Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 50HCQA Carrier
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1 50HCQA Si ngle Packa ge Rooftop Heat P ump with P uron r (R - - - 410A) Refrig erant S i z e s 0 4 --- 0 6 Installation Instructions NOTE : Read the entire instru ction manual before s tarting the ins tallation T ABLE OF CONTENTS SAFET Y CONSIDE RA TIONS 2 .
2 Return Air E nthalpy Sensor 29 ................. Indoor Air Quality (CO 2 sensor) 30 ............. Outdoor Air Qua lity Sens or 30 ................. Connect ing Discrete Inputs 30 .................. Commun ication W iring - - Pro tocols 31 .........
3 Horizontal Connections / Economizer V ertical Connections / Economizer C10230 Fig. 1 - - Unit Dimensional Drawing – 04 — 06 Size Units 50HCQ A.
4 C10231 Fig. 1 - - Unit Dimensional Drawing – 04 — 06 Size Unit (cont.) INST ALLA TION Jobsite Survey Complete th e follow ing check s bef ore ins tallation. 1. Consult local buildi ng codes a nd the NEC (Nat ional Electrical Code) AN SI/N FP A 70 for special ins talla- tion requ irements .
5 Roof Mount — Check bui lding code s for weight distribution requirem ents. Unit operat ing weight i s shown in T a ble 1. Ste p 2 — Plan for Seque nce of Unit Inst allation The support me thod used for thi s uni t will di cta te different sequence s for the steps of unit i nstall ation.
6 50HCQA04-06 ROOFCURB ACCESSORY CRRFCURB001A02 CRRFCURB002A02 1’ - 2” [356] 2’ - 0” [610] UNIT SIZE C10232 Fig. 3 - - Roof Curb Details 50HCQ A.
7 A-B 0.5” (13) B-C 1.0” (25) A-C 1.0” (25) MAXIMUM ALL OWABLE DIFFERENCE IN. (MM) C06110 Fig. 4 - - Unit Lev eling T olerances Ste p 5 — Field Fabr icate Duct work Cabinet re turn-ai r static pre ssure (a negative condition) shall not exceed 0.
8 C06005 UNI T MAX W EIG HT DIMENS IONS A B C LB KG IN MM IN MM IN MM 50HCQ A04 725 330 74.5 1890 38.5 980 33.5 850 50HCQ A05 845 384 74.5 1890 37.5 955 41.5 1055 50HCQ A06 900 409 74.5 1890 37.5 955 41.5 1055 NOTES : 1. Dimensions in ( ) are in m illimeters.
9 Ste p 8 — Install Outside Air Hood Economize r Hood Removal and Setup - - Factory Op tion — 1. T he hood is shipped i n knoc k - - down form and loc ate d in the return air compartmen t. It is attached to the economizer u sing tw o plas tic tie - - wraps .
10 Economize r Hood and T wo- - P osition Hood — NOTE : If the pow er exhaus t access ory is to be ins talled on the unit , t he hood shipped with t he unit will not be used and mus t be dis carded. S ave the aluminu m filter for use in the powe r exhaust hood assembl y .
11 NOTE: T rap should be deep enough to offset maximum unit static difference. A 4” (102) trap is recommended . MINIMUM PITCH 1” (25mm) PER 10’ (3m) OF LINE BASE RAIL OPEN VENT TO ROOF DRAIN DRAIN PLUG ROOF CURB SEE NOTE 2 ˝ (51) MIN C08022 Fi g.
12 Un its wit h Factory- - Ins talled D iscon nect — The factory- - installed op tion dis connect sw itch is located in a weathe rproof enclosure loca ted under the m ain control box. The m anual sw itch handle is accessible through an opening in the access panel.
13 Mount the weatherproof c over to t he backi ng pla te as sho wn in F ig. 18. Remove two s lot fillers in the bottom of the cove r to permit servic e tool cords to exit t he cover . Check f or full clos ing and latchin g. RECEPTACLE NOT INCLUDED COVER – WHILE-IN-USE WEATHERPROOF BASE PLATE FOR GFCI RECEPTACLE C09022 Fig.
14 LOW VOL T AGE CONDUIT CONNECTOR HIGH VOL T AGE CONDUIT CONNECTOR C08637 Fig. 20 - - Thru- - Base Con nectio n Fittin gs Field - - supplie d and field - - insta lle d liquid - - t ight conduit connec tors and conduit may be a ttac hed to t he conne ctors on the bas epan.
15 RACEW A Y HOLE IN END P ANEL (HIDDEN) C08027 Fig. 22 - - Fie ld Control W iri ng Raceway Electri c Heaters 50HCQ uni ts may be equipped with field - - insta lle d access ory electric heaters.
