Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MW24 Wolf Appliance Company
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U S E & C A R E G U I D E Micr owave Oven.
Contents W o l fM i c r o w a v eO v e n ..........................3 Saf ety I nst ruc tio ns an d Preca uti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 M i c r o w a v eO v e nF e a t u r e s .......................8 Mic rowav e Ove n Ins tal lat ion . . . .
W olf Microwave Oven 3 Thank Y ou Y our pur chase of a W olf micr owave oven attests to the importance you place upon the quality and performance of your cooking equipment. W e understand this importance and have designed and built your microwave oven with quality materials and workmanship to give you years of dependable service.
Safety Instructions and Pr ecautions 4 When using electrical appliances, basic safety pre- cautions should be followed, including the following: W ARNING: T o reduce the risk of burns, electric shock,.
LIQUIDS Liquids, such as water , cof fee or tea are able to be over - heated beyond the boiling point without appearing to be boiling. Visible bubbling or boiling when the container is removed fr om the microwave oven is not always present.
Safety Instructions and Pr ecautions 6 GENERAL SAFETY • Always use pot holders to prevent burns when handling utensils that are in contact with hot food. Enough heat from the food can transfer thr ough utensils to cause skin burns. • Avoid steam burns by directing steam away fr om the face and hands.
Safety Instructions and Pr ecautions 7 • After heating baked goods with fillings, pierce outside of food to release steam and avoid burns. • Do not heat or cook in closed glass jars or air tight containers. • Do not preserve foods by canning using the microwave oven, as harmful bacteria may not be destroyed.
Microwave Oven Featur es 8 Microwave Oven Featur es • Built-in or freestanding option for design versatility . • Built-in trim kits available to match W olf L series and E series ovens. • Lar ge-capacity interior . • Easy-to-operate touch control panel and pr ogramma- ble p owe r opt ion s.
Microwave Oven Featur es 9 Control Panel T he co ntrol p ane l of th e W olf mi crowa ve ov en fe atu res touch controls and an interactive visual display .
Microwave Oven Installation 10 Installation BUI L T - IN AP PLI CA TI ON Y our mic rowav e ove n can b e bui lt in to a ca bin et or w all by itself or can be used above a W olf 30" (762) L seri es or E ser ies b uil t-i n ove n.
Microwave Oven Installation 11 Electrical Requirements T he W olf m icrow ave o ven req uire s a sep ara te, g round ed 110/120 V AC, 60 Hz electrical supply . The service should hav e its o wn 15 a mp ci rcuit b reake r . A groun ded 3 -pro ng receptacle should be located within r each of the power cord.
Microwave Oven Operation 12 Microwave Oven Operation IMP ORT ANT N OTE : B ef ore ope rat ing y our n ew mi crowa ve oven, make sure you r ead and understand the operation ins tru cti ons c omp let ely . IMP ORT ANT N OTE : Th e mic rowav e ove n can not b e use d for cooking without the turntable in place.
Microwave Oven Operation 13 Power Level T he mi crowa ve ov en ha s ele ven p reset p owe r lev els . Using lower power levels increases the cooking time whi ch is rec omm end ed fo r foo ds su ch as c hee se, m ilk and l ong s low c ook ing o f mea ts.
Microwave Oven Operation 14 Add Minute T he ad d min ute f eat ure all ows y ou to c ook f or a mi nut e at 100% by simply touching ADD MINUTE. Y ou can also extend cooking time in multiples of 1 minute by repeatedly touching ADD MINUTE during manual cooking.
Microwave Oven Operation 15 Quick On T he qu ick o n fea ture al low s you t o coo k at 10 0% po wer by touching QUICK ON / ST ART continuously . Quick on is ideal for melting cheese, bringing milk to just below boiling. The maximum cooking time is 3 minutes.
Microwave Oven Operation 16 Keep W arm K eep w arm a llo ws yo u to ke ep fo od wa rm up t o 30 min ute s. T o use, s imp ly to uch K EEP WARM a nd en ter t he des ired ti me, u p to 30 m inu tes . Y ou can al so prog ram kee p war m wit h man ual c ook ing t o kee p foo d war m continuously after cooking.
Microwave Oven Operation 17 Help Feature H ELP p rovid es fi ve fe atu res whi ch ma ke us ing y our microwave oven easy with specific instructions pr ovided in the interactive display . CHILD LOCK The c hil d loc k fea ture prev ent s unw ant ed op era tio n suc h as by s mal l chi ldren .
Microwave Oven Operation 18 T ouch Language Weight Number 4 English Pounds (lb) Number 4 x2 English Kilograms (kg) Number 4 x3 Spanish Pounds (lb) Number 4 x4 Spanish Kilograms (kg) Number 4 x5 French.
Microwave Cooking 19 SIG NS OF D ONEN ESS • Food steams throughout, not just at edge. • Cen ter b ott om of d ish i s ver y hot t o the t ouc h. • Pou ltr y thi gh jo int s mov e eas ily . • Mea t and p oul try s how n o pin kne ss.
