Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 2662 ACR Electronics
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Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D II Please read this first! Warning: Although ACR strives for accuracy in all its public ations; this material may contain errors or omissions, and is subject to change w ithout prior notice. ACR shall not be made liable for any specific, indirect, incidental or consequential da mages as a resul t of its use.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D III 1 S TARTING THE NAUTICA ST ................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Initial Set Up of the NAUTICAST f or operation .................................
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D IV History of Change s Date Version Rev. Status Comments Responsible 200 5-11-01 1.0 .0 A Released Initial Release A. Lesch 2006 -07-25 1.0.1 B Released Editorial w ork 2006 -11- 06 1.0.2 C Released Screen Display Updates 2008 - 12 - 05 1.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 1 1 Starting the NA UTICAST 1.1 Initial Set Up o f the NAU TICAST for operation NOTE: A UT HORITIES M A ND A T E THAT YOU ENTE R THIS INFORM A T ION. After install ing the antennas and hardware the following User, Voyage related and Ship Settings data needs to be entered.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 2 1.2 Entering the M MSI / IMO / DA C / ESN Numbers Select from the Main Menu “Serv i ce Configura t ion ” Number 6 . The default password from the factory is men tioned on y our AIS display at the protection foil. (see Appendix 7.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 3 No.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 4 1.3 Entering Ship Settings .
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 5 Setting the In ternal and Externa l GPS A ntenna Position. NOTE: It is critica l for the proper orien t at ion of your ship to other AIS users to enter this data accurate l y . Example : Len gth of ship / convoy = 220m and Be am of ship / convoy = 43m.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 6 Sub Menu No.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 7 No.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 8 Mask input: Scroll t he Data Fields with [Enter] and input the UN destination codes as well as the ETA (estimated time of arrival) data. Save the new settings b y pressing [Save], and r eturn to the Main Menu Screen by pressing [Exit].
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 9 1.5 Service and User Passwords WARN ING: It i s very i mportan t t hat the Service password not be lost . The default password f rom the factory is mentioned on your AIS display at the protection f oil. (see Appendix 7.3 for password information) .
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 10 Service Menu Exa mple: Service Pass w ord Men u Example : Enter the new Passw ord: T hen push Ente r (M5). Repeat the new Password: Then Push Enter (M 5). A minimum o f 6, a maximum of 8 characters are allowed. Should the new passw ord include numbers, use the shift key to generate them.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 11 Changing the User Pass word .
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 12 Press Save to s tore the changes. 2 NAUTICA ST™ I nl and AIS User Inter face 2.1 NAUT I CAST Key board The NAUTICAS T is fitted w ith a full alphanumeric keyboard, wi th the following functions : By pressing any key on the key board the letters a re addressed.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 13 2.3 Explanation of the Nu m -Locked and [NUM] F uncti ons The NU M-Locked function is enabled af te r pressi ng the Function [ Fn ] Key and the Shift [ ] Key. It is possible to disab le the Num-Loc k Fun ction by pressing the Shift [ ] Key .
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 14 3 NAUTICA ST Screen s The advanced versi on of the NAUTICAST offers three display modes: Navigation Screen - Standard screen, au tomatically visible Menu Structu re - Visible af.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 15 3.1.1 Own Vessel Data LAT:N 1°27.845'ExtSOG:34.6kn 05/26/06 LON:E 0°21.289'ExtCOG:173.0° 10:52:26 LAT: Latitude LON: Longitude Date: The actual UTC - date (MM.DD.YY) and time ( are display ed on t he top right hand corne r of this v iew.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 16 3.1.2 Other Vessel Data 001/021..SHIPNA ME....RN G.BRG..SOG..CO G.. 001/021 (E.g: Vessel 01 of 021) curr en t or selected Vessel/ T o tal number of Vessels (max.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 17 3.1.4 Other Vessel Deta i ls This screen shows the Dynamic, Voyage and Vessel Related Data, w h ich is currently being transmitted by a previousl y selected vessel .