16 TRACK FLANGE C08135 Fi g. 2 5 - - T y pic al M odul e Instal l ati on Single Po int Boxe s and Suppleme nta ry Fuse When the unit MOCP device value exceeds 60- - A, unit - - mounted suppl ementary fuses a re required for each heater circu it. These fu ses are inclu ded in access ory Single Point Boxe s, with power distributi on and fuse blocks.
17 PremierLin k t (Factory- - Option) C08199 Fig. 28 - - Premier Link Contr olle r The Premier Link contr oller (see F ig. 28 ) is compatib le with Car rier Comf ort Netw ork r ( CCN) dev ices.
18 C10227 Fig. 30 - - T ypica l Prem ierLink W iring Schem atic 50HCQ A.
19 Out door A ir T emp eratu re ( OA T) Sen sor — The OA T i s factory - - mount ed in t he Ec onoMi$er2 (FIOP or acces sor y). It is a nominal 10 k ohm ther mistor attached to an eyelet moun ting ring. EconoMi$e r t 2— The Premi erLi nk control is used with E conoMi$er2 (option or access o ry) for outdoor air management.
20 GJ 4 - 1 2 J4- 1 0 J4-8 Y1 Y2 2 R R 4 6 J4-6 J4-4 W2 C 8 10 C SP ACE THERMOST A T PL CTB THERMOST A T W1 TB1 CTB THERMOST A T C08119 Fig. 35 - - Space Th ermos tat C onn ection s T ab le 3 – Prem.
21 T abl e 4 – Space Se nsor M ode TB1 TERMINA L FIELD C ONNEC TION INPU T S IGNAL 1 T 5 5 --- S E N / T 5 6 --- S E N An alog (10k th erm istor) 2 RMTOC C Discrete, 24VAC 3 T 5 5 --- S E N / T 5 6 .
22 If the 5 0HC Q un it has an economizer sy stem and free - - cool ing operat ion is requi red, a sensor represent ing Return A ir T emperature mus t also be connected (field - - suppli ed and insta lle d). Thi s sensor may be a T- - 55 Space Sensor (see Fig.
23 8 7 6 5 4 32 1 2 1 HG 24 V AC OR 24 VDC NC ALARM RELA Y CONT ACTS COM NO } 0-10VDC SIG COM 4-20mA + + - + - J3 J4 C08635 Fig. 38 - - Ind oor/ Outdoor Air Quality (CO 2 )S e n s o r (33ZCSENC O2) - .
24 On 50HCQ units equipped with fa ctory - - insta lle d Smoke Detector (s) , the smoke detector co ntroller implemen ts the unit shutdown t hrough its NC conta ct set c onnect ed to the unit’ s CTB input. The FSD func tion is initiated via the smoke detec tor ’ s A la rm NO contact set.
25 signal pins must be wired to the signal ground pins. W i ring c onnect ions for CCN must be made a t t he 3 - - pin plug. At any baud (9600, 19200, 38400 baud), the numbe r of contro llers is limited to 239 devices maximum. Bus length may not exceed 4000 ft, with no more than 60 total devic es on a ny 1000- - ft secti on.
26 R TU - - MP Control Sys tem The R TU- - MP cont rolle r , see Fig. 47, provi des expanded stand - - al one operati on of the HV AC system plus connec tion and c ontrol t hrough communi cat ion with several Bui lding Automa tion System s (BAS) through popular thi rd - - part y network systems.
27 C10229 Fig. 49 - - T ypic al R TU - - MP System Contr ol Wiring Diagram 50HCQ A.
28 T abl e 8 – RTU- - M P Cont roll er Inputs and O utputs POI NT N AME BA Cnet O BJ ECT NAME TYPE OF I/O CON NE CTI ON PI N NUMB ERS INPU TS Space T em peratu re Sensor sptsens AI (10K T hermistor).
29 Field Conne ct ions Field connections for accesso ry s ensors and input devices are made t he R T U- - MP , at plugs J1, J2, J4, J5, J1 1 and J20. All field c ontrol wiring that c onnect s to the R TU - - MP must be routed through the r aceway built into the corner pos t as sho wn in F ig.
30 T o wire the r eturn ai r entha lpy sensor , perform the follow ing: 1. Use a 2 - - conduc tor , 18 or 20 A WG, twisted pai r cable to conne ct the return a ir enthalpy sensor to the enthal- py controll er .
31 Input 8 or 9 is rec ommende d for easy of insta llat ion. Refer to Fig . 47 and Fig. 49 fo r wire terminatio ns at J5 . Rem ote O c cupa ncy : The remote occupancy access ory is a field- - installed acces sor y . This access ory overrides th e unoccupi ed mode a nd puts the uni t in occ upied m ode.
32 Loca l A ccess — BACvi ew 6 H andhe l d: The BA Cview 6 is a ke ypad/displa y interface used to connect to the R TU- - MP to access th e control i nformat ion, re ad sensor value s, and te st the R TU, see Fig. 57. This is an accessor y interface that does not come w ith the MP co ntroller and can on ly be u sed at th e unit.
