Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product ACS088PR0 Whirlpool
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ROOM A IR CONDITIONERS FOR SLIDER AND CASEMENT WINDOWS Use & Care Guide For q uesti ons ab out feat ur es, op erati on/p erfor mance , par ts, accessories or service c all: 1-8 00-253-13 01 . In Canada, call fo r assistance 1- 800-461 -5681 , f or installation and service, call: 1-800- 807-67 77 or visit ou r website at .
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS AIR CONDITIONER SAFETY .............................. ........................... 3 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS ................................... ............. 3 Tools and Parts ................................... ................
3 AIR CONDI TIONER SAFETY INSTALLATION RE QUIREMENTS To o l s a n d P a r t s Gat her the r equir ed tools an d parts befor e start ing insta llati on. Read and fol low the instruct ions provided with any tools li sted here. To o l s n e e d e d Parts supplied Check that all parts a r e inc luded in pa rts package.
4 Parts needed ■ If metal case ment window ins tallation , a ³⁄₄ " (19 mm) wood filler panel will be needed for opening greater than 15 ¹⁄₂ " (39.4 cm) wide. See “ Metal or W ood Casement Window Instal lation. ” ■ If wood case ment window installation , a 1" (2.
5 Power Supp ly Cord NOTE : Yo u r u n i t ’ s device may differ fr om the one show n. This room air conditioner is equ ipped with a power supply cord required by UL. This power supply cord contai ns state-of-t he-art electronics that s ense leakage current.
6 Install support platform 1. Slide open one w indow sash to ins tall support plat form. 2. Loosely attach support angle to bottom of support platform using two ⁷⁄₁₆ " machin e scre ws, flat wa shers and nuts. 3. Place su pport plat form against low er window tra ck and firmly against vertica l edge of window frame.
7 Metal or W ood Casement Win dow Installation ■ Handle air cond itioner with care. ■ Be sure your air conditioner does not fall out of the opening during installation or removal. ■ Do no t block the lo uvers o n the fro nt pane l. ■ Do not block air mov ement on the outside of the air condit ioner .
8 Install air conditioner in window 1. Slide ai r conditioner onto s upport platform. Check t o be sure air conditio ner side chann el fits sec urely against verti cal edge of window frame. NOTE : I f air conditi oner side channel does not fit se curely against wind ow frame, remove air condit ioner and readjust leve ling bolt.
9 AIR CONDITIONER USE Operating yo ur air conditione r properly helps you t o obtain th e best poss ible results. This section expl ains proper air conditione r operation. IMPORT AN T : ■ If you tur n off the air conditioner , wait at leas t 3 minutes before turnin g it back on.
10 Fan Speed 1. Press F AN S PEED until you see th e indicator light come on for th e settin g you des ire. 2. Choose Auto, Low , High or T urbo. When Auto i s selected , the fan sp eed will ch ange automatical ly as the tempe rature in the room changes .
11 T o select the fan spee d (in Cool, Fan Only or Power Saver mode only ): Press AUTO, TURBO, HIGH or LOW . T o ra ise the temperatur e: Press the p lus butto n.
12 AIR CONDITI ONER CARE Y our new ai r cond itio ner is de signe d to gi ve you m any years of dependab le servi ce. This section tells you how t o clean a nd care for your air condi tioner properly . Call your lo cal authorized d ealer for an annual checku p.
13 TROUBLESHOOTING Y ou can solve many common air conditioner problems easily , saving you the cost of a service call. T ry the suggestions below to see wh ether you can solve your problem without outside h elp. Air conditioner will not operate ■ The power supp ly cord is u nplugged.
14 ASSISTANCE OR SERVICE Before calling for ass istance or service , please chec k “ T roubleshooting. ” It may sa ve you t he cost of a service call. If you sti ll nee d help, f ollow the instruct ions b elow . When calli ng, please know the purchase date and the comple te model and s erial number of your appli ance.
15 WHIRLPOOL ® AIR CONDITIONER W ARRANTY ONE YE AR FU LL W ARRAN TY For one year from the dat e of purchase, i f this ai r conditioner fail s when oper ated and main tained ac cor ding t o instructio.
16 SEGURIDAD DEL ACONDICIONADOR DE AIR E Si no sigue las instrucciones de inmediato, usted o sufrir una lesión grave. Si no sigue las instrucciones, usted puede morir o sufrir una lesión grave.
