Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 1240AG Cisco Systems
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Americas Hea dquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Driv e San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco Air onet 1 24.
iii Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 CONTENTS Preface ix Audienc e ix Pur pose ix Organi zation ix Conv enti ons x Rela ted Publi cations xii Locati .
Cont ents iv Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 CHAPTER 2 Instal ling the Access Point 2-1 Safe ty Inf ormation 2-2 FCC Safet y Compliance Stat ement 2-.
Content s v Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 Inli ne Power Stat us Messages 3-7 Config uring Power Using the CLI 3-9 Issui ng the Cisc o IOS Command .
Cont ents vi Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 APPENDI X A Transla ted Safety Warnings A-1 APPENDI X B Declarat ions of Confo rmity and Regul atory Inf.
Content s vii Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 G LOS SARY I NDEX.
Cont ents viii Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05.
ix Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 Preface Audience This gui de is f or the n etworking professi onal who ins tall s and m anages th e Cisco Ai ronet 1240A G Serie s Access Poin t. T he 1240 AG series ac cess poi nt is available in aut onomo us an d li ghtwe ight configurat ion s.
x Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Preface Conv entio ns Chapter 3, “T roublesho oting 124 0A G Series Aut onomous Access Points ,” provides troubl eshooti ng procedu res for basi c problems w ith the auton omous acc ess point.
xi Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 Pre face Convent ions Cautio n Means reader be caref ul. In this situation, you might do something that could result equipment damage or loss of data. War ni n g This warning symbol means danger .
xii Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Preface Related Publi cations Related Publications These doc umen ts provide inform atio n about the aut onomous .
xiii Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 Pre face Locatin g the Product S erial Number Locating the Prod uct Serial Number The acce ss point ser ial number is on th e bottom of the housing (ref er to Fi g ure 1 ).
xiv Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Preface Obtainin g Docume ntation , Obtaining Sup port, and Se curity G uidelines Obtaining Do cumentation, Obtai.
CH A P T E R 1-1 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 1 Overview The Cisc o Aironet 12 40A G Series Acce ss Point is av ailabl e in autonom ous and lig htweigh t configurati on s.
1-2 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Ch apter 1 Overv iew Guidelin es for Using Cisco Airo net Light weight Access Po ints Lightweight Access Points T.
1-3 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 1 Ov erview Hardwa re Featu res • The ligh tw eigh t a cce ss p oin t c on sole po rt i s en ab led fo r mo nit ori ng an d de bug purp ose s ( all conf iguration com mands are dis abled when the access po int is associ ated to a controller).
1-4 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Ch apter 1 Overv iew Hardwa re Feature s Figure 1-2 illustrates the 2.4-GHz connector end of the access point. Figur e 1 -2 A c cess P oint 2.4 GHz Connect or End Figure 1-3 illustrates the 5-GHz connect or end of the access point.
1-5 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 1 Ov erview Hardwa re Featu res Single or Dual-Radi o Operation The 124 2AG access po int suppor t s sim ulta neou s r ad io o pe ratio n u si ng a 2. 4-GH z 80 2.
1-6 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Ch apter 1 Overv iew Hardwa re Feature s LEDs The access point ha s three LEDs to indicat e Ethernet ac tivity , .
1-7 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 1 Ov erview Hardwa re Featu res UL 2043 Certification The acc ess point has adequat e fire resistanc e and.
1-8 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Ch apter 1 Overv iew Network Examples with Autonomous Access Points • Cable security brack et—The cable s ecu.
1-9 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 1 Ov erview Network E xamples with Autonom ous Access Points Root Ac cess Po int on a W ired LA N An auton omous access point connec ted dir ectly t o a w ired LAN p rovides a conne ction point for wi reless users .
1-10 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Ch apter 1 Overv iew Network Examples with Autonomous Access Points Repeater Unit that Ex tends Wireless Range A.
1-11 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 1 Ov erview Network E xamples with Autonom ous Access Points Central Unit in an All-Wireless Network In an all -wirel ess network, an a utonom ous ac cess point acts as a stan d-alon e root unit.
1-12 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Ch apter 1 Overv iew Network Examples with Autonomous Access Points Point-to-Point Bridge Configuration In a po .
1-13 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 1 Ov erview Network Example with Lightweight Access Points Network Ex ample with Ligh tweight Access Po ints The lightweig ht access points support Layer 3 netw ork operation.
