Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 09RH Carrier
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Manufactu rer reser ves the rig ht to dis continue , or chan ge at a ny time, spec ificat ions or des igns without notice an d withou t inc urring obligations.
2 OPEN-DRIVE COMPRESSORS These compressors are desi gned to operate with Refriger- ants 12, 22, 134a, 502, or 507/404A. See T able 1. Operating Requireme nts — Satis factory op eration of a reciprocatin g compres sor depen ds on 3 fundamental requiremen ts: 1.
3 During compressor shutdown, gr avity , thermal act ion and refrigerant absorption can result in a re frigerant and oil mixture in compressor crankcase. Gr avity flow can be preve nted by the use of recommende d loops, but therm al action a nd t he absorp- tion of refrigerant by lubricating oil cannot be prevented by piping design.
4 Compressor Capacity Notes 1. Compressor capacities are based on 1750 rpm and 15 F subcooling for all unit sizes and refrigera nts. 2. Multiplying factors for other rpm: See Multiplying Factors chart on pa ge 31.
5 Table 6 — R ating Basi s and Ca pacity Multiplier s for R-1 2 and R-1 34a* LEGEND *R-134a capacity multipliers star t at 0 ° F SST and abov e. SST (F) SDT (F) RETURN GAS TEMPERA TURE (F) –30 –2 0 –10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 65 –30 90 0.963 0.
6 Table 7 — Rat ing Basis an d Capaci ty Mult ipliers fo r R-502 and R-507 /404A LEGEND SST (F) SDT (F) RETURN GAS TEMPERA TURE (F) –30 –2 0 –10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 65 –30 90 0.913 0.922 0.931 0.941 0.950 0.959 0.968 0.977 0.986 0.995 1.000 100 0.
7 Table 8 — Compre ssor Ratin gs; R-12 LEGEND NO TES: 1. Shaded ratings require an oil cooler when using a liquid- suction interchanger , or when 50 degrees of superheat is exceeded. 2. Ref er to T able 5 f or T otal Heat Rejection. U N I T 5 F 2 05 F 3 05 F 4 05 F 6 0 SST SDT Cap.
8 Table 8 — Compressor Ratings; R-12 (cont) LEGEND NO TES: 1. Shaded ratings require an oil cooler when using a liquid- suction interchanger , or when 50 degrees of superheat is exceeded. 2. An oil cooler is recommended for all long stroke compressors (5H46,66,86 and 126).
9 Table 8 — Compressor Ratings; R-12 (cont) LEGEND NO TES: 1. Shaded ratings require an oil cooler when using a liquid- suction interchanger , or when 50 degrees of superheat is exceeded. 2. An oil cooler is recommended for all long stroke compressors (5H46,66,86 and 126).
10 Table 9 — Compre ssor Ratin gs; R-22 LEGEND NO TES: 1. Shaded ratings require an oil cooler an d water-cooled heads. 2. Ref er to T able 5 f or T otal Heat Rejection. U N I T 5 F 2 05 F 3 05 F 4 05 F 6 0 SST SDT Cap. Bhp Cap. Bhp Cap. Bhp Cap. Bhp –40 80 1.
11 Table 9 — Compressor Ratings; R-22 (cont) LEGEND NO TES: 1. Shaded ratings require an oil cooler an d water-cooled heads. 2. An oil cooler is recommended for all long stroke compressors (5H46,66,86 and 126). 3. Ref er to T able 5 f or T otal Heat Rejection.
12 Table 9 — Compressor Ratings; R-22 (cont) LEGEND NO TES: 1. Shaded ratings require an oil cooler an d water-cooled heads. 2. An oil cooler is recommended for all long stroke compressors (5H46,66,86 and 126). 3. Ref er to T able 5 f or T otal Heat Rejection.
13 Table 10 — Compre ssor Ratin gs; R-502 LEGEND NO TES: 1. Shaded ratings require water-cooled heads, if the dis- charge temperature exceeds 275 F . 2. An oil cooler is required when SST is belo w – 20 F . 3. Ref er to T able 5 f or T otal Heat Rejection.
