Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product SmartSTACK ELS100-24TXM Cabletron Systems
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NOTICE Cablet ron System s reserv es the ri ght to make changes in specific ations and other i nforma- tion containe d in this docum ent withou t prio r not ice. The r eader should in all ca ses consult Cablet ron S ystems to d etermi ne whethe r an y such chang es have be en made .
DOC NOTICE This digit al app ar at us do es no t exce ed the C lass A l imit s for radio no i se em issi on s from d ig- ital ap paratus s et out in th e Radio Int erferen ce Regula ti ons of t he Canadia n Departme nt of Communica tions.
EXCLUSION OF WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER OF LIABIL ITY 1. EXCLUSION OF WARRANTY . Except as may be spe c ifi cal ly p ro vi ded b y C abl etr on i n writing, Ca bletron ma kes no warra nty, ex pressed or implied, c oncernin g the Pro - gram (i nc luding it s document ation an d media) .
DECLARATION OF CONFORMIT Y Application of Co uncil Directive(s): 89/336/EEC 73/23/EE C Manufa cturer’s Nam e: Cabletr on Systems, Inc. Manufa cturer’s Address: 35 Indust rial Way PO Box 5005 Roch ester, N H 03867 Europe an Represent ative Name: Mr.
ELS100-24TXM Table of Cont ents i TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFA CE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preface i Purpos e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ii Table of Contents ELS100-24TXM Netwo rk C able Requir ements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Coppe r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Fiber . . . . . . . .
ELS100-24TXM Table of Contents iii Downl oadin g a Sof tware Upgra de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Downloadi ng Via the Se r ial Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Downl oadi ng Via TFTP . . . . .
iv Tabl e of Contents ELS100-24TXM Handling Duplicate Pa ths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Remappi ng Networ k Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 APPE NDIX C. FLOW CONTROL . . . . . . .
9032785 Pr eface i PREFACE Purpose This g uide provides informati on about t he feat ures and ap plications of the Cabletr on S ystems ELS10 0-24TXM sw itch as well as instr uct ions for configur ing and monitor ing the switch.
ii P r efac e ELS100-24TXM Keyboard Entries This guide uses the following convention s for keyboar d entries: • When you r ead “en ter,” type the text and press the [Ente r] key. • Example: Ent er the Gateway IP addre ss and press the [Enter] key.
9032785 Pref ace iii Appendi x A. T echnical Specificat ions : Provi des a lis t of standard s compliance and cer tificatio ns as wel l as physi cal and operationa l specificat ions.
9032785 Product Overv iew 1 1. PRODUC T OVERVIE W Description This instal lat ion and user guide descr ib es the Cabletron Systems ELS10 0- 24TX M Ethern et sw it ch. The switch is IEEE 802. 1D-compli ant and sup ports 24 IE EE 802.3u 100Base-TX Fast Et hernet port s.
2 Product Ove rview ELS100-24TXM Features • Por ts: - 24 dual-sp eed 10Base-T/100 Base-TX por ts usi ng RJ-45 connector s (M D I-X); 22 port s act ive w hen usi ng modular sl ot for 100Base- FX conn.
9032785 Product Overv iew 3 Front Panel Figure 1- 1 shows the front panel of the ELS100 -24TXM. Table 1-1 define s the ELS100 -24TXM fr on t panel compone nts.
4 Product Ove rview ELS100-24TXM Figure 1-2 shows th e Link and A ctivity LEDs fo r the 2 1 00Base- FX ports (fiber port L ED functio ns are d efined i n Table 1 -2).
9032785 Product Overv iew 5 The port LE Ds are grouped to th e left of th eir corresponding RJ -45 port s. Table 1-2 def in es the perfor m ance of the port LED s for the 10Base-T / 100Bas e-T X ports in bot h the de fault confi gur ation and wi th t he LED mode bu tton pressed .
