Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product AC1056A-8 Black Box
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B L A C K B O X ® Br o ad ca st a c ri sp , cl ea r VG A si gn al f r om o ne P C to two, four , or eight VGA monitors. Use for trade shows, training, even public information systems. Compact Video Splitters AC1056A-2 AC1056A-4 AC1056A-8 Ord er tol l-free in t he U.
724-746-5500 | Page 2 FCC and IC R FI State men ts / NOM St atem ent FEDER AL CO MM UN IC A T IO NS CO MM IS SI ON A ND I N DUS T RY C A NA DA R AD IO F REQU ENC Y IN TER FERE NCE S TA TE.
724-746-5500 | Page 3 NOM Stat ement 4. T oda s las i nst rucc ion es d e op era ció n y uso d eb en s er s egu idas . 5. El apara to el éctrico no d eberá ser usado cerca del agua — por ejemplo , cerca de la t ina d e bañ o, lavab o, só tan o mo jad o o cerc a de un a alb erc a, etc.
724-746-5500 | Page 4 NOM Stat ement 1 6 . El cable d e c o rriente de berá ser descone ctado del cuando el equipo n o sea usa do p or un l arg o per io do d e tie mp o. 1 7 . Cu idado debe ser t omado de tal manera que objec tos l iquidos no sean der rama do s so bre la c ubi er t a u ori fic io s de ve ntila ció n.
724-746-5500 | Page 5 T rade mark s Us ed in thi s Manual T rademarks Used in this Manual Bla ck B ox and th e D oub le Di amo nd log o are reg is tere d t rad ema rk s o f BB Techno lo gie s, In c. Any other trademarks mentioned in this manual are acknowledged to be the proper ty of the trademark owner s.
724-746-5500 | Page 6 T able of Content s T abl e of Co nte nt s 1 . Specifications ....................................................................................................... 7 2. O ve r vi e w ...............................
724-746-5500 | Page 7 Chap ter 1: S pe cific ation s 1. Spe cific at ion s Number of V GA Outputs — AC 1056A-2: (2) ; AC 1056 A- 4: (4); AC 1056 A- 8: (8 ) Signal Bandwidth — A C 1 056A- 2, A C 10 56A-4: 35 0 MHz; AC 105 6A-8: 300 MH z Signal T ype — VGA, SVGA, Mu lti-sync Ca bl e L en gt h — AC 1056A- 2 : (1 ) 5 -ft.
724-746-5500 | Page 8 Chap ter 2 : O ver v iew 2. O ver vie w 2. 1 In tro du c tio n The Compact Video Split ter (2 -, 4 -, or 8- por t) broadcasts and bo osts one VGA sign al sou rce to 2, 4, or 8 VGA mo nito rs . U se it for pre se nta tio ns, ex hib it s, demonstrations, trade shows, monitor testing, or business me etings.
724-746-5500 | Page 9 Chap ter 2 : O ver v iew 2. 3 Ha rdw are D es crip tio n 2. 3. 1 AC1056 A-2 Figures 2 -1 and 2- 2 show the front and back panels of the AC 1056A- 2. T able 2- 1 describes its components. 5 2 Fig ure 2- 1. AC1 05 6A -2 fr ont pan el.
724-746-5500 | Page 10 Chap ter 2 : O ver v iew 2. 3. 2 AC1056 A- 4 Fig ures 2-3 an d 2- 4 sh ow the fro nt and ba ck p ane ls of the AC1 05 6A - 4 . Table 2-2 describes its components. 5 2 Fig ure 2-3. AC 1056A - 4 fro nt p ane l. 1 1 1 1 Fig ure 2- 4.
724-746-5500 | Page 11 Chap ter 2 : O ver v iew T able 2- 2. AC 1056A-4 component s. Component Des cription 1 (4 ) HD 15 connectors Outputs 2 (1 ) HD1 5 connector Input 3 Pow er LED ( not.
724-746-5500 | Page 12 Chap ter 2 : O ver v iew 2 1 1 5 Fig ure 2-6 AC1 0 56A - 8 ba ck pan el. T able 2-3 . AC 1056A- 8 components. Component Des cription 1 (8 ) HD1 5 connectors (o n b .
724-746-5500 | Page 13 Chap ter 3 : I ns tallati on 3. In s ta llatio n 1 . For the 2-por t model (AC 1056A-2), you’l l need two H D 15 male-to-male output cables (one of these c ables is included). Y ou’ll also need one input cable (includ- ed).
724-746-5500 | Page 14 Chap ter 3 : I ns tallati on / Chap ter 4 : Op eration 2. Y ou’ ll a lso nee d to conne ct th e C ompa c t Vi deo Spl itter’ s in put c onnector to t he VGA sour ce. Use an HD1 5 male- to-male cabl e (inc lud ed) for this conn ec tio n.
724-746-5500 | Page 15 Appe ndix : T roubleshooting Appen dix. T roubleshooting A . 1 Co nt ac tin g Bla ck Box If y ou det ermin e tha t you r C ompa c t Vi deo Spl itter is malfu nctioni ng, do not attemp t to alter or repair the unit. It contains no user-serviceable part s.
Chapte r Page 900 724-746-5500 | B L A C K B O X ® Gr eat te ch s upp ort is ju st 30 se con ds awa y at 724-746-5500 or Black Box T ech Support: FREE! Live.
An important point after buying a device Black Box AC1056A-8 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Black Box AC1056A-8 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Black Box AC1056A-8 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Black Box AC1056A-8 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Black Box AC1056A-8 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Black Box AC1056A-8, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Black Box AC1056A-8.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Black Box AC1056A-8. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Black Box AC1056A-8 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center