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 18 This in formation indicates the Re f erence Point of the used GPS Ant enna onboard the vessel. RefPoint:A190 B120 C1 0 D<63m A: 190m B: 120m C: 10m D: >63m (means m o re than 63m i n the case of a very large vessel) Vessels Cargo: Indicates the t y pe of cargo on board.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 19 To call up the Mai n Menu, press the [Menu] button once, and all Submenus are display ed. The cursor posi tion indicates the sel ected submenu. Menu navigation is achiev ed b y pressi ng the [Up] or [Down] keys t o select, and then by pressing [Enter] to con firm the desired Sub menu selection.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 20 NOTE: The nav igation screen automatical ly appears after some seconds of user inactivi ty on the transponder, or immediatel y by pressing the [ Menu] button in the Mai n Menu. 3.4 Sub-Menus Ov erviewMessages 3.4.2 A IS Status 3.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 21 3.4.4 Ship Settings – (User Pass word Protected) 3.4.5 Transpond er Configuration – (User Pass word Protected) 3.4.6 Service Configura t ion – (Service Pass w ord Pr otected) N 1 o 19' E 0 o 12' |1>0.01|2>1.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 22 3.4.7 Display Settings 3.4.8 Graphical Disp lay Settings N 1 o 21' E 0 o 15' |1>0.10|2>1.30|3>1.80nm *********** Display Settings *********** Mode | +- [*] Da.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 23 3.5 Sub-Menus Detai led 3.5.1 Messages Dynamic Key s: Messag es [M5] [Select] Select chosen Submenu [Enter] Confirm Message Submenu Selection [M8] [Back] Return to Mai n Menu Screen [Up] / [Down] Navi gate S ubmenu for Selection Writing Message s: This screen prov ides a means to w rite and send mes sages.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 24 a) Writing an Addres sed M essag e To write a Sa f ety Related M essage first select an addressee from the Vessel Listing. This is possible by using the cursor but tons [Up] and [Dow n], and confirmin g the selection wi th [Enter] or [Select ].
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 25 Dynamic Key s: A ddressed Message Edi tor [M5] [Send] Send Messa ge [Enter] Send Message [M6] [Channel] Select Transmission Channel [M7] [Channel] Select Transmission Channel [M.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 26 .
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 27 e) Confirmation o f Broadca st Sent Message This Confirma t ion Screen shows that the message was successfully t rans mitted on the Broadcast Set ting. By pressing [Back] the user automatical ly retur ns to the Message Edi tor for f u rther Messaging.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 28 Handling a Long Range Interroga t ion (LRI) Default Settin gs for LRI Reques t s: A utomatic Mode : T he LR I is automati cally dealt wi th and own vessel data is sent.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 29 An LRI has arriv ed; the NAUTICAST Settin g s ar e configured to Manual Mode : The LRI therefor e needs to be manually handl ed (accepted or re jected) Dynamic Key s: LRI in the.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 30 Inbox History: Overview of Received Messages an d Alarms Message Ty pes: Description ASRM Addressed Safety Related M essag e BSRM Broadcast Sa fety Related M essage ALR Alarms (.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 31 ASRM*13:42 HI GH WINDS IN AREA! 5004 Addressed Safety Related M essage, unacknowledged by recipient, arrived at 13:42, with text .
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 32 ASRM: Information Time 17:39 Date 11/26 (mm.dd) POS 01/02 (M essage 01 of 02) Message Ty pe AddressedSRM Status * (not acknow ledged) MMSI o f Sende r 5004 Channel Incoming AIS Chann el ACK Message not y et acknowledged A LR – Reading Incoming A larms: ALR: Information Time 17:36 Date 11/26 (mm.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 33 h) .
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 34 i) .
