Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product CS6114 VTech
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O n l i n e u s e r ’s m a n u a l Model : CS6 1 1 4 w w w . v t e c h p h o n e s . c o m.
i Congratulations on purchasing your new VTech product. Before using this telephone, please read Important safety instructions on page 31 of this manual. This manual has all the feature operations and troubleshooting necessary to install and operate your new VTech telephone.
ii T able of conten ts Ge t ting s ta r te d .........................1 Part s che ck list ............................1 T el eph one bas e inst allati on .......2 Wall mountin g .............................2 Bat ter y ins tall ation ................
1 Par ts ch eck list Y o ur telep hone c ont ains th e follow ing item s. Save your sales re cei pt and orig inal pac kagi ng in the event warr ant y ser v ic e is nec es sar y . T o purch ase a r epl ace men t bat ter y or p ower ad apter, visit o ur web site at w w w.
2 Get ting started T e lep hone b ase ins tall ation Inst all the te leph one ba se as sh own bel ow . Make sure th at the ele ct ric al out let is n ot cont roll ed by a wall switc h.
3 Get ting started 4 Bat te r y inst allat ion After you install the handset battery, the ha ndset w ill pro mpt you to set th e date and ti me. The han dset wi ll also p rompt you to s et the d ate and time af ter a power failure. For instructions, see Set date and time on page 9.
4 Get ting started Bat te r y charg ing Once you have installed the battery, the screen indicates the battery status (see the table below). If necessary, place the handset in the telephone base to charge the battery. For best performance, keep the handset in the telephone base when not in use.
5 Get ting started CID/VOL- Press to review the call log when the telephone is not in use (page 20). During a call, press to decrease the listening volume. A double beep sounds at the lowest setting (page 11). Press to scroll down while in a menu, or reviewing the directory, call log or redial list.
6 Get ting started Han dset l ayout /VOL + Press to review the directory when the telephone is not in use (page 16). During a call, press to increase the listening volume. A double beep sounds at the highest setting (page 11). Press to scroll up while in a menu, or reviewing the directory, call log or redial list.
7 Ringe r volume Y o u can ad just t he rin ger volum e or turn t he rin ger of f. Press M EN U/ SE LE CT w hen th e hand set is not in u se. Press CID or until t he scr een di splays Ring er s , then pr ess ress M E NU /S ELEC T t wi ce. The s creen d isp lays V olume: w ith th e curre nt set ting ashi ng.
T elephone settings 8 LCD langu age The LCD lang uage is p reset to Engl ish. Y ou can sel ec t Englis h, French or Spani sh to be u sed in al l scre en dis plays. T o chang e th e se tt ing: Press M EN U/ SE LE CT w hen th e hand set is not in u se. Press CID or until t he scr een di splays Se t ting s , then pre ss M EN U / SE LEC T t wic e.
T elephone settings 9 Key tone Y o u can tur n the key tone o n or of f. Press M EN U/ SE LE CT w hen th e hand set is not in u se. Press CID or until t he scr een di splays Se t ting s , then pre ss M EN U / SE LEC T . Press CID or until t he scr een di spl ays Key tone , then p ress M E NU /S ELEC T .
T elephone settings 10 Hom e are a cod e If you dial l oc al ca lls usi ng onl y seven digi ts (area code n ot requ ired), you can pr ogra m your home are a cod e so th at when you re cei ve a call w ithin your loc al area , the tel eph one num ber is auto matic all y stored in t he c all lo g with out th e area co de.
11 Make a c all Press / FL AS H an d then u se the d ialin g keys ( 0 - 9 ) to dial th e telep hone n umbe r . Predi al a call Enter the tele phon e numb er usin g the di aling keys ( 0 - 9 ) , the n pres s / FL AS H to dia l. Answer a ca ll Press / FL AS H or any of t he dial ing keys ( 0 - 9 , TO N E or # ) .
12 T elephone operation T e mpor ar y ring er sile ncing When t he tele phon e is ri nging , you can tem porar ily si lenc e the r ing er of the hand set wit hout d isc onn ect ing th e call.
