Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product N4290p ViewSonic
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简中 目录 重要安全说明 ................. .. ..... .... ................... .... .... ................... .... .... .................. 1 版权信息 ................ ....................... ....................... ................... .......
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 1 䞡㽕ᅝܼ䇈ᯢ 1. Փ⫼ℸѻકࠡ䇋Ҩ㒚䯙䇏ℸ䇈ᯢкDŽ 2. 䇋ᇚℸ䇈ᯢкཹֱㅵDŽ 3. 䇋䙉ᅜ᠔᳝䄺ਞDŽ 4. 䇋䙉ᅜ᠔᳝䇈ᯢDŽ 5. ϡ㽕䅽ℸѻક䴴䖥᳝∈ⱘഄᮍDŽ䄺ਞ˖Ўњ䙓ܡ☿♒⬉ߏⱘॅ䰽ˈ䇋ϡ㽕ᇚ ℸ ѻકᲈ䴆䲼Ё╂ⱘ⦃๗ЁDŽ 6.
⠜ᴗֵᙃ Copyright © V iewSonic ® Corporation, 2008. ֱ⬭᠔᳝ᴗ߽DŽ ViewSonic ǃ ϝ右ᖑᷛǃ OnV iew ǃ ViewMatch V iewMeter ᰃ ViewSonic Corporation ⱘ⊼ݠଚᷛDŽ ܡ䋷ໄᯢ˖ V i.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 3 㒓ᅝ㺙䇈ᯢ 1. ᅸ㒓ഄ བᵰ᳝ᅸ㒓᳝㒓⬉㾚㋏㒳䖲ࠄℸѻકˈ 䇋⹂ֱ㒓᳝㒓⬉㾚㋏㒳ᅠད ഄˈ 䖭ḋৃҹ㒭ℸѻકᦤկⳌᑨⱘֱᡸˈ 䰆ℶ⌾⍠⬉य़⿃㌃䴭⬉ᇚℸѻકᤳ ണDŽ㕢ᆊ⬉Ꮉᷛޚ 810 ᴵℒˈ ANSI/NFP A No.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 4 ⏙⋕⎆⬉㾚 • ⹂ֱ⎆⬉㾚Ꮖ݇䯁DŽ • ϡ㽕ᇚӏԩ⎆ԧⳈᇘ⋐ࠄᰒ⼎఼ሣᐩᴎϞDŽ ⏙⋕ሣᐩ˖ 1. Փ⫼ϔഫᑆޔǃᶨ䕃ǃϡ䍋↯ⱘᏗ᪺ᣁሣᐩDŽ䖭ḋህৃҹএ䰸♄ᇬ݊Ҫᖂ㉦DŽ 2.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 5 Փ⫼ܹ䮼 ᙁ୰ᙼ䌁фњ Vie wS o ni c ® ⎆⬉㾚DŽ 䞡㽕 ! 䇋ཹֱᄬॳࣙ㺙ㆅ᠔᳝ࣙ㺙ᴤ᭭ҹᇚᴹ䖤䕧ᯊՓ⫼DŽ ࣙ㺙ݙᆍ ᙼⱘ⎆.