Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Legria HF R406 Canon
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PUB. DIE-0433-000B HD Camcorder Instruction Manual :98 C OP Y.
2 Introduc tion Important Usage Instructions COPYRIGHT WARNING: Unauthorized recording of copyrighted materials may infringe on the rights of cop yright owners and be contrary to copyright laws. T o reduce the risk of electric shock, do not expose this product to dripping or spl ashing.
3 REGIONS OF USE LEGRIA HF R48, LEGRIA HF R47 and LE GRIA HF R46 are in co mpliance (as of January 2013 ) with the radi o signal regul ations of the reg ions listed be low. F or details on other reg ions where th ey can be us ed, make inqu iries wit h the cont acts li sted on th e back side o f this instru ction manual .
4 T rademark Acknowledg ements • SD, SDHC and SDXC Logos a re trademarks of SD-3C, LLC. • Microsoft and Windows ar e trademarks or registered tr ademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries . • App Store, iPad, iPhone, i T unes and Mac OS are trademarks of Appl e Inc.
5 Exciting F eatures and New Functions : / 9 / 8 Wi-Fi Functions ( A 119) Baby Mode ( A 63) Using Baby mode, you will not miss out on baby’ s precious moments. The camcorder’ s settings ar e optimized to captur e the beauty of baby’ s skin. Y ou can also add stamps to th e video to keep t rack of ba by’ s growth.
6 Smart AUTO ( A 42) Smart AUTO autom atica lly sel ects t he best scene mode for t he s cene y ou w ant to shoot. Y ou get spe ctacular r ecor dings every time wi thout worrying abo ut settings.
7 Enjoying Y our Recordings on Other Devices Connect the camcorder to an HDTV ( A 103). Upload r ecordings to your computer ( A 108). Save your r ecord ing s. Upload your MP4 movies and photos to t he We b ( A 118). Cop y th e ca mco rder’s ent ir e memory onto an external hard drive ( A 113).
8 : / 9 / 8 Enjoying Y our Recordings Using the Camcorder’s Wi-Fi Functions Connect th e camcorder t o an access point on y our home network and t hen sha re your recordi ngs on CANON iMAG E GA TEWA Y ( A 126). From there, you can ma ke online albums to enjoy your recordings .
Table of conte nts 9 Introduction 5 Exciting Features and New Functions 13 About this Manual 15 Getting to Know the Camcorder 15 Supplied Access ories and CD-ROM 17 Names of Parts Preparat.
10 Table of cont ents Basic Shooting and Playback 40 Basic Recor ding 40 Shooting Video 42 About the Smart AUTO function 44 Intelligent IS 45 T aking P hotos 46 Zoomin g 49 Basic Playback 49 P.
Table of conte nts 11 85 Audio Scenes 86 Audio Recording Level 87 Using Headphones Adva nced Playback and Editing 89 Capturing Video Snapshot Scenes and Photos from a Movie 90 Playing Back Sce.
12 Table of cont ents : / 9 / 8 Wi-Fi Functions 119 Introduction to W i-Fi 122 Recording Movies Using a Smartphone as a Remote Control 123 Remote Browse: Viewing Recordings Using a W eb Browse.
Introdu ction 13 About this Manual Thank you for pur chasing the Canon LEGRIA HF R48 / LEGRIA HF R47 / LEGRIA HF R 46 / LEGRI A HF R406. Please read this manual care f ul ly b efo re yo u us e th e ca mc ord e r a nd re ta in i t f or f ut ure re fer - ence.
14 Introduction Self Timer Operating modes: * For movies only. • will appe ar on t he scre en. • Repeat , selectin g [ O ff], to turn off the self timer . Movies: In record pause mode, press . The camcorder starts r ecording after a 10-second countdown.
Introdu ction 15 Gettin g to Kn ow the Camcorder Supplied Accessor ies and CD-ROM The follo wing acc essories ar e supplied wi th the camcor der: * : / 9 / 8 only .
16 Introduction The Canon LEGRI A CD-ROM is also su pplie d with the ca mcorder . The CD-ROM contai ns the foll owin g comp onents : - In struc tion Manu al - The full- vers ion in str uction manu al of the camco rde r (t his PDF fil e).
Introdu ction 17 Names of Parts 1 (pla ybac k mode) butto n ( A 39 ) 2 ON/OFF bu tton ( A 21) 3 M emory ca rd slot cov er 4 AV O U T t e r m i na l ( A 99, 10 1)/ × (headphon es) termina l ( A 87.
18 Introduction A d Speaker ( A 51) A f Zoom lever ( A 46) A g LCD touc h screen ( A 23, 34 ) A h ACCESS indicator ( A 40) A j :98 Wi-Fi anten na ( A 12 1) A k POWER/CHG (charge) indicator: Green .
Prepa rat ions 19 Prepar ations This chapt er descr ibes bas ic opera tions, s uch as usi ng the touch panel, navigating the me nus, and firs t time settings to help you learn more a bout your camcorder .
20 Prepa ratio ns 5 Charging will start w hen the camcorder is turned off. • If the camc order was on , the gr een PO WER/CHG i ndica tor will go out when you turn of f the camcorder . After a moment , the PO WER/C HG indi cator will turn on in r ed (battery pack charging).
Prepa rat ions 21 overs eas tr avels or spec ial p ower sources s uch as thos e on aircr aft and ships, DC-AC inve rters, etc. NOTES • We r ecommend cha rgi ng the batter y pack in t emperat ures betw een 10 °C and 30 °C. If eith er the ambi ent temp eratur e or the battery p ack’ s tempe ratur e is outsi de the ran ge of appr ox.
22 Prepa ratio ns [ NOTES • Y ou can use the > q > [Power On Using LCD P anel] sett ing so that you can turn the camcor der on and of f only b y pr essing . Using the Grip Belt Fast en the gr ip bel t. Adjust the g rip be lt so that you ca n r each the zoom lever with your index finger , and the Y b utton with your thumb.
Prepa rat ions 23 2 Pu ll the strap to r emove it first fr om the front b racket on the camcorder , then to unthread it from the handgrip and finally to remo ve it fr om the r ear br acket on the camcor der . Opening the Lens Cover and Adjusting the LCD Screen Befor e you start reco rdi ng, open the lens cover .
24 Prepa ratio ns NOTES • About the LCD screen: The screen is pr oduced using extremely high-pr e- cisi on manufact uring technique s, with mor e than 99.99% of the pix els operating to specification. Less than 0.01% of the pixels may occasion- ally misfir e or appear as blac k, r ed, blu e or gree n d ots.
