Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product W1000 Blackberry
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Installati on and User ’ s Guide iP AQ TM BlackBerry TM W1000 Handheld.
Installatio n and User’s Guide Last revise d 22/08/0 0 Part Numbe r: MA T-0308 8-00 1 Re v. 001 Print ed in Canada At the time of printi ng, documentation c omplies with versions: Oper ati ng Sy stem 2.0. 13, Appli cations 2. 0, an d Desk top 2.0. © 1999 -200 0 Res earc h In Mot ion Limi ted.
FCC complian ce statement (USA) FCC Class B P art 15 This device c omplies wit h Part 15 of th e FCC Rules. Operation is subject t o the fo llowing tw o conditions : • This d evice may not c ause ha rmful int erferen ce, and • This devic e must accept any interference received, incl uding interference that may cause undesired opera tion.
• Consult the de aler or an ex perienced radio/TV tech nician for help Industry Canada Certification This device c omplies with Industry Canada RSS 119, und er certi ficat ion numbe r 2503 195 366A.
Contents FCC co mpliance statement (USA) ............... ....... ........... ....... .. 3 Industr y Canada Certifica tion ... ....... ........... ....... ........... ....... .. 4 IMPORTA NT SAFETY INFORMA TION............... ........... ....... .. 9 Welcome to your iPA Q BlackBer ry Solut ion .
Installa tion and setup ........... ....... ........... ....... ........... ........ ......55 Loadi ng handheld applica tions ............ ....... ........... ........ ...... 56 Backing u p files from handhel d to the PC ..... ........... ....... ... 57 Synchron izing em ail and P IM .
Marking all mess ages r ead ..... ....... ........... ....... ........... ....... .. 112 Summary and tips ..... ........ ........... .......... ........ ........... ....... ..... 113 Using the Addr ess Book ............ ........ .......... ...........
Specific ations ....... .......... ........ ........... ....... ........... ....... ........... ........175 Research In Motion Limited Software Licen se Agreement. 179 Terms and Condition s .............. ........... ....... ........... ....... ......
IMPORT ANT SAFETY INFORMA T ION Please r ead these sa fety instru ctions and t he operati on instru ctions provided in this m anual b efore operat ing the i PAQ Black Berry W1000 Handheld or its cradle.
questions. A dditionally, wh ile most mode rn equipment is adequatel y shielded from ra dio signals su ch that you r handheld will not interfere wit h the operation of su ch equipment , certain electronic equipment, includi ng automotive systems, may not be shielded against the r adio sign als from your ha ndheld.
Compaq if you have an y questions concerning d isposal of t he handhel d, the lit hium ion c ell, or t he AA batte ry. The handhel d should be operated only from the type o f power source indicated on th e marking label. Refer to the o peratin g instruc tions sta rting on pa ge 21 for more in formatio n on the b attery and pow er supply.
• liquid has bee n spilled or objects have fal len into the handheld or cradle • objects h ave falle n into the han dheld or c radle • the ha ndheld or c radle ha s been expos ed to rain or wate.
W elcome to your iP AQ BlackBerry Solution The iPAQ Bl ackBerry Solution is a mo bile email solu tion that includes th e iPAQ Blac kBerry W1000 H andheld, cr adle, Desktop Softwa re, and flat-rat e airtime on a nati onwide wireless data netwo rk.
Installation and User’s Guide Welcome to your iP AQ BlackBerry Solution — New for version 2.0 14 • Calcu lator : Per form basi c mathemat ical o perati ons.
Welcome to your iP AQ BlackB erry Solution — Contents of your package Installation and User’s Guide 15 recurring c alendar appointments a nd offers y ou one of fo ur views: Day, Week, Month, or A genda. The updat ed Desktop S oftware let s you turn off email redirection if you are using t he BlackBerry E nterprise Serv er.
Installation and User’s Guide Welcome to your iP AQ BlackBerry Solution — About this guide 16 Microsoft Ex change Ser ver version 4.0 or hi gher, that is capable of receivin g email fr om the Inter net You must have the Desktop Redirector (Redirector.
Welcome to your iP AQ BlackBerry Solution — Customer support Installation and User’s Guide 17 guide you and answe r your questions. To open the onl ine help, select Help from any active w indow. Customer sup port For cust omer support : • U.S. and Canad a: 1-80 0-OK CO MPAQ •W e b : www.
1 Get to know your handheld This chap ter will he lp you get acquainted w ith your ha ndheld before you start se nding and receivin g email. Handheld com ponents Figure 1: Fron t view of handh eld Her.
Installation and User’s Guide Get to know your handheld — Handheld components 20 In low ligh t conditions, you can increas e the readabilit y of the LCD by usin g the bac klight ing feat ure. To acti vate ba ckligh ting, pre ss the ALT key th ree times.
Get to know your handheld — I nstalling the battery Installation and User’s Guide 21 When you receive a new message and remove the ha ndheld from the holster with in fiv e secon ds, no tifi catio n (bas ed on h ow you ’ve set it) st ops and the most recently received mes sage will be open.
Installation and User’s Guide Get to know your handheld — Installing the battery 22 1. To remov e the bat tery cover, s lide the loc k to the rig ht and pull the cover up a nd off. 2. Once you hav e removed the battery cover , remove the old battery a nd insert a new one.
Get to know your handheld — T urning on your handheld Installation and User’s Guide 23 . T u rning on your handheld 1. Click (press down) on the trackw heel. The Home sc reen appears, from whi ch you can select any of the handheld’ s main functions.
Installation and User’s Guide Get to know your handheld — Description of keys 24 Description of keys The following chart descr ibes special keyb oard and tra ckwheel combina tions that w ill help you nav igate, com pose messages , and configure options on the handheld.
