Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product PE-DESIGN V7 Brother
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Personal Embroidery Design Software System Ver. 7 Instruction Manual.
i Table of C ontent s How to Use This M anual ................... .......... 1 Screen con figuration ........... ........... ................ 1 Operation buttons .... ........... ........... ............ .... 1 How to use Sup port menu s .............
ii Table of Contents Managi ng Emb roidery de signs (Design Datab ase) ................. ................. ........ 61 Step 1 Check ing embr oi der y des ign fil es ... 61 Step 2 Open ing an em bro ide ry d esig n fi le in Layo ut & Editing ......
iii Table of Contents Converting text to outline p attern... ............ 138 Entering Sma ll Text ....... ........... ........... ...... 139 Entering Mo nograms......... ........... ................. 140 Editing mo nograms.. ........... .............
iv Table of Contents Editing the Poin ts of a Fo nt Character Pattern ....... ........... ................. ........... ............ 248 Moving p oints ..................... ........... ............ 248 Inserting p oints .............. ........... ...
v Table of Contents Manual ly Crea ting Cus tom Font (Font Creat or) ............. ........... ........... ............ 296 Step1 Prepar ing a bac kground i mage ..... 296 Step2 Openin g a back ground image ........ 296 Step3 Creating a font char acter p attern .
1 How to Use This Manual Screen con figur atio n This ma nual cons ists of f our ele ments, A (Ope ration butto ns), B (Su pport menu s), C (Me nu area), an d D (Mai n text ar ea). To ch ange th e size o f the te xt, cl ick Text Si ze on the View menu .
2 How to Use Th is M anual You can c heck the softwar e supp ort service inform ation and supp ort page s on the We b. Displa ys a sit e map for t his m anual. How to u se M enu areas/ Main text ar eas ■ Menu area operations Her e, sel ect the i tem you wa nt to rea d.
3 How to Use Th is M anual Printing Printing th is ma nual requ ires a prin ter. Some print ers can not prin t illustrati ons and sc reen samp les com pletel y. ■ Printing the contents of explanati on screen s 1. Display the pag e to print. 2. Click .
4 Features What You Can Do With This Software This sof tware provides digiti zing and editin g capabi lities , allowi ng yo u the creat ive fre edom t o desi gn orig inal embroide ry. Eas ily turn i llustr ations, ph otos a nd let tering into custo m embroi dery desi gns.
5 Featu res Easily Crea te Custom Fo nt Patter ns Custom f onts can be crea ted using Fon t Creator. Thes e fonts ca n be recalled to be used in Layou t & Editing. c For more deta ils, refer to “Ma nually Cre ating Custom F ont (Fon t Creat or)” on page 2 96.
6 Featu res Creat e Embr oide ry P atter ns Usi ng All Four Appli catio ns ■ Layout & Editing c Refer t o “Au tomatic ally C onverti ng an Image to an Embr oidery Desi gn (A uto Pun ch Fu nction)” o n page 1 8. c Refer t o “Ar rangi ng Emb roide ry Pa tterns (L ayou t & Edit ing)” on page 45.
7 Description of New Features New Features of V ersion 7 ■ Stitch generation • Added Line Sewing Type: Triple Stitch (page 150, page 153, page 218) • Added Region Sewing Type: Random Walking Sti.
8 Basic Operation Map.
9 Support/Service Contac t Technic al Supp ort if you have a pro blem . Please c heck the comp any web site (http :// to find the technical Support in your area. To view the FAQ and information for software updates, visi t the Bro ther Solutio ns Cent er at (htt p://sol utions.
10 Starting up/Exi ting Applications Starting up Layout & Editing Layout & E diting is used to auto maticall y crea te embroi dery pa tterns from imag es and to create em broide ry patterns by com bining dr awn objec ts and text.
11 Starting up /Exiting Applicati ons Starting up Font Cre ator Font Cre ator all ows yo u to create origin al font characte rs. 1. Click , then sele ct All Programs , then PE-DESIGN Ver7 , the n Font Creator to open the Font Creator wi ndow. → The Font Creato r window appears .
12 Starting up /Exiting Applicati ons Starting up Design Database Design Datab ase all ows y ou to organ ize the emb roidery d esign file s on y our c omputer so t hat y ou can easi ly preview th em and find the d esire d design.
13 Understanding Windows and Using Tools Layout & Editing Window The defau lt val ue for the d esign pa ge siz e in t his exampl e is 1 00 × 100 mm. 1 Title bar 2 Menu bar Provides access to the f unctio ns. 3 Toolbar Provides shortc uts for the menu comm ands.
14 Understand ing Wi ndow s and Usi ng Tools Design Center Window The defau lt val ue for the d esign pa ge siz e in t his exampl e is 1 00 × 100 mm. 1 Title bar 2 Menu bar Provides access to the f unctio ns. 3 Toolbar Provides shortc uts for the menu comm ands.
15 Understand ing Wi ndow s and Usi ng Tools Font Creator Window 1 Title bar 2 Menu bar Provides access to the f unctio ns. 3 Toolbar Provides shortc uts for the menu comm ands. 4 Se lec t Ch arac ter b ar Allows cha racters fro m crea ted fonts to be select ed.
16 Understand ing Wi ndow s and Usi ng Tools Programmable Stitch Creator Win dow 1 Title bar 2 Menu bar Provides access to the f unctio ns. 3 Toolbar Provides shortc uts for the menu comm ands. 4 Tool Box Used to se lect a nd cre ate fill a nd motif s titch patterns a nd sta mps.
17 Understand ing Wi ndow s and Usi ng Tools Design Database Window 1 Title bar 2 Menu bar Gives acc ess to the func tions. 3 Toolbar Provides shortc uts for the menu comm ands. 4 Folder pane Provides access to the f olders on the co mpute r and the re sults of any se arches th at were performed.
18 Tutorial Automatically Converting an Image to an Embroidery Design (Auto Punch Function) In this s ection, w e are goin g to us e the Auto Pu nch func tion to automatic ally cre ate an e mbroidery pattern fro m an image . This proc edure will go through ea ch ste p of th e basic o perati on.
19 Tutorial Select the sample file tulip.b mp , and then click Open , or double-c lick the file’s ico n. → The ima ge app ears in th e work a rea. Adju st the image si ze and posi tion. Drag the handl e to adjus t the s elected image to the des ired siz e.
20 Tutorial Conve rt the im age to an embroid ery pattern. Check t he Result View of the con version, and then clic k Finish . → The gene rated e mbroidery pattern is disp layed . Step 3 Displaying a preview of the embroidery Preview the finis hed embro idery.
21 Tutorial Click Save . Step 5 Transferring the design to an original c ard By writin g a desi gn to a media that can be used in your sew ing ma chine and trans ferring i t to yo ur sewin g machin e, you ca n actu ally sew t he des ign. For this exa mple, w e will trans fer the d esign to an original card.
22 Tutorial Automatically Converti ng an Image to an Embroidery Design (Cross Stitch Function) In thi s sect io n, we are goin g to us e the Cr oss Stit ch func tio n to au tom atica lly crea te a cro ss- stit ch em broi der y pattern fro m an image. This proc edure will go through ea ch ste p of th e basic o perati on.
23 Tutorial → The ima ge app ears in th e work a rea. Adju st the image si ze and posi tion. Drag the handl e to adjus t the s elected image to the des ired siz e. Move th e poin ter over t he se lected image, and then drag the im age to the desire d positi on.
24 Tutorial Check t he Result View of the con version, and then clic k Finish . → The gene rated e mbroidery desig n is disp layed . Step 3 Displaying a prev iew of the embroidery Prev iew t he f ini shed em bro ide ry. Click Display , then Realis tic Preview .
25 Tutorial To return to the no rmal vie w, clic k Display , then Realis tic Previe w , or pres s the key. Step 4 Saving the embroidery design Once t he embro idery design i s fin ished, y ou may want to sa ve it i n order to r etrieve it lat er. Click File , then Save .
26 Tutorial Transfer the e mbroidery desig n. Click File , then Write to Card . → The foll owing m essage a ppears . Click OK . → The foll owing m essage a ppears .
27 Tutorial Automatically Converting a Photo to an Embroidery Pattern (Photo Stitch Function) In this s ection, w e are goi ng to use the Pho to Stitch fu nction to autom atically creat e an embro idery patt ern from a ph oto.
28 Tutorial Adju st the image si ze and posi tion. Drag the handl e to adjus t the s elected image to the des ired siz e. Move th e poin ter over t he se lected image, and then drag the im age to the desire d positi on.
29 Tutorial Drag the ha ndles to adjust the ma sk to the desired siz e. Move the pointe r inside the mask, drag the mask to the desired position, and then click Next . Check the previ ew of the a rea to be converte d, and t hen clic k Next . Convert the image to an embroidery pat tern.
30 Tutorial Select on e of the candida tes an d click OK . → This pre view c hanges to the se lected image. Chec k th e prev iew , the n cli ck Finish . → The gene rated e mbroidery pattern is disp layed . Step 3 Displaying a prev iew of the embroidery Prev iew t he f ini shed em bro ide ry.
31 Tutorial Step 4 Saving the embroidery design Once t he embro idery design i s fin ished, y ou may want to sa ve it i n order to r etrieve it lat er. Click File , then Save . Select the drive an d the fo lder, and then ty pe in the fil e name. Click Save .
32 Tutorial → The foll owing m essage a ppears . Click OK . → The foll owing m essage a ppears . Click OK . Quit La you t & Editin g. Click File , then Exit .
33 Tutorial Manually Creating Embroide ry Patterns From Images (Design Center) In this s ection, w e are goi ng to man ually create an embro idery patt ern from an image .
34 Tutorial Step 2 Extracting the outlines by selecting colors After openi ng the image, w e will co ntinue to the Line Ima ge Stag e, where we will s elect the colors of the are as to b e used to create the outli nes for the embro idery. Move th e point er over the imag e.
35 Tutorial → The line im age is displaye d in the De sign Page. Step 3 Editing the outlines (Line Image Stage ) At this ti me, y ou might need t o correct a few li nes in the li ne im age. You s hould make sur e that regions ar e compl etely enclosed by either a s ingle closed line or in tersectin g line s.
36 Tutorial → When the poi nter is mov ed over the work area, the shape of the point er change s to . Hold do wn the left mouse butt on and dr ag the pointer to draw the leaf vei n. To erase the leaf. Click to view the entire line ima ge. → The De sign Page fills the Design Center wind ow.
37 Tutorial While hold ing down the rig ht mouse , carefully drag the p ointer to erase th e line. After editi ng the line ima ge, c lick to view the e nti re l ine imag e. → The De sign Page fills the Design Center wind ow. Convert the figure handle image to a pattern.
38 Tutorial Step 4 Specifying sewing attributes (Sew Setting Stage) We are no w going to appl y sewi ng attribut es to the diffe rent part s of the em broid ery pattern . Convert the figu re handle ima ge to a pattern. Click Stage , then To Sew Setting or click .
39 Tutorial → The ima ge now a ppears w ith “marc hing lines” a long t he outline . Specify t he sewin g attrib utes for t he regions. Click . → The shape of t he po inter changes to , and the Sewing A ttribut es bar a ppears a s shown below .