6 Product Ove rview ELS100-24TXM Rear Panel Figure 1-5 sho ws the ELS 100-24TXM rear pan el and Ta ble 1-3 defines the rear pane l com pone nts. Figure 1- 5.
9032785 Product Overv iew 7 Spanning Tree Protoco l The ELS100- 24TXM swi tch sup ports the IEEE 802.1D Spanni ng Tree Protocol. This pr otocol allows re dundant connectio ns to be created between differ ent LAN se gments for purposes of fault tolera nce.
8 Product Ove rview ELS100-24TXM Configur ation and Management Interfaces The ELS10 0-2 4TXM swit ch can be ma naged using any of the followin g three m ethods: • Serial console , out-of-ba nd An RS-23 2 connection, using a DB-9 con nector, is supported for ou t- of-band swit ch manageme nt.
9032785 Product Overv iew 9 • Event: a functio n that operates wi th the Alarm grou p to def ine an action that will be ta ken when an alarm condi ti on occurs. The even t may wri te a log entry an d/or send a tra p mess age. RMON S tatisti cs group informati on is displa yed on th e Port Statis tics Scre en in the console me nus.
10 Product Ov erview ELS100-24TXM BootP/DHCP The Bo otstrap Pr otocol (B ootP) and the Dy namic Host Config uration Protocol (DHCP ) provide for t he capabilit y of passi ng conf igurati on inform ation to hosts on a TCP/ IP networ k.
9032785 Product Overview 11 Class of Service Class of Service supp ort allow s you to assign a hi gher priorit y to selecte d traffic pass ing t hr ough t he switch. The ELS1 00-24TXM swit ch supp orts Class of Service attributes per the IEE E 802 .1p draft standard using a priori ty qu euing mec hani sm.
12 Product Ov erview ELS100-24TXM Client/Server Netwo rk Application To improve wo rkst ation per for m ance in a client/ser ver environme nt, the ELS100-24 TXM switch can be configur ed to provi de 200 Mbp s full duple x Fast Eth ernet connectio ns to server s by connect ing each to a dedica ted switch po rt (Figur e 1-6).
9032785 Product Overview 13 Local Backbone Appli cati on The ELS100 -24TXM sw itch can be u sed in a local backb one applicatio n, connecting network se gments toge ther an d providing file-ser ver access (Figure 1- 6). Workgrou p hubs are provid ed with a singl e connection to the switch whi le server s ar e put on dedica ted 100 Mbps por ts.
9032785 Installa tion 15 2. INS TAL LATION Inspecting Your Shi pment When you receive the shipment of your switch, check the package contents and make sure you have the follow ing i tems: • ELS100-2.
16 Installation ELS100-24TXM Mounting the Switch on a Table or Shelf Mount the swit ch on a table or shelf in a position whi ch allows access to the front panel RJ -4 5 ports, visibil ity of the port LE Ds, and access to the power cor d.
9032785 Installa tion 17 Mounting the Switch o n a Wall The swit ch shi p s wi th t wo (2) multi-p osition mou nting ears and four (4) mounti ng scre ws. Figure 2-1 show s the orientati on of the m ount ing ears for attachi ng th e ears to the sw it ch for a wall mount appl ication.
18 Installation ELS100-24TXM Mounting the Switch in a Rack The switch ships with two (2) mu lti-positi on m ounting ear s and fou r (4) mounting screws. Figure 2-2 sho ws the o rientation of the m ounting ears fo r attac hing the ears to t he switch for a rack m ount appl ication.
9032785 Installa tion 19 Installing a Fiber Uplink Module into the Switch The fiber upli nk module op ti on per mits you to ena ble 100Base- FX f iber connection s to the switch. A 2 port fi ber modu le can be installed into the modular slot o n the l eft side of th e switch ( Figure 2 -3).
20 Installation ELS100-24TXM Connecting a T erminal to the Console Port The console port is a serial RS-232 in terface por t that enables a connection to a t erminal f or perfor ming swit ch monitor ing and configura tion functio ns.
