Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product QL-580N Brother
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Network U ser’s Guid e This Network User's Guide provides useful information of wired and wireless network setti ngs using your Brother prin ter. You can also find supported protocol i nformat ion and detailed troubleshooting tips. To download the latest manual, please visit the Brother Solutions Center at (http://solutions.
i Applicable mode ls Th is Use r’s Guid e appli es to th e follo wing m odels. QL- 58 0N/71 0W/7 20N W/106 0N Definitions o f note s W e use the fo llowing icons throug hout t his User’s Guid e: Compilation and public atio n notic e Un der t he sup ervi sion of Brot her In dustri es, Ltd.
ii Brother Numbers For tech nical and operat i on a l assi stance, yo u must call th e count r y wh ere you purchased th e mach i n e. Call s must be made fr om within that co untry.
iii Tabl e of Co nte nt s 1 Int rodu ction 1 Netwo rk f eatures .. .... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ........ .... ..... .....
iv B Append ix B 20 Types of n etwork connections and protoco ls ..................................................... ................................ .. ....2 0 Types of network connec tions .................................................. .......
1 1 1 Network features 1 Your Brot her p rin te r can b e shar ed on a 10/10 0 MB wi r ed 1 or IEE E 80 2.11b/ g/n wireles s n etwo rk usin g th e inter nal netwo rk pri nt se rver.
2 2 2 Changing yo ur printer’s ne twork se ttings (IP address , Subnet ma sk and Gate w a y) 2 Usin g the BRAdm in Light utility 2 Th e BR Admin Li ght utili ty is de sign ed for init ial se t u p o f B rothe r netw ork con ne c t ed de vices .
Changing you r pr i nter’s network set tings 3 2 Setting the IP addres s, Subnet Mask and Gateway using BRAdmin Light 2 a Start the BRAdmin Li ght uti lity. Wi ndows ® Click St art / All Programs / Brother / BRAdm i n Light / BRAdmin Light . Mac intos h Start the utili ty by double- clicking one o f the followin g files.
Changing you r pr i nter’s network set tings 4 2 d Choose STAT IC from Boot Me t hod . Ent er the IP Addres s , Subne t M as k an d Ga tewa y ( if nee ded) of your p ri nt serve r. e Click OK . f With th e correctly pr ogra mmed IP addre ss, you will se e the B rot h e r prin t server in the device li st.
Changing you r pr i nter’s network set tings 5 2 Other Ma nagement Utilities 2 You r Br other prin ter can be us ed with t he fo llowing m anage men t ut ilities in a dd ition to t he BRA dmin Light ut ility. Y ou can c hange your net wo rk se t tin gs usin g the se utilitie s.
6 3 3 Ov ervie w 3 To connect y our machine to your wi reless net work, you need t o fo l low th e s teps in th e Quick Setup G uid e . Co nfig uration usin g the C D-RO M in staller and a USB cabl e is the recom mend ed m etho d for W indow s ® and Macintosh u sers.
Configu r i ng your machine for a wire l es s netw o rk 7 3 Confirm your ne tw o r k environment 3 Co nnect ed to a co mpu ter wit h a W LAN acce ss po int/ro uter in t he ne twor k (Inf rast ruct ure.
Configu r i ng your machine for a wire l es s netw o rk 8 3 Conn ecte d to a wir ele ss capa ble c omput er wi th out a WLA N ac ces s po in t/r o ut er in th e netw ork ( Ad-hoc mode) 3 This type of network does not ha ve a central WLAN access point/ro uter.
Configu r i ng your machine for a wire l es s netw o rk 9 3 Wireless c onfiguration temporarily usin g a USB cable (Recommen ded for Wind ow s ® and Maci ntosh us ers) 3 It is r e commended t h at yo u use a PC or Ma c wirelessl y connected to yo u r ne twork for thi s meth od.
Configu r i ng your machine for a wire l es s netw o rk 10 3 One-pus h configurati on using W i-Fi Protected Setup™ 3 You can u se WPS to co nfi g u re your wi reless network setti ngs easil y if your WLAN acces s point /route r (A) su pport s Wi-Fi P rote cted Se tup™ (PBC 1 ).
11 4 4 Printing the Printer Set-up Information 4 The Pr inter Set tings P a ge pr i nts a re port l isti ng the networ k s etti ngs. You ca n pri nt t h e Printer Set tings P a g e using the Cut b utton o f the prin ter.
Pr inti ng the P rin ter Se t-up In for matio n 12 4 Note • To reset the network setti ngs and tu rn APIPA ON QL- 58 0N/10 60N : Press th e ON/OFF butto n to switch the machine OFF. Then, hold down the ON/OFF button for two seco nds . Cont inue hol din g do wn t he ON / OFF b ut ton, and p res s the C ut b utt o n t wic e.