40 Tutorial To chang e the d irection o f the fi ll sti tching, click Constant , move the poin ter over the red arrow in side of th e circle, and th en drag the red arrow to the des ired angl e. Click the region s of the l eaves to which y ou want to apply the attribu tes.
41 Tutorial Specify the sew ing attribu tes for the remainde r of the flower. Select the color RED , set the s titchi ng dire ction , and th en clic k eac h region whe re you want to apply the attribut es. Step 5 Displaying a preview of the embroidery Preview the stitc hing a nd finish ed em broidery.
42 Tutorial Step 6 Saving the embroidery pattern The embr oidery pat tern tha t was c reated can be saved . Click File , then Save A s . Type in the file name .
43 Tutorial Inse rt an ori gin al car d int o th e USB car d writer m odule . Transfer t he e mbroidery p attern. Click File , then Write to Card . → The foll owing m essage a ppears . Click OK . → The f ollowin g messa ge app ears. Click OK . Quit Layout & Editing.
44 Tutorial Quit De sign Ce nter. Displa y the Design Center window. Click File , then Exit . 5.
45 Tutorial Arranging Embroidery Patterns (Layout & Editing) In this s ection, we will impo rt the e mbroidery pattern cre ated in Des ign Center and co mbine it with oth er embroide ry patt erns in La yout & Editing. This proc edure will go through ea ch ste p of th e basic o perati on.
46 Tutorial Step 1 Importing an embroi dery pattern from Design Center For this example, we wi ll import the embroi dery patter n (Flower.pem) crea ted in Design C enter in the sec tion “Manu ally Creating Embroidery Patterns F rom Image s (Design Cente r)”.
47 Tutorial → The emb roidery pa ttern is imported into the De sign Page of Layout & Editin g. Adjust the embroidery pattern size and positio n. Drag the handl e to adju st the selec ted pattern to the des ired siz e. Mov e the p oin ter ov er t he s ele cted embroide ry pattern, and the n drag the pa ttern to th e de sir ed po siti on.
48 Tutorial Since th e circl e will be us ed as a guide for the text, s pecify th at it will not be sewn. To canc el lin e sewing (o utline ), click . → The Li ne color butt on and the Line sew type sel ector disapp ear. To canc el regi on sewi ng (insid e area), clic k .
49 Tutorial Add the te xt. Click , then . → The shape of the pointer changes to , and the Sewing Attributes bar appears as shown below . Select the font. For th is exam ple, use the default fo nt, 01 . Specify the si ze. For this exampl e, use the default s ize of 10 .
50 Tutorial → The text is di splayed in the Design Page. Arrange the text. Click . → The shape of the pointer changes to . Click th e text , hold down the key, and then clic k the circl e. → Both t he circle and th e text are selec ted. Click Text , then Fit T ext to Path Sett ing menu.
51 Tutorial → The text is no w arrange d on the c ircle. Step 3 Drawing shapes The next objec t to add w ill be a sun. We w ill firs t draw a circ le to get the bas ic shap e, and then change the co lor, sew type and wi dth of the outline and the color and sew ty pe for t he inside area.
52 Tutorial → The Sew ing Attribut es bar app ears as shown below. For t his exam ple , us e the def aul t se tti ngs , BLACK and Zigz ag St itc h . To ch ang e th e col or for t he r egi on, cli ck . → The Sew ing Attribut es bar app ears as shown below.
53 Tutorial Click under Programmable fill. → The Browse dial og box a ppears , allo wing you to pre vie w and b row se th ro ugh th e existi ng prog rammable fill stit ch pat terns.
54 Tutorial → The Sewing Attribu te Setting dial og bo x appears as sh own bel ow. Click Apply . → The stit ch and its setti ngs a re appl ied to the ins ide area of the se lecte d circle. Click Close . Use the O utlin e tool to draw th e rays of the sun .
55 Tutorial To draw the rays of the sun around the ci rcle using th e circle as a g uide, cli ck in the Desig n Page to se lect t he sta rt point (1), contin ue clicki ng in the Desi gn Page to select ever y other corn er (2 thr ough 21), a nd then double- click a t 2 2.
56 Tutorial Click OK . → The sun' s rays will be se wn before the sun (circle). If neces sary, move the circl e so that i t look s center ed relativ e to th e sun's ray s. Adju st the shape o f the sun' s rays. Click , then . → The shape of t he po inter changes to .
57 Tutorial Drag the po int to t he new pos ition. Specify h ole sewin g for the su n's rays so that t he area for th e sun (c ircle) will not be s ewn twic e. Click on the To ol Box, an d then click the sun's circle to sele ct it. Hold do wn the key a nd click th e sun's rays.
58 Tutorial Click Sew , then Set Hole Se wing menu. → The foll owing m essage a ppears . Click OK . Step 4 Displaying a prev iew of the embroidery Preview th e stitc hing and finished embroide ry. Check th e preview of the stit ching. Click Display , then Preview .
59 Tutorial To return to the normal vi ew, click Dis pl a y , then Realis tic Pre view , or pr ess the key. Step 5 Saving the embroidery design Once t he embro idery design i s fin ished, y ou may want to sa ve it i n order to r etrieve it lat er. Click File , then Save .
60 Tutorial Transfer the e mbroidery desig n. Click File , then Write to Card . → The foll owing m essage a ppears . Click OK . → The foll owing m essage a ppears .
61 Tutorial Managing Embroi dery designs (Design Database) Design Databa se is us ed to o rganize e mbroid ery desig n file s so t hat you c an easil y vie w the fil e infor mation for the em broide ry design s. Here, we wi ll prac tice the basic operation s up t o checki ng the em broide ry design file and openin g Layout & Editing.
62 Tutorial Switch the displa y in the content pane and ch ec k the fi le. Eith er cl ick Display , t hen Large Thumb nails or Small Thumbn ails , Details or click the to ol bar or , . Large Thum bnail s Small Thumbn ails Details If neces sary, chec k the se wing inf ormati on.
63 Tutorial When you are fin ished vi ewing t he informati on, cl ick Close . Step 2 Open ing an embro idery design fi le in La yo u t & E d iti ng You can e asily open a ny selec ted .p es file in Layou t & Editing. Select the embro idery des ign file that yo u want to open.
64 Tutorial Select the file(s) to be pri nted, and t hen cl ick File , then Print Setup . → A Print Setup di alog box simi lar to t he one sho wn b elow app ears. Select w hether each des ign is p rinted o n a separate page, 4 desi gns are pri nted on a page or 12 desi gns ar e printed o n a pag e.
65 Tutorial Select the File Name c heck bo x, and the n type in “angel”. Select th e Format c heck bo x, and then s elect the PES check box . Click S ear ch .
66 Tutorial Entering Monograms (Layout & Editing ) Using the monog ram fun ction, orn amented charac ters ar ranged in a deco rative pattern ca n be c reated.
67 Tutorial To add a d ecorativ e pattern a round o r at the sides o f the m onogram, s elect th e Add Decorative Pattern check box. Click Select Pattern . Click a d ecorativ e pattern to sele ct it, and then click Sel ect . → The sel ected pattern appears i n the preview box of t he Edit M onogram Letters dialog box.
68 Tutorial Change the font by cl icking o n the pulldown arro w and selecting a font. Change t he charact er size. Step 3 Changing the thread color and sew type The threa d col or and se w type for the mo nogram can be chang ed. Select the characte r to be e dited.
69 Tutorial Change t he sewi ng attri butes. Click , and s elect color. → The threa d color fo r the se lected charact er is c hanged. Click the pu lldown a rrow on the righ t side, and then sele ct a se w type . → The threa d sew type for the selected charact er is c hanged.
70 Tutorial Adju st the posit ion. Move th e point er over the selec ted patte rn. And drag th e patte rn to the de sired position . Step 5 Saving the embroidery design Once the embroidery de sign is finis hed, you may want to sa ve it in order to retriev e it later.
71 Tutorial Step 6 Transferr ing the desi gn to an original card By writin g a desi gn to a media that can be used in your em broidery m achine a nd trans ferring it to your em broidery m achin e, you ca n actu ally se w the desi gn. For this exa mple, we w ill trans fer the design to an o riginal card.
72 Tutorial Creating Appliqués The Appli que Wiz ard provi des inst ruction s for eas ily cr eating app liqué s. This proc edure will go through ea ch ste p of th e basic o perati on. Step 1 Crea ting an ap pliq ué patt ern An appliq ué ca n be c reated f rom any s harp.
73 Tutorial Click Sew , then Applique Wizard menu. Under Applique Materia l , select whet her ( Yes ) or not ( No ) t he outline of the a ppliqué is to be sew n onto th e appliqué fabric a s a guid e for cu tting it ou t. The Applique Position , (guide line for attachin g the a ppliqu é piece) is set to be se wn automati cally .
74 Tutorial Step 2 Saving the design After the ap pliqu é pattern i s finishe d, you m ay want to sa ve it. Click File , then Save . Select the drive an d the fo lder, and then ty pe in the fil e name.
75 Tutorial → The foll owing m essage a ppears . Click OK . Quit La you t & Editin g. Click File , then Exit . a Note: • If the ca rd write r modul e is not correctl y conn ecte d or po were d, a n err or m es sage of “ No card w riter module is co nnected .
76 Automat ically Conv erti ng an Image to an Embroidery P attern ( Layout & Editi ng/Image t o Stit ch W izard) Importing Image Data Importing imag e/phot o data Differen t types of cli p art or p hotos can be importe d into Layo ut & Editi ng to cr eate embro idery patt erns.
77 Autom atic ally Conv ertin g an I mage to an Embr oid ery Pat tern (Lay out & Ed iting /Im age to S titch Wi zard) 1. Check th at the scanner or othe r TWAIN device is correctly con nected to your comput er. 2. Click Image , th en Select TWAIN d evice .
78 Autom atic ally Conv ertin g an I mage to an Embr oid ery Pat tern (Lay out & Ed iting /Im age to S titch Wi zard) 5. To select a part feat ure (for example , standard size, s lightl y larger, s lightly small er, wide r or taller), m ove the Part Feature slider, i f it is availab le.
79 Autom atic ally Conv ertin g an I mage to an Embr oid ery Pat tern (Lay out & Ed iting /Im age to S titch Wi zard) Changing the Image Settings Changi ng the disp lay of the backgr ound imag e The imag e that remains i n the wo rk area can b e display ed or h idden, or a faded copy of the ima ge can be disp lay ed.
80 Autom atic ally Conv ertin g an I mage to an Embr oid ery Pat tern (Lay out & Ed iting /Im age to S titch Wi zard) Automatically Converting an Image to an Embroidery Pattern (Image to Stitch Wizard) The Imag e to Stit ch Wizard gives s tep-by -step ins tructions for conve rting an image i nto an embroidery pattern.
81 Autom atic ally Conv ertin g an I mage to an Embr oid ery Pat tern (Lay out & Ed iting /Im age to S titch Wi zard) Automatica lly con verting an image to an emb roi dery pa tter n (Aut o Pu nch.
