Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product ELS100-24TXG Cabletron Systems
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NOTICE Cabl etr on Sys tems rese rve s th e right to make chang es in spe cif i cat i ons and oth er i nfo rm a- tion cont ai ne d in this doc um ent wit hout prior not i ce . The rea der s hould in al l cas es co nsu lt Cabl etr on Sy s tems to determ i ne whet her any such cha nges have be en made.
DOC NOTICE This digit al app aratus does not exceed the C lass A limits fo r ra dio noise em iss i ons fro m d ig - ital appa rat us set out in the Radio In t er fe renc e Regulatio ns of the Ca nadian Depar tmen t of Communi cat ions.
EXCLUSION OF WARRANTY AND DISCLAIM ER OF LIABI LITY 1. EXCL USION O F W ARRA NT Y . E x ce pt as may be s pec i fic al l y p rovided by C abletron i n writ ing, Cabl etron makes no warra nty, ex press ed or impli ed, c oncerni ng the P ro- gram (i nc l udi ng its docu mentatio n and medi a).
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Applicatio n of Council Directive (s): 89/336/EEC 73/23 / EEC Manu fac t urer’s Name: Cabl et ron Systems , Inc. Manu f acturer ’s Addres s: 35 I ndustrial W ay PO Box 50 0 5 Ro che ster, NH 038 67 Euro pean Repres ent at ive Name: Mr.
9032947 Table Of Con tents i TABLE OF CONTENT S PREFA CE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Purp ose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ii Table Of Contents ELS100-24TXG Net work Cable R equirem ents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Cop per . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Fibe r . . . . . . . .
9032947 Tabl e Of Cont ents iii Con figur ing Spa nnin g Tree Parame ters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Con figur ing VLANs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Con figur ing Class of Service .
iv Table Of Contents ELS100-24TXG APPEND IX C. FL OW CONTR OL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 APPEND IX D. VIRT UAL L AN S (VLA NS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 VLAN s and Fram e Tagg i n g .
9032947 Pref ace v PREFACE Purpose This guide prov ides i nforma tion ab out th e featu r e s and applica tions of the Cab l etron ELS100 - 24TXG switch as we ll as inst ruc tio ns for config uri ng and m onitor ing the switch .
vi Prefac e ELS1 00-24TXG Other C onv entions Th i s guide us e s th e follo win g typogra phical co nvention s: • Init i al Caps Men u title s and con sole me nu s el ections . • [Ente r] Used to desi g nat e the E nter or R eturn key . • ALL C APS Used to desi gnat e field s wit hin the c o nso l e menu s (Exampl e: CONN EC TION).
9032947 Pref ace vii Appendix E. Clas s of Ser vice : Des cri bes how th e tra ffic C l a ss of Servic e featu res can be use d to assi gn missi on-cri tical data a h igher priority thro ugh the s wi tch by de laying l e ss c rit i ca l traffic d uring p eriods of co nges ti on .
9032947 Product Over view 1 1. PRODUC T OVERVIEW Descrip tion This i nst allati on an d u ser gu id e d esc r ib es t he Cabletr on EL S100- 24 TXG Et herne t swit ch. T h e sw itc h is IEEE 80 2.1D-com plian t and su pports 24 IE EE 802.3 u 100B ase-TX F ast E thern et por ts.
2 Product Overview ELS100-24TXG Feat ures • Port s: - 24 d ua l-s pe ed 10 Bas e -T / 100 B ase - T X p or ts u s in g R J- 45 co nn ectors (M DI-X ) - 2 1000Ba se-X Gig abit Ethe r net por ts usi n.
9032947 Product Over view 3 • Softw are: - Ex te nsiv e dia gnostic s fo r pro d uct te sti ng and tr oubles hooti ng - Up grades us i n g t he f r ont pan el con sole port o r in-b an d wi th TFTP Fr on t Pa nel Fi gure 1-1 sh ows the front pa nel of th e Cablet ron ELS10 0-24T XG.
4 Product Overview ELS100-24TXG Fi gure 1-2 s hows the L ink a nd Acti vity LEDs f or the 2 100 0Base-X G igabi t Ethe rnet ports. T he LEDs ar e po sitio ned to the left of t heir associated por t.
