Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product X6v VoIP Zoom
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Contents 1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................................5 U SING THE C ONFIGURATION M ANAGER .........................................
CODEC C ONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................... ........31 CODEC C OMMAND S TRINGS ...................................................................
1 Introduction This document describes t he ADSL X6v modem's VoIP features. It provides information about the VoIP configuration parameters and explain s how to view and modify them using the Configuration Manager interface or by downloading configuratio n file s via the VoIP Subsystem's update mechanism.
Downloading Configuration Files Configuration files are prep ared and stored on the serv ice provider’s update se rver. At power up, reboot, or configurable periodic int ervals, the VoIP Subs ystem can contact an update server. When it contact s the update server, the VoIP Subsystem provides uni que identificatio n.
2 Changing Configuration Parameters As administrator ( admin ), you can view and modify the VoIP conf iguration parameter value s described in this Technical Reference a nd set user access privileges for each parameter. Se e Chapters 3 through 10 for a description of the available menus and configu rable parameters.
3 System Parameters You can use the VoIP -> Advanced VoIP Setup -> VoIP System menu to config ure overall system settings. The menu items include: • VoIP System Identification • Date/Time .
Parameter Description Default NTP IP Address Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) (including an optional p ort number) for the NTP/SNTP timeserver server time-a.
Note : You must change the VoIP Subsystem IP/DNS conf ig uration settings first to the new subnet if you change the LAN subnet of your X6v. HTTP / T elnet / FTP Server Parameter Description Default HT.
Parameter Description Default Configuration Upda te Periodic Delay(s) Periodic delay between co nfiguration update checks (in second s - limit 4,294,967,296) 76400 Configuration Upda te Random Delay(s.
Parameter Description Default Debug Level SIP S ession I nitiation P rotocol debug 0 Debug Level Net Network debug 0 Debug Level PMP P ort M apping P rotocol d ebug 0 12 X 6v VoIP Featu res Technical .
4 VoIP Accounts You can use the VoIP > Advanced VoIP Se tup > VoIP Accounts menu to configure user accou nts for up to four providers. The menu items include: • My VoIP Account • Accounts 2, 3, and 4 Logging in to the Configuration Manager To access the VoIP menus, you must log in to the Configuration Manager .
The VoIP Express Setup page is affected by settings on the My VoIP Account page. Six parameters on this page are drawn from the My VoIP Account page, Turn My VoIP Service (On/Off), and the five parameters beginning My … . The user is granted the same a ccess to these parameters throu gh the Express page as through the My VoIP Account page.
Parameter Description Default Auth Domain Specifies the authentication domain name corresponding to the Authentication User Name. This field must match the authentication realm URL assigned by the service provider. It must NOT be translated into any dotted-decimal addre ss equivalent.
Parameter Description Default Dial Prefix Contains the dial string pat tern matching used to distinguish and route calls to a VoIP service provider. The default for My VoIP Account is null (that is, all calls are routed via this account, unless prece ded by a prefix defined for accounts two through four).
Parameter Description Default My Caller ID When I Call Someone Holds the number that can be displayed at the receiving party’s phone when the user makes a call from the VoIP Subsystem to another SIP phone.
Parameter Description Default ReReg Interval (s) Sets the default registration update period in seconds. Once the peri od has expired, the VoIP Subsystem must re-register to prevent service interruption. 120 Subscribe Domain Fully qualified domain name (with optional port number) for the SIP registration server.
5 VoIP Parameters You can use the VoIP > Advanced VoIP Se tup > VoIP Parameters menu to configure variou s common aspects of the VoIP Subsystem device.
RTP Protocol P arameters Parameter Description Default Base RTP port (1024-65535) The minimum IP port number for RTP traffic. Can be used in conjunction with firewall mappings. 1234 Maximum RTP port (1024-65535) The maximum IP port number for RTP traffic.
6 SIP Parameters You can use the VoIP > Advanced VoIP Setup > SIP Parameters menu to config ure particular aspects of the S ession I nitiation P rotocol ( SIP ) implem entation.
Parameter Description Default NAT Keep Alive Enable Send periodic SIP messages to ke ep port mapping active Enabled NAT Keep Alive Interval (s) Periodic interval for SIP keep alive messages (in second.
SIP Protocol Timers Parameter Description Default SIP Timer INVITE Expires (s) The time (in seconds) after whi ch an INVITE request expires. 180 SIP Timer Re -INVITE Expires (s) The time (in seconds) after which a retransmitted INVITE request expires.
7 Regionalization You can use the VoIP > Advanced VoIP Se tup > Regionalization menu to configure the VoIP Subsystem for local operating conventions.
A negative dBm level can be offset by ipbx_tone_gain . Allowed values for freq are from 0 to 3000Hz. Allowed values for db levels are from –1 to –40 dB. tone_on_timeX and tone_off _timeX are interleaved Tone On and Tone Off durations in msec. A value of zero for a Tone On time indicates a continuous tone.
Parameter Description Default (North America) Station Call Waiting Tone Default Call waiting pattern for station to station calls. Applies to multi-port units only.
Standard Ringing P atterns Ring patterns are specified by a list of values indi cating the frequen cy, number of on/off transitions, and Ring On/Ring Off times.
Distinctiv e Ringing Patter ns Parameters Parameter Description Default (All Regions) Distinctive Ring 1 Specifies the pattern for Ring 1 20 2 0 2000 4000 Distinctive Ring 2 Specifies the pattern for .