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 6 ᇚ⬉㾚ᬒ〇ⱘᑇ䴶Ϟ 1. ⹂ֱᬒ㕂⬉㾚ᴎⱘഄᮍ᳝㡃དⱘ䗮亢ᬜᵰˈϡ㽕ฉԣৢⲪϞⱘ䗮亢ᄨDŽ 2. ⹂ֱ⎆⬉㾚ᴎ䑿ಯ਼㟇ᇥ⬭ 15 ६㉇ⱘぎ䯈ҹ⹂ֱ䗮亢㡃དDŽ 3. ϡ㽕ᇚ⎆⬉㾚ᬒᬷ⛁఼݊ᅗ⬉⑤ᮕDŽ 4.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 7 ᓔ / ݇⎆⬉㾚 1. ᓔᴎ˖䗮⬉㾚ᴎৢ䖍ⱘѸ⌕⬉⑤ˈՓ⬉㾚ᴎ䗮⬉ˈᣝ䘹఼Ё⬉⑤ᣝ䬂 ᣝ䴶 ᵓⱘ⬉⑤䬂ᣛ⼎♃বЎ㪱㡆ˈ 8 ⾦ৢ⎆⬉㾚䖯ܹℷᐌᎹ⢊ᗕDŽ 2. ݇ᴎ˖ ᣝ䘹఼Ё⬉⑤ᣝ䬂 ᣝ䴶ᵓⱘ⬉⑤䬂݇ᴎेৃDŽ 3.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 8 ࠊ䴶ᵓϢষҟ㒡 ջ䖍ࠊ䴶ᵓ ⬉⑤ : ᣝℸ䬂ৃҹᠧᓔՓ⬉㾚䖯ܹᕙᴎ⢊ᗕˈབᵰ⬉㾚໘ᕙᴎ⢊ ᗕˈ߭ࠡ䴶ⱘᣛ⼎♃Ӯ҂䍋㑶.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 9 Џᴎ㚠ᵓֵ⑤ষ ᳝⾡ֵ⑤䆒ৃҹ䖲ࠄᙼⱘ⬉㾚ˈϟ䴶ⱘᰒ⼎њབԩ䖯㸠䖲DŽ টᚙᦤ⼎˖ བᵰᙼ㽕ᡞ⬉㾚ᴎᣖϞˈ ᠔.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 10 (6) HDMI1/2 䕧ܹ : ᕅ䷇ッᄤЎЏ㽕᭄ᄫᕅ䷇ⱘᷛޚ⬠䴶ˈԴৃҹϞ᳝ᕅ䷇ッᄤ䕧ߎⱘ䆒ˈ՟བ ᭄ᄫᴎ乊Ⲧ᪁ᬒᴎ᳝ᕅ䷇ッᄤ䕧ߎষⱘ DVD-R,DVD ᪁ᬒᴎˈህৃҹ᪁ᬒ催 㾷᱄ᑺ⬏䴶Ḑᓣⱘᕅ⠛DŽ HDMI ࠄ HDMI ⱘ䖲᮴乏Ԉ䷇䖲DŽ ⊼ᛣ : 1.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 11 ջ䖍ֵ⑤ষ (1) S- ッᄤ 2/ 㾚乥 2 䕧ܹ ᇚ㾚乥ֵো S ッᄤ䖲㒓䖲ࠄ䗖ᔧⱘ䚼䆒 ( བ DVD ǃ ▔ܝᕅᴎǃ ᔩڣᴎ ᨘڣᴎ .
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 12 ᪡䇈ᯢ 䘹఼䇈ᯢ ӥ 䆒㕂⬉㾚䭓ᯊ䯈П ৢ 䖯ܹᕙᴎ⢊ᗕDŽ䞡ᣝ 䖭 Ͼ䬂ৃҹ݇䯁ǃ 15 ǃ 30 ǃ 45 ǃ 60 ǃ 90 120 ߚ䩳П 䯈.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 13 䘹఼⬉∴ᅝ㺙 1. ौϟ⬉∴ῑⱘᡸⲪˈᇚ䰘ᏺⱘ 2 㡖⬉∴ᦦܹ˄㉏ൟ AAA 1.5V ˈ 7 ো˅ ˈᦦܹᯊˈ 䇋ᣝ䘹఼ℷ䋳ᵕᦤ⼎᪡DŽ 2.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 14 㦰ऩ᪡ 1. ᣝ㦰ऩᣝ䪂ৃҹᰒ⼎㦰ऩDŽ 2. Փ⫼Ϟϟ䬂ৃҹ䗝ᢽ᠔㽕䇗ᭈП㦰ऩ䗝乍ˈܝᷛ᠔ԡ㕂Ў䗝Ё乍DŽ 3. Փ⫼Ꮊে䬂ৃҹ䖯ܹᄤ㦰ऩ㸼ˈ ਃ⫼䇗ᭈ᠔䗝ᢽПࡳ㛑ˈ ᷛ᠔ԡ㕂Ў䇗 ᭈ⢊ᗕDŽ 4.