Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Wireless HDMI Presentation System (WHPS) Black Box
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AVX-HDMI-WI B L A C K B O X ® T r a n s f o r m y o u r w i r e d p r o j e c t o r i n t o a wi reles s proj ec to r with aud io . I n c l u d e s p l u g - a n d- s h o w , 4- t o- 1 s p l i t sc r e e n , 1 - t o-4 s c r e e n pr oj ec ti on , an d PD A wir eles s pr ojecti on f ea tu re s.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 2 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om T rademark s Us ed in this Manual W e ‘ r e h e r e t o h e l p! I f y ou h a v e a n y q ue st io n s a bo ut y ou r ap pl ic a t i on or o ur pr od uct s, c on tact Bla ck B ox T ec h Su pport at 7 2 4 -74 6 - 5 5 0 0 or go t o blackbo x .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 3 AVX-HDMI-WI FC C and IC RFI S tatemen t s Feder al Commu nicat ions Com mission a nd Industr y Canada Rad io F requenc y.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 4 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om NOM Statemen t Instrucc iones de Segur idad ( Normas Ofici ales Mexi canas E lec trica l Safety Stat ement) 1 . T odas las instrucciones de s eguridad y op eración deb erán ser leídas antes de que el aparato eléc trico s ea operado.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 5 AVX-HDMI-WI T able of Content s T able of C ontents Quick Star t Guide ....................................................................................................
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 6 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om T able of Content s 5.4. 7 Firmwa re Upgrade ..................................................................................................................
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 7 AVX-HDMI-WI Quick Star t Guide Quic k Start Guide S tep 1: Con nec t the projec tor VGA / H DM I cable to the W ireless HDM I Presentation System ( W HP S) b ox VGA / HD MI connec tor and turn on the projec tor’ s power .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 8 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Quick Star t Guide S tep 3 : Mak e sure your PC W L AN is already enabled, and connect your PC to the WHP S box. S tep 4 : Open your browser and enter the IP address to access the W HP S Web home page.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 9 AVX-HDMI-WI Quick Star t Guide WHPS-Interac tive WHPS.e xe Figure QS -5. W HP S shortcut. S tep 6 : Make sure your perso nal firewall allows WH PS sof t ware to pass through.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 1 0 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Quick Star t Guide S tep 8 : Enter the LOGIN C ODE and it will appear on the projector screen. Figure QS - 7 . En ter Login code. S tep 9 : Cl ick the “Play ” button to star t projec tion.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 1 1 AVX-HDMI-WI Cha pter 1: Speci ficat ions 1 . Spe cifications T echn ical Speci ficat ions Ante nna 2 Dipole Appro vals.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 1 2 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Chapte r 2 : O ver view 2. O ver v iew 2. 1 Intr oduc ti on The Wireless H DM I Presentation System ( WH PS ) is a must-ha ve device for your meeting room.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 1 3 AVX-HDMI-WI Chapte r 2 : O ver view 2.3 W hat’s In cluded Y our package should include the following items. If anything is missing or damaged, contac t Black Box T echnical Suppor t at 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5 50 0 or inf o @ blackbox.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 1 4 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Chapte r 2 : O ver view T able 2 - 1 . W HP S components. Number Component Descri ption 1 Powe r L ED Lig ht s w hen p ower to the uni t i s o n. 2 (2) USB connectors Connect s clicker for pre sent ations.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om P age 1 5 AVX-HDMI-WI Cha pter 3 : W indo ws Cli ent Uti l it y 3. Windo w s Cl ient Ut il ity 3. 1 S tar ting t he Progr am After you dow nload the WHP S Window s program via the Web page successfully , follow the steps below.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 1 6 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Cha pter 3 : W indo ws Cli ent Uti l it y 3.2 Login En ter the login code to s tar t the presentation. Y ou will see the login code on the projec tor s creen.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 1 7 AVX-HDMI-WI Cha pter 3 : W indo ws Cli ent Uti l it y T able 3 - 1 . But tons and des cription s.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 1 8 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Cha pter 3 : W indo ws Cli ent Uti l it y 3.5 A udio Pr ojection S tep 1: If you are using W Indows ® XP , be f or e s ta rt in g a ud i o p r o je ct io n , in sta l l th e “V A C .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om P age 1 9 AVX-HDMI-WI Cha pter 3 : W indo ws Cli ent Uti l it y 3. 7 . 1 Sho w Recei ver Inf ormat ion C l ick “S how Rec eiv er Inf or ma tio n ” i n the dro p- do wn men u .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 2 0 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Cha pter 3 : W indo ws Cli ent Uti l it y 3. 7 . 3 Searc h Receiv er Devic e C lick “Search Receiver Device ” from the drop - down m enu. The program w ill disconnect from the curren t receiver and s earch for the receiver again.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om P age 2 1 AVX-HDMI-WI Cha pter 3 : W indo ws Cli ent Uti l it y 3. 7 .9 Send Aud io to D ispla y C lick “Send Audio to Display” to s tar t the audio projec tion featur e.