Prepa rat ions 25 Using a Memor y Card Memor y Cards Co mpatib le for Us e with the Ca mcorder Y ou can use the following types of commer cially availab le Secure Digi- tal (S D) car d s with this camcord er .
26 Prepa ratio ns IMPORT AN T • If you us e an SDXC mem ory car d with a compute r OS that is not SD XC- compatible, you may be prompted to format the memory card.
Prepa rat ions 27 Inserting and Removing a Memory Card If y ou plan o n using a memory ca rd, turn off the camcord er befor e per- formin g the initial setup and t hen insert the memor y card. Af ter per- forming the i nitial setup, ini tialize the memory ca rd ( A 31).
28 Prepa ratio ns IMPORT AN T • Memory cards have fr ont and back sides that are not in ter changeable. Inser ting a mem ory car d faci ng the wr ong direct ion can ca use a mal- functi on of the camc orde r . Be su re to ins ert t he memory car d as described in step 4.
Prepa rat ions 29 First T ime Settings Basic Setup The first time y ou turn on the camcor der , you will be guided by the camcor der’ s easy-to-follo w setup scr eens to c onfigur e the cam - corder’ s initial settings. Y ou will set the date and time, movie format, and other basic functions.
30 Prepa ratio ns • ; Skip to step 10. 8T o u c h [ & ] (built-in memory ) or [ ] ( memory car d) and t hen touch [ æ ]. • When se lecting the memory , you can ch eck the a vailab le r ecor ding time based o n the video qualit y setting.
Prepa rat ions 31 Changing the Time Zone Change the time zo ne to m atch your loca tion. The default setting is Paris. In addition, the camcorder is able to r e tain the date and time of another lo cation. This is convenient when you trav el so t hat you can set the camcorder to match the time of your home location or that of your destination.
32 Prepa ratio ns Do not disc onnect t he power sour ce or tu rn off the camcor der until the initia lizatio n is compl eted. 2 Initialize the memory . : / 9 / 8 ; 1 T ou ch this op tion if you want t o physically erase all th e data r ather th an just clear the file al location table of t he memo ry .
Prepa rat ions 33 “ M U S IC ” f o l d e r o n t h e s u p p l i e d L E G R I A C D - R O M t o t h e m e m o r y c a r d conn ecte d to a co mpu ter . R efer to About the music fil es ( A 186) for the fo lder s truct ure of th e mem ory car d.
34 Prepa ratio ns Basic Operatio n of the Camcorder Using the T ouch Screen The contro l buttons and menu items that appear on th e touch screen change dynami cally dependi ng on the operating mo de and the task you are performing. With the intuitive touch screen interface you have all the contr ols at your fingert ips.
Prepa rat ions 35 (Home) Menu The (Home) menu is the gat eway to m ost of the camcor der’ s func- tions and settings. Operat ing modes: 1 T ouch [ ] on the upper left of the screen to open the (Home ) menu. 2 Dr ag your finger left/right to bring the desired menu to the center .
36 Prepa ratio ns * : / 9 / 8 only . Menus Available in Playback Mode * : / 9 / 8 only . NOTES • For brevity’ s sake, references to settings in the (Home) menu will includ e only the ic on of the menu, the tab of the desi re d submenu (fo r settings i n the [ Other Se ttings] menu) and the se tting name.
Prepa rat ions 37 Operat ing modes: * In mode, acce ss to functions is limited. 1 T ouch [ ] on the upper left of t he screen to open th e (Hom e) menu. 2 Dr ag your finger left /right to bring [ Other Sett ings] to t he center . 3 T ouch the icon to open the [ Other Settings ] menus.
38 Prepa ratio ns Y ou may need to dr ag your fi ng er up and dow n along the scr oll bar or touch [ Í ] and [ Î ] to find the control button of the desired funct ion.
Prepa rat ions 39 Playback Press the button to switch the camcor der between camera (recording) mode a nd playb ack mode. Y ou can pr ess when the cam corder is of f t o turn it o n dir ectly in playb ack mode.
40 Basic Sh ooting and Play back Basic Shooting and Playback This chapter cover s how to easily reco rd vi deo and photos in mode, play them back, and how to use other ba sic func- tions. T o enjoy full access t o menus and more advanced func- tions, refer to Advanced Shooting ( A 59) and Advanced Playba ck and Editing ( A 89).
Basi c Sho oting and P laybac k 41 3 Se t the camcorder to mode. • This step is not necessary the firs t time you use the camcorder . • T o ch ange th e m ovie form at, refer to Sele ctin g the Mov ie For mat (A VCHD/MP4) ( A 59). 4P r e s s Y to begi n recording.
42 Basic Sh ooting and Play back About AUTO mod e • On ly the follow ing fun ctio ns are availa ble in mode. - Zoom ( A 46). - Vid eo sn apsho t ( A 73). - Face detection and tracki ng ( A 75) to get beautiful shots of people e very time, tracking the subjec t even if th e person mo ves.
Basi c Sho oting and P laybac k 43 Smart AUTO ico ns * Th e icon in p arentheses appear s under backlight c onditions. Background → (co lor of t he ic on) Bright* (gray) Blu e ski es * (light bl.
44 Basic Sh ooting and Play back IMPORT AN T • T o pr otect the lens , kee p the l ens c over cl osed w hen you ar e not re cord ing mo vies a nd when yo u ar e not usin g the c amcord er . • Observe the following precautions while the ACCESS indicator is on or flashing.
Basi c Sho oting and P laybac k 45 > [LCD Backlight] setting or a djust the brightn ess of the LCD scree n with the > > [LCD Brightness] setting.
46 Basic Sh ooting and Play back A green icon ( ) and {æ & ( : / 9 / 8 only) or {æ will appear mome ntaril y on the scr een and the ACCESS indic ator will flash as the ph oto is rec orde d. Ho we ver , if you reco rd a p ho to whi le reco rdi ng a movie, will not appea r .
Basi c Sho oting and P laybac k 47 Using th e Zoom Lever Move t he zo om l ever t owar d T (wide angle) to z oom out. M ove it toward S (telephoto) to zoom in. By default, the zoom lever operates at a var iable speed – press gen tly for a slow zoom; pr e ss harder for faster zooms.
48 Basic Sh ooting and Play back Operating modes: * In mod e, [Zoom T ype] wil l be set to [ O ptical]. Option s NOTES • Keep at lea st 1 m away fro m the subjec t. At full wi de angle, you ca n focu s on a subje ct as cl ose as 1 cm . Using tele ma cro ( A 84), you can focus on a su bject as close as 50 c m at full te lephoto.