Get to know your handheld — Description of keys Installation and User’s Guide 25 ALT key ALT characters The orange AL T key ac tivate s the numeri c and symbol ch aracter s, printe d in orang e above the alph abetic keys. • Press th e AL T key once to aff ect the nex t charact er you type.
Installation and User’s Guide Get to know your handheld — Description of keys 26 SHIFT key Capitali ze alpha ch aracters • Press t he SHIFT key on ce to ca pita lize the next ch aracte r that you type. • Press a nd hold t he SHIFT key while you type so th at all l etter s are ca pitalize d.
Get to know your handheld — Description of keys Installation and User’s Guide 27 ENTER key Carriage returns, select h ighlighted items • Press th e ENTER key to in sert a regu lar carria ge ret urn, movin g your cur sor to a new line. • Press th e ENTER key to select th e highlight ed item.
Installation and User’s Guide Get to know your handheld — Description of keys 28 Symbols sc reen As descri bed in the char t above, you can pr ess ALT + SPACE to open the Se lect Symb ol screen.
Get to know your handheld — Description of keys Installation and User’s Guide 29 To select a symb ol, either scroll to a symb ol and click, o r press the associ ated alp ha key und er the de sired symbol. Yo u will ret urn to your message with the symbol inser ted.
Installation and User’s Guide Get to know your handheld — Description of keys 30 The following chart shows each function icon and describes the correspondin g function: Icon Description M essages Receive, read, reply to, compose, forward, save, fi le, and del ete m essages.
Get to know your handheld — Description of keys Installation and User’s Guide 31 Alar m Set the alarm on the handh eld to sou nd daily. MemoP ad Compose, edit, a nd delete impor tant notes and memos. Calcu lato r Perfor m basic ma thematic al oper ations .
Installation and User’s Guide Get to know your handheld — Description of keys 32 Function menus Menus provide a list of options for the current function. You can open a function screen’ s menu by clicking the trackw heel; the menu appears on top and covers approximately half of the screen’s width.
Get to know your handheld — Description of keys Installation and User’s Guide 33 Handheld status icons These icons appear on th e handheld’s LCD screen to indicate battery power, co verage levels, an d keyboar d mod es.
Installation and User’s Guide Get to know your handheld — Description of keys 34 Message status ico ns These icons appear on the handheld’s LCD screen to indicate the status of pending, s ent, and received me ssages.
Get to know your handheld — Description of keys Installation and User’s Guide 35 Scrolling through options The hand held provides alt ernate methods of per forming the same function (e.g. using hot keys instead of th e trackwheel). In particular , there are four ways to change the configura ble options on your handheld.
Installation and User’s Guide Get to know your handheld — Sett ing the date and time 36 Setting the d ate and time 1. In the Hom e screen, scroll to t he O PTIONS icon and click. 2. In the Device Options screen , scrol l to Date /Time and cl ick. The Date/Time screen appears.
Get to know your handheld — Sett ing message notification Installation and User’s Guide 37 Setting message no tification You can customize the way the ha ndheld notifies yo u when you receiv e a messa ge. 1. In the Ho me scre en, s croll to the O PTIONS icon and c lick.
Installation and User’s Guide Get to know your handheld — Using password protection 38 Using passwo rd protection By setti ng a passw ord for you r handheld , you ensure greater secur ity a gainst ot hers usi ng th e handheld . You can spe cify the l ength of t ime that the hand held is idle before the pass word securi ty screen appears.
Get to know your handheld — Using password protection Installation and User’s Guide 39 T o enable password protection You should set a pass word so that no one can use your ha ndheld without kn owing the passwor d. 1. In the Ho me screen, scrol l to the O PTIO NS icon an d click.
Installation and User’s Guide Get to know your handheld — Using password protection 40 Manager . With th e handheld in the c radle, you m ust type y our password be fore you can use the Desktop Manager t ools. T o lock the handheld Once you ha ve enabled y our password i n the Security screen , you can lock the handhel d whenever you like.
Get to know your handheld — Using password protection Installation and User’s Guide 41 2. In the Device Options sc reen, scro ll to Securit y and click. A dialog box a ppears, asking y ou to type your pas sword. Once you do s o, press ENTER to op en th e Security s creen.
Installation and User’s Guide Get to know your handheld — Summary and tips 42 3. While in the P assword field of the Se curity screen, press t he SPACE key to cha nge th e password option to Disable d. 4. Cli ck the tr ack wheel to view th e menu .
Get to know your handheld — Summary and tips Installation and User’s Guide 43 • Press C or BACKSP ACE to select Cancel in a pop-up dialog box. • Press ALT and click the trackwheel to select an icon. Roll t he trackwheel to move the icon t o another position, and click the trackwheel to “dr op” it into the new posit ion.
2 Start s ending e mail Now that you’ re more familia r with the handh eld, you can st art sending a nd receivi ng email! The follow ing steps will help you get started: 1. T urn on th e radio . 2. Register with th e wirele ss network (if necess ary).
Installation and User’s Guide Start sending email — Registering wit h the network 46 You will notice that th e TURN WIRELESS ON icon w as an ante nna, bu t when you sel ect th e icon, the fun ctio n name ch anges to TURN WIRELESS OFF and th e icon changes to an airpl ane.
Start sending email — Installing the Desktop Software Installation and User’s Guide 47 3. In the Network Settings screen, ensure that the Roaming field is set to your coun try (U.S. or Cana da) and tha t the Radi o field is set to O n. Verif y that the Status field is se t to Active .
