Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product EOS 5Ds Canon
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us a.c anon.c om/eos V OL. 5 .0 1 1 -800 -OK-CA NON non.c om / eo s Can on U.S .A . , Inc. One C anon P ark Me lvi lle, NY 117 47 U.S. A . Canon Holly wood Profe ssiona l T echnolog y and Su ppor t C enter 60 60 Suns et Bo ulev ard Lo s Angel es, C A 9 0 02 8 U.
Master Y our Moment For creative individuals, inspiration can strike in an instant. With the right equipment, it can help you capture stunning moments that express your creativity. non.c om/ eos 5 EO S CAM ER AS Canon CMOS S ensor Taking ad v ant a g e o f its o wn pr o p r iet a r y technologies, Canon develops and produces it s o w n CM OS s e ns o r s .
6 non.c om/ eos 7 EO S CAM ER AS A R evo luti on i n Autofoc us U nlo cks t he Pote nti al of Live View Co mpat ibl e with Over 1 0 3 Cano n EF L ense s Mor e than 103 Cano n EF lens es are ab le to f ully r ealize t he bene f its o f Dual P ixel C MOS AF.
8 non.c om/ eos 9 EO S C A MER A S Movie Crop T he Mov ie Crop f unc tion (s elec t EOS cam era s ) en ables zo oming at 7x t he cap ture d foca l leng th fo r dist ant ac tion an d ex trem e close -up s.
10 non.c om/ eos 11 EO S C A MER A S ex posu re even i n the mos t challe nging l ight ing situations. Photog raphers can choose from several additional metering options. C enter- Weig hted me teri ng is avai lable f or a more tr aditional pat tern.
12 non.c om/ eos 13 EO S CAM ER AS Dual A x is Electronic L evel Sensor De velop ed by Ca non and f eatur ed in se lec t EOS camer as , the br illiant D ual A x is Elec tr onic Le vel display aids in achieving per fec tly or iented s hot s.
14 non.c om/ eos 15 EO S C A MER A S Lens Pe ripheral Illumination Corre ction An othe r featu re ava ilable in C anon’s new est EOS ca mera s is Cano n’ s L ens Per ipher al Illu minati on Cor rec tion fe ature .
16 non.c om/ eos 17 EO S CAM ER AS pro fessi onal us ers. T hei r Graph ic User In ter face is f aste r , mor e precis e and mor e intui tive tha n ever. Th e menu st ru ctur e has be en red esig ned so t hat f reque ntly u sed f unc tions pre viou sly bu ried in t he menu hi erar chy are bro ught to t he fr ont.
18 EO S C A MER A S Bruce Dorn, DGA Explorer of Light The wireless capabilities of my Canon file transmitters and Canon Speedlite flashes streamline my creative workflow. The file transmitter allows wardrobe stylists, make-up artists, and clients to see my results "in the moment" and my wireless Speedlite makes lighting changes a snap.
20 non.c om/ eos 21 EO S CAM ER AS W i reless T ak es EOS R ebe l to Th e Ne x t Level For simple and fun photos and videos that are easy to share, look to the Canon EOS Rebel T6i camera. A first ever for the EOS Rebel line, built-in Wi-Fi ® * and NFC** are now available.
EO S CAM ER AS EO S CAM ER AS All Cross-t yp e 19 - p o i n t A F Syste m For v iew f inder sho oting, a n update d 19-p oint all cr oss- ty pe A F sys tem wit h impr oved t rack ing of mo ving subj ect s is des igne d for ca ptur ing the a ctio n with a ccura cy.
24 non.c om/ eos 25 EO S CAM ER AS ” ” * The possibility of moiré and color artifacts is gre ater due to the LPF c ancellation function. The F reedom of H ig h R esolu tio n Marking a new standard in high-resolution digital SLR photography, the Canon EOS 5D S camera shatters the status quo with a new 50.
26 non.c om/ eos 27 EO S CAM ER AS EO S CAM ER AS Subject area detection Shown with a cable protector and a dedicated Micro B interface cable 50.6 Megapixel Canon CMOS Sensor The EOS 5DS and EOS 5DS R cameras feature a stunning new full-frame CMOS sensor.
28 non.c om/ eos 29 EO S CAM ER AS The P ower to C reate Fo r stu nning hig h res olut ion, f ull- f rame p hotog r aphy wi th sup erchar ge d EOS per f or mance, t her e’ s no thing qui te like the EO S 5D Mar k III ca mer a. With a F ull-frame 22.
