Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product IP100 Canon
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W ebCAM User Manual Version 2.3 For models: IP100, IP200, IP300.
i CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction _____________ ______________ _____________ 1 Section 1. Features ___________ _____________ ______________ _____ 1 Section 2.
ii 2.4.5 System Settings ______ ______________ _____________ _______ 43 2.4.6 Image Server ________________ ______________ ____________ 45 2.4.7 Language ______ _____________ ______________ ____________ 46 2.4.8 About _ _____________ ___________ _____________ __________ 47 2.
WebCAM user manual -1- Chapter 1: Intr oduction Chapter 1: Introduction Section 1. Features WebCAM is a compact stand-alone web- server capable of remote video surveillance. It can be accessed from anywhere in the world via a standard browser by entering the IP, account and password.
WebCAM user manual -2- Chapter 1: Intr oduction anywhere in the world. For instance, the user can be in Australia but is able to monitor his factory production in China, and if he likes, check on his branch office located in Singapore, all simultaneously.
WebCAM user manual -3- Chapter 1: Intr oduction Fig.2. WebCAM Front View Fig.3. WebCAM Bac k View LED Status Indicators on WebCAM Light color Signal definition Condition desc ription Green Power state On: Normal power Red Error Cond ition On: Error condition occurred Orange Logon s tat e On: When there is user logon and receive the image.
WebCAM user manual -4- Chapter 2: Installation Procedure Chapter 2: Installation Procedure Before you start using WebCAM, you wi ll need to set-up both the hardware and software.
WebCAM user manual -5- Chapter 3: WebC AM, USB Camera an d the Network Chapter 3: We bCAM , USB Camera and the Network The following details the installation procedure for WebCAM. Section 1. Installation Procedure Step 1: Connect the PC camera into the USB port of WebCAM.
WebCAM user manual -6- Chapter 3: WebC AM, USB Camera an d the Network Step 4: The LCD will display the IP, Subnet Mask and Gateway IP. Use a WEB browser to login into the WebCAM IP address. The icon on the LCD shows that a USB camera is connected. The LCD display shows that two USB cameras are attached to the WebCAM.
WebCAM user manual -7- C h a p t e r 4 : Usi ng Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmwar e C h a p t e r 4 : Using Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmware Section 1. Installing Utility 1. Insert the enclosed Utility CD into t he CD-ROM drive. Utility C D setup will auto run.
WebCAM user manual -8- C h a p t e r 4 : Usi ng Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmwar e Section 2. Using Utility The Utility main menu is shown below. The sele ction menu is located on the left. The Serial Number, current Firmware a nd IP Address of ev ery connected to the LAN will be displayed on the table to the right.
WebCAM user manual -9- C h a p t e r 4 : Usi ng Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmwar e 2.1 Setup Wizard Use “Setup Wizard” to take you through the basic configurations necessary to start using WebCAM. 1. Click to highlight the WebCAM on the right that you want to configure.
WebCAM user manual -10- C h a p t e r 4 : Usi ng Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmwar e WARNING : Do not lose your passwords (as a ttached on the WebCAM unit and freeware CD). It is required every time you “rese t” your WebCAM either thru “About” section of the webpage, or via the manual reset button.
WebCAM user manual -11- C h a p t e r 4 : Usi ng Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmwar e “Obtain an IP address by DHCP” Choose this if you do not know your basic Network Configurations “Use t.
WebCAM user manual -12- C h a p t e r 4 : Usi ng Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmwar e Select “Enable PPPoE connection” and enter your account and password details as provided by your internet service prov ider (“ISP”). Otherwise, leave it at the default “Disable PPPoE connection” 7.
WebCAM user manual -13- C h a p t e r 4 : Usi ng Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmwar e If you do not already have a Domain Name registered with your ISP, select fro m one of the 4 Free DDNS service providers (, dhs .org, or myddns.
WebCAM user manual -14- C h a p t e r 4 : Usi ng Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmwar e 10. Click “Next >” to upload t hese configuration to WebCAM.