9032785 Installa tion 21 5. Configur e the term inal to the followi ng commun ication set tings: 9600 baud, no parit y, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no har dw are flow contr ol, ASCII char act er set. Powerin g the Switch To supply power to the switch, do t he fol lo wing: 1.
22 Installation ELS100-24TXM • Memory Memor y tests on the CPU RAM ar e perform ed afte r the ser ial port test. No results are displa yed on th e console.
9032785 Installa tion 23 10Base-T/100Base-TX Ports The 1 0Base-T/1 00Base-TX po rts use RJ-45 connector s. Figur e 2-6 shows an RJ-45 connect or being inserted int o a port.
24 Installation ELS100-24TXM 100Base-F X Fiber Ports The 100Bas e-FX Fiber p orts use SC conne ctors. Figur e 2-7 shows an SC fiber connect or bein g inserted in to a fi ber port on the ELS 100-24TXM .
9032785 ELS100-24TXM Use r Interface 25 3. ELS100-2 4TXM USER INTERFACE Overview When you have connected a terminal t o the conso le port, or use d Telnet to access the swi tch ove r the network, access is gai ned t o the console menus.
26 ELS100-24 TXM User Interface ELS100-24TXM User Access There are tw o mo des of access to the user int erface: READ -ONLY and READ/WRITE. READ-ONLY access allows you to view switch inform ati on, but not modif y any operati ng parameters . READ/WR IT E access allows y ou to bot h r ead and modify swit ch informati on.
9032785 ELS100-24TXM Use r Interface 27 Factory Defaults Table 3-1 li sts the factory defaul t settings for the sw it ch conf igu ration paramet er s. Each of these parame ters can be changed vi a the con s ole menus or Telnet .
28 ELS100-24 TXM User Interface ELS100-24TXM Menu Hi erarchy Figure 3-2 sho ws the ELS100- 24T XM switch use r in ter face menu hierarchy. Figure 3- 2.
9032785 ELS100-24TXM Use r Interface 29 Main Menu The Main M enu is the first screen seen after success fully logging in to th e system. Figure 3-3 show s the Main Menu and the accompanying table describes t he Main Menu. Figure 3-3. Mai n M enu MAIN MENU Access Co ntrol: READ/WRITE a.
30 ELS100-24 TXM User Interface ELS100-24TXM System Configuration Menu The System Confi gurat ion Menu enables modifica tion of system-level switch conf iguration param eters.
9032785 ELS100-24TXM Use r Interface 31 SNMP Configuration Menu The SNM P Configu ration Menu allows yo u to modi fy SNMP-re lated configurat ion parameters.
32 ELS100-24 TXM User Interface ELS100-24TXM Switch Configuration Me nu The Switch Co nfiguratio n Menu allows you to modify swi tchi ng-related configura tion para meters.
9032785 ELS100-24TXM Use r Interface 33 Forwarding Table Configura tion Menu The Forw arding Ta ble Configur ation Menu a llows you to v iew and modi fy forwardi ng table paramet ers. The MAC addr ess of each forwardi ng table entry is displaye d along wit h its type , disposi tion, and associated por t numb er.
34 ELS100-24 TXM User Interface ELS100-24TXM Select ion Descri ption Displa y Table Redis plays the forward in g table . Make E ntry Static Makes a dynamic ent ry in th e forwardin g table st atic. Add Static En try Adds a static entr y to the for wardin g table.
9032785 ELS100-24TXM Use r Interface 35 Spanning Tree Configu ration Menu The Span ning Tree Config ur ati on Menu allow s y ou to vi ew and modify Spanning Tr ee parame ters. Sel ect b from the Swi tch Confi guration Menu to view the S panni ng Tree Configur at ion Menu.