82 Autom atic ally Conv ertin g an I mage to an Embr oid ery Pat tern (Lay out & Ed iting /Im age to S titch Wi zard) Automatically converting a photo to an embroidery pattern (P hoto St itch 1/Photo S titch 2) ■ If Photo Stitch 1 (Color) is select ed → A Select M ask dialo g box similar t o the one sho wn belo w app ears.
83 Autom atic ally Conv ertin g an I mage to an Embr oid ery Pat tern (Lay out & Ed iting /Im age to S titch Wi zard) 3. In the Sele ct Mask d ialog box , click Next . → The ima ge is analyze d, and the Chec k Mask S hape dialog box appe ars. 4.
84 Autom atic ally Conv ertin g an I mage to an Embr oid ery Pat tern (Lay out & Ed iting /Im age to S titch Wi zard) Sewi ng Opt ion Color Option Detail Specifies how detailed the created embroidery pattern will be. Selecting a setting closer to Fi ne creates more details in the pattern and increases the number of stitches.
85 Autom atic ally Conv ertin g an I mage to an Embr oid ery Pat tern (Lay out & Ed iting /Im age to S titch Wi zard) 6. In the Photo Stitch 1 Parameters di alog b ox, click Update Preview . → The pr eviewe d image i s updated . 7. Click Finish .
86 Autom atic ally Conv ertin g an I mage to an Embr oid ery Pat tern (Lay out & Ed iting /Im age to S titch Wi zard) → A Gray Balance dialog bo x simil ar to th e one sho wn b elow app ears. 4. Move th e slider to spec ify which parts of the image to create the embro idery patt ern for.
87 Autom atic ally Conv ertin g an I mage to an Embr oid ery Pat tern (Lay out & Ed iting /Im age to S titch Wi zard) Color Option 7. In the Photo Stitch 1 Parameters di alog b ox, click Update Preview . → The pr eviewe d image i s updated . 8. Click Finish .
88 Autom atic ally Conv ertin g an I mage to an Embr oid ery Pat tern (Lay out & Ed iting /Im age to S titch Wi zard) 3. In the Select Mas k dialog b ox, c lick Next . → The image is ana lyze d, and the Check Mask S hape dialog bo x appe ars. 4.
89 Autom atic ally Conv ertin g an I mage to an Embr oid ery Pat tern (Lay out & Ed iting /Im age to S titch Wi zard) 6. In the Photo Stitch 2 Parameters di alog b ox, click Update Preview . → The pr eviewe d image i s updated . 7. Click Finish .
90 Autom atic ally Conv ertin g an I mage to an Embr oid ery Pat tern (Lay out & Ed iting /Im age to S titch Wi zard) 3. In the Select Mas k dialog b ox, c lick Next . → A Gray Balance dialog bo x simil ar to th e one sho wn b elow app ears. 4. Move th e slider to spec ify which parts of the image to create the embro idery patt ern for.
91 Autom atic ally Conv ertin g an I mage to an Embr oid ery Pat tern (Lay out & Ed iting /Im age to S titch Wi zard) 7. In the Photo Stitch 2 Parameters di alog b ox, click Update Preview . → The pr eviewe d image i s updated . 8. Click Finish .
92 Autom atic ally Conv ertin g an I mage to an Embr oid ery Pat tern (Lay out & Ed iting /Im age to S titch Wi zard) 2. Click Ne xt . → A Select Cross Stitch Embroidery Area dialog b ox simila r to the one shown be low appears . 3. In the i mage in the dialo g box, cli ck the area s to selec t whethe r or not they ar e to be se wn.
93 Autom atic ally Conv ertin g an I mage to an Embr oid ery Pat tern (Lay out & Ed iting /Im age to S titch Wi zard) ■ If Design Center is selected → Desig n Center starts up, and a Design Page is displaye d with t he ima ge imported in to it.
94 Arrangi ng Embroider y Des igns (Layo ut & Editing) Opening/Importing Embroidery Des igns Creat ing a ne w em broide ry design T oolbar button: 1. Click , or cl ick File , then New . → If the cu rrent Des ign Page h as alread y been sa ved o r has n ot bee n edite d, a new Desig n Page im media tely a ppears.
95 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 4. To open a file, s elect it , and th en cl ick Open , or double -clic k the f ile’s icon. → If the cu rrent Des ign Page h as alread y been sa ved or has n ot been ed ited, th e content s of the sele cted fi le imme diatel y appear i n the Des ign Page.
96 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) → An Import from File dial og b ox si mila r to the one show n below appears. 2. Select the drive an d the fo lder. 3. To view th e cont ents of the files in the curren tly se lected fo lder, c lick Browse .
97 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 4. To import a des ign, sele ct it, and then c lick Import , or double-c lick the file’s icon.
98 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 3. Click a desi gn to sele ct it. 4. Click Import , or double-c lick the desig n to import it . Import ing embroidery designs from Design Center An embroi dery de sign in Desi gn Cente r can be imported direct ly int o the Desig n Page.
99 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Specifying the Design Page Size and Color The colo r and siz e of the Desig n Page in a ddition to the co lor of t he backg round c an be ch anged. You can select a D esign Page size acc ording to the siz e of hoop tha t you will be us ing with yo ur embroidery machi ne.
100 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Saving the Image Data The imag e can be saved as a file or out putted t o the C lipboard . ■ Saving as a fi le 1. Click Image , th en Outp ut , then to File . → A dialog box similar to t he one shown below appears.
101 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Editing Embroidery Designs Select ing pa tterns To apply settin gs to an exist ing pattern , you mus t first sele ct it.
102 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) ■ Moving embroidery patterns to the ce nte r The sele cted p atterns ca n eas ily be m oved to th e center of Desi gn Page. 1. Select on e or mo re patterns . 2. Click Edit , t hen Center .
103 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) P attern s set for hole s ewing If just th e inside pattern is selec ted, th e pattern i s aligned on the outl ine of the insi de area . If the outside of the pat tern is also selected, the pat tern is aligned on the outl ine of the outsi de area.
104 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 6. To resiz e the sele cted p attern wh ile maintai ning th e origina l density and fi ll pattern , sele ct the Keep density and fill pattern check b ox. 7. Click OK . Flipping patt erns horizontally or vert ically 1.
105 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) ■ Rotating numerically 1. Select the patter n that you want to rotat e. 2. Click Edit , t hen Numerical Setting , then Rotate . → The Rotate d ialog bo x appe ars. 3. Type or s elect the desir ed rotat ion an gle.
106 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Reshaping Embroidery Patterns Selecting points 1. Click on the Tool Box. → Two bu ttons appe ar: . 2. Click . → The sha pe of th e pointer c hange s to . 3. Click the pattern tha t you want to edit .
107 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 5. Drag the po int to t he new loc ation. Inserting points New poi nts can b e inse rted in ord er to ch ange t he shape o f a patt ern. In t he case o f a new point on a curve, y ou can a lso us e the han dle to reorient the tangent t o the n ew point .
108 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Dele ting po in ts 1. Click on the Tool Box. → Two bu ttons appe ar: . 2. Click . → The shape of t he po inter changes to . 3. Click the pattern tha t you want to edit . → The points in the patt ern appear as sm all empty squa re s.
109 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Smoothing out t he pat h at a poin t 1. Click on the Tool Box. → Two bu ttons appe ar: . 2. Click . → The shape of t he po inter changes to . 3. Click the pattern tha t you want to edit .
110 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Transf orming t o a p ointed path 1. Click on the Tool Box. → Two bu ttons appe ar: . 2. Click . → The shape of t he po inter changes to . 3. Click the pattern tha t you want to edit . → The points in the patt ern appear as sm all empty squa re s.
111 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) This is t he entr y point fo r the outli ne stitchin g. The p revio us patt ern is connecte d to th is poi nt. This is t he exit p oint fo r the ou tline stitchin g. Stitc hing con tinues from this point to th e next pa ttern.
112 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) → If the check mark d oes not a ppear b eside Optimize Entry/Exit points , the e ntry and exi t poin ts are n ot optimi zed. If the optimiz ing of the entry and exit points is cancel led, th e entry po int and exit poi nt positio ns are reta ined.
113 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Editing a Stitch Pattern Conver ting objec ts to a stitch patter n Objects drawn with t he too ls in L ayout & Editing can be conv erted in to a stitc h patt ern, allow ing you to make d etaile d change s by modify ing th e positi on of individ ual st itches.
114 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) → Selected point s appear a s small black squares . ■ Moving stitch points 1. Drag the se lecte d stitch p oints to the new loca tion. ■ Inserting stitch points and feeds 1. Click a line b etween two stitc h points to add a new po int at t hat positi on.
115 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Chang ing colo rs of a stitch patte rn The col ors of imported stitch patterns or objects converted to stitches can be changed in the following way. T oolbar button: 1. Click , or cli ck Sew , then Sewing Order/ Color .
116 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) c “Speci fyi ng sewi ng at tribute s” on page 151, “Sc aling pat terns ” on page 103 and “S elec tin g po ints ” on pa ge 10 6 .
117 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) → The dotte d line that is d rawn wh en yo u move th e poin ter change s to a solid line when t he next point is spec ified. 5. Double -click i n the De sign Page to sp ecify the sect ion to be s plit o ff.
118 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Drawing Shapes The Circl e or Arc tool allo ws you to create several cu rved patt erns: regula r circles (or ov als), ar cs, fan shap es and ar c & strings .
119 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 2. Clic k in th e Arc sha pe selector, and th en click Arc . 3. Proceed a s you woul d to dra w a circle or an oval. → A radi al line a ppears on the ov al when the mouse butt on is releas ed.
120 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Drawin g an arc & str ing 1. Click on the Tool Box. → The sha pe of th e pointer c hange s to , and the S ewing Attr ibutes bar appears simi lar to t he one sh own b elow. 2. Clic k in th e Arc sha pe selector, and th en click Arc & String .
121 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Drawin g a rec tang le With the R ectangl e tool , you can draw rec tangles with sh arp or round ed co rners. A rec tangle w ill automati cally have an outlin e and an inside region that can indep enden tly be a ssigned differe nt sew ing attribu tes.
122 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 1. Click on the Tool Box. → The butto ns for the 24 typ es of sha pes appear. 2. Click the b utton for th e type of sha pe that you want to draw. → The sha pe of th e pointer c hanges to that for the s elected s hape.
123 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Drawi ng stra ight line s and curv es 1. Click on the Tool Box. → Three butto ns appe ar: is for dra wing st raight l ines. (Sho rtcut key: ) is for dr awing c urves. (Sho rtcut key : ) is for s emi-autom atically drawin g line s.
124 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Selecting the attribut es of line ends ■ Path s hape Use th is selec tor to selec t wheth er the b roken lin es and curv es will be open o r clos ed. 1. Click the Path shape selec tor. → The sett ings appe ar.
125 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Manually Creating Profess ional-Level Embroidery Patterns (Manual Punchin g) The Manual Punch tools are us ed to create patterns that loo k like manu al embro idery. With ma nual pun ching, you can create patterns w ith any sewing order, dire ction and orient ation t hat yo u want.
126 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Anothe r possibi lity i s to load a temp late i mage and redraw i t usin g manual punching pattern s. The advantag e of th is me thod is th at you ha ve a b etter control o n the th read or ientation.