17 REQUISI TOS DE INSTALACIÓN Herramien tas y piezas Re ú na las he rramientas y piezas necesari as antes de comen zar la in stalaci ó n. Lea y siga las inst rucciones provistas con cualqu iera de las herramie ntas enlis tadas aqu í .
18 Requisit os eléctricos Las clasi ficacione s el é ctricas para su acon dicionador de aire est á n enumerad as en la etiq ueta de n ú mero del modelo y de serie. La eti queta con el n ú me ro de mode lo y seri e es t á ubicad a en el lado derecho del gabinete.
19 NOTA S: ■ El bot ó n de reposi ci ó n de be pr esiona rse par a el fun cionam iento adec uado . ■ El c able de s umini str o de ener g í a debe ser reemplazado s i no se dispara cuando se presione el bot ó n de prue ba o cuan do fall e la rep osici ó n.
20 5. Tire d el soporte angular contra la parte exterior de l a estruct ura. Ajus te dos to rnillos para me tales d e ⁷⁄₁₆ " e n la parte superior de la plataforma de s oporte. 6. Ajuste el perno de n ivelaci ó n para nivelar el soporte angular .
21 Marco de ventana a bierta 1. Quite el mecani smo de traba y l as manijas. 2. Doble el marco de la vent ana contra la pared exte rior del edif icio y f í jela o b ien, re t í rela por completo si fuera posible. Instalaci ó n en ventanas a bisagra de madera 1.
22 Complete la instalación 1. Coloque el ret é n super ior en el bo rde superi or del panel de relleno, luego coloqu e el borde inferior del pan el de relleno en la ranura del re t é n inferior (montado sobr e el acondicionado de aire).
23 CÓMO USAR SU A CONDICIONADOR DE AIRE Operar debida mente su acondici onador de aire le permite ob tener los mej ores r esult ados posibles. Esta secc i ó n le expl ica c ó mo operar su acondiciona dor de aire debidamente.
24 ■ Power Saver (Ahorr o de ener g í a) — El ve ntil ado r funci ona ú nicamente cuando se neces ita enfriamie nto. Usted puede s elecciona r la vel ocidad d e ventila ci ó n oprim iendo F AN SPEED (V elocid ad de ve ntilac i ó n).
25 Para encender o ap agar el acond icionador de aire: Presion e POWER (Energ í a). Para seleccionar el mo do o ahorro de energ í a: 1. Oprima MODE (m odo) para sel eccionar Cool (en friamiento) o Fan Only (s ó lo v enti laci ó n). 2. Oprima POWER SA VER para seleccionar el modo de Power Saver (ahorro d e energ í a).
26 Cómo cambia r la dirección del aire Use los br azos para ajustar l as celos í as y obtener el fl ujo de air e deseado. Sonidos normales Cuando el acondicionad or de aire est á func ionando normalme nte, usted pod r á escuchar sonidos como: ■ Gotas de agua qu e caen sobre el condensad or , produciendo tintin eos o chasqu idos.
27 SOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMAS Usted puede r esolver f á cilmente muchos problemas fr ecuentes del acondicionador de aire ahorr á ndose el cost o de una llamada de servicio. Pruebe las sugerencias que se incluyen a contin uaci ó n para ver si puede r esolver el problema sin ayuda.
28 ■ El control d e temperatura no est á en una posici ó n lo suficientemente fr í a. Ajuste el control de tempera tura a una posici ó n m á s fr í a. Oprima el bot ó n TEMP de menos pa ra reducir la temperatu ra de a 1 º hasta que llegu e a los 66 º F (19 º C).
29 GARANTÍA DEL ACONDICIONADOR DE AI RE DE WHI RLPOOL ® GARANT Í A TOT A L DE UN A Ñ O Dura nte un a ñ o a pa rtir de la fech a de c ompr a, si e ste ac ondi cio nador de air e no fun ciona habi .
30 SÉCURITÉ DU CLIMATISEUR Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
31 EXIGENCES D’INSTALLATI ON Outi ls et pi èces Rass embl er les o utils et p i è ces n é cessaires avan t de commencer l ’ insta llati on. Lir e et suivr e les ins tructio ns fo urnies avec les outils indiqu é s ic i.
