Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product RD6000-2, RD7200-2, RD8400-2 Woods
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OP E R A TO R ' S M A NU A L REAR DISC HAR GE MO W ER S MAN0180 Rev . 4 /28/200 6 T ested. Proven. Un beat able . RD6000-2 RD7200-2 RD8400-2.
ii Introduction Gen’l (Re v . 5/23/2 005) T O THE DEALER: Assemb ly and prop er installati on of this product is the respons ibil ity of the Woods ® dea ler .
Introduction 1 MAN018 0 (Rev . 1/7/2005) T ABLE OF CONTENT S INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Front Cover SPECIFICATI ONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Introduction MAN01 80 (Rev . 1/7/2005) SPECIFICATIONS RD6000-2 RD7200-2 RD84 00-2 3-Point Hitch Category 1 Category 1 Category 1 Cutting Width 60" 72" 84" Cutting Hei ght Rang e 1&quo.
Safety 3 RD Mow er (Rev . 4/28/2006) TRAINING Saf ety i nst ruct ion s ar e imp ort ant! Re ad all att achment and power unit manuals; follow all safety ru les and safety d ecal i nformat ion. (Rep lace- ment manua ls and safety d ecals ar e avai lable f rom your dealer .
4 Safety RD Mower (R ev . 4/28/2006) Never direct discharge toward people, animals, or property . Keep byst a nders away f rom equipment. Never go underneath equipmen t (lowered to the ground or raised) unless it is properly blocke d and secured.
Safety 5 RD Mow er (Rev . 4/28/2006) Always wear relatively tight and belted clothing to avoid getting caught in moving p art s. Wear sturdy , rough-soled work shoes and pro tective equipment for e yes, hair , hands, hearing, and hea d; and resp irator o r filter mas k wher e appropr iate.
6 Safety MAN01 80 (Rev . 1/7/2005) 12 1 1 9 10 6 2 2 8 3 5 6 7 CD4984A ROT A TING BLADES AND THROWN OBJECTS Do not put hands or feet under or into mower when engine is running. Before mowing, clear area of objects that may be thrown by blade. Keep bystanders away .
Safety 7 MAN018 0 (Rev . 1/7/2005) SAFETY & INSTRUCTIONAL DECALS A TTENTION! BECOME ALERT! YO UR SAFETY IS INVOL VED! Replace Immediatel y If Damaged! 33347E F ALLING OFF CAN RESUL T IN BEING RUN OVER. T ractor must be equipped with ROPS (or ROPS CAB) and seat belt.
8 Operation MAN01 80 (Rev . 1/7/2005) OPERATION The opera tor is r espons ible for the safe operatio n of the mower . The operato r must be p roperly trai ned. Operators should be fam iliar with the mowe r , th e trac- tor , and al l safety practic es be fore starting o perat ion.
Operation 9 MAN018 0 (Rev . 1/7/2005) ATT ACHING MOWER TO T RACTOR Make sur e spring-ac tivated locking pin or collar slides free ly and is se ated firml y in tract or PTO spline groove. The standard 1-3/8" 6B-spl ine drive line with a QD yoke is used to connec t the m ower to the tractor .
10 Operation MAN01 80 (Rev . 1/7/2005) Figure 5 . Height A djustmen t with Ca ster Arm Sp acers T RACTOR T OP LI NK ADJ US TME NT When the cuttin g he ight is set, ad just tract or top li nk until mower top link a ttachment poi nt A is align ed vert i- cally w ith mow er hi tch pi n B.
Operation 11 MAN018 0 (Rev . 1/7/2005) Figure 8 . Front Cas ter Arm Co nfigurati on for RD6000-2 & RD7200-2 Only FRONT CASTER WHEEL INTERFERENCE CHECK IMPORT ANT ■ Do not operate tr actor and mower unt il this interfer ence c heck h as be en pe rformed.
12 Operation MAN01 80 (Rev . 1/7/2005) If mowe r becom es plug ged caus ing b elt to slip for ov er two second s fo llow t hes e step s: 1. Maneuver equipme nt into a previo usly c ut area and allow mower to clear accumu lated m aterial . 2. Continue ru nning at leas t two minute s, allowin g pulleys to coo l.