127 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 6. After clic king point 8 (th e last point of th e block-ty pe pattern ), click (feed -type pattern bu tton), an d then in the Des ign Page to speci fy poi nt 9 (the s tart poi nt of th e running-ty pe pattern ).
128 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) → The Edit Te xt Letters dialog bo x appears , conta ining a c hart with all charact ers av ailable w ith the s elec ted font. 5. Type the text. 6. Click OK . → The text is di splayed in the Design Page.
129 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) → If text p atterns or c haracters in a te xt pattern wer e sele cted, the settin g is a lso applied to the selected text. The avai lable fonts and the ty pes of characte rs avail able wi th each fo nt are l isted below.
130 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) • Built-in Fonts • User defi ned Fo nts • True Typ e Fonts The na mes and samp les of insta lled T rueType fonts app ear afte r the User d efined Fon ts.
131 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 2. Click Text , then Edit L etters . → The Edit Te xt Letters dialog box appears . 3. The sele cted te xt is di splay ed in the text fi eld. 4. Edit the te xt as needed . 5. Click OK . → The edit ed tex t is di splayed in the Design Page.
132 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 5. Change the font, siz e, color, sew type a nd other attri butes. Spec ify ing te xt att ribu tes Variou s characte r attributes fo r text ca n be set in the Text Attribute Se tting dialog box .
133 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) c “Specif ying text a rrangem ent” be low and “Trans formi ng text” on pa ge 137 Easy chan ges to the ch arac ter size an d attr ib.
134 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 3. When you releas e the mo use bu tton, th e characte r size is chan ged. → The new size i s displa yed on the Sewing Attribu tes bar. ■ Changing the c haracte r spacing 1. Place the pointe r onto the charac ter bod y other than the handles and drag the chara cter horiz ontall y.
135 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 3. When you releas e the mo use bu tton, th e characte r angle is chan ged. → When the Text Attribu te Setting dialo g box is opene d, the new rotation angle i s disp layed . Spec ifyin g text arran gemen t A line of text can be arran ged along a path .
136 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) c “Cance ling t ext a rrangem ent” on page 1 37 Horizo ntal Alignm ent Sets the distribution of characters along the path. V ertical Alignment Se ts the distance between the te xt and the path.
137 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) ■ Canceling text arrangement The text a rrangem ent on a p ath ca n be can celled. T oolbar button: 1. Select tex t that is arrange d on a pat h (Fit to Path). 2. Click , or clic k Text , then Release Text from Path .
138 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) → A dialog box sim ilar to the one s hown below appears. I f any c harac ters convert ed from a TrueT ype fo nt are select ed, the attribu tes for the selected charact ers are display ed. 3.
139 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Enterin g Small Text If th e Sm all Text tool is us ed , beau ti ful embr oid ery can be crea ted from s mall chara cters of 6 mm (0. 24 inch) or l ess. FIVE fo nts are av ailable. 1. Click on the Tool Box.
140 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Entering Monograms The monog ram func tion allow s you to cr eate mon ogram s comp osed of one to three or les s upperca se lette rs and arrang e a dec orative p attern a round t hem. 1. Click on the Tool Box.
141 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 8. Click OK . → The mon ogram is disp layed in the D esign Page wi th the sel ected d ecorativ e pattern. 9. Click on the Tool Bo x, selec t the decorati ve patt ern, an d then a djust its size and po sition.
142 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) ■ Editing the monogram text 1. Select th e monogra m patte rn that yo u want to edit. 2. Click Text , then Edit L etters . → The Edit M onogram L etters dialo g box appears , where th e char acters of t he select ed mono gram patte rn are dis played in the te xt fie ld.
143 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 5. Change the colo r or sew t ype. 6. Click , or click Text , the n Text Attri bute Setting . → The Text A ttribute Setting di alog box appears . 7. Change the text a ttribut es and click Ap ply .
144 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Applying and Editing Stamps Stamps c an be app lied to regions of obje cts dr awn with t he Circl e or Arc tool, Recta ngle to ol, Outl ine too ls, Text tools and the M anual Punc h tools.
145 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 7. Click the desi red locati ons wit hin the object where y ou want to appl y the stamp. → The st amps appea r as dotted lines in the objec t. Editi ng a st amp 1. Click on the Tool Box. → Two bu ttons appe ar: .
146 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) c “Sc aling patt ern s” on page 1 03 an d “Rotati ng patte rns” on pa ge 104 b Memo : • When a pa ttern with a stamp appli ed is move d, the stamp is mo ved tog ether with the pattern.
147 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Applying Sewing Attributes to Lines and Regions The Sewing Attribute s bar allo ws you to set the foll ow ing a ttri but es: • geometric .
148 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Setti ng t he thre ad c olor an d sew type All pattern s can be assi gned at least on e color and sew ty pe. Patterns with an outli ne and an inside region ca n be assigned two diffe rent thr ead colors and sew types.
149 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 1. Click the Region sew bu tton. This but ton has two settings : On: The Re gion color b utton and the Region sew type se lector is displ ayed. Off: The Region color button a nd the Regio n sew type se lector are not dis played.
150 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) c For deta ils on spec ify ing a user thr ea d cha rt or fo r inf orma tio n on ho w mac hin es handle thread colors , refer to “ Editing User Th rea d Colo r List s” o n page 162.
151 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) c “Lin e sew” on pa ge 148, “ Reg ion se w” on page 1 48 and “Sp ecify ing sew ing attrib utes” b elow Specif yin g sewi ng attrib utes Various s ewing attrib utes for lines a nd regions can be set in the Sewing Attribute Setting dialog b ox T oolbar button: 1.
152 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) c For de tails on the di fferent sew ing attribut es and set tings, refer to “Line sewing attributes ” on page 153 and “Regio n sewing attr ibutes” on page 155. In addi tion, freq uent ly used sewing attrib utes can be sa ved.
153 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) ■ Line sewing attributes The avai lable attributes differ depending on the select ed sew ty pe. Zigzag stitch Running stitch T riple stitch Under se wing Sets underlay stitching on or off .
154 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Motif stitc h E/V stitch Run pitch Sets the pitch of t he line sewing. Range: 1.0 – 10.0 mm (0.04 – 0.39 inch) Def a ult: 10.0 mm (0.39 inch) Moti f Select a patter n for the motif stitch.
155 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) ■ Region sewing attributes The avai lable attributes differ depending on the select ed sew ty pe. Satin sti tch Under se wing Sets under lay stitching on o r off. Use under lay stitching in order t o prev ent s hrinking during stitching.
156 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Fill stitch b Memo : For deta ils on manua l punching, r efer to “Man ually Crea ting Professi onal-Level Embroide ry Patte rns (Manua l Punching)” on page 1 25. Under se wing Sets under lay stitching on o r off.
157 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Programmable fill stitch Step Pitch Sets the pitch of the stitching. Range: 1.0 – 10.0 mm (0.
158 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Pull Compensation Lengthens the s ewing region in the stitch patter n ’ s sewing direction to pre vent pattern shri nk- age during sewing. Range: 2.0 – 10.0 mm (0.08 – 0.39 inch) Default: 0.
159 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Motif stitc h Moti f Selects whether to use pattern 1 or patter n 2 f or the motif stitch.
160 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Cross stitch Concentric c ir cle stitch, radial stit ch and spiral st itch For de tails on moving the center point of the conce ntric ci rcle stitch an d the radial s titch, refer to “ Movi ng the center point ” on page 1 11.
161 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Manual punch Notes o n programmable fill stitches a nd stamps When setti ng the sew type and patter n directions of a prog rammable fill st.
162 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Creati ng a gr adat ion The densit y of one or two colors can be adj usted at various locations to creat e a custo m gradation pattern. 1. In Ex per t mode of t he Se wi ng A ttr ib ute Setting dial og box, select the Gr adat ion check b ox under Re gion se w .
163 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) ■ Deleting a c hart 1. From th e User Thread Chart select or, selec t the chart that you want to de lete. 2. Click Delete Chart . → The foll owing message a ppears. 3. Click Yes to delete the selec ted chart.
164 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) → The Edit Thre ad dialog box appears. 2. To crea te a ne w col or, cl ick Mix . → A dialog box similar to the one shown below appears. 3. Specify t he color, and then clic k OK to add the specifi ed color to th e Edit Thread d ialog box .
165 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Saving fr eque ntly use d sewing a ttr ibutes Freq uen tly us ed se wi ng at tri butes ca n be sav ed together, a nd recalled w hen spec ifying sewing attribu tes. ■ Opening the Sewing Attribute Setting dialog box 1.
166 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) ■ Deleting a group of settings from the list 1. In the Load/Sav e Default Setting dial og box, select t he group of se ttings to be del eted. 2. Click Delete to delete th e selected gr oup of settings from the list.
167 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) → If the selec ted pair cannot be set for ho le sewin g, the foll owing messa ge appears. 3. Click OK to remove the mess age. ■ Canceling hole sewing 1. Select a p attern that has b een set for hole sewing .
168 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Zooming You can zoom in t o wo rk o n de ta ils of th e em bro ide ry pa tte rn or yo u ca n zoo m out t o w ork o n an y pa rt of th e embroide ry pattern that cannot be viewed in the w o rk area.
169 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Checking Embroidery Patterns Measur ing th e dista nce betw een tw o poin ts 1. Click on the Tool Box. → The sha pe of the pointer c hanges to . 2. Move the poi nter to the beginni ng of the part of the obje ct that you want to meas ure, an d then hold dow n the mouse b utton.
170 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) c “Spec ify ing the Desi gn Pa ge Si ze an d Color” on page 99 Chec king a nd e dit ing the sewi ng orde r/color The sewin g order of p attern colors as well as th e sewing order of pattern ob jects of the same co lor can be check ed and modified as necess ary.
171 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Editing the sewing order The sew ing or der can be changed by se lecting the frame co ntaining the p attern t hat yo u want to move, then dragg ing the frame to the new location. A vertical red line app ears, indi cating the posi tion where th e frame is being moved.
172 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Displ aying a previe w of the embroide ry Once th e embroid ery design is c omplete , you can display a preview of i t in order t o see how the stitchin g is conne cted, or y ou can disp lay a real istic preview of it in order to s ee how the de sign will appear on ce it is sewn .
173 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 3. If neces sary, use the Co ntras t slider to se t the contra st. 4. If ne cess ary , use t he Brightness slid er to se t how bright the dis play is. 5. Click Apply to displa y a realistic prev iew of the patterns wi th the new setting s (when the realisti c preview is displayed).
174 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 2. Click in the upper-right corner of the dial og bo x to clos e the d ial og bo x. Checking embr oidery design in forma tio n Sewing i nformatio n such as dim ensions , needle count, co lor count and color ord er of patterns can be checke d in the Design Property di alog box.
175 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Viewing desig n in th e refere nce window A design in the Design Page is display ed in the Referenc e Windo w , gi ving yo u an overal l view of the design w hile y ou work on a de tailed area.
176 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) → The shape of the point er changes to or , dep ending on th e corner that the point er is ov er. 2. Drag the co rner to adjust the display are a fram e to the de sir ed size . b Memo : an d are fo r sc ali ng the hei ght and widt h.