Installation and User’s Guide Start sending email — Connect t he handheld to your P C 48 screen, using the d efault paths a nd names recommended for the Des ktop Sof tware. 2. When Setup is complete, you may choose to open the README file an d run the Desktop Softw are ri ght away .
Start sending email — Connect the handheld to yo ur PC Installation and User’s Guide 49 3. Secure t he handheld in the cra dle by insert ing the con nector port on th e bottom ed ge of the handheld into the connector prongs of t he cradle a nd press fir mly in pl ace.
Installation and User’s Guide Start sending email — Enabling email redirection 50 Generate a security key for the handheld 1. The f irst time y ou connec t successf ully to your PC, a dialog box will prom pt you to g enerate an encryptio n key by moving yo ur mouse.
Start sending email — Send ing a message Installation and User’s Guide 51 redirection status. The S tatus field wil l show the name of t he BlackB erry En terprise S erver th at is re directing your email. Sending a messa ge You can se nd a messa ge to an ex isting co ntact or add a new con tact while composing your message.
Installation and User’s Guide Start sending email — Reading a message 52 5. Type a subject line and press ENTER to begi n typi ng your message. When you are finished composing your message, click the trackwh eel to view the menu; select Send Message by clicki ng again.
Start sending email — Reading a message Installation and User’s Guide 53 2. In the Messages screen, scroll t o the new m essage (th e message head er with an unread m essage icon be side it) and click to view the menu. S elect Open Mes sage by clicking again.
Installation and User’s Guide Start sending email — Summary 54 Summary You’ve jus t sent and recei ved a wireles s email mess age. In th is chapt er, you learned t he steps that are require d for email redi rection to occur.
3 Using the Desk top Softwar e The Desk top Softwa re can sync hronize yo ur messa ges, cont acts, appointme nts, memo s, and task s betwee n your PC and hand held.
Installation and User’s Guide Using the Desktop Software — Loading handheld applications 56 Loading h andheld appli cations If nec essary, u se th e Application Loa der tool to upda te the sof tware on the handh eld and add any new appli cations th at might be avail able.
Using the Desktop Software — Backing up files from handheld to the PC Installation and User’s Guide 57 delete the informa tion on your handh eld (inclu ding you r messag es and a ddress book entries). If you select this c heck box, ensure t hat any impor tant informat ion is backed up first.
Installation and User’s Guide Using the Desktop Software — Backing up files from handheld t o the PC 58 the entries on y our PC. You can also i mport your PC’s Address Book entr ies onto your han dheld. T o backup files from handheld to PC 1. Place your ha ndheld in the crad le and connect it to your P C.
Using the Desktop Software — Backing up files from handheld to the PC Installation and User’s Guide 59 T o restore files back to the handheld 1. Place your ha ndheld in the crad le and connect it to your P C. In the Desktop Manag er, double-click Backup and Restore.
Installation and User’s Guide Using the Desktop Software — Synchronizing email and PIM 60 Synchro nizing email an d PIM Using t he Intellisyn c tool, you can r econcile e mail messag es and synchr onize your P IM applic ations. T o configure email reconciliation 1.
Using the D esktop Software — Synchronizing em ail and PIM Installation and User’s Guide 61 and deletes on eit her system by selecti ng “Synchron ize moves and deletes”. 4. In the Per sonal Folder section, you can select any personal folders with wh ich yo u want t o synchro nize.
Installation and User’s Guide Using the Desktop Software — Redirecting email 62 2. In the Intellisync window, clic k Configure PIM... to cus tomize your PIM sy nchronizat ion settin gs. The Handhe ld Configuration wi ndow app ears . Selec t a PIM ap plica tion (Address Book, Calend ar, MemoPa d, or Task s) and clic k Choose.
Using the Desktop Software — Redirecting email Installation and User’s Guide 63 Redirector Stat us window, whic h displays the st atus of an y email transac tions betwee n the handheld an d your PC. T o check your email redirection settings 1. Place your ha ndheld in the crad le and connect it to your P C.
Installation and User’s Guide Using the Desktop Software — Redirecting email 64 BCC fields of t he message. 4. In the Sec urity tab, y ou can genera te secur ity keys for encryption and decry ption of your message s.
Using the Desktop S oftware — Summary Installation and User’s Guide 65 arriving a t your desktop t hat meets th e condition(s) will be subje ct to this filter.
4 Composing and sending messages In the previous c hapters of th is guide, you lear ned about you r hand held’ s main compon ent s, the ge nera l proce dure s requi red fo r sending a nd readin g messag es, and t he Desktop S oftware’s tools.
Installation and User’s Guide Composing and sending messages — Setting message options 68 T o set message options 1. In the Ho me screen, scroll t o the M ESSAGES icon and cl ick. 2. In the Mes sages screen , click the trackwheel t o view the menu.
Composing and s ending messages — Setting level of importanc e Installation and User’s Guide 69 2. Click to view t he menu. Scroll t o Options and clic k. In the Message Li st Options screen, set th e Delete On field to Desktop an d Handhe ld. 3. To test th is feature, delet e a messag e on your han dheld whic h you no longer ne ed.
Installation and User’s Guide Composing and sending messages — Sending peer-to-peer messages 70 3. The Curren t Message Options screen appears. In the Importance field, press the SPACE key to chan ge the impor tance level of the message you are composing from Normal to High.
Composing and sending messages — Sending peer-to-peer messages Installation and User’s Guide 71 number. If yo u know the PIN o f another handh eld, you can us e that number to send a peer- to-peer message t o that handhel d directly. 1. In the Ho me screen, scroll t o the C OMPOSE icon and click.
Installation and User’s Guide Composing and sending messages — Sending one-time messages 72 number, the ch eckmark will change to a “D” when the me ssage has been deli vered to a ll the re cipients’ h andhelds.
