Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 250 Canon
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INT RODUCTIO N Cong rat ulations! You are now t he owner of the mos t exciting and advanc ed camer a on the m a rket . Canon has good reason to have unbounded conf idence and pride in t he A-1.
Focu sin g Index Mark wit h Depth - of - Fie ld Sc a le Mou nt Posi ti oni ng Poin t Fo cus ing Ri ng Expo sure P revi ew Swi t ch “A” Ma rk AE Loc k Pi n Aperture Ring Battery Chamber Cover/Finge.
TA BLE O F CONTENTS Main Fea tur es ........ .......... ............. ............. ............. ... 5 Picto rial Outl in e for Gene ral Use of the C ame ra ......... ......... ............. ............. ............. ....... 8 Settin g the Cam era for the F ive A E Mode s a nd Man ual Ov err ide .
Q ual it y fr o m t he I nsi de O ut Th e extrao rdina ry qu aliti es of the A-1 start with its desig n. It is th e first came ra in th e wo rld in w hich all in formatio n, both i nput and output, is in the form of pulse s ignals, enabling it to be t he f irst camera w ith a dig ital, rather th an an a nalo g, compu ter.
AE fun ctio ns is also possib le. Shu tter prio rit y AE is esp e cially use ful in ac tion photo grap hy, ap erture prio rity AE in sti ll photography . The programm ed AE mod e, in wh ich th e ca mera con trols bo th apert ure and shutter speed for co rr ect exposure, i s good f or gener al use and is t he easie st mode for beginner s.
Wide Me teri ng Ra nge With it s extensiv e film sensiti vit y rang e (ASA 6 -12 80 0) an d 1 6 shu tter spe eds (1/ 1000-30 sec .), the A-1 offers a wide AE met ering range fr o m EV18 (f/ 16, 1/1000 sec.) all th e w ay do w n to EV- 2 (f/1. 4, 8 sec.
Fla shes t o in d icate overexp o sure Fla shes t o indicate underexposu re In Focus Out of Fo c us PICTORIAL OUTL INE FOR GENE RAL USE O F THE CAMER A 1 11 1 Lo ad the batte ry . 2 22 2 Turn the m ain swit ch to the “A” pos ition and c heck the power level.
4 44 4 Set th e ASA fil m speed . 5 55 5 Set t he aper ture ri ng of the lens t o the “A” mar k (for AE photography) . 6 66 6 Selec t the AE mode. (Tur n the AT dial ). 9 99 9 Press t he sh utte r button gently . 10 10 10 10 Adv an ce th e film to the nex t fram e.
Shutter Pri ority AE 1. Make sure the lens apertu re ring is set to the “ A ” mark . 2. Switc h the AE mode se lec- tor t o TV. 3. Selec t a s h utter speed b y turni n g the AT dia l. See pp. 3 4-36 for det aile d explana tion. A p er ture Priority AE 1.
Stopped- dow n A E 1. Dise ngage the le n s ape rt ure ring from the “ A ” mark (nece ssary only o n FD le ns). 2. F old an d push in the s top- down leve r. 3. S et the aperture by t urning the lens a p ert ure ring. See pp. 61-62 f or deta iled explana tion.
Neck st rap Th read th e tip s o f the nec kstra p th roug h the corre spo ndi ng rings o n th e c ame ra so that the tips are o n th e in side . Then adju st the nec kstrap to th e length most comfo rtable for you . Pla stic Ins ert Pull u p the fi lm rew ind knob to ope n the cam e ra's back cover.
Semi-hard Case To protect the cam era, partic ularly when carryin g, it, inser t it into its semi-h a rd case as indica ted in the ph oto A. You can easil y shoot pictur es even wi th the cam era in the sem i -har d case by turning the top cover down.
Rear D us t Cap The rear dust cap must be removed bef ore mounting t he lens. Operation wi th an FD l e ns which lacks a chrome Br eech-lock m ount ring: Th e rear dust cap for th i s typ e of len s has serrated ed ges. D o no t mou n t a rea r d ust cap whic h lack s the serrated edg es.
Reat tachment 1. Make sure the moun t ring is l oc ked so that it ca nn ot be turn ed. 2. Alig n th e arrow o n the ca p with the re d d ot on the m ount ring. 3. In that p ositio n, pu sh lightly do wn on the cap and tur n the mount r ing counter - clock wise u ntil it is tig ht.