9032947 Product Over view 5 The p ort LEDs are grou ped to the left of the ir cor respo nding R J-45 por ts. Tab le 1-2 de fines t he per forman ce of th e port LE Ds for th e 1 0Bas e-T / 100B ase-TX p orts i n both the d efaul t configu ration and wit h the LED mod e butto n p ress ed.
6 Product Overview ELS100-24TXG Feat ure Summaries Th e follo win g su m mari es p rov ide a brief descri ption of ELS10 0-24TXG f eat ures in a reas su ch as s tanda rds compl ianc e, f uncti onal ity, per form ance , and opt i o ns. IEEE 802.1D Bridge Th e ELS100- 24TXG sw itch is f ully c ompl iant with IE EE 802.
9032947 Product Over view 7 Softwa re Do wnload The ELS10 0-24TX G switc h suppo r ts the indus try -sta nd ard T ri vial Fil e Tr ansf er Proto col (T F TP ) for do wnload i ng so ftwar e to t he switch . All swi tch softw are is s t ored in a 2 MB s e ctor ed flas h RO M.
8 Product Overview ELS100-24TXG RMON RMON ( Rem ote Monito ring) is a fa cility used to ma nage netwo rks rem o t e l y w hil e pro v id i n g mul ti-ve ndor i nte rope rabil ity b etwee n moni toring dev ices a nd ma nagemen t stati ons. RMON is d efined b y an SN MP M IB.
9032947 Product Over view 9 co nnec te d to th e sw itc h su ppo rt s au to- nego ti ati on as t he E LS1 00- 24T XG switch automatically adjusts to the network device's co m munication set tings. Auto-ne gotiati on is c onfigur able i n the Port Config uratio n Menu of the con sol e menus or via SNM P.
10 Product Overview ELS100-24TXG (C SMA/C D) p roto c ol , allowing for two - way tr affic. Fu l l duple x is co nfigur able using the Dupl e x Mo de para m eter i n the Port M enu o f th e co nsole menu s or v ia S NMP.
9032947 Product Overvi ew 11 Clie nt/Ser ver Ne twork A ppli cat ion To i mpr ove w ork stati o n p erfor mance in a client/s e rver environ ment, the ELS10 0-24T XG switc h ca n be con figured to prov ide 200 Mbps f u l l dup lex Fast Ethernet connec tio ns to ser ver s b y conn ectin g eac h t o a de dicate d swi tch por t ( Figur e 1-6) .
12 Product Overview ELS100-24TXG Local B ac kbo ne Appl ica t ion Th e E LS1 00-24 TXG s w itc h c an be us ed i n a l oca l bac kb one ap plic ation , co nnecti ng ne twork segm en ts to gether a nd prov idi n g fil e -serv er a ccess (F igur e 1-6).
9032947 Install at ion 13 2. INSTALL ATION Insp ecting You r Shipm ent When you receive the shipment of your switch, che ck the package con ten ts and m a ke sur e you have th e follo win g items: •.
14 Instal lation ELS1 00-24TXG Moun ting the Switc h on a Tab le or She lf Mou nt the sw itch on a table or shelf i n a posit ion wh i ch allows acce ss to the front panel RJ- 45 ports, visibilit y o f the port LEDs, and access to the pow er co rd.
9032947 Install at ion 15 M ounting the Swit ch on a Wall The sw i t ch ship s wit h two ( 2) m ulti-po sition m ountin g ears an d four ( 4) mounting screws. Fi gure 2-1 sh ows th e ori en tat i o n o f th e mou nting ea rs for at taching t he ears to the swit ch for a wall m ount applica t ion.
16 Instal lation ELS1 00-24TXG Moun ting th e Switch in a R ack Th e switc h sh ips wi th t w o (2) m ulti - p o sition mountin g ears and f our ( 4) mounting screws. Fi gure 2-2 s hows the o rienta tion of t he mount ing e ars for attach ing the ears to the swit ch for a rack mount app licatio n.