Composing and sending messages — Sending mess ages to many contacts Installation and User’s Guide 73 Sending messag es to many contacts You can send a message to mor e than one recipient and choose whether recipie nts are addressed d irectly (To), carbon copied (CC), or blind carbon copied (B CC).
Installation and User’s Guide Composing and sending messages — Customizing the auto signat ure 74 Customizi ng the auto sign ature Once yo u inst all the Desktop Softwa re, an au to si gnature i s included on all email messages sen t from your handheld.
Composing and sending messages — Attaching Address Book entries Installation and User’s Guide 75 2. Select the recipie nts of the mes sage by followin g the standar d email message procedure (s hown on page 5 1). In the Su bject field, type <confirm >, followed by your subj ect line.
Installation and User’s Guide Composing and sending messages — Using AutoT ext 76 3. The Attach: screen appears , listin g all of your c ontacts’ names.
Composing and s ending messages — U sing AutoT ext Installation and User’s Guide 77 • Automati cally insert punct uation and sy mbols into you r mess age w ithou t us ing th e ALT key or s ymbols l ibrar y. How AutoT e xt works 1. In the Ho me screen, scroll t o the C OMPOSE icon and click.
Installation and User’s Guide Composing and sending messages — Using AutoT ext 78 T o add a new AutoT ext entry You may want to customize your Au toText dat abase by adding spec ific Au toText entri es. 1. In the Ho me screen, scroll t o the O PTIONS ic on and clic k.
Composing and s ending messages — U sing AutoT ext Installation and User’s Guide 79 You will be pr ompted wit h two fields: Wh en I type (for t he keyword) and Replace it with (for w hat should appear instea d). 2. For th is example, e nter a short form for th e date in the When I type field.
Installation and User’s Guide Composing and sending messages — Using AutoT ext 80 to edit. Click the trackwh eel to view t he menu. Scroll to Edit Item and clic k. 3. The Edit AutoT ext screen a ppears. Press ALT while you ro ll the trackwh eel to scr oll horizon tally whi le you make your edit s.
Composing and sending messages — Automatic formatting Installation and User’s Guide 81 You ret urn to th e AutoText sc reen and you can se e that the entry i s no longer listed. T o perform an Aut oT e xt searc h Rather th an scrollin g through your list of AutoText ent ries, you can perfo rm a searc h to find an entr y quickl y.
Installation and User’s Guide Composing and sending messages — Automatic formatting 82 • If yo u want any o ther char acters to be cap italize d, pres s and hold th e charac ter key u ntil it become s capitali zed. You must have t he Key Rate (Options> Screen/ Keyboard ) option se t to either Slow or Fast for this feature to wor k.
Composing and s ending messages — Inser ting symbols Installation and User’s Guide 83 Number lock You can act ivate number lock (num lock) m ode to type n umbers without holdin g down the ALT key. Press SHIFT + ALT . Num lock mode is activat ed and you can e nter nu mbers in a ny screen .
Installation and User’s Guide Composing and sending messages — Summary and tips 84 5. You retur n to your message in the To: screen and the symbol has been inser ted. Summary and ti ps In thi s chapter , you lear ned more a bout com posing and se nding email.
Composing and sending messages — Summary and tips Installation and User’s Guide 85 Aut oT ext • While composing a message, press br + SPACE to enter an open angle bracket. • While composing a message, press ld + SPACE to enter the current date.
5 Receiving and read ing messages In this chapt er, you will learn abou t your options for receiv ed messag es, how to receive m ore of a long messag e, and how to open file and Address Boo k attach ments.
Installation and User’s Guide Receiving and reading messages — Received message options 88 Reply t o Message — Send a reply to the sender of the open message, witho ut incl uding the orig inal te xt. (See Reply wi th Text below. ) Reply to M essage is the defa ult menu opti on.
Receiving and reading messages — Receiving long messages Installation and User’s Guide 89 Next Unrea d — Closes the curr ent message and open s the nex t unread message if unre ad messages exist. Previous Messa ge — Closes the curr ent message a nd opens the previous message.
Installation and User’s Guide Receiving and reading m essages — Sending file attachments 90 3. Once you have select ed More, the rema ining part of the messag e will be sent to y ou. It will a ppear at t he end of t he existing part of the message.
Receiving and reading messages — Managing Address Book attachments Installation and User’s Guide 91 4. You can type a message before you click to view t he menu and select Send Message . The sent m essage will include the file attachme nt. You retur n to th e Messages screen where you can view the sen t messag e’s status.
Installation and User’s Guide Receiving and reading m essages — Adding conta cts to Address Book 92 4. Click the trackw heel to view the menu. Scroll to Save Addr ess and click. The at tachment is added to yo ur Addres s Book and you retur n to the open message.
Receiving and reading messages — Summary and tips Installation and User’s Guide 93 Summary and ti ps In th is chapt er, you’v e lear ned abou t readin g and rec eiving messag es.
6 Man aging messa ges Chapt ers 4 and 5 discuss the fea ture s and f uncti ons th at the handhel d provides for sending and rece iving messa ges. Now, find out how you can organize, customize , and search your l ist of messages more efficiently.
Installation and User’s Guide Managing messages — Filing messages 96 3. In the File Message screen, selec t the folder in whic h you want to store the messa ge. You can expand the folders that appear in the File Message scr een to go to one of your Inb ox subf olders.
Managing messages — Saving messages Installation and User’s Guide 97 T o review fi led mess ages After a message has been filed, you ca n verify t he messa ge placemen t by opening the messag e and scr olling to th e top of the screen. The Folder field w ill indica te in which fold er the messag e is filed.
