Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product TBW150C Woods Equipment
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OP E R A TO R ' S M A NU A L TU R F B A T W I N G MAN0765 (Rev . 01/ 18/ 201 0) TBW150C ®.
2 Introduction Gen’l (Re v . 2/19/2008 ) T O THE DEALER: Assemb ly and prop er installati on of this product is the respons ibil ity of the Woods ® dea ler .
Introduction 3 MAN07 65 (12/5/2008) T ABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SPECIFICATI ONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Introduction MAN076 5 (12/5/200 8) GENERAL INFORMATION Some illustrat ions in this manual show t he equipment with safety shield s removed to provide a better view . Thi s equipment should never be ope rated w ith any nece ssary s afety shield ing remove d.
Safety 5 TBW Sa fety Rules (Rev . 12/5/2008 ) SAFETY RULES ATTENTION! BECOME AL ERT! YOUR SAFET Y IS INVOLVED! TRAINING Saf ety in struc tions are imp ort ant! Re ad all att achment and power unit manua ls; follow all safety ru les and safety d ecal i nformat ion.
6 Safety TBW Saf ety Rules (R ev .12/5/20 08) SAFETY RULES ATTENTION! BECOME AL ERT! YOUR SAFET Y IS INVOLVED! (Safety R ules conti nued from previous page) Before st arting power unit, check all equipment driveline guards for damage. Replace any damaged guards.
Safety 7 TBW Sa fety Rules (Rev . 12/5/2008 ) Do not opera te or transport e quipment while under the influence of al cohol or drugs. Operate only in daylight or good artificial light. Keep hands, feet, hair , and clothing away from equipment while engine is running.
8 Safety TBW Saf ety Rules (R ev .12/5/20 08) (Safety R ules conti nued from previous page) Ti ghten all bolt s, nut s, and screws to torque chart specification s. Check that all co tter pins are inst alled secure ly to ensu re equipmen t is in a sa fe condition before putting unit into service.
Safety 9 MAN076 5 (12/5/200 8) SAFETY & INSTRUCTIONAL DECALS A TTENTION! BECOME ALERT! YOUR SAFETY IS INVOL VED! Replace Immediately If Damaged! 1 - 100 2940 Y ELLOW FRONT REFLECTOR 2 - 571 23 RED REAR REFLECTOR ROT A TING BLADES AND THROWN OBJECTS Do not put hands or feet under or into mower when engine is running.
10 Safety MAN076 5 (12/5/200 8) SAFETY & INSTRUCTIONAL DECALS A TTENTION! BECOME ALERT! YOUR SAFETY IS INVOL VED! Replace Immediatel y If Damaged! If shaft connection is visible, shield is missing.
Safety 11 MAN076 5 (12/5/200 8) SAFETY & INSTRUCTIONAL DECALS A TTENTION ! BECOME ALERT! YOUR SAFETY IS INVOL VED! Replace Immediatel y If Damaged! ROT A TING BLADES AND THROWN OBJECTS Do not put hands or feet under or into mower when engine is running.
12 Safety MAN076 5 (12/5/200 8) SAFETY & INSTRUCTIONAL DECALS A TT ENTION! BECOME ALERT! YOUR SAFETY IS I NVOL VED! Replace Immediate ly If Damaged! Check for leaks with cardboard; never use hand. Before loosening fittings: lower load, release pressure, and be sure oil is cool.
Operation 13 MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) OPERATION The opera tor is r espons ible for the safe operatio n of the mower . The oper ator mus t be properl y trained . Operators should be fam iliar with the mowe r , th e trac- tor , and all s afety practic es befor e starting o peration .
14 Operation MAN07 65 (12/5/2008) 4. Attach the mowe r drive shaft to tractor PT O. Make sure t he loc k coll ar eng ages sec urel y . 5. Attach the end of the mower trans port's loc k release rope to a l ocation on the tr actor w ithin eas y reach of t he oper ator .
