Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product PROTECT 1.11 AEG
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2 Thank you fo r deciding to pu rchase t he PROTECT 1. UPS from AE G Pow er Solutions. The following safety instr uctions are an important part of the operating instruction s are will protect you against problems from operating errors and possible dangers.
3 1 Notes on these Operating Instructions Duty to provide information These operating instructions will help you to ins tall and operate the U ninterruptible P ower S uppl y (UPS), PROT ECT 1.100, PROTECT 1.150 or PRO TECT 1.200 as well as th e corresponding externa l battery units PROTECT 1.
4 liability for c onsequential damage. AEG will rescind all obligations such as warranty a greements, service c ontracts, etc. en tered into b y AEG or its repr esentatives wit hout prior notice in the event of maintenance and repair work being carried out with anything other than original AEG parts or spare parts purchas ed from AEG.
5 Table of Contents 1 Notes on these Opera ting Instruc tions ............................. 3 2 General Inform ation .................................................... ...... 7 2.1 Technolog y ....................................... ................
6 6 Start-Up ......................... ............................... ................... 37 6.1 Operating Modes ................. ............................... ..... 38 6.1.1 Normal Operation ...................................... ......... 38 6.1.
7 2 General Informa tion 2.1 Technology i PROTECT 1. is an U nint erruptible P ower S upply (U PS) for essential loads suc h as sm all data centr es, servers , net work c omponents, telecomm unications equipm ent and sim ilar units.
8 2.2 System Description The UPS is connected between t he public utilit y m ains and the loads to be pro tected. Th e pow er se cti on of the re ct ifi er conv ert s the ma in s v ol tag e to DC vol tag e fo r sup ply ing th e in v er ter .
9 IG B T po we r se mi con du cto rs of th e in ve rt e r, a vo l ta g e syst em of th e h ig he st q uali ty a nd av a il abi li ty o n the se cur ed bu sb ar.
10 Parallel system with PROTECT 1.150 Number of UPS units Available power 1 2 3 0 15 kVA 30 kVA 45 kVA 1 --- 15 k VA 30 kVA Active redundanc y degree 2 --- --- 15 kVA Parallel system with PROTECT 1.
11 2.3 Technical Data Type rating PROTECT 1.100 10000 VA (cos ϕ = 0.7 ind.) 7000 W PROTECT 1.150 15 000 VA (cos ϕ = 0.7 ind.) 10500 W PROTECT 1.200 20000 VA (cos ϕ = 0.
12 Overload behavio ur Up to 105% cont inuous; with mains suppl y > 105% – < 130% f or 10 min. 130% for 1 s Following this, autom atic, uninterrupted s witchover to integrated b ypass (SBS). S w i tc h -o ff a fte r 1 mi n i f o ve rl oa d c o n ti n u e s t o be p re se n t .
13 Communication Interfaces RS232 Sub-D (9-pin) Additionally: Com munication slot for expansions (e.g. AS/400 / USB / rem ote signal indicator / SNMP, …) Shutdown softwar e on CD “CompuW atch” for all comm on operating s ystems, e.g. W indows, Linux, Mac, Unix, FreeBSD, Novel l, Sun General data Classification VFI SS 111 acc .
14 Housing colour: Blackline W eight: PROTECT 1. 100 39 kg PROTECT 1. 150 55 kg PROTECT 1. 200 55 kg PROTECT 1. 100 BP 135 k g PROTECT 1. BP20 170 kg Dimensions W x H x D: PROTECT 1.100/1.150/1.200 260 mm x 717 mm x 670 mm PROTECT 1.100 BP 260 mm x 717 mm x 670 mm PROTECT 1.
15 3 Safety Reg ulations 3.1 Important Instructions and Explanations The instruc tions f or operat ion and maintenance, as w ell as the following safety regulations m ust be complied with to ensure the safet y of pers onnel as well as the c ontinued availability of the unit.
16 ♦ Verify that the un it is disconnected fr om the power supply ♦ Earth and short-c ircuit the unit ♦ Provide protection by covers or barriers for an y neighbouring live parts 3.