36 ELS100-24 TXM User Interface ELS100-24TXM Select ion Descrip tion Spanni n g Tree Pr otocol Enable A llows you to enable (Y es) or disable ( No) the g loba l Spanni n g Tree op eration on t he swit ch. Port Confi g urati on Menu Provi des access to the Spannin g Tree Port Confi g ura- tion Me nu.
9032785 ELS100-24TXM Use r Interface 37 Spanning Tree Port Config uration Menu The Spann ing Tree Port Confi guration Menu allows you to view Sp anning Tree Conf iguration i nformatio n for all of the ports in a t able format . Select b from the Span ning Tree Conf igurati on Menu to view the Spa nning Tree Port Con figuration Menu.
38 ELS100-24 TXM User Interface ELS100-24TXM Spanning Tree Port #n Confi guration Menu The Spanning Tr ee Port #n Conf i gur ation Menu allow s you to view Spannin g Tree P ort Conf iguration informati on for an indiv idual por t.
9032785 ELS100-24TXM Use r Interface 39 VLAN Configuration Menu The VLAN Con fi gur at ion Menu allows you t o conf igure the operatio n of Virt ual L ANs ( VLANs) in the s witch. S elect c fr om t he Switch Configu ration Menu to vi ew the VLAN Co nf iguration Men u.
40 ELS100-24 TXM User Interface ELS100-24TXM VLAN Menu The VLAN Menu displ ays the configuratio n of VLANs in the switch and allows access to the VLA N #n Configu ration Menu to create and configure VLANs. Select b from the VLA N Configur at ion Menu to vie w th e VLAN Menu.
9032785 ELS100-24TXM Use r Interface 41 VLAN #n Configuration Menu The VLAN #n Co nfigurat ion Menu allows you t o c onf igure a name for a specif ic VLAN, add o r remove a por t in the VLAN, and add or remo ve an egres s port in the V LAN. Sel ect c from the VLAN Menu to view the VLAN #n Configu ration Me nu.
42 ELS100-24 TXM User Interface ELS100-24TXM VLAN Port Menu The VLAN Port M enu displ ays a table o f VLAN configurati on infor mation on a per por t basis and a llows you to m odify the VLA N Port Type. Sel ect c from t he VLAN Configurat ion Men u to view t he VLAN Port Me nu.
9032785 ELS100-24TXM Use r Interface 43 Class of Servic e Configuration Menu The Cla ss of Service Configurat ion Menu al lows you to configur e Class of Service settings for the system as well as to set the Class of Service for VLAN t agged fr ames.
44 ELS100-24 TXM User Interface ELS100-24TXM Port Priority Menu The Port Pr ior ity Menu all ow s you to modify and display a table which shows Class of Servi ce configuratio n information on a per por t basis. Select c from the Cl ass of Service Co nfiguration Menu to view th e Port Priori ty Configur ation M enu.
9032785 ELS100-24TXM Use r Interface 45 Port Menu The Port M enu al low s you to display inf ormation fo r each port in a ta ble format, as wel l as to acce ss the Po rt Configur at ion M enu. You can also refre sh the screen inform ation. Select c fro m th e Ma in Menu to view the Port Menu .
46 ELS100-24 TXM User Interface ELS100-24TXM Por t Co nfig urati on Me nu The Port Conf i guration Menu allow s you to configure por t settings for a spec if ic port.
9032785 ELS100-24TXM Use r Interface 47 Switch Statistics Screen The Switc h Sta tis ti cs Scr een provides a summary di splay of port-level statistics, and provides access to the Po rt Statist ics screens. You can also clear o r refresh t he statis tics.
48 ELS100-24 TXM User Interface ELS100-24TXM Switch Summary Sc reen The Switch Su mmary Screen al lows you to displ ay sum total stati stics for all port s of the sw itch. You can also cl ear or refr esh the stat istics. Sel ect s from the S witch Stati stics Scre en to view t he Switch Sum mary screen.
9032785 ELS100-24TXM Use r Interface 49 Port Statistics Screen The Port Statisti cs Screen allow s you to display st atistics for ea ch port on the switch. M any of these statistics corr espond to the Stat ist ics group of RMON. You can also refresh or clear the statistics.