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 22 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Cha pter 3 : W indo ws Cli ent Uti l it y 3. 7 . 1 2 Mak e Plug-and-Show T oke n C l ick “M ak e Pl ug- and- Sho w T ok en ” to m ak e a USB WHPS T ok en .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 23 AVX-HDMI-WI Cha pter 3 : W indo ws Cli ent Uti l it y 3. 7 . 1 3 Copy Appl icati on to Desktop C l ick the “ C opy Ap.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 2 4 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Cha pter 4 : Mac Cl ien t Ut il it y 4. Mac Cl ient Ut il it y 4. 1 L aunc h Applicat ion S tep 1: Enable your Wi - Fi and connect to the WHP S device. S tep 2: E xecute W HP S clien t sof t ware for Mac.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Page 2 5 AVX-HDMI-WI Cha pter 4 : Mac Cl ien t Ut il it y 4.3 S creen P rojection C l ick the “ Pl ay ” bu tto n fo r fu ll or spl it scr een t o im med ia te ly pr oj ect the mai n sc ree n on to the di sp la y .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 2 6 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Cha pter 4 : Mac Cl ien t Ut il it y 4.4 Mac Aud io Pro jec ti on Be fo re sta rti ng a udi o pr oje ctio n, in sta ll th e “ Sou ndf low er .m pk g ” ( Mac syste m exte ns ion fo r aud io) on you r co mpu te r .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 2 7 AVX-HDMI-WI Cha pter 5 : W eb Man agement 5. W eb Manageme nt 5. 1 Home P age 1 . Make sure your P C is connec ted to the W HP S box successfully . 2 . O pen your browser , it w ill enter the W HP S home page automatical ly .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 2 8 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Cha pter 5 : W eb Man agement Figure 5 -2 . Dow nload Windows or Mac utility . 5.3 Conf erence C ontr ol 1 . This function allows you to hos t a meeting smoothly without projec tor cable swapping.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 29 AVX-HDMI-WI Cha pter 5 : W eb Man agement Figure 5 -3 . Ente r pass word screen. 4. After login, you can see a User L ist on the screen that indicates all of the users connec ted to the WH PS b ox.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 30 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Cha pter 5 : W eb Man agement 5.4 Logi n Web A dmi n 1 . Clic k “ Admin ” and then enter the pas sword to l ogin to the Web pag e. 2 . T he password default value is “ admin.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pag e 3 1 AVX-HDMI-WI Cha pter 5 : W eb Man agement T able 5 - 1 . C urrent s ystem st atus screen components.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 3 2 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Cha pter 5 : W eb Man agement 5.4.3 N etwork Setup There are many kinds of operating configu rations.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Page 3 3 AVX-HDMI-WI Cha pter 5 : W eb Man agement 1 . Clic k the “Net work Setup ” button, and the screen will show the net work set ting items. NOTE: Auto- Con figuration Net work Setup on WHP S.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 34 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Cha pter 5 : W eb Man agement AP Client • C onnec t to E xisting AP: I nput the SSI D of home W i- Fi A P you want to connec t. • Encryption : Y ou can sele ct “Disable” or WEP / W P A / W P A 2 6 4 -bit or 1 2 8 - bit in an A SCII or HE X s tring.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pag e 35 AVX-HDMI-WI Cha pter 5 : W eb Man agement Scre en Info rmation • Enable: Defau lt value , Show ser ver IP , Res olution, Firmware version, SSI D , channel and securit y on the screen.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 36 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Cha pter 5 : W eb Man agement 5.4.6 Reset to De fau lt C lick the “Reset to D efa ult” button to restore factor y default set tings. Figure 5 - 1 1 . Reset to default screen.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Page 3 7 AVX-HDMI-WI Cha pter 5 : W eb Man agement C lick the “Firmware Upgrade ” but ton to upgrade firmwar e. 1 . Get the latest firmware image file from your vendor . 2 . Clic k “Browse ” to sp ecif y the file name you want to up grade .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Pa ge 38 AVX-HDMI-WI 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om Cha pter 5 : W eb Man agement 5.4.8 Reboot System C lick the “Reboot System ” but ton to rest ar t the sys tem. Figure 5 - 1 4. Rebo ot s ystem screen. • Reboot: rebo ot s ys tem automatically .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om P age 39 AVX-HDMI-WI NO TES.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox.c om About Bl ack Bo x Black Box provides an ex tens ive range of net working and infrastructure produc t s. Y ou’l l find every thing from c abinets and racks a nd p .
An important point after buying a device Black Box Wireless HDMI Presentation System (WHPS) (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Black Box Wireless HDMI Presentation System (WHPS) yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Black Box Wireless HDMI Presentation System (WHPS) - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Black Box Wireless HDMI Presentation System (WHPS) you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Black Box Wireless HDMI Presentation System (WHPS) will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Black Box Wireless HDMI Presentation System (WHPS), but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Black Box Wireless HDMI Presentation System (WHPS).
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Black Box Wireless HDMI Presentation System (WHPS). Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Black Box Wireless HDMI Presentation System (WHPS) along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center