WebCAM user manual -15- C h a p t e r 4 : Usi ng Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmwar e 2.2 Launch WebCAM Once you have finished with the above Setup Wizard, either click “Launch WebCAM” or double click on the WebCAM listed on the table to launc h it.
WebCAM user manual -16- C h a p t e r 4 : Usi ng Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmwar e Key in the account name and password entered earlier (if you did not configure one, then revert to the defau.
WebCAM user manual -17- C h a p t e r 4 : Usi ng Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmwar e Select the WebCAM on the right display scre en, and then click “IP Configuration”. This will bring up the IP Address Conf iguration window. There are two tabs; • IP Address • Advanced (for port setting configuration) 2.
WebCAM user manual -18- C h a p t e r 4 : Usi ng Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmwar e Fig.10. IP Configuration: WebCAM Advanced settings i. Device Password Use this to set an access password to the individual device. Once set, the user must enter the password to access the device.
WebCAM user manual -19- C h a p t e r 4 : Usi ng Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmwar e WARNING : Do not lose this master password. If the password is lost, you can not access the device to ma ke changes. If you lose this password, you’ll have to contact your reseller for the master password.
WebCAM user manual -20- C h a p t e r 4 : Usi ng Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmwar e 2.5 About Click on this button to show software and version details. Fig.11. About Utility 2.6 R efre sh Utility automatically searches for any W ebCAMs connected to the LAN.
WebCAM user manual -21- Chapter 5: Web Manager Chapter 5: WebCAM Web Manager Section 1. Introduction After you have setup the hardware and set an IP addres s for WebCAM, you will then be able to go to WebCAM web site to monitor and control the PC cameras.
WebCAM user manual -22- Chapter 5: Web Manager Section 2. WebCAM Web Manager Interface The WebCAM webpage main menu is divided into two sections. The selecti on menu on the left and display menu on the right. The selection menu consists of the following options: 2.
WebCAM user manual -23- Chapter 5: Web Manager 2.1 Web-Camera Selection Click on either “ActiveX” or “Sun Java” from Ca mera A or B to view the camera images. By default the first USB camera connected to WebCAM will be denote as “Camera A” Click “Camera B” to view camera B.
WebCAM user manual -24- Chapter 5: Web Manager To change Video Codec, click Note: The availability of Codec depends on weather the individual user has it installed on the PC or not. Download and install Windows Media Player 10 to enable MPEG4 codec. Digital Zoom In, Digital Zoom Out Rotate Left, Rotate Right Flip the image vertically .
WebCAM user manual -25- Chapter 5: Web Manager This section shows WebCAM System Information such as the Ha rdware and Firmware Version, the serial number, current / local System Time, the system name, contact, location and uptime. T hese values are either provided by WebCAM or set by user.
WebCAM user manual -26- Chapter 5: Web Manager Fig.16. WebCAM Current Connections 2.2.3 Event Log This section will keep a re cord of all events that occurred in WebCAM. The user can Refresh, Clear or Save the log file. There is also an option to sort the logs according to “Level” or “Type”.
WebCAM user manual -27- Chapter 5: Web Manager Please ensure that each of the following option is set correctly. Otherwise, WebCAM may not work properly. 2.3.1 Camera Settings 2.3.2 Network 2.3.3 Account Settings 2.3.1 Camera Settings Use this section to set up the USB camera.
WebCAM user manual -28- Chapter 5: Web Manager “Pan Control” Choose from “Normal” or “Reverse”. This is to set the mirror func tion of the camera and fix the image the way the user desires each time the user logs on to view. “Tilt Control” Choose from “Normal” or “Reverse”.
WebCAM user manual -29- Chapter 5: Web Manager iii. Port Number Fig. 21. WebC AM Por t Sett in gs “HTTP Port Number” This determines the port from which t he w ebpage is accessible thru your Router.
WebCAM user manual -30- Chapter 5: Web Manager “Login Password” Enter your password. You only have to configure once. “Use Public IP to register” Choose “Yes” or “No”. WebCAM will automatically send the WAN IP to the DDNS server. This ensures that DDNS is notified of your current Dynamic IP.