13 5 5 Ov ervie w 5 You c an u se a st an da rd w eb bro wser to m anage a p rin ter on yo ur n etwo rk usi ng HT TP. W hen usi ng W e b Based Management, the foll o win g a re po ssible : Di spla.
Web Bas ed Managemen t 14 5 Configuri ng the printer settin gs using Web Based Manage ment (web browser) 5 A s tand ard web b rowse r can b e use d to chan ge your prin t s erv er setting s using the H TTP (H yper Text Tra nsf er P rot oco l). a Type htt p:// pr inter _ip_ addr ess/ into your b rowse r.
15 6 6 Ov ervie w 6 Thi s ch ap ter expl ain s how t o reso lve t ypi cal n etw ork pr obl ems yo u may enco unte r when usin g yo ur Brot he r prin ter. If, af t er re ading this chap ter, y ou a re una ble t o reso lve yo ur pro ble m, ple ase v isit the Br other S oluti ons Center at: http://so lutions.
Troubl eshooting 16 6 The Brother p rinter is not found on the ne t work during the QL-71 0 W/720NW ins t a llat ion. Questi on In terface Solu tio n Are you usin g security soft ware? wired/ wireless Confirm your settings in the i n staller dialog.
Troubl eshooting 17 6 Did your previous printing job fail? wired/ wireless If the failed printing job is still i n yo ur com puter’s print queue, delete it. Double-click your printer i con in t he f ol lowi ng folder and then choose Cancel All Docu ments in th e Prin ter menu: (Windows ® XP ) Sta rt and then Printers and F axes .
Troubl eshooting 18 6 I want to c he c k t h a t my net work devices a re working proper ly . Questi on In terface Solu tio n Is your Brother printer, access point/router or network h ub turned on? wired/ wireless Make sure you have confirmed all instruction s in Make sure that the following items are configured before reading this chapter.
19 A A Supporte d protoc ols and secu rity features A Appe ndix A A Interf a c e Eth ern et 10BA SE -T/ 100B ASE- TX Wireless IEEE 802. 11b/g/n ( Infrastructu re Mode) IEE E 80 2.
20 B B In t his se ction, you wil l f ind ba sic infor mat ion ab out adv anced n etw ork fea tures o f the Bro ther prin ter al ong with ge neral n etworki n g a n d common te r ms. Th e sup ported proto cols an d the n etwor k feat ures d iffer de pendi ng on t he mo del you a re usi ng.
Appendix B 21 B Net work S har ed pr int ing B In a Network Shared environmen t, each computer sends dat a via a centrally cont r ol led co mp ute r . Thi s type of comput er is o ft en calle d a “S erver” o r a “Print S e rver” . It s job i s to co n trol the p rinti ng of a ll prin t jo bs.
Appendix B 22 B Protoc ols B TCP /IP pr otoco ls an d f un ctio ns B Pro toc ols are th e stand ardized set s o f rules f o r tran smit ting dat a on a net work .
Appendix B 23 B LPR/LPD B Co mmo nly use d print ing pro tocols on a TC P/IP n etwor k. Cu stom R aw Po rt (Def ault is Port 91 00) B Another commonly use d pr i n tin g prot ocol on a TCP/IP network .
Appendix B 24 B Configuri ng your printe r for a network B I P addr esse s, subn et mas ks and gat eways B To use the printer in a networke d TCP/IP environment, yo u need to configure it s I P address and subnet mask. The IP address you assign to the print server must be o n the same logical ne twork as your host compute r s.
Appendix B 25 B Subnet m ask B Subnet masks rest rict network communicati o n. Exa mple : Co m p uter 1 ca n tal k to Comp ut er 2 •C o m p u t e r 1 IP Add ress: 19 2.16 8.1.2 Subn et Mas k: 25 5.25 5. 255. 0 •C o m p u t e r 2 IP Add ress: 19 2.
Appendix B 26 B Wirele ss n etwork te r m s and co ncepts B Spe c i fying your ne two rk B SSID (Ser vice Set Id entifie r) and chann els B You need to configure th e S SID a n d a chan n el to specify the wireless n e t wo rk yo u want to c o n nect t o.
Appendix B 27 B Authentic ation methods B Open system Wireless d evic es are allowed to acc ess the n e t wo r k with out an y authenti cation. Shar ed k e y A secret pre- determined key is share d by al l devi ces that wi ll acce ss the wirel ess n etwork.