Operation 13 MAN018 0 (Rev . 1/7/2005) OWNER PRE-OPERA TION CHECK LIST (OWNER' S RESP ONSIB ILITY) ___ Review and follow all safet y rules and sa fety decal in structi ons o n pages 3 t hrough 7. ___ Check tha t all safety de cals are in stalled an d in good cond ition .
14 Owner Service MAN01 80 (Rev . 1/7/2005) OWNER SER VICE The info rmation in t his s ection i s written for oper ators who po ssess basi c mecha nical skill s. If you ne ed hel p, your dea ler h as train ed ser vice te chni cians av aila ble. For your protec tion, read and follow the safety informa- tion in th is ma nual.
Owner Service 15 MAN018 0 (Rev . 1/7/2005) Use SAE 9 0W gear lube in the gearbo x. Fill to plug o n side of g earbo x. Check gearbo x dail y for evid ence of leakage at bot h seals and the gasket betwe en the housing and cover . If leakage i s noted , repair immedi ately .
16 Owner Service MAN01 80 (Rev . 1/7/2005) BEL T SER VICE Belt Re placeme nt One of the major cau ses of belt fail ure is improp er installa tion. Be fore installi ng a new belt, ch eck the fol- lowing : 1. Check pu lley sh afts and bearing s fo r wear .
Owner Service 17 MAN018 0 (Rev . 1/7/2005) Blade Sharpening IMPORT ANT ■ When sharpening blades, be sure to balance them. U nbalance d blade s will c ause e xcessiv e vibration which can damage blade spindle bear- ings. Vibration may al so cause stru ctural crac ks in mower component s.
18 Owner Service MAN01 80 (Rev . 1/7/2005) TROUBLE SHOOTING MOWING CONDITIONS PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION Gras s cut hig her i n cent er of swath t han at e dge Height of m ower high er at fro nt than at re ar Adjust mowe r height and attitude so that mower rear a nd front ar e with in 1/2 in ch of sam e heig ht.
Owner Service 19 MAN018 0 (Rev . 1/7/2005) TROUBLE SHOOTING BEL T CO NDI TI ONS * Check belt for dama ge by layi ng it flat o n the f loor . A belt tha t does not l ie flat (has hu mps or twis ts, indica ting b roken or stretc hed co rds) m ust be replace d.
20 Dealer Service MAN01 80 (Rev . 1/7/2005) DEALER SER VICE The info rmation in thi s se ction is written for de aler ser - vice per sonnel. T he repair desc ribe d here requ ires special skil ls and tools.
Dealer Service 21 MAN018 0 (Rev . 1/7/2005) Figure 17 . Sh eave a nd Bl ade Asse mbly Sp indle Disass embly 1. Place s pindle a ssem bly in p ress a nd pr ess sha ft down thro ugh hou sing. 2. Remove s eals from hous ing. Spindle Assem bly Refer to Figure 18.
22 Dealer Service MAN01 80 (Rev . 1/7/2005) Refe r to Figu re 19 . 12. Apply a th in coa t of Perm atex to s haft area whe re sleeve w ill sea t. 13. Install sleev e on shaft and press sleeve an d bea.
Dealer Service 23 MAN018 0 (Rev . 1/7/2005) Figure 20 . Se al Ins tallation V ertical Shaf t Seal Replac ement 1. Disconn ect and r emove t he dr iveline from the gearbox . 2. Remove v ent plug (24) a nd si phon g ear lub e from housing throug h this op ening.
24 Dealer Service MAN01 80 (Rev . 1/7/2005) Remove Gea rbox from Mower Refe r to Figu re 22 . 1. Disconn ect and r emove the rear driveli ne from th e gearbox . 2. Remove v ent p lug and siphon gear lube fr om housing throug h this op ening. 3. Remove ge arbox stand ( 20) fr om mowe r deck by removi ng four fl anged l ock nuts (56) .