9032947 Install at ion 17 Con necting a Termin al to the Console Po rt The consol e p ort i s a ser ial RS- 232 inte rface p ort t hat ena bles a con nec tion to a term inal fo r pe rforming switch moni toring a nd co nfi gur ati on f unc tio n s.
18 Instal lation ELS1 00-24TXG Powering the Swit ch To sup ply po w e r to t he switch , do the fo llowin g: 1. Con nect the po wer c ord t o the sw itch and to a gr ounde d thre e-pr ong wall outlet (Figure 2-4).
9032947 Install at ion 19 • Memo ry Mem o ry tests on the CPU RA M are p erform ed afte r the serial port test. No results are di splayed on the console . Af ter the s e two test s are p erforme d, the oper ational s o ftw are of the sw itch is load ed .
20 Instal lation ELS1 00-24TXG 10Base- T/100Ba se-TX Po rts Th e 10Bas e -T/100 Ba se- TX po r ts use RJ-45 con nector s. F igur e 2-5 sh ows an R J-45 co nnector being inserte d into a port.
9032947 Install at ion 21 1000Ba se-X Gig abit Ethe rnet Ports The fibe r optic G igabi t Ethe rnet GBICs u se du al SC co nnec tors. F igu re 2- 6 s hows a d ual S C c onnec tor be i ng in serted into a Gigabit Etherne t por t on th e ELS1 00-24T XG.
9032947 ELS100-24TXG User Interf ace 23 3. ELS100-2 4TXG USER INT ERFACE Ov er vie w When y ou h av e co nne c ted a te rminal to the co ns ol e por t, o r u sed T el n et to acce ss the switch over the network, acce ss is gained to th e console menus.
24 ELS100-24TXG Us er Interface ELS100-24TXG User Acc ess The re are t wo mo des of ac c es s t o th e u s er i nte rf ac e: RE AD -ON L Y a nd READ/WRITE. READ-O NLY a ccess allo ws you to view switch in formation , but no t modif y an y operati ng para m e ters .
9032947 ELS100-24TXG User Interf ace 25 Fact ory Def aults Table 3-1 lists the factory de fault settings fo r the switch configuration par ameters. Each of these pa ram e ters ca n b e ch anged via th e co nsole men us or Te l n et.
26 ELS100-24TXG Us er Interface ELS100-24TXG Menu Hierarc hy Fi gure 3-2 s hows the E LS100 - 24TXG s wi tch user inter face m enu hi erarc hy. Fi gur e 3- 2.
9032947 ELS100-24TXG User Interf ace 27 M ain Me nu The Main Men u is the first s cree n seen afte r s uccessf ully loggi ng in to t he system. Figure 3-3 sho ws the Main Men u and t he accompanying tab le des cribes th e Main Menu . Figure 3-3. Main Menu MAIN MENU A c c ess Co n tro l: REA D /W RITE a.
28 ELS100-24TXG Us er Interface ELS100-24TXG System Conf igurat ion Menu The System Configuration Menu enables modification of system-level switch conf iguratio n param eters. Select a from the Ma i n Me nu to view th e Sys te m C onf ig urat io n Me nu .
9032947 ELS100-24TXG User Interf ace 29 SNMP Co nfigurat ion Men u The SNMP Con figurat ion Men u allo w s you t o mod ify SNMP - rela ted co nfi g ur atio n p a ram et e r s . Se le ct a fr om t he S yst em C onf ig urat io n M en u to v ie w t he S NMP Co nfig ur ati o n M enu .
30 ELS100-24TXG Us er Interface ELS100-24TXG Swit ch Config uratio n Menu Th e Switch C o nfig uration Menu allows you to modi fy sw itchin g-relate d co nfigur ation paramet ers. Sel e ct b fr om the Ma in Menu t o v iew the Sw itc h Co nfig ur atio n M en u.
9032947 ELS100-24TXG User Interf ace 31 For wardi ng Ta ble C onfig urati on Me nu The Forw ardi ng Tab le C onfi gura tion Menu allow s yo u to vie w and m odi fy for wa rdi ng tab le p ar am ete rs. The MA C addr es s o f eac h f orw ar ding ta ble entr y is di spl aye d along with i ts t ype, di sposit i o n, and as socia ted po rt num ber.