Basi c Sho oting and P laybac k 49 Basic Pla yback Playing Back Video Operat ing modes: 1P r e s s . 2 I f necessary , change the ind ex screen. : / 9 / 8 ; SCN Index screen button (next to [ ]) [.
50 Basic Sh ooting and Play back 3 Look for the scene you want to play back. 4 T ouch the desired scene to play it back. • The cam cord er w ill p lay ba ck the scene selected and conti nue unti l the end o f the last scene in th e index sc ree n.
Basi c Sho oting and P laybac k 51 3T o u c h [ K ] twic e w hen fini shed . During playback: Adjus ting t he volu me 1 During playback, touch the scr een to display the playbac k controls . 2T o u c h [ Ý ], drag your f inger along the [Speaker ]* ba r to ad just the volume and touch [ K ].
52 Basic Sh ooting and Play back During p layback paus e: IMPORT AN T • Observe the following precautions while the ACCESS indicator is on or flashing. Fa iling to do so may r esult in permanent data loss. - Do not ope n the me mory car d slot co ver .
Basi c Sho oting and P laybac k 53 • So und will n ot be out put from the bu ilt- in spea ker wh ile the su pplied High Speed HDMI c able or optional STV -250N Ster eo Video Cable i s conn ected to the cam corder . Viewing Photos Operat ing modes: 1P r e s s .
54 Basic Sh ooting and Play back 4 Look for the ph oto you want to play back. 5 T ouch the p hoto you wish to v iew . • The photo is dis pla yed in sin gle phot o view.
Basi c Sho oting and P laybac k 55 IMPORT AN T • Obse rve the follow ing precau tion s while th e ACCES S indi cator is on or flash ing. Fai ling to do so m ay result in perman ent d ata los s. - D o not open the memory card slot cove r . - D o not disc onnect the p ower sour ce or turn off the ca mcor d er .
56 Basic Sh ooting and Play back Deleting S cenes from t he Index Scre en Operating modes: 1 Open the d esir ed index scr een ( A 49, 90, 91). T o del ete al l the scene s r ecor ded on a sp ecifi c date , dra g you r fin ger left /right unt il a scene you want to del ete appe ars.
Basi c Sho oting and P laybac k 57 • Obse rve the follow ing precau tion s while th e ACCES S indi cator is on or flas hing (whi le scen es ar e being de leted) . - D o not open the memory card slot cove r . - D o not disc onnect the p ower sour ce or turn off the ca mcor d er .
58 Basic Sh ooting and Play back * W hen you sele ct [Select], p erform the following procedure to sel ect the indi vid- ual phot os you want to delete b efore touching [Y es]. ** T ouch [Stop] to int errupt the operation while it is in progr ess.
Advanced Sh ooting 59 Advanced Shooting This chapter covers adv anced shoo ting functions, such as Sp e- cial Scene modes an d Baby mode. Fo r detai ls about basi c video sh ooting, refer to Basic S hooting and P layback ( A 40) . Selecting the Movie Format (AVCHD/MP4) Y ou can choose to recor d movies in A VCHD or M P4 format.
60 Advanced Shootin g * Y o u can view inf ormation on the video qua lity with th e followin g procedure. To view inform ation on the video quali ty 1T o u c h [ I ]. A scr een with t he r esoluti on, b it ra te and frame r ate w ill a ppear . 2T o u c h [ K ].
Advanced Sh ooting 61 Approximat e recording tim es Default value For A VCHD movies: For MP4 movies: 1 Recorded in 1,920x1 ,080 resol ution. 2 Recorded in 1,440x 1,080 res olution. 3 : / 9 / 8 At the time of purchase, the buil t-in memory contai ns about 70 MB of mu sic files (backgroun d music) an d 5 MB of image files (ima ge mix frames).
62 Advanced Shootin g : / 9 / 8 Selecting the Mem ory (B uilt-in Memor y/ Memory Ca rd) for Recordings Y ou can select to r ecord your movie s and photos in the built-in mem- ory or on a memory car d. The default memo ry for rec ord ing both is the built -in memor y .
Advanced Sh ooting 63 - When the video quality is set to 50P or 35 Mbps. - Wh en th e sho oti ng mo de is set to or . • When dual rec ordin g is a ctivated, decorati on is not avail able.
64 Advanced Shootin g Cinema Mode and Cinema-Look Filt ers In mode, t he camcor der will adjus t the fr ame rate and sev eral other pictur e-r elated setti ngs to give your recor dings a cinemat ic look. In this mode you can also use a variety of profes sional cinema -look fil- ters to cr eate uniq ue movies w ith a d istinctiv e appear ance.
Advanced Sh ooting 65 To ch ange the cine ma-look filter 1 T ouch [FIL TER 1]. 2 Select the desir ed cinema- look filter . Opt ions ( Default value) The camcorder of fers 7 cinema- look fil ters . Se lect th e de sired filt er while previewi ng the effect on the screen.
66 Advanced Shootin g Option s ( Default value) [ Portrait] The c amcor de r uses a lar ge ap er- ture, to achi eve a s harp focu s on th e sub jec t whil e blurr ing t he b ackgr ound. [S p o r t s ] T o record sp orts scenes such as tennis or golf.
Advanced Sh ooting 67 NOTES • [ Portra it]/[ Sports] /[ Snow]/[ Beach]: T he pi ctur e may not appear smooth during playback. • [ Portra it]: T he blur ef fec t of the backgr ound incr eases the more you zoom in ( S ). • [ Snow]/[ Beach]: The sub ject m ay beco me ov ere xposed on clou dy days or i n shad ed plac es.
68 Advanced Shootin g Operating modes: Decoration: Adding a Pe rsonal T o uch Add a new level of enjoyment to your scenes by deco rating them. Y ou can add anim ated gr aphics, stamps and even your own fr eehand drawing easily jus t by simply us ing your fingertip.
Advanced Sh ooting 69 ! Canvas - T he ar ea wher e you wil l draw an d see your d ecorati ons in action . " T oolbar . # [ Ó Pens and Stamps] Selec t the type of pen or stamp and it s color . Y ou can also save a single canvas o r load a pre viou sly saved canvas .
70 Advanced Shootin g • T o select a di ff ere nt pen or sta mp: Repea t steps 1 and 2. • T o change color: T ouch [ Ó ] and then t ouch the white or blac k button under [Colors]. Alternatively , touch [ Ó ] > [ Ö ] and selec t a color from t he co lor p alet te.