Mounti ng on the Camera and Dis- mounti ng Pre- Mounting Checklist 1. Make sure the camer a's s top -down lever is not l ocked f or stopped-down metering (see p. 61). If it is, a red warning dot will appear beside the coupling lever insi de the camera body.
In th e cas e of a n FD l ens which ha s a chrom e Breec h-lock m ount ri ng or o f an FL lens: Mounti ng 1. Make su re the Breec h-lock r in g is lock ed so th at it c an no t be turne d.
Normal Pr ocedur es Not For Re sale – F ree Down load a t http: //www.joe- als.
Loading t he Battery Thi s c a me r a wi ll not f unc ti on unl es s a bat te r y is l oa de d. U s e o ne br and - ne w s il ve r oxide or alkali ne- mangan ese b atte ry as spe ci- fi ed i n t he t a bl e b el ow or an equi va le nt b at- tery of an ot her bra nd.
Ch eckin g th e Ba tt er y Life of the battery in normal use is app ro xi mat el y on e y e ar. Us i ng t he ca m era frequ e ntly at low shutter spee ds, at the “ B ” se tt ing or i n ext re me ly c ol d c on di ti o ns t ak es more batt ery p ower a nd req uires re placin g the b atte ry more often.
The battery check button a lso serves t o cancel the sel f-t imer or to ca n cel the shutt er in lon g expo sures . The circ uit is canc elled the moment you press the button, and the second shutte r curt ain w ill close w hen your finger is re moved fro m t h e button .
Film A d va n ce a nd Shutte r Release At the base of the f i lm advance lever is the main sw itch of the camera. When it is at the “L” (LO CK) setting, all active circuits are turned off and the shu tter button is locked to prevent unintenti onal shutter releas e.
Attac hing a Cable R elease A cable relea se is a device which, used in conjuncti on wit h a tri p od, allows t he sh utter to be hel d ope n f or lo n g ex pos ure s wit ho ut your eve r ha vi ng to tou ch eit her c a mera or shutter butt on directl y.
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Holding t he Came ra Th e best preca utio n in preven ting camera shake is to pr ess the shutt er button gently . Nev er pu nch it. It is also h elp fu l to h old th e cam e ra properly, not only for goo d im age res ults but als o for comf ort and ease i n hand li ng .
Film Loa ding The Canon A-1 accepts colo r or black and white fi lm in standard 35mm cartridges. When loading and u n loading film , avoid direct s unlight and take care not t o touch the shutter curt ai n, the film trails or th e pres sure plat e. To load the fi lm, first fold out the r ewind crank and shar ply pull up th e rewind knob.
rewind crank clo ckw ise to take up film slack, open the back c over and reload t he film. Th e A-1 can also be lo aded w ith bu lk fil m in wh ich c ase th e tip of th e film should be trimm ed as illustr ated below befor e it is loaded in to t he cam er a.
Setting t h e A S A Fi lm Spe ed The ASA is a numer ica l r ating of a fil m's sensi tivity to l ight. The hi gher t he ASA r ating, the f aster t he film a nd the mor e sensitive it is to a given amount of ligh t as compared to a f ilm of a lower A SA rating.
The choice o f film is an important p art of photo gra phy , and you have a wide variety to choose from. Fi lms differ in a number of ways includ i ng ASA ratin g, exposure lati- tude, color rendition a nd col or temperature among ot h er variables . So me, such as in- frared fi lm, require the use of ce rtain filter s.
Memo Hol de r The back cover of t his camera is pr ovided with a m e mo holder . Once you h ave loaded th e fil m an d se t th e AS A, it is v ery u se fu l to tear off the end of the film box and insert it into this m e mo holder as a constant r e- mi nder of the ty pe of f ilm in use.
through the lens. Each tim e yo u move f rom on e f/ sto p to th e nex t smal ler f/ sto p (larg e r number) , the amount of light allowed through is exactly halved. In e ff ect, the amount of exposure itself is also halved. Using f/2 as a standard, the a mount of light reaching the f ilm wi ll change according to f/s top a s indicated b elow.
The length of tim e that the light is allowed to strike the film is dete rmined b y the shutter speed. The rela tionship between shu tte r spee ds is li ke t hat betw een f /st ops . As you move from one shutter speed to th e next higher shutter speed, exposure is halved.
apert ure and shutter speed in the pro - gramm ed AE mode. This m ode is helpf ul when your only goal is correct exposure and neither depth of fi eld nor control of moveme nt are very important in the picture. I t is the easiest mode for the beginner.