50 ELS100-24 TXM User Interface ELS100-24TXM Field Des cription Multicast s Transmitte d Total numb er of mul ticast fr ames transm itted on the port. Multicast s Received Total nu mber o f multic ast fram es receiv ed on th e port. Bytes Tran smitted Total nu mber of bytes t ransmitted o n the port.
9032785 ELS100-24TXM Use r Interface 51 General Inform ation Screen The Genera l In formation Screen all ow s you to view general syste m info rmation.
52 ELS100-24 TXM User Interface ELS100-24TXM Download Software Menu The Downl oad Softwa re Menu al lows you t o set up a nd initi ate a soft ware download. Select f from t he Ma in Menu to view the Download Software Menu. Figur e 3- 23 shows the Dow nloa d Software Me nu and the accompanying table describes t he Down load Softw are Men u.
9032785 ELS100-24TXM Use r Interface 53 Save Current Configuration The Save C urrent Co nfiguration screen ensures that all cha nges made t o the ELS100 -24TXM swi tc h via the console men us will be stor ed in t he event of powe r outages or power cycles.
54 ELS100-24 TXM User Interface ELS100-24TXM Reset The Reset screen allo ws you to perf orm a switc h hardware re set. You are first pr omp ted as to wheth er or not to save the cur ren t switch configura tion. To reset the swi tc h, do the follo wing: 1.
9032785 Configuring & Monitoring the Switch 55 4. CONFIG URING & MONITOR ING TH E SWITCH Common Tasks The switch consol e menus allow you to modi fy default switch sett ings and configur e the sw itch for networ k management . They also allow you to monito r switch perfor mance and sta tus.
56 Conf iguring & Monitoring the Switch ELS100-24TXM Setting Password Protection The ELS10 0-24TXM sw itch is factory-c onfigured wit h access ri ghts to t he console menus set to RE AD /WRITE. This set t ing al low s anyone to use the co nsole men us to m odify any operati onal para mete r.
9032785 Configuring & Monitoring the Switch 57 Assigning an IP Address To assign an IP add ress to the swit ch, do the follow ing : 1. Select S ystem C onfigurati on Menu from the Main men u. 2. Select IP add re ss from the menu and en ter th e IP address.
58 Conf iguring & Monitoring the Switch ELS100-24TXM Setting SNMP Management Acces s Access to the ELS1 00-24TXM swit ch through SN MP is controll ed by community names. The community names set for the switch must match those used by th e SNMP mana gement stat ion for successful communica tion to occur.
9032785 Configuring & Monitoring the Switch 59 Configuring Port Mirroring You can mirro r the tr affic bein g switche d on an y port f or the purposes of networ k traffic an alysis and connection assurance.
60 Conf iguring & Monitoring the Switch ELS100-24TXM Download ing Via th e Serial Port A serial down load is the easiest me thod to upgrad e the ELS1 00- 24TXM switch sof tware, requirin g the l east amount of equipm ent and configura tion. To download swi tch software via the seria l port, do the follow in g: 1.
9032785 Configuring & Monitoring the Switch 61 4. If necessary, configure the addr ess of an IP gateway t o reach the server fro m the swit ch using the Default G ateway fiel d on the Syst em Configur ation Menu .
62 Conf iguring & Monitoring the Switch ELS100-24TXM Configuring VLANs A virtual LA N (VLAN) is a group of devices on one or mo re LANs that are configure d such tha t they can commun icate as if they w ere at tached to the same wire. Because V LANs are based on l ogical in stead of physical connections, they ar e extreme ly flexible .
9032785 Configuring & Monitoring the Switch 63 T o configure Class of Servi ce, do the foll ow ing: 1. Select Clas s of Service Config uration Menu f rom the Swit ch Configur ation Menu . 2. Turn the glob al switch Cl ass of Service oper ation on or off by t oggling the Clas s of Servi ce Enable option b y pressing a .