WebCAM user manual -31- Chapter 5: Web Manager can see the “User Name” and IP details or set the “Per mit H ours ” f or Came ra v iewi ng t o Ope rator or V iewer accounts. Operator: This permission level allo ws the user access to WebCAM menus, but without the permission to amend them.
WebCAM user manual -32- Chapter 5: Web Manager Fig.26. WebCAM Permit Hours Configuration 2.4 Advanced Settings Please ensure that each of the following option is set correctly. Otherwise, WebCAM may not work properly. 2.4.1 Event Notification 2.4.2 Motion Detection 2.
WebCAM user manual -33- Chapter 5: Web Manager Fig.27. WebC AM Event Notif ication Page i. Event Notificati on “Send Email” To activate Event Notification, you will need to set “Send Email” to “Y es”. Select “No” if you do not wish to send out any notification.
WebCAM user manual -34- Chapter 5: Web Manager Fig.28. WebCAM Event Selection List By default, all the events are selected; you must click “Apply” to activ ate them. Close the window to return to the Event Notif ication Page. Click “Apply” to save your settings.
WebCAM user manual -35- Chapter 5: Web Manager Samples; Fig.29. WebCAM Event : User Login Details (Date, Time, Camera & IP) Fig.30. WebCAM Event : PPPoE C onnect Successful.
WebCAM user manual -36- Chapter 5: Web Manager Fig.31. WebCAM Event : Camera A or B Motion Detected 2.4.2 Motion Detection This page allows the administrator to set motion detection functions for the cameras. i. Camera A (or Camera B) “Enable” To activate motion detect, the administrator has two options; a.
WebCAM user manual -37- Chapter 5: Web Manager Fig.32. WebCAM Motion Detection Page “Send to FTP Server” This option allows the administrator to send and store the motion detected images on a FTP site. This is useful for future reference and recording purpose.
WebCAM user manual -38- Chapter 5: Web Manager Click for an example. “Send Email” To send an email notification of Motion Detection with image, choose “Yes”, otherwise choose “No” Fig.33. WebC AM Motion Detect Email N otification “Email Server” The administrator will have to set this up.
WebCAM user manual -39- Chapter 5: Web Manager 2.4.3 Image Recording Image recording allows the user to receive an image to either their email account or to a FTP server. The images will be sent over a predetermined interval and a certain period. Fig.
WebCAM user manual -40- Chapter 5: Web Manager Fig.35. WebCAM Email of Image Recorded 2.4.4 E-mail / FTP This section sets up the necessary Email and FTP server information. The administrator will have to enter a valid Account Name and Password to the Email server and/or FTP server.
WebCAM user manual -41- Chapter 5: Web Manager Fig.36. WebCAM Email / FTP Page i. FTP Settings “FTP Server” The administrator will have to enter the FTP server address here. “Account Name” Enter the FTP account name here. “Password” Enter the corresponding password.
WebCAM user manual -42- Chapter 5: Web Manager “Password” Enter the password for the abov e account name. Click “Apply” to save the above changes. iii. Sending Test Mail Fig.37. WebC AM test mail f unction You must have the “Email Setting” section configured to proceed with “Test Mail”.
WebCAM user manual -43- Chapter 5: Web Manager iv. Email Address Book Fig.38. WebCAM E-mail Address Book Entry Enter an Email address in the box provi ded and click “Add Email Address”. The new email address will be added to the list. The administrator can store up to 20 email addresses here.
WebCAM user manual -44- Chapter 5: Web Manager Fig.39. System Time “Time Between Automatic Updates ” The administrator can set an interval for time synchronization. Select ei ther 1, 3, 12 hours or 1, 10 & 30 days. “Time Serv er” Choose the nearest Time Server to your WebCAM location.
WebCAM user manual -45- Chapter 5: Web Manager ”System Name” This is to give WebCAM a name identifiable in a SNMP network. “System Contact” This is to give the administrator a name. “System Location” This is to set WebCAM location. “Manager IP Address” This set the IP address where the adminis trator can manage WebCAM from.
