Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product VPW505 ViewSonic
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ViewSonic VPW505 i i i i Contents For Your Records .. ............ ............. .................... ............. ............. ............ .................... ...... ............. ............ 1 PACKAGE CO NTENTS ................. ............. .
ViewSonic VPW505 1 Copyright © V iewSonic Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved. Macintosh, Mac and Power Macintosh are re gistered trademarks of A pple Computer , Inc. Microsoft, W indows, W indows NT , and the W indows logo are registered tra demarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
2 Vi ewSoni c VPW505 P ACKAGE CONTENTS Supplie d Accessor ies Please verify that you r eceived the following items with your package content: Note: Only suitable power cable is provided for the country of destination.
ViewSonic VPW505 3 Quiet Fanless Operation Quiet ope ration without fan noise - ex cellent for home th eater relate d applications. Advanced Digital Ima ge Proces sing Advanced di gital processor w ith ada ptive motio n de-int erlacing con verts al l 15KHz signals into progres sive scan for a b righter , flicker f r ee ima ge.
4 Vi ewSoni c VPW505 UNDERST ANDING YOUR DISPLA Y Front View Rear View Power (Standby) Button T urns power o n/off fro m standby mode. There is a 3- second wait bet ween on/off cycles . Status LED Not Illuminat ed - No AC Power detected If the main power switch ( rear of p anel) is turne d off, this LED will n ot il lumi nate .
ViewSonic VPW505 5 Remote Control Sound Mute On/ O ff Vo l u m e + / - T urn s volume up or do wn. Standby Powe r On/Off Push this b u tton to turn on the disp lay from Standby mo de. Push it again to tu rn of f to Standb y mode. SW A P This key swaps the main a nd sub pictur e windo ws under PIP or POP mod es.
6 Vi ewSoni c VPW505 CONNECTING THE DISPLA Y Conn ecting a DV D Player Using Component V ideo Input 1. Connect the green-colored (labeled as “Y”) jack from the DVD to t he green-colored“ Y1” jack of the di splay .
ViewSonic VPW505 7 Connect ing a HD TV Decode r Set -T op Bo x Using Component V ideo Input 1. Connect the green (labele d as “Y”) jack fr om the HDTV Set T op Box to the gree n “Y1” jack of the disp lay .
8 Vi ewSoni c VPW505 Conn ecting a VC R Using S-V ideo Input 1. Connect the S- V ideo (4-pin DIN) conn ector from the VC R to t he “ S-VI DEO ” inpu t on the ba ck o f disp lay . 2. Connect the red (R) and whi te (L) au dio jacks from the VCR to the R and L audio -in jacks locate d next to the S-VI DEO connector .
9 ViewSonic VPW505 Conn ecting a PC Using RGB or D VI V ideo Input 1. For most PC’ s, connec t the 15-pin D-Sub RGB connect or from the ba ck of the PC to t he RGB-IN Connector located on the back of the display .
10 Vi ewSoni c VPW505 Powering ON / OFF Using Front Panel or Remote Contro l 1. Confirm the dis play is plugg ed into the wall out let and th e main AC switc h located in the rear of the display is switched to t he ON positi on. If the power is p lugged in and t he AC switch is on, t he ST A TU S LE D wi ll ill umin ate a s oli d yell ow color .
ViewSonic VPW505 11 Adjust ing Soun d V olum e Using Front Panel or Remote Control 1. T o turn up s ound volume, press VOLUME + on either the fron t panel of displ ay or on the remote control . 2. T o turn down soun d volume, press VOLUME - on either the fron t panel of displ ay or on the remote control .
12 Vi ewSoni c VPW505 RUNNING HDTV Understanding HDTV What is Di gital T elevisi on or DTV? Digital TVs are te levisions that can receive and display digita l television b r oadcast s sent using any o ne of three fo llowing categori es: HDTV (High Defin ition TV), EDTV (Enhanced Digi tal TV), and SDTV (Sta ndard Definit ion TV).
ViewSonic VPW505 13 How is a HDTV/EDTV/SDTV Different from a HDTV/EDTV/SDTV display? In order to receive dig ital bro a dcasts, a digital “rec eiver” or “decoder” must be used to re ceive and decode digita l broadcast si gnals.
14 Vi ewSoni c VPW505 ADV ANCED FUNCTIONS Picture- In-Pictur e (PIP) / Split Screen T urn On PIP o r POP Mode 1. Press the PIP key once on the remote c ontrol to engage i n PIP mode. Pre ssing the PIP again will switch to POP mode. Pressi ng the PIP key seque n- tiall y will cycle bet ween: 2.