Instead of an “ A ” m ark , som e earli er FD lenses have a small green circle on the aper tur e rin g for AE ph otogr aph y . Its u se is the same a s tha t of the “ A ” m ar k, and t he proc.
A T D ial This dial works in conjunction with the A E sele cto r. W h en the A E sel ect o r is s et at T V, it shows the shutter speed scale. When the AE selector is set to Av, it sho ws the aperture sca le. To ope rate the AT dial, firs t slide do wn the AT dial guard which is desig ned to prevent accidental movement of the di al.
Shutt er Speed Scale on the A T Dial There is a choice of 16 click-s top settings ranging fr o m 1/1000 (sec.) t o 30 (sec.) on the AT dial's s hutter speed sca le. The slow shu tt er sp eed s f rom 2 (se c. ) t o 30 (sec .) a re marked in orange while shutter s peeds from 1 (sec.
A p e r ture S c ale o n the A T Di al The apert ure sca le on the AT dial is calibrat - ed in f /st op s ranging f rom f/22 to f/ 1.2. The f/ 1 .2 setti ng is indicated by a dot. The dial click- stops at both full and half f/stops. I t will not turn past the larges t and smallest f /stops.
Shu tt er pri orit y AE FD 400mm f/4.5 S.S.C., 1/1 000 sec., ASA 125 Not For Re s ale – Free Download at http://www.
Shu tt er pri orit y AE FD 5 0mm f/1. 4, 1/30 sec., AS A 125 Not For Resale – Free Download at anu als.
S hutte r P rio rit y vs. Apert ure P rio r it y Having now read h ow to cont rol the cam era for sh u tte r pr iori t y an d a pe rture p rio rit y AE ph otog rap hy, you mi ght we ll w onde r when it is best to use wh ich m ode. Basically, it depe nds upon wha t you wa nt y our p hot o- graph to po rt ray.
This tabl e does not necessarily apply when using a lens of a different focal length. If you ar e using a telephoto lens, for inst ance, any subject movement and the least bit of camer a shake can have a magnif ied eff ect on image s harpness.
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S elec tin g a n A p er ture A discussi o n of how to se lect an appropr iate ape rt ure boil s down t o an expla nati on of dept h of f iel d. W hen y our sub jec t i s i n f ocus , there is only a li mited rang e in the fore- gr ound a nd bac kgro und of the subj ect whi ch is al so in focus.
Prog ramm ed A E FD 2 8-50 mm f/3.5, ASA 125 Not For Resale – Free Download at anu als.
Program med A E When the AE mode selector is set to TV and the AT dial t urned to “P” on the shutter speed scal e, the cam era is s e t f or program- med AE.
AE Ran ge of S ilico n Photo cell at V a riou s AS As FD 50m m f /1. 4 Len s Mete r Coupling Range When using the FD 50mm f/1.4 lens and ASA 100 film, the built-in exposure met e r couples wit hin a range of E V -2 (f/1.4 at 8 sec.) to EV 18 (f/ 16 at 1/1000 sec.
Mete ring at Low Light Levels Wit h AE cou pling all the way down to EV -2 (wit h ASA 100 film), the A-1 is capable of metering and producing a nat ural rendition of t h e light in very dim lighting cond itions .
Micr opris m Ring Split-Image Rangefinder Not For Re s ale – Free Download at http://www.
View f inder A less conspicuous, unusual featur e of the A-1 is the fact that, unless you are taking a meter reading, the only thing y ou can see in the bright viewfinder is the vi ewing area. All othe r in fo rma ti on is elim inat e d, l eavi ng y ou undistracted fre edom to focus and compose you r pic tu re.
OPTI ONA L VI EWIN G A IDS Dio ptric A dj us tme nt L en se s S The dioptr ic adjust ment lens S is an acces- sor y wh ich sl ide s in to th e gro ov es o f th e viewf inder eyep iece from ab ove to cor rect individu al eyesi gh t. With them, ey eglass wea re rs can p ho to g raph w ith out g lasse s.
Magnifier S Th e Ma gn ifie r S inserts into th e g roov e s o f the viewfinder eyepiece with its adapter to give a 2.5X magnification of the center of the viewing ar ea fo r pr ecisio n focusi ng in close- up work and wide-angle p hotography. I ts pow er i s a djus tabl e t o y our ey esight within a range of +4 to -4 diopter s.