64 Conf iguring & Monitoring the Switch ELS100-24TXM 7. Select F ull Duplex t o toggle between Yes ( Full Duplex) an d No (Half Duplex) m ode on the port(s).
9032785 Configuring & Monitoring the Switch 65 To eit her make an existing dyn amic entr y static ( Make Entry St atic) or delete a static entry (Delete Static E ntry), do the fo llowing: 1. Select t he lett er associate d with the opt ion. The followi ng m essag e prompt displays: Enter MAC A ddress: 2.
66 Conf iguring & Monitoring the Switch ELS100-24TXM Setting a Default Gateway The Defa ult Gat eway paramet er defines th e IP add re ss of a route r or other netw ork device to whi c h IP packets are to be sent if destined for a subnet outside o f that w hich the switch is operating .
9032785 SNMP Ma nagement 67 5. SNM P MANAGE MENT The SNMP Protocol SNMP (Simpl e Network Managem ent Protocol) is a com mu nica tion protocol desig ned specifically f or the purpose of ma nagi ng devices or other ele me nts on a network . Network equipm ent commonly manag ed with SNMP includes hubs, swi tches, routers, and host computer s.
68 SNMP Ma nagement ELS100-24TXM There ar e three main oper ations de fined in SNMP: • Operation s that read informat ion from the managed de vice, such a s those used to obtai n status or statistic al dat a, are called GET operati ons.
9032785 SNMP Ma nagement 69 This MIB reports infor mation about t he protocols and network inte r fac es supporte d on the agent i tself, as well as other general inf ormation. The MIB is divided into a number of groups, each of which co rresponds to a specif ic pr ot ocol or set of inform ation.
70 SNMP Ma nagement ELS100-24TXM Cabletron Systems Proprietary MIB Exten sion s Areas of ELS100- 24TXM switch functionalit y not covered by the sta ndard RFC MIB s are specif ied in the Cabl etron Syst ems private MIB. This M IB definiti on is spe cified separ a te ly from MIB -I I.
9032785 SNMP Ma nagement 71 Table 5- 1. Syst em Informati on Variables Table 5- 2. Sw it ch Information Variabl es continue d on next page Vari able Desc ripti on SerialN o Se rial num ber of the un it. TftpIpAddress TFTP server IP address for TFTP downloads.
72 SNMP Ma nagement ELS100-24TXM Table 5-2 Sw i tch Inf ormat i on Vari ables (conti nue d) Variable De scriptio n Switch Mirror edPort Port to be mir rored from. SwitchMirror in g Port Port to be mirrorin g to. SwitchXmitMir rorEnable Enable/disa ble mirrorin g of tran smitted tr affic out of the mirro red port to t he mirrori n g port.
9032785 SNMP Ma nagement 73 Table 5-3. P ort Variab les Compilin g MIB Extensions: Cable tron Website The MIBs supported by t he ELS100-2 4TXM swit ch must be compil ed into the SNMP net work manage ment plat for m before the switch can be managed. T he supp orted MIBs are availabl e via th e Internet at t he follow ing ad dress: ftp://1 34.
9032785 Technic al Specifications 75 APPENDIX A. TECHNICAL SPECI FICATIONS General Standards Compliance IEEE 802.1D T ransparent Bridging S pecificat ions (ISO /IEC 1 0038) IEEE 802. 1p Tr af fic Class Exped it ing and Dynami c Multicast Fil tering IEEE 802.
76 Technical Specifications ELS100-24TXM Electrical Specificati ons Input volta ge: 100-240 VAC Input fre quency: 50-60 Hz Maximum p owe r consumpti on: 75 VA Physical Height: 1.75 in. (4. 4 cm ) Length: 16.0 in. (40 .6 cm) Width: 17.1 in. (43 .4 cm mountabl e in a standard 19 in .
