Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Black Box
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B L A C K B O X ® Br o ad ca st t he s am e vi de o pl us au di o si gn al s ou r ce to two, four , or eight DVI compatible outputs. Su ppo rt DVI di spl ay re sol uti ons o f up to Ful l H D ( 19 20 x 108 0), WU XGA (1920 x 1200), and UXGA (1600 x 1200).
724-746-5500 | Page 2 AV SP - D V I1X 2 T rade mark s U sed in this Manual T rad ema rk s Use d in this M anual Bla ck Box an d the Do uble D iamo nd lo go are re gis tered t rade mark s of B B Technol ogi es, I nc. Any o ther tr ad emarks ment ioned in this manu al ar e acknowledged to be the property of the tr a demark owner s.
724-746-5500 | Page 3 AV SP - D V I1X 2 FCC and IC RFI St ateme nts / N OM Statem ent FEDER A L COM MUN IC A T IO NS COM MI SSIO N AN D IN DUST RY C AN ADA R AD IO FREQ UENC Y I NT ERFERE.
724-746-5500 | Page 4 AV SP - D V I1X 2 NOM Stat ement 5. El apara to el éctrico no deberá ser usado cerca del agu a— por ejemplo, cerca de la t ina de b año, lava bo, sót ano m ojad o o cerca d e una al berc a, etc.
724-746-5500 | Page 5 AV SP - D V I1X 2 NOM Stat ement 1 7 . Cu idado debe ser t omado de tal manera que objec tos liquidos no sean der ramad os so bre la c ubie rt a u orif icio s de ve ntilac ión.
724-746-5500 | Page 6 AV SP - D V I1X 2 T able of Content s T abl e of Con tent s 1 . Sp ecifications .................................................................................................... 7 2. Ov er vie w ..................
724-746-5500 | Page 7 AV SP - D V I1X 2 Chap ter 1: S pecif icatio ns 1. Spe cific ation s Ca ble Le ngt h ( Ma x. ) — 3 2.8 ft. (1 0 m) Enc los ure — Meta l Max.
724-746-5500 | Page 8 AV SP - D V I1X 2 Chap ter 2: O ver view 2. O ver vi ew 2. 1 In trod uc tion The DVI Splitters broadcas t the same video with audio signals from one video (and audio) signal source to two, four , or eight DVI compatible por ts.
724-746-5500 | Page 9 AV SP - D V I1X 2 Chap ter 2: O ver view 2. 3 Wh at ’s Inclu de d Y o ur p ackag e sh ould incl ude the follo wing item s. I f an yt hing is mi ssin g or dama ged, cont ac t Bl ack B ox Techn ical Sup por t a t 724 -7 46 -55 00 or i nfo @ bl ackb ox.
724-746-5500 | Page 10 AV SP - D V I1X 2 Chap ter 2: O ver view 2.6 H ard ware De scr iptio n 2.6 . 1 AVSP -DV I 1X 2 1 2 3 4 Fig ure 2-1 .
724-746-5500 | Page 11 AV SP - D V I1X 2 Chap ter 2: O ver view T able 2- 1 . AVSP- DVI 1X2 components. Number Component De scription 1 Por t 1 L ED Lig hts whe n th ere i s ac ti vit y o n Po rt 1 . 2 Por t 2 L ED Lig hts whe n th ere i s ac ti vit y o n Po rt 2.
724-746-5500 | Page 12 AV SP - D V I1X 2 Chap ter 2: O ver view 6 7 3 4 5 Fig ure 2- 4. AVSP- DV I1 X 4 ba ck p anel. T able 2- 2. AVSP-DVI1 X4 components . Number Component De scription 1 Ports 1 – 4 LE Ds Lig ht w hen ther e is ac tivi ty on Por ts 1– 4 .
724-746-5500 | Page 13 AV SP - D V I1X 2 Chap ter 2: O ver view 2.6.3 A VSP-DVI 1 X8 1 2 Fig ure 2-5. AVSP -DV I1 X 8 fro nt p anel. 6 7 3 4 5 Fig ure 2- 6.
724-746-5500 | Page 14 AV SP - D V I1X 2 Chap ter 2: O ver view T able 2-3 . AVSP- DVI 1X8 components. Number Component De scription 1 Por t s 1– 8 LED s Lig ht wh en t here is a ct ivi ty on P or ts 1– 8. 2 Power input LED Li ght s wh en p ower is conne ct ed.
724-746-5500 | Page 15 AV SP - D V I1X 2 Chap ter 3 : In st allation 3. In st allati on WARN I NG: Befo re i nsta llatio n, po wer off all dev ices that w ill be co nne cte d to this system. • M ake sur e tha t al l de vice s you wil l con nec t a re pr ope rly groun ded .
724-746-5500 | Page 16 AV SP - D V I1X 2 Chap ter 3 : In st allation Fig ure 3 -2. AVSP -DV I1X4 conn ec tio n. Fig ure 3 -3. AVS P- DVI1X8 co nnec ti on.
724-746-5500 | Page 17 AV SP - D V I1X 2 Chap ter 3 : In st allation NOTE: Connect at least one monitor to the splitter before powering on the source device . NOTE : Con nec t t he sp lit ter to t he co mpute r b efore pow eri ng on the comp uter.
724-746-5500 | Page 18 AV SP - D V I1X 2 Chap ter 3 : In st allation Blu-r ay u ses a b lue-viole t l aser t o rea d and write data, while curr ent o ptical disc technologies such as DVD , DVD ± R, DVD ± RW , and DVDR AM rely on a red laser to rea d and write data.
724-746-5500 | Page 19 AV SP - D V I1X 2 Chap ter 4 : O pera tion 4. O pe ration The quality of the output signal depends largely upon the quality of the video source, cable, and display device used. Low-quality cabl es degrade the output signal causing elevated noise levels.
724-746-5500 | Page 20 AV SP - D V I1X 2 Chap ter 4 : O pera tion 2 1 Fig ure 4 -2. AVS P- DVI1X4. 2 1 Fig ure 4 -3. A VSP - DVI1X8. NOTE: Connect at least one displa y device to the splitter before you power on the source unit.
724-746-5500 | Page 21 AV SP - D V I1X 2 Appe ndix: T rouble shooting Appen dix. T roublesh ooting A . 1 Symp tom s, Po ss ible C aus es , and S olu tion s Symptom: Vide o does n ot di splay on so me ports.
724-746-5500 | Page 22 AV SP - D V I1X 2 Appe ndix: T rouble shooting Po ssi ble Cau se # 4 : The a ttached device s are not w ell c onnecte d.
724-746-5500 | Page 23 AV SP - D V I1X 2 NOT ES.
724-746-5500 | Ab out Bl ack Box Bla ck B ox N et work Ser v ices is y our s ource for an e xt ensiv e ran ge o f ne two rkin g an d infrastructure products.
An important point after buying a device Black Box Black Box (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Black Box Black Box yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Black Box Black Box - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Black Box Black Box you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Black Box Black Box will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Black Box Black Box, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Black Box Black Box.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Black Box Black Box. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Black Box Black Box along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center