Advanced Sh ooting 71 Operat ing modes: 1T o u c h [ ] . • The screen with stamps for mode will appe ar . 2 Select and set the d esir ed stamps. • T o add the age s tamp: T ouch [0 days] > [ w ] > Í / Î to s et b ab y’ s date of bi rth > [ K ].
72 Advanced Shootin g POINTS TO CH ECK • : / 9 / 8 Be fore performing this procedure, make sure the memory with the i mage mix d ata i s se lect ed ( A 62). At the time of pur- chase, image mi x data is in the bu ilt- in memo ry . 1T o u c h [ Ü ] to open the [Selec t Image] scree n and then touch [ON].
Advanced Sh ooting 73 Video S nap shot Recor d a series of shor t scenes. When you play back your video snap- shot scenes , you can even set them to your favor ite music ( A 92) to cr eate your own fun music video. Y ou will be sur prised how by chang- ing th e backgr o und music, yo u can give y our scenes an entir ely new feel.
74 Advanced Shootin g Adva nced Image S tabil izatio n The image stabili zer redu ces camcor der blur ( blur due to the cam- cord er moving) so you can get nice, stable shots . Select the image sta - bilization mode according to the shooting conditions.
Advanced Sh ooting 75 • [ Dynam ic] is av ail able o nly w hen [Z oom T ype] is set to [ O p t i c a l ] . • For surveying and following shots, when you pa n the ca mcorde r from side to side or tilt it up and down, we recommen d setting the IS mode t o [D y n a m i c ] o r [S t a n d a r d ] .
76 Advanced Shootin g 3 T ouch a differ ent face on the touch screen to optimize the camcorder’ s settings fo r that person . • Y ou can also touch other m oving objec ts, such as a pet. • A whit e doubl e frame will ap pear around th e subje ct and track it as it moves.
Advanced Sh ooting 77 Fader s The camcor der of fers two profession al looking transiti on effe cts to fade-in o r fade -out scenes. Operat ing modes: * Y ou can preview the transition effect on the screen. • Th e i con of th e se lect ed fa der a ppe ars.
78 Advanced Shootin g subject you select. This is convenient w hen the brightness of the sub- ject you want to shoot is noticeably brighter/darker tha n the general brightness of the image. Operating modes: POINTS TO CH ECK • Select a sh ooting mode other tha n the [ Firewor ks] Speci al Scene mode in mo de.
Advanced Sh ooting 79 • When shooting subject s with a str ong light sour ce beh ind them, the camcord er automatical ly correc ts for the ba cklight. Y ou can turn of f the auto matic ba ckligh t c orrecti on with the > p > [Auto Backlight Corr ection] sett ing.
80 Advanced Shootin g • The foc using di stan ce displ ayed wi ll chang e as you adj ust the fo cus. The foc using distanc e will be di splayed for abo ut 2 seconds . Y ou can chang e the units used for the dist ance disp lay with the > q > [Displ ayed Units ] sett ing.
Advanced Sh ooting 81 The scene recorded in the me mo ry will st art 3 se conds before Y was pressed. NOTES • The camcorder will not r ecord t he full 3 seconds prior to pressing Y if the button was pressed within 3 seconds of having tur ned on pre-reco rding or h avin g f inish ed t he previo us rec ording.
82 Advanced Shootin g Option s ( Default value) NOTES • When you select th e custom w hite balance: -S e t > [Zoom T ype] ( A 47) to [ Optical]. - Res et t he white bala nce whe n yo u ch ange loca tion s or the ligh ting or other co nditions change.
Advanced Sh ooting 83 The c amcor der s tarts r ecor ding af ter a 10-se cond co untdown. The countdo wn appear s on the scr een. Photos : In re cord pause mode, t ouch [PHOTO]. • The camcorder will r ecord the photo afte r a 10-second countdown.
84 Advanced Shootin g Option s ( Default value) Te l e M a c r o Using tele ma cro, t he camcor der can focus at a short er distanc e (up to 50 cm from th e subject at full telephoto), all owing you get closer s hots of small subjects like fl owers and ins ects.
Advanced Sh ooting 85 NOTES • Any of t he foll owing action s will deactivate the tele macr o function. - T ur ning off the camcorder . - Pressing . - Zooming out toward T (wide angle) . - Setting the shooti ng mode to mod e, mod e or the [ Firew orks] Sp ecia l Sce ne mode in mo de.
86 Advanced Shootin g Audio Recording Level Y ou can adjust the audio recor d ing level of the built-in micr ophone. Y ou can display the audio level indica tor while rec ording. Operating modes: Manual Adju stment of the Audio Reco rding Level 1 Open the manual audio recording level adjustment screen.
Advanced Sh ooting 87 To dis play t he au dio le vel in dicator Usually , the audio level ind icator will be di splayed only af ter activating the manual adjustment of the audio recor ding level. Y ou can choo se to display it also when the audio level is adjusted automatically .
88 Advanced Shootin g * Y ou can also d rag your fing er along the [Headp hones] bar . • Ó will a ppear on t he scr een. To adjust the vo lume during playback In mode, and in mode during slideshow playb ack, adjust the headphones volume the same way you adjust th e speaker’ s vol- ume ( A 51, 98).
Adva nced Pl ayb ack and Ed iti ng 89 Advanced Playback and Editing In th is ch ap ter , yo u can lear n how to use functions related to playback and editing , such as capt uring vide o snapshot scenes and phot os fr om your movies an d playi ng back yo ur movi es with backgr ound music.
90 Advanced Playback and Editing • Video sn apshot scen es can not be captur ed from scenes shorter than 1s e c o n d . • When the sour c e scene is itself a vi deo snapshot sce ne, you may n .
Adva nced Pl ayb ack and Ed iti ng 91 Operat ing modes: 1 Open the baby album. 2 Se lect the scene you want to play back. Drag your fi nger lef t/ri ght to bring the d esir ed scen e to the fr o nt. 3 T ouch the scene’ s thumbnail to start the playback.
92 Advanced Playback and Editing 2 Select the scene you want to play back. Drag yo ur fing er left /right to bring the d esired sce ne to th e front. 3 T ouch the s cene’ s thum bnail to star t the playback. • The cam cord er w ill p lay ba ck the scene selected and conti nue unti l the end o f the last scene in th e index sc ree n.
Adva nced Pl ayb ack and Ed iti ng 93 2 Se lect the music tra ck. 3 A djust the mix b alance betw een the original sound and the background music. T ouch [ y ] (more of th e original sound) or [ Û ] (more of th e back ground mus ic) or dr ag you r fing er alo ng the [ Music Balanc e] ba r to adj ust the backgr ound music bal ance as de sir ed.