Operation 15 MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) 1. Level mowe r from side to side. Ch eck by measuring from mower frame to th e ground a t each deck ra il. 2. V erify that the sa me amoun t of spacers ar e under all cas ter arm s. 3. Loose n cap screw s that atta ch ca ster arm assembly to deck.
16 Operation MAN07 65 (12/5/2008) PT O speed to 540 r pm and maintain spe ed th roughout the cuttin g oper ation. Mower vi bration tends to loos en bolts. A ll har dware should be c hecke d regul arly to m aintain pr oper tor que. Each time th e mower is used, chec k all hardwa re to be sure it is secu re.
Operation 17 MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) ___ Check th at all shiel ds and guards are pr operly installed and in good co nditio n. Replace if da m- aged. ___ Check that ch ain shie lding is in good con ditio n and repl ace any damaged chain l inks. ___ Check th at all ha rdware and cotte r pins are pro p- erly i nstalled and secu red.
18 Owner Service MAN07 65 (12/5/2008) OWNER SER VICE The in format ion in this sec tion is written fo r operat ors who po ssess basic m echanic al sk ills.
Owner Service 19 MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) 1. Fill CV do uble y okes with 20 pumps of grea se w ith the joi nts in a s traight l ine. 2. Articul ate C V bo dy to maxi mum a ngle s everal times to ensu re full coverage o f joints. 3. Place joints in the stra ight posi tion and add 10 additio nal pu mps of grease t o both j oints.
20 Owner Service MAN07 65 (12/5/2008) BELT SERVICING Belt Re placement One of the major cau ses of belt fail ure is improp er installa tion. Be fore installi ng a new belt, ch eck the fol- lowing : 1. Check pu lley sh afts and bearing s fo r wear . 2.
Owner Service 21 MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) Figure 5 . Blade B alancin g 1. Follow origina l sharpe ning pattern. 2. Do not sharpe n blade to a razor edg e, but leave approxi mately 1 /64" blun t edge. 3. Do not sha rpen bac k side o f blade. 4. Sharpen both cutti ng edge s equally to keep bl ade balanced .
22 Owner Service MAN07 65 (12/5/2008) CLEANING Af ter Each Use ● Remove la rge deb ris su ch as clu mps of dirt, gr ass, crop r esidue, e tc. fr om machi ne. ● Inspect machine and repl ace w orn or damaged par ts. ● Replace a ny sa fety deca ls tha t are missing or not readabl e.
Owner Service 23 MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) TROUB LESHOOTI NG BEL T COND ITI ONS * Check belt for dama ge by layi ng it flat o n the f loor . A belt that d oes n ot lie fl at (h as humps or twists, i ndicatin g bro ken or stretc hed co rds) m ust be replace d.
24 Dealer Service MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) DEALER SER VICE The info rmation in thi s se ction is written for de aler ser - vice per sonnel. T he repair desc ribe d here requ ires special skil ls and tools.
Dealer Service 25 MAN07 65 (12/5/2008 ) 3. Insert shaft ass embly with beari ng and spacer int o spin dle hou sing fr om the b ottom. 4. Install upp er bear ing (5 ) over shaft with the s eal facing up . 5. Install spacer (4) and she ave (3) over shaft.
26 Dealer Service MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) 3. If the leak oc curred at e ither end of horiz ontal sha ft, remove o il ca p (1 1) and/or oil se al (1). Re place with new on e (see S eal Repla cement , page 25). 4. Fill gear box with SA E 80W or 90W ge ar lube unti l it runs ou t the le vel pl ug.
Dealer Service 27 MAN07 65 (12/5/2008 ) 4. Press ou tput sh aft assem bly into ho using fr om th e bottom open ing. 5. Install sna p ring (18) in b ottom of housing. 6. Apply g rease to lower s eal lips (19 ), an d press seal over ou tput shaft (5 ), usin g a round tube o f the corre ct diameter .
28 Dealer Service MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) Inst all Gear box NOTE: Gearbox is heav y: do not attem pt to move wi th- out mecha nical assistance. 1. Set gear box on gea rbox s tand and f asten with bolts and nuts. T orqu e bolts to 175 lbs-ft. 2. Attach driv e she ave to output s haft.
