Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 9758899 Whirlpool
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ELECTRIC RANGE Use & Care Guide In Canada, call fo r assistance 1-800-461 -5681 , f or installation and service, call: 1-800- 807-67 77 or visit our website at.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS RANGE SAFETY .................................... ............................ ............. 3 The Anti-Tip Bracket ....................................................... ............. 3 PARTS AND FEATURES .......................
3 RANGE SAFETY The An ti- Tip Bra cket The range will no t tip durin g normal use. However , the range c an tip if yo u apply too much force or weight to the open door wit ho ut t he anti-tip bracket fastened down p roperly . You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately follow instructions.
4 WARNING: T o reduce the risk of fir e, electrical shock, injury to persons, or damage when using the range, follow basic precautions, including the following: ■ WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF TIPPING OF THE RANGE, THE RANGE MUST BE SECURED BY PROPERL Y INST ALLED ANTI-TIP DEVICES.
5 P ARTS AND FEATURES This manual covers several different models. The range you h ave purchased may have some or al l of the parts and feat ures listed . The location and appearance of the features shown here may not match those of you r model. Contr ol Panels ■ Keep Oven V ent Ducts Unobstructed.
6 Rang e A. Surface cooking area lo cator B. Electronic oven control C. Surfac e cooking a rea locato r D. Left fr ont control knob E. Left rear control knob F . Right rear control knob G. Right front contro l knob A. Appliance outlet B. Appliance outlet circuit breaker C.
7 COOKTOP U SE Cooktop C ontrols The control knobs can be se t anywhe re between HI an d LO. Push in and tur n to setti ng. Use the followi ng chart as a guide w hen settin g heat l evels . NOTE : On self-c leaning cerami c glass models, the cooktop will not opera te when t he range i s in a self-clean ing mode.
8 The W arm Zone Element area will not glow red when cyclin g on. However , its ind icator light will glow as long as t he W arm Zone Element area is too h ot to touch. ■ Use only cookware and dishes recommende d for oven and cooktop use. ■ Cover all food s with a lid or a luminum foil.
9 2. Pull the c oil elem ent straight away from the receptacle. 3. Lift out the bu rner bowl . T o R eplace: 1. Line up openi ngs in the bur ner bowl with the coil eleme nt receptacle. 2. Holding the coi l element as l evel as pos sible, carefully p ush coil element t erminal into th e r eceptac le.
10 ELECTRONIC OVEN CONTROLS Style 1 Electronic Oven Control (o n some models) Style 2 Electronic Oven Control (o n some models) Style 3 Electronic Oven Contr ol (on some models) Disp lay Style 1 Elect ronic Oven Control When power is first sup plied to the app liance, “ 12 :00 PM ” will appear on the di splay .
11 Start Style 1 Elect ronic Oven Control The ST ART pad begins any oven fu nction. The display will show SET TEMP OR TIME OR PUSH ST ART . Styles 2 & 3 Electronic Oven Cont rols The ST ART pad begins any oven fu nction.
12 Ti m er The Timer c an be se t in hours or minut es up to 12 hours and 59 minutes, and counts down th e set time. Th e Timer does not start or stop t he oven. To S e t : 1. Press TIMER SET/OF F . The timer indicato r light will light up on some m odels.
13 P ositioning Racks and Bakeware IMPORT AN T : D o not place food or bakeware directly on the oven door or bottom. Permanent da mage will occur to the por celain finish. RACK S NOTE S: ■ Position racks before turning the oven on. ■ Do not move racks with bake ware on them.
14 Bakeware The bakeware mat erial affects cooking r esults. Follow manufact ure r ’ s recommendations and use the b akeware size recommended in the recipe. Use the following ch art as a guide. Mea t The rmome te r On models wit hout a temperatu re probe, always rely on a meat thermometer to determine donenes s of meat and poultry .
15 Pr eheati ng Style 1 Elect ronic Oven Control After ST ART is pressed, the oven wil l enter a timed p reheat condit ioning. “ Lo ” will appear on th e display until the t emperature is ab ove 1 70 º F (77 º C).