177 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Saving and Printing Saving ■ Overwriting Once the image or design h as been save d, changes can eas ily be saved so that the l atest versi on can be retrieved later. T oolbar button: 1. Click , or cl ick File , then Save .
178 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) → A dialog box similar to the one shown below appears. 2. Select the drive and the fo lder, and then ty pe in the fil e name. 3. Select the format (.d st, .hus, .exp, .pcs , .vip, .sew, .jef , .
179 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 3. Click OK . → The mes s age “ Now tran smitting ” appears while the curren t embroidery design is transferre d to the original card, and then the foll owing message a ppears. 4. Click OK to close the messag e.
180 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Printing ■ Specifying print settings Before pr inting, y ou may need to chang e the print settings for the embroide ry design files that you want to prin t. 1. Click File , then Print Setup .
181 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 4. Click OK . c “Disp lay ing a previ ew of the em broid ery” on pa ge 17 2 ■ Checking the print image You can p review the con tents.
182 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 3. Click OK to begin pr inting. 4. Follow the instructions fo r the printer to fin ish printing. → Depe ndi ng on the Print Type setting, one or two p ages will be printed for one pattern o r one hoop pos ition.
183 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Changing Software Settings Changing the grid sett ings A grid of dotted l ines or sol id lines can be displa yed or hidden , and the spaci ng for the grid can be adjusted . 1. Click Display , t hen Grid Setup .
184 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Information for Optional L arge-Size Hoop Users Creatin g design for mult i-po sition hoops This prog ram enables yo u to create mult i-position de sign that yo u can sti tch in any mul ti-position hoo p attached to your embro idery ma chine.
185 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) ■ Creating the design 1. The D esign Pag e appe ar s on th e scr een as shown bel ow. 2. Create t he design, mak ing sure t hat it meets the follo wing conditio ns. • The size of one pattern must be no larg er than 100 × 1 00 mm (or 130 × 180 mm).
186 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) ■ Checking the pattern 1. Click Opti on , then Desig n Property . → At the sa me time that the Design Property dia log box appe ars, the D esign Page is a utoma tic all y zo omed in or ou t to fit in th e entire window.
187 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) ■ Saving the design 1. Click File , then Save or S ave As , and the n save the desi gn. → The entir e design is sa ved as a single file (.pes). ■ Writing the design to an original card 1.
188 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Notes on embr oidering using t he m ulti- position hoop • Before emb roidering your design, sew a trial sample o f the design on a scra p piece of fabric from your design, m aking sure to use the same needle and t hread.
189 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) Embroi dering l arge-size embr oide ry de si gn (c usto m size) ■ Attachi ng stabilizer to the fabric Stabiliz er must always be used w hen embro idering to stabil ize the fabri c.
190 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) To mark an are a below the previousl y marked area, alig n points A and B on the template with marks C a nd D on the fab ric. ■ Hooping the fabric Using the hoop ’ s plastic embro idery sheet, alig n the refe renc e li nes on the emb roi dery sh eet with the ma rks on the fabr ic.
191 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) ■ Embroidering Now, we are ready to embroi der the design. 1. When lar ge-size embroider y design are transfer red to the embro idery machine, the pattern s appear on t he embr oidery mac hine display as shown below.
192 Arrang ing Embr oider y Design s (Layout & E diting) 6. Continu e hooping the fabri c and embroid ering until the entire embroi dery des ign is sewn.
193 Manually Cr eating Embroidery Patterns From Im ages (Design Center) Basic Operation Flow - Design Center Design C enter is used to man ually create e mbroidery patte rns from image s created in other applicati ons.
194 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Original Image Stage Importing a n image usin g the wiza rd This wiz ard provi des a ste p-b y-s tep gu ide for creati ng embroider y patterns . 1. Click File , then Wizard . → The How d o you want to produce embroidery? dialog box appe ar s.
195 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) The funct ions for eac h button are described bel ow. 1 Open Image File Click thi s button to open a previousl y saved image fi le and paste the image in the Des ign Page. c For detail s, refer to “Import ing image da ta into Layou t & Editing ” on page 18.
196 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Line Image Sta ge After openi ng the image, continue to t he Line Image Stage, where the color(s) that will be used to create the line im age (outline o f the imag e) will be sel ected.
197 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) 2. Click the outline c o lor(s) th at you want to convert into black outl ines.
198 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Drawin g and er asi ng outlines Dr awin g out lin e s 1. On the To ol Box, click the button for the pen with the desired thickness. → The sha pe of the pointer c hanges to . 2.
199 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Figure Handle Stage After cr eating the outline, whic h is simply a co llection of dots (or pixels) in t he Line Image Sta ge, continue to the Figur e Handle Stage , where the do ts are autom atically connected to create li nes that ca n be edi ted.
200 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) 5. To selec t a specific p art of the image, click Pick Area , drag th e pointer ( ) across the image in the Design Pag e to select the desi red area. 6. Click OK . → The figu re handle ima ge is di splayed in the De sign Page of the Figure Ha ndle Stage.
201 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Moving a templat e image: 1. Move th e pointer over the imag e. → The sha pe of the point er changes to . 2. Drag the tem plate image to the desired loca tion. Scaling a template image: 1.
202 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Drawing a Ne w figure handle image free hand An empty Design Pag e can be created in order to draw a fi gure hand le image or t o create pa tterns from outl ines taken fr om a prev iously saved .
203 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) 2. Move the p ointer over one of t he handles of a selecte d outline or g roup of outlin es. → The sha pe of the pointer c hanges to , , or , depending on the h andle that the pointer is over.
204 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Rotating nume rically: 1. Select the outline that yo u want to rotate. 2. Click Edit , t hen Numerical Setting , then Rotate . → The Rotate d i alog bo x appears. 3. Type or s elect the desir ed rotation an gle.
205 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Reshapi ng out lines ■ Moving points 1. Click on the Tool Box. → The shape of t he po inter changes to . 2. Click the outline that you want to ed it. → The outl ine appears in p ink, and the points in the selec ted out line appe ar as small empty squares.
206 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) ■ Splitting a point in to two Click on the Tool Box. → The shape of t he po inter changes to . 1. Click the outline contai ning the point th at you want to sp lit. → The poin ts in the out line appear as s m all empty squa re s.
207 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) 4. Repeat ste p 3. until y ou have speci fied all point s except the end po int.
208 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) 2. Drag the co rner to adjust the display are a fram e to the de sir ed size . ■ Displaying the image being used to create the embroidery pattern The imag e opened from the Original Imag e Stage can be disp lay ed i n th e Ref ere nce W ind ow.
209 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Sew Setting Stage After editi ng the outline in the Figure Han dle Stage, c ontinue to the Se w Setting Stage, wh ere the sewing attribu tes can b e set. Use the zooming tools availab le to display t he pattern enl arged or reduced.
210 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) 3. Click the enclosed re gion wh ere you w ant to apply th e sewing attribute s. → “ Marchi ng lines ” appear arou nd the select ed region, and the colo r and sew type se lected on the Sewi ng Attribute s bar ar e applied to the region.
211 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) ■ Line sewing Applying se wing attributes to the entire outline 1. Click on the Tool Box. → The sha pe of the pointer c hanges to , and the S ewing Attributes bar appears similar to t he one shown b elow.
212 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) 3. Click the po rtion of the outlin e where you want to apply the sewing at tributes. → “ Marchi ng lines ” appear alo ng the select ed portion of t he outline , and the sew type selecte d on the Sewi ng Attribu tes bar is applied to the portion of the outl ine.
213 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Checking the sewing attributes of an outline 1. Click on the Tool Box. → The sha pe of the pointer c hanges to . Or clic k o n the Tool Box. → The sha pe of the pointer c hanges to .
214 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) ■ Region sew Clicking th is button swit ches on/off sewing f or a region. 1. Click . This but ton has two settings : On: The Re gion color b utton and the Region sew type se lector are displ ayed.
215 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) c “Color” on page 2 15 and “Sew type” o n page 2 15 ■ Color Click thi s button t o set the t hread color for lines or regions. 1. Click the Color button. → A Line Thread Color dial og box similar to the ones shown below a ppears.
216 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) ■ Specifying sewing attributes Various s ewing attrib utes for lines a nd regions can be set in the Sewing Attribute Setting dialog b ox. T oolbar button: 1. Click in the Toolbar → The Sewing Attribute Setting dial og bo x appears .
217 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) 3. If neces sary, cha nge the sewing a ttributes display ed under Line Se w or Region Sew . c For de tails on the di fferent sew ing attribut es and set tings, refer to “Line sewing attributes ” on page 218 and “Regio n sewing attr ibutes” on page 219.
218 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) ■ Line sewing attributes The avai lable attribu tes diffe r depending on t he selected sew type . In Beginner mod e, not all o f the followin g attribu tes appea r. Zigzag stitch Running stitch T riple stitch Under se wing Sets underlay stitching on or off .
219 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) ■ Region sewing attributes The avai lable attribu tes diffe r depending on t he selected sew type . In Beginner mod e, not all o f the followin g attribu tes appea r. Satin sti tch Under se wing Sets underlay stitching on or of f.
220 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Fill stitch Under se wing Sets underlay stitching on or of f. T r y to use underlay stitching f or wide areas, in order to prev ent shr inking during stitching. On: Under lay stitching will be sewn.
221 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Programmable fill stitch Under se wing Sets underlay stitching on or of f. T r y to use underlay stitching f or wide areas, in order to prev ent shr inking during stitching. On: Under lay stitching will be sewn.
222 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Progr amma ble fill Select a pattern f or programmable fill stitch. Click , and then, in the Browse dialog bo x that appeared, select the folder containing the .pas file that you want to use.
223 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Motif stitc h Moti f Selects whether to use pattern 1 or patter n 2 f or the motif stitch. If y ou choos e to use both patterns, the data is created to s ew alternating rows of the two .
224 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Cross stitch Concentric c ir cle stitch, radial stit ch and spiral st itch For det ails on m oving th e center p oint of the co ncentric circle stitch a nd the rad ial stitch, refer to “ Applying effects t o concentric c i rcle and radial stitches ” on page 227.
225 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Notes on programmable fill stitches When setti ng the sew type and patter n directions of a prog rammable fil l stitch, li nes .
226 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Saving fr eque ntly use d sewing a ttr ibutes Freq uen tly us ed se wi ng at tri butes ca n be sav ed together, a nd recalled w hen spec ifying sewing attribu tes. ■ Saving the settings in a li st 1.
227 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) ■ Applying effects to concentric circle a nd radial stit ches In order to increase the decorativ e effect, yo u can move the center point of regions set to th e concent ric circle stitc h or radial st itch.
228 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Applying a nd edit ing stamps Stamps crea ted with Programmable Stitc h C reator can be a pplied to region s in the Sew Setti ng Stage of Desi gn Cent er.
229 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) 6. Click the desired locati ons within the region where y ou want to appl y the stamp. → The st amps appea r as dotted lines in the region. ■ Editing a stamp 1. Click on the Tool Box.
230 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Chec king a nd e dit ing the sew ing or der The sew ing order of p atte rn c olors as wel l as the sewin g order of pat tern objec ts of t he same col or can be check ed and modifi ed as n ecessar y.
