Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Ademco N7227V5 Vista
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N7227V5 10/00 9 9 , , 6 6 7 7 $ $ 6 6 ( ( 6HFXULW6VWHP ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG6HWXS*XLGH • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * A.
ii RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROPER PROTECTION The following recom mendations for the location of fire and burg lary detection dev ices help provide proper coverag e for the protected premises.
iii Table of Contents •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SECTION 1. Introduction ......................................................
iv SECTION 11. Final Power-Up ...................................................................................................... .............. 11 – 1 Earth Ground Co nnections ....................................................................
1–1 SECTION 1 Introduction •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• In This Section ♦ .
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 1-2 Security Codes • One Master code for ent ire system (Us er 2). Installer code is Us er 1. • 4 secon dary user co des ( User s 3 – 6).
Section 1 - Int roduction 1-3 Alarm Output • Provide s a 12VDC, 2 AMP outp ut that can driv e the compatible so unde rs listed in th e EXTERNAL SOUNDERS section (ass umes a fully charged battery is connected). • Steady o utput fo r burg lary/panic , or tem poral p ulse sou nding output f or fir e notif ication, as required by UL.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 1-4.
2 – 1 SECTION 2 Installing the Control •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• In This .
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 2-2 Mounting the Control's Circuit Board Alone in the Cabinet To mount the ci rcuit boa rd alone in t he cabinet, follow thes e steps : 1. Hang two mounting clips* (prov ided) on the raised cabin et tabs (see Detail B in Figure 2 below) .
3 – 1 SECTION 3 Remote Keypads •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• In This Section .
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 3-2 Wiring Run Chart for Devic es* Drawing Aux Power From the Control ( 12V+ & 12V – ) TOTAL CURRENT DRAWN BY ALL DEVICES CONNECTED T O A SINGL E WIRE RUN Wire Size 50mA or less 100mA 300mA 500mA #22 500 ft (152m) 250 ft (76m) 80 ft (24m) 50 ft (15m) #20 750 ft (228.
Section 3 - Inst alling Remote Keypads 3-3 Keypads powered fr om supplies that do not have a backup batter y will not function when AC power is lost. Therefore, be sure to power at least one keypad fr om the Control's aux iliary power output. Conne ct the add itional key pads as sho wn in Figure 6 , using the keypad wire colors shown.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 3-4 If the “ Ready ” mess age is not displa yed on any of the k eypads in t he system, or a “ Not Ready ” messa ge is displayed, check the keypad wiring connections, and make sure each of the 6 basic hardw ired zon es has a 1000 oh m resistor co nnected across its terminals.
4 – 1 SECTION 4 Basic Hardwired Zones 1 – 6 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 4-2 3. To meet NFP A 72 req uirements, you must us e a supervisory module to supervise power (e.g., Sy stem Senso r No.
5 – 1 SECTION 5 Wireless Expansion (5800 System) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 5-2 Installing the 5881/5882 Receiver RF System Installat ion Advisories Follow th e guide lines belo w whe n installing th e RF receiv er. (Disre gard if the receive r is mounted in the cont rol cabinet .) • Pla ce the RF receiver in a high, cent rally locat ed area for best reception.
Section 5 - Wireless Expansion 5-3 Installing the 5800TM Module Installation of this module is necessary only if y ou are usin g one o r more 5827BD Wireless Bi-directio nal keyp ads, 5804 or 5804BD Tran smitters (wire less keys) .
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 5-4 For button transmitters (RF ke ys), such as th e 5801, 5804, and 5804BD , you mu st assign a unique zone n umber to each in dividu al button u sed on th e transm itter.
Section 5 - Wireless Expansion 5-5 The wir eless sy stem can id entify a true lo w-batte ry situatio n, thus allo wing th e de aler or user of the s ystem ti me to arrange a cha nge of batt ery a nd mainta in protection for t hat point within th e syste m.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 5-6 5800 Series Transmitters Table ( c ontinued) Model Description Input Type and Special Notes 5817 (cont'd.) Multi-Point Universal Transmitter (cont'd.) DIP Switches: Set all DIP switches to the OFF position when enrolling the serial number.