17 For hea lth and safety r easons, the unit must be earthed correctl y ! The PROTECT 1. m ay onl y be operated with or conn ected t o a three-p hase power system with protect ive grou nding using a m ains c onnection cable with PE conductor that h as been tested according to G erm an standards (VDE).
18 ♦ Ensure that no flu ids or foreign bodies can penetrate the housing! ♦ Do not block the air vents of the unit! Make sure, f or example, that chi ldren do not ins ert any objects in the ventilation openings ! ♦ Do not connect ho usehold app liances such as hairdryers to the UPS! Also take care when working with motor loads.
19 Therefor e, take the follo wing safet y precautions when work ing with batteries: ♦ Take off watches, r ings and other m etallic objects! ♦ Only use tools with insulated handl es! i Avoid using.
20 3.5 CE Certificate.
21 4 Set-up 4.1 Unpacking and Inspection The unit has been completel y check ed and inspected. Although the unit has been pack ed and ship ped with the usual care, transpor t damage cannot be completely ex cluded.
22 Please keep plastic packaging bags away from babies and children in order to saf eguard against s uffocation acc idents. Handle the com ponents with care. Please take into ac count the weight. It m ay be necess ary to engage the he lp of a second person.
23 4.3 Set-Up Note the following points when s etting u p the UPS system and its external batt ery units (special access ories): ♦ The contact surf ace must be sm ooth and level. It m ust also be suff iciently strong and sturd y to avoid vibration and shock s.
24 4.4 Overview: Connections, Operating / Display Elements 4.4.1 Front view PROTECT 1.100 PROTECT 1.150 PROTECT 1.200 PROTECT 1.100 BP PROTECT 1.BP20.
25 4.4.2 Display 1. OFF pushbutton 2. ON pushbutton / a larm off 3. Orange-coloured Bypass LED 4. Green Inverter LE D 5. Orange-coloured Batter y LED 6. Green Line LED 7 – 11. Bar gra ph LED (7-10 gre en, 11 orange-c oloured) for UPS cap acity utilisation or remaining batter y capacity 7.
26 4.4.3 Rear view (conn ections): PROTECT 1.100 PROTECT 1.150 / 1.200 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N L 1 L 2 L3 J P 1 J P 2 L N 1.1 1.2 1.3 11 13 9 10 11 4 1 2 3 5 6 6 8 7 N L1 L 2 L 3 + - L N JP 1 J P 2 1.
27 Explanations : 1. Connection term inal cover for m ains/UPS input (1.1) and output (1.3), additional pair of term inals for setting indi vidual or parallel oper ation (1.2); Battery connect ion terminals (PROTECT 1.150 / 1.200) 2. Mains input miniature circu it breaker 3.
28 5 Electrical Conn ection Caution Prior to comm encing wo rk , ensure that the connection cables are de-energ ised an d that it is not possible to act ivate the power sup ply.
29 5.1 Safety of Personnel Note the following points when s etting u p the UPS system and its external batt ery units (special access ories): ♦ Disconnect the un it from the power supply ♦ Secure .
30 ♦ Mechanicall y secure the cables with the strain relief clamps of the cable clamping unit. ♦ Mount the connecti on cover of the cable clamping unit. 5.3.1 Connection Cross -Section s and Fuse Protection The required dim ensions can be f ound in the followin g table: PR OT ECT 1 .
31 Alternativel y, the 10 k VA U PS system can also b e c onnected via a multi-wire rub ber-sheathe d cable. 5.4 Mains Connection 5.4.1 Preparation for t he three-phase ma ins connection Before connec.
32 ♦ Pl ace th e “ main t en a n ce sw it ch” ma nu al by pas s on th e b ac k o f the UP S i n the “by pas s” pos i ti on . To d o t hi s, fir st re mov e t h e 4 s cr ew s o f t h e cov er (n o. 3, p . 26/ 27 ). ♦ Put the mains input miniature circ uit breaker ( no.
33 5.4.4 Connection of th e Loads In or der to ens ure the sa fety o f pe r so nn el du rin g ins ta lla tio n wo rk, make su re th a t the con n e cti on s are mad e un der the fo llo wi ng con di tio ns: ♦ No mains voltage pres ent. ♦ The loads are s witched off .
