Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 1D X Canon
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8 5 5-CINE -EO S a.can Canon U.S. A ., In c. One Ca non Plaza Lake Success, NY 11 0 42 U .S.A . Canon Holly wood Professional T ech nolog y a nd S uppor t C enter 6060 Sunset Boulevard Los Angel es, CA 9 0 028 U.S.A . Canon Cana da, Inc.
E v e r y f i l m m a k e r h a s a s t o r y t o t e l l ..
Ev er y f ilmmak er has a s tor y t o tel l. “ I f I can g et a small camera tha t does e ver y t hing I want it to do, with the b est qualit y in t he world, t h a t ’s what I want . And t h a t ’s what I think we h ave with the Canon Cinema E O S .
R I C H A R D C R U D O , A . S . C . “ I gre w up in th e film er a – I thin k wh at h as pr ev en te d m os t ci ne m at o - graph ers from wh ole- heartedly emb raci ng the di gita l side h as been th at the y don ’t fee l that the digit al t ech nol ogy has de live red e very thing the y’ re us ed to o n film.
R I C H A R D C R U D O , A . S . C . “ I gre w up in th e film er a – I thin k wh at h as pr ev en te d m os t ci ne m at o - graph ers from wh ole- heartedly emb raci ng the di gita l side h as been th at the y don ’t fee l that the digit al t ech nol ogy has de live red e very thing the y’ re us ed to o n film.
W hat y ou capture on set will define how your story unfold s. Superb tonal accuracy . Brilliant color reproduction. Subtle im age adjustments. Surprising angles and points of view.
P racticality . Compatibility . Simplicity . And ex ce ll en c e in HD i m ag er y . W ith t he C in em a E OS system, C anon helps working profes sionals m a k e H D th e s up er b c re at iv e me di u m of t h e p re se n t. Make it new. Give it impact.
A new HD system for a new century, designed from the grou nd up to serve the evolvin g needs of the c inematography world. One revolution ary EOS C300 camera in tw o version s – industr y-stand ard PL -lens mount or Canon’s EF mount. A family of Canon EF C inema lense s des igned specific ally for cinem atography application s.
Canon alre ady offers one of the finest and mo st compr ehensive lens lineup av ailabl e to cinematogr aphers and v ideographers from any single vendor . Over 60 prime and zoom lenses in a variety of configuration s – from our flagship z ooms to comp act primes.
C ompatibility – your k ey to creativity , productivity and profit. The lenses you alre ady own and trust. The optical el ements and coating s that render every nuance of every scene. The systems made famous by g enerations of the world’s finest sti ll photogr aphers.
T echnology – but never for its own sake. Always to simplify your shoot. Inc rease your option s. Advanc e y our art. Acc elerate your project turn time.
Canon L og Gamma Shooting in Canon L og mode, cinematogr aphers can set the camera exposure value using their customary light meter practic es. Canon Log is a special nonlinear transfer fu nction embodied within the ≥ D V III RGB video pr oces sing sy stem.
Out of the box, and ready to go. In action, the Canon EOS C300 and EOS C300 PL may be today’s most versatile and powerful HD creative tool. Every control you need, exactly where you expect it to be. Industry standard interfaces for Time Code, Genlock, HD-SDI, audio; and wireless remote operational control.
Comfortable Ergonomic Controls The moment you pick up the EOS C300 or EOS C300 PL, you’ll feel right at home. The detachable grip rotates 360° in 15 -degree increments so the start/stop, iris control and multi- controller buttons are always literally at your fingertips.
Digital W orkflow – but to mo st of u s, it’s just c alled w ork. Canon’s Cinema EOS system works the way you do. Integrate s w ith file-based standar ds. C an mat ch the exact frame rates of film cameras. Offers plug-ins for leading NLE programs.
Non - Linear Editing Integratio n T o manage your recor ded material more efficiently , the EO S C300 and EOS C300 PL offer two solutions: direct export to Non Linear E diting (NLE) programs through a sup plied software plug-in, or file management through C anon’s sup plied Easy Br owser Softw are.
An Ongoi ng Commitme nt to Ser v ic e , Suppor t and E duca tion Support Pr ograms C ustomiz ed for Y our Needs Cinemat ographers, production c ompanies, film sc hools and other industry profess ionals can take advant age of optional service programs tai lored for their specialized needs.
EO S C300 / EO S C300 PL S YST EM EO S C300 / EO S C300 PL SPECIFIC A T IO NS IMAGING SENSOR Effective Pixels: 3840 x 2160 pixels; Approx. 8.29 megapixels Total Pixels: 4206 x 2340 pixels; Approx. 9.84 megapixels Sensor Type: CMOS (single-panel), equivalent to Super 35mm Sensor Size: 24.
8 5 5-CINE -EO S a.can Canon U.S. A ., In c. One Ca non Plaza Lake Success, NY 11 0 42 U .S.A . Canon Holly wood Professional T echnolog y a nd S uppor t C enter 6060 Sunset Boulevard Los Angel es, CA 9 0 028 U.S.A . Canon Cana da, Inc. 63 90 Dix ie Road Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1P7 Canada Canon Latin America , Inc.
An important point after buying a device Canon 1D X (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Canon 1D X yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Canon 1D X - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Canon 1D X you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Canon 1D X will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Canon 1D X, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Canon 1D X.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Canon 1D X. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Canon 1D X along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center