Microwave Cooking 20 Cookware Suggestions I t is no t nec ess ary t o buy a ll ne w coo kwa re. Man y pie ces already in your kitchen can be used successfully in your W olf microwave oven. Make sure the utensil does not touch the interior walls during cooking.
Microwave Oven Operation 21 C UT M ICROWA VE I NTERNAL TEMP* P ROCEDURE Chicken, whole Med–High (70%) 5–8 min per lb (450 g) 180°F (80°C) in thigh Place breast side down on rack. Cover with plastic wrap. T urn over halfway through cooking time.
Microwave Oven Operation 22 V egetable Cooking Guide V EGET ABLE A MOUNT H IGH (100%) S T AND TIME P ROCEDURE Artichokes, fresh 2 medium 4–6 minutes 5 minutes T rim. Place in 2-qt (2 L) casserole dish with 2 Tbsp (30 ml) water . Cover with plastic wrap.
Microwave Oven Operation 23 V EGET ABLE A MOUNT H IGH (100%) S T AND TIME P ROCEDURE Carrots slices, fresh 2 cups (300 g) 3–6 minutes 3 minutes Place in 1-qt (1 L) casserole dish with 2 Tbsp (30 ml) water . Cover . Stir after 3 minutes.
Microwave Oven Operation 24 Defrost D EFROST automatically defrosts all foods found in the sup er de frost a nd au to de frost g uid es on p age 2 6. Fo r these choices, it is not necessary to enter weight. SUPER DEFROST Super defrost rapidly defr osts specific foods and weights found in the super defrost guide on page 26.
Microwave Oven Operation 25 Defrost DEFROST TIPS • For f ood s tha t are not l ist ed in t he su per d efros t or aut o def rost gu ide s on th e fol low ing p age , or are ab ove or be low t he am oun t lis ted , def rost ma nua lly u sin g tim e and 3 0% po wer .
Microwave Oven Operation 26 Super Defrost Guide N O. F OOD A MOUNT P ROCEDURE 1 Ground Meat 1 lb (.5 g) At pause, tur n over and separate into pieces. At end, let stand, covered for 3–5 minutes. 2 B oneless Poultry 1 lb (.5 g) A t pause, tur n over and separate into pieces.
Sensor Cooking 27 Sensor Cooking T he sensor in your microwave oven is a semi-conductor device that detects the vapor (moisture and humidity) emi tte d from fo od as i t hea ts. T he se nso r adj ust s coo kin g times and power levels for various foods and quantities.
Sensor Cooking 28 F OOD A MOUNT P ROCEDURE Popcorn 1.5–3.5 oz bag (40–110 g) Use only popcorn packaged for microwave oven use. T ry several brands to decide which you like the best. T ouch POPCORN and then QUICK ON/ ST ART . S ensor Reheat 4 –36 oz ( 115 g –1 kg ) P lace in dish slightly larger than amount to be r eheated.
Sensor Cooking 29 Sensor Cooking Guide F OOD A MOUNT P ROCEDURE Baked Potatoes 1–8 medium Pierce. Place on paper -towel-lined turntable. After cooking, remove from oven, wrap in aluminum foil and let stand 5 to 10 minutes. G round Meat 1 / 4 – 2 lb ( 115 g– .
Sensor Cooking Recipes 30 Shrimp Pasta Sauce M ake s 4 ser v ing s Ingredients: 1 lb (.5 kg) fresh sh rim p, pe ele d and d eve ine d 2 cu ps (480 ml) c ann ed to mat o puree 1 Tb sp (15 ml) t oma to .
Sensor Cooking Recipes 31 Herb & Cheese Chicken Breasts M ake s 8 ser v ing s Ingredients: 8-oz pkg (230 g) crea m che ese , sof ten ed 2 Tb sp (30 ml) m ilk 2 green o nio ns, m .
Sensor Cooking Recipes 32 Hearty T urkey Chili M ake s 6 ser v ing s Ingredients: 1 lb (.5 kg) ground turkey 1 large on ion , cho ppe d 2 clo ves g arl ic, m inc ed 2 Tb sp (30 ml) c hil i pow der 1 T.
Sensor Cooking Recipes 33 Savory Flounder Fillets M ake s 4 ser v ing s Ingredients: 3 / 4 cup (110 g) c or n fl ake c rum bs 3 Tb sp (45 ml) chopped parsley 2 ts p (10 ml) gr ate d lem on pe el 1 / 2 tsp (2 ml) paprika 1 lb (.
Convenience Pad Cooking 34 Convenience Pads T he mi crowa ve ov en ha s six c onv eni enc e pad s to as sis t with meal preparation. Ther e are foods under BREAKF AST , LUNCH, DINNER and RECIPES that use the sensor . Refer to se nso r coo kin g on pa ges 2 7–3 3.
