Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 50PG03-07 Carrier
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50PG03 - - - 07 Single P ackage Rooftop Units Electric Co o ling with P URON R (R - - - 410A) Refr igeran t and COMFO RT Link t Control s Installation Instructions IMPOR T ANT : Thi s i nst a ll a ti on ins tr uc ti on cont ai ns ba s ic unit installatio n in form ation in clud ing installatio n of field co ntro l devi c e s.
2 C07269 Fig. 1 - - Roof Cur b Detai ls 50PG03 - - 07.
3 C07271 Fig. 2 - - Base Uni t Dime nsi ons 50PG03 - - 07.
4 INST ALLA TION Ste p 1 — Pr ovide U nit Support Roof Curb Assem ble o r install accessory roof curb in accord ance with instru ction s ship ped with this accesso ry . (See F ig. 1.) In stall ins ula ti on, cant s tr ips , roofi ng, and count er f la shi ng as s hown.
5 T able 1 – Physic al Dat a BASE U NIT 50PG 03 04 05 06 07 NOMI NAL C AP A CI TY (T o ns) 2 3 4 5 6 OPERA TING WEIGHT (lb) Unit* 704 704 775 829 874 Econ omizer Ve rt i ca l 40 40 40 40 40 Horizon tal 50 50 50 50 50 Hum idi-Mi Zer ™ Adap tive Dehumidi fication Sys tem 22 22 31 27 26 Roof Cur b 14-i n.
6 T able 1 — Physi cal Dat a (cont ) BASE U NIT 50PG ( cont) 03 04 05 06 07 EV APORA TOR F AN Centri fu g al T ype, B elt Driv e Quantity … Size ( in.) Low 1...12 x 9 1...12 x 9 1...12 x 9 1...12 x 9 1...12 x 9 High 1...12 x 9 1...12 x 9 1...12 x 9 1.
7 Ste p 3 — Field Fabr icate D uct wor k On v ertical u nits, secure all du cts to roof curb an d b uild ing structu re. Do not conne ct duc twor k to unit . For hor izont al appl ic at ions, f iel d - - suppl ied f lange s shoul d be at tac hed t o hori zonta l disc har ge ope nings a nd al l ductwor k se cure d to t he fl ange s.
9 UNIT DAMAGE HAZARD Failu re to fo llow t his cau tion m ay result in eq uip men t dam age . The c orr ec t powe r phas ing is cri tic al to t he oper at ion of the scroll co mp ressors. A n in correct p hasin g will resu lt in an al ar m be ing ge nera te d and com pre ss or ope rat ion l ockout .
10 T em p e r a tu re C o n t ro l The uni t can be c ontr oll ed wit h ei the r a Ca rr ier- - a pproved s pac e temp erature sen sor, a Carrier accesso ry T herm idistat t devic e, or a Carrier - - ap pro ved accesso ry therm ostat.
11 C07191 Fig. 13 - - Thir d Party Smoke De te ctor on Humi di- - Mi Zer t 50PG03 - - 07.
12 T ab le 2 – Electrica l Da ta - - U nits Witho ut O ptio na l Con ven ience O utlet UNIT 50PG NOMI NAL POWE R SUPPL Y Vo lt s - Ph- H z VOL TAGE RANGE CO MP RESSOR OF M FLA POWE R EXHAUS T FLA IFM TYPE IFM FLA ELECTRIC HEAT PO WER SUPPL Y D ISC ONNEC T SIZE Min Max RLA LRA FL A Nomi nal kW* MCA MOC P† FLA LRA 03 208/230-1-60 187 253 12.
13 T ab le 2 - - Electrica l Da ta - - U nits Witho ut Optio na l Co nv enien ce Ou tlet (con t) UNIT 50PG NOMINAL POWER SUPPL Y Volt s -P h- Hz VOL T AGE RANG E COMPRES SOR OFM FLA POWER EXHAU ST FLA.
14 T ab le 2 - - Electrica l Da ta - - U nits Witho ut Optio na l Co nv enien ce Ou tlet (con t) UNIT 50PG NOMINAL POWER SUPPL Y Volt s -P h- Hz VOL T AGE RANG E COMPRES SOR OFM FLA POWER EXHAU ST FLA IFM TYPE IFM FLA ELECTR IC HEA T POWER SUPPL Y DISCONNECT SIZE Min Ma x RLA LRA FLA Nominal kW* MCA MOC P† FLA LRA 05 (cont) 460-3-60 414 506 7.
15 T ab le 2 - - Electrica l Da ta - - U nits Witho ut Optio na l Co nv enien ce Ou tlet (con t) UNIT 50PG NOMINAL POWER SUPPL Y Volt s -P h- Hz VOL T AGE RANG E COMPRES SOR OFM FLA POWER EXHAU ST FLA.
16 T ab le 2 - - Electrica l Da ta - - U nits Witho ut Optio na l Co nv enien ce Ou tlet (con t) UNIT 50PG NOMINAL POWER SUPPL Y Volt s -P h- Hz VOL T AGE RANG E COMPRES SOR OFM FLA POWER EXHAU ST FLA.
17 T ab le 3 – E lectrical Da ta - - U nits With O ptio na l Po wered Co nv enien ce Outlet UNIT 50PG NOMINAL POWER SUPPL Y Volt s -P h- Hz VOL T AGE RANG E COMPRES SOR OFM FLA POWER EXHAU ST FLA IFM TYPE IFM FLA ELECTR IC HEA T POWER SUPPL Y DISCONNECT SIZE Min Ma x RL A LRA FLA Nominal kW* MCA MOCP † FLA LRA 03 208/230-1- 60 187 253 12.
18 T ab le 3 - - Electrica l Da ta - - Units With O ptio na l Po wered Co nv enien ce Ou tlet (con t) UNIT 50PG NOMINAL POWER SUPPL Y Volt s -P h- Hz VOL T AGE RANG E COMPRES SOR OFM FLA POWER EXHAU S.
19 T ab le 3 - - Electrica l Da ta - - Units With O ptio na l Po wered Co nv enien ce Ou tlet (con t) UNIT 50PG NOM INAL POWE R SUPPL Y Vo lt s -P h - Hz VOL T AGE RANG E CO MPR ESSOR OFM FLA POWE R E.
20 T ab le 3 - - Electrica l Da ta - - Units With O ptio na l Po wered Co nv enien ce Ou tlet (con t) UNIT 50PG NOMINAL POWER SUPPL Y Volt s -P h- Hz VOL T AGE RANG E COMPRES SOR OFM FLA POWER EXHAU S.
21 T ab le 3 - - Electrica l Da ta - - Units With O ptio na l Po wered Co nv enien ce Ou tlet (con t) UNIT 50PG NOMINAL POWER SUPPL Y Volt s -P h- Hz VOL T AGE RANG E COMPRES SOR OFM FLA POWER EXHAU S.
22 Ste p 7 — Install Outdoor Air Hoods (Units wit h Eco nomi zer) Per for m the fol lowing proc edur e to ins tal l the outdoor- - a ir hoods: 1. Economi zer a nd ba rome tr ic r eli ef hoods a re l ocat ed in the conde nse r sec tion unde r the s lant ed coi l for s hipping.
An important point after buying a device Carrier 50PG03-07 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Carrier 50PG03-07 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Carrier 50PG03-07 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Carrier 50PG03-07 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Carrier 50PG03-07 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Carrier 50PG03-07, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Carrier 50PG03-07.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Carrier 50PG03-07. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Carrier 50PG03-07 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center