9032785 Technic al Specifications 77 Port Specifications Console Port Table A -1 shows the console port pi n assignme nts. Table A -1. R S-232 Cons ole Port P in Assignmen ts 10Base-T and 100Base-TX Ports The ELS100- 24TXM swi tch provide s IEEE 802.
78 Technical Specifications ELS100-24TXM MDI/MDI-X Crossover Cable Wirin g Figure A -1 shows the wiring sch eme for i mplementi ng a crossover cable if needed for connect io n to the switch’s 10B ase-T or 100Base- TX por t s. Such a cable may be req uir ed w hen connecting the swi tch to another switch or a hub devi ce.
9032785 Technic al Specifications 79 Country-Specific Requirements Table A-3 lists the powe r cord set re quirements by coun try and identif ies the accr edited agency within t hat country . Table A-3. Power Co rd Set R equirements by Coun try NOTE 1 Flexible co rd must be <HAR > Type HO5V V-F or HO3V V-F, 3-co nductor, 1.
9032785 Spanning Tree Concepts 81 APPENDIX B. SPANNING TRE E CONCEP TS General The IEEE 802 .1D Spannin g Tree Prot ocol resolves the pro blem s of physical l oops in a network by establis hing one pri mary path between any two swit ches in a network.
82 Spanning T ree Concepts ELS100-24TXM Spanning Tree Protocol in a Network Figure B-1 ill u st rat es the use of three ELS 100-24TXM swi tches to establis h an effective Spanning Tr ee configurat ion. Switche s A, B and C are co nnected toget her in a redund ant topology (more than on e path between tw o p oin ts).
9032785 Spanning Tree Concepts 83 Spanning Tree Protoc ol Parameters Several con figuration pa rameters cont rol the oper at ion of the Spann ing Tree P rotocol. Table B-1 d escribes the parameters a nd lists the ELS10 0- 24TX M switch defaul t settings for each pa r am eter.
84 Spanning T ree Concepts ELS100-24TXM Spanning Tree Protocol Operation When the Span nin g Tree Proto c ol is en abled for the first time or whe n there is a ch ange in the netw ork topolo gy, such .
9032785 Spanning Tree Concepts 85 There are five (5) states that the ports can be in for spanning tree: • Blocking: A port in this stat e does not pa rticipate i n the transm ission of fra mes, th us preventin g duplicat ion ari sing thr ough multi ple pat hs existing in th e active topol ogy of the bridged LAN .
9032785 Flow C ontr ol 8 7 APPEN DIX C. FLO W CONTRO L Flow cont rol is a m echanism which allows you to protect t he switch fro m overload conditio ns and to keep addi tional t raffic o ff the ne twork when excessive congestion will result. Figure C-1 illustrates flow control for both half and ful l dupl ex appl ications.
88 Flow Cont rol ELS100-24TXM The ELS10 0-24TXM Port Statistics S creen indicat es the number of pause frames that have been sent, in dicating t he number of t imes full duplex f low control has occurred . For the full d uplex pause frame me chanism to work, the device connect ed to the switch por t must also support IEEE 80 2.
9032785 Virtual LANs (VLAN s) 89 APPENDIX D. VIRTUAL LANS (VLANS) VLANs and Frame Ta gging The EL S100-24TXM supports IEEE 802 .1Q-com pliant vir tual LA Ns (VLANs). This cap ability provid es a highly efficient ar chit ecture for establish ing VLANs withi n a network and f or con trollin g bro adcast/ multi cast traffic between wo rkgroups.
90 Virt ual LANs (VLANs) ELS100-24TXM If the ELS100 -24TXM is so conf igured, and, if the frame does not alr eady contain a tag, a VLAN iden tifier is place d in a tag which is appen ded to frames as th ey are received by the sw itch. Within the swi tch and between switches com pliant wit h IEEE 802.