Convenience Pad Cooking 35 Convenience Pads BEVERAGE BEV ERA GE en abl es yo u to rehe at co ffee or t ea to a m ore suitable drinking temperature or to make instant cof fee or tea . Suppose you want to reheat 2 cups (480 ml) of coffee.
Convenience Pad Cooking 36 N O. F OOD A MOUNT P ROCEDURE 1 Scrambled Eggs 1–9 eggs For each egg, use 1 teaspoon (5 ml) butter or margarine and 1 tablespoon (15 ml) milk. Place butter in dish, measuring cup or casserole dish lar ge enough f or the egg to expand.
Convenience Pad Cooking 37 N O. F OOD A MOUNT P ROCEDURE 1 Meal in a Cup 1 cup (240 ml) This is ideal for individual portions of canned food packed in a small 8-oz (240 ml) microwaveable container . Remove inner metal lid and replace outer m icrowaveable lid.
Convenience Pad Recipes 38 Hawaiian Pork M ake s 6 ser v ing s Place in a 3-quart (3 L) casserole dish: 1 Tbs p (15 ml) oil 1 lb (.5 kg) bone les s por k loi n, cu t int o 1" (25) strips, sea son ed wi th sa lt an d pep per Sti r wel l and c ove r .
Convenience Pad Recipes 39 Glazed Salmon M ake s 6 ser v ing s Combine: 1 / 4 cup (60 ml) o ran ge ju ice c onc ent rat e 2 Tb sp (30 ml) h one y mus tard 1 Tb sp (15 ml) g rat ed fres h gin ger o r 2 tsp (10 ml) groun d gin ger Place in 7" (178) x 11" (279) glass casserole dish: 1 1 / 2 lbs (.
Convenience Pad Recipes 40 Beef Wraps M ake s 6 ser v ing s Place in a 2-quart (2 L) casserole dish: 1 lb (.5 kg) ground b eef Break a par t and c ove r . T ouch RE CIP ES, n umb er 1 to sel ect B eef Wra ps an d the n tou ch QU ICK O N / S T ART . At pa use , dra in fa t and b reak grou nd be ef in to sm all pie ces .
Convenience Pad Recipes 41 Mexican Chicken M akes 6 serving s Place in layers in a 3-quart (3 L) casserole dish: 2 cu ps (230 g) instant rice 1 cu p (240 ml) prep ared f aji ta sa uc.
Convenience Pad Recipes 42 Garden Medley M ake s 6 ser v ing s Place in a 2 1 / 2 quart (2.5 L) casserole dish: 1 lb (.5 kg) peel ed ba kin g pot ato es, c ut in to ei ght hs and t hin ly sl ice d 14 1 / 2 - oz c an (410 g) d ice d tom ato es 2 ts p (10 ml) mi nce d gar lic 1 ts p (5 ml) thyme leaves Cov er wi th a li d.
Microwave Oven Car e 43 CON TRO L P A NEL Care sh oul d be ta ken i n cle ani ng th e tou ch co ntrol p ane l. If th e con trol pa nel b eco mes s oil ed, o pen t he do or to ina cti vat e the o ven c ont rols be fore cl ean ing . Wip e the pan el wi th a cl oth d amp ene d sli ght ly wi th wa ter o nly .
Microwave Oven Car e 44 Cleaning and Care TURNT ABLE The t ur nt abl e and t ur nta ble s upp ort c an be re mov ed fo r easy cleaning. W ash in water with a mild soap; for stubborn stains use a mild cleanser and a non-abrasive scouring sponge. They are also dishwasher -safe.
T roubleshooting Guide 45 T roubleshooting I f you r W olf mi crowa ve ov en is n ot op era tin g prope rly , use the following troubleshooting guide befor e calling W olf factory certified service. This guide will save you time and troub le an d may h elp y ou av oid t he ex pen se of a s erv ice cal l.
Service Information 46 Service Information W hen requesting information, literatur e, replacement parts or service, always refer to the model and serial numbers of your W olf microwave oven. Both numbers are listed on the product rating plate, located in the upper ar ea of the left interior wall.
W olf Appliance Pr oducts Limited W arranty FOR RESIDENTIAL USE ONL Y FULL TWO YEAR WARRANTY* For two years from the date of original installation, your W olf Appliance product warranty covers all parts and labor to repair or r eplace, under normal residential use, any part of the product that pr oves to be defective in materials or workmanship.
WOLF APPLIANCE, INC. P . O. BOX 44848 MADISON, WI 53744 WOLF APPLIANCE.COM 800.222.7820 819440 REV -A TINSEB289MRR3 5/ 2011.
An important point after buying a device Wolf Appliance Company MW24 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Wolf Appliance Company MW24 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Wolf Appliance Company MW24 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Wolf Appliance Company MW24 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Wolf Appliance Company MW24 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Wolf Appliance Company MW24, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Wolf Appliance Company MW24.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Wolf Appliance Company MW24. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Wolf Appliance Company MW24 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center