16 BROILING CHART For best res ults, place food 3" (7 cm) or mor e from the broil element. Time s are guidelines on ly and may n eed to be adjus ted for individual foods and tast es. Recommende d rack positions are numbered from the bottom (1) to the top (5).
17 NOTE : Each temper atur e in t his t able is 2 5 ° F (14 º C) l ower than for a non-convecti on oven. At the end of each set t ime, the oven will tu rn off.
18 T o Use Manual W arm Hold Feature: Style 1 Elect ronic Oven Control 1. Press WARM. 2. Set th e temp erature (op tiona l). Press the TEMP “ up ” or “ down ” arrow pa d to rais e or lower the tempera ture in 5 ° F (3 ° C) amounts to se t a temperatu r e other th an 170 ° F (77 ° C).
19 5. Press TE MP/TIME “ up ” or “ down ” ar row pad to ente r the length of tim e to c ook. 6. Press ST ART . The display will cou nt down the t ime. When t he time ends , the oven will s hut off automaticall y and “ End ” will appear on the di splay .
20 T o Mod ify Sequence Programming : 1. Press DEL ETE STE P . The last step of the sequ ence will be can celed, and t he step prior to the cance led sequence wil l show on the display for either review or modificat ion.
21 Prepare Cooktop and Storage Drawer: ■ Remove plast ic items from the cooktop be cause the y may melt. ■ Remove plast ic items from the storage d rawer because th ey may melt.
22 Style 3 Elect ronic Oven Control Delay St art Self-Cl ean is not ava ilable on St yle 3 Oven C ontrol. T o Stop Self- Clean any time: If the clea n function is terminated while the oven cavity temperature is greater than 500 º F (260 º C), the oven door wi ll remain la tched unti l the oven cavity t emperatu re is below th is thresho ld.
23 CONTROL P ANEL Do not use ab rasive clea ners, steel- wool pads, gritty washclot hs or some paper towe ls. Damage may occur . ■ Glass cleaner an d soft cloth or sp onge: Apply glass cleaner to soft cloth or sp onge, not directly on panel. COIL ELEMENT S (on some models) Do not clean or imme rse in wate r .
24 Appliance Ou tlets (on some mode ls) The 120v appli ance outlet s located on th e control console may be used to run portable appli ances placed on countert ops beside the range. The outlets operat e independe ntly and are not affected by range control settings.
25 Storage Drawer The storage drawer c an be removed. Before r emoving, make sure drawer is cool and empt y . T o remove: 1. Pull draw er strai ght o ut to the firs t sto p. 2. Lift up the bac k of the drawer an d pull out. T o rep lace: 1. Fit the ends of the drawer rai ls into th e guides in t he cavity .
26 Display shows message s ■ Is the display showin g “ PF ” ? There has be en a p ower failure. Clear th e display . See “ Di spl ay(s) ” s ection.
27 WHIRLPOOL ® COOKTOP, B UILT-IN OVEN AN D RANGE W ARRANTY ONE-YEAR FULL WARRANTY For one year from the date of purchase, when this appl iance is operat ed and mainta ined according to inst ructions at tached to or furnished with the produ ct, Whirlpool Canada Inc.
28 SÉCUR ITÉ DE LA CUIS INIÈRE La brid e anti bascul ement Dans l es cond ition s de se rvice normales , la cu isini è re ne bascule pas. El le peut cep endant basc uler si une force ou un poids excessif est appl iqu é sur la port e ouverte alors qu e la bride an tibascu lement n ’ est pas con vena ble ment fix é e.
29 CONSER VEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS A VERTISSEMENT : Pour r é duire le risque d ’ incendie, de choc é lectrique, de blessures ou de dommages lors de l ’ utilisation de la cuisini è re, il convient d.
30 CONSER VEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS ■ Ne pas tremper les é l é ments de chauffage amovibles – Les é l é ments de chauffage ne doivent jamais ê tre immerg é s dans l ’ eau.