34 5.5.1 Connection of th e Battery Cu bicle PROTECT 1.100 BP This batter y c ubicle is com pletely preconfigured. T he connection to the U PS unit is re ady to be plugged in as a result of the suppli ed battery connecti on cable. PROTECT 1.100 with 1 battery unit PROTECT 1.
35 5.5.2 Connection of th e Battery Cu bicle PROTECT 1. BP20 Fig.: Rear view of the PROTECT 1 .BP20 with cover re moved. The batter y cubicle is supplied with a sep arate batter y s tring and separat ely enclosed batter y fuses f or saf ety and tr ansport protection re asons.
36 If the b attery cubicle is used in connecti on with th e PROTECT 1.1.50 or PROT ECT 1.200, the strain relief is implem ented with clamps. The battery s ystem can now be activat ed. T o do this, insert the two fuses . As the last step, f asten each c over that was initia lly rem oved.
37 6 St art- Up Compare the setting of the nom inal output voltage of the UPS with the rated voltage valid in your countr y. The factory presetting is 230 V. Cha nges to 220 VAC or 240 V AC can be made with the sof tware “Com puWatch”. Switching on the PROTECT 1.
38 i Pl eas e shu t dow n the ent ire sy st e m ag ai n if y ou ca nno t solv e a pro ble m th at o ccu rs. To do th i s , p re ss th e OFF pu shb ut ton fo r ap pro x. 2 se con d s. Di sco n ne ct th e UPS fro m t he mai ns by a ct uat in g th e mai n s in pu t mi ni a tu re ci rc u it bre ake r (no.
39 continuously supplied with reliable and “clean” voltage with no interruptions in th is operating m ode. The bar graph LED (LED chain above the p ictograph) indicates the c urrent capa city utilisation of the UP S in this operating m ode (see chapter 8, p.
40 The inverter is s witched off if the battery voltage dro ps below a factory-set m inimum voltage value. Never store the unit in this condition! T he discharged batter y system s hould be recharged within a week at the la test.
41 This so-called passive red undancy pro tects against the total failure of the vo ltage s upply on the sec ured busbar; however, in this operat ing m ode, m ains faults would directl y affect the load. As a res ult, t he e lectronics continuousl y attem pt to switch bac k to "online" / norm al operating mode (e.
42 The m anual bypass en ables m aintenance and service personnel to perform work on the PROTECT 1. without having to switch off the load circuit. If the current suppl y fails while the manual bypass is active, a total failur e of the load supp ly results.
43 7 Interfaces and Communicatio n 7.1 Computer Interface RS232 For the contr ol of the UPS and conveni ent readin g of st atus messa ge s and m ea sur ed value s, vario us inte rface s are avai lable. The inte rface prot ocol is de sign ed for operat ion with th e "C ompu W atch " shu tdow n and UPS m an age ment softwa re fro m A EG.
44 The "CompuW atch" shutdown sof tware supports diff erent operating systems , e.g. W indows 98S E/ME, W indow s NT/2000/XP, W indows Vist a, Linux , No vell Netware, IBM AIX, HP-UX, SUN Sol aris, Mac OS X, an d others.
45 8 Displays and T r oubleshooting 8.1.1 Signalling 1. OFF pushbutton Press t he b utton f or approx. 2 seconds t o switch off the UPS. 2. ON button: Press the button f or approx. 2 seconds to switch th e UPS on. Deactivate acoust ic alarm : Pres s the button during the alarm for approx.
46 6. Line LED (mains st atus): T he green LED lights up when the m ains voltage pres ent is within the specified tolerance ra nge. If this LED flashes, either the UPS co nnection has an incorr ect pin assignment (obser ve phase sequence / neutral conductor connect ion position) or th e mains is outside of the specif ied tolerance rang e.
47 8.1.2 Overview Table of LED Displa ys / Acoustic Warn ing Signals LED displa y (see chapter 8 on page 47) No. Operating mode Warning signal 1 0% – 35% utilisation none 2 36% – 55% utilisation n.