9032785 Virtual LANs (VLAN s) 91 VLAN Egress Ports The VLAN Egress Por ts parameter is used to assign ports to a VLAN for carrying VLAN tag ged frames across a netwo rk. The assignment of egres s port s does not aff ect the assign ment of VLA N ID s to frames enteri ng the sw itch.
92 Virt ual LANs (VLANs) ELS100-24TXM VLAN Hybrid Ports A VLAN Hybri d por t is used to conn ect one or m ore VLAN-aw are or VLAN-una ware devices to the switch. B oth tagged and untagged fr ames can be receive d and tr an smitted on Hybrid ports. Eg ress port s shou ld typically be config ured as Hybrid port s.
9032785 Virtual LANs (VLAN s) 93 In Example 3 in Fig ure D-3B, an untagge d frame arrives at the lef t port (1). The swit ch ta gs the frame wit h th e PVID for VLAN X (2) . Since the destinat ion MAC address has alre ady been learned as a tagged station on VLAN X on the out going por t, the frame is sent out with a V LAN X tag .
94 Virt ual LANs (VLANs) ELS100-24TXM VLAN Application Exa mple A networ k administrat or can use V LANs to defi ne user groups regardle ss of the physical LA N segm en t to whic h they are connected. Th e use of Hybrid and Access links can further refine traffic flow in a multi-switch environme nt.
9032785 Class O f Service 95 APPENDIX E. CLA SS OF SER VICE Class of Service support on the EL S100-24TX M allow s you to assign mission-cr it ica l data a higher prio rity through t he swi tch by delaying le ss critica l traffi c during periods of congesti on.
96 Class Of S ervice ELS100-24TXM Figure E-1 shows priori ty queuin g operat ing within a swit ch. Frames entering the swi tch through ports 1 and 4 are tagged as norma l traffic and placed in a normal pri ority queue on t he outbound port.
9032785 Acronyms & Abb reviations 97 APPENDIX F. ACRONYM S & ABBREVIATION S Term Definition 10Bas e-T 10Mbps twiste d-pair Ethern et 100Bas e-FX 100Mbp s fiber Fast Ethe rnet 100Bas e-TX 100Mb.
98 Acr onyms & Abbreviatio ns ELS100-24TXM Term Definiti on RXD Rece ive Data SNMP Simple Network M ana g ement P rotocol STP Spa nnin g Tree Pr otocol TCP/IP Transmi ssion Con trol Protocol/ Inte.
9032785 Index 99 INDEX 100Base- F X conn ect or s, 24 10Base- T/100Ba se-TX conn ectors, 23 10Base- T/100Ba se-TX pi nouts, 77 , 79 802.1D Spanni n g Tree Pr otoco l, 61, 8 1 802.
100 Index ELS100-24TXM I inspectin g your ship ment, 15 IP addr ess see assi g nin g , 57 L LED mode button, 3, 4 , 5 define d, 3 LEDs, 4, 5, 10 local b ackbone applicat ion, 13 lo g in, 26 lo g out, .
9032785 Index 101 Spanni n g Tree Prot oc ol defaults, 83 Stan dards C ompliance IEEE , 75 stor e-an d-forwa rd, 7 , 83, 98 subnet mask, 57 Switch Confi g uratio n Menu, 29 , 32 switch statistics, 58 .
102 Index ELS100-24TXM.
DOCUMEN T 591- 00 46-02A.
An important point after buying a device Cabletron Systems SmartSTACK ELS100-24TXM (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cabletron Systems SmartSTACK ELS100-24TXM yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cabletron Systems SmartSTACK ELS100-24TXM - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cabletron Systems SmartSTACK ELS100-24TXM you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cabletron Systems SmartSTACK ELS100-24TXM will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cabletron Systems SmartSTACK ELS100-24TXM, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cabletron Systems SmartSTACK ELS100-24TXM.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cabletron Systems SmartSTACK ELS100-24TXM. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cabletron Systems SmartSTACK ELS100-24TXM along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center