13 T elephone operation Chain di aling Use thi s feature to init iate a diali ng seq uenc e from n umber s store d in th e direc tor y , c all log o r redi al whil e you are on a ca ll.
14 T elephone operation Dial a r ed ial ent r y Press R ED IA L / PAUSE wh en the h ands et is not in us e. Press CID , or RE D IAL / PA U SE re peated ly unti l the de sired entr y d isp lays. Press / FL AS H to di al. - O R- Press / FL AS H wh en the h ands et is not in u se.
15 T elephone operation Add a dire ctor y e ntr y Enter the num ber whe n the ha ndset i s not in us e. Press ME N U / SE LECT , then g o to step 3. - O R- Press M EN U/ SE LE CT t hree tim es whe n the han dset i s not in us e. 2. Whe n the s creen d isp lays Ente r numb er : Use the d ialin g keys to enter the numb er .
16 T elephone operation Char act er cha r t Use the d ialin g keys and the c har t bel ow to enter a name (up to 1 5 char acter s ). Each pres s of a par ti cular key caus es th e chara cter s to be dis played in the fo llowin g orde r: N u m b e r K e y C h a r a c t e r s b y n u m b e r o f k e y p r e s s e s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 .
17 T elephone operation Alpha bet ical s ear ch T o star t a n alp hab et ica l se arc h: Follow th e steps in R eview t he d ire cto r y on pag e 1 6 to enter the dir ec tor y . Use the d ialin g keys to enter the let ters a sso ciate d with t he name.
18 T elephone operation De let e a dire ctor y e ntr y Searc h for the d esire d entr y i n the d irec tor y (see Revie w th e dir ec tor y on pag e 1 6 or Alp hab et ica l se arc h on page 1 7). When t he de sired en tr y ap pear s, pres s MU TE / D ELE TE .
19 T elephone operation Call log If you subscribe to caller ID service, information about each caller appears after the rst or second ring. If you answer a call before the caller information appears on the screen, it will not be saved in the call log.
20 T elephone operation Me mor y ma tch When t he inc omi ng tele phon e numb er matche s the la st seven dig its of a telep hone n umber i n your direc tor y , th e scre en dis plays the s tored nam e of the dir ec tor y entr y .
21 T elephone operation Dia l a call log num be r When i n the c all lo g ( see R eview t he c all lo g on pag e 20) , press CID or to browse to t he des ired ent r y . Press / FL AS H to c all. Save a call log e ntr y to th e dir ecto r y When i n the c all lo g ( see R eview t he c all lo g on pag e 20) , press CID or to browse.
22 T elephone operation De let e the c all log ent rie s De le te an e ntr y: When i n the c all lo g, pres s CID or to browse. Press M UT E /D E LET E to delete t he sel ec ted entr y . The scr een di splays De le ting .. . and t hen you hear a c on rmati on tone.
23 Ca l l l og em pty Ther e are no c al l log e ntr ies. D i re c to ry e mpty T here a re no d irec tor y entr ies . D i re c to ry f u l l The direc tor y is full. End ed X: X X : X X Y ou have just e nde d a ca ll. I nc omi ng ca l l There is an inc oming ca ll.
24 Appendix Han dset a nd tel eph one ba se indi cator s Ha nds et lig ht CHARGE On wh en t he han ds et is c harg ing i n the te le pho ne ba se. T ele phon e ba se lig ht IN USE On wh en th e tele pho ne i s in us e. Flas hes q ui ck ly wh en th ere is a n inc om ing c all.
25 Appendix Bat te r y It t ak es up t o 16 hour s for t he b at t er y to b e ful ly ch ar ge d. W he n it i s full y cha rg e d, you c an exp e ct t he f ollo wing p e r for man ce: Op erati on Op e.
26 Appendix T r ouble shoot ing If you have dif c ult y wit h your telep hone, pl ease tr y the su gge stio ns below. For customer s er vi ce, vis it our webs ite at w w w . v tec hph ones.c om or cal l 1 (800) 595 - 951 1 . In Canada , go to w w w.