1-14 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Ch apter 1 Overv iew Netwo rk Exampl e with Li ghtweight Acces s Points.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 2 Installing the Access Point This chap ter des cribes the instal lation of the ac cess point an d in.
2-2 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Safety Inform ation Safety Information Foll ow the guid eline s in this sec tion to ensur e proper oper ation and safe use o f the access point.
2-3 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Unpackin g the Acce ss Point War ni n g In order to comply with FCC radio frequency (R F) exposure limits, antennas should be located a t a minimum of 7.
2-4 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Basic Inst allation Guid eline s Basic Instal lation Guideli nes Because th e acc ess po in t i s a ra dio d evice, it is su sce pti ble to int erfe renc e tha t c an r ed uce thro ughp ut and rang e.
2-5 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Deploying the Access Points on the Wireless Network Deploying the Acce ss .
2-6 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Deployin g the Acces s Points on th e Wireles s Network Step 4 For lightweight access points, after your access points are deplo yed, ensure that you r controller is not configured as a master c ontroll er .
2-7 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Mounti ng Overview Mounting O verview Y ou ca n mount the access poin t on.
2-8 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Moun ting Overvi ew Note The access poi nt pro vid es adeq uate f ir e res .
2-9 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Moun ting on a Hori zon tal o r Ve rtic al Sur fac e Mounting on a Horizonta l or Vertical Surface Foll ow these steps to mount the access p oint on a hori zontal or ve rtical surf ace.
2-10 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Mounti ng Below a Sus pended Ceil ing Mounting Be low a Suspended Ceiling Note T o compl y with NEC c ode, a #1 0-24 gro und ing lug i s pr ovided o n the mo unti ng pla te.
2-11 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Mounti ng Above a Suspended C eiling Follow these steps to mount you r access poi nt on a suspen ded cei ling: Step 1 Decide whe re y ou want to mo unt t he ac cess po int.
2-12 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Mounti ng Above a Su spende d Ceiling It may be hel pful to re fer to Figure 2- 5 before pr oceedi ng.
2-13 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Mounti ng Above a Suspended C eiling The brac ket m oun tin g c li p r equi res th e use o f two m oun tin g cl ip h ol es on the m ou ntin g plat e ( see Figure 2-6 ).
2-14 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Moun ting Acce ss Point on a Desk top or Shelf Step 3 Determi ne the locatio n in the ceiling where you will mount the access poin t and remov e an adjacent ceiling t ile.
2-15 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Cable S ecurity Bracket Figur e 2-8 Acc ess P oint with Mounting Pla te a.
2-16 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Attachin g the Acces s Poin t to the Mou nting Pl ate T o remov e the cabl.
2-17 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Securin g the Access Point Step 6 If your mo unti ng pla te does not have the ca ble secu ri ty b racke t, f ollow these ste ps: a.
2-18 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Securing t he Access Point Securin g the Access Poin t to the Mounting Plate The se curity hasp enables yo u to us e a pa dlock to secu re the access point to the moun ting p late.
2-19 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Securin g the Access Point Step 3 Place your pa dlock (user supplied) th rough the padlock hole in the security hasp’ s padlock fl ange (see Figure 2-11 ).
2-20 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Connecti ng the Ethe rnet and Pow er Cables Connecting the Et hernet and Power Cables The a ccess point recei ves po wer thro ugh t he Et hernet cable or an e xternal p ower m odule.
2-21 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Conne cting th e Eth ernet an d Power Cables Note Som e older switc hes and patc h panels mi ght not provide enou gh power to operate th e acces s point.
2-22 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Power ing Up t he Acce ss Po int Connectin g to an Et hernet Network with Local Power Cautio n Be careful when hand ling th e access po int; the bott om plate might be ho t.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 3 Troubleshooting 1240AG Series Autonomo us Access Points This c hapt er p rovid es t rou blesh ooti ng pr oc ed ures for b asic p rob lem s w it h the 124 0AG series autono mous acce ss point (AIR- AP1242AG or AIR-AP1 242G).
3-2 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troubleshooti ng 1240AG Series Autonomous Acc ess Points Checking the Light weight Acc ess Point LEDs C.
3-3 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troublesh ooting 124 0AG Series A utonomous Acces s Points Checki ng Basi c Setti ngs Checking Basic Set tings Mismat ched bas ic settings a re the most common causes of l o st connecti vity with wir eless c lients.
3-4 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troubleshooti ng 1240AG Series Autonomous Acc ess Points Checking Basic Settings Default IP Address Behavior When you c onnect a 1240 seri es acc ess point r unning Ci sco IOS R elease 1 2.
