning signaling VR-848 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands Com ma nd De scr ipt ion show dia l-p eer voic e Displays the conf iguration for all V oIP and PO TS dial peers conf igured on th e router .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show voice trunk-condition ing sup ervisory VR-849 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show voice trunk-conditioning supervisory T.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show voice trunk-con ditioning supervisory VR-850 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference The follo wing is a sample disp lay from the s.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show voice trunk-condition ing sup ervisory VR-851 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Ta b l e 6 7 describes the signif icant f ields sho wn in the display .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show vrm active_ca lls VR-852 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference show vrm active_calls T o displa y activ e-only voic e calls either for a specific v oice feature card (VFC) or for all VFCs, use the show vrm active_calls command in pri vileged EXEC mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show vrm active_calls VR-853 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e Ta b l e 6 8 describes the signif icant f ields sho wn in the display . Ta b l e 6 8 s h o w v r m a c t i v e _calls Field Descr iptions Field Description slot Slot where voice card is installed .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show vrm active_ca lls VR-854 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands tot egress control T otal number of control pa ckets sent from the V oIP side of the connection to the PSTN side of the connect ion.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show vrm vdevices VR-855 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e show vrm vdevices T o display detailed information for a specif ic di.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show vrm vdevice s VR-856 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference tot ingress control = 1194 tot ingress data drops = 0 tot ingress cont.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show vrm vdevices VR-857 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e capability list map Bitmaps for the codec supported on that DSP chan nel.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show vrm vdevice s VR-858 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference The follo wing is sample out put from the show vrm de vices command specifying a summary list. In the “V oice D evice Mapping” area, the “C_Ac” column indi cates number of activ e calls for a specific DSP .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show vrm vdevices VR-859 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e *********************************************************** ******sum.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show vrm vdevice s VR-860 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference core type used T ype of DSPware in use.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh show vrm vdevices VR-861 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e buil t-in codec bitmap Represents the bitmap of the cod ec built i nto the DSP f irmware.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh show vrm vdevice s VR-862 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference Related Commands fax codec bitmap Represents the fax cod ec bitmap.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh shut VR-863 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e shut To shut down a se t of digital si gnal proces sors (DSPs) on the Cisco 720 0 series router , use the shut command in DSP conf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh shutdown (dial-peer) VR-864 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference shutdown (dial-peer) T o change the ad ministrati ve st ate of the se lected dial peer from up to down, use the shutdown command in dial-peer conf iguration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh shutdown (DS1) VR-865 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e shutdown (DS1) T o shut do wn a DS1 link (send a Bl ue Alarm), use the shutdo wn command in controll er confi guration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh shutdown (ga tekeeper) VR-866 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference shutdown (gatekeeper) T o disable the gatekeeper , use the shutdown command in gat ekeeper conf igu ration mode. T o enable the gatekeeper , use the no form of this command.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh shutdown (RLM) VR-867 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e shutdown (RLM) T o shut do wn all of th e links under the RLM g roup, use the shutdown command in RLM con fi guration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh shutdown (settlement) VR-868 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference shutdown (settlement) T o dea ctiv ate the settlemen t provider , use the shutdown command in settlement configu ration mode.
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, an d Fa x Commands: R Throug h Sh shutdown (settlement) VR-869 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Co mmand Referenc e res p on s e- t im e ou t Configures t he maximum time to wa it for a response from a serv er . ret r y- d el a y Sets the time between attempts to c onnect wit h the settlement pro vider .
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Thro ugh Sh shutdown (voice-p ort) VR-870 Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fa x Comman d Reference shutdown (voice-port) T o take the voice ports for a specific v oice interface card offline, use the shutdown comman d in voi ce-port conf iguration mode.
An important point after buying a device Cisco Systems VR-561 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cisco Systems VR-561 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cisco Systems VR-561 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cisco Systems VR-561 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cisco Systems VR-561 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cisco Systems VR-561, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cisco Systems VR-561.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cisco Systems VR-561. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cisco Systems VR-561 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center