ViewSonic VPW505 15 Picture-In-P icture (PIP) / Split Screen - Con’t Notes: PIP mode c an only be turned on if the displa y’ s input is s e t to: A V , S-V ideo, Component 1and 2. If the dis- play’ s main input is set to RGB or DVI, t he PIP and POP wi ll not f unction.
16 Vi ewSoni c VPW505 Wi descreen (1 6:9 Aspect Ratio) V iewing Modes Understanding Wi descreen Modes This pl asma display is capable of di splaying a widescree n image on th e native 16:9 asp ect ratio scre en.
ViewSonic VPW505 17 Wi descreen V iewing Modes ( Con’t) Accessing Wi descreen Viewing Modes using OSD Y ou can also u se the OSD menu to acce ss the same wide - screen an d zoom mode funct ions. T o access these modes using OSD: 1. Press the MENU +/- key s on the remote or the front contro l panel.
18 Vi ewSoni c VPW505 Sleep Timer Se tting s Setting Sleep Ti mer Using OSD T o set t he sleep timer using the OSD s creen: 1. Press the MENU +/- key s on the remote or the fr ont control pan el. 2. Use the ADJ +/ - keys to naviga te to “OTHER” OSD sub-me nu as dis- playe d be low .
ViewSonic VPW505 19 V ariable and Fix ed Audio Outp ut Setting Output Using OSD Y ou can set the ty pe of output this displa y outputs from its audio ou tput jack lo cated in the rear of the displa y . By using a n OSD based switch, you c an easily choose between var iable or fixed aud io outputs.
20 Vi ewSoni c VPW505 Signal Freq uency Info rmatio n Displa y Displayi ng Frequenc y of Signal This dis play is capab le of dis playing the fre quency lev el of the signal being displaye d. T o see signal f re- quency inform ation: 1. Press the MENU +/- key s on the remote or the fr ont control pan el.
ViewSonic VPW505 21 ADJUSTING PICTURE For A V / S-V ideo Accessing Pi cture Adjustment Mode V arious pict ure adjust ments can be set using the Pictur e Adjustmen t OSD menu. T o acces s the OSD menu: 1. Press the MENU +/- keys o n the remote or th e front c on- trol pane l.
22 ViewSonic VPW505 For Co mponent Video Accessing Picture Adju stment Mode V arious pictu r e adjust ments can be set us ing the Picture Adjustment OSD menu . T o acces s the OSD menu: 1. Press the MENU +/- key s on the remote or the front con- trol p anel.
23 ViewSonic VPW505 For Compon ent Video - Con’t Accessing Geometric Adjust Mode V arious geometric adjustment can be set using the GEO- MERIC ADJUST submenu. T o access the GEOMERIC ADJUST submenu: 1. Press the Menu +/- keys on the remot e or the front control panel.
24 Vi ewSoni c VPW505 For RGB / DVI Accessing Pi cture Adjustment Mode V arious pict ure adjust ments can be set using the Pictur e Adjustmen t OSD menu. T o acces s the OSD menu: 1. Press th e MENU +/- ke ys on the r emote or the fron t cont rol pan el.
ViewSonic VPW505 25 SPECIFICA TIONS Display Panel Screen s ize Diagonal 50 inch Number of pi xels 1366(Hori zontal, RGB T rio ) X 76 8(V ertical)pi xels Pixel Pitc h 0.81 mm X 0.81mm Chromatical l y x=0.270±0. 03, y=0.270±0.03( color temperatu re mode 1) a t center blo ck white pattern 100% (mosaic).
26 Vi ewSoni c VPW505 Pin Assignments For D-SUB Connector (In / Loop Out) Pin Signal As signment Pin Signal Assignmen t Pin Signal As signment 1 RED 6 RED GND 1 1 GND 2 GREEN 7 GREEN GND 12 SDA 3 BLUE.
ViewSonic VPW505 27 RGB/DVI For Appl e Standard Refresh Horizontal V ertical V-Sync H-Sync Mode Rate Resolu tio n Resolu tion Pola rity Polar ity Do t ra te No. Resoluti on (Hz) (K Hz) (Hz) (TTL) (TTL) (MHz) 24 640 x 480 67 35.00 66.67 - - 30.240 25 832 x 624 75 49.
28 Vi ewSoni c VPW505 Emission Requirement The u nit meet the EM I li mits in al l scr een m odes as q ualif ied b y FC C cl ass B part 15. Power Management Mode H-sync V-sync Video Power dissipati on.
29 ViewSonic VPW505 W ALL MOUNT (OPT ION) Rear View Note: Follow mount b racket instru ction inc l uded in moun ting kit. This type o f equipment is to be insta l led by qua lified insta llers, plea se contact with a uthorized deal er for instal lati on.