32 ELS100-24TXG Us er Interface ELS100-24TXG Forwarding Table Confi gura tion Menu (con ti nued) Sel ection D escription Dis p la y T abl e Red isp la y s t he for wa rdi ng t abl e. Mak e En try St at i c Mak es a dynami c en t ry in the f orw arding table stat i c.
9032947 ELS100-24TXG User Interf ace 33 Span ning Tree Config uratio n Menu The Spanni ng Tree Config urat ion Men u allo w s you t o view a nd mo dify Span ning Tree pa r a m e ters. Sele ct b from t he Swi tch C onf i g urati on Menu to v iew th e Span ning T r ee Con figur ation M enu.
34 ELS100-24TXG Us er Interface ELS100-24TXG Spann i ng T ree C onfiguration Menu (conti nued) Selec tion Des cription Spanning Tree Proto c ol Enable A llo ws you to enable (Y es) or di sab le ( No) the globa l Spann i ng Tree ope ration on the swit ch .
9032947 ELS100-24TXG User Interf ace 35 Span ning Tree Po rt Confi guration M enu The Span ning Tree P ort Con figura tion Menu allows you to view S panning Tr ee Confi gurati on infor mation for a ll of the po r ts i n a ta ble fo rmat.
36 ELS100-24TXG Us er Interface ELS100-24TXG Spann ing Tree Po rt #n Con figuration Menu Th e Spanni ng Tre e Port #n Conf i g urati on Men u allo w s y ou t o view S panni ng Tre e P ort C onfigur ation i nforma tion for an ind ividual p ort.
9032947 ELS100-24TXG User Interf ace 37 VLAN Conf igurat ion Men u The VLAN C onf igur ation M enu all ows y ou to c on figu re the op eratio n of Virtu al LANs (VLA Ns) in the switch . Select c from th e Switch Con figurat ion Men u to vi ew th e VLAN C onfigu ration Menu.
38 ELS100-24TXG Us er Interface ELS100-24TXG VL AN Menu Th e VLAN M enu disp lays the confi gurati on of VLANs i n the sw itc h and al l o w s a ccess to t he VLAN #n Confi gur ation Me nu to cre ate an d con figur e VLANs. S elect b from the VL AN C onfig uration Menu to view the VLAN Me nu.
9032947 ELS100-24TXG User Interf ace 39 VLAN #n Co nfigu ration Men u The VLAN #n Config uration Menu al low s you to confi gure a n ame for a spe ci fi c V LAN, a dd o r remo v e a p or t i n the VL AN , and ad d or r em ove a n egress port in the VLAN.
40 ELS100-24TXG Us er Interface ELS100-24TXG VLAN Port Menu The VLAN Por t Men u di spl ays a t a ble o f VLAN con fi g ur ati o n inf or mat io n on a pe r p or t ba sis a nd a llo ws yo u to mo di fy t he VL AN Por t T ype . Sele c t c from the V LAN C onf igur ation Menu to v ie w t he VLA N Por t Men u.
9032947 ELS100-24TXG User Interf ace 41 Class o f Service C onfigu ration M enu The Class of Ser vice Configura tion Men u allows you to config ure Class of Service settings for th e system a s well as to set the Class of Service for VLAN tagged f rames .
42 ELS100-24TXG Us er Interface ELS100-24TXG Port Priority Menu Th e Port Pr ior i t y Me nu al lows you to modi fy and displ ay a ta ble w hich sh ows Cl ass of Servi ce co nfig urati on info r mat ion o n a pe r por t basis . Select c from th e Class o f Servic e C onfigur ation M enu to view the Port P riori ty Con figu ration Menu.
9032947 ELS100-24TXG User Interf ace 43 Port Menu The Port Me nu all o ws you to dis play i nforma tion for each port i n a t able form at , as w e ll a s to access the Port C onfigu rati on Menu . You ca n also refr esh the scr ee n info r ma tion. Select c f r o m the Main Menu to view the Port Menu.
44 ELS100-24TXG Us er Interface ELS100-24TXG Port C onfiguratio n Menu Th e Port C onf igur atio n Menu a l lows yo u to con figure port settin gs fo r a specific port.