Dealer Service 25 MAN018 0 (Rev . 1/7/2005) Figure 23 . Gearbo x As sembl y 6. Press ge ar (5) onto o utput s haft (4) and secur e with washe r (17) , castle nut (14) , and cotte r pin (9). 7. Apply gr ease to lower seal l ips (18) and pr ess seal over outp ut shaft (4), using a tub e of the corr ect diameter .
26 Dealer Service MAN01 80 (Rev . 1/7/2005) Inst all G earbox NOTE: Gearbox is heav y: do not attem pt to move wi th- out mecha nical assistance. 1. Set gear box on gea rbox s tand and f asten with bolts and nuts. T orqu e bolts to 175 lbs- ft. 2. Attach driv e she ave to output s haft.
Dealer Service 27 MAN018 0 (Rev . 1/7/2005) 3. Clamp cup in vise a s shown i n Figur e 28 an d tap on yoke to compl ete ly remo ve cu p from yo ke. Repeat S tep 2 a nd S tep 3 for opp osite cup. Figure 28 4. Place u niver sal cr oss in vis e as s hown i n Figur e 29 and tap on yo ke to re move cup.
28 Assembly MAN01 80 (Rev . 1/7/2005) ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS DEALER SET -UP INSTRUCTIONS Assemb ly of this mower is the responsi bility of th e Woods dealer . If shoul d be del ivered to the own er com- pletely asse mbled, lub ricated , and ad juste d for nor mal cutting c ondit ions.
Assembly 29 MAN018 0 (Rev . 1/7/2005) Inst all Re ar Offset Links 1. Loosen n ut (5 6) at r ear fr ame l ug an d attach offse t link (13) as show n in Fig ure 33. 2. Repeat f or oppos ite side . 3. Do not tigh ten at th is time. Fig ure 33 . Right Rear Offset Link In stalled Inst all T op Link Figure 34 .
30 Assembly MAN01 80 (Rev . 1/7/2005) Inst all Dri veline S hield (RD8 400-2) The co unter-c one d rive shi eld is facto ry installed on models RD 6000-2 an d RD7200 -2. On the RD840 0-2 mo del, attach cou nter-co ne shiel d (22) to gearbo x (21) with cap screws (4 3) and flat washers ( 42).
Assembly 31 MAN018 0 (Rev . 1/7/2005) Inst all Q uick Hitch Kit (Optional) NOTE: Figur e 38 shows RM660 , other mo dels use the same assem bly ins truc tions. NOTE: This k it al lows mo wer to fit only Cat. 1 s tandard ASAE qu ick hitch . Figure 38 . Quick Hi tch Kit I nstallation 1.
32 Dealer Check Lists MAN0180 (Rev . 1/7/2005) DEALER CH ECK LIST S DEALER PRE-DELI VERY CHECK LIST (DEALER’S RESP ONSIBIL ITY) Inspect the equipment th oroug hly after assemb ly to ensure it is set up pro perly before deli vering it to the cust omer .
Part s 33 MAN018 0 (Rev . 1/7/2005) P ARTS INDEX MAIN FRAME AS SEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 - 35 GEARBOX A SSEMB LY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 DRIVESHAF T ASSEMBL Y (WALTERSCHEID TWO-LOB E) .
34 Part s MAN01 80 (Rev . 1/7/2005) RD60 00-2, RD7200-2 & RD8400- 2 MAIN FRAM E ASSE MBLY 7 6 57 6 5 55 56 4 41 61 59 68 30 62 8 67 64 56 3 70 69 71 51 15 14 16 56 51 59 72 54 13 49 56 9 56 56 18 .
Part s 35 MAN018 0 (Rev . 1/7/2005) RD60 00-2, RD7200-2 & RD8400- 2 MAIN FRAM E ASSE MBLY REF P ART QTY REF 9 – – –– – CW Spindle As semb ly ( see pag e 38) 10 1001244 1 V -Belt W99 (us .
36 Part s MAN01 80 (Rev . 1/7/2005) RD6000-2, RD7 200-2 & RD8 400-2 GEARBOX ASSEMBLY 13 10 19 1 3 12 7 10 20 14 17 5 16 6 9 4 26 18 8 22 24 13 2 23 11 25 15 21 CD6090 27 REF P ART QTY DESCRIPTION A 1002499 1 Gearbo x Rep air Assem bly 1 574 58 1 Ge ar Cro wn Z2 5 M5.