Prev iew ing t he Exposure When yo u take a meter reading, the view- finder information w ill be displayed in a digital readout direct l y below the vi ewing area. With the viewf in de r display l eve r switched on, you can take a meter reading in any one of thre e ways : 1.
degree of LED illum ination changes in f our stages depending on the bri ghtness of the subject s een in the viewfinder. When the subject i s br ighter, the LED brightness is slightly higher, an d it is slightly lower with a darker subject. As a r esult, the LED main- tains an al most consistent degr ee of bri gh t- ness to the human eye.
Nu meral s an d Ch ara c ter s C omp osi ng Digital Readout in Viewfinder Up t o the fi rst f our dig its from the l eft in the digital r eadout show shutter speed data ranging fr om 1/1000 sec.
is s e t for flash photog raphy while “buLb” r eplaces the s hutter speed data when the A T dial shutter spe ed scale is set to “B”. “M” is also displaye d at the “B” setting.
shu tt er spee d . If yo ur l en s ha s a s mal le r mi ni mum aper ture, exposure will be corr ect. Outside the M e ter Coupling Range When the ligh t level is so low th at it would be outside the me.
3. In programmed AE mode Both the shutter speed LED and the aper- ture LED f la sh on and off s imultaneously to warn y ou o f overexposure as well as under- exposure. I n taking exposure r eadings, the shutter speed and aperture combination changes as they are progra mmed in the camer a.
Shutt er Release Once you have focused, composed your picture and confirmed corr ect exposu re, gently pr ess the s hutte r button all the w ay dow n to se t th e sh utt er in mot ion .
To rew ind the film, press in the film r ewind button on the bo ttom of the came r a. Once you have press ed it, you can remove your f inger. Un fold the film rewind crank and turn it in th e direction of th e s mall arrow until the fr a me counter reaches the “S” mark.
Specia lized Proced ures Not For Resale – Free Download at anu als.
Stopped- dow n A E Photography There ar e basically two cas es which r equire stopped-down AE pho togr aphy (unless you wish to operate in manual override) . It is necessary when you use any lens wh ich is not FD, such as FL or R lenses or the Reflex Lens 500mm f/8.
data will be displayed in the viewfinder. Un less t h e shu t ter sp ee d d at a is flas hin g on and off , sim pl y pr ess the shutter bu tton fo r an accurate ly exposed im age.
Not For Resale – Free Download at ht tp:/ /www.joe - Stopped-d own AE Phot omicrography (butt erfly wing), ASA 3 2 Stop p ed-d own AE FD 50mm f/ 3.
Warnin gs of Incorrect Op er ation in Stop pe d -do w n P ho tog ra phy Two problems can arise if you u se t he camera i ncorrectly in the stopped-down mode. The fir st problem occu rs if the st op- down lever of t he camera is locked in befor e you mount the lens.
Manual O verride You may have occasion to wi sh to cancel the A-1's AE capabilities to co ntrol exposure, both aperture and shutter speed, by your - self .
Wit h a n FD lens, if you set the AE selector to Av instead of TV wh ile the lens is away from the “ A ” mark, the digital readou t will show the ap ertur e yo u have set on the AT dial plus t he corresponding camera- select ed shu tte r spe ed as in ape rt ure pr ior ity AE along with “ M ” for manual aperture setting.
AE mode, it will not set the exposure until a spl it sec ond be f ore the shut ter its elf is ac- tually rel ea sed. Once y ou have complet ed these prepar ations, flick the eyepiece shutter lever to close the ey epiece shutter so that no light comes through the eyepiece to af f ect the exposur e.
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EXPO SURE C OMP ENSA TIO N You can, of cours e, m ake exp osure cor- recti on s by operating the ca mera manually, but the A- 1 is als o e quipp ed wi th oth er devices which allow you t o co rr ect th e exposure w hile in an A E mod e.
cate an exposure adjustmen t of only 1/3 f/s top, b ut your picture wi ll b e exposed in the 1/3 f/stop increm ent you set o n the dial. Generally, exposure s hou ld be cor rected whe neve r t he hi gh-ke y ( ligh t) or low- key ar ea occupies more than ha lf o f t he total viewing area.
may be bet ter t o u se the e xposure memory switch as explained on t he next page or man ual ov er ri de. The exposure compens ation d ial can a ls o be used to correct exposure in multiple ex- posures as explained later.