94 Advanced Playback and Editing IMPORT AN T • If yo u us e cop yrig hted song s and mus ic trac ks in you r vi deo creatio ns, remember th at music under copyright m ay not be used without permis- sion f ro m the copyr ight h older , exce pt for case s perm itted under appli- cabl e laws, such as for pe rson al use.
Adva nced Pl ayb ack and Ed iti ng 95 1 Open the desired index scr een for A VCHD movies ( A 49, 90, 91 ). 2 O pen the scene’ s [Timeline] screen. • The [Timeli ne] scr een appea rs. T he la rge thum bnail will show t he first fram e of the scene .
96 Advanced Playback and Editing Dividing Scenes Y ou can divide A VCHD scenes in order to leave out the best parts and later cut out the rest. Operating modes: 1 Play back the desired scene ( A 49). 2 T ouch the screen and then touch [ Ý ] to pause the playback.
Adva nced Pl ayb ack and Ed iti ng 97 T rimming S cen es Y ou can trim MP4 scenes by removing everything up t o a certain point or ev eryt hin g aft er a c ert ain po int. By do in g so, yo u le ave o nly m emo - rable moments to keep f o r pos terity .
98 Advanced Playback and Editing Slideshow Y ou can play a slideshow of all the photos and even set it to musi c. Operating modes: 1 Open the [ Photo Playback] index screen ( A 53). 2 Select the music track. 3 T ouch the p hoto that will op en the slides how to disp lay it in single photo vie w .
External Conne ctions 99 External Connect ions This chapt er expl ains how to connect y our camcor der to an external d evice such as a TV , VCR, or co mputer . : / 9 / 8 Y ou can also use the cam corder’ s convenient Wi-Fi func- tions ( A 119).
100 Exter nal Con nections Conne ction D iagr ams In the f ollowing connec tion diagrams, the left side sh ows the termina ls on the camcor d er and the right sid e shows (for r efere nce o nly) an example of termi nals o n a connected device.
External Conne ctions 101 Connecti on " Composite Video T ype: Analog Quality: Standard definition Output only Connect t o a standard TV or a VCR with audio/ video inpu t terminals.
102 Exter nal Con nections NOTES • Power the ca mcor der us ing the comp act power adapter and only the n connec t it to the compute r usi ng the supp lied USB cab le in t he follow- ing cases. - T o save your recordings on a computer . - T o save a memory onto an external hard drive .
External Conne ctions 103 Playb ack o n a TV Sc reen Connect the camcor der to a TV to enjoy your r ecordi ngs with family and friends . Playback on an HDTV using the HDMI OUT terminal will ensur e the best play back qualit y . Operat ing modes: 1 T ur n off the camcorder and t he TV .
104 Exter nal Con nections Saving and Sharing Y our Recordings : / 9 / 8 Copying Movies and Photos to a Memor y Card Y ou can copy your recor dings from the built -in memory to a memory car d. Copying Scenes from th e Index Screen Operating modes: 1 Open the desired index scr een in the built-in memory ( A 49, 90, 91).
External Conne ctions 105 Opt ions * Th e last four digits of the folder n ame i ndicate t he date the f older was c reated. Copying a Sin gle Photo Operat ing modes: 1 I n single photo view , select the photo yo u want to copy . 2 T ouch the screen to display the playback contr ols.
106 Exter nal Con nections * W hen you sele ct [Select], p erform the following procedure to sel ect the indi vid- ual photos yo u want to copy before to uching [Y es]. ** T ouch [Stop] to int errupt the operation while it is in progr ess. To sel ect in dividu al ph otos 1 T ouch the individ ual photos you want to copy .
External Conne ctions 107 : / 9 / 8 Converting Movies to MP4 Form at Y ou can convert A VCHD mo vies into MP4 movies or even convert MP4 movies into smal ler MP4 movies. Th is is convenient, for example, when you want to upload the MP4 movies to the W eb.
108 Exter nal Con nections NOTES • When you conver t movies, the vide o quality yo u can choose fo r the resul ting MP4 movie will depend on the video quality of the original movie. Based on the fol lowing options, movies i n the built-in memory will be converte d and then co pied to the me mory car d.
External Conne ctions 109 POINTS TO CH ECK • Befor e installi ng the soft w ar e, make su re your computer is conn ected to the Inte rnet. Installation 1 Download the z ip file fr om PI XELA ’ s Web site . Visit the PIXE LA ’ s site to d ownlo ad the zip fi le, which contai ns the soft war e and in struct ion manual.
110 Exter nal Con nections Saving MP4 Mov ies and Phot os (Windows/Mac O S) With the s upplied softwa re ImageBrowser EX y ou can save MP 4 movies and phot os to your computer and easily or ganize them. Refer to the ‘ImageBrowser EX User G uide’ (PDF file) for the full system requ ireme nts and other informati on.
External Conne ctions 111 For Windows us ers, i f a U ser A ccount C ontr ol di alog b ox ap pears, follo w th e in struc tion s. 7 F ollow th e onscreen ins tructions to com plete the ins tallation. • D uring the in sta llatio n process , you ma y be prompted t o in stal l Microsoft Sil verlight.
112 Exter nal Con nections IMPORT AN T • When the camcorder is connected to a computer: - D o not open the me mory card sl ot cover and do not r emove the memor y car d. - D o not access , ch ange or dele te an y of t he ca mcor der’ s folder s or files directly from th e c omput er as this ma y result in p erman ent data los s.
External Conne ctions 113 : / 9 / 8 Memory Save: Saving an Entire Memory ont o an Ex ternal Har d Dr ive Y ou can easily save all the movies and pho tos you recor d ed onto a commer cially avail able external har d drive connected directl y to the camc order *.
114 Exter nal Con nections Before discon necting the external hard drive Before turning of f or physically d isconnecting the external hard drive, be sure t o safely end the connectio n to the camcor der to avoid dam - age to y our files.
External Conne ctions 115 car d), t he fold er name of me mory s ave fol ders fo llowi ng the fi rst one will end in a numerica l suf fix. • The index screen will a ppear . 5 T ouch a recor ding to play it back. T o switch to another memory save fol der , touch [ ] and then select the memory save fold er you w ith to play back.
116 Exter nal Con nections 2 Press to set t he camcorder to playback mode. 3 Connect the c amcorder to the exter nal hard drive using the optional UA-100 USB Adapter . Conn ect ion # - 2 . Refe r to Connectio n Diagrams ( A 102). 4 Initialize the external hard drive.
External Conne ctions 117 Connecting 1 P ower the camcorder using the compact power adapter . 2 Open the desi re d inde x scr een ( A 49, 90, 91). 3 Co nnect the camco rder to the d igital video recorder using the supplied USB cable. Connection # - 1 .