6 – 1 SECTION 6 Relay Output Devices •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• In This Se.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 6-2 4204 Setup 1 2 3 4 5 OF F ON ON The 4204 unit can be mounted either remo tely or in the control panel. Th e fo llowing steps should be taken to prop erly se t up the 4204: 1. Connect the 4204 t o the contr ol's remote k eypad ter minals (4 – 7), using the conne ctor supplied with the 4204.
7 – 1 SECTION 7 4285 and 4286 VIP Module •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• In Thi.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 7-2 VIP Module Wiring The VI P M odule is wired between the cont rol panel and t he premises handset(s ). It lis tens for touch-tones on t he phone line and report s them to t he control panel .
Section 7 - 4285/4286 VIP Module 7-3 4285/4286 VIP Module W IRING NOTES : 1. Wire the VIP Module exact ly as shown, using a direc t-connect c ord and RJ31X jack .
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 7-4 Programming the Control for Phone Access To prog ram the con trol for ph one acce ss using the 4285/4286 VIP Module , you must assig n a VIP Module access code ( ✱ 26 ) a nd ring detection count ( ✱ 95).
8 – 1 SECTION 8 External Sounders •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• In This Secti.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 8 – 2 Sounder Connections and Power The VISTA-10SE pr ovides a 12VD C output, w hich can po wer ex ternal alarm soun ders, be lls, or sirens (s ee tabl e of compatib le sounders on a previ ous page). T his output acti va tes a sounde r when an alarm occurs.
9 – 1 SECTION 9 Long-Range Radio •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• In This Sectio.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 9-2 Dynamic Signaling Feature This VISTA-10SE control panel features Dynamic Signaling Delay (DSD) and Dynamic Signaling Priority (D SP) mes sage reporti ng when Long-Range Ra dio is us ed. Thes e message outp uts are ac cesse d thro ugh d ata fiel d ✱ 93.
10 – 1 SECTION 10 Audio Alarm Verification (AAV) Unit ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.
11 – 1 SECTION 11 Final Power-Up •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• In This Sectio.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 11-2 AC Power-Up To turn on AC power, perform the following s teps: 1. Plug the 1321/1321CN into a 24-hour, unsw itched 120VAC outlet. Followi ng power-up, one of the foll owi ng is dis played on t he keypad: AC , dI (disa bled); BUSY STANDBY (on alp ha keyp ads); or NOT READY (on fixed-word keypads ).
Section 11 – F inal Power-Up 11-3 Connecting the Backup Battery In the ev ent of an AC powe r loss, the co ntrol pane l is supporte d by a backup, re chargeable Sealed Le ad Acid battery. Th e range of battery sizes recomme nded are : 12VDC; 4AH- 17.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 11-4.
12 – 1 SECTION 12 Mechanics of Programming •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• In T.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 12-2 If a diffe rent Installer co de is subse quently pr ogrammed , use it instead o f 4111 to gain access to t he P rogramming mode. When you enter the P rogram mode, dat a field ✱ 20 is dis played (thi s is t he first da ta fiel d in the sy stem).
13 – 1 SECTION 13 Zone Response Type Definitions •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 13-2 Type 05 Trouble by Day/ Alarm by Night Zone type 05 is usually a s signed to a zone that conta ins foil-prot ected doors or windows; or covers a sensi tive area (e.g., st ock room, drug su ppl y room, etc.
Section 13 – Zone Response Type Definitions 13-3 Type 20 Arm – STAY Zone type 20 is a special-p urpose zone ty pe use d with 5800 Se ries wire less pushbu tton tran smitters. Zone Characterist ics: • Exit delay re gardless o f the arming mode se lected.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 13-4.
14-1 SECTION 14 Data Field Descriptions •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• In This S.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 14-2 ✱ 26 VOIC E (PHONE) MODULE ACCESS CODE (2-Digit Entry) The use o f a 4285 or 4286 VIP (Pho ne) Mo dule re quires a 2- digit co de. Enter a 2-digit phone access code a s follows : For first digit, enter any digit from 1 to 9; for second digit, enter # +11 for ✱ , or # +12 for #.