Installation and User’s Guide Managing messages — Saving messages 98 4. Retur n to the M essages screen by clicking to view the menu, scrollin g to and cli cking Close. Exit t o the Home screen. In t he Home screen, scroll to t he SAV E D MESSAGES icon and clic k.
Managing messages — Saving messages Installation and User’s Guide 99 3. Scroll to Delete Message and click. A dialog box appears, asking if you wa nt to del ete th e message .
Installation and User’s Guide Managing messages — Searching messages 100 5. When you’ve fi nished composing , click the tra ckwheel to vie w the menu. Choose to save again or to send the message. Searching message s Use the handheld’ s search function t o locate s pecific messa ges.
Managing mess ages — Searching message s Installation and User’s Guide 101 3. In the In field , press the SPACE key to s elect whe re you want to search for the name that you have ent ered. Choose from From field, An y Address Fie ld, To field, Cc field, or Bcc field.
Installation and User’s Guide Managing messages — Searching messages 102 only th e received messages , or only t he saved m essages wh ich match y our search terms. 6. Afte r you have set the terms of your search, click th e trackwh eel to view the menu.
Managing mess ages — Searching message s Installation and User’s Guide 103 T o edit a searc h 1. In the Ho me screen, scro ll to the S EARCH MESSAGES icon and click. 2. The Se arch Mess ages screen appears. Click the trackwheel to view the m enu. Sc roll to Recall Sear ch and cl ick.
Installation and User’s Guide Managing messages — Searching messages 104 2. The Se arch Mess ages screen appears. Click the trackwheel to view the m enu. Sc roll to Recall Sear ch and cl ick. 3. Yo ur saved s earch es are lis ted. Se lect the search th at you wa nt to edit th en click to vi ew the menu.
Managing mess ages — Searching message s Installation and User’s Guide 105 4. A dialog box appears asking if y ou are sure y ou want to delete the selected s earches. Click Ye s to delete th e search. You re turn to the Sea rch Messages screen and yo u can see that t he search is no longer listed.
Installation and User’s Guide Managing messages — Deleting messages 106 Deleting messages Altho ugh the hand held h as am ple me mory fo r sto ring messa ges, you sh ould delete unneces sary m essages in order t o manage the lis t more efficiently.
Managing messages — Deleting messages Installation and User’s Guide 107 You retu rn to the Messag es screen and you can see that the messa ge is no longer listed. T o delete an open message You can delete a m essage while it is open w ithout re turning to the Messag es screen.
Installation and User’s Guide Managing messages — Deleting messages 108 T o delete multiple me ssages You can dele te all messag es prior to a particu lar date by selecting a date fiel d. 1. In the Hom e screen, scroll t o the M ESSAGES icon an d click.
Managing messages — Deleting messages Installation and User’s Guide 109 T o delete messages on the handheld and the desktop You ca n conf igur e the Mes sages screen so that messages delet ed on your handh eld are deleted on you r desktop (and vic e versa) each time you reconcile email.
Installation and User’s Guide Managing messages — Editing messages 11 0 Editing messages Afte r you hav e a sent a me ssage , you can ed it its text, add or chan ge the recipient, or change the send method. 1. In the Ho me screen, scrol l to the M ESSAG ES icon an d clic k.
Managing messa ges — Marking a mes sage as unread Installation and User’s Guide 111 2. In the Mes sages screen, s croll to the messag e that you want to resend a nd click t o view the men u. Select Open Messag e by clicki ng again. 3 . T h e t e x t o f t h e m e s s a g e w i l l a p p e a r .
Installation and User’s Guide Managing messages — Marking all messages read 11 2 The messag e will be mark ed unread. Marking all messages read If you have many messages o n your handheld w hich you h ave not read but you have read th em on your des ktop, you may wi sh to mark all mess ages read.
Managing messages — Summary and tips Installation and User’s Guide 11 3 All messages in th e list will be marked as rea d. Summary and ti ps In this chapt er, you learned how to mana ge your messages mo re effectively.
7 Using the Address Book The handhel d contains an Address B ook for stor ing various con tact informati on. The Address B ook allows you to keep a custom ized record of em ail address es, mailing addr esses, titles , and page r, fax, business, an d home phone numbers.
Installation and User’s Guide Using the Address Book — Adding addresses 11 6 option is set to Yes. • Allow Duplicate Names: S elect w hether or n ot you want to al low mor e than o ne en try fo r the sa me name. By defaul t, this i s set to Yes .
Using the Address Book — Adding addresse s Installation and User’s Guide 11 7 3. Type your contact’ s information and pres s ENTER aft er each field. You can als o type your contact ’s full name in the First or Last field and press ENTER . The fi rst name will appe ar in the First fi eld and th e last n ame will appea r in th e Last field .
Installation and User’s Guide Using the Address Book — Adding addresses 11 8 Address Book fields The New Address screen ha s the follow ing fields: Firs t: Type your contact’ s first name. Th is field support s alpha- numeri c and symbol charact ers.
Using the Address Book — Adding addresse s Installation and User’s Guide 11 9 Home: Type your contact’s home phone number. This field supports numer ic characte rs and t he ‘–‘, ‘ +’, ‘x’ an d ‘.’ ch aracters witho ut havi ng to ho ld down t he ALT key.
Installation and User’s Guide Using the Address Book — Viewing addresses 120 Country: Type your contact’s country. This field supports alpha- numeri c and symbol charact ers. Notes: Type an y reference notes you would like to kee p about your conta cts.