118 Exter nal Con nections 3 Camcorder: Locate the scene you wish to copy and pause the playback shortly just before the desir ed scene. 4 Camcor der: Resume playback. By def ault, th e date and time will be em bedded i n the output vi deo signal.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 119 Wi-Fi Functions This chapter contains information about how to operate the Wi-Fi functions of your camcorder , starting with the W i-Fi net- work setup neede d to add your camco rder to an existing Wi-Fi networ k.
120 Wi-Fi Fu nctions Wi-Fi connection Wirelessly connec t the camcor der to your iOS or Andr oid smartphone o r computer 3 and use the devi ce’ s Web browser to v iew recordings in the camc order ( A 123). 3 Y ou can also use a com puter con nected via a n access point.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 121 IMPORT AN T • Using an unprot ected Wi-Fi net work can expo se your fil es and data to monitori ng by una uthorized thir d parti es. Be awa re of the risks involve d. NOTES • Do not open the memor y car d slot cover during the wir eless conne c- tio n.
122 Wi-Fi Fu nctions Recording Movies Using a Smartphone as a Remote Control Using the CameraAccess app* for iOS devi ces and Andr o id™ smart- phones, you can c ontrol t he camcor der f rom a dist ance while you v iew the camc order ’ s image on the smartphone’ s scr een.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 123 3 Smar tphone: T ouch the access point with the same SSID as that of the one from s tep 1. 4 Smartphone : Ente r the pass wor d. [Connecte d] wi ll appea r on th e camc ord er’ s scr een and the c onnecti on will be es tablish ed.
124 Wi-Fi Fu nctions 1 Camcorder: Fr om any movie index scr een, set the camcorder to connect with th e smartpho ne. • The ca mcorder’ s SSID (netw ork name) a nd pas sword will appea r . • The camcor der will be r eady to con n ect with the smar tphone.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 125 - Sce nes e xceed ing 4 GB - Scenes re cord ed at 35 Mbps exceedi ng 30 minut es - Scenes recor ded at a video quali ty other than 3 5 Mbps exceed ing 1h o u r Uploading Video.
126 Wi-Fi Fu nctions 2 iOS device: T ouch Settings > Wi-Fi and then turn Wi-Fi on . The ne twor k nam es o f de tecte d ac cess p oint s will appe ar . 3 iOS device: T ouch the acc ess point with the same SSID as that of the one from step 1. 4 iOS device: Enter the passwor d.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 127 friends and family , and more ! T o use this function, you will need an access p oint connect ed t o the Internet. * Availabi lity differs from area to area. ** “Web services” is u sed in thi s text to refer to various In ternet se rvices supp orted by CANON iMAGE GA TEWA Y .
128 Wi-Fi Fu nctions 1 Camcorder: O pen the [ y Movie Playback] index screen for MP4 movies ( A 49). Alternat ively , you can open the [ } Phot o Playba ck] ind ex scr een ( A 53). 2 Connect the camcorder to t he computer using the suppl ied USB cable.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 129 6 Co mputer: Click Edit Web Services > Desired Web service > Edit > Follow the onscreen instructions and enter your account information for the selected Web service > Set > Finish. The came ra setting s scr een wil l appear again.
130 Wi-Fi Fu nctions Available Web services* * The available Web services may be upd ated. For details, re fer to the help module of CANON iMAGE GA TEWA Y . NOTES • If the date set in the camcord er is not correct, the camcor der cannot connec t to CANO N iMAGE G A TEWA Y .
Wi-Fi Functi ons 131 2 W hen [Configuration completed] appears on the screen, touch [OK]. 3 P erform the procedure in Wi-Fi Connection Using an Access P oint ( A 134) . [Connecte d] wi ll appea r on th e camc ord er’ s scr een and the c onnecti on will be es tablish ed.
132 Wi-Fi Fu nctions • For movies, you can upload one at a time; for photos, up to 10 at a time. • D epen ding o n the w ireles s router’ s sett ings an d cap abil ity , it can take som e time to uplo ad file s.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 133 2 When [Configuration complet ed] app ears on th e scr een, touch [OK]. 3 Perform the proced ure in Wi-Fi Connection Using an Access Point ( A 134 ). [Connecte d] wi ll appea r on th e camc ord er’ s scr een and the c onnecti on will be es tablish ed.
134 Wi-Fi Fu nctions • If you have alread y perfo rmed this pr ocedure before , the connec tion will b e establ ished a utomatica lly . Skip to step 4. 2 Camcorder: When [Save the access point] appears on the screen, touch [O K]. 3 Camcorder: Perform the connection in Wi-Fi Conne ction Us ing an Access Point ( A 134).
Wi-Fi Functi ons 135 General requir ements • Corr ectly con figur ed r outer tha t co mplie s wit h the 802.11b/g/n protocol a nd is Wi-Fi certified (bears the logo shown on the right) and a hom e network. Operat ing modes: T ouch th e desired connect ion metho d.
136 Wi-Fi Fu nctions [Sear ch for Acce ss Points] method. Refer als o to t he ro uter’ s instru c- tion manual. 1 [WPS: Button] method Pr ess and hold the WPS button on the wireless r outer . • De pend ing on the router , the amo unt of time required may diffe r .
Wi-Fi Functi ons 137 4T o u c h [ O K ] . After the connecti on is establi shed, contin ue using the functi on you were prev iously usi ng. F or de tails, refer to Viewing and Changing Wi-Fi Settings ( A 139) or Shar ing Y our Recor dings Usi ng W eb Servi ces ( A 130), as necessary .
138 Wi-Fi Fu nctions In step 2, if you selected [OPEN NONE], t his step i s not necessary . 4 T ouch [Automat ic] or [Manual] to select ho w to ob tain the IP address. If you se lect ed [A utom atic ], proc eed to step 1 1. 5 For both the IP address and subnet mask areas, touch [0.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 139 1 F rom any movie index screen, open the setting selection scr een. To v iew t he sm ar tpho ne’ s co nnec tio n se tti ngs 2 T ouch [Smartphone Connection Settings ].
140 Wi-Fi Fu nctions Gloss ary This is a glossary of some of the basic terms us ed frequently in this chapter . The documentation for your wire less ro uter may also con- tain a glossary you can refer to.
Addition al Informatio n 141 Addition al In for mati on This chapter contai ns troubles hooting advice, s creen mes- sages, handling and maintenance tips, and other information. Appendix: Menu Optio ns Lists The functi ons that ar e availa ble de pend on the sh ooting mo de.
