Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MR 5550 MCA Braun
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Type 4191 MR 5550 MR 5550 CA MR 5550 MCA Multiquick / Minipimer pr ofessional 6 EK KURTZ DESIGN 07. 11 .02 1 3 6 9 12 MR5550_P1 Seite 1 Dienstag, 12. November 2002 12:23 12.
Deutsch 6, 35, 39 English 7, 35, 39 Français 9, 35, 39 Español 10, 35, 39 Português 12, 35, 39 Italiano 13, 36, 39 Nederlands 15, 36, 39 Dansk 16, 36, 39 Norsk 18, 36, 39 Svenska 19, 36, 39 Suomi 2.
MR 5550 MR 5550 CA MR 5550 MCA B A C D E F F J I G H K 23 1 15…20 ° C 4…8 ° C max. 4 x max. 400 ml 1 23 6 6 6 6 6 click! 6 6 6 6 click! 6 1 . 3 .
1 4 5 6 turbo turbo 1 - 4 turbo 1 - 7 1 - 7 8 - 12 8 - 12 +/- 20 sec 25 sec 30 sec 30 sec 15-30 sec max. 30 g 300 g 350 g 200 g 300 g 10 sec 200 g 15 sec 200 g 20 sec 20 2c m 1c m d c b a 89 7 12 3 6 6 6 6 click! 1 . 3 . . 6 . . 9 . . 1 2 5 MR5550_P5 Seite 1 Dienstag, 12.
6 Unsere Produkte werden hergestellt, um höchste Ansprüche an Qualität, Funktionalität und Design zu erfüllen. Wir wünschen Ihnen mit Ihrem neuen Braun Produkt viel Freude. Vorsicht Bitte lesen Sie die Gebrauchsanweisung sorgfältig und vollständig, bevor Sie das Gerät in Betrieb nehmen.
7 6. Nach dem Gebrauch Drucktasten dr ü cken und das Motorteil abnehmen. 7. Getriebe abnehmen. 8. Messer vorsichtig herausnehmen. 9. Dann das Gut ausleeren.
8 How to operate your whisk Use the whisk only for whipping cream, beating egg whites and mixing sponges and ready-mix desserts. 1. Insert the whisk into the whisk gear box , then insert the motor part into the gear box until it locks. 2. Place the whisk in a vessel and only then, press switch to operate it.
9 Français Nos produits sont con ç us et fabriqu é s pour satisfaire aux plus hautes exigences de qualit é , de fonctionnalit é et de design. Nous esp é rons que votre nouveau pr é parateur culinaire Braun vous apportera enti è re satisfaction.
10 Español Placez toujours le bol hachoir sur son socle anti-d é rapant (d). 2. Mettez les aliments dans le bol hachoir. 3. Placez le syst è me d ’ entra î nement (a) sur le bol hachoir. 4. Ins é rez le bloc moteur dans le syst è me d ’ entra î nement (a) jusqu ’à ce qu ’ il s ’ enclenche.
11 de expulsi ó n y extraiga la varilla batidora. Puede utilizar la batidora en el vaso mezclador/medidor, pero tambi é n en cualquier otro recipiente u olla. Cuando utilice la batidora directamente en la olla, retire la olla del fuego para proteger la batidora de sobrecalentamientos.
12 Português Os nossos produtos foram desenvolvidos para alcan ç ar os mais altos standards de qualidade, funcionalidade e design. Esperamos que disfrute do seu novo pequeno electrodom é stico Braun. Atenção Leia atentamente o folheto de instruções antes de utilizar o aparelho.
13 Italiano 4. Introduza o corpo do motor no corpo de engrenajens (a) at é encaixar. 5. Pressione os interruptores ou para colocar o acess ó rio picador a funcionar. Durante a picagem, segure o corpo do motor com uma m ã o enquanto a outra dever á estar a segurar o recipiente picador.
14 Nel caso d ’ utilizzo direttamente nella pentola durante la cottura, spostare la pentola dal fuoco per proteggere il frullatore dal suriscaldamento. Come usare la frusta Usare la frusta solo per montare a neve panna e chiare d ’ uovo, mescolare preparati gi à pronti per dessert.
15 Nederlands Onze producten voldoen aan de hoogste eisen voor kwaliteit, functionaliteit en ontwerp. Wij hopen dat u veel plezier zult beleven aan uw nieuwe Braun-apparaat. Waar u op moet letten: Lees alle instructies zorgvuldig door voordat u het apparaat in gebruik neemt.
