Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 5651A Zoom
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Deutsch ............................... 3 English ................................. 7 Español .................................. 10 Français . . .............................. 13 Português ............................. 21 Türkçe .................
3 ZOOM MODEM In dieser Quick Star t-Referenz wird beschrieben, wie Sie Ihr modem mit eine m Windows®-PC in stallieren. Das Benutzerhandbuch auf CD e nthält detaillie rte Informationen über erweiter te Funktionen und Installation sanweis-ungen für Benutzer von Macintos h®- und Linu x-Comput ern.
konnte, klicken Sie auf Diese Treibersoft w are trotzdem installieren . 5 Wenn Sie Ihren Internetdienstanbieter aus e iner Liste auswählen oder Ihr modem manuell einrichten möchten, beachten Sie bitte die Groß- /Kleinschreibung bei Ihrem Benutzernamen und Kennwort.
5 Tipps zur Problembehandlung Problem Die DSL -LED leuchtet permanent, aber ich kann keine Verbindung zum Internet herstellen. Überprüfen Sie Folgendes: • Wenn Sie einen Ethernet-Anschluss verwenden, prüfen Sie, ob die ETHERNET -LED (X5) oder LAN -LED (X3 und X4) des Modems leuchtet.
6 Um einen Telefonanruf zur technischen Unterstützung zu bilden, verwenden Sie eine der folgenden Zahlen : USA : (617) 753-0961 Vereinigtes Königreich : 08 70 720 0090 Portugal : +35 1221451012 Spanien : +34 911516304 die Schw eiz : +41 435000369 Bestimmungen Erklärung zu elektrostatischen Entladun gen Es ist u.
7 ZOOM MODEM Quick S t art This Quick Start tells you how to ins tall your modem with a Windows PC. Detailed information about advanced featur es and installation instruc tions for Macintosh and Linux are in the User Guide on the CD. The modem requires that you have ADSL ser vice, which is usually called DSL in the USA.
5 To test your installation, open your browser and go to a familiar Web site . If your browser works, installation is co mplete for the computer you used for setup.
9 • Your modem may not have connected to your Internet service. Turn off the modem, then turn it back on and wait a few minutes for the browser to work.
10 MÓDEM ADSL DE ZOOM Guía de Inicio Rápido Esta Guía de Inicio Rápido le indica como instalar su módem con un PC Windows ® . En la Gu ía del Usuario en el CD podrá encontr ar información más detallada e instrucciones de instalación para los usuarios de Macintosh y Linux.
5 Si te incitan incorporar tu nombre y contrase ña del usuario del proveedor del ADSL, recordar que estos términos son caso-sensibles. Tomará 1-3 minutos para establecer una co nexión con tu servicio del ADSL. Felicitaciones! Su instalación ya esta completa.
12 Consejos para De tección y Solución de Problemas Problema La luz del DSL de mi módem esta fijamente encendida pero no me puedo conectar a Internet. Verificar estos ite ms: • Si esta usando un puerto Ethernet, verificar que la luz ETH ERNET (X5) or LAN (X3 y X4) del módem este encendida .
13 MODEM ZOOM Ce Guide de démarrage vous indi que comment installer le modem et le l ogiciel sur un PC Windows. Des informations d éta illées sur les fonctions avancées et les instructions d’installation pour les utilisate urs Macintosh et Linux sont disponibles dans le gu ide de l’utilisateur, sur le CD.
4 Choisissez votre langue, sele ctionnez Assistant d'Installation , e t suivez les indications d’installation du modem. Windows Vista: Si un message d’erreur s’affic he, vous indiquant que Windo ws ne peut pas vérifier l'éditeur de ce logiciel, cliquez sur Installer ce logiciel .
15 Astuces de dépannag e Problème Le voyant DSL du modem est allumé mais je ne peu x pas me connecter à Internet. Vérifiez les éléments suivants : • Si vous utilisez un por t Ethernet, assurez-vous que le voya nt ETHERNET (X5) ou LAN (X3 et X4) d u modem est al lumé.