48 Overview table of LED displays / w arning signals, c ont. LED displa y (see chapter 8 on page 4 7) No. Operating mode Warning signal 19 Short-circuit output side Conti nuous warning signal 20 BUS voltage abn or mal Continuous warning signal 21 DC circuit faulty; poss.
49 8.2 Faults PROTECT 1. outputs detai led error messages b y means of which you or th e service personnel ca n quick ly and accuratel y localise and interpret an y m alfunctions that occur. You can find s uggestions for actio n / solutions in the f ollowing t o correct problems using error desc riptions according to chapter 8.
50 Message / display Cause So lution Duration of the emergency pow er supply shorter than setpoint. Batteries not completely charged / batteries aged or faulty. Charge the batterie s for at least the rechar ging time acc. to chapter 2.3, and check their capa city.
51 9 Parallel Operation 9.1 Principle of Operation P R O TE C T 1. h a s be en d e si gn ed fo r p ar al le l op er at i on wi th n+ x te ch no lo gy (“ n ” he re st an d s fo r th e nu mbe r of un i t s re q u i re d fo r l o a d su p p ly , “ x” f o r t he d e g ree o f r ed un da ncy ).
52 The activ ely red unda nt pa rall el operati on automat ically swi tch es to power- inc reas ing operati on if the outpu t powe r req uirement exceed s the UPS sin gle blo ck power , i.e . the deg ree of re dund ancy is decr ea sed or is co m pl etely elimi na ted .
53 communication of the units switched in parallel tak es place via the 25-p in parallel o peration c able(s) include d in the scope of deliver y. For t hi s purpo se, first remov e the parall el port cove rs (no . 5, p. 26 /27 ) and connect the UPS unit s wi th each othe r wi th one par allel operat ion cabl e each.
54 each UPS are in the “Bypass” position and all mains input m iniature c ircuit break ers (no. 2, p. 26/27) on the back of each UPS ar e in t he “O FF” position. 4. Check the position of the central ex ternal m anual bypass. This m ust be in th e “ Bypass” position, i.
55 7. N o w a c t ua t e t h e ma i n s i np u t mi ni a tu re c i r c u it b re a ke r s ( n o. 2 , p . 2 6 /2 7 ) on ea ch U PS on e af te r t h e o t he r . Move them to the "ON" position. 8. Move the “m aintenance sw itch” m anual bypass switches (no.
56 11. W hen the displ ays are lit as desc ribed, s witch on your loads one after the other. W hen doing this, take care not to exceed the m aximum perm itted load capacit y of the UP S system s. Also tak e into account the reserve capacities if active redundanc y should be required.
57 10 Maintenance The PROTECT 1. c onsists of state-of -t he-art, non- wearing components. W e do, however, recom mend visual chec ks (above al l batter y and fan c hecks) at regular intervals (at least every 6 m onths) to m aintain contin uous availability and operational reliab ility.
58 CAUTION! PROTECT 1. must be disconnect ed from the power suppl y prior to carrying out the f ollowing work. If large quantities of dust have acc umulated, the unit should, as a precaution, b e cleane d with dry com pressed air, in order to ensure adequate heat dis sipation.
59 11 Sto rage, Disma ntling and Disp osal 11.1 Storage Long s torage t imes without ch arging or discharging the batter y at regular intervals m ay lead to perm anent damage of the batter y. If the batter y is stored at room temperature (20 C to 30 C), it will automatical ly discharge at a r ate of 3 -6% per month du e to in ternal reactions.
60 12 List of T erms 12.1 Technical terminology DC/DC booste r Circuit technolo gy for increasing a DC voltage to a higher voltage lev el SBS S tatic Bypass Switch Appliance protectio n Term from over.
61 Guarantee Certificate T y pe: …….……………… …................ ............................ .......... Unit number: ……… ….……………......... ........................ ......... Date of purchase: .… ……………… ...
An important point after buying a device AEG PROTECT 1.11 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought AEG PROTECT 1.11 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data AEG PROTECT 1.11 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, AEG PROTECT 1.11 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get AEG PROTECT 1.11 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of AEG PROTECT 1.11, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime AEG PROTECT 1.11.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with AEG PROTECT 1.11. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device AEG PROTECT 1.11 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center