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 15 ڣ䆒㕂 1. ⬏䋼䇗ᭈ : Փ⫼㗙ৃ䗝ᢽ㞾䆒ᅮǃ䖲㓁࠻ǃ DV ǃԧ㚆Ϣ⬉ᕅˈ㢹Փ⫼㗙䗝ᢽ㞾䆒 ᅮҹП䗝乍 , ߭ᇍ↨ᑺǃ҂ᑺǃ佅ᑺǃ㡆䇗ǃ⏙᱄ᑺǃ㚠ܝ䇗㡖ⱚϡৃ䇗DŽ 2.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 16 ໄ䷇䆒㕂 1. ䷇䞣 : 䇗㡖⬉㾚ᴎⱘ䷇䞣ˈ䇗ᭈ㣗ೈᰃ 0 ࠄ 100 ˈᙼৃҹᇚ⬏䴶ⱘ䷇䞣䇗ᭈࠄᙼ ୰ⱘᑺDŽ 2. Ꮊেഛ㸵 : 䇗ᭈᎺেໄ䘧ⱘ䕧ߎ↨՟ˈ䇗ᭈ㣗ೈᰃ +10 ࠄ -10 DŽ 3.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 17 䗝乍䆒㕂 1. 䇁㿔䆒ᅮ : 䗝ᢽ㦰ऩᰒ⼎䇁㿔ˈࣙᣀЁ᭛ / 㣅᭛DŽ咬䅸ؐᰃЁ᭛DŽ 2. ڣḐᓣ˖䇗ᭈ⬏䴶↨՟ˈৃߛᤶܼሣ /4:3/16:9/16:9 ϢᄫᐩDŽ 3. ᅮᯊᕙᴎ˖䗝ᢽᠧᓔ݇䯁ᅮᯊᕙᴎࡳ㛑DŽ 4.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 18 টᚙᦤ⼎˖ᅮᯊᓔ݇ᴎ 1. ᯊ䯈䆒㕂 : 䆒ᅮⳂࠡᯊ䯈DŽ ᣝ < > 䗝ᢽ䇗ᭈ " ᯊ " " ߚ " " ⾦ " ऎ䗝乍 , ݡᣝ ġ Ģ 䬂䇗 ᭈ᠔䳔ⱘᯊ䯈 , 䗔ߎᣝ䪂ৃҹ⾏ᓔ㦰ऩDŽ 2.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 19 ⬉㾚䆒㕂 1. 乥䘧 : ᰒ⼎Ⳃࠡℷᬊⳟⱘ乥䘧DŽ 2. 乥⥛ : ᰒ⼎Ⳃࠡᬊⳟ乥䘧ⱘ乥⥛DŽ 3. ᔽ㡆ࠊᓣ : ⫼Ѣ䗝ᢽ⬉㾚ᑓ᪁㋏㒳ˈৃ䗝ᢽ㞾ࡼ /P AL Ϣ㞾ࡼ /NTSC DŽ 4.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 20 ⬉㛥ֵ⑤ϟⱘ㦰ऩ⬏䴶䇗ᭈ ᴀᴎ᳝⬉㛥 (VGA) ᢳষ , ⬠䴶DŽ ᣝ㦰ऩᣝ䪂䖯ܹЏ㦰ऩDŽ䇗㡖乍Ⳃࣙᣀ˖ڣ䆒㕂ǃໄ䷇䆒㕂ǃ䗝乍䆒㕂ǃ⬉㛥䆒 㕂DŽ ڣ䆒㕂 1.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 21 ໄ䷇䆒㕂 1. ䷇䞣 : 䇗㡖⬉㾚ᴎⱘ䷇䞣ˈ䇗ᭈ㣗ೈᰃ 0 ࠄ 100 ˈᙼৃҹᇚ⬏䴶ⱘ䷇䞣䇗ᭈࠄᙼ ୰ⱘᑺDŽ 2. Ꮊেഛ㸵˖䇗ᭈᎺেໄ䘧ⱘ䕧ߎ↨՟ˈ䇗ᭈ㣗ೈᰃ +10 ࠄ -10 DŽ 3.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 22 䗝乍䆒㕂 1. 䇁㿔䆒ᅮ : 䗝ᢽ㦰ऩᰒ⼎䇁㿔ˈࣙᣀЁ᭛ / 㣅᭛DŽ咬䅸ؐᰃЁ᭛DŽ 2. ڣḐᓣ˖䇗ᭈ⬏䴶↨՟ˈৃߛᤶܼሣϢ 