14 Table 10 — Compressor Ratings; R-502 (cont) LEGEND NO TES: 1. Shaded ratings require water-cooled heads, if the dis- charge temperature exceeds 275 F . 2. An oil cooler is recommended for all long stroke compressors (5H46,66,86 and 126). 3. An oil cooler is required when SST is belo w – 20 F .
15 Table 10 — Compressor Ratings; R-502 (cont) LEGEND NO TES: 1. Shaded ratings require water-cooled heads, if the dis- charge temperature exceeds 275 F . 2. An oil cooler is recommended for all long stroke compressors (5H46,66,86 and 126). 3. An oil cooler is required when SST is belo w – 20 F .
16 Table 11 — Compressor Ratings; R-134a LEGEND NO TES: 1. An oil cooler is recom mended for all long strok e compressor s (5H46, 66, 86, 126). 2. Ref er to T able 5 f or T otal Heat Rejection. U N I T 5 F 2 05 F 3 05 F 4 05 F 6 0 SST SDT C ap. Bhp Cap.
17 Table 12 — Compre ssor Rat ings; R-507/4 04A LEGEND NO TES: 1. Shaded ratings require w ater-cooled heads, if the dis- charge temperature exceeds 275 F . 2. An oil cooler is recom mended for all long strok e compressor s (5H46, 66, 86, 126). 3. Oil cooler required when SST is belo w – 20 F .
18 Table 13 — Minimum Gpm Required for Water-Cooled Heads and/or Oil Cooler (Based on 3 0° F R ise) SAFETY RELIEF V AL VES — A l l 5 H c o m p r e s s o r s a r e equipped with built-in safety rel ief valves that are factory set to relieve from discharge to suction side of the compressor at a pressure differential of 350 psi.
19 Table 15 — Weigh t Distribut ion, Compr essor Units (See drawing , Table 14 ) LEGEN D NEMA — Natio nal Electr ical Manufacturers A ssociation *Oversize frame. Capa city Co ntrol — For all 5F ,H compressors, a pressure-type cylinder unloader is used.
20 Table 16 — Capacity Control Reduction Steps *T wo contro lled c ylinde rs (to 33 1 / 3 %) available on request for 5F30. Principle of Operation of the System — An i ncrease in s uc- tion gas pressure, which requires increased compressor capacity , ca uses the needle valve to close.
21 Table 17 — Initial and Final Unlo ading Oil Press ures — 5F20 , 5F 30 5F40 THROUGH 5H86 (Fig. 7) Major Elements of Capacity Control Systems : 1. Capacity Contr ol V alve: Function is to raise or lower the control oil pressure to the hydraulic relay piston in response to refrigerant suction pressure.
22 5H120, 5H126 C AP ACITY CO NTROL (Fig. 8) — T h is c a- pacity co ntr ol syst em is sl ight ly differe nt fr om the s ystem o n 5F40 through 5H86 compressors. Unloaded starting and capac- ity reduction is obtained by holding open the suction valves of a number of cylinders.
23 Control Pressurestats — Dual pressurestats are furnis hed with all 5F ,H compress ors. They ar e often referre d to as high- and low-pressure cutouts. Their function is to cut the ci rcuit to the holding coil of the compressor motor start er when pressure setting l imits a re exceede d.
25 CAP ACITY CONTROL MODIFICA TIONS F OR HEA T PU M P A PP L I CA T ION — Where 5F40, 5F60, and 5H com- pressors are used in refrigerant cycle r eversing heat pump applications, it is usually necessary to modi fy the standard capacity control arrangement to satisfy unloading requir e- ments.
26 Appli cation Requi ring 50 % Capacit y Reduct ions — This is the usual specification f or heat pump applications and should cover majority of cases.
27 The variety of systems using 5F ,H c ompressors make it impractical to cover all a spects of hot gas bypass operation. The following guidelines will aid in determining the proper application. The hot gas bypass valve is basically a press ure regulating valve installed to hold a constant compressor suct ion pressure.
28 Table 20 — Belt Driv e Pack ages LEGEN D NO TE: Compr essor sh aft diam eter bef ore taper begins: 5F20 , 30 = 1.0 in. 5F40 , 60 = 1.5 in. All 5H = 2.0 DRIVE P A CKA G E P ART NUMBER COMPR SIZE HP FRAME SHAFT DIAM (in.) COMPR RPM CENTER TO CENTER (in.