3-5 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troublesh ooting 124 0AG Series A utonomous Acces s Points Low Power Condition Security Settings W irele.
3-6 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troubleshooti ng 1240AG Series Autonomous Acc ess Points Low Powe r Condit ion point act iv ates the St.
3-7 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troublesh ooting 124 0AG Series A utonomous Acces s Points Low Power Condition Inline Power Status Messa.
3-8 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troubleshooti ng 1240AG Series Autonomous Acc ess Points Low Powe r Condit ion • %CDP_PD-2- PO WER_LO W : All radios disabled - LO W_POWE R_CLASSIC_NO_ INJECTOR _CONFIGUR ED < platform n ame > ( < MA C add r ess >).
3-9 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troublesh ooting 124 0AG Series A utonomous Acces s Points Low Power Condition • %CDP_PD-4-PO WER_OK: .
3-10 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troubleshooti ng 1240AG Series Autonomous Acc ess Points Low Powe r Condit ion Issuing the Cisco IOS C.
3-11 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troublesh ooting 124 0AG Series A utonomous Acces s Points Low Power Condition Configuring th e Acces s Point Sys tem Power Se ttings Using a Browser Y ou ca n also use your browser to set the acc ess point System Power Settings.
3-12 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troubleshooti ng 1240AG Series Autonomous Acc ess Points Low Powe r Condit ion Perform t hese step s t.
3-13 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troublesh ooting 124 0AG Series A utonomous Acces s Points Running the Carrier Busy Test Step 4 If you are using a po wer injecto r with a Cisco switch, choose one of these Po wer setting options (see Figure 3-2 ): a.
3-14 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troubleshooti ng 1240AG Series Autonomous Acc ess Points Running t he Ping Test Step 5 Click Start to begin the carrier busy test. When the test com pletes, t he results a re displayed on the page.
3-15 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troublesh ooting 124 0AG Series A utonomous Acces s Points Resetting to the Default Configuration Using.
3-16 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troubleshooti ng 1240AG Series Autonomous Acc ess Points Relo adin g th e Ac cess Poin t Im age Step 7 Click the Reset to Defau lts button. Note If th e access po int is conf igured with a static I P address, the IP ad dress do es not chang e.
3-17 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troublesh ooting 124 0AG Series A utonomous Acces s Points Reloading the Access Point Image Step 8 Hold t he MODE button until the Radio LED turns a red color (appr oximately 20 to 30 seconds), an d release th e MODE bu tt o n .
3-18 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troubleshooti ng 1240AG Series Autonomous Acc ess Points Relo adin g th e Ac cess Poin t Im age Browser TFTP Interface The TFTP in te rf ace allow s you to use a T FTP serv er on a netw or k de vice to lo ad the a ccess point image fi le.
3-19 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troublesh ooting 124 0AG Series A utonomous Acces s Points Obtaining the Access Point Image File Obtaining the Access Point Image File The a ccess point image file can be ob tained fr om th e Cisc o.
3-20 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 3 Troubleshooti ng 1240AG Series Autonomous Acc ess Points Connecti ng to the Ac cess Poin t Locally Con.
CH A P T E R 4-1 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 4 Troubleshooting 1240AG Series Lightweight Access Points This c hapt er p rovid es t rou blesh ooti ng pr oc ed ures for b asic p rob lem s w it h the 124 0AG series lightwei gh t a ccess p oi nt ( AIR- LAP 1242AG or A IR -LAP1 242 G).
4-2 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 4 Tro ubleshootin g 1240AG Series Lightweight Access Point s Guidelin es for Using Cisco Airo net Light w.
4-3 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 4 Troublesh ooting 12 40AG Serie s Lightweigh t Access Points Checki ng the Li ghtweight Access Poi nt LED.
4-4 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 4 Tro ubleshootin g 1240AG Series Lightweight Access Point s Checking the Light weight Acc ess Point LEDs Boot load er warnings O ff O ff Y ellow Ether net link not ope rationa l.
4-5 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 4 Troublesh ooting 12 40AG Serie s Lightweigh t Access Points Low Power Condition for Lightweight Access Points Low Power Condit ion for Lightweight Access Points War ni n g This product must be connected to a Po wer over Ethernet (PoE) I EEE 802.