30 non.c om/ eos 31 EO S CAM ER AS Un lock Y our Visi on Designed to bring all of the benefits of full-frame photography and moviemaking to a compact, lightweight and simple to operate DSLR, the EOS 6D is the perfect camera to realize your creative vision.
32 non.c om/ eos 33 EO S CAM ER AS Meet t he New Ga me- Cha ng er Chan ging f ore ver th e way yo u capt ure s till im ages an d vide o wit h a DSLR c amer a, t he EOS 70D cam era i s a t r a i l bla zing po wer hou s e feat ur ing a re v olut ionar y autofocus tech nology that unlo ck s the po tentia l of Li ve Vie w.
EF LENSE S EF LENSE S 34 non.c om/ eos 35 EO S CAM ER AS * Among digital SLR camer as which use APS-C size equivalent sensors. As of February 1, 2015, based on Canon’s r esearc h (black model only). non.c om/ eos 41 38 EOS Camer a Com par ison Char t E O S -1D X EOS 5D S EOS 5DS R EOS 5D Mark III EOS 6D EOS 7D Mark II EOS 7 0D EOS Rebel T 6s EOS Rebel T 6i EOS Rebel T5i EO S Rebel S L 1 EO.
EO S CAM ER AS non.c om/ eos 43 42 non.c om/ eos 43 V ideo Recording Si ze and T ime Video Recording Size Fra me Rate Total Recording Time File Size 8GB C ard 16G B Car d EOS -1 D X , EOS 5D Ma rk II I, EOS 6D a nd EOS 70D MO V F OR M AT 1920 x 1080 30fps All-I 11 min.
44 non.c om/ eos 45 EF L ENSES Ima ge Stab ilizer OF F Ima ge Stab ilizer ON Great images start with great optics. An SLR camera is often defined by the quality, breadth and scope of its lens system. As such, Canon lenses alone are reason enough to choose the EOS System. non.c om/ eos 47 EF L ENSES 46 ce nt er of th e lens do n ot conve rge at t he same po in t a s ligh t ray s coming thr ough t he lens e dg e , t h e image c an appe ar blur red be cau se the re is no shar p poin t of focu s.
48 non.c om/ eos 49 EF L ENSES Full- T ime Manual Focu sing Can on EOS cam era s with E F lense s deli ver impecc able AF precision . Manu al focusing capabilit y , never theless, can enhance f lexibility. Cano n EF le nses w ith full -time manual fo cusing en able the photogr apher to manually t weak focus without switching out of AF m ode. non.c om/ eos 51 EF LENSE S 50 EF LENSE S Diagram: • Sup er UD Le ns • UD L ens • A spheri cal Lens I cons : S ee “EF Lens T echnology” section. non.c om/ eos 53 EF LENSE S 52 EF LENSE S T elephoto E xten ders fo r EO S C am er as EF 300mm f/2.8L IS II USM • f/2.8 • 1/160 sec. Diagram: • Fluorite Lens • Sup er UD Le ns • UD L ens • A spheri cal Lens I cons : S ee “EF Lens T echnology” section. non.c om/ eos 55 EF LENSE S 54 EF LENSE S Super T elephot o Up C lose Detai l fro m Afar . Dis ting uished b y their w hite color an d seen a t major sp or ting eve nts ar ound the w orld , the po wer ful EF su per-tele photos a re als o ideal f or natur e, sceni c and even o utdoo r fas hion pho togr aphy. non.c om/ eos 57 EF LENSE S 56 EF LENSE S EF L ens Char t CANON EF LENS SPECIFICATIONS Apparent Focal length (mm) Focus Drive Angle of View (Diagonal) Lens C on struction (Groups/ Elements) Minimum Aperture (f) Filter Diameter (mm) Closest Foc usin g Distance Leng th Weight Lens Hood L ens Cap Case APS-C APS-H 35mm APS-C APS-H (ft. non.c om/ eos 59 EF LENSE S 58 EF LENSE S Gelatin Filter Hoods III Gelatin Filter Holder III Gelatin Filter Holder Adapter III EF 135mm f/2L US M EF 180mm f/3.5L Macro US M EF 200mm f/2.8L II US M EF 200mm f/2L IS US M EF 300mm f/2.8L IS II US M EF 300mm f/2.