142 Additional Information [ZOOM] Zoom controls, [STAR T]/[STOP] contro l zzzzz 47 [ W ] (tele ma cro): T oggle o n or of f –– zzz 84 [ R Fa d e r s ] [ j O ff ], [ T Fade Tri gger], [ V Wipe].
Addition al Informatio n 143 [Edit ] Panel - Mode [Edit ] Panel - Mode [ Other Settings] Me nus p Camera Set up Contro l Butt on Index Screen Playback Pause A : / 9 / 8 Fr om the built -in memory:.
144 Additional Information [Zoom Position at Startup]: Allows you to ch oose the position of th e zoom when you turn on the ca mcor der . [Full Wide Angl e]: The zoom position will be at full wide angle. [Last Used Position]: The zoom position w il l b e a t t h e s a m e p o s i t i o n i t w a s the la st t ime you u sed zoo m.
Addition al Informatio n 145 s / Playba ck Setup Dis play Setup [Ons cre en Mark ers] : Y ou can display a grid or a horizonta l line at the ce n- ter of the scr een. Use the markers as a r eferenc e to make sur e your sub - ject is framed corr ectly (ve rtical ly a nd/or hori zontal ly).
146 Additional Information [Outpu t Onscre en Disp lays]: W hen set to [ i On], the ca mcor der’ s onscreen di splays will appear also on the scr een of a TV or monitor con- nect ed to the ca mco rder . • This function is not avail able when the shooting mode is set to .
Addition al Informatio n 147 • This fu nction is no t availa ble when the camcor der is conn ected to an HDTV using th e supplied High Speed HDMI cable.
148 Additional Information * Op tion avai lable onl y after co nnecting an exter nal ha rd drive to the ca mcorder . [Volume] [ Spea ker ]: , Ú – zz 51 [Headph ones]: , Ö zzz 87 [Notification .
Addition al Informatio n 149 [Av ailable Spac e in Memo ry]/[Us ed Space in Memor y]: Displays a screen wher e you can verify how much o f the buil t-in me mory ( : / 9 / 8 only) or the memory car d is curr ently ava ilabl e for r ecordin g or how much is in use ( ª indicates photos).
150 Additional Information [ m Re set]: File numbers will restart fr om 100-0001 e very time you record on a memo ry that ha s been init ialize d. [ n Continuous]: File numbers will cont inue fr om the number foll owing that of the last file re corde d with th e camcorder .
Addition al Informatio n 151 Appendix: Onscre en Icons and Displ ays Recording Movies and modes (with the zoom control displayed) 1 Co ntrol button [PHOT O]: T a ke a photo ( A 40, 90 ) 2 Smart AU.
152 Additional Information Recording Movies and modes mode SCN A a Control bu tton [ ]: Open t he (Home) menu ( A 35) A s Shoo ting mode ( A 38) A d Exposure ( A 77) A f Focus ( A 79) A g Face det.
Addition al Informatio n 153 Playing Movies (du ring playback) D s P layback control butt ons ( A 51) D d S cene playb ack time D f Scene nu mber D g Da te/Time ( A 1 45) D h V o lume and bac kgro.
154 Additional Information 5 Memory operation Ü Rec ord , Û Rec ord pa use, Ð Play back, Ý Playb ack pa use, × Fast playback, Ø Fast reverse playba ck, Õ Slo w playbac k, Ö Slow rever se p layb ack , Ó Frame advance, Ô Fr ame reve rse.
Addition al Informatio n 155 Tro ub le? T roubleshooti ng If you have a problem with your camcor der , refer to this section. Some- times what you think is a malfunction of the camcor der may have the simples t of solutions - please r ead the “CHECK THIS FIR ST” box before going on to the more detailed problems a nd solutions.
156 Additional Information A noise can be heard from the compact power adapter . - A faint sound can be heard while the compact power adapter is co nnected to a power outlet. This is not a malfunction. The battery pack is exhausted extremely quickly even at normal temperatur es.
Addition al Informatio n 157 for a short while, it may indicate a problem with the camcorder . C onsult a Canon Service Cen- ter . Playbac k Cannot delete a scene. - Y ou may not be able to delete scenes recorded or edited using another device and then trans- ferred to a memory card connected to a compu ter .
158 Additional Information appears on the screen. - The camcorder cannot communicate with the batte ry pack attached so the r emaining battery charge cannot be displ ayed. lights up in red. - A memo ry card error occurred. Turn off the camcorder .
Addition al Informatio n 159 Horizontal bands appear on the screen. - This is a phenomenon typical of CMOS image sensors when r ecording under some types of fluorescent, mercury or sodium lamps. This is not a malfunction. T o reduce the symptoms, change the > p > [Flicker Reduction] setting.
160 Additional Information Playback looks fine on the camcor der but there is no image on the TV screen. - The video input on the TV is not set to the video terminal to which you connected the cam- corder .
Addition al Informatio n 161 - R emove any obje cts between the camcorder and w ireless access point that may interfere with the wireless signal. - Move the camcorder clos er to the wireless acce ss point. - T urn off the wireless functions of other wireless devices o ther than the computer or simila r device being used fo r playback.
162 Additional Information : / 9 / 8 C annot access the built-in memory - There is a problem w ith the built-in memory . Contact a Canon Service Center . Cannot communicate with the battery pack. Continue using this battery pack? - Y ou attached a battery pack that is not re commended by Canon for use with this camcorder .
Addition al Informatio n 163 : / 9 / 8 Cannot play the movies in the built-in memor y Initialize only using the camcorder - The camcorder’ s built-in memory was in itialized using a computer . Initialize the built-in mem- ory with this camcorder ( A 31).
164 Additional Information Charge the battery pack - Batter y pack is exhausted. Charge the battery pack. Check the memory card - Cannot access the memory card. Check the memory card and make sur e it is inserted cor- rectly. - A memory card error occurred.
Addition al Informatio n 165 Mem. Card Unable to recognize the data - The memory card contains sc enes recorded us ing a video configur ation that is not supported (NTSC). Play back the recordings in the memory ca rd with the device or iginally used to record them.
166 Additional Information Scene recorded using another device . Cannot copy the scene. - Scenes that were not recorded with this camcorder cann ot be copied to the memory card. - Scenes that were edited using software ca nnot be copied or divided.
Addition al Informatio n 167 : / 9 / 8 List of Messages for Connecting to an External Hard Drive : / 9 / 8 List of Me ssages for Wi-F i Funct ions Refer also to the instruction manual of your wireless ro uter and other devices you will use. Unable to re cover da ta - Could not recover a c orrupted file.