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 35 Mod.: A IS Transmission Mode AU Autonomous AS Assigned IN Interrogation/Pol led Mode ?? Unknown Used Channel AIS1, AIS2 Syn.: (UTC source ) D UTC direct I UTC indirect B Sync to Base A Sync to mobile w ith the most re ceived stations ( Semaphore) RXVe: Total number o f all receiv ed st ations by the individual vessel.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 36 Reference Point (in meters): This in formation indicates the Re f erence Point of the used GPS Antenna onboard the vessel. RefPoint: A190 B1 20 C1 0 D>63m A: 190 m B: 1 20 m C: 10m D: > 16m Vessels Cargo: Indicates the ty pe of cargo on board N/A or harmless Further Vessel Details: Draught : 3.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 37 m) Security Log The Security Lo g is implemented to show the sw itched off time s of the transponde r. In standard opera tion, this Lo g should not contain any entries.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 38 N 1 o 20' E 0 o 13' |1> N/A|2>0.00|3>0.10nm | ---------------------------------- | Menu -----| | | + - 1. Messages View | + - 2. AIS Status | + - 3 . Voyage Settings -----| + - 4. Ship Settings | + - 5. Transponder Configuration Msg.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 39 The password query field appears . Input new User Password and press [Enter]. G en eral Settings No.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 40 NavS tat Navi gational Status Under way using engine At anchor Not under command Restricted maneu verability Constrained by her draught Moored Aground Engaged in fishing Under w.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 41 Person s on Boa rd o .
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 42 Input String: Direct input of the destination string. ETA (estima t ed time of arr iv al) has to be entered separately N 1 o 18' E 0 o 12' |1>0.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 43 Mask input: Scroll t he Data Fields with [Enter] and input the UN destination codes as well as the ETA (e stimated time of arriv al ) data. Save the new settings b y pressing [Save], and r eturn to the Main Menu Screen by pressing [Exit].
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 44 3.5.3 Ship Set tings (User Pa ssword Protected) or press No.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 45 Example: Length (of the co m plete convoy ) = 400m Beam (of the co m plete c onvoy) = 32m Internal GPS-Antenna is mounted 20 metres from stern and 24 me t res from starboa rd.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 46 After the Ship Set tings hav e been input and sav ed, this screen appea rs . [Exit] takes the use r b ack to the M ain M enu. GPS A ntenna Mounting It is important to inp ut t h e ex act mounting positi on of the GPS Antenna on the vessel as this influences the accu r acy of the display ed t arge t in an ECDIS.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 47 3.5.4 T ransponder Configura tion (User Pass w ord Protected) The Configuration M enu allows the user t o al ter the hardware-based parameters. User Password Con figuration is also unde rt a ken here. A ccessing the Configuration Settings: The Configura tion Menu is User Passw ord protected.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 48 Incorrect User Pas sword Inpu t If the incorrect User Passw ord is input, the screen below appears. Dynamic Key s: User P assword Input (Acces s Denied) [M5] [Exit] Return to Ve.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 49 Dynamic Key s: Initia l User Password Se tting [M5] [Enter] Confirm User Password Input [M8] [Back] Return to Menu Configuration This screen appears if the new User Passwords are mismatched - i.e. the New User Password and the Repeated New User Password are not identical.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 50 The new User Passw ord configuration has been sav ed. b) Region Settin gs A Region is a def ined area, w ith spe cifi c VHF parameters, which are sent out by Vessel Traffic Servi ce Stations (VTS), and received vi a Digital Selectiv e Calling (DSC ) or AIS.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 51 Overvie w of Region Settings Name Region Number Number of pre-defined Region Valid OK Status of Region Setting - OK: Stored and Valid Source A:AddrChM A: Addressed Channel Management (Msge. 22) Source: VTS via AIS B:BcastChM B: Broadcast Channel Management (Msge.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 52 Input Modes fo r New Reg ions Data Field Field Description Input Modus A dditional Information NE LAT(1) Latitude N/E co rner Manual Input Degrees and minute s NE LON(1) Longitu.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 53 d) Interrogation Set t ings This screen allows setting s for modes of r e sponse to Long Range Interroga tion Requests (LRI). It is possible to set the AIS station to respond automatically or manually to LR Interrogations, and det er mine whi ch vessel data may be interrogated.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 54 Replying to a Lo ng Range In terrogation Requ est: The arriv al of an LRI is show n in the Navigation S creen (top right hand cor ner: * 1L ) The detailed LRI is automatically stored in M enu 1:M essages, Sub menu: 6 Inbox LRI, where the request can be read and replied to.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 55 e) Sensor Settin gs Within t his service password protected menu t he NAUTICAST offers the following configuration options: Set up data speed 4800 /9600/38400 baud. Monitor the connec t ed s ensor inputs for each se nsor channel.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 56 f) Inland AIS Con f iguration / Blue Sign This screen allow s the user to t o ggle the quality of the speed , course or headi ng informa tion received from an external dev ice. T hese settings are normally set to low. NOTE: It is hi ghly recommended t o ke ep the settings on low .