Exposure M emory Sw itch The A- 1 also off ers an exposure m e mory switch f or correcting the exposur e in the AE mode. Essentially, this switch assures cor rect exposure by e xposing the p ict ure f or your subject no matter what the surround ings are.
Cha ngi ng the A SA Se t ting There is another way to correct exposure which can be used whether you ar e in the manual or the AE m ode. That is to change the ASA film speed set ting on the camera. A film with an ASA r ating twice that of another f ilm requir es only half t he amount of li ght for corr ect exposure as com pared with the other film.
Mult iple Exposures Making two or more exposures on the same fram e is an exciting technique which is very sim ple to per form with the A - 1 . After m aki ng the fi rst expos ur e, do not tur n the f il m advance le ver but r etur n it to its r et ract ed position clos e to the cam e ra bod y .
Multiple exposures are not possible when the Motor Drive MA or Power Winder A or A2 is mounted on the A- 1 and in operat ion. They ar e possible even when these accessori es a re mounted if you switch the m of f and advan ce the film manually.
Film Plane Indicator This m a rk i s engraved on the top of t h e camer a beside the f ilm r ewin d knob, just to the left of the pentaprism, to indicate the exact positi on of the f ilm p lane.
make a focusing correc t ion. Follow the detailed instructions of th e film manu- fa ct u re r. The position of the infrared index mark has been compu ted for the use of infr ared film with peak sensiti vity at 800nm (s uch a s Kod ak I R 135) and a red filter s uch as Wratten 87.
f ield looking at the im age through the viewfi nd er by pushing in the stop- down leve r just as in stopped-down A E photography and setting the lens to the w o rking a pert ure. This will p robably be one of tho se occasi ons when you will r elease the stop-down lever and return the lens to “A” b efore taking a shot.
Lens Signal Coupling There ar e several levers and pins at the r ear of an FD lens which tr an smi t signals be- tween the lens and the ca mera body. Usually it is not necess ary to know what they ar e , but someti mes, when you mus t operate t he aperture manually for non -coupled acces- sorie s fo r in stan ce , it i s.
3. Full Apert ure Signal Pin This pin t ransmits the maxim um aperture of the lens t o the exposure m eter to set t he meter coupling range automatically.
A u tomatic Diaph ragm Co ntrol When the A- 1 is dir ectly coupled with an FD lens, diaphragm control is totally a uto matic. Exposure m eteri ng is per formed at full apert ure whether the le ns ape rt ure ring is at the “A” m a rk or set to a specifi c aperture.
All FD l ense s wi th a chrom e Breech - lo ck m ount rin g and FD Mac ro lenses are set for m anual di aphra gm contro l as foll ows: 1. B efo re mou nt in g th e len s, pu sh th e automati c apertur e lever at the rear o f the lens to the right where it a uto- matically l ocks .
Flash A E FD 24mm f/2. 8 with Speedlite 199A, 1/4 s e c, ASA 100 Not For Resale – Free Download at ht tp:/ /www.joe -
FLASH PHOTOGR A PHY WITH THE A-1 AE Flash Phot ography (Full Au to- flash Phot ography) Th ere ar e s ev en sp eci al auto m atic fl ash un it s, the Canon Speedlites 577G, 533G, 199A, 188A, 177A, 155A and 133A, which make AE fla sh pho tography possible w ith the A-1.
Of cours e, w ith the flash still on Auto you can set the aperture manually s hould you wis h to use an FL lens. Even then, however, the camer a will automaticall y switch to 1/60 sec.
to w ork impro p erl y or ev en possib ly d amag e the camer a itsel f. Digi tal R eadout in Fl ash Ph otogr aphy When you preview exposure in flash photo- graphy, the digital readout will differ de- pending on t he ty pe o f f lash pho tography.
The digital readout will be the sam e as in AE flash con tr o l but will also include the “M” si gnal for manual aper tu r e control. Though the set f lash auto wor king ap ertur e value is display ed in the readout, it is not automati cally set as in AE flash control.
2) Aut omatic Shutter Setting Autoflas h 3) Manual Flash The “B” setting is useful i n flas h p hoto- graphy f o r lightening the subject's back- ground. At this set ting, the f la sh of the Speedlite sy nchronizes with the opening of the first shutter curtain.
– 88 – Not For Resale – Free Download at ht tp:/ /www.joe -
MOTORIZED FILM WINDING There r e mains one last m ech anical operation i n the A - 1 that could poss ibl y di stra ct your attenti on from your subject: you hav e to wind the f il m.
