Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product XTZ12D(C) Yamaha
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DIC183 23P-28199-11 XTZ12D(C) OWNER’S MANUAL Read this manual carefully before operating this vehicle. LIT-11626-26-46.
EAU10042 Read this manua l carefully befor e operating this vehicle. This manual should s tay with this veh icle if it is sold. Page 1 Tuesday, August 7, 2012 4:57 PM.
INTRODUCTION EAU10083 Congra tulati ons on yo ur purc hase of th e Yama ha XTZ12 D(C). Th is model is the resu lt of Yamaha ’s vast ex perience in the produ ction o f fine sportin g, to uring, a nd pace setting racing machin es.
IMPORTANT MANUAL INFORMATION EAU1013 3 Parti cularl y impor tant in forma tion is di sting uished in this man ual by the follow ing nota tions: *Prod uct an d spec ifica tions are sub ject to ch ange wi thou t notic e. This is t he safety aler t symb ol.
IMPORTANT MANU AL INFORMATION EAU1019 3 XTZ12D(C) O WNER’S MANU AL ©2012 by Y amaha Mot or Corporat ion, U.S.A. 1st edit ion, August 2012 All right s reser ved. Any reprinting or una uthorized use without the written permissi on of Y amaha Motor Corporation, U .
TABLE OF CONTENTS LOCATION OF IMPORTANT LAB ELS ............. ........... ................. .... 1-1 SAFETY INFORMATION ... ...............2-1 DESCRIPTION .. ................. ...............3-1 Left view ................ ........... ...............3-1 Right view .
TABLE OF CONTENTS Checking the steering ................ ... 7-29 Checking the wheel bea rings ....... 7-29 Battery ...... ................ ................. ... 7-29 Replacin g the fuse s .............. ........ 7-31 Replacin g a headli ght bulb ....
LOCATION OF IMPORTANT LABELS 1-1 1 EAU10384 Read an d und ersta nd all of the lab els on your v ehicl e. Th ey co ntain i mport ant inf orm ation f or sa fe and p roper oper ation o f your vehic le.
LOCATION OF IMPORTANT LABELS 1-2 1 TIRE INFORMA TION Cold tire normal pressure should be set as follo ws. • Up to 90 kg (198 lbs) load FRONT REAR : 225 kP a, (2.25 kgf/cm²), 33 psi : 250 kP a, (2.50 kgf/cm²), 36 psi • 90kg (198 lbs) ~ maximum load FRONT REAR : 225 kP a, (2.
LOCATION OF IMPORTANT LABELS 1-3 1 NEVER ride as a passenger if the passenger seat and grips are remov ed. 23P-2816J-10 W ARNING NO TICE Do not lift here, carrier may be damaged.
2-1 2 SAFETY INFORMATION EAU1031B Be a Respon sible Owner As th e ve hicle’ s ow ner, y ou a re res pon- sible f or th e safe and pro per oper atio n of your mo torcycle.
SAFETY INFORMATION 2-2 2 ● Many a ccid ents i nvolve i nexpe ri- enced op erator s. In fac t, many op - erator s who have been involve d in accide nts do not even have a c ur- rent mo torcycle licen se. • Make sur e that you are qua lified and tha t you on ly lend your mo- torcycl e to other qu alified op era- tors.
SAFETY INFORMATION 2-3 2 Carbo n Mo noxi de is a col orles s, od or- less, tas teless ga s which m ay be pres ent eve n if you d o not see or smell any engi ne exh aust. De adly leve ls of carbon m onoxide can collect rap idly and you can qu ickly be o vercome and unable to save yourself .
SAFETY INFORMATION 2-4 2 Genuine Yamaha Acc essories Choosin g accessorie s for your ve hicle is an impo rtant de cision. Gen uine Yam aha acc esso ries, wh ich a re av ail- able o nly fr om a Y amah a deal er, ha ve been de sig ned, tes ted, and ap prove d by Yama ha for use on your vehi cle.