Dealer Service 29 MAN07 65 (12/5/2008 ) 3. Clamp c up in vise a s shown in 4 . and tap on yok e to com pletel y remove cup fro m yoke. R epeat S tep 2 & S tep 3 for opposi te cup. Figure 16 4. Place u niver sal cr oss in vis e as s hown i n Figur e 17 and tap on yo ke to re move cup.
30 Assembly MAN07 65 (12/5/2008) ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS DEAL ER SET -UP INSTRUCTIONS The mower is shipped mos tly asse mbled but requires dealer s et-up. Th e Woods dealer should de liver th e mower to the owner c omplet ely ass embled , lubric ated, and adjus ted for n ormal c onditions .
Assembly 31 MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) 1. Install chain s hieldin g plate (3) to r ear mower frame as shown . 2. Secu re with car riage b olts (14) and fla nged lo ck nuts (15). 3. Insert car riage b olts from bot tom upwa rd as shown. Figure 19 . Chain S hield ing Ins tallatio n Hydraulic Latch Release Inst allation Figure 20 .
32 Assembly MAN07 65 (12/5/2008) Mulch Kit Inst allation NOTE: Do not ti ghten h ardware u ntil m ulch kit is co m- pletely ins talled. 1. Raise deck and lo ck into transpor t positi on. NOTE: Make s ure de ck is st able be fore proce ed- ing. 2. Remove c hain shi eldin g if ins talled.
Dealer Check List 33 MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) DEALER CH ECK LIST S PRE- DELIV ERY CH ECK LIS T (DEALER ’ S RESPONSIBILITY ) Inspect t he equipme nt thor oughly aft er asse mbly to ensure it is set up pro perly before deli vering it to the cust omer . The foll owing che ck lis ts are a r eminder of poin ts to insp ect.
34 Dealer Check List MAN07 65 (12/5/2008) NOTES.
Part s 35 MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) P ARTS INDEX T urf Batwing Mowe r TBW 150C MAIN FRAME ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 & 37 DECK ASSEMBL Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
36 Part s MAN076 5 (12/5/200 8) MAIN FRAME ASSEM BLY 38 - COM PLETE DECAL SET 39 - SAFETY DECAL SET (Rev . 2/6/2009).
Part s 37 MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) MAIN FRAME ASSEMBLY PART S LIST REF P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 ----- 1 T railer assembly ( see p age 40) 2 ----- 1 Right deck asse mbly (see p age 38) 3 ----- 1 Lef t deck.
38 Part s MAN076 5 (12/5/200 8) DECK ASSEMBLY (Rev . 2/6/2009).
Part s 39 MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) DECK ASSEMBLY PART S LIST REF P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 ----- 1 54" Mower deck 2 ----- 2 Caster tube, Rear Deck (see p age 46) - or - 2 ----- 2 Caster tube, Win g De.
40 Part s MAN076 5 (12/5/200 8) T RAILER ASSEMBL Y REF P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 ----- 1 Tr ailer frame 2 1029501 1 Hi tch 3 1029518 1 Wing release 4 1029529 1 Lock, rear dec k 5 23790 1 Park ing jack 6.
Part s 41 MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) GEARBOX ASSEMBLY REF P ART QTY DESCRIPTION A 1006649 Co mplete g earbox 1 39275 1 S eal 2 1007861 1 Snap ring 3 1007865 1 Shim kit 4 51850 1 Ball bearin g 5 N/S 1 Input.
42 Part s MAN076 5 (12/5/200 8) BLADE & SP INDLE ASSEMBLY REF P ART QTY DESCRIPTION A 1009080 1 Complete spi ndle ass embly (include s 1, 2, 4, 5 through 12 , 14 & 15) 1 64518 1 3/8 NF x 1 HHC.