V oice and T one P arameters The parameters in the followin g sections control the connection to the local ph one (FXS) port on the VoIP Subsystem. This includes control of both the Subscriber Line Interface Circuit (SLIC) and S ubscribe r L ine A udio C ircuit ( SLAC ) that together make up the FXS port.
SLAC Configuration Parameters Parameter Description Default Port Impedance (See the Values for Port Impedance table.) Synthetic impedance matching net work control for a choice of one of 10 common wor.
Index Default Country 4 270 + 750 || 150 nF Sweden/CTR21 5 220 + 820 || 120 nF Germany/Austria/Australia/New Zealand #1 6 220 + 820 || 115 nF Bulgaria/South Africa/Slovakia 7 370 + 620 || 310 nF UK #1.
Parameter Description Default Caller ID Type 1 Mode Caller ID type 1 (on-hoo k) mode (None, Belcore MDMF, Belcore SDMF, ETSI WINK, ETSI RING, DTMF) Belcore MDMF Caller ID Type 2 Mode Caller ID type 2 .
CODEC Command Strings The CODEC initialization commands pro vide a method to set up the device for unusual conditions. Do not change the default value unless the factory has in structed you to do so. Parameter Description Default Initialization Commands Specifies device setup for unusual conditions.
8 Subscription Services You can use the VoIP > Advanced VoIP Se tup > Subscription Services menu to config ure the VoIP Subsystem for the specific advanced service s permitted and/or supporte d.
Parameter Description Default Distinctive Ring Enables customer use of d istinctive ring service Enabled Disturb Accept Enable s customer use of do not disturb accept service Enabled Blocked Number En.
Dialing P arameters Parameter Description Default Mode Mode allows selection of treatment of * and # as the leading digit of a dial string. These characters may be processed locally, or they may be passed through to the service provider.
Parameter Description Default Configure PSTN Dial Pattern (See VoIP and PSTN Dial Patterns , below.) Used to configure how the VoIP Subsystem handles PSTN dial strings. Hot Line Dialing If enabled, the VoIP Subsystem automatically dials the hot/warm dial string as soon as the telephone receiver is picked up.
You can use the dial patterns to change whi ch calls are sent via VoIP, and which are sent to the PSTN. For example, you might want to send all local call s via the PSTN, beca use these might be free on your PSTN line. You might also want to tailor the dial patterns to precisely reflect the format of telephone num bers in your location.
Parameter Description t Set digit timeout to default for current pattern. - (dash) Human-readable spaci ng which is ignored. (space) Human-readable spaci ng which is ignored. Notes: Interdigit timeout, or pause : By default, the device allows five (5) se conds between dialed digits.
#[1-9]e#r5xp3r*x is a string that is identical to the previous two, except for the first digit. This strin g supports cases where service provid ers use strings that start with # for various spe cial features or control purposes. This string is forwa rded to t he service provider only if the mode is set to Passthrough .
. 976 numbers in the US are premium-rate local numbers that may i ncur high per-minute charges. 1800r7x Recognize a 1800XXXXXXX number This tells the system to look at the first four digits of the entered number, and if they match 1800 to dial using 1800 plus the remaining seve n digits.
Bridging from PSTN to V oIP Parameter Description Default Bridge From PSTN to VoIP Enable or disable the bridge Disabled Auto Answer PSTN (FXO) Calls Enable or disable auto-answer PSTN call s Disabled.
Emergency Services and eServices Events The emergency service s numbers follow the same rules as those defined for th e pattern matching strings in Dialing Parameters on page 36 . The VoIP Subsystem allows flexible treatment of em ergency numbers. They ca n be sent either via the Internet or over the PSTN.
9 User Configuration You can use the VoIP > Advanced VoIP Se ttings > User Configuration menu to configure the VoIP Subsystem's user-specific settings.
Parameter Description Default Call Forward Priority Enables or disables priority call forwa rd Disabled Call Forward Always Number Specifies the call forward destination Call Forward on Busy Number Sp.
Parameter Description Default Block Listed Outgoi ng Calls Enables or disables the blocking of outgoing calls from specific numbers in the Blocked Call List Disabled Blocked Call List – 01 to 30 num.
Parameter Description Default Interdigit (10 ms) Specifies the amount of time the VoIP Subsystem waits after the dial string has matched a dial pattern.
Parameter Description Default Timeout Disconnec t (10 ms) The range is 0 to 65535 in units of 10 ms 85 (850 ms) Timeout Warning (10 s) When the telephone is off hook for too long, the alert tone is sent to the phone. The amount of time for the alert tone is specified by the alert duration.
10 Feature Codes Feature codes are used to acce ss advanced Cl ass 5 t elephony features. You can use the VoIP -> Advanced VoIP Settings -> Feature Codes m enu to configure the parameters.
Parameter Description Default Do Not Disturb Enable Enter do not disturb state *78 Do Not Disturb Disable Exit do no disturb state *79 Blocked Number Disable Cancel call lock - remove optional number .
NO TICE This document contains propr ietary information protecte d by copyright, and this Manual a nd all the accompanying hardware, software, and documentation ar e copyrighted. No part of this document may be photocopied or reproduce d by mechanical, electronic, or other means in any form.
An important point after buying a device Zoom X6v VoIP (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Zoom X6v VoIP yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Zoom X6v VoIP - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Zoom X6v VoIP you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Zoom X6v VoIP will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Zoom X6v VoIP, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Zoom X6v VoIP.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Zoom X6v VoIP. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Zoom X6v VoIP along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center