231 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Chec king t he stit chi ng The actua l stitching as it will be performed by the sewing machine can be viewed usi ng the stitch simula tor. (This function is a vaila ble onl y in the Sew Set tin g Stag e.
232 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) → A preview of the e m broidery pattern appears . 2. To leave the preview di splay, repeat step 1. , or press the key. 3. To displ ay a realistic preview of the embroide ry pattern, click Displa y on the m enu bar, and th en click Realis tic Preview .
233 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Viewing em broidery patterns in the Refer ence Window All outli nes and patterns in the Design Pag e are display ed in the Refe rence Window, g i ving yo u an overall view of the pat tern while you w ork on a detailed area.
234 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) ■ Displaying the image being used to create the embroidery pattern The imag e opened from the Original Imag e Stage can be disp lay ed i n th e Ref ere nce W ind ow. 1. Click the Image tab.
235 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) 2. Select the drive and the fo lder, and then ty pe in the fil e name. 3. Click Save to save the data.
236 Manually Creat ing Embroid ery Patterns From Images (Design Center ) Changi ng Soft ware Setting s ■ Chan ging the gr id settings A grid of dotted l ines or sol id lines can be displa yed or hidden , and the spaci ng for the grid can be adju ste d.
237 Creating Custom Fonts (Font Creator) Starting up Font Cre ator 1. Click , then sele ct All Programs , then PE-DESIGN Ver7 , th e n Font Creator to open the Font Creator wi ndow. → The Font Creator window appears. Opening a File Creati ng a ne w font You can b egin with a bl ank work area to de sign a new fon t.
238 Crea ting Cus tom Fon ts (F ont C rea tor) → A Fi le Open dialog box similar to the on e shown below a ppears. 2. Select the drive and the fo lder.
239 Crea ting Cus tom Fon ts (F ont C rea tor) → The image fill s the work area. The Desi gn Pag e guidelines The stan dard guidelin es for cre ating fonts a re shown in the D esign Pages. The c ontents o f each of the guid elines are as shown below.
240 Crea ting Cus tom Fon ts (F ont C rea tor) b Memo : • The heig hts and widths spec ified for the Base Li ne , Cap ital Line and Set Line s are the re ference mask fo r creating th e font charac ter . • The heights of the Asce nder Li ne , Mean Line and Descen der L ine are t he same for all ch arac ters.
241 Crea ting Cus tom Fon ts (F ont C rea tor) Selecting the Character To Be Created The chara c ter to be created can be s elected. 1. Click the Select Char acter bu tton in the Sele ct Ch ara cter bar. In the Select Char acter di alog box that appeared, select the c haracter t o be created.
242 Crea ting Cus tom Fon ts (F ont C rea tor) Creating a Font Character Pattern Using the Manual Punc h tools, c reate the font character pattern. A backgro und image can be displayed s o that the font c haracter pattern c an be created mo re easily.
243 Crea ting Cus tom Fon ts (F ont C rea tor) 5. After clic king point 4 (th e last point o f the block-ty pe pattern), clic k (running-typ e pattern bu tton), and then in the Des i gn Page to speci fy point 5 th rough 7.
244 Crea ting Cus tom Fon ts (F ont C rea tor) Editing Font Character Patterns Select ing patterns 1. Click on the Tool Box. → The shape of t he point er change s to . 2. Click the pattern tha t you want to sel ect. → Handles appear around t he pattern to show that it is selec ted .
245 Crea ting Cus tom Fon ts (F ont C rea tor) Scalin g patterns 1. Move the p ointer over one of t he handles of a sel ected pat tern or g rou p of pa tt erns. → The sha pe of the pointer c hanges to , , or , dependi ng on the hand le that the po inter is o ver.
246 Crea ting Cus tom Fon ts (F ont C rea tor) 1. Click , or clic k Edit , then Pa ste . → The patte rns saved on th e Clipboard (using t he Cut or Copy command ) are pasted into the work ar ea.
247 Crea ting Cus tom Fon ts (F ont C rea tor) 4. Drag the rotation hand le clock wise or counterc lockwise to rota te the patte rn to the desired ang le. b Memo : • Simply dra gging the poi nter rotates t he pat tern i n 1° inc rements. • To rotate the pa ttern in 15° inc rements, hold down the key wh ile drag ging th e rotatio n handle.
248 Crea ting Cus tom Fon ts (F ont C rea tor) Editing the Points of a Font Characte r Pattern The poin ts that you m ove or insert are positioned at the int e rsection of the horizo ntal and verti cal line s of the grid.
249 Crea ting Cus tom Fon ts (F ont C rea tor) Dele ting po in ts 1. Click on the Tool Box. → When the poi nter is moved over the work area, the shape of the point er changes to . 2. Click the pattern tha t you want to edit . → The points in the patt ern appear as small empty squa re s.
250 Crea ting Cus tom Fon ts (F ont C rea tor) Checking the Created Font Patterns The sewi ng order and pre view of the font ch aracter patterns and th e list of crea ted characters can be checke d. Chec king a nd e dit ing the sew ing or der The s ewi ng ord er for t he f ont ch ara cte r pat ter n c an be view ed and modifie d.
251 Crea ting Cus tom Fon ts (F ont C rea tor) → The Previ ew windo w appears. ■ Changi ng the size of th e Preview window 1. Mov e the poin te r over a c orn er of th e Pre vie w window. → The shape of the point er changes to or , dep ending on th e corner that the point er is ov er.
252 Crea ting Cus tom Fon ts (F ont C rea tor) Zooming You can z oom in to work on details of the f ont character pattern or y ou can zoom o ut to work on any part of the pattern that cannot be v iewed in the work area . Zooming in 1. Click on the Tool Box.
253 Crea ting Cus tom Fon ts (F ont C rea tor) Saving Font Character Patterns Overwriting The font ch aracte r patt ern bein g edited is overwri tten when saving any chan ges that have been made. T oolbar button: 1. Click , or cl ick File , then Save .
254 Crea ting Cus tom Fon ts (F ont C rea tor) Changing the Settings Chan ging the dr awing mode There a re two dra wing modes i n Font Creator. • Fill mode Blocks appear filled in. In this mode, the overlapping positions of patterns can be viewed better.
255 Crea ting Cus tom Fon ts (F ont C rea tor) 3. Drag the handle to adjus t the selected backgro und image to the desired size. ■ Moving the background image 1. Click Display , t hen Modify Te mplate . → The bac kground image i s selected. 2. Move th e pointer ove r a se lected ba ckground image.
256 Creating Custom St itch Patterns (Programmable Sti tch Creator) Opening a Pattern File A pr evi ous ly s ave d pro gr amma ble sti tch f il e ca n b e opened to be edited. T oolbar button: 1. Click , or cl ick File , then Ope n . → An Open dialog box similar to the one shown below a ppears.
257 Creating Cust om Stitch Patterns (Programm able Stitch Cr eator) c “Cr eatin g a New Pa tter n” on page 25 8, “Overw riting ” on page 27 2 and “Savin g with a new na me” on page 2 72 Opening an image in the backgr ound You can ope n a background ima ge that can be used as a gui de to draw a new fill /stamp a nd motif stitch pattern.
258 Creating Cust om Stitch Patterns (Programm able Stitch Cr eator) Creating a New Pattern You can b egin with a bl ank work are a in order to design a new stitch p attern. T oolbar button: 1. Click , or cl ick File , then New . → If the cu rrent work area h as already been saved or has not been edited, a new work area a ppears im mediate ly.
259 Creating Cust om Stitch Patterns (Programm able Stitch Cr eator) ■ Motif mode In Motif mode, you can crea te custom stitch patte rns by chang ing the shape of a single line . These stitc h patterns c an be applied in line sewin g and regi on sewing in Layo ut & Editing, an d region sewing i n Design Center .
260 Creating Cust om Stitch Patterns (Programm able Stitch Cr eator) Viewing the Stitch Pattern While Creating It You can d isplay the Pr eview window to v iew a repeatin g image of the s titch pattern as you create i t. 1. If the Preview wi ndow isn’t di splayed, clic k Display , then Pre view .
261 Creating Cust om Stitch Patterns (Programm able Stitch Cr eator) Creating a Stitch Pattern for Region Sewing (Fill/Stamp Mode) The Line to ol allows you to draw broke n lines to create yo ur fill/stamp stitch patt ern.
262 Creating Cust om Stitch Patterns (Programm able Stitch Cr eator) Editing a Stitch Pattern for Region Sewing (Fill/Stamp Mode) Select ing patterns 1. Click on the Tool Box. → The shape of t he po inter changes to . 2. Click the pattern tha t you want to sel ect.
263 Creating Cust om Stitch Patterns (Programm able Stitch Cr eator) 2. Drag the handle to adjus t the selected pattern(s) to the des i red size. Delet ing pa tterns 1. Select the pattern to be del eted. 2. Press the key , or cl ick Edit , then Delete .
264 Creating Cust om Stitch Patterns (Programm able Stitch Cr eator) Flipping patte rns vertical ly You can fl ip the select ed patter n(s) vertically (up/ down). T oolbar button: 1. Select on e or more patterns . 2. Click , or cl ick Edit , th en Mirror , then Horizontal .
265 Creating Cust om Stitch Patterns (Programm able Stitch Cr eator) b Memo : • Simply dra gging the poi nter rotates t he pat tern i n 1° inc rements. • To rotate the pa ttern in 15° inc rements, hold down the key wh ile drag ging th e rotatio n handle.
266 Creating Cust om Stitch Patterns (Programm able Stitch Cr eator) Reshaping a Stitch Pattern for Region Sewing (Editing Points) The poin ts that you m ove or insert are positioned at the int e rsection of the horizo ntal and verti cal line s of the grid.
267 Creating Cust om Stitch Patterns (Programm able Stitch Cr eator) 2. Clic k th e brok en li ne t hat you want to ed it . → The points in the brok en line appear as small em pty squar es. 3. Click the point that y ou want t o delete. → The sel ected point a ppears as a small black squ are.
268 Creating Cust om Stitch Patterns (Programm able Stitch Cr eator) Specifying Region Sewing Region sewing is compos ed of line stitc hes that, when they form enclosed areas or regions, the regions can be filled with different typ es of stitching in order to create a pattern wi th an embossing/e ngraving effe ct.
269 Creating Cust om Stitch Patterns (Programm able Stitch Cr eator) Creating a Motif Stitch Pattern (Motif Mode) In Motif mode, stitc h patterns are created by insert ing points on t he base lin e of the m otif stitch, the n moving them in o rder to chang e the shap e of the stitch a nd give it the l ook of a single -stroke drawing .
270 Creating Cust om Stitch Patterns (Programm able Stitch Cr eator) Editing a Motif Stitch Pattern (Motif Mode) After cr eating a s titch pattern, or a fter opening a n existi ng motif f ile, you may wan t to change i ts sh ape or position .
271 Creating Cust om Stitch Patterns (Programm able Stitch Cr eator) Flippi ng a patt ern horizontally or vertically You can fl ip selected patterns horizontally (up / down) or vertically (lef t/right). 1. Click on the Tool Box. → The moti f stitch is sel ected, and and are av ail abl e in t he T ool bar.