Using the Address Book — Deleting addresses Installation and User’s Guide 121 2. In the Address Book screen, select th e Address Book entry tha t you want to edit and click to view the menu. S croll to Edit Address an d click. 3. In the Edit Address scr een, use the trackwh eel to move from field to fi eld.
Installation and User’s Guide Using the Address Book — Searching addresses 122 You ret urn to th e Address Book screen and you can se e that the entry i s no lon ger listed.
Using the Addres s Book — Summary and t ips Installation and User’s Guide 123 chapt er you will learn ab out man aging yo ur tasks an d appointmen ts. Using the Address Book - T ips • Press the associate d key on the keyboard while in number fields (like PIN) to insert numbers without using the ALT key .
8 Man aging T a sks and Appoin tments The handh eld include s a Tasks function a nd a Calendar function to help you mana ge and schedule appointments an d tasks.
Installation and User’s Guide Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the T as ks function 126 3. The Task s Opti ons sc reen appea rs, displayi ng the foll owing two options: • Sort By: S e l e c t h o w y o u w a n t t o s o r t t h e t a s k s i n y o u r Tasks screen.
Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the T asks function Installation and User’s Guide 127 Release the SPACE ke y once you h ave set the field to you r preference.
Installation and User’s Guide Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the T as ks function 128 Due: S e l e c t t h e d a t e b y w h e n t h e t a s k i s t o b e c o m p l e t e d . Y o u r options are Non e or By Date. If you select N one, no du e date will b e recorded for this task.
Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the Calendar f unction Installation and User’s Guide 129 You retu rn to the Task s screen and you can see that the task is no longer li sted. T o change a task’ s status 1. In the Ho me screen, scrol l to the T ASKS icon a nd click.
Installation and User’s Guide Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the Calendar function 130 2. In the Calendar scre en, click to view th e menu. Scr oll to Options and click. 3. The Calendar Options screen appears , displayin g the following three opti ons: • First day of w eek: Set on whic h day your we ek sta rts.
Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the Calendar f unction Installation and User’s Guide 131 Day view This view dis plays all appointments for t he given day. The subject of the a ppointmen t appears b eside the star t hour and a sidebar spans th e leng th of the appointme nt.
Installation and User’s Guide Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the Calendar function 132 the bar for af ternoon appo intments will typica lly appear near th e bottom of the da te. Agenda view This view dis plays only the days on wh ich you have appoi ntments, allowing you to see your “agen da”.
Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the Calendar f unction Installation and User’s Guide 133 4. In the Reminder field, sel ect how ea rly you w ant to be n otified of the appointmen t. If you d o not wis h to be re minded of the appointment , set this field to None.
Installation and User’s Guide Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the Calendar function 134 Appointment fields The New Appoin tment screen contai ns the follo wing fi elds: Subject: Type the sub ject for the appoint ment. Location: Ty pe the location where the a ppointment is to be hel d.
Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the Calendar f unction Installation and User’s Guide 135 2. In the New Appoi ntment screen, add t he informa tion for y our appointmen t. 3. In the Recurrence field, press the SPACE key. The Set Recurrence screen appear s.
Installation and User’s Guide Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the Calendar function 136 6. In the End field, set the specific date on which the recurrin g appointment should end. (By sett ing this field to Neve r, you will have a con stant recu rring appointm ent.
Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the Calendar f unction Installation and User’s Guide 137 2. In the Calendar screen, sel ect a day tha t has appointment s and click to vie w the menu . Scroll to View Appointment s and clic k. The appointm ents for the selected day are listed.
Installation and User’s Guide Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the Calendar function 138 2. In the Calendar screen, click the trackw heel to view the menu. Scroll t o Next (or P revious) a nd click. The next (or previous) day, we ek, or mo nth is shown.
Managing T asks and Appointments — Using the Calendar f unction Installation and User’s Guide 139 3. The Ed it Appointment s creen appears , displaying a ll of the details for the appo intment. Edi t the inform ation in any of the fields. To edit the Date, Start Ti me, End Time, or Reminder fields, press SPACE key to scroll between o ptions.
Installation and User’s Guide Managing T asks and Appointments — Summary and tips 140 trackw heel to vie w the menu. Sc roll to Dele te Appointme nt(s) and click. 3. A dialog box a ppears, aski ng if you wan t to delete the appointment . Click Yes.
Managing T asks and Appointments — Summar y and tips Installation and User’s Guide 141 Cal end ar • Press D to switch to Day view . • Press W to switc h to Week view. • Press M to switch to Month view . • Press A to switch to Agenda view .
9 Using the MemoPad and Calculator The handh eld contain s a MemoPad for rec ording list s, notes, or other import ant in formation th at you t ype aside from ema il messages. A Calcula tor function is also inc luded, wh ich helps you to perform simple mathematical operations.
Installation and User’s Guide Using the MemoPad and Calculator — Using the MemoPad function 144 3. Type a title for yo u r memo and press ENTER . Th en type the bod y o f th e me mo . 4. Once you have finished composing the memo, click to view the menu.
Using the MemoPad and Calculator — Using t he Calculator function Installation and User’s Guide 145 4. When you hav e finished making ch anges to your memo, cli ck to view th e menu. Sele ct Save by cl icking aga in. T o delete memos 1. In the Ho me screen, scrol l to the M EMOP AD icon an d clic k.
Installation and User’s Guide Using the MemoPad and Calculator — Summary and tips 146 2. The Calcula tor screen appears. Use the keyb oard to enter the first nu mber of the ma themat ical calc ulation. U sing the trackw heel, s croll to the op erator y ou want and click.
Using the Mem oPad and Calculator — Summary and tips Installation and User’s Guide 147 Calculator sc reen. In th e next chap ter you’l l find out ho w to customize your handheld’ s options. Using the MemoPad and Calculator - Tips MemoPa d • Press T to go to the t op memo in the list.