9032947 ELS100-24TXG User Interf ace 45 Switch Statistics Screen The Switch S tatisti cs S creen provide s a su mmar y d i sp lay of port-l eve l statistics, and prov ides access to the Port S tatistics screens. You can also clear or refresh th e statistics.
46 ELS100-24TXG Us er Interface ELS100-24TXG Switch Su mmary Screen The Switch Summary Screen allows you to display sum total statistics for al l ports of t he s witch . You ca n a lso c lea r or r e fresh th e stati stics. Se l ect s from th e Switch S t atistics Screen to view the S wi t ch Summary screen .
9032947 ELS100-24TXG User Interf ace 47 Port Stat istics Screen The P or t Statistics Screen allows you to displa y statistics for each p o rt o n the s wi tch. M any o f these statistic s co r respond to the Statisti cs grou p of RMON. You can also refresh or clear the sta tistics.
48 ELS100-24TXG Us er Interface ELS100-24TXG Figu r e 3-21 P ort Stat istics Screen (conti nued) Fiel d D e scription Mult i ca st s Tran smitted Total number of mul tic ast fr am es t rans m i tted on t he po rt. Mult i ca st s Rec ei v ed Tot al number of m ul tic ast fr am es re ceiv ed on the po rt.
9032947 ELS100-24TXG User Interf ace 49 Gen eral Inform ation Screen The General Inform ation Screen allows you to view general system inform ation. Select e fro m th e Main Menu to view the Gen eral Inform at ion Sc re en .
50 ELS100-24TXG Us er Interface ELS100-24TXG Downlo ad Soft ware Menu Th e Downloa d Softwar e Menu al lows you to s e t up and i n itiate a s oftw are downlo ad.
9032947 ELS100-24TXG User Interf ace 51 Save Cu rrent Co nfigurat ion The Save Curr en t Conf i g urati on scre en ensur es that al l ch anges m ade to the ELS100 -24TXG switch via th e console menus will b e stored in t he event of power outa ges or power cycle s.
52 ELS100-24TXG Us er Interface ELS100-24TXG Reset Th e Rese t scre en al low s you t o perf orm a sw i tc h ha rdware reset . You are firs t pro m p ted as to whethe r or not to save the current sw itch co nfigu ration . To reset the switch, d o the fol lowing: 1.
9032947 Config uring & Monit oring The Switch 53 4. C ONFIGU RING & MONITORI NG THE SW ITCH Co mmo n T ask s The switc h co nsole m enus al low yo u to mod ify de fault swi tch setti ngs and con figu r e the s wi tch fo r net work m a nagemen t.
54 Confi guring & Monitori ng The Swi tch ELS100-24TXG Settin g Password Protection Th e ELS10 0-24TX G switch is fa ctor y- confi gur ed with a ccess rig hts to the consol e menu s set to REA D / WRITE. T hi s setting a llows a n yone to u se t he conso l e menu s to mo dify any o perat iona l par ameter .
9032947 Config uring & Monit oring The Switch 55 Chec king N etwo r k Co nfigu ration Status To check co nn ection status fo r the networ k, do the fo llowi ng: 1. Sele ct Po rt Me nu fr om the M ain Men u. If a net wor k ca ble i s pro per ly co nnec te d to a po rt , th e Li nk St at us f or the po rt r ead s C ON NE CTE D.
56 Confi guring & Monitori ng The Swi tch ELS100-24TXG 5. Sel ect one or mor e Trap Dest in ation en tries fr om th e menu and en ter the a pprop ria te IP a ddresse s. 6. Fo r ea ch t r ap de st inat io n ent er ed, a c orr esp ond in g co mmun it y na me sho ul d be ent er ed.
9032947 Config uring & Monit oring The Switch 57 Dow nloa ding a Software U pgrade You c an upgr ade t he opera tional softwa re i n the ELS 100 -24T XG switc h wi tho ut phy sic all y op ening th e switch or bein g in the same lo cation.
58 Confi guring & Monitori ng The Swi tch ELS100-24TXG Downlo adi ng Via TFTP To perform a TFTP downl oad , yo u must f i rs t config ure th e E LS1 00- 24TXG switch.