SAFETY INFORMATION 2-5 2 Aftermarket Tir es and Rims The tire s and rims that came w ith your motor cycle we re design ed to mat ch the perfor mance ca pabilit ies and to provide the best c ombin ation of ha ndling , brak - ing, an d comfort . Other tires , rims, si z- es, and co mbinat ions may not b e appr opria te.
DESC RIPTION 3-1 3 EAU1041 0 Left view 13 2 76 5 4 10 9 8 1. Fuel tank cap (page 4-19) 2. Seat lock (page 4-22) 3. Carrier ( page 4-28) 4. Final gear oil filler bolt (page 7-15) 5. Final gear oil drain bolt (page 7-15) 6. Coolant reser voir (page 7-16) 7.
DESCRIPTI ON 3-2 3 EAU10420 Right view 2 1 4 3 8 5 6 7 9 14 11 13 12 10 1. Rear br ake fluid reservoir (page 7-24) 2. Shoc k abs orber assembly spr i ng preload adjusting knob (pag e 4-27) 3. F ront f o rk rebound damping force adjusting screw (page 4-25) 4.
DESC RIPTION 3-3 3 EAU1043 0 Controls and instruments 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 10 1. Clutch le ver (page 4-14) 2. Left handlebar s witches (page 4-13) 3. Clutch fluid reser voir (page 7-25) 4. Multi-function meter unit (page 4-6) 5. Auxili ar y DC jack (page 4-32) 6.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-1 4 EAU10461 Main switch/steer ing lock The main switch/ste ering lo ck controls the igniti on and l igh ting s ystem s, an d is used t o lock th e stee ring.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-2 4 To unl ock the steering Push the k ey into the main swit ch, and then turn i t to “O FF” wh ile s till push ing it.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-3 4 ● This mo del is also eq uipped with a self- diagnosi s dev ice for the oi l level d etection circuit. I f a prob lem is de tected in t he oil level de tection.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-4 4 Displa y Condi tions What to do Under 39 °C (Under 103 °F) Message “Lo” is displa yed. OK . Go ahead with r iding. 40–116 °C (104–242 °F) Coolant temperature is dis- pla yed. OK. Go ahead with riding.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-5 4 EAU11534 Engine trouble warning light “ ” This wa rning light come s on or f lashes if a pr oblem i s detec ted in the el ectric al circu it moni toring the en gine. I f this oc- curs, h ave a Ya maha de aler check the self- diagn osis system .
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-6 4 Try to r eset the tra ction c ontro l syste m and the l igh ts by fo llowin g the p roce - dures u nder “ Reset ting ” on p age 4- 18. EAU51532 Multi-function meter unit W ARNI NG EWA12422 Be sur e to stop the ve hicle before making any setting changes to the multi-function meter unit.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-7 4 ● an LCD and ta chom eter br ight- ness c ont rol mo de The lef t and r ight set butto ns, loca ted under t he displa y, allow you to con trol or ch ange the setti ngs in the mu lti-fun c- tion m eter unit.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-8 4 display is flas hing. If you do no t reset the fuel rese rve t ripmeter manua lly, i t reset s itself au tomati cally an d the dis - play re turns to the p rior mode aft er re- fuelin g an d trav eling 5 km (3 mi).
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-9 4 Air i ntake tempe ratur e, coola nt tem- perature, instantaneous fuel con- sumpt ion and aver age fu el consumption mo des Push the r ight button to sw itch th e.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-10 4 Insta ntane ous fu el cons umptio n mode The in stan taneou s fue l cons umptio n displa y modes “km/ L”, “L/100 km” or “MPG” show the fuel consu mpti on un- der th e cu rrent r iding condi tions . ● The “ km/L” disp lay sh ows t he di s- tance that can be trav eled on 1.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-11 4 Drive mode displa y This di splay indica tes which d rive mode ha s been sel ected: T ouring mode “T” or sports mode “S”. For more detail s on th e modes and on how t o se- lect the m, refer t o pages 4-1 2 and 4-14 .