31 PIÈCES ET CARACTÉ RISTIQUES Ce manu el couv re p lusieur s mod è le s dif f é rents . La cuis ini è r e que vous avez ac het é e peut comporter quelqu es-unes ou toutes les pi è ces et caract é rist iques é num é r é es.
32 Cuisini è re A. Pr ise é lectrique d e l'a ppareil B. Disjoncteur de la cuisinière C. Évent du four (sur les modèles avec vitrocér amique) D.
33 UTIL ISA TION DE LA T AB LE DE CUISSON Command es de la table de cuisson Les boutons de commande peuvent ê tre r é gl é s à n' importe quelle position entre HI et LO. Pousser et tou rner le b outon au r é glage. Utilis er le tableau sui vant comme guide lors du r é gl age des nive aux de chaleur .
34 Élémen t zone d e réchauffage (s ur cer tai ns m odèle s) Utili ser l' é l é ment zone de r é chauffage pour garder au chaud les aliment s cuits. Afin de ma inteni r la qual it é des alimen ts, un e heure e st la dur é e maximale recommand é e.
35 ■ S ’ assurer que le dess ous des cass eroles est propre et sec avant de l es ut iliser . Les r é sidu s et l ’ eau peuvent l aisser des d é p ô ts lors du chauffage. ■ Ne p as fa ir e cuire d ’ aliments directement su r la table de cuisson .
36 Ustensiles de c uisson IMPORT ANT : Ne pas lai sser un ustens ile de cuisson vide sur la surface d ’ une table de cuisson, d ’ un é l é ment ou d ’ un br û leur de sur fac e chau ds.
37 Commande é lectronique du fo ur Style 3 (su r cer tai ns mod è les) Affichage Commande é lectro nique du four Lors d e la mise sous tension initiale de l 'appa reil , “ 12:00 PM ” appara î t sur l'a ff icha ge. V oir la sect ion HOR LOGE p our r é gl er l ’ heur e.
38 Commande é lectr onique du four Style 1 Signaux sono res de rappel : Les signaux sonor es de rapp el peuvent ê tre é teints. Sur ce rtains mo d è les, ap puye r sur l a touc he BAKE (cuisson au four) pendan t 5 secondes . REMINDER TONES OFF (signaux son ores de rappel é teints ) appa ra î tra sur l ’ af ficheur .
39 Arrêt a utomat ique au b out de 12 heur es La comm ande du f ou r est prog ram m é e pour arr ê ter automatiqu ement le f our 12 he ures apr è s l ’ allumage. Ceci n ’ aura aucune inciden ce sur une fonction de cui sson minut é e ou diff é r é e.
40 USTENSILE S DE CUISSON L ’ air chaud doit pouvoir circuler autou r de l ’ alimen t pour le cu ir e unif orm é men t. Laisser 2" (5 cm ) d'espace entre les usten siles de cuisson et les pa rois du four . Se servi r du tabl eau suivan t comme guide.
41 Ther mo mèt re à vi and e Sur les mod è le s sans sonde the rmom é tr ique, toujour s se serv ir d'un the rmom è tre à v iande pou r v é rifier la cuisson de la vian de ou d e la vola ill e. C'es t la tem p é ratur e interne qui impor te et non l'apparence.
42 Utilisatio n : 1. Appuyer sur la fonction CHOICE BAKE ® . Appuyer sur la touche TEMP à fl è che (haut ou ba s) pour entrer une temp é rat ure au tr e que 350 ° F (175 ° C) par tran ches de 5 degr é s. La temp é rature de cuisson au four peut ê tr e r é gl é e entre 170 ° F et 500 ° F (75 ° C et 260 ° C).
43 La pl upart des a limen ts peuvent ê t re cuits en r é duis ant les temp é ratu re s de cuis son de 25 ° F à 50 ° F (14 ° C à 28 ° C) et la dur é e de cuiss on peut ê tr e r é du ite j usqu ’à 30 pour cent , sur tout p our les gr os r ô tis et di ndes.