32 Spécifications électriques Les cara ct é ri stiques é l ectriques du climatiseur son t indiqu é es sur la p laque sign al é tique. L' é tiquet te des num é ros de mod è le et d e s é rie est situ é e du c ô t é dr oit d e la caisse.
33 REMARQUES : ■ Le bo uton de r é init iali sation d oit ê tre enfonc é pour un fon ction neme nt co rrect. ■ Le co r don d' alime ntation doit ê tre rempla c é en cas d'absence d e d é clenchemen t lorsque le bout on de test est enfonc é ou en cas d' é ch ec de la r é initialis ation.
34 5. Tirer l ’é querr e de soutie n contr e l ’ ex t é rieur de la stru cture. Serrer 2 vi s à m é tau x de ⁷⁄₁ ₆ " su r le dess us de la pl aque de sout ien. 6. R é gler le b oulon de nivell ement afin de posi tionner l ’é querr e de sout ien à ni veau.
35 Cadre de fen ê tr e ouvert 1. Enlev er le m é ca nisme de maniv elle et le s poign é es de cr é mone. 2. Repl ier le ch â ssis ver s l ’ arri è re c on t re l e m u r e xt é rieur du b â timent et fixer solidement , ou enlever compl è tement si poss ible.
36 P our com pl éte r l’in st alla tion 1. Place r le disp osit if de reten ue sup é rieur sur le bor d sup é rieur du panneau de remplissage, pui s placer le bo r d in f é rieur du panneau de remplissag e dans la rai nure du disposit if de r etenue inf é rieur (mont é su r l ’ appareil ).
37 UTILISATION DU CLIMATISEUR Une bonne util isation de votre climat iseur vous aide ra à obtenir l es meilleurs r é su ltats p ossible s. Cette section explique le fonct ionnement correct du climat iseur . IMPORT ANT : ■ Si on d oit é tein dre le climati seur , attendre au moins 3 min utes avant de le ral lumer .
38 ■ Power Saver ( é conergie) — Le venti lateur f onctionne unique ment lorsqu 'un re froi dissem ent est n é cessai r e. Appuyer sur F AN SP EED pour choisir l a vitesse du ventil ateur .
39 Pour mettr e en mar c he et arr ê ter le climatiseur : Appuyer sur POW ER. Pour s é lectionner le mode ou Power Saver ( é conomie d' é ne rgie) : 1. Appuyer sur MODE p our s é lectionner Cool (refroidissemen t) ou Fan On ly (venti lateur seulemen t).
40 Son s nor maux Lorsque le cli matiseur foncti onne normalement, on peut percevoir certain s sons comme : ■ Gout tele ttes d 'eau q ui heur tent l e con dense ur , causa nt un clique tis ou un cliqu ettement. Les gouttele ttes d'eau contribuent au refr oidiss ement du condenseu r .
41 DÉPANNAGE V o us pouvez f acilement r é soudre faci lement de nombreux p robl è mes courants concern ant votr e climatiseur et ain si é conomiser le co û t d'une visite de service. Essayez les suggest ions ci-dessous po ur d é term ine r si vous p ouvez r é so udr e vo tr e pr obl è me sans aide ex t é rieure.
42 Fuite d'eau pr o venant de la c aisse dans la maison ■ Le climatiseur n'est pas de niveau. Le climat iseur d oit ê tre l é g è r ement inc lin é vers le bas e t vers l'ext é rieur .
43 GARANTIE DU CLIMATISEUR WHIRLPOOL ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN AN Pendant un an à pa rtir de la date d'ach at, si ce c limatis eur est d é fail lant l orsqu ’ il est u tili s é et en tr .
1 188176 © 2004 Whi rlpool Corporati on. A ll rights reserve d. T odos lo s derechos reservados . T ous droits r é serv é s. ® Registe red Trad emark/TM Tradem ark of Wh irlpool, U.S.A., Wh irlpool Ca nada LP Licensee i n Canada ® Marca r egistrad a/TM Ma rca de com ercio de Whirlpoo l, EE.
An important point after buying a device Whirlpool ACS088PR0 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Whirlpool ACS088PR0 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Whirlpool ACS088PR0 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Whirlpool ACS088PR0 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Whirlpool ACS088PR0 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Whirlpool ACS088PR0, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Whirlpool ACS088PR0.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Whirlpool ACS088PR0. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Whirlpool ACS088PR0 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center