272 Creating Cust om Stitch Patterns (Programm able Stitch Cr eator) Saving Stitch Patterns Overwriting Once th e stitch pattern has been saved, changes can eas ily be saved so that the l atest versi on can be retrieved later. T oolbar button: 1. Click , or cl ick File , then Save .
273 Creating Cust om Stitch Patterns (Programm able Stitch Cr eator) Changing the Settings Changi ng the disp lay of the backgr ound imag e The temp late image that r emains in th e work area can be d isplayed or hidden, o r a faded copy of the image c an be displa yed.
274 Managin g Embroi dery Design Fi les (Design Da tabase) Starting Up Desig n Database 1. Click , then sel ect All Programs , then PE-DESIGN Ver7 , t hen Design Database to op en the Design Database window. → The De sign Database window a ppears. 2.
275 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) Moving/c opying fi les to a differ ent folde r From Des ign D ata base, embr oi dery d esi gn ca n easily be moved fro m one fold er to another. 1. In the folde r pane, lo cate the folder where y ou want to move the embroi dery design.
276 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) Changi ng how fi les ar e displa yed The embro idery designs in the contents pane can be displ ayed as large t humbnails or small thumbnai ls, or they can be listed by th eir sewing informati on.
277 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) Opening Embroid ery Desi gns Opening files with Layout & Editing You can e asily open any selected . pes file wi th Layout & E diting. 1. In the fol der pane, sel ect the fo lder containing the embro idery design th at you want to open in Layou t & Editing.
278 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) Checking Embroidery Designs Previewing file s A previ ew of th e embroid ery design can be disp layed. T oolbar button: 1. In the fol der pane, sel ect the fo lder containing the embro idery design th at you want to preview.
279 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) b Memo : • The red box in the dia log box sh ows the posit ion of the d ispl aye d pat ter n sec tion. • To display inf ormation for other hoop posit ion s, cli ck or . • The ho op po siti ons a re di splay ed in orde r from l eft to rig ht, top t o bottom.
280 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) Searching for an Embroidery Design The Sear ch functio n allows you to qu ickly s earch for the d esired embroidery design (.pes, .phc, .dst, .e xp, .pcs, .hus, .vi p, .shv, .jef, .s ew, .csd, or .
281 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) → A list of files matchin g the specified sear ch condition s appears. b Memo : To qu it th e sear ch, click Sear ch Ca ncel in the messag e box that appeare d during t he search.
282 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) Converting Embroidery Design Files to Different Formats Embroidery design files can ea sily be converted to a file of one of the other for mats (.pes, .dst, .exp, .pcs, .hu s , .vip, .sh v , .jef, .
283 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) 6. Click Convert . → The file is converted, a nd the new file is added to the specifi ed folder. b Memo : • If the file is converted to a .pes file , the thr ead c olo rs ar e co nver ted as i f th e fil e w as impor ted into Layout & Edi ting.
284 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) Writing Embroidery Design Files to an Original Card Selected files can be written to original c ards. The emb roid ery patte rn s wri tte n to or igi nal cards can then be tra nsferred to an em broidery m achine and sewn.
285 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) a Note: If a .pes file is saved with objects extending off t he Des ign Page or wit h th e numb er of stitch es or n umber of colors for the objec ts exceed ing the Desig n Page limitatio ns, the designs cannot be saved on an origina l card.
286 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) 7. Continu e until all embroide ry designs that you want to wr ite t o an ori ginal car d ar e se lecte d. 8. After the em broidery desig ns to be wri tten to the original card appear in the writi ng list, click to wri te the designs t o the card.
287 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) Outputting a Catalog of Embroidery Designs Printing Images o f all embroi dery designs i n the select ed folder can be pr inted as a ca talog. 1. In the fol der pane, sel ect the fo lder containing the embro idery designs that you want t o catalog.
288 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) Output ting a s a CSV file A .csv fi le containing t he sewing info rmation (file name, di mensions, num ber of stitch es, numb er of colors, file path, file properties (.
289 Tutorial (Advanced) Automatically Converting a Photo to an Embroidery Pattern (Photo Stitch Function) We wil l be goin g through basic operations on how to use a p hoto to creat e a beaut iful embroidery pattern using the Sti tch Wizard.
290 Tutorial (Advanced) Adju st the image si ze and position. Drag the handle to adjus t the selected image to the des ired size. Move th e pointer over t he selected image, and then dra g the image t o the desire d position .
291 Tutorial (Advanced) Select the area (mask shape and posi tion) of the photo to be converted the embroidery pattern. Select the shape of the m ask. If Round mas k is select ed Drag the handle to adjus t the mask to the desired siz e. Move th e pointer i n side the mask, drag the mask t o the desired pos ition, and th en click Next .
292 Tutorial (Advanced) → The image is ana lyzed, and the Check Mask S hape dialog bo x appears. Check the preview of the a rea to be converted , and then click Next . Step 3 Setting up the Color Opt ion While v iewing the prev iew image, ad just the color an d brightness .
293 Tutorial (Advanced) Check the prev iew of the co nversion, an d then click Fini sh . → The gene rated embroidery pattern is disp layed . Step 4 Displaying a prev iew of the embroidery Prev iew t he f ini shed em bro ide ry. Click Display , then Realis tic Preview .
294 Tutorial (Advanced) Step 5 Saving the embroidery design Once t he embroidery design is fin ished, you m ay want to sa ve it in orde r to retrieve it later. Click File , then Save . Select the drive and the fo lder, and then ty pe in the fil e name.
295 Tutorial (Advanced) → The foll owing message a ppears. Click OK . Quit La yout & Editin g. Click File , then Exit . a Note: Before using the orig inal card, make sure that the d es igns on th e car d are no lo nger needed or make sur e to store them on your hard dr ive or ot her st orage m edia.
296 Tutorial (Advanced) Manually Creating Cus tom Font (Font Creator) With Font Creator, custom font characters that can be use d in Layout & Edit ing can be cr eated and edited. Using these cu stom characters , original embroidery patt erns can be crea ted.
297 Tutorial (Advanced) Double-cl ick the Font fold er to open i t. Select the sample file Capital -T.bmp , and then clic k Open or doub le-click the fi le ’ s icon. Adjus t th e back gro un d imag e size and position . Drag the handle to adjus t the selected image to the des ired size.
298 Tutorial (Advanced) Move the poi nter over the selec ted image, and then d rag the image t o the desire d position. Step 3 Creating a font charac ter pattern In this e xample, we will trace a bac kground image to cr eate a font character pat tern.
299 Tutorial (Advanced) Create the font ch aracter patter n using the punching tool. Click (Manu al Punch tool). Click (Straight Blo ck type),or use shortcut “ z ” on your ke yboard. Click in the Design Page t o specify poin t 1 (start point). Click in the Design Page t o specify poin ts 2 through 4 .
300 Tutorial (Advanced) Click (Manu al Punch tool). Click (straight b lock-type patter n),or use sho rtcut “ z ” on your k eyboard. Click in the Design Page to specify points 8 throug h 10. Click (Manu al Punch tool). Click (Runn ing-type pattern butt on),or use sho rtcut “ v ” on your k eyboard.
301 Tutorial (Advanced) Step 4 Creating other font characte r p atterns Next, we will creat e another font character patter n. For this example, we will create a pattern for the le tter “ g ” . Import the image to be displayed in the backgrou nd. Click File , then Templat e Open .
302 Tutorial (Advanced) Move the poi nter over the selec ted image, and then d rag the image t o the desire d position. Creat e the font char acter pattern .
303 Tutorial (Advanced) Click (Runn ing-type pattern butt on). Refer to the numbe rs and arro w, and click in the Desig n Page to s pecify the poin ts. Click (Manu al Punch tool). Click (Cur ved Bl ock ty pe) ,or u se shortcut “ x ” on your ke yboard.
304 Tutorial (Advanced) Draw t he curve sho wn in the illu stration above. Click (Manu al Punch tool). Click (Runn ing-type pattern butt on),or use sho rtcut “ v ” on your k eyboard. Draw t he curve sho wn in the illu stration above. Click (Manu al Punch tool).
305 Tutorial (Advanced) Save the f ont c hara cter patt ern . Click File , then Save . Select the drive and folde r, and then type i n the file n ame. For this ex ample, ty pe in the name “ My font1 ” .
306 Tutorial (Advanced) Click in the Design Page. Type yo ur text, and th en click OK . → The text is display ed in the Design Page. b Memo : You can a lso ente r a ch arac ter by se lec tin g it in the ch aracter ta ble, t hen clic king Insert, o r simply by do uble-cl icking it.
307 Tutorial (Advanced) Creating Cust om Stitch Patterns (Programmable Stitch Creator) Programma ble Stitch Creator allows you to create and ed it programmable fill stitch and motif stitch pa tterns, which ca n be used in both Layo ut & Editing an d Design Center.
308 Tutorial (Advanced) Step 2 [Case 1 ] Drawing lines to edit the st itch pa ttern Now, w e are going to draw lines between the display ed ones using t he Line tool of the Tool Box. Draw t he st raigh t lin es. Click . → The po int er chan ge t o lo ok li ke .
309 Tutorial (Advanced) Repeat the previo us operations to add another w ave betwe en the firs t and second waves o n the r ight side . Step 2 [Ca se 2] Creatin g patterns (embos sing/ engrav ing) for.
310 Tutorial (Advanced) Move the p ointer along the b ottom edge of the wor k area , an d th en do ubl e-c lic k th e lowe r- right corn er to draw a line al ong the bottom edge of th e work area. Apply the e mbossin g/engra ving effects . Click ( R eg ion (eng ra ve) ) .
311 Tutorial (Advanced) Step 2 [Case 3] Resha p ing a single line to create custom sti tch patterns (Mo t if mo de) In Motif mode, you can crea te original sti tch patterns by chang ing the shape of a single line .
312 Tutorial (Advanced) Step 3 Saving th e ed ited s titch pattern In order to apply your edi ted stitch patter n as a prog ram mabl e fi ll sti tch or as a stam p to a re gion in Layo ut & Editing or De sign Center, y ou must first sav e it as a .
313 Tutorial (Advanced) Creating Large-Size Embroidery Designs Large-siz e embroi dery designs c an be crea ted in Layout & Ed iting. This proc edure will go through ea ch step of th e basic operati on.
314 Tutorial (Advanced) Click OK . Step 2 Creating the embroidery design For t his exam ple , we will use o ne of th e lac e embroid ery patterns provide d with the ap plicatio n. Import the embroide ry pattern. Click File on the menu bar, point to Impor t , and then click from File on the submenu.
315 Tutorial (Advanced) To displ a y inform ation for th e other desig n sec tions in t he embo roid er y, cl ick on Next and Previous to mov e back and forth through each section. Check the design, and then cli c k Close . Step 4 Saving the design Once the embroidery de sign is finished, you may want to sa ve it in orde r to retriev e it later.
316 Tutorial (Advanced) Step 5 Transferr ing the design to an original card By writin g a design to a me dia that can be used in your em broidery machine a nd transferring it to your em broidery machin e, you ca n actually se w the desi gn. For this exa m ple, we w ill trans fer the design to an original card.