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 57 3.5.5 Serv i ce Con figuration (Serv i ce Pass word Protected) The Service Conf i guration Menu allows initial configuration of the Service Password, Password Settings (on/off), MMS I/IMO Numbers a nd the option of resetting the NAUTICAST to Factory Settin g s.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 58 g) Change Service Passw o rd This screen provides a means to indiv idually configure the Servi ce Pass word. This password .
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 59 h) User Password Set tings Change User Pass word Protection : This f unc tion allows the user to enable or disable the User Password Q uery Function. For security reasons, it is highly recommended to enabl e User Password Protection in order to avoid unau thorized Transponder ope ration.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 60 i) Changing the MMSI / IM O / DAC / ESN Nu mbers Mention ed DAC and ESN number s are only avai lable in Inland AIS - M ode . .
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 61 No.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 62 j) Changing the A IS Mode press No.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 63 No.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 64 k) Restore Facto ry Settings CAUTION: By acknow ledging the return to Factory Settings Co mmand, all previ ous sett in g s , both the User and Serv ice Passwords and all manual .
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 65 3.5.6 Display Settings It is possible t o choose from Daylight and Nightlight Display Setting s ; it is further possibl e to adjust the Bri ghtness and Contrast Settings for both Di splay Settin g s. The maximum setting for Bri g htness and Contra st is <9>, the minimum setting i s <0>.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 66 The main features o f this Graphical User Interface ( GUI) are the two new view options: - Radar View The typical w a y of prese nting traffic information o n scr een s - Fairwa.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 67 3.6.1 Switching bet w een the Views Navigation Screen pressing [M2] leads to R adar View pressing [M2] leads to Fair w ay View pressing [M2] leads y ou back to Navigation S creen LAT:N 1 o 27.845'ExtSOG:34.6kn 05/26/2006 LON:E 0 o 21.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 68 3.6.2 The Radar Vie w This screen provides the user with a commonly used way of representing ship objects on an electronic device. The Radar View is northern orientated, as indicated by the compass on the very right top of the screen.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 69 Dynamic Key s: Radar View [M1] Set filter option on AIS Targets [M2] Switch betwee n the views [M3] Show al arm window [M5] Acknowledge alar ms or sa fety related messages (SRM .