16 Dansk houdt u met de ene hand het motor- gedeelte vast en met de andere de snijkom. 6. Na gebruik drukt u op de knoppen om het motorgedeelte los te klikken. 7. Verwijder vervolgens het tandwielgedeelte. 8. Haal daarna voorzichtig het mes uit de snijkom.
17 1. S æ t piskeriset ind i tilbeh ø rsdelen . S æ t derefter motordelen p å blenderskaftet , til det l å ser. 2. Placer piskeriset i sk å len og tryk p å t æ nd/ sluk kontakten . 3. Tryk p å udl ø serknappen for at frig ø re tilbeh ø rsdelen.
18 Norsk V å re produkter er designet for å im ø tekomme de h ø yeste standarder n å r det gjelder kvalitet, funksjon og design. Vi h å per du blir forn ø yd med ditt nye Braun produkt. Advarsel Les hele bruksanvisningen nøye før du tar apparatet i bruk.
19 Svenska salt mat, b ø r knivbladene rengj ø res med en gang. Pass ogs å p å at du ikke overdoserer med vaskemiddel og avkalkingsmiddel. Ved tilbereding av matvarer som inneholder mye farge (f.eks. gulr ø tter), kan apparatets plastdeler bli misfarget.
20 i kastrull, dra d å bort kastrullen fr å n spisplattan s å att inte mixerstaven ö verhettas. Så hanterar du den tillhörande vispen Anv ä nd endast vispen till att vispa gr ä dde, ä ggvitor eller till f ä rdiga dessertmixar. 1. Montera vispen p å v ä xell å dan .
21 Suomi Tuotteemme on suunniteltu t ä ytt ä m ää n korkeimmatkin laadun, toimivuuden ja muotoilun vaatimukset. Toivomme, ett ä uudesta Braun-tuotteesta on Teille paljon hy ö ty ä . Varoitus Lue kaikki ohjeet huolellisesti ennen kuin käytät tuotetta.
22 Polski kostealla liinalla. Teholeikkurin vaihteisto- osan (a) sis ä puolen voi huudella juoksevan veden alla. Ä l ä upota vaihteisto-osaa (a) veteen. Kaikki muut osat voi pest ä astianpesukoneessa. Eritt ä in suolaisten ruokien valmistuksen j ä lkeen ter ä t tulisi huuhdella v ä litt ö m ä sti.
23 wy∏àcznik lub wy∏àcznik turbo . Zwolnienie wy∏àcznika powoduje wy∏àczenie miksera. 3. Aby roz∏àczyç obudow´ z nasadkà miksujàcà nale˝y nacisnàç przyciski zwalniajàce . Stosujàc mikser r´czny mo˝na korzystaç z pojemnika do miksowania lub jakiegokolwiek innego naczynia.
24 âesky Na‰e v˘robky jsou vyrábûny tak, aby odpovídaly nejvy‰‰ím nárokÛm na kvalitu, funkãnost a design. Pfiejeme Vám hodnû potû‰ení pfii pouÏívání nového pfiístroje znaãky Braun. Upozornûní Pfiedtím, neÏ uvedete pfiístroj do provozu, pfieãtûte si, prosím, peãlivû cel˘ návod k pouÏití.
25 Slovensk˘ âi‰tûní Motorovou jednotku a pfievodovku pro ‰lehací metlu pouze otírejte vlhk˘m hadfiíkem. Pfievodovku fiezacího strojku (a) lze opláchnout pod tekoucí vodou podle obrázku. Neponofiujte v‰ak pfievodovku (a) do vody.
26 Ruãn˘ mixér môÏete pouÏívaÈ v nádobe s odmerkou , ako aj vo v‰etk˘ch in˘ch podobn˘ch nádobách. Keì pouÏijete mixér priamo v hrnci pri varení zloÏte hrniec zo sporáka, aby ste predi‰li prehriatiu ruãného mixéra.
27 Türkçe Ürünlerimiz kalite, kullan∂m ve tasar∂mda en yüksek standartlara ulaµabilmek için üretilmiµtir. Yeni Braun cihazınızdan memnun kalacaπınızı umarız. Uyarı Kullanmadan önce lütfen bu kullanma talimatını dikkatlice ve eksiksiz okuyunuz.
28 Ελληνικά kasesinden boµaltınız. Kaymayan taban aynı zamanda doπrayıcı kabı için hava geçirmez kapak olarak da kullanılabilir. Temizleme Motor kısmını ve çırpıcı diµli kutusu , temizlemek için sadece nemli bez kullanınız.