30 ViewSonic VPW505 APPENDIX TV TUNER SETTING NTSC TV T uner Setting TV / Cable TV Conn ectio ns Connecting t o TV or Cable TV 1. Confirm your display is e quipped with a TV t uner . Y ou can tell by looking at the connection j acks located on th e back of the dis play .
ViewSonic VPW505 31 Remote Co ntrol Sound Mute On/ O ff Vo l u m e + / - T urn s volume up or do wn. Standby Powe r On/Off Push this b u tton to turn on the disp lay from Standby mo de. Push it again to tu rn of f to Standb y mode. SW A P This key swaps the main a nd sub pictur e windo ws under PIP or POP mod es.
32 ViewSonic VPW505 Sel ecting Si gnal Sourc e Input Select (T oggle) Direct Input Selectio n Keys Using Front Panel or Remote Control 1. Press t he INPUT key on the fr ont panel or the INPUT SELECT key on the remote cont rol.
ViewSonic VPW505 33 TV T u ner Setting s Accessing the TV Settings Menu If your display i s equipped with t he optiona l tuner module, ava ilable TV tuner set tings can be dis played by: 1. Press the MENU +/- key s on the remote or the fr ont contr ol panel.
34 Vi ewSoni c VPW505 Favorit e Channel / Ch anne l Lock Favorite Channel and Channel Lock Settings Favorit e Channel and Channel Lock sett ings can be set from both the OSD or the remote cont rol. When using the OSD: 1. Press the MENU +/- key s on the remote or the fr ont control pan el.
35 ViewSonic VPW505 Parental Guide Accessing V-Chip V-Chip (Pa rental Guide) f unction pr events ch ildren from watching unsuitable p rograms. 1. T o se t V-C hip, pre ss the V-Ch ip ke y on re mo te con tro l to en ter Pa ren - tal Gu ide se ttin g. 2.
36 ViewSonic VPW505 P ASSCODE S etting Overview The security passc ode setting is used to limit access to Parental Guide ( V-Chip) and Channel Lock functions. The same s e curity passcode is used for both functionality . By default, this display is shipped with the security passcode set at 0000.
37 ViewSonic VPW505 ADJUSTING PICT URE For TV Accessing Picture Adju stment Mode V arious pictu r e adjust ments can be set us ing the Picture Adjustment OSD menu . T o acces s the OSD menu: 1. Press the MENU +/- key s on the remote or the front con- trol p anel.
38 Vi ewSoni c VPW505 TROUBLE SHOOTING T roublesho ot C ommon Con ditions The foll owing list repr esents po ssible anomalies that you may encoun ter and methods fo r remedy . Please refer to this chec klist pr ior to conta cting a se rvice repre sentative.
ViewSonic VPW505 39 Custome r Support For tech nical support or product servic e, see the ta ble below o r contact your r eseller . NOTE: Y ou will need the product se rial number . Country/Region W eb site T = T elephone F = F AX Email United States Canada views onic.
40 Vi ewSoni c VPW505 LIMITED W ARRANTY VIEWS ONIC Pla sma Display What the w arranty covers : V iewSonic ® warrants its products to be free fro m defects in mat erial and wo rkmanship du r ing the w arranty period.
ViewSonic VPW505 41 Power Cord Safety Guidelines Caution: Use a power cab le that is properly grounded. Always use an AC power co rd that meets your cou ntry’ s safety standard. AC PLUG CORD PRECA UTIONS FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM FOR YOUR SAFETY P LEASE REA D THE FOLLOWI NG TEXT CAREFULL Y .
42 Vi ewSoni c VPW505 IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS W ARNINGS & PRECAUTIONS T o prevent damage which may result in fire or shock haza rd, do not ex pose this pr oduct to rai n or moisture . T o prevent electr ic shock, d o not remove cover .
ViewSonic VPW505 43 CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE Cautions When Using the Plasma Display Do not brin g your hands, face o r objects clos e to the ventil ation holes of t he plasma di s- play . T op of plasma displ ay is usua lly very hot due t o the high temper ature of exhaust air being r e leased t hrough the venti lation ho les.
44 Vi ewSoni c VPW505 FCC Infor matio n This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to pr ovi de reasonable protec tion against harmful interfere nce in a residential installation.
An important point after buying a device ViewSonic VPW505 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought ViewSonic VPW505 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data ViewSonic VPW505 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, ViewSonic VPW505 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get ViewSonic VPW505 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of ViewSonic VPW505, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime ViewSonic VPW505.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with ViewSonic VPW505. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device ViewSonic VPW505 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center