Part s 43 MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) WING DRI VELINE ASSEMBLY REF P ART QTY DESCRIPTION A 1020903 1 Comp lete driv eline ass embly 1 1001300 2 Comp lete collar y oke C12 1 -3/8 - 6 2 38478 2 Cross and b ea.
44 Part s MAN076 5 (12/5/200 8) REAR DRIVELINE ASSEMBLY REF P ART QTY DESCRIPTION A 1009508 1 Comp lete driv eline ass embly 1 1001300 2 Comp lete collar y oke C12 1 -3/8 - 6 2 38478 2 Cross and b ear.
Part s 45 MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) CV DRIVESHAF T ASSEMBLY HUB & AXLE ASSEMBLY REF P ART QTY DESCRIPTION A 1029868 Co mplete d riveline assembl y 1 19851 1 Slide lock repair kit 2 1017362 1 Y oke, QD CV 1-3/8 - 6 3 1017363 2 U-Joint r epair k it 14CV 4 1017364 1 CV Body w /fitting 14 5 1017365 1 Y oke & shaf t, CV splined 2 3.
46 Part s MAN076 5 (12/5/200 8) CASTER WHEEL ASSEMBL Y REF P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 1029476 1 Caster T ube, Wing Dec k 2 1029850 1 Caster T ube, Rear De ck 3 1008032 1 Caster yo ke - rot ating 4 102947.
Part s 47 MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) HYDRAULIC CYLINDER Note: The ce nter d eck use s a 3 x 8 cyli nder . The wing deck s use a 3 x 10 cylind er . V erify cylinder size befo re orde ring r eplaceme nt par ts.
48 Part s MAN076 5 (12/5/200 8) REAR CHAIN SHIELDING (OPTIONAL) HYDRAULIC RELEASE KIT (OPTIONAL) REF P ART QTY DESCRIPTION A 1008038 Cha in shiel d assem bly 1 1007854 1 1/4 Pin 2 4763 49 3 -Link 1/4 .
Part s 49 MAN076 5 (12/5/20 08) MULCH KIT (OPTIONAL) REF P ART QTY DESCRIPTION A 1029530 Mulch K it, 54" deck 1 75106 2 Support bracket, bent lin k .
50 Appendix Bolt T orque & Size Charts (Re v . 3/28/2007 ) BOLT T ORQUE CHART Always tighten har dware to these values unles s a different tor que value or ti ghtening p roce dure is li sted for a sp ecific applica tio n. F ast eners must alwa ys be repla ced wi th the sam e grade as specifi ed in t he manual par ts list.
Appendix 51 Bolt T orque & Siz e Charts (R ev . 3/28/2007 ) BOLT SIZE CHART NOTE: Chart s hows b olt thr ead s izes an d corr espond ing he ad (wren ch) sizes f or standa rd SA E and metric bolts. ABBREVIATIONS AG ..... .......... .......... .....
52 Index MAN0765 (12/5/2008 ) INDEX ADJUSTMENTS Cutting Height 14 Leveling Mower 14 ASSEMBLY Dealer Set-Up Instructions 30 Optional Equipm ent Chai n Shield ing I nstalla tion 30 Hydraulic Latch Relea.
F - 3079 (Rev 10/21/2009) W oods Equipm ent Company 260 6 South Illinois Route 2 Post Office Box 1000 Oregon, Illi nois 61061 USA 800-319-663 7 te l 800 -399- 663 7 f ax www .
F-8494 (Rev . 6/23/2005) ©2008 Woods Equipment Company . All rights reserved. WOODS and the Woods logo are t rademarks of W oods Equipment Company . All oth er trademarks, trade names , or service mark s not owned by Woods Equipm ent Company that appear in this manual are the propert y of t heir respect ive companies or mark holders.
An important point after buying a device Woods Equipment TBW150C (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Woods Equipment TBW150C yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Woods Equipment TBW150C - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Woods Equipment TBW150C you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Woods Equipment TBW150C will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Woods Equipment TBW150C, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Woods Equipment TBW150C.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Woods Equipment TBW150C. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Woods Equipment TBW150C along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center