29 τροφσ, πωσ επσησ και για την προετοιµασα ποτν και µιλκσικ. 1. Βλτε τον κινητρα στον ξονα µε τη λεπδα και γυρστε το µχρι να ασφαλσει.
30 êÛÒÒÍËÈ ç‡¯‡ ÔÓ‰Û͈Ëfl Óڂ˜‡ÂÚ Ò‡Ï˚Ï ‚˚ÒÓÍËÏ Òڇ̉‡Ú‡Ï ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚‡, ÙÛÌ͈ËÓ̇θÌÓÒÚË Ë ‰ËÁ‡È̇.
31 Ô·ÒÚËÍÓ‚Û˛ ÓÒÌÓ‚Û. 燉Â̸Ú ÎÂÁ‚Ë ̇ ˆÂÌڇθÌ˚È ÒÚÂÊÂ̸ ˜‡¯Ë ËÁÏÂθ˜ËÚÂÎfl (c).
32 ‹ MR5550_P6-44 Seite 32 Dienstag, 12. November 2002 12:21 12.
33 a b c d MR5550_P6-44 Seite 33 Dienstag, 12. November 2002 12:21 12.
34 MR5550_P6-44 Seite 34 Dienstag, 12. November 2002 12:21 12.
35 Deutsch Garantie Als Hersteller ü bernehmen wir f ü r dieses Ger ä t – nach Wahl des Käufers zusätzlich zu den gesetzlichen Gewährleistungsansprüchen gegen den Verkäufer – eine Garantie von 2 Jahren ab Kaufdatum.
36 Italiano Garanzia Braun fornisce una garanzia valevole per la durata di 2 anni dalla data di acquisto. Nel periodo di garanzia verranno eliminati, gratuita- mente, i guasti dell ’ apparecchio conseguenti a difetti di fabbrica o di materiali, sia riparando il prodotto sia sostituendo, se necessario, l ’ intero apparecchio.
37 zwrócone po uznaniu zasadnoÊci reklamacji. Na ˝yczenie reklamujàcego sklep, który sprzeda∏ reklamowany towar dostarczy za reklamujàcego sprz´t do warsztatu serwisowego.
39 Garantiebüros und Kundendienstzentralen Guarantee and Service Centers Bureaux de garantie et centrales service après-vente Oficinas de garantia y oficinas centrales del servicio Entidade de gar.
40 Croatia Iskra elektronika d.o.o., Bozidara Magovca 63, 10020 Zagreb, “ 1 - 6 60 17 77 Cyprus Kyriakos Papavasiliou T rading 70, Kennedy Ave., 1663 Nicosia, “ 3572 314111 Danmark Gillette Group Danmark A /S, T eglholm All é 15, 2450 Kobenhavn SV , “ 70 15 00 13 Djibouti (Republique de) Ets.
41 Maroc Indimar S.A., 86, rue de Chaouia (ex. rue Colbert), Casablanca, 20 000, “ 2 26 86 31 Martinique Decius Absalon, 23 Rue du Vieux-Chemin, 97201 Fort-de-France, “ 73 43 15 Mauritius J. Kalachand & Co. Ltd., Bld DBM Industrial Estate, Stage 11, Plaine Lauzun, “ 2 12 84 13 Mexico Gillette Manufactura, S.
42 Syria c/o Khalil Daoud Amro Ibn Kalthoum Str . Unisyria, P . O. Box 35002, Damascus, “ 11 622 28 81 T aiwan Audio & Electr . Supplies Ltd., Brothers Bldg., 10th Floor , 85 Chung Shan N Rd., Sec. 1, T aipei (104), “ 0 80 221 630 Thailand Gillette Thailand Limited, 109 Moo 4, Chalongkrung Rd.
MR5550_P6-44 Seite 43 Dienstag, 12. November 2002 12:21 12.
Stempel und Unterschrift des H ä ndlers Stamp and signature of dealer Cachet et signature du commer ç ant Sello y fi rma del proveedor Carimbo e assinatura do vendedor Timbro e fi rma del negozio .
An important point after buying a device Braun MR 5550 MCA (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Braun MR 5550 MCA yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Braun MR 5550 MCA - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Braun MR 5550 MCA you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Braun MR 5550 MCA will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Braun MR 5550 MCA, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Braun MR 5550 MCA.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Braun MR 5550 MCA. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Braun MR 5550 MCA along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center