Section 14 – Data Field Descriptions 14-3 ✱ 39 AUDIBLE EXIT WARNING (1-Digit Entry) If enabl ed, t his fiel d provides exit warning sound when a rmed AWAY or MAXI MUM. Warning s ound consist s of sl ow continuous beeps until l ast 5 seconds, when it change s to fast be eps.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 14-4 For an ex planation o f these forma ts, s ee the SYSTEM COMMUNICATION section . ✱ 46 REPORT FORMAT (1-Digit Entry) Determine which format is to be used t o report to the central station. Ente r 1 digit (0 – 9).
Section 14 – Data Field Descriptions 14-5 A 10-digit code is s ent to the pager t hat is coded in the foll owing format: 4-digit Subscribe r No. SSSS – EEE – NNN 3 -dig it User or Zone No. (as entered i n field ✱ 43) 3-Digit Event Code (EEE), as follows: 911 = Alarm (NNN = Zone No.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 14-6 ✱ 52 ZONE 3 RESPONSE TIME TO OPEN (1-Digit Entry) 0 = 400mS nominal; 1 = 10mS no minal. ✱ 56 ZONE ASSIGNMENT/ALARM REPORT CODES This is an Interactiv e Menu mode th at is used to p rogram zone numbers , zone types , and alarm and report codes , and to identi fy the ty pe of lo op inpu t devic e .
Section 14 – Data Field Descriptions 14-7 SYSTEM STATUS REPORT CODES ( ✱ 60 – ✱ 68) ✱ 60 TRO UBLE REPORT CODE (See box abo ve.) (2-Digit Entry) ✱ 61 BYPAS S REPORT CODE (See box above .) (2-Digit Entry) ✱ 62 AC LOSS REPORT CO DE (See bo x above .
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 14-8 RESTORE REPORT CODES ( ✱ 70 – ✱ 75) ✱ 70 ALARM RESTORE REPORT CODE (See box on previous page). For expanded or 4+2 reporting, a 2nd digit is automatically sent, and is the same as th e 2nd digit o f the zone Alarm Report code progra mmed i n field ✱ 56.
Section 14 – Data Field Descriptions 14-9 ✱ 93 DYNAMIC SIGNALING DELAY (DSD) ( 1st en try) This field enabl es you to s elect the t ime the panel should wait for acknowledgment from the first reporting dest inati on before it attempts to send a messag e to th e seco nd d estination .
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 14-10 Importan t Note: If “ 15 ” is entered in fiel d ✱ 95 to bypass an answ ering machine, and a 4285/4286 VIP Mod ule is includ ed in the installation.
15 – 1 SECTION 15 Zone Programming ( ✱ 56/ ✱ 58 Menu Mode) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 15 – 2 Zone Number 10 Zone Type Perimeter 03 Zone Type Zone Ty pe (ZT): Enter the Zone Type response (or change it, if necessary). Each zone must be assign ed to a zo ne type, w hich defines the way in which the sy stem re spond s to faults in that zone .
Section 15 - Z one Programming 15 – 3 10 INPUT S/N: L A022-4064 1 Note: The [A] and [B] ke ys may be u sed to mo ve the cursor to the r ight ( A) or le ft (B) withi n t he s erial number field, t hus allowi ng y ou to corr ect any e ntry e rror s that may have been m ade.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 15 – 4 5800 Series Transmitter Input Loop Identification All of the transmitters illustrate d on this p age hav e one or more unique f actory- assigned input (loop) ID codes . Each of the i nput loops req uires i t s own programming z one (e.
Section 15 - Z one Programming 15 – 5 XMIT TO CONFIRM PRESS ✱ TO SKIP Confirmation Opt ion: This prompt appears only if you answered Yes to the first prompt in this section. T he syst em enters a confir mation mode s o that t h e opera tion of the actual pro gramme d inpu t can be co nfirme d.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 15 – 6 ✱ 58 Expert Programming Mode Procedures Enter the P rogram mode and follow t he step-by-s tep ins tructions below. NOTE: Before proceeding, you must program fiel d ✱ 22 (RF Syste m) as require d. SET TO CONFIRM? 0 = NO 1 = YES 0 Press ✱ 58.