27 Appendix Low battery shows on the handset screen. Place the handset in the telephone base for recharging. Remove and install the battery again and use it until fully depleted, then charge the handset in the telephone base for up to 16 hours. If the above measures do not correct the problem, replace the battery.
28 Appendix My handset beeps and is not performing normally. Make sure the power cord is securely plugged into the telephone base. Plug the telephone base into a different working electrical outlet not controlled by a wall switch. Move the handset closer to the telephone base.
29 Appendix My caller ID features are not working properly. Caller ID is a subscription service. You must subscribe to this service from your telephone service provider for this feature to work on your telephone. The caller may not be calling from an area which supports caller ID.
30 Appendix T r ouble shoot ing I cannot retrieve voicemail messages. If you su bs cri be to vo ic emai l ser vic e fro m your tel ep hon e ser v ic e prov id er (charg es may app ly), cont ac t your tel eph one s er v ic e provi de r for mo re info rm atio n on how to acc es s your voi ce mai l.
31 Appendix Imp or ta nt safe t y instru ctio ns When using your telephone equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of re, electric shock and injury, including the following: Read and understand all instructions.
32 Appendix Prec aution s for use rs of impl ante d car diac pa cem akers Car dia c pac em aker s (app lie s on ly to d ig it al co rd le ss te le pho ne s) : Wir ele ss Techn ol og y Res ear ch , LLC.
33 Appendix About c ordl ess t ele phon es Priv acy: T he s am e featu res t hat m ake a c ord le ss te le ph one c on veni ent c rea te so me lim it ati ons .
34 Appendix Warrant y Wh at d oe s th is li mi te d war ra nt y c over ? The m an ufa ctu rer o f thi s V T ec h Pro du ct wa rra nt s to th e ho ld er of a val id p roo f of pu rc ha se (“ Co nsu m.
35 Appendix Warrant y (continued) ac tiv it y. Y ou mus t pay for t he c os t of re pai r and r etu rn s hip pi ng c os ts fo r the r ep air of Pr od uc ts tha t are n ot cove re d by thi s li mit ed war ra nt y.
36 Appendix FCC, ACT A a nd IC r egul ation s ( cont inue d) handset may be safely held against the ear of the user. The telephone base shall be installed and used such that parts of the user’s body other than the hands are maintained at a distance of approximately 20 cm (8 inches) or more.
37 Appendix Freque ncy c on tro l Crys tal c ont rol led PL L synt hes izer T ransmi t fre que ncy Ha nds et: 1 9 21 .53 6 - 1 928 .44 8 MHz T eleph one b ase: 192 1.536 -1 928.4 48 MHz Chan nel s 5 Nom ina l ef fec ti ve ran ge Ma xi mum p ower all owed by FCC a nd IC.
38 Index A Ab out c ord les s tel eph one s 33 Alp hab eti cal s ear ch 1 7 Answe r a cal l 1 1 B Bat ter y 2 5 Bat ter y c har gin g 4 Bat ter y i nst all atio n 3 C Call er ID 18 Call l og 19 Call l.
39 Index T T echn ic al sp ec i cat ion s 37 T eleph one b ase i nst all atio n 2 T eleph one b ase l ayout 4 T eleph one b ase l igh t 24 T empor ar y r ing er sil enc in g 1 2 T empor ar y to ne .
VTECH TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. A member of THE VTECH GROUP OF COMPANIES. Distributed in the U.S.A. by VTech Communications, Inc., Beaverton, Oregon 97008. Distributed in Canada by VTech Technologies Canada Ltd., Richmond, B.C. V6W 1L5. VTech is the registered trademark of VTech Holdings Limited.
An important point after buying a device VTech CS6114 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought VTech CS6114 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data VTech CS6114 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, VTech CS6114 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get VTech CS6114 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of VTech CS6114, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime VTech CS6114.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with VTech CS6114. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device VTech CS6114 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center