29 Table 21 — Flywheel Data *Ref er to Fig. 17. Table 22 — Flywheel — Compressor Dimensions *Ref er to Fig. 17. BOOSTER COMPRESSO RS FOR REFRIGERANT 12, 22, 502, AND 507/404A Booster Applicat io.
30 When a c apacity safet y factor i s used, the compressor is selected at its maximum speed t o handle design load pl us safe- ty factor . Multiplying factors for non-standard speeds ar e shown in Fig. 20. Whether or not added c apacity offered by the safety fac tor is incorporated at once is a matte r of judgment.
31 Table 23 — Booster “ R ” Factors Air-cool ed (R -12 a nd R-22 ) W ater-coo led (R -22 o nly) Determining Inte rmediate Pressure — In applic a- tion of commercial compressors t o staged syst ems, the lowest total bhp per ton and most economical equipment selection results when using approximately equal compression ratios for each stage.
32 Contr ol Pre ssurestat f or Booster Applica- tion — The standard dual pressure switch furnished with the 5F ,H compressor cannot be used for booster application. Replace it w ith an appropriate low temperature dual pressurestat that can operate at val ues shown in T able 24.
33 Dischar g e V alve Sprin gs — When 5H compre ssors are used for booster applications where di scharge pressure i s below 10 psig, the standard dischar ge valve springs furnished with the machine should be replace d with an equal number of lighter weight springs, Part Number 5H41-1801.
34 Table 25 — 5F,H Booster Ratings; R-12 LEGEND *Also re ferred to as Sa turated Inter medi ate T emp erature. SST SDT* 5F20 5F 30 5F 40 5F 60 Cap. Bhp Cap. Bhp Cap. Bhp Cap . Bhp – 85 – 50 0.28 0. 93 0. 42 1.30 0 .57 1.67 0 .85 2 .42 – 40 0.27 0.
35 Table 26 — 5F,H Booster Ratings; R-22 LEGEND *Also ref erred to as Satura ted Intermediate T emper ature . † Requires wat er-cooled heads . SST SDT* 5F20 5F30 5F40 5F60 Cap. Bhp Cap. Bh p Cap. Bhp Cap. B hp – 100 – 50 0.27 0.95 0 .40 1.35 0.
36 Table 27 — 5F,H Booster Ratings; R-502 LEG END *Also ref erred to as Satura ted Intermediate T emper ature . SST SDT* 5F20 5F30 5F40 5F60 Cap. Bhp Cap. Bhp Cap. Bh p Cap. Bhp – 90 – 30 0.6 1.0 0.9 1.6 1.1 1.7 1.7 3.2 – 20 0.5 1.0 0.7 1.7 1.
37 Table 28 — Booster Compressor Starting Data *Based on 1750 r pm with 5F ,H c ompressors. W ill v ary directly with r pm at other speeds. CONDENSERS Condenser Ph ysical Data — Refer to T able 29. Re - fer to 5F ,H Product Data for in formation on the cu rrent P701 water-cooled conden sers used with the 5F ,H water- cooled co ndensing un its.
38 Table 29 — Conde nser Physical Data LEGEND NO TES: 1. Based on R-22 at 105 F conden sing , 85 F en ter ing water t emperat ure, 10 F rise. Th e 09R H097 is rated a t 10.6 F r ise i n order t o sta y withi n the recomme nded water velocity range. 2.
39 W ater Cir cuiti ng Arrangements — The water ci r- cuiting arrangement selected for 5F and 09RH condensers depends on available condenser water pressure, t emperature, quantity and source. Refer to T able 32. Refer to the Carr ier System Design Manual for specifi c information and recommenda tions for refri gerant and water piping.
Manufactu rer reser ves the rig ht to dis continue , or chan ge at a ny time, spec ificati ons or des igns without notice an d wit hout inc urring obligations.
An important point after buying a device Carrier 09RH (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Carrier 09RH yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Carrier 09RH - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Carrier 09RH you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Carrier 09RH will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Carrier 09RH, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Carrier 09RH.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Carrier 09RH. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Carrier 09RH along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center