Section 15 - Z one Programming 15 – 7 10 INPUT S/N: L A022-4064 1 Note: The [A ] and [ B] k ey s may be used t o move t he cursor to the r ight (A) or le ft (B) withi n t he s erial number field, t hus allowi ng you to correct any entry errors that may have been m ade.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 15 – 8 To Remove a Zone To eithe r tempor arily or pe rmanently remove a zone f rom the 5800 system: 1. Enter the programming mode: Key Ins ta ller Code + 8 + 0 and press ✱ 56 . SET TO CONFIRM? 0 = NO 1 = YES 0 2.
Section 15 - Z one Programming 15 – 9 If you want to replac e t he serial number cont inue to step 4 ; otherwise, s kip to st ep 7 . A display f or the new transmitte r numbe r appe ars. 10 INPUT S/N: L A XXX - XXXX 1 4. Key th e transm itter. Th e new transmitte r serial n umber replac es the X ’ s in the d isplay.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 15 – 10 10. If ne cessary , press th e [#] key to bac k up with out savi ng, and re- enter the serial number. If you are manuall y entering the seria l number, use the [A] k ey to mov e fo rward w ithin the scree n, and th e [B] ke y to m ove backward.
Section 15 - Z one Programming 15 – 11 Wireless Key Predefined Default Templates Y OU MUST PROGRAM THIS BUTTON LOOP 4 LOOP 3 ENROLL AS "BR" LOOP 1 LOOP 2 ON OFF LOOP 3 LOOP 1 LOOP 2 LOOP 4.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 15 – 12.
16 – 1 SECTION 16 Output Device Programming ( ✱ 80 Menu Mode) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 16 – 2 • TRO UBLE Relay action beg ins upo n any tro uble co ndition in an assigned zone in the zone list. • NOT USED Relay act ion is not dependent upon one of the a bove events. 2. ZONE LIST (ZL) is a group of zones to whi ch the “ EVENT ” applies in o rder to activate a particular re lay.
Section 16 - Output Device Programming 16 – 3 If a relay is energized before a 4-wire smok e detector is r eset, the relay will be stopped by the interr uption of Aux. Power that resets the smoke detec tor. If this is not desired, the power to the relay unit should be supplied from another 12V power sourc e (e.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 16 – 4 02 Start: Zn List No List 0 If a zone list will be used to START the relay action, en ter the zo ne list number (to be programmed in field ✱ 81): 1, 2, or 3. If no t used, en ter 0. Press the [ ✱ ] key to continue.
17 – 1 SECTION 17 Zone Lists ( ✱ 81 Menu Mode) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 17 – 2 Notes: • Any lis t may include a ny or all of the s ystem's zone numbers. • A zone lis t can be as signed to more t han one output rel ay. • If you only want to review what has been programmed previously , press #81.
18 – 1 SECTION 18 Alpha Descriptor Programming ( ✱ 82 Menu Mode) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 18-2 Program Alpha ? 0 = No, 1 = Yes 0 2. Enter ✱ 82. The “ Prog ram Alp ha ? ” prompt appears. If you press 0 (No), proceed to step 4 . Custom Words ? 0 = No, 1 = Yes 0 3. By pressing 1 (Yes) in step 2 above: The “ Cu stom Wo rds ? ” prompt appears.
Section 18 – Alpha Descriptor Programming 18-3 ✱ ZN 01 BACK DOOR A ↑ Flashing Cursor if “ 6 ” is pressed (system is ready for n ext word). 9. Press [6] to accept the selected word . NOTE: If thes e are the only words you are usi ng for the descriptor, press [8] inst ead of [6] to s ave them in memory.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 18-4 5. Repeat st eps 3 an d 4 to create t he desired word(s). Note that the [4] key can b e used to move the curs or to the left . Use the [6 ] key to make a space be tween characters. Reme mber, no word or word- string can exceed 10 characters includ ing spaces.