168 Additional Information No access points found - The access point set in the camcorder could no t be found. - Cordless phones, microwave ovens, refriger ator s and other appliances may interfere with the wireless si gnal. T ry using the camcorder in a location farther away from such applianc es.
Addition al Informatio n 169 List of Messages for Web Services Wi-Fi connection terminated - Cordless phones, microwave ovens, re frigerator s and other a ppliances may inter fere with the wireless signal. T r y using the camcorder in a location far ther away from such appliances.
170 Additional Information Insufficient space on server - Y ou have exceeded the amount o f data you can save on the CANO N iMAGE GA TEWA Y server .
Additional Information 171 Do’s an d Don ’ts Hand lin g Prec au tions Cam co rder Be sur e to observe the follow ing pr ecautions to ensur e maximum per- forma nce.
172 Additional Information • Do not use or st ore the ca mcorder in d usty or sa ndy place s. The cam- cor der i s not w aterpr oof – avoi d also water , mud or sa lt. If any of the above should get into the cam cor d er i t may damage the c amcor der and/or the lens.
Additional Information 173 • Dirty termin als may cause a p oor contact betwee n the battery pa ck and the camcor der . W ipe th e term inal s wit h a sof t cl oth. Long-ter m storag e • Stor e batte ry pa cks i n a dr y pla ce at tempe ratur es no higher than 30 ° C.
174 Additional Information • Sec ure Digit al (SD) me mory cards have a physic al swi tch to pr event writ- ing on the c ard so a s to avoid the accid ental erasur e of the car d’ s con- tent. T o wr ite- prot ect the memory c ar d set the switch to the LOCK posi tion.
Additional Information 175 Maintenance/Other s Cleaning Camcor der Body • Use a s oft, d ry clo th t o clea n t he cam corde r bod y . Neve r us e chem ical ly treate d clot hs or vo latile so lvents such as paint thinner . Lens • If the lens s urfac e is dirty , autofo cus may not work prop erly .
176 Additional Information • Re mo ve the memo ry ca rd and bat tery pack . Then , plac e th e camco rder in an air tight pl astic bag and let it ad just g raduall y to tempera ture change s befo re re moving it from the ba g.
Additional Information 177 Genera l Inform ation Accessories * Supplied wi th the camcorder; no t available as an opti onal acces sory . ** : / 9 / 8 only . (Av ailability differs from area to area) Optional accessor ies not listed below ar e described in more detail in the following pages.
178 Additional Information Option al Acces sori es 2 Battery Packs When you need e xtra battery packs , select one of the following models: BP-718 or BP-727. When you use bat ter y pa cks bea ri ng t he Intell igent System mark, the camcorder will c ommunicate w ith the battery a nd display the r emaining usage time (acc urate to 1 minu te).
Additional Information 179 Recor ding and playb ack times given in the foll owing t ables ar e approxi - mate and vary accor ding to video quality and charging, r ecording or play- back con dit ions.
180 Additional Information : / 9 / 8 Recording MP 4 movies using the bu ilt-in memor y Recording MP4 mo vies using a memor y card * A pproximate ti mes for recording wi th repeated op erations such as start/st op, zoom ing, and powe r on/ of f.
Additional Information 181 save an ent ire memor y on to the d evic e. C heck in adv ance t he US B cabl e supp lied w ith y our ext er nal hard dri ve. 9 SC-20 00 Soft Carrying C ase A ha ndy camc or der bag wit h padd ed comp artm ent s and plen ty of sp ace fo r acces sorie s.
182 Additional Information Specifications LEGRIA HF R48 / LEGRIA HF R47 / LEGRIA HF R46 / LEGRIA HF R406 — V alues given are app roximate figures. System • Recording System Movies: A VCHD* Video: MPEG-4 AVC/H.264; Audio: Dolby Digital 2ch MP4 Video: MPEG-4 AVC/H.
Additional Information 183 MP4 movies: 35 Mbps : 1 hr . 24 Mbps : 1 hr . 25 min. 17 Mbps : 2 hr . 5 min. 4 Mbps : 8 hr . 40 min. • Image Sensor 1/4.85-type CMOS, 3,280,000 pixels Effective pixels: 2,070,000 pixels (1920 x 1080) When advanced zoom is on: 1920 x 1080 (wide angle) 1360 x 765 (full telephoto) • LCD T ouch Screen: 7.
184 Additional Information • USB T erminal: mini-AB, Hi-Speed USB ; output only • HDMI OUT T erminal HDMI Mini Connector; output only Wi-Fi ( : / 9 / 8 only) • Standard: Complies with the IEEE 802.11b/g/n protocol; Wi-Fi Protected Setup (connection methods: WPS button, PIN code) • Frequency: 2.
Additional Information 185 BP-718 Battery Pack • Battery type Rechargeable lithium ion battery • Rated voltage: 3.6 V DC • Operating temperature : 0 – 40 °C • Battery capacity: 1,840 mAh (typical); 6.5 Wh / 1,790 mAh (minimum) • Dimensions : 30.
186 Additional Information About th e music fi les The specifi cations of t he music file s compatible with the camc order are as f ollows. Audio encoding : Linear PCM Audi o samplin g: 48 kHz, 16 bits, 2 channels Minimum length : 1 second File typ e: WAV The musi c data is saved in t he memory under the following folders.
Additional Information 187 Index 50P recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 A Abroad, usin g the cam corder . . . . 1 76 Aspect ratio of a conne cted TV (TV t ype) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 46 Au di o rec o rd in g le ve l . . . . . . .
188 Additional Information M Main Funct ions pan el . . . . . . . 3 7, 141 Main tena nce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Marker s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Memory card . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5, 173 Memory save* . . . . .
Additional Information 189 Wi-Fi f unctions* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 19 Y Yo u Tu b e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 18 Z Zoom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Advanced zo om . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Zoom speed . . . .
Canon Europa N.V . Bovenkerkerweg 59, 1185 XB Amstelveen, The Netherlands www Canon UK Ltd CCI Service Centre, Unit 130 Centennial Park, Borehamwood, Hertfordshir e, WD6 3SE, United Kingdom T elephone 0870-241-2161 Canon Australia Pty Ltd T el: 13-13-83 (within Australia only) (61) 02-9805-2555 www .
An important point after buying a device Canon Legria HF R406 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Canon Legria HF R406 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Canon Legria HF R406 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Canon Legria HF R406 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Canon Legria HF R406 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Canon Legria HF R406, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Canon Legria HF R406.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Canon Legria HF R406. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Canon Legria HF R406 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center