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 70 This screen show s a 1 st ep scrolling in a southern direction . This screen show s a 2 st ep scrolling in a southern direction . The Minimized Radar Vie w The minimiz ed radar view sho w s a spl it scree n. On the le ft hand side a Ship List is display ed, on the right hand side a minimized view of the Radar View is visible.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 71 The Elements in the Minimized Radar View: “Message Write” Button: By pressing the [M4] butt on , a message can be sent to an AIS target that is currently selected in the Ship Li st. Ship List: This list show s the same targets as show n in t he N avigation Screen.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 72 Ship Details If a tar get is selec ted by pressing [Enter], whether in the Ship List or direct ly in the graphical view , the corresponding ship detail s are display ed instead of the mini mized vi ew. Pressing [ Up ] or [Dow n] scrolls the ship detail list by line, [Left] or [Ri ght] by page.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 73 Compass Own Ship AIS Targets Horizontal Lines Fairway Lines.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 74 The Elements in the Fair way View: Compass: Shows the current COG. Fairway Lines : The Fairway L ines are border lines of a virtual fairway oriented on the actual course over ground. A IS-Targets : Other AIS targets received via VHF are displayed, if their dis tance is w ithin the r an ge of the current zoom l evel.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 75 Zoom Level 2 would look l ike this: The Minimized Fairway Vie w The minimized Fairw ay View shows a split screen. On the left hand side a Ship List is display ed and on the ri ght hand side a minimiz ed Fairway V iew is seen. This view is display ed, if one of the cursor keys is pressed.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 76 Ship List / Mini mized Vie w Switch: This switch indicates whether targets can be selected f ro m the Ship List or f rom the minimized view. If the arrow above the [M6] points to the left, targets can be selected from the Ship List with the [Up] and [Down] buttons.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 77 3.6.4 Message and A larm Han dling A larms If an alarm occurs , the sy m bol to the right of the [ M3] button becomes visible. Pressing the [M 3] button show s t he detail s of the selected aler t . Pressing [M5] leads to alarm acknowledgement and the closure of the window as well as the alarm icon disappearing.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 78 3.6.5 Configuration of the Grap hical Display General The configuration of the Gr aphical Display could be accessed over the entry point 8 of the Main Men u. The Configura tion Menu allow s the user to alter th e parameters of the G raphical Di splay.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 79 Sub-Men u Content Fairway View Scale Settings of the Geometry and Scal e of the Fairway View Fairway View Symbols Symbol sett ings of t h e Fairway View (also the minimized Fair.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 80 NOTE: The Fairw The follow ing drawing il lustrates the parameters from the Fairway View Scale M enu and additionally presents the transfor mation process from the Radar View to the Fairway View.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 81 Fairway Vie w Symbols Dynamic Key s: Fair way View Sy mb ols [M5] [Save] Save the settin g s [M8] [Back] Return to Graphical Display M enu The symbols for the own ship and for other tar gets could be selected individual ly.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 82 Radar Vie w Symbols Parameter Symbol Standard Standard + Vecto r s Standard Solid Standard Solid + Vectors Solid Reduced (3x3) NOTE: Other Sy mbols (i.e.: for a Base Station) are fixed Dynamic Key s: Radar View Symbols [M5] [Save] Save the settin g s [M8] [Back] Return to Graphical Display M enu N53°31 E10° 1 |1>0.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 83 Other Settings Inside this menu it is possible to adjust the graphical view to your demand. The available functions cov er the topics: o AIS-t a rget filter settin g s o Enabling / disabling the A uto Zoom feature w ith max.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 84 Save On all of the desc ribed options inside the Configuration of the Graphical User Interface you could save y our settings by pressing the [M2] Butt on.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 85 4.1 MOB Person ov er Board By pressing t he MOB button the current navigation position of own vessel and time of incident is automaticall y saved.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 86 4.2 A ctivating the SRM Saf ety Related Message Button The desired Distress M e ssage T ex t can be selected by pressing the appropriate nu mber on the keyboard. By pressing the [Exi t] button, it is possible to escape fro m this screen without sending the SRM M essa ge.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 87 Dynamic Key s: Send SR M Message [M5] [Send] Send selected SRM Messa ge [M8] [Back] Return to SRM Message Selection Confirmation o f sent SRM: Upon sending the SRM to all v essels the Broadcast Transmissi on Stat us is show n.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 88 NOTE: The SRM message transmission is automatically repeated every 180 seconds until the [Stop] button has been pressed. Each SRM Message that is sent out every 180 seconds contains updated navigation information o f own vessel posi tion and actual time .