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-12 4 NOT ICE ECA11590 If the di splay i ndic ates an e rror code, the vehicle should be checked as soon as possible in order to avoid engine damage.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-13 4 Touring mode “T” The to uring mode “T” is suitab le for var - ious ridin g conditio ns. This mode allows the r ider to enj oy smoo th drivab ility from th e low-spe ed range to the hi gh-s peed ra nge.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-14 4 EAU12711 Star t swi tch “ ” Push t his switch to c rank th e engi ne with the starte r. See pa ge 6-1 f or st art- ing ins truc tions pr ior to starting the en- gine.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-15 4 EAU12871 Shift pedal The s hift pe dal i s loca ted on the lef t side of t he m otorc ycle a nd i s use d in combina tion with the clut ch lever w hen shift ing the gears of th e 6-spee d con - stant-m esh tr ansmission equipp ed on this motorc ycle.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-16 4 Make s ure t hat th e appr opriat e set ting on the adj usting dial is a ligne d with the “ ” mark on the brake leve r. EAU49481 Brake pe dal The brake p edal i s on the right si de of the mot orcycle. To apply t he rea r brak e, pre ss down on the brake pedal .
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-17 4 TIP ● The ABS perf orms a se lf-diag no- sis te st each t ime the ve hicle f irst starts of f after th e key i s turned to “ON” an d the v ehicl e has t ravel ed at a sp eed of 10 km/h (6 mi/h ) or higher .
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-18 4 pro ach surf aces t hat ma y be slippery with c aution and avoid es- peci ally sl ipper y surfac es. There are thr ee trac tion control s ystem modes : ● “.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-19 4 To reset the t raction control syste m: Turn th e key to “OFF”. Wa it at lea st one second , then tu rn the key b ack to “ON ”. The t racti on co ntrol syste m in dica- tor/w arnin g light s hould go off a nd the system will be enabled.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-20 4 EAU13221 Fuel Make sure the re is suffici ent gasolin e in the tan k. W ARNI NG EWA10881 Gasoline and ga soline vapors are extremely flammable . To avoid fires and explosions and to r educe the risk of injury w hen ref ueling, f ollow these i nstr uctio ns.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-21 4 gasolin e of a diff eren t brand. Use of un- leaded fuel will extend spar k plug l ife and redu ce maint enance cost s. Gasohol There are two type s of gas oho l: gaso - hol cont aining et hanol an d that cont ain- ing met hanol .
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-22 4 NOT ICE ECA10701 Use only unleaded gas oline. The use of leaded gas oline will cause unre- pairable damage to the cataly tic converter. EAU49443 Rider seat To remov e th e rider seat 1. Insert th e key in to the seat lock, and th en tu rn it counte rclock wise.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-23 4 EAU49474 Adjusting the rider seat height The rid er sea t heig ht can be adjuste d to one of tw o positio ns to suit t he rider’s prefer ence. The ride r seat he ight wa s adjuste d to the higher posi tion a t deli very .
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-24 4 3. Instal l the rid er seat hei ght posi tion adjust er so t hat the match mark is alig ned wit h the “ H” mar k as shown. 4. Inser t the p roject ion on the rear of the ri der sea t into seat ho lder B as shown.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-25 4 TIP An accesso ry windshiel d is availa ble at your Yamaha dealer. The up per hole s are o nly to be use d for i nst allin g the ac - ce ssor y wind shi eld.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-26 4 Rebound damping force To inc rease the rebo und dam ping fo rce and ther eby ha rden th e rebou nd damp- ing, t urn the ad justin g screw on each fork leg in direc tion ( a).