WebCAM user manual -46- Chapter 5: Web Manager “Enable” Choose “Yes” to enable this feat ure or “No” to disable. “Server Name” The current default web server is set to “Port Name” This is the default port for image stream.
WebCAM user manual -47- Chapter 5: Web Manager i. Interface Language At the moment, the user c an choose between; English, Spanish, Fren ch, Dutch, and Portuguese. ii. Email Preference Check “yes” or “no” to apply the sele cted language to the email configured to be sent on schedule.
WebCAM user manual -48- Chapter 5: Web Manager WARNING : Remember to save the desired settings and configurations before resetting to factory default. After this “Reset”, the user will ha ve to go through the initial securities again; the “Input Device Password”, the “Administrator authentication”, and the WebCAM web login.
WebCAM user manual -49- Chapter 5: Web Manager You can view images from your PDA or mobile phone if it has GRPS and a web browser. Type (where xxx is your IP address or Domain name) Fig.43 . Accessin g WebCAM via PDA Fig.
WebCAM user manual -50- Chap ter 6: Mult iMoni tor Chapter 6: Mu ltiMonitor MultiMonitor is a program to manage multiple WebCAMs in a network. It i s able to detect the IP’s of all the WebCAMs installed, and display them in a list form for easy management.
WebCAM user manual -51- Chap ter 6: Mult iMoni tor Follow through the step to step register wizard. Fill out the necessar y information as shown below.
WebCAM user manual -52- Chap ter 6: Mult iMoni tor Once the register is complete, the below window will pop up. It is the default security Logon. Once user accounts have been set, account name and password will be required to enter Mul tiMonitor.
WebCAM user manual -53- Chap ter 6: Mult iMoni tor Just click “OK”, and MultiMonitor will start and the below window will open. 2.1 Device : Start MultiMonitor and press the “Enumerate” button, MultiMonitor will start a searc h for all the WebCAM on the network and list them in the main window.
WebCAM user manual -54- Chap ter 6: Mult iMoni tor : Manually adds the WebCAM to be monitored. “Access by WebCAM Addres s” Enter either the WEB, without the www (Example : or LAN IP of WebCAM (example: “Remote Port” This is We bCAM’s UDP po rt.
WebCAM user manual -55- Chap ter 6: Mult iMoni tor : Use this function to change WebCAM Address & Port Number. Display the current Camera settings . Camera Select: Select either camera A or B Account: If you have setup user account, the information must be entered here.
WebCAM user manual -56- Chap ter 6: Mult iMoni tor Password: Enter the above account password. Image Zoom: Resize the window to between 25% and 200% Camera Rotation: Use this function to keep the camera up-right. Mirror the Image: To mirror th e image.
WebCAM user manual -57- Chap ter 6: Mult iMoni tor Image Recording Click “Start Recording when Motion Detected” to enable the feature. Click the “Details..” button for the following options; Image Compression: Choose from the list of available compressions.
WebCAM user manual -58- Chap ter 6: Mult iMoni tor Configure Settings for Email Notification You will need to enter the correct “Message Sender Information” in order for WebCAM to send emails. Server Require Authentication Click “settings…” then enter your Account Name and Account Password if your Server Requires Authentication.
WebCAM user manual -59- Chap ter 6: Mult iMoni tor Host Name: Provide a Name to identify this device. HTTP Port: Enter the HTTP port assigned for W ebCAM. Locati on: Provide a location for SNMP manager to track device. Manager: Enter a manager’s name for identification.
WebCAM user manual -60- Chap ter 6: Mult iMoni tor Move the curser over the edges of the picture and it will turn into an arrow. Click and hold to pan / tilt the camera (if the camera supports this function) Click this button to record the current image on screen.
WebCAM user manual -61- Chap ter 6: Mult iMoni tor Click the left side of the viewing window to bring out more control features. Clic k on this icon to active two functions; a. Custom window zoom – use this to zoom to your cho sen window size. On the video window, LEFT click, hold and drag to the desired window zoom size.