Appendix B 28 B Network key B Open system/S hared ke y with WEP This key i s a 6 4-bi t or 128-bi t val ue that mu st be entered in an ASCII or h exad ecimal fo rm a t. • 64 (40) bit ASCII: Uses 5 text charact e rs. e.g. “WSLAN” (this is case sensit ive) • 64 (4 0) bit h exa decim al: U ses 10 d igits of hexa decim al dat a.
Appendix B 29 B Oth er ways to set the IP address (for advanc ed users a nd administr ator s) B Usin g DHCP to configure th e IP ad dress B The Dynamic Ho st Conf igurati on Protocol (DH CP) is one of se ve ra l automated mech anisms fo r IP address allo cat ion.
Appendix B 30 B Usin g BOOT P to c onfigur e the IP addre ss B BO OTP is a n alterna tive t o R ARP th at has the adv antag e of all owin g confi guratio n of th e subne t mas k and gateway.
Appendix B 31 B Usin g ARP to con figure th e IP address B If you are u nable to use the BRAdmin a p pl i c a ti on and your n etwo r k d o e s n o t use a DHCP ser ver, you can als o u se t he A RP co mman d. The A RP co mmand is av ail ab l e on Wi nd ows ® systems th a t h a ve TCP/IP instal led.
32 C C Network Setting Tool (QL-71 0W/720NW only, Window s ® onl y) C Ov ervie w C Th e Netw ork Se tting T ool is a compu ter pr ogram used f or chan ging ne tw ork sett ings via USB.
Appendix C 33 C Main Wind ow C Exa ct s creen co nt ents de pend on y our pri nter mode l. 1 Menu Bar Select the commands co nta ined in each me n u from the li st. 2P r i n t e r Select the pr inter to co nfigure . If on ly one print er is c o n n ecte d , o n ly that p rinter i s displ ayed and i t is not nece ssa ry t o select a printer.
Appendix C 34 C Chan ging the Commun ication Settings C a Make sure t h a t the compute r with t h e Network S e tting Tool in stal led i s c onnected via USB t o the p r inter tha t you want to co nfi gure. b Start th e Network Setting Tool. Confi rm that the p rinte r that you want t o confi g u re is displayed in Pr i nter .
Appendix C 35 C App lying S etting Change s to Mu ltiple Printer s C a After fo l lo wing th e steps i n C hangi ng the Comm unica tion Settin gs abo ve, disc onne ct t he pr int er f r om the compute r, and connect the second prin ter to th e computer .
Appendix C 36 C Menu B ar C 1 Apply Settings to the Print e r Applies the s etting s to th e pri nter; f unctions the same way as t h e Apply b u tt on in th e main win dow. See Appl y uu pa ge 33. 2 Save Command Sett ings Saves netwo rk set tings i n PJL co mma nd fo r mat.
Appendix C 37 C 3 Import Import from the current c omputer wireles s settings Imports th e set tings f r o m the computer. Note • Only Person al Security A u th e nticat i o n set tings ( open syst e m, Sha red Key a nd WPA/WPA2-PSK) can be imported .
Appendix C 38 C 7 Automatical ly detects the connect e d print e r , and ret rieves the curre nt s et t i ngs . When this ch eck b ox is selecte d and a p rinter i s connect e d to the computer, the p.
Appendix C 39 C Ne twor k Sett ings C 1 WLAN on Power O n/Ne twork Settings on Power O n Selects whether Wi-Fi ® or w ired LA N com munic atio n is enab led w hen the pr inter is tur ne d on. Select either: (QL-7 1 0W) On by Default , Off by Def aul t or Keep Current S t ate .
Appendix C 40 C TCP/IP C 1 Boot Method Select either: STATIC , AUTO , BOOTP , DHCP , RARP . 2 IP Address/Subnet Mask/ G atewa y Set the vario us valu es. You can onl y enter setti ngs when the IP address set ting i s set to STATIC . 3 DNS Server Method Select either STATI C or AUTO .
Appendix C 41 C Wirele ss Sett in g s C 1 Communication Mode Select either Ad- hoc or I nfra struc ture 2 S SID (Ne two r k Nam e) Click the Sear ch.. . button to display the SSI D selecti ons on a se p arate screen. 3 Channel Selectio ns can b e m ade from the d i splaye d selections.
Appendix C 42 C Com munica tio n M ode and Aut henti catio n/Enc rypti on M eth ods C When the Commu nica ti on M ode i s A d ho c When the Communica tion Mode is I nfrastruct ure Authenticati.
I ndex 43 D D A Ad-hoc m ode ... .... ... ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... .... 8 AES .. ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .... 2 7 APIPA ... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ...
An important point after buying a device Brother QL-580N (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Brother QL-580N yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Brother QL-580N - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Brother QL-580N you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Brother QL-580N will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Brother QL-580N, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Brother QL-580N.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Brother QL-580N. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Brother QL-580N along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center