4-6 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 4 Tro ubleshootin g 1240AG Series Lightweight Access Point s Low Power Con dition for L ightweight Access Poin ts Note Independent of the po wer ne g otiations, the ac cess point hardware al so uses the 802.
4-7 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 4 Troublesh ooting 12 40AG Serie s Lightweigh t Access Points Manually Configuring Controller Information .
4-8 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 4 Tro ubleshootin g 1240AG Series Lightweight Access Point s Manuall y Configurin g Controll er Informat .
4-9 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 4 Troublesh ooting 12 40AG Serie s Lightweigh t Access Points Returning the Lightweight Access Point to Au.
4-10 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 4 Tro ubleshootin g 1240AG Series Lightweight Access Point s Obtain ing the Au tonomo us Acc ess Point Im age File Step 8 W ait until the acc ess point reboots, as indica ted by all LEDs t urning green follo wed by the Statu s LED blin king gree n.
4-11 Cisco Aironet 1240AG S eries Access Point Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 4 Troublesh ooting 12 40AG Serie s Lightweigh t Access Points Connecting to the Access Point Locally b. C a r e f u l l y r e a d t h e i n f or m a t i o n a n d e n t e r t h e Cisco.
4-12 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Chapter 4 Tro ubleshootin g 1240AG Series Lightweight Access Point s Obtaining th e TFTP Server So ftware Step 2 Set up a termin al emulator on your PC to communic ate with the access point.
A- 1 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Ser ies Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 APPENDIX A Translated Safety Warnings For t ra n sl a te d s a fe ty wa r n in g s, r ef e r t o t h e safet y wa rn in g do cu me nt t hat shipped with your access p oi nt or th a t i s av ailable o n Cisco.
A- 2 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Appendix A Tran slated Safety Wa rnings.
B-1 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Ser ies Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 APPENDIX B Declarations of Conf ormity and Regulatory Information This a ppend ix provides decl aratio ns of confo rmity and regul atory inform ation for the Ci sco Air onet 1240AG Series Access Points.
B-2 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information Manufac turers Fed eral Comm unicatio n Commiss .
B-3 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 Append ix B Declarat ions of Con formity and Regulato ry Informa tion VCCI St atem ent fo r Ja pan Cautio n The .
B-4 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information Indust ry Canad a Industry Canada A utonomous Ac.
B-5 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 Append ix B Declarat ions of Con formity and Regulato ry Informa tion European Community, Switze rland, Norway, .
B-6 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information European Co mmunit y, Switzerland , Norway , Iceland, and Liechten stein This device compl ies wi th the EMC req uirem ents ( EN 60 601-1- 2) of th e Me dical D irect iv e 93/42 /EEC .
B-7 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 Append ix B Declarat ions of Con formity and Regulato ry Informa tion Declar ation of C onfor mity for R F Exposu re For 54 Mbps, 5 GHz acc ess points, th e following standa rds were appl ied: • Radio: EN 301.
B-8 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information Guidelin es for Oper ating C isco A ironet Acces.
B-9 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 Append ix B Declarat ions of Con formity and Regulato ry Informa tion Administrative Rules for Cisco Aironet Acc.
B-10 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information Admini strative Rul es for Cisc o Aironet Acces.
B-11 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 Append ix B Declarat ions of Con formity and Regulato ry Informa tion Operation of Cisco Aironet Access Points .
B-12 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information Declara tion of Confor mity Statemen ts Declara.
B-13 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 Append ix B Declarat ions of Con formity and Regulato ry Informa tion Declara tion of Confo rmity State ments for European Uni on Count ries DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY with regard to the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC according to EN 45014 Cisco Systems Inc.
B-14 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information Declara tion o f Confor mity Stat ements f or E.
B-15 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 Append ix B Declarat ions of Con formity and Regulato ry Informa tion Declara tion of Confo rmity State ments f.
B-16 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information Declara tion o f Confor mity Stat ements f or E.
C-1 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Ser ies Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 APPENDIX C Access Point Specifications Ta b l e C - 1 lists the tec h nical spec ifications f or the 12 40A G series acce ss point. T able C-1 A ccess P oint Specifica tions Cate gory 802.
C-2 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Appendix C Access Point Specifications Power Output CCK O FDM OFDM 100 mW (20 dB m) 50 mW (17 dBm ) 25 mW (14 dBm.
C-3 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 Append ix C Access Point Sp ecificatio ns T y pica l i n door r an ge (acros s open of fice en vironm ent) 105 f.