9032947 Config uring & Monit oring The Switch 59 To configur e Span ning T ree P aramete r s, do the foll owing : 1. Sel ect S witch Conf ig uration M enu from th e Ma in Menu.
60 Confi guring & Monitori ng The Swi tch ELS100-24TXG Con figurin g Class of Service Y ou ca n configur e Class o f Serv ic e pa rame ters usi n g the Cl a ss of Se rvice Con figu r a tion Men u. This men u permi ts you to co nfigur e priority leve ls to tr aff ic be in g for war de d thr ou g h th e s wi tch .
9032947 Config uring & Monit oring The Switch 61 3. Sele ct Po rt N ame an d e nter a Port Nam e . Press [En ter]. 4. Sele ct Port Enable to togg l e be twee n enab lin g (Yes ) and disab lin g (No ) the port( s ).
62 Confi guring & Monitori ng The Swi tch ELS100-24TXG Th ere a re th ree typ es of di sp ositions ass ocia ted with ea ch add ress in the fo rw ardi ng ta bl e: • For war d, which d irect s pa ckets des t in ed for a s pe ci fi c MA C ad dress to a s p ecifi c por t.
9032947 Config uring & Monit oring The Switch 63 Conf igur ing B road c a st Cu toff Rat e This se tting aff ects the t hrottli ng of excessi ve broa dcast or un i cast pac kets with unknow n MAC address es being handle d by the swit ch.
9032947 SNMP Management 65 5. S NMP MANAGE MENT The SN MP Pr otocol SNM P (Si mple N et work Managem ent Proto col) is a co m muni cati on pro tocol d esigned specifi cally for the pu rpos e of man aging d evices or ot her e lements on a n etwork.
66 SNMP Management ELS100-24TXG Th ere are three m ain ope r ations def ined in SN MP: • Oper ati on s tha t re ad i nf or ma ti on f ro m th e ma na ged dev ic e , s uch a s thos e used to obtai n statu s or sta tis tical data, ar e called GET oper atio ns.
9032947 SNMP Management 67 This MIB re ports in formati on ab out the pr otocol s and network interfa c es sup porte d on t he age nt it self, a s well as othe r gen eral info r matio n. The MIB i s divid ed in to a num ber of grou ps, eac h of whic h cor res pond s to a spe cif ic pr otocol or set of informati on.
68 SNMP Management ELS100-24TXG various syste m, switch, and port leve l information. System info rmation MIB varia bles are sh own in T a ble 5-1, swi tch in form ation v ari ab les in Ta ble 5-2 , a nd port v ari a bles i n Tabl e 5-3. Ta ble 5-1 . S ystem In f ormati on Vari ables Table 5-2.
9032947 SNMP Management 69 Table 5-2 Switch Inf ormation Variables (cont inued) Variab le Desc ri pt i on Sw i tc hMirror edPort P ort t o be mirror ed from. Sw itc hMirror ingP ort Port to be mir ror i n g to. Sw i tc hXmit Mirro rEnable E nable/di s able mi rrori n g of t rans mitted traffic ou t of the mirror ed port to t he m i rror ing port.
70 SNMP Management ELS100-24TXG T abl e 5- 3. Po rt Va ri ab le s Com piling MIB Exten sions: Ca blet ron Web site Th e M I Bs suppor ted by th e ELS10 0-24T X G switc h must be com pil ed into t he SNMP network managem ent pla tform be fore t he switc h c a n be man aged.
9032947 Technic al Specifi cations 71 APPENDIX A. TECHNI CAL SPECIFICA TIONS Genera l Standa r ds Comp lia nce IE EE 802. 1D Tr anspar ent Bri dging Sp ecific atio ns (ISO/ IEC 10 03 8) IEEE 8 02.1p Traffic Cla ss Exp editing and Dy nam i c M ultica st Filter i n g IE EE 802.
72 Techni cal Specific ations ELS100-24TXG Electric al Spe cifi cat ions Inp ut v ol t ag e: 100- 24 0 VA C I npu t freq uency: 50- 60 Hz Max imu m pow er con sumptio n: 75 VA Physic al Height : 1.75 in. (4.4 cm) Leng t h: 16. 0 in . (4 0. 6 cm ) Wi dth : 17.