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 89 5 Troublesho oting 5.1 Reading and unde rstanding A larms: The NAUTICAS T differentiates between Alarm and TXT messages. An Alarm informs the user about ma jor system mal functions and fail ings in the connected sen sors. The Alarm Status informs the user about all active Alarms.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 90 5.2 A larm Cod es ID Description Text Cause/Source System Reaction / Remedy 01 AIS: Tx malfunction VHF Antenna, cabling Reaction: The transponde r unit stops trans mission. I f Alarm ID 01 and ID 02 are simultaneously displaye d, then a major antenna proble m has arisen.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 91 56 AIS: ENTER MMSI NUMBER No valid MMSI entered. .
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 92 6 Contact and Support Informat ion Contact your loca l dealer for NAU T ICAS T suppo rt. Please see our AC R Website for Se rvice Listing. ACR Electronics Europe G mbH Handelskai 388 / Top 632 A- 10 20 Vienna, Aust ria Tel: +43 (1) 5 237 237 - 0 Fax: +43 (1) 5 237 237 - 150 Email: Techni cal.
Y1 - 03 -0211 Rev D 93 7 Appen dix 7.1 Explanation of com monly used Abbrev iati ons Abbreviation Full Text A/B (A+B) AIS Channel 1 / A IS Channel 2 ACK Acknowledgement AddrChM Addressed Channel Manag.
7.2 ERI ship ty pes This table is used to automatically convert the selected UN ship types, which are used in Inland message 10, to the IMO type s which are used in IMO message 5.
code U ship name Msg 5 (1- 99) Ship Ty p e - SOLA S dig1 dig2 Type (first dig it) Cargo (Second digit) 8170 V Freightbarge w ith c ontainer s 8 9 Tanker No additional in formation 8180 V Tankbarge, ga.
code U ship name Msg 5 (1- 99) Ship Ty p e - SOLA S dig1 dig2 Type (first dig it) Cargo (Second digit) 8441 V Ferry 6 9 Passenger Sips No additional in formation 8442 V Red cross ship 5 8 Medical tran.
7.3 Password Sett ings This AIS transponder has two level s of passw ord- .
ACR Electronics Europe Gm bH page 1 of 1 2008-08 EC - DoC Nautica st Inland AIS.docx EG - Konformitätserklärung EC - Declaration of Conformity Diese Konformitätserklärung bes tätigt, dass das unt.
ACR Electronics Europe GmbH page 1 of 1 2008-09 EC - DoC Co mrod AC17.docx EG - Konformitätserklärung EC - Declaration of Conformity Diese Konformitätserklärung bestätigt, dass das unten ben annte Zubehör gleich oder besser dem im unt enstehenden Zertifikat ausgewiesenen Zubehör ist.
ACR Electronics Europe Gmb H page 1 of 1 2008-10 EC - DoC Comrod AV7.docx EG - Konformitätserklärung EC - Declaration of Conformity Diese Konformitätserklärung bestätigt, dass das unten ben annte Zubehör gleich oder besser dem im unt enstehenden Zertifikat ausgewiesenen Zubehör ist.
ACR Electronics Europe Gm bH page 1 of 1 2008-11 EC - DoC GPS Antenna AIS-A W.docx EG - Konformitätserklärung EC - Declaration of Conformity Diese Konformitätserklärung bestätigt, dass das unten ben annte Zubehör gleich oder besser dem im unt enstehenden Zertifikat ausgewiesenen Zubehör ist.
An important point after buying a device ACR Electronics 2662 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought ACR Electronics 2662 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data ACR Electronics 2662 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, ACR Electronics 2662 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get ACR Electronics 2662 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of ACR Electronics 2662, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime ACR Electronics 2662.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with ACR Electronics 2662. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device ACR Electronics 2662 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center