C-4 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Appendix C Access Point Specifications EMI and Susc eptibility FCC Pa r t 15.107 an d 15.109 Class B ICES- 003 Cl ass B (C an ad a) EN 55022 B EN 6060 1-1-2:20 01 AS/NZS 3 548 Cla ss B VCCI Class B EN 301.
D- 1 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Ser ies Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 APPENDIX D Channels and Maximu m Power Levels For channe l and maximum po wer le v e l settings , refer to Chan .
D- 2 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Appendi x D Channels an d Maximum Pow er Levels.
E-1 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Ser ies Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 APPENDIX E Console Cable Pinouts This app endix ident if ie s the pino uts fo r the ser ial co nsole c able th at conn ects t o the ac cess po int ’ s seri al console port .
E-2 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Appe ndix E Con sole Cab le Pi nou ts Overv iew Overview The acce ss poi nt req ui re s a spec ial serial cable th at co nne cts th e acc ess po in t seri al console port (RJ- 45 conn ector) to your PC’ s COM po rt (DB- 9 connec tor).
F-1 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Ser ies Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 APPENDIX F Priming Lightweight Acces s Points Prior to Deployment Thi s secti on de scribes an optional proc edur.
F-2 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Appendix F Priming Lightweight Access Points Prior to Deployme nt Before d eploying your lightw eight ac cess poi.
F-3 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 Appendix F Prim ing Ligh tweight Access P oints P rior to Deploy ment d.
F-4 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Appendix F Priming Lightweight Access Points Prior to Deployme nt.
G- 1 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Ser ies Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 APPENDIX G Configuring DHCP Option 43 for Lightweight Access Points This appen dix descri be s the steps nee ded.
G- 2 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Appendix G Configuring DHCP Option 43 for Lightweight Access Points Overv iew Overview This se cti on c onta ins.
G-3 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 Append ix G Configuring D HCP Option 4 3 for Lightw eight Ac cess Poin ts Configuring O ption 43 for 1000 Se rie.
G- 4 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 Appendix G Configuring DHCP Option 43 for Lightweight Access Points Configur ing Op tion 43 fo r 1100, 11 30, 12.
GL-1 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 GLOSSAR Y 802.3af Th e IEEE standard that describe s a mechanism for Po wer o ver Ethernet (PoE ). The standard provides the capability to deliv er both power and data over standard Ethernet cablin g.
Glos sary GL-2 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 B beacon A wir ele ss LA N p ac ke t th at sig nals t h e a v ailability an d prese nc e of the wireless de vice.
Glossary GL-3 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 DHCP Dynamic host configura tion pro tocol. A protoc ol av ailable wit h many operat ing systems that automatically issues I P addresses within a sp ecif ied range to devices on the network.
Glos sary GL-4 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 I IEEE Inst itute of Electrical and Electr onic Engi neers. A pr ofessional so ciety serving electr ica l e ngin eers thro ugh i ts p ubli cat ions , con fere nc es, and sta ndard s dev elopment activities.
Glossary GL-5 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 O omni-dir ectional This typi cally refers to a primarily circu lar antenna radi ation pattern . OFDM Orthogon al frequency di vision mult iplex is a modu lation t echniq ue used by IEEE 802.
Glos sary GL-6 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 S spread spectr um A radio tra ns mission t ec hnolo gy tha t spre ads the user i nfor ma tion over a .
Glossary GL-7 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 U UNII Unlicensed Nation al Information Infrastruc tu re—regula tions for UNII de vices operati ng in the 5.15 t o 5.35 GHz and 5. 725 to 5.825 G Hz frequ ency bands.
Glos sary GL-8 Cisco Airon et 1240AG Series Access Po int Hard ware Installation Guide OL-8371-05.
IN-1 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Acc e ss Po int Hardware Installati on Guide OL-8371-05 INDEX A acces s point im age 3-16 ant enna conn ector s C-2 B basic settings, c h ecking 3-3 C CLI terminal emu.
Index IN-2 Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series Access Point Hardware Installation Guide OL-8371-05 P pack age co ntent s 2-3 password reset 3-14 pinout s, serial ca ble E-2 power connect ing 2-20 input C-1 ou.
An important point after buying a device Cisco Systems 1240AG (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cisco Systems 1240AG yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cisco Systems 1240AG - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cisco Systems 1240AG you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cisco Systems 1240AG will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cisco Systems 1240AG, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cisco Systems 1240AG.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cisco Systems 1240AG. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cisco Systems 1240AG along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center