44 TA B L E A U D E R Ô TISSAG E P AR CONVECTIO N *Ne pas f arc ir la vo laille lors d u r ô tissage par conv ection. Caractéri stique W arm Hold ( garde au chaud) (sur certains modè les) IMPORT ANT : Les ali ments doiv ent ê tre à la temp é rature de service ava nt de les placer dans le fou r chaud.
45 Cuisson minu tée (s ur cer tai ns m odèle s) La cuiss on minut é e p ermet d ’ allumer le four à une certaine h eure de la jo urn é e, de faire cuire pendant une dur é e r é gl é e et/ou d ’é tein dr e le four au tomati quemen t.
46 R é glage d'une cuisson minut é e diff é r é e : Ava nt le r é glag e, s ’ assu re r qu e l ’ horloge est r é gl é e à l ’ heur e exacte. V oir la sect ion “ Horloge ” . 1. Appuyer sur B AKE (cuisson au four). 2. R é gler la temp é rature (facultatif) .
47 Modification de la programmation d' une s é qu ence : 1. Appuyer sur DEL ETE STEP (s upprimer une é tape) . La d er ni è re é ta pe d'une s é q uence sera annul é e et l' é tape pr é c é dant l a s é quence ann ul é e appara î t sur l'afficheur pour r é vision ou modifi cation.
48 Pr é paration d e la table de cuisso n et du tiroir de remisage : ■ Enlever les articles d e plastiqu e de la tabl e de cuisson ca r ils peuv ent fond re .
49 Commande é lectr onique du four Style 2 Ava nt d e di ff é rer la mis e en marche de l'auton ettoyage, s'assurer que l'horl oge est r é gl é e à l'heur e exacte.
50 Renversements de mati è res sucr é es (gel é es, confiseries, sir op) ■ Grattoir pour t able de cui sson : Nettoyer penda nt que la table de cuis son est encore ti è de.
51 L È CHEFRITE ET GRILLE Ne pas nettoyer au programme d ’ autonettoy age. ■ Nettoyant l é g è rement abrasif : Frotter avec un tampon à r é cur er mouill é .
52 4. Tire r tout dr oit sur la porte, puis v ers soi. Les s upports de charn i è r e gliss eront hors de l a fente de charni è re avant du ch â ssis. Ne pa s enlev er les goup illes ta nt que la porte ne sera pas r é ins tall é e sur la cu isini è re.
53 DÉPANNAGE Essayer les solu tions sugg é r é es ici d'abor d afin d' é viter le co û t d'une visite d e service non n é cessaire. Rien ne fonctionne ■ Est-ce que le cordo n d'alimentation est d é branch é ? Brancher sur une pri se reli é e à la terre.
54 ASSISTANCE OU SERVICE Avant de faire un appel pou r assistance ou service, cons ulter la section “ D é pan nag e ” . Ce guide p eut vous fair e é conomiser le co û t d ’ une visite de servi ce. Si vou s avez enc ore besoin d ’ aide, suivre les instru ction s ci-dessou s.
55 GARAN TIE DE LA TA BLE DE CUI SSON, DU FO UR ENCAS TRÉ ET DE LA CUISIN IÈRE WHI RLPOOL ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN AN Pend ant un an à compter de l a date d'a chat, lo rsque cet ap pareil est utilis é et entretenu conform é ment aux instructions jo intes à ou fournies avec l e pr oduit , Whirlpool Ca nada Inc .
9758899 © 2004 Wh irlpo ol Corpo ration. All rig hts reserv ed. Tous dr oits r é serv é s. ® Registe red Trad emark /TM Trad emark of W hirlp ool, U.S .A., Whi rlpool Ca nada Inc . Licen see in Ca nada ® Marqu e d é pos é e/TM M arque de commerce d e Whirlpo ol, U.
An important point after buying a device Whirlpool 9758899 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Whirlpool 9758899 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Whirlpool 9758899 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Whirlpool 9758899 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Whirlpool 9758899 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Whirlpool 9758899, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Whirlpool 9758899.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Whirlpool 9758899. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Whirlpool 9758899 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center