D AT A B AC K A Wit hin seconds, the A-1' s back cover can be exchanged f or t he Data Ba ck A, which, again, b ecomes an integral part of the camer a's electronic system. As you press the shutter r elease, the day, month and year w ill be recor ded clearly but uno btr usively i n the lower right hand corner of every picture, i.
Not For Resale – Free Download at ht tp:/ /www.joe - c als.
A C CESS ORIES 1. A ngle Fin der A2 an d B 2. Eyecup 4S 3. Magn ifi er S 4. Cam er a Hol der F3 5. Macropho to Coupler FL 52 and FL 58 6. Lens Hood BS-52 7. Microphoto Hood 8. Photo micr o U nit F 9. Slide Duplicator 10. Hand y Stand F 11. Ca non Rele as e 30 12.
27. C opy St and 4 28. Auto Bellows 29. Macro Auto Ring 30. B ellows FL 31. Extension Tube M Set 32. M an ual Di aphr agm Ada pter 33. Extension Tube FD 15-U , FD 25-11 and FD 50- U 34. Extender FD 2x-A, Extender FD 2x-B 35. Dioptric Adjust ment Lens S (10 kinds) 36.
1 Spee dlit e 133A 2 Spee dlit e 155A 3 Spee dlit e 177A 4 Spee dlit e 188A 5 Spee dlit e 199A 6 Spee dlit e 533G 7 Spee dlit e 57 7G 8 Data Ba ck A 9 Ni-Cd Cha rger MA 10 Mo tor Dr ive MA 11 Power Winder A 12 Powe r Winder A2 13 Ni-Cd Pack MA 14 Bat t ery Pa ck MA 15 Ba tt ery Ma gaz ine MA Not For Resale – Free Download at ht tp:/ /www.
P roper Ca re o f the C am er a Your A- 1 is a rugged, high-qual ity camera. I t will wo rk pro pe rly i f op era te d an d care d for properly . Never for ce anythin g. If you have a problem that is no t answered in th e in- str uctions be low, follow the ad vice of your nearest Canon ser vice man.
is necess ary, do no t attempt to do i t yoursel f but take it to an authori zed C anon service facil it y. T h e fil m co mpa rtme n t a lso req uire s occasional cleaning with a b lower brush to r e move accumulated film du st part icles which might sc ratch the film.
Type: 35mm SLR (S ingl e-L ens Refle x) camer a with selective, electr onically controll ed AE (Automatic Expo sur e) and f ocal plane shutter . Format: 24 x 36m m.
AE Mec ha nism : Electronically contr olled. I nfo rm ation inp ut by means of AE mode sel ector and AT dial for full-aper ture AE mete rin g (FD le ns at “A”) a n d stopp ed - down AE metering. Empl oys three LSI's with I 2 L, one Linear LSI and one Bi-MOS IC for light metering.
r elease. Pressing it hal fway activat es meter circuit, pressing it all th e way s e ts shutter in operati on. Can be locked by sett ing ma in switch to "L " to guard against accidental shutte r release. With cable r elease s ocket. Power Source: O ne 6V s ilver oxide bat tery ( Eveready N o.
Frame Cou nter: A d ditive type. Cou nts back fr ames as film rewound. Automati - cally r ese ts to "S " upon opening back cover. Does not advance dur ing multiple exp osur es. Film Rew indin g: By pressing rewind but- ton and crankin g rewind knob.
For y our own conv enience yo u may want to use this form to fill in the serial numbers of y our A-1 equ ipme nt for quick ref e rence in the event of loss or theft . Name of the C amera: Canon A-1 Body Num ber : Lens: mm. 1: No. mm. 1: No. mm. 1: No.
Wind er and Motor Drive Ter minal s Ey epiece S hut ter Lev er Ey epiece Film Advance Lev er Film Rewind Button Winder and Mot or Dri ve Coup ler Co ver Positioning Hole for Moto r Drive MA Mem o Holder Tr ipo d S ocke t Lens Release Bu tto n Pos iti oni ng Ho le for Moto r Drive MA Not For Resale – Free Download at ht tp:/ /www.
Not For Resale – Free Download at ht tp:/ /www.joe - FD 100mm f/2.8 w ith an orange filter, f/8, A SA 125 Apert ure priorit y AE.
Not For Resale – Free Download at ht tp:/ /www.joe -
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