9032947 Technic al Specifi cations 73 Port Specif ications Console Por t Tab le A-1 shows th e co nsole port pin as signmen ts. Ta b l e A- 1. R S -232 C onsole Port Pin As signm ent s 10B ase-T an d 100 Base-TX Por ts Tab le A-2 shows th e 1 0Bas e-T/10 0Bas e -TX p inout s.
74 Techni cal Specific ations ELS100-24TXG M DI/ MD I-X Cr oss ov er Ca ble Wi ring Fi gu re A-1 s how s the wi r ing s che me for impl em e nti ng a cro ssover cabl e if needed for conn ection to the swit ch’s 10 Base-T o r 100Bas e-TX po rts. S uch a ca ble may b e requi red wh en con necting th e swi tch to anot he r switch or a hub de vice.
9032947 Technic al Specifi cations 75 Coun try-Spec ific Req uireme nts Tab l e A- 3 lis ts t he pow er c o rd set r eq ui r em ent s by c o unt ry and id en ti fies the a ccredi ted agen cy with in th at coun try.
76 Techni cal Specific ations ELS100-24TXG Note 2 Flex ib l e cord m ust be Type SV, SJ, SPT or eq uivale nt, No. 18 AWG, 3- co ndu ctor . Wal l p l ug must be a tw o-p ole groun ding ty pe wit h a NE M A 5- 15P (15A, 125V) or NEMA 6 - 15P (1 5A 250 V) c onf igur ation.
9032947 Spannin g Tree Concept s 77 APPENDIX B. SPANNI NG TREE CONC EPTS Genera l The IEEE 8 02. 1D Sp anning T ree Pr oto col res olve s the pr oblem s of phy sical l oops in a networ k b y est abli shi ng on e prim ary path between any two switch es i n a netw ork.
78 Spanni ng Tree Concept s ELS100-24TXG Spa nni ng Tre e Prot ocol in a Netw ork Figu re B-1 i llustr at es th e u se o f th ree E LS100-24 TXG swi tche s to est abl i s h an ef fec ti v e Sp an ni n g Tr ee c onf ig ur at io n.
9032947 Spannin g Tree Concept s 79 Table B-1. S panning Tre e Protocol De faults For det aile d info r matio n on the o pera tion of th e Spa nning Tree Protoc o l, con sult S ection 4 of I EEE Stan dard 802.
80 Spanni ng Tree Concept s ELS100-24TXG Comm unica ting B etween Bridg es Per iod ic all y, all dev ic es runn in g th e Sp an ni ng Tr ee Pr ot oco l on a n etw or k t ransm i t packets to each o ther “i n care o f” the Br i dge Gr oup Addr ess whi ch all bri dges sha re.
9032947 Flow Cont rol 81 APPENDIX C. FLOW C ONTROL Flow contr ol i s a mec han ism w h ich a llows you to p rotect the sw itch fr om ove rload cond itions a nd to keep ad dition al tr affic off the net work w h en exce ssiv e con gest i o n will r esu l t .
82 Flow Control ELS1 00-24TXG Th e ELS100- 24TXG Por t Stati sti cs Sc reen i n dicat e s the numbe r of pa use f rame s that ha ve been sent, i ndicat ing th e n umber of time s full du plex flo w co ntrol h as o ccur r e d.
9032947 Virtua l LANs (VLANs) 83 APPENDIX D. VI RTUAL LANS (VLAN S) VLAN s and F ram e Tagg ing The EL S100- 24TXG sup ports IEEE 80 2.1Q -comp l ia nt virt ual LANs (VL AN s).
84 Virtua l LANs (VLANs) ELS100-24TXG t o all conn ected stati ons an d interfa ces. When fr a m e s are forw arded ba ck t o des tinati on end s tations , the tag m ay or may not be str ipped off, dep endin g on t he c onf igur ation of the en d st ation an d the sw itch port.