33 T able 9 – LEDs The LEDs on the R TU- - MP s how th e status of certain fu nctions If th is LE D is on ... Statu s is... Power The R TU MP has power Rx The RTU MP is receiving data from the netwo.
34 Duct smoke sensor control ler Fast ener (2X) Cont rol ler co ver Conduit nuts (sup pli ed by instal ler ) Cond uit sup port pl ate Cover ga sket (ordering option) Cond uit cou plin gs (sup pli ed by install er) T erminal block cov er Contr oll er hous ing and e lectronics Alarm Po wer Te s t / r e s e t switch Tro u b le C08208 Fig.
35 loca tion and t he tubing to the sampli ng tube be connected. See “ Completing In stallation of Return Air Smoke Senso r :” for details.) Return Air Detector Sampling T ube Controller module Return Air Detector module (shipping position shown)* *RA detector must be moved from shipping position to operating position by installer C07307 Fig.
36 T ab le 10 – U nit W ire/Fu se or HA CR Br eaker Sizin g Da ta UNI T N O M . V --- P h --- H Z IFM TY PE ELEC. HTR P .E. NO C .O. o r UNP WR C .O. CRHEA TER*** NOM (K W) FL A FLA NO P .E. w/P .E. ( pwrd fr/unit) MCA FUSE or HACR BRKR DISC. SIZE MCA FUSE or HACR BRKR DISC.
37 T abl e 10 — Uni t Wire/ F use or HACR Bre ake r Si zi ng Dat a (co nt) UNI T N O M . V --- P h --- H Z IFM TY PE ELEC. HTR P .E. w/ PWR D C.O. CRHEA TER*** NOM (K W) FL A FLA NO P .E. w/P .E. ( pwrd fr/unit) MCA FUSE or HACR BRKR DISC. SIZE MCA FUSE or HACR BRKR DISC.
38 T abl e 10 — Uni t Wire/ F use or HACR Bre ake r Si zi ng Dat a (co nt) UNI T N O M . V --- P h --- H Z IFM TY PE ELEC. HTR P .E. NO C .O. or U NPWR C.O. CRHEA TER*** NOM (K W) FL A FLA NO P .E. w/P .E. (pwrd fr/unit) MCA FUSE or HACR BRKR DISC. SIZE MCA FUSE or HACR BRKR DISC.
39 T abl e 10 — Uni t Wire/ F use or HACR Bre ake r Si zi ng Dat a (co nt) UNI T N O M . V --- P h --- H Z IFM TY PE ELEC. HTR P .E. w/ PWRD C .O. CRHEA TER*** NOM (K W) FL A FLA NO P .E. w/P .E. (pwrd fr/unit) MCA FUSE or HACR BRKR DISC. SIZE MCA FUSE or HACR BRKR DISC.
40 T abl e 10 — Uni t Wire/ F use or HACR Bre ake r Si zi ng Dat a (co nt) UNI T N O M . V --- P h --- H Z IFM TY PE ELEC. HTR P .E. NO C .O. or U NPWR C.O. CRHEA TER*** NOM (K W) FL A FLA NO P .E. w/P .E. (pwrd fr/unit) MCA FUSE or HACR BRKR DISC. SIZE MCA FUSE or HACR BRKR DISC.
41 T abl e 10 — Uni t Wire/ F use or HACR Bre ake r Si zi ng Dat a (co nt) UNI T N O M . V --- P h --- H Z IFM TY PE ELEC. HTR P .E. w/ PWRD C .O. CRHEA TER**** NOM (K W) FL A FLA NO P .E. w/P .E. (pwrd fr/unit) MCA FUSE or HACR BRKR DISC. SIZE MCA FUSE or HACR BRKR DISC.
42 Legend and Notes for T able 10 LEG END: BRKR - - - C ircuit breaker CO - - - Conve nie nt out let DD - - - Direct dr ive ind oor fan motor DISC - - - Disconnect FLA - - - Full loa d a mp s IFM - - .
43 Step 12 — I n stal l Access ori es A vailable access ories includ e: Roof Curb Thru - - base c onnect ion kit (m ust be insta lle d before unit is set on c urb) Manual outside air da mper T wo- -.
44 Copyright 2010 Carrier Corp. D 7310 W . Morris St. D I ndianapolis, I N 46231 Print ed in U.S.A. Ed ition Date: 04/10 Manufacturer reser ves the right to change , at any time, specifications and d esigns without notice and without ob ligations.
An important point after buying a device Carrier 50HCQA (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Carrier 50HCQA yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Carrier 50HCQA - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Carrier 50HCQA you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Carrier 50HCQA will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Carrier 50HCQA, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Carrier 50HCQA.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Carrier 50HCQA. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Carrier 50HCQA along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center