WebCAM user manual -62- Chap ter 6: Mult iMoni tor Click the depressed button to go back to the original window size. b. Custom update Window -- use this if you want to monitor only a specific area within the viewing window. On the video window, RIGHT click, hold and drag to the desired window zoom size.
WebCAM user manual -63- Chap ter 6: Mult iMoni tor Clic king once will cause the camera to pan right by 1 deg. Click and hold and the camera wil l pan increasingly faster to the left. Clic k once to tilt the camera up by 1 deg. Click and hold and the camera will tilt increas ingly faster upwards.
WebCAM user manual -64- Chap ter 6: Mult iMoni tor : Set the SNMP Parameter. 2.4 User Change Password : “Change Password…” Use this feature to change the current User login password to MultiMonitor. Both “Adminis trator” or “User” can change their own Account passwords.
WebCAM user manual -65- Chap ter 6: Mult iMoni tor Click “Add User…” T here is no limit to the number of Account that can be added. Note: The first account is set to “Admin” with “Administrator” permission. This cannot be changed or deleted.
WebCAM user manual -66- Chap ter 6: Mult iMoni tor Help : Display MultiMonitor version, Copyright information and product service contact. 2.6 Drag-and-Drop Feature MultiMonitor also feature a “Drag-and-Drop to Desktop” feature. Double click the icon on your desktop to view the images immediately .
WebCAM user manual -67- Chap ter 6: Mult iMoni tor Step 4: Double click on the icon on the desktop, to view the images..
WebCAM user manual -68- Appendix A: Router Configuration Appendix A: Router Configuration The following section describes the initial configuration of the router and port forwarding for your router. If your router is not lis ted here, please refer to the manufacturer’s website for assistance with configuring your router to work with WebCAM.
WebCAM user manual -69- Appendix A: Router Configuration Microsoft MN-100 Wired Base Station MN-500 Wireless Base Station NETGEAR RP614 Web Safe Router MR814 Wireless Router MR314 Cable/DSL Wirel ess .
WebCAM user manual -70- Appendix A: Router Configuration 3Com ( 3C857-US – OfficeConnect Cable/DSL Gateway 3CRWE52196 – OfficeConnect Wireless Cable/DSL Gateway 1. Log into your router using your router IP. 2. On the main page, select Firewalls on the left side of the page.
WebCAM user manual -71- Appendix A: Router Configuration Belkin ( F5D6230-3 – Wireless Cable/DSL Gateway Router 1. Log into your router using your router IP. 2. On the main page, select Virtual Server on the left side of the page under the Securit section.
WebCAM user manual -72- Appendix A: Router Configuration Private Port 80 to 80 Line #2 Enable: Checked in Description: WebCAM – Camera Internet Port: 9001 to 9001 Type: UDP Private IP address: Type in the camera’s IP address .
WebCAM user manual -73- Appendix A: Router Configuration D-Link ( DI-604/DI – 614+/DI-624 1. Log into your router using your router IP. 2. On the main page, clic k on Advanced at the top of the page. 3. On the left side of the page, click on Virtual Server .
WebCAM user manual -74- Appendix A: Router Configuration Enabled/Disabled: Enabled For ID#2 Service Port: 9001 Service IP: Type in the camera’s IP address , for example: Enabled/Disabled: Enabled 4. Save your settings. WebCAM should now be configured to work with your router and be accessible from the internet.
WebCAM user manual -75- Appendix A: Router Configuration Dell ( TrueMobile 2300 Wirel ess Broadband Ro uter 1. Log into your router using your router IP. 2. On the main page, clic k on Advanced Settings at the top of the page. 3. Go to the Port Forwarding section and select Custom Port Forwarding Settings.
WebCAM user manual -76- Appendix A: Router Configuration Linksys ( BEFSR41 – EtherFast Cable/DSL Router BEFSX41 – Instant Broadband EtherFast Cable/DSL Firewall Router with 4-Port Switch/VPN EndPoint BEFW11S4 – Wireless Access Point Router with 4-Port Switch – Version 2 1.