9032947 Virtua l LANs (VLANs) 85 VLAN Egress Ports The VLAN Egress Ports parameter is u sed to assign ports to a V LAN for carr ying VLAN tagg ed fram es ac ross a networ k. T he a ssignm ent of egr ess por ts does n ot affec t the assi gnment of VLAN I Ds to fr ame s enter ing the switch.
86 Virtua l LANs (VLANs) ELS100-24TXG VLAN Hybrid Ports A VLA N Hybri d port i s used to conn ect one or more V LAN-awar e or V LAN- una w ar e d ev ic es to the swit ch. Bo th t agged and untag ge d fr am es can be r e cei v ed an d tra n s mit t ed on Hy b rid po rts .
9032947 Virtua l LANs (VLANs) 87 In Ex a mple 3 in Figure D- 3B, an un tagged frame arrives at the le ft port (1) . The swi tch tags t he fra me wi th the P VID fo r VLAN X (2). Sin c e the des tinat ion MAC add ress ha s alr eady be en lear ned a s a ta gged statio n on VLA N X on t he outg oing p ort, the fr ame is sent ou t with a VL AN X ta g.
88 Virtua l LANs (VLANs) ELS100-24TXG VLAN App lica tion Example A networ k a dmini s t rator c an u se VLANs to def ine user g roup s rega rdl ess of the p hysic al L AN segm ent to whic h they are co nnec ted. The use of Hybrid and Access links can further refine traffic flow in a multi-switch env ir onmen t.
9032947 Class Of Serv ice 89 APPENDIX E. CLASS OF SERV ICE Cl ass o f Servi ce suppor t o n the E LS100- 24 TXG a l lows you to a ssign mi ssio n-criti cal data a hi ghe r pr iorit y thr ough the sw i t ch by del aying l ess cri ti cal tr affic dur ing per iod s of cong estion .
90 Class Of Service ELS100-24TXG Fi gure E-1 s hows pri ori ty queu ing opera ting w ithi n a switc h. F rames ente r in g the switc h thro ugh ports 1 and 4 are tag ged as nor mal traffi c a nd pla ce d in a nor ma l pri or it y que ue on th e o ut b ou nd po rt .
9032947 Acronyms & Abbreviat i ons 91 APPENDIX F. A CRONYMS & ABBRE VIATIONS Term Definition 10Bas e-T 10 Mbps twist ed-p air Ethernet 100Bas e-TX 100M bps t wisted-pair Fast E therne t 1000Ba.
92 Acrony ms & Abbrevi ations ELS100-24TXG Term Definition MIB Managemen t I n for m atio n Bas e PVID Port VLAN ID RFC Reque st for Com m ent RM O N Remo te Moni t ori n g RX D Re cei ve Dat a SN.
9032947 In dex 93 INDEX 1000Bas e-X, 1 000Bas e-SX/LX/ CX po rts, 2 9 10Base -T/100B ase-TX P inou ts, 81, 83 802.1D, 14, 7 9, 87 Span ning Tree Protocol , 66 , 85 802.1p, 10, 18 , 79, 9 7 802.1Q, 1 0, 79, 91, 9 2, 93 802.2, 7 9 802.3, 2 8, 79 802.3i, 9, 79 802.
94 Index ELS1 00-24TXG H Hello Time, 4 2 I inspect i ng yo ur s h ipment, 21 IP address assigning , 62 L LED mode but ton, 11 , 12, 1 3 defined, 11 LEDs , 11, 12, 13 local ba ckbone applicat ion, 20 l.
9032947 In dex 95 Spanning T re e Por t Co nf igu ration Menu, 43 Spanning Tree P roto c ol d e fa ul ts , 87 Stand ards C ompliance IEE E, 7 9 store -and -forwa rd, 14, 87, 100 Switch Conf iguratio n.
591-00 46-03A.
An important point after buying a device Cabletron Systems ELS100-24TXG (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cabletron Systems ELS100-24TXG yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cabletron Systems ELS100-24TXG - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cabletron Systems ELS100-24TXG you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cabletron Systems ELS100-24TXG will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cabletron Systems ELS100-24TXG, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cabletron Systems ELS100-24TXG.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cabletron Systems ELS100-24TXG. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cabletron Systems ELS100-24TXG along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center