317 Tips and Techniques Sew Types The sew ing attribut es for each sew ty pe are fi rst set to the i r default se ttings; howeve r, by chang ing the settings of the se wing attribu tes, you can create cust om stitchin g. c For more details, re fer to “L ine sewing a ttributes” o n page 153 (Layout & Editing).
318 Tips and Techniq ues Cross Stitch Concentric Circle Stitch Radial S titch Spiral Stitch Piping Stitch Piping Stitch (motif setting) Random W alking Stit ch c For more details, refer to “Programmabl e fill stitch ” on page 15 7 (Layou t & Editing).
319 Tips and Techniq ues Enlarging/Reducing Embroidery Patterns There are several way s of enlargi ng or reducing an impo rted embroi dery pattern in Layou t & Editing . You may choose to scale your p attern with the poin ter, or apply the Stitch to Block fu nction, then sc ale the patter n.
320 Tips and Techniq ues • When s atin stitching i s sewn in a wi de area, the st itched ar ea may shrink after sew ing, depe nding on the materia l and the type o f thread used. If this ha ppens, swi tch to this alte rnate meth od: Select the fill stit ch and use stab ilizer material on the revers e side of the fabric.
321 Tips and Techniq ues Removing Sections of Stitch Pattern (by Using the Split Stitch tool) Click on the Tool Box i n Layout & Edit ing, clic k a frame around the desired se ction of the stit ch pattern, and then double-clic k to remove the framed section.
322 Tips and Techniq ues c For more details, re fer to “E diting User T hread Co lor Lists” o n page 162. Fonts Suitable for Embroidering ■ When sewing small font s For best re sults when em broid ering des igns containi ng small font p atterns, follow the reco mmen dati ons d escr ibed bel ow.
323 Tips and Techniq ues Creating Outlined Characters (Using Text Converted to Outline Object) Outline d characters withi n a shape can be created by app lying the Convert to Outl ine Object comm and to a characte r of a TrueType fon t. 1. Use a Shape tool to draw a shap e.
324 Tips and Techniq ues Converting Characters (Japanese , Chinese, Korean, et c) to Embroider y Patterns Embroidery patterns can be cre ated from various characters , such as J apanese, Chin ese, Korean e tc, using TrueType font s. For this e xample, we will crea te an embroidery pattern from Japane se character s.
325 Menus/Tools Layout & Editing List of Tool Box Bu ttons To o l B o x Purpose Reference Sets the pointer in selection mode. When y ou star t up the application, the selection mode is selected. P ointer shape: p. 1 0 1 Sets the pointer in p oint edit mode.
326 Menus/ Tools List of Menus ■ File menu The File m enu contains com mands for handl ing file input/o utput, such as ope ning, saving an d print ing.
327 Menus/ Tools ■ Edit menu The Edit me nu contai ns commands for performing simple actions on s elected patterns, such a s cutting an d pasting. Print Previe w Allows you to previ ew the contents of the Des ign Page and che ck the sewing color order , t he dimensions and the needle count bef or e printing.
328 Menus/ Tools Po i n t To Straig ht Straightens the two rounded lines that meet at a point on a c urv e. p. 1 0 8 To C u r v e Rounds off the two straight lines that meet at a corner poi nt. p. 1 0 8 To Smooth Smoothes out the path at a point. p. 1 0 9 To S y m - met ry Adjusts the control handles of a point symmetr ically .
329 Menus/ Tools ■ Imag e me nu The Image menu contains commands for importing and ex porting image d ata and creat ing embroidery d ata from ima ge data. Menu T oolbar Purpose Shortcut ke y Reference Input fr om Fil e Impor ts image data from an e xisting file so that it can be used as a guide for creating embroider y data.
330 Menus/ Tools ■ Text menu The Text menu cont ains commands fo r performing actions on text patterns, such as f itting text to a c u rved path. Menu T oolbar Purpose Shortcut ke y Reference Edit Letters Allows you to edit entered te xt . Ctrl + L p .
331 Menus/ Tools ■ Sew m en u The Sew m enu cont ains commands f or controlling the way ea ch pattern wil l be sewn. Menu T oolbar Purpose Shortcut ke y Reference Sewi ng Attrib ute Settin g Sets the sewing attributes of the regions and the outlines of a pattern.
332 Menus/ Tools ■ Display m enu The Display menu co ntains comman ds for modify ing the a ppearance of the screen. Menu T oolbar Purpose Shortcut ke y Reference Grid Setu p Controls the display and character istics of the grid. p. 1 8 3 Pre vie w Specifies whe ther the patterns appear as stitches or in the normal view .
333 Menus/ Tools ■ Opt ion me nu The Option menu contains com m ands for providing ad dition al option s. Menu T oolbar Purpose Shortcut ke y Reference Design Center Star ts up Design Center and displa ys its window up front. F5 p . 14 p. 33 Pr ogrammable S titch Crea tor Star ts up P rogrammable Stitch Creator and displays its window up f ront.
334 Menus/ Tools ■ Help menu The Help m enu conta ins commands for accessing the on-scree n help informati on system. Menu T oolbar Purpose Shortcut ke y Reference Instruction M anual Star ts up the Instruct ion Manual (HTML f or mat) for this application.
335 Menus/ Tools Design Center List of Tool Box Bu ttons ■ Line Ima ge Stage In the Lin e Image Stage, th e Tool Box is us ed to modify the line image ge nerated from the o riginal image o r to create a line image fro m scratch. Selecting a button on the Tool Box change s the poin ter mode and shape.
336 Menus/ Tools ■ Figure Handle Stage In the Figure H andle Stage, outline da ta that has been gener ated automa tically can be edited using the Tool Box. Selecting a button on the Tool Box change s the poin ter mode and shape. A description of eac h tool appears at the lef t side of the status ba r.
337 Menus/ Tools ■ Sew Setting Stage In the Sew Setting Sta ge, outline patte rn from the Fig ure Handle Stage are ass igned lin e and region sewi ng attribu tes. This is done by us ing the To ol Box and the Sew ing A ttributes b a r. Selecting a button on the Tool Box change s the poin ter mode and shape.
338 Menus/ Tools List of Menus ■ File menu The File m enu contains com m ands fo r handling file i nput/output, suc h as ope ning and s aving. b Memo: Many menu comm ands are av ail abl e as bu tton s on th e T oolba r or i n the menu t hat appe ars wh en th e righ t mouse bu tton is clic ked.
339 Menus/ Tools ■ Edit menu The Edit me nu contai ns commands for performing simple actions on s elected patterns, such a s cutting an d pasting. Exit Exits the application. Alt + F4 p . 12 Menu To o l b a r Purpose Shortcut key Reference Und o Undoes the last operation.
340 Menus/ Tools ■ Sew m en u The Sew m enu cont ains commands f or controlling th e way the patte rn will be s ewn. ■ Display m enu The Display menu co ntains comman ds for modify ing the a ppearance of the screen. Menu To o l b a r Purpose Shortcut key Reference Sewi ng Attrib utes Sets the sewing attributes for outlines and regions.
341 Menus/ Tools ■ Opt ion me nu The Option menu contains com mands for se lecting t he Design P age size and th e unit syste m. ■ Stage me nu The Stage m enu contains c ommand s for mov ing from o ne stage to the n ext or to a previo us one.
342 Menus/ Tools ■ Help menu The Help m enu conta ins commands for accessing the on-scree n help informati on system. Menu To o l b a r Purpose Shortcut key Reference Instruction M anual Star ts up the Instruct ion Manual (HTML f or mat) for this application.
343 Menus/ Tools Font Creator List of Tool Box Bu ttons List of Menus ■ File menu The File m enu contains c ommands fo r handling fi les, suc h as open ing and saving . To o l B o x Purpose Reference Sets the pointer in selection mode. When y ou star t up the application, the selection mode is selected.
344 Menus/ Tools ■ Edit menu The Edit me nu contai ns comman ds for perfo rming simple actions on s elected lines and patterns, such as cutting a nd pasting. T emplate Open Opens a background imag e file t hat can be used as a guide to dra w a F ont P attern.
345 Menus/ Tools ■ Sew m en u The Sew m enu cont ains commands f or controlling th e way the patte rn will be s ewn. Po i n t To Straig ht Straightens the two rounded lines that meet at a point on a c urv e. p. 2 4 9 To C u r v e Rounds off the two straight lines that meet at a cor ner poi nt.
346 Menus/ Tools ■ Display m enu The Display menu co ntains comman ds for modify ing the a ppearance of the screen. ■ Help menu The Help m enu conta ins commands for accessing the on-scree n help informati on system. Menu To o l b a r Purpose Shortcut key Reference Grid Setu p Selects the work gr id.
347 Menus/ Tools Programmable Stitch Creator List of Tool Box Bu ttons To o l B o x Purpose Reference Sets the pointer in selection mode. P ointer sh ape: p. 2 6 2 p. 2 7 0 Sets the pointer in p oint edit mode. P ointer sh ape: p. 2 6 6 p. 2 6 9 Sets the pointer in line drawing mode .
348 Menus/ Tools List of Menus ■ File menu The File m enu contains c ommands fo r handling fi les, suc h as open ing and saving . ■ Mode menu You can u se Programmable Stit ch Creator to cre a te pattern s for programmab l e fill s titches, motif fill or mot i f line sti tches, and stam ps.
349 Menus/ Tools ■ Edit menu The Edit me nu contai ns comman ds for perfo rming simple actions on s elected lines and patterns, such as cutting a nd pasting. Menu To o l b a r Purpose Shortcut key Reference Und o Undoes the last operation. Ctrl + Z Red o C ancels the effect of the last Undo .
350 Menus/ Tools ■ Display m enu The Display menu co ntains comman ds for modify ing the a ppearance of the screen. ■ Help menu The Help m enu conta ins commands for accessing the on-scree n help informati on system. Menu To o l b a r Purpose Shortcut key Reference Grid Wide Displays the g r id interval of 1/8 of a wor k area ’ s edge.
351 Menus/ Tools Design Database List of Menus ■ File menu The File m enu contains c ommands fo r handling files , such as open ing, importing a nd conve rting, and for creati ng catalogs . b Memo : Many me nu command s are av ailable as buttons on th e Toolbar or in the men u that appea rs when the right m o use bu tton is clic ked.
352 Menus/ Tools ■ Edit menu ■ Display m enu Crea te CS V O utputs the catalog of embroider y design files sewing information as a CSV file. p. 28 8 Exit Exit s the application.
353 Menus/ Tools ■ Opt ion me nu The Option menu contains a com mand for ch anging the units of me asure. ■ Help menu The Help m enu conta ins commands for accessing the on-scree n help informati on system. Menu T oolbar Purpose S hor tcut ke y Reference Sel ect System Uni t mm Allows y ou to change the system units to millimeters .
354 Troubl esho otin g If a proble m occurs, vis i t the fol lowing Web si te to find cause s and so lutions to th ose proble ms and answ ers to frequen tly asked ques tions.
An important point after buying a device Brother PE-DESIGN V7 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Brother PE-DESIGN V7 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Brother PE-DESIGN V7 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Brother PE-DESIGN V7 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Brother PE-DESIGN V7 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Brother PE-DESIGN V7, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Brother PE-DESIGN V7.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Brother PE-DESIGN V7. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Brother PE-DESIGN V7 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center