10 Customizing y our handheld’ s options In th e “Get to k now your ha ndheld” c hapter, y ou learn ed about the procedure for setting message notification options. Now, refer to this c hapter t o learn how to custo mize the handh eld’s many othe r options to su it your spe cific need s.
Installation and User’s Guide Customizing your handheld’s options — Customizing handheld options 150 3. Once you have set the Alarm to your prefere nce, click to view the menu. Scroll to Sa ve Options and click. Alarm fields The Daily Alarm scre en cont ain s the f ollow ing field s: Time: Set the time at whic h you want th e alarm to sound.
Customizing your handheld’s options — Han dheld options Installation and User’s Guide 151 3. Scr oll to the fi eld that you wa nt to change , then press the SPACE key t o scr oll th rough y our o ptions. Rele ase th e SPACE key once you have set the field to your prefer ence.
Installation and User’s Guide Customizing your handheld’s options — Handheld options 152 Week end O n: Set the ha ndheld t o turn o n automati cally a t a specific time on the weeken d Week end O ff: Set the handh eld to turn o ff auto maticall y at a specific time on the weeken d.
Customizing your handheld’s options — Han dheld options Installation and User’s Guide 153 Form at: Select a 12 hour or 24 hour clock Date: Set th e curre nt date Message Servic es Email Se rvice: Choo se the default email serv ice. Any new mes sages will b e sent t o the me ssage ser vice selec ted.
Installation and User’s Guide Customizing your handheld’s options — Handheld options 154 Status: Shows the stat us of the network . It is set to either Pen ding or Active, depending on what you ha ve specified in the Roamin g field.
Customizing your handheld’s options — Han dheld options Installation and User’s Guide 155 to Mediu m, High, or Escalat ing, the handheld w ill vibr ate twice when a new message arri ves. The defa ult is Low. Number of Beeps: S elect the number of beeps the h andheld should make before n otification sto ps.
Installation and User’s Guide Customizing your handheld’s options — Handheld options 156 Consider PIN Leve l 1: Select whet her or not you w ant PIN messag es to be considered level 1 pr iority. Ch oose from e ither Yes or No. The default is Yes.
Customizing your handheld’s options — Han dheld options Installation and User’s Guide 157 Key Rate: Set the speed (Slow, Fast, or Off) at which your cursor moves whenev er the BACKSPACE , EN TER , or SPACE key is pr esse d and held . The default setting is Slow.
Installation and User’s Guide Customizing your handheld’s options — Handheld options 158 Battery: Shows the percentage of remain ing battery l ife. Memory F ree: Shows the amount, in b ytes, of av ailable RAM. File Free: Sho ws the amo unt, in byte s, of av ailable memory to st ore messages, add ress entries, and AutoText entrie s.
Customizing your handheld’s options — Summary Installation and User’s Guide 159 Serial Db Access: Shows the current vers ion of the Backup and Restore protocol DLL.
11 Freque ntly a sked que stion s This chapter includes answers to some common questions about th e hand held. Alarm Why is my alarm n ot soundi ng when I’ve s et the tim e? • Ensure that you ha ve enabled t he alarm by setting t he Alarm On/Off fiel d to ‘On .
Installation and User’s Guide Frequently asked que stions — S torage 162 on the not ification options of the handh eld. • Avoid usin g the handh eld for long messages. The Re ply With Text feature also makes your messages longer and drains the battery fa ster.
Frequently asked questions — Storage Installation and User’s Guide 163 handh eld o ff. In th e Home screen, scroll t o and cli ck the POWER OFF icon on the functions lis t. • When you wa nt to turn the ha ndheld bac k on, simply click the trackwh eel.
Installation and User’s Guide Frequently asked que stions — Hom e screen 164 in th e Securi ty tab o f the Desktop S oftware ’s Redi rector Settings tool. Home screen How can I return to the Home sc reen? The sc reen that displays the f unctions list an d the da te and time is called th e Hom e screen.
Frequently asked questions — Messages Installation and User’s Guide 165 The back lighting o n my display screen keeps disa ppearing. • The LCD bac klightin g will turn off afte r 10 seco nds if you h ave not press ed a key or the trac kwheel.
Installation and User’s Guide Frequently asked que stions — M essages 166 • Is your PC turn ed on? If you are using th e Desktop Redirector to forward your email, your desktop computer must be on an y time you wa nt to receive message s on your handhel d.
Frequently asked questions — Messages Installation and User’s Guide 167 filters appea r in your list reflects th e order that they wi ll be applied to new messages. You should check t o see if one of your filters is preventin g desired messa ges from being redirect ed to the handheld .
Installation and User’s Guide Frequently asked que stions — P unctuation 168 click. Wh ile composi ng a mes sage, type a questio n in the message bo dy that require s a respons e, then press ENTER . Type Responses: , then press ENTER to move to th e next li ne.
Frequently asked questions — Desktop Software Installation and User’s Guide 169 See page 24 for information on the ALT key and other key functions. • Other punctuation marks are i ncluded in the symbols librar y which you can o pen by press ing ALT + SPACE .
Installation and User’s Guide Frequently asked que stions — Des ktop Software 170 messages might not be redirected to your handhel d unless you have specified email redirection from the folder. See t he Redi recto r Sett ing s onli ne hel p for m ore in form ation .
Frequently asked questions — Desktop Software Installation and User’s Guide 171 The A ddress Book Import w i n d o w a p p e a r s . S e l e c t n a m e s from the Glo bal Address List and click Import > to co py the names over. Once you’ve copied all the names you want, click the OK butto n.