Part s 37 MAN018 0 (Rev . 1/7/2005) RD6000 -2, RD7200 -2 & RD840 0-2 DRIVESHAF T W AL TER SCHEID (T WO-L OBE SHAFT ) 23 24 22 13 18 12 14 20 1 2 4 3 5 21 14 12 17 6 7 3 2 1 13 CD5556 REF P ART QTY.
38 Part s MAN01 80 (Rev . 1/7/2005) RD6000-2, RD7 200-2 & RD 8400-2 BLADE & SPINDLE ASSEMBLY 22 16 23 SEAL LIP 14 8 10 12 7 11 19 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 21 1 3 5 CD5055 SEAL LIP REF P ART QTY DESCRIPT ION 1 37009 Nut, Jam 7/8 NF 2 10378 * Screw HHCS 1/4 NC x 1 GR5 3 52898 W ashe r , Lock .
Part s 39 MAN018 0 (Rev . 1/7/2005) RD60 00-2, R D7200- 2 & R D8400- 2 REAR CHAIN SHIELDING A SSEMBLY (OPTIONAL) RD6000- 2, RD720 0-2 & RD8 400 -2 FR ONT ROLLER ASSEMBLY (OPTIONAL) 1 2 3 15 14.
40 Part s MAN01 80 (Rev . 1/7/2005) QUIC K HIT CH KI T (OPT ION AL) 10 2 3 1 5 6 5 7 5 5 5 8 9 5 A 4 1/2 x 4-3/4 HHCS CD6080A REF P ART Q TY DESCRIPTION 1 1003692 2 Link, Off set .38 x 2.0 x 15 2 1005401 2 Chain 3/8 Proo f Coil 38 Li nk 3 38214 2 Sleeve, .
Appendix 41 Bolt T orque & Size Ch arts (Rev . 8/14/02) BOLT T ORQUE C HART Always tighten har dware to the se values unles s a di ff erent t orque value or ti ghteni ng proce dure is list ed for a specifi c applica tio n. F a stene rs must al wa ys be repla ced with t he sam e grade as sp ecified in the m anual par ts list.
42 Appendix Bolt T orque & Siz e Chart s (Rev . 8/14/2002 ) BOLT SIZE CHART NOT E: Char t shows bol t thread sizes and c orrespon ding he ad (wr ench) sizes for standard SAE and m etri c bolts.
Index 43 MAN0180 (Rev . 1/7/2005) INDEX ASSEMBLY Dealer Set-Up Instr uctions 28 DEALER CHECK LI STS Delivery (Dealer ’s Respo nsibili ty) 32 Pre-De livery (Dea ler’s Re spons ibility ) 32 DEAL ER .
F-3079 (Rev . 4/10/2006) Wo od s Eq u ip me n t Company 260 6 South Illinois Ro ute 2 Post Offi ce Box 1000 Oregon, Illinois 61061 8 00-319-663 7 tel 800-3 99-6 63 7 fax www .
F-8494 (Rev . 6/23/2005) W ARRAN TY (Replacement Parts F or All Models Except Mo w’ n Machine TM Zero-T urn Mo w ers and W oods Boundary TM Utility V ehicles ) W oods Equipment Compan y (“W OODS.
P ART NO. MAN0180 © 2002 Woods Equipment Company . All rights reserved. WOODS , t he Woods logo, and "T est ed. Proven. Unbeatable." are trademarks of Woods Equipment Company .
An important point after buying a device Woods RD6000-2, RD7200-2, RD8400-2 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Woods RD6000-2, RD7200-2, RD8400-2 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Woods RD6000-2, RD7200-2, RD8400-2 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Woods RD6000-2, RD7200-2, RD8400-2 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Woods RD6000-2, RD7200-2, RD8400-2 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Woods RD6000-2, RD7200-2, RD8400-2, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Woods RD6000-2, RD7200-2, RD8400-2.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Woods RD6000-2, RD7200-2, RD8400-2. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Woods RD6000-2, RD7200-2, RD8400-2 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center