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-27 4 EAU49690 Adjusting the s hock absorber assem bly This shock a bsorber as sembly is equip ped with a s pring preloa d adjus t- ing knob and a rebo und damp ing forc e adjust ing knob. NOT ICE ECA10101 To avoid damaging the mechanism, do not attempt to tur n beyond the maximum or minimum s ettings.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-28 4 W ARNI NG EWA10221 Thi s shock ab sorbe r assemb ly co n- tains highly p ressurized nitrogen gas. Read and understand the fol- lowing information before handling the shock ab sorber assemb ly. ● Do not tamper with or a ttempt to open the cylin der assembly.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-29 4 NOT ICE ECA16821 Do no t lift th e veh icle by either carri - er. EAU49490 Luggage strap holders There are fo ur lu ggage strap hold ers below t he passen ger seat . EAU15305 Sidestand The sidesta nd i s lo cated on th e left side of th e fram e.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-30 4 this syst em reg ularly and have a Yamaha dealer repair it if it does not function properly. EAU44902 Ignit ion cir cuit cut-of f syst em The ign ition circu it cut-of f system (c om- prising the side stand sw itch, clut ch switch a nd neutra l switch) has t he fol- lowing functi ons.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-31 4 With the engine turned off: 1. Move the sidestand do wn. 2. Make sure that the engine stop s witch is set to “ 3. T ur n the key on. 4. Shift the transmission into the neutral position. 5. Push the star t s witch.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-32 4 EAU49452 Auxiliary DC ja ck W ARNI NG EWA14360 To prevent electrical shock or short- circuiting, make sure that the cap is insta lle d when th e auxi liary D C jack is not being used.
FOR YOUR SAFETY – PRE-OPERATION CHE CKS 5-1 5 EAU15596 Inspect your vehic le each ti me you use it to make sure the vehi cle is in safe o peratin g conditio n. Alway s follow th e inspecti on and m ainte nance proc edures and s chedu les d escrib ed in t he O wner’ s Man ual.
FOR YOUR SA FETY – PRE-OPERATION CHE CKS 5-2 5 Rear brake • Chec k operation. • If soft or spongy , ha ve Y amaha dealer bleed hydraulic system. • Chec k brake pads f or wear . • Replace if necess ary . • Chec k fluid lev el in reser voir .
OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING PO INTS 6-1 6 EAU15951 Read the Own er’s Manual caref ully to becom e famili ar with al l contr ols. If ther e is a control or fu ncti on you d o not under stand, ask you r Yamaha dealer .
OPERATION AND IM PORTANT RIDING POINTS 6-2 6 a warning or i ndicator light rema ins on, see page 4-2 for the correspond- ing warning and indicator light cir- cuit ch eck.
OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING PO INTS 6-3 6 NOT ICE ECA10260 ● Even wi th the tran smiss ion in the neutral position, do not coast for long periods of time with the engine off, a nd do not tow the motorcycle for long dis - tances. The transmission is properly lubricated only when the engine is running.
OPERATION AND IM PORTANT RIDING POINTS 6-4 6 EAU16841 Engine break-in There is never a more impo rtant p eriod in the l ife o f your en gine than the perio d betw een 0 a nd 1600 km (100 0 mi). For this r eason, yo u should read th e follo w- ing mater ial c arefull y.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-1 7 EAU17244 Peri odic ins pecti on, ad justme nt, an d lu- bricat ion will keep your vehicle in the safest and most effici ent cond ition pos- sibl e. Sa fety is an obl igat ion of the ve hi- cle owne r/opera tor.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-2 7 EAU49561 Owner’s tool kit The owner’s tool kit is locate d behi nd cowlin g A. (See pa ge 7-9.) To acce ss the ow ner's tool kit, remo ve cowling A with the hex agon w rench , lo- cated on the bottom of the ri der sea t.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-3 7 EAU48490 TIP ● From 24 000 m i (37 000 km ) or 36 mont hs, re peat th e mai ntenan ce in terva ls star ting fr om 800 0 mi ( 13000 km) o r 12 months . ● Items ma rked with a n aster isk req uire s peci al tool s, dat a and t echni cal ski lls, h ave a Yam aha de aler p erfor m the se rvice.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-4 7 7 * Evaporative emis- sion control system (for Califo rnia onl y) • Check control sy stem for dam- age. • Replace if nec essary .
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-5 7 EAU32188 General mai nte nance and lubr ic ation c hart No. ITEM ROUTINE INITIAL ODOMETER READINGS 600 mi (1000 km) or 1 month 4000 mi (7000 km) or 6 month s .