61 non.c om/ eos 61 SPEEDLI TE FL A SHES ref le cti ve subj ect , or the s ubjec t is not in t hat par t of t he f rame – an a ssump tion v alidate d by distance information. T he algorithm thus helps avoid chronic u ndere xposure problems in su ch situations.
62 non.c om/ eos 65 SPEEDLI TE FL A SHES 62 Wirele ss Radio Control For s ophis tica ted wir eless f la sh se tups, t he Spe edlit e 600 E X-RT a nd the Sp eedli te Transmi tte r ST-E 3- RT re pres ent the n ex t gen erat ion in w ireles s fl ash s yste ms.
Up to 1 TB of Storage Wi th accum ulati ng photo an d vide o f iles , you mig ht f ind it di ff icu lt to sea rch for t he f iles. T he C anon Conn ect St atio n CS1 00 i s the idea l long-te rm s tor.
68 non.c om/ eos 69 EO S SYSTE M ACCE SSORI ES Battery Grip BG-E18 † Battery Grip BG-E16 † Battery Grip BG-E14 † Battery Grip BG-E13 † Weight 9.35 oz./265g (without batt erie s) 11.6 oz./330g (without batterie s) 10.4 oz./295g (without batterie s) 10.
70 non.c om/ eos 71 EO S SYSTE M ACCE SSORI ES 70 * T3 accessories require Remote Switch Adapter RA-N3 with N3-series cameras. ** EOS RT, 650, 630 and 620 require Grip GR20 with built-in T3 remote socket. EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM • f/5.6 • 1/80 sec.
72 non.c om/ eos 73 EO S SYSTE M ACCE SSORI ES 72 EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II USM • f/4.5 • 1/400 sec. V i ew find er Accessories For more customization, many of Canon’ s EOS cameras are compatible wit h a vas t choice o f eyecup s, diop ter lens es and mo re for g reate r ver satil it y in a numbe r of shoo ting sit uation s.
74 non.c om/ eos 75 EO S SYSTE M ACCE SSORI ES Interface Cable IFC-150U II*/ IFC-500U II Interface Cable IFC-200U**/ IFC-500U Interface Cable IFC-200D6 / IFC-200D4***/ IFC-200D44 USB Interface Cable IFC-400PCU****/ IFC-200PCU Mini-HDMI Cable HTC-100 AV Cable AVC-DC400ST ***** Stereo Video Cable STV-250N Len gt h 4.
78 non.c om/c inem aeos 79 CI NE MA EO S A Dig ital Ci nema Came ra w ith F ew Compet itors T he Cano n EOS C500 4 K Digit al Cine ma Came ra is th e fl agshi p of the Ci nema EOS f amily, of fe ring many contemporar y hi gh -resolution motion -imaging choic es.
80 p owershot 81 PO W ERSHOT Lar ge CMOS Sens ors T he 1.5-in ch t ype an d 1.0- inch t yp e CMOS se nsor s (foun d on the Pow erS hot G 1 X M ark II an d Pow erS hot G7 X came ras res pec tive ly) cap ture s till s and vid eos in ama zing qua lit y.
PO W ERSHOT 82 om canonlivelear ning 83 EDUCA T ION & INSPI R A T ION Learn from th e Pros Canon provides professional imagemakers with the high-level instruction.
Wor ld Cl a s s S er v ic e and S uppor t F or P r o f e s s ion als . State -of-t he -ar t, hig h-qual i t y, eas y to u se – these de s cribe Canon’s ser vice and suppor t prog rams ju st as accur atel y as they do C anon’ s product s.
us a.c anon.c om/eos V OL. 5 .0 1 1 -800 -OK-CA NON non.c om / eos Can on U.S .A . , Inc. One C anon P ark Me lvi lle, NY 117 47 U.S. A . Canon Holly wood Profe ssiona l T e ch nolog y and Su ppor t C enter 60 60 Suns et Bo ulev ard Lo s Angel es, C A 9 0 02 8 U.
An important point after buying a device Canon EOS 5Ds (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Canon EOS 5Ds yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Canon EOS 5Ds - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Canon EOS 5Ds you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Canon EOS 5Ds will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Canon EOS 5Ds, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Canon EOS 5Ds.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Canon EOS 5Ds. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Canon EOS 5Ds along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center