Installation and User’s Guide Frequently asked questions — Resetting t he handheld 172 Why shoul d I gene rate new ke ys? How often should this be done? • Messages are encrypted w hen they are sen t between yo ur PC and th e hand held . Yo ur hand held can only re ceiv e me ssage s that we re sent w ith the corr ect encry ption .
Frequently asked questions — Resetting the handheld Installation and User’s Guide 173 insert ed in to this hole t o press the res et butt on, res tarti ng and restorin g the handheld to nor mal operation. Messages a nd other i nformation stor ed on the han dheld will n ot be lost.
12 Specificat ions Mechanical Propert ies Display and control features Weight: 4.1oz (115g ) (without AA battery) Size (L XWXH): 3.5”X 2.5”X0. 89” lan dscape , (0.
Installation and User’s Guide Specifications 176 Powe r T emperature Radio specifications Other featur es: Real- time c lock; au dible alar m; AutoT ext and Ad dress Book updates Ports : RS-232 co m.
Specifications Installation and User’s Guide 177 Frequency Regulatory compliance Tran smitting : 896 t o 902 MH z, 12 .5 kHz C hanne ls Recei ving: 935 to 94 1 MHz, 12.
1.0 DEF INITIONS 1.1 “SOFT WARE” mean s the BlackB erry Soft ware P roduct(s) provided und er this lic ense to You in conjunc tion with the iPAQ B lackBerr y Handh eld Product (th e “Product ”), regardl ess of whethe r the SOFTWARE is the BlackBerry Desktop Softwar e or software residing on the Product.
Installation and User’s Guide Research In Motion Limited Software License Agreement 180 This does not im ply any right s to futu re upgrade s of the SOFTWARE. 3.0 COPYRIGHT; EXPORT RESTRICTIONS 3.1 Th e SOFT WARE is o wned by RIM and is protected by Canadia n, US and intern ational copyright laws.
Research In Motion Limited Software License Agreement Installation and User’s Guide 181 Any impli ed warranties or condit ions relatin g to the SOFTWA RE to the extent they are not discla imed below are limited to 90 day s.
LIMITED W ARRA NTY General T erms This Lim ited Warrant y applies in the United State s and Cana da to Compaq iPAQ Bl ackberr y Wireless Email S olution prod ucts manufactured or distributed by Compaq Computer Corporation or its subsi diaries (Com paq) under th e Compaq brand name.
Installation and User’s Guide LIMITED WARRANTY 184 Before retu rning any unit for service, be sure to ba ck up data and remove any confid ential, pr oprietary or pers onal information . Compaq is not responsible for damage to or loss of any prog rams, data, or removable storage media.
Installation and User’s Guide LIMITED WARRANTY 186 T r ansfer of Ownership This wa rranty extend s only to you , the orig inal purc haser. You canno t transfe r the war ranty t o anyone .
LIMITED W ARRANTY Installation and User’s Guide 187 Contacting Compaq • 1.800. OK.COM PAQ Toll-free technica l support in t he United S tates and Canada, 7 day s a w eek, 24 ho urs a day.
Index A about Res earch In M otion, 17 this guid e, 16 activat ing yo ur hand held, 23 adding addresses , 116 appointmen ts, 132 attachme nts from messages, 91 attachme nts to messages, 75 autot ext e.
Installation and User’s Guide Index 190 autom ati c on/off, descript ion of, 151 autotex t adding ent ries, 78 adding entries usin g a macro, 78 deleting ent ries, 80 descript ion of, 77 editing ent.
Index Installation and User’s Guide 191 sent m essages, 1 10 task s tatus, 1 29 tasks , 128 chart o f hot keys, 24 components hand held, 1 9 LCD screen, 29 composing descri ption of, 13, 30 message .
Installation and User’s Guide Index 192 tasks , 13, 30 trackwh eel, 20 turn r adio o n/off, 14, 31 desktop r edirector adding a filte r, 64 checkin g settings, 63 desktop sof tware application loade.
Index Installation and User’s Guide 193 H hand held batter y com partment, 20 changing pa ssword, 40 components, 19 connec ting to your PC , 48 cradle, 2 1 customizing options, 149 generat ing a sec.
Installation and User’s Guide Index 194 backli ghti ng, 29 components, 29 descript ion of, 19 FAQ s, 164 function menus, 32 function screens, 29 graph ics, 3 5 level of im portance, setting, 69 lice.
Index Installation and User’s Guide 195 read ing, 52, 87 receiv ing, 87 receiv ing and read ing tips, 93 receiv ing confirmat ion, 74 receiv ing long messages, 89 remov ing f rom saved messag es lis.
Installation and User’s Guide Index 196 sear ches, 100 personal iden tification number (PIN) finding, 49, 1 57 sending m essages to oth er hand helds , 70 power on/o ff, description of, 1 4, 31 punc.
Index Installation and User’s Guide 197 search es deleti ng, 104 descri ption of, 13, 30 editing, 103 editing once, 103 performing, 100 performing one-time, 100 recalli ng, 103 saving , 100 sear ch .
Installation and User’s Guide Index 198 T tasks adding, 12 6 changi ng status, 129 deleting, 1 28 descri ption of, 13, 30 editing, 128 fields, 127 managi ng, 125 setting options, 125 status ico ns, .
Index Installation and User’s Guide 199 tasks , 128 today’ s appoin tments, 137 W welco me, 13.
An important point after buying a device Blackberry W1000 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Blackberry W1000 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Blackberry W1000 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Blackberry W1000 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Blackberry W1000 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Blackberry W1000, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Blackberry W1000.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Blackberry W1000. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Blackberry W1000 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center