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-6 7 9 * Wheel bearings • Check bearings for sm ooth oper- ation. • Replace if nec essary . √√√√√ 10 * Swingarm pivo t bearings • Check operation and for exces- siv e p la y . √√√√√ • Moderately repack with lit hium- soap-based grease.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-7 7 18 * Sidestand switch • Chec k operation and replac e if necessar y . √√√√√√ 19 * Fr ont for k • Chec k operation a nd for oil leak- age. • Replace if necessary . √√√√√ 20 * Shock absorber as- sembly • Chec k operation a nd for oil leak- age.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-8 7 EAU38440 TIP ● Air fil ter • This model’s air filter is eq uipped with a disposa ble oil-coat ed pa per ele ment, which must n ot be cl eane d with com- pres sed air t o avoi d damagi ng it.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-9 7 EAU18781 Removing and installing cowl- ings The cow lings sho wn need to be r e- move d to perfo rm some of th e mai nte- nanc e jobs descri bed in thi s chapter. Refe r to th is se ction e ach ti me a c owl- ing need s to be remo ved and in stalle d.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-10 7 To insta ll the c owling 1. P lace th e cowli ng in the origi nal posi tion, a nd th en in stall th e bo lts and the quick faste ners. 2. Instal l cowling A. EAU49550 Cowling C To rem ove the cowling Remov e the bolt s and the n uts, and then take the cowli ng off.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-11 7 EAU19652 Checking the spark plugs The s park p lugs are impo rtant en gine comp onent s, w hich sh ould be check ed perio dically, prefer ably by a Yam aha deal er.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-12 7 EAU19681 Canister (for Cal ifornia only) This mo del i s equi pped w ith a ca nister to preven t the disc hargin g of fuel va por into the atmo sphe re. Be fore op erat ing this ve hicle, ma ke sure to ch eck the fol - lowi ng: ● Check each h ose connect ion.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-13 7 4. Remo ve the en gine oi l filler ca p, the drai n bolt an d its g asket to drain the oi l from the oil ta nk. 5. Pl ace an oil pa n und er the engine to coll ect the u sed oil. 6. Rem ove th e engin e oil dr ain bo lt and it s gask et to drain the oil from the cra nkcase.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-14 7 TIP Make su re that the O-ri ng is properly seate d. 10. In stall the new oil filte r cartri dge with a n oil filt er wren ch, and t hen tight en it to the spe cified to rque with a torqu e wrench . 11. Insta ll the cowlin g.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-15 7 addition, do not use oils labeled “ENERGY CONS ERVING II” or higher. ● Make sure that no foreign mate- rial ent ers the cr ankca se. 14. Start th e engine , and the n let it id le for seve ral min utes while checking it fo r oil l eakage.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-16 7 To change the fina l gear oil 1. P lace t he ve hicle on a l evel s ur- face. 2. P lace a n oil pan u nder t he fina l gear case to coll ect the used oil. 3. Remove the fin al gear oil f iller bolt, the f inal ge ar oil drain bolt and th eir gask et to dr ain th e oil from t he fi nal gear case.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-17 7 3. If th e coolan t is at or be low the mini mum level mark, remove t he coolan t reser voir ca p. 4. Add co olan t or di stilled wate r to raise the coolan t to the max imum level ma rk, install t he coolant res- ervoir ca p.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-18 7 EAU36764 Air f ilter element The air f ilter eleme nt mus t be repl aced at the inte rval s spec ified i n the peri odic mainte nanc e and lub rica tion cha rt. Have a Yamah a deal er re place the air filter elem ent.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-19 7 EAU21401 Valv e clea rance The v alve cl earanc e chan ges w ith use , resultin g in i mproper air-f uel mixt ure and/o r engi ne noise .