WebCAM user manual -77- Appendix A: Router Configuration Microsoft ( com/hardware/broadbandnetworking) MN-100 – Wired Base Station MN-500 – Wireless Base Station 1. Log into your router using your router IP. 2. Open the Bass Station Management Tool, and then click Security .
WebCAM user manual -78- Appendix A: Router Configuration NETGEAR ( RP614 – Web Safe Router MR814 – Wireless Router 1. Log into your router using your router IP. 2. Click Advanced -> Port Forw arding on the left side of the page.
WebCAM user manual -79- Appendix A: Router Configuration Line #2: Starting Port: 9001 Ending Port: 9001 Server IP Address: Type in the camera’s IP address , for example: 5. Click Apply to sa ve the settings. WebCAM should now be configured to work with your router and be accessible from the internet.
WebCAM user manual -80- Appendix A: Router Configuration D. Local Server Address: Enter the IP address of the camera E. WAN Users Address: Any F. Click Apply . 12. Click Add again. A. For Service name select: WebCAM Cam B. Action: ALLOW always C. Local Server Address: Enter the IP address of the camera D.
WebCAM user manual -81- Appendix A: Router Configuration Proxim ( ORiNOCO BG-2000 Broadband Gateway 1. Log into your router using your router IP. 2. On the router’s main page, click on Setup at the top of the page. 3. On the left side of the page, click on Advanced settings -> Port Forwarding .
WebCAM user manual -82- Appendix A: Router Configuration Siemens ( SpeedStream 2602 – 2-Port DSL/Cable Router SpeedStream 2623 – Wireless DS L/Cable Router SpeedStream 2624 – Wireless DS L/Cable Router 1. Log into your router using your router IP.
WebCAM user manual -83- Appendix A: Router Configuration 7. Under Internal Port No type in: 80 8. Under External Port No type in: 80 9. Click on Add to save these settings. 10. Under the first box, next to the Enable checkbox , type in: WebCAM Cam . 11.
WebCAM user manual -84- Appendix A: Router Configuration SMC ( SMC2404WBR – Barricada Turbo 11/22 Mbps Wireless Cable/DSL Broadband Router SMC7004VBR – Barricada Cable/DSL Broadband Router SMC7004CWBR – Barricada Wirele ss Cable/DSL Broadband Router 1.
WebCAM user manual -85- Appendix A: Router Configuration For ID #2: Service Port: 9001 Private IP: Type in th e camera’s IP addr ess , for example: (Look at WebCAM’s IP Address LCD display for the last 3 digits of the camera’s IP address) Enable: Checked in 4.
WebCAM user manual -86- Appendix C: IP Address, Subnet and Gateway Appendix B: Methods to Update WebCAM Firmware Y ou can update WebCAM’ s firmware using any of the following methods. Method 1: Through WebCAM Web Page (1) Enter the WebCAM Web Page (2) Go to “About”, click “update software” and you will be automatically linked for update.
WebCAM user manual -87- Appendix C: IP Address, Subnet and Gateway Appendix C: IP Address, Subnet and Gateway This section discusses Communities, Gateways, IP Addresses and Subnet masking Communities A community is a string of printable ASCII characters that identifies a user group with the same access privileges.
WebCAM user manual -88- Appendix C: IP Address, Subnet and Gateway Subnetting and Subnet Masks Subnetting divides a network address into sub-network addresses to accommodate more than one physical network on a logical network . For ex ampl e: A Class B company has 100 LANs (Local Area Networks) with 100 to 200 nodes on each LAN.
WebCAM user manual -89- Append ix D: Glossary Appendix D: Glossary The Glossary section defines the terms used in this User Manual Term Definition Ethernet Local Area Network technology, originally developed by Xerox Corporation, can link up to 1,024 nodes in a bus network.
An important point after buying a device Canon IP100 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Canon IP100 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Canon IP100 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Canon IP100 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Canon IP100 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Canon IP100, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Canon IP100.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Canon IP100. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Canon IP100 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center