Section 18 – Alpha Descriptor Programming 18-5 ALPHA VOCABULARY LIST (For Entering Zone Desc riptors) NOTE: Some rar e ly use d words appearing in previously publishe d lists have be en delete d fro m the list belo w. Use o nly this list for selecting zone descriptors.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 18-6.
19 – 1 SECTION 19 Remote Programming and Control (Downloading) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 19-2 Equipment Required At the premises: VISTA – 10SE and keyp ad. At the inst aller's office/hom e: An IBM PC -compa tible comput er. Either a SMARTMODEM 1200 (Leve l 1.2 or highe r exte rnal or Lev el 1.
20 – 1 SECTION 20 System Communication ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• In This Sec.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 20-2 The following describes each fo rmat in greater detail. 3+1 and 4+1 S tandard Formats Comprise a 3- (o r 4-) digit su bscriber numbe r and a single -digit report code (e.g., A larm, T rouble, Res tore, Open, Cl ose, etc.
21 – 1 SECTION 21 System Operation •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• In This Sect.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 21-2 Duress Code This feature is intended for use when you are forced to dis arm or arm the s ystem under threat. Whe n used, th e syste m will act no rmally, but can silently no tify the central station of your situa tion, if t hat s ervice has b een provided.
Section 21 – System Operation 21-3 Arming INSTANT .............. Enter cod e + INSTANT [7] . Arming MAXIMUM ............ Enter co de + MAXIMUM [ 4]. Quick Arming ..................... Simply press [#] ke y in place o f code, the n press (if enabled) AWAY , STAY, INSTANT, or MAXIMUM to arm system as desired.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 21-4 4285/4286 VIP Module (if used) Refer to the s eparate inst ructions s upplied with t he VIP Module for informa tion concerning its opera ting procedures.
Section 21 – System Operation 21-5 • A display of BAT (on fixed-word keypa ds) or SYSTEM LO BAT (on alp ha key pads) with no zone numbe r indicates th at the syste m's main standby battery is w eak.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 21-6.
22-1 SECTION 22 Testing the System •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• In This Sectio.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 22-2 If a key (or key pai r) has been progra mmed for fire, the keypa d and external s ounder will emit an inte rrupted alarm so und, and ALARM, FIRE and zone number will be displa yed. Silence alarms by entering the s ecurity code and pressing [OFF ] key.
23 – 1 SECTION 23 Specifications & Accessories •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide 23-2 Accessories (Compatible Devices) No. 1321 16.5VAC, 25VA Plug-In Transformer (in USA) No. 1321CN 16.5VAC, 25VA Plug-In Transformer (in Canada) Sounders ADEMCO AB-12M 10 ” Motoriz ed Be ll & Box Motor bell & box .
A-1 APPENDIX A Regulatory Agency Statements •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FEDER.
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide A-2 UL NOTICES 1. This is a "Grade A" reside ntial system . 2. The 4285/4286 VIP Module an d 7720PLUS or 7820 Lo ng-R ange Rad ios have not bee n UL tested a nd cannot, t herefore, be used i n a UL ins talla tion.
B-1 APPENDIX B Limitations and Warranties •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WARNIN .
VISTA -10SE Installat ion and Setup Guide B-2 ADEMCO LI M I TED WARRANTY Alarm Device Manufacturing Company, a Division of Pittway Corporation, and it s divisions , subsidiaries and affiliat es ( “ .
¬19Wl N7227V5 10/00 165 Eileen Way, Syosset, New Yo rk 11791 Copyright © 2000 P I TTWAY CORPORA TION.
An important point after buying a device Vista Ademco N7227V5 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Vista Ademco N7227V5 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Vista Ademco N7227V5 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Vista Ademco N7227V5 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Vista Ademco N7227V5 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Vista Ademco N7227V5, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Vista Ademco N7227V5.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Vista Ademco N7227V5. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Vista Ademco N7227V5 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center