16 Si vous souhaitez appeler un technicien Zoom, le n ombre approprié dépend de votre pays : US : (617) 753-0961 Royaume-Uni: 0870 720 0090 Portugal : +35 1221451012 Espagne : +34 911516304 Suisse :.
17 Μοντεμ ZOOM ADSL Αυτή η Γρήγορη Εκκίνηση παρέχει οδηγίες για την εγκατάσταση του μόντεμ σας και του λογισμικού του σε έναν υπολογιστή με Windows ® .
4 Ακολουθήστε τα μηνύματα προτροπής που εμφανίζονται στην οθόνη για την Βοήθεια Εγ κατάστασης .
19 Συμβουλές Αντιμετώπισης Προβλημάτων Πρόβλημα Η λυχνία DSL του μόντε μ μου είναι σταθερά αναμμένη , αλλά δεν μπορώ να συνδεθώ στο Internet.
20 ειδικούς μας τεχνικής υποστήριξης και / ή να λάβετε πληροφορίες που αφορούν την εγγύηση .
21 MODEMS ZOOM ADSL E s t e B r e v i á r i o mostrará como você p oderá instalar seu modem e os respectivo s s o ft w a re s a tr a v és d e se u P C u t i li z a n do o Wi n d o ws .
Windows Vista: Se aparecer uma mensagem a indicar que o Windows não pode verificar o editor do software do co ntrolador, seleccione Instalar este controlador mesmo assim . Se são solicitados entrar seu Nome de usuá rio e Senha, lembra-se de qu e são sensíveis a maiúsculas e minúsculas.
23 Verifique estes itens: • Se uma porta Etherne t estiver sendo utilizada, verifique que a lâmpada ETHERNET (X5) ou LAN (X3 e X4) do modem está acesa. Se a lampa da não estiver com a indicação de acesa, faça um reinicialize seu computador. Se a lâmpada ainda não estiver ac esa, tente substituir o ca bo.
24 Informações Regulamentares Declaração de Desca rga Eletrostática A unidade pode exigir uma re inicialização após um evento de descarga eletrostática grave.
25 ZOOM ADSL MODEM Models 5651A, 5660A, 5615A, 1640A, 1645A, 1650 A, 5654A, 5624A, 1652A, 1654A Bu H ı zl ı Kurulum kitapç ı ğ ı , modeminizin ve modeme ait yaz ı l ı m ı n Windo ws ® bilgisayarlarda nas ı l kurulmas ı gerekti ğ ini anlatmaktad ı r.
Geli ş mi ş Öz ellikler Modemin kurulumu s ı ras ı nda varsay ı lan olar ak ayarlanan seçenekler ço ğ u kullan ı c ı için ye terlidir. Bununla birlikte modem ayarlar ı n ı de ğ i ş tirmek isteyenler veya gerek duyanlar, bunun için Advanced Setup (Geli ş mi ş Ayarlar) sayfas ı n ı kullanabilirler.
• Modeminizin tak ı l ı oldu ğ u prizin ADSL ha tt ı aç ı k m ı ? Ayr ı ca modem ile modemin tak ı l ı oldu ğ u duvar prizi aras ı nda herhangi bir telefon filtresi var m ı ? Böyle bir filtre tak ı l ı olmamal ı d ı r. • Telefon kablonuz ar ı zal ı m ı ? Farkl ı bir telefon kablosu deneyin .
De fabrikant verklaart geheel onder eigen verantwoorde lijkheid da t deze apparatuur voldoet a an Richtlijn 1999/5/ EC op grond v an het onderstaande. Dit product is voorzien v an de CE-markering. Le constructeur déclare sous son entière responsabili té que ce ma tériel est conforme à la Dire ctive 1999/5/EC via les d ocuments ci-dessous.
An important point after buying a device Zoom 5651A (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Zoom 5651A yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Zoom 5651A - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Zoom 5651A you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Zoom 5651A will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Zoom 5651A, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Zoom 5651A.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Zoom 5651A. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Zoom 5651A along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center