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-20 7 Tire inspection Alway s chec k the tire s befor e operat ing the moto rcycl e. If a ti re tread shows cross wise l ine s (m inimum trea d de pth), if th e tire ha s a nail or glass f ragmen ts in it, or if the sidewa ll is cracked, con- tact a Yamaha de aler im mediat ely and have th e tire replac ed.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-21 7 W ARNI NG EWA10901 ● The front and rear tires should be of the sam e make and de- sign, otherwise the handling char acteri stics of the mo torcy- cle m ay be differ ent, which could lead to an accide nt.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-22 7 EAU42850 Clutch lever Sinc e this mode l is equipp ed with a hy - drauli c clutch, adjustin g the c lutch lever fre e play is not ne eded. However , it is necessary t o check the hydr aulic sys- tem for leaka ge bef ore ea ch rid e.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-23 7 EAU36503 Brake light s witches The brake light , whi ch is acti vated by the brake pe dal and br ake lev er, sh ould come on just be fore br aking takes e f- fect. If necessary, have a Yamaha d eal- er adjust the br ake light switche s.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-24 7 EAU40261 Checking the brake f luid lev el Befor e riding , check that the brake fluid is ab ove th e mini mum lev el mark . Check th e brake fluid level with the t op of the reservoir level. Replenish the brak e fluid if necess ary.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-25 7 flui d level goes d own su ddenly, h ave a Yama ha de aler c heck t he ca use be fore further riding. EAU22752 Changing the brake and clutch fluids Have a Ya.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-26 7 EAU44273 Checking and lubricating the brake and shift pedals The op eratio n of the brake and shi ft peda ls shou ld be c hecke d before each ride , and t he pedal p ivots sh ould be lu- bricate d if nec essar y.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-27 7 EAU23213 Checking and lubricating the centerstand and sidestand The op eratio n of the cen tersta nd and sides tand sho uld be ch ecke d befor e each r ide, and t he pivo ts and metal -to- met al cont act su rface s sh ould be lubr i- cated if necess ary.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-28 7 EAUM1652 Lubricating the swingarm piv- ots The swin garm pi vots must be lubricat- ed by a Yamah a de aler at th e inte rval s speci fied in the pe riodic main tenanc e and lubr icati on chart.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-29 7 EAU45511 Checking th e steering Worn or loos e ste ering beari ngs m ay caus e danger . Theref ore, the operati on of the steer ing must be checked as fol- lows a t the int erval s spec ified in the pe - riod ic ma intena nce and l ubri cation chart.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-30 7 skin, eyes or clothing and al- ways shield yo ur eyes when working near batter ies. In case of contact, admini ster the fol- lowing FIRST AI D. • EXTERNAL: Flush with plenty of water. • INTERNAL: Dr ink large quan- tities of water or milk and im- mediate ly call a phys ician.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-31 7 EAU49581 Replaci ng the fuses The fuse b oxes and the ABS motor fuse ar e loca ted be hind co wling A , and the ma in fuse is locat ed behi nd cowl ing B. ( See pa ge 7- 9.) If a fu se is blown , repl ace it as follow s.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-32 7 3. Turn t he key t o “ON” and turn on the el ectric al ci rcuit i n ques tion to chec k if th e dev ice op erates. 4. If the f use im mediat ely blow s again , have a Yama ha deal er check the electric al system.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-33 7 1. Rem ove the headli ght bu lb cove r by tur ning i t co unter clock wise. 2. Dis connect the headli ght coup ler. 3. Unh ook t he head light bu lb ho lder, and the n re move t he bur nt-out bulb. 4. Pl ace a n ew he adli ght bulb in to po - sition, a nd th en sec ure it with the bulb ho lder.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-34 7 EAU24181 Tail/brake light This m odel is equipp ed wit h an L ED- typ e tail/b rake li ght. If th e tail/ brake light do es not co me on, have a Yama ha dealer check it. EAU43004 Replacing a turn signal light bulb 1.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-35 7 EAU49721 Replacing a license plate light bulb 1. Rem ove t he l icense pl ate li ght un it bolt s. 2. Rem ove th e lice nse pl ate lig ht bu lb socket (tog ether w ith the b ulb) b y turni ng it counte rclockwise, and then pulling it out.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-36 7 EAU49624 Replacing an a uxiliary light bulb This mo del is equi pped with two auxil - iary lights . If an auxil iary li ght b ulb bur ns out, repl ace it as fo llows. 1. Remove th e windsh ield by remov - ing the screws.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-37 7 5. Rem ove th e au xilia ry lig ht bu lb socket (tog ether w ith the b ulb) b y turni ng the socket counterclock- wise. 6. Rem ove the burnt- out bul b by pull - ing it ou t. 7. Ins ert a new bu lb i nto the socket .
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-38 7 EAU25871 Troubleshooting Althou gh Yam aha moto rcycl es recei ve a thor ough i nspec tion be fore s hipme nt fro m the factor y, trou ble may occu r dur- ing o perat ion. A ny prob lem in the f uel, compre ssion, or ignitio n systems, for exam ple, ca n caus e poor s tart ing and loss of powe r.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-39 7 EAU42504 Troubleshooting charts Starting problems or poor engine performance Check the fuel level in the fuel tank. 1. Fuel There is enough fuel. There is no fuel. Check the battery. Supply fuel. The engine does not start.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-40 7 Engine overheating W ARNI NG EWAT1040 ● Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine and radiator are hot. Sc alding hot fluid and steam may be blown out under press ure, which coul d cause serious in jury.
MOTORCYCLE CAR E AND STORAGE 8-1 8 EAU37833 Matte c olor caution NOT ICE ECA15192 Some models a re equipped with matte colored fini shed parts. Be sure to consult a Yamaha dealer for advice on what products to us e be- fore cl eaning the veh icle.
MOTORCYCLE CARE A ND STORAGE 8-2 8 off any detergent residue using plenty of water, as it is harmful to pl astic parts. ● Do not use any harsh chemical products on pla stic parts.
MOTORCYCLE CAR E AND STORAGE 8-3 8 wind shield. Before us ing them , make a test b y po lishing an a rea whi ch do es not affe ct your visibili ty. Aft er c leani ng 1. Dry the m otorcycle with a cha mois or an abso rbing cloth . 2. Us e a chrom e polis h to shine chro me, alum inum and sta inless- stee l part s, in clud ing t he exh aus t system .
MOTORCYCLE CARE A ND STORAGE 8-4 8 EAU49591 Stor age Short-term Always st ore your mot orcycle in a cool, dry pl ace and, if necessary, protect it agains t dust with a poro us co ver. B e sure the engi ne and th e exhaus t sys- tem ar e co ol bef ore c overing the motor- cycle.
MOTORCYCLE CAR E AND STORAGE 8-5 8 TIP Make any nece ssary repairs befo re storing the mo torcycle. Page 5 Tuesday, August 7, 2012 4:57 PM.
SPECI FIC ATIO NS 9-1 9 Dimensions: Overa ll length: 2255 mm (88.8 in) Overa ll width: 980 mm (38.6 in ) Overa ll height: 1410 mm (55.5 in) Seat hei ght: 845/8 70 mm (3 3.3/34. 3 in) Wheel base: 1540 mm (60.6 in) Gro und clear ance: 205 mm (8.07 in ) Minimu m turni ng rad ius: 2700 mm (106 .
SPECIFICATIONS 9-2 9 Second ary red uction r atio: 2.987 (2 1/25 x 32 /9) Tran smiss ion ty pe: Consta nt mesh 6- spee d Oper atio n: Left foot o peration Gear ratio: 1st: 2.769 (36/13) 2nd: 2.063 (33/16) 3rd: 1.571 (33/21) 4th: 1.250 (30/24) 5th: 1.042 (25/24) 6th: 0.
SPECI FIC ATIO NS 9-3 9 Rear suspension: Type : Swinga rm (li nk susp ension ) Spring /sho ck absorber type: Coil spr ing/gas -oil da mper Wheel trav el: 190.0 mm (7.48 in ) Electrical system: Ignition system: TCI Char ging sys tem: AC magn eto Battery: Model : YTZ12S Voltag e, capaci ty: 12 V, 11.
CONSUMER INFORMATI ON 10-1 10 EAU26353 Identification numbers Recor d the key iden tifi cation number, vehic le ident ifica tion nu mber and mod- el labe l info rmati on in th e spac es pro- vided bel ow for assi stance when order ing spar e part s from a Yamah a deal er or fo r refe rence in case the veh i- cle is stole n.
CONSUMER INFORMA TION 10-2 10 EAU26470 Model label The mod el label is affixe d to the fram e under the rid er seat. (See pa ge 4-2 2.) Record the informa tion on th is label in the sp ace pr ovide d. This info rmatio n will b e need ed wh en ord ering s pare part s from a Y amaha de aler.
CONSUMER INFORMATI ON 10-3 10 EAU26551 Reporting safety defects If you be lieve that you r vehicl e has a defect whi ch cou ld caus e a crash or could c ause inj ury or dea th, yo u shoul d immedi atel y infor m the Nati onal Highwa y Traffi c Safety Ad minis tration (NHTSA ) in addi tion to notify ing Ya maha Mo tor Cor porati on, U.
CONSUMER INFORMA TION 10-4 10 EAU26560 Motorcycle noise regulation TAMPERIN G WITH NOISE CON TROL SYSTEM PROHIBITED : Federa l law pro hibits the foll owing ac ts or the ca using th ereof: (1) The rem.
CONSUMER INFORMATI ON 10-5 10 EAU26632 Maintenance record Copie s of work or ders an d/or receip ts for parts purcha sed and ins talle d on your ve hicle will be req uired to doc ument th at maint enan ce has b een co mplete d in acc ordan ce with the emis sions warrant y.
CONSUMER INFORMA TION 10-6 10 36000 mi (55000 km) or 54 months 40000 mi (61000 km) or 60 months Maintenance interval Date of service Mile age Servicing dealer name and add ress Remarks U23P11E0.
CONSUMER INFORMA TION 10-8 10 W ARRANTY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS What costs are my responsibility during the warranty period? The customer’ s responsibility includes all costs of normal maintenance ser vices, non-warranty repairs , accident and collision damages, and oil, oil filters, air filters, spark plugs, and brake shoes .
CONSUMER INFORMATI ON 10-9 10 EAU26751 YAMAHA EXTENDED SE RVICE (Y.E.S.) K eep your Y amaha protected e ven after y our warranty expires with gen uine Y amaha Extended Ser vice (Y .E.S.). Y .E.S. is designed and administered by Y amaha Motor Corporation to provide maximum owner satisf action.
CONSUMER INFORMA TION 10-10 10 We urge y ou to act now . Y ou’ll get the excellent benefits of TRIP cov erage right awa y , and y ou’ll rest easy knowing you’ll ha ve strong f actory-backed protection e v en after your Y amaha Limited W arranty expires .
INDEX A ABS .... ....... ...... ...... ....... .... ...... ...... ....... . 4-16 ABS warning ligh t .... ....... ...... ...... ....... ..... 4-5 Air filter element....... ....... ...... ...... ....... ... 7-18 Auxiliary DC jack ........ ...... .......
INDEX Tool k it ........ .... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ..... .... 7-2 Traction control system ......................... 4-17 Traction control system indicato r/warning l ight ........ ...... ....... ...... 4-5 Troubleshooting ........ .....
EAU51390 F or your best o wnership e xperience, think Genuine Y amaha! Genuine Y amaha Parts – Genuine Y amaha replacement par ts are the exact same parts as the ones or iginally equipped on your v ehicle , providing y ou with the performance and durability y ou hav e come to e xpect.
An important point after buying a device Yamaha XTZ12D(C) (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Yamaha XTZ12D(C) yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Yamaha XTZ12D(C) - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Yamaha XTZ12D(C) you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Yamaha XTZ12D(C) will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Yamaha XTZ12D(C), but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Yamaha XTZ12D(C).
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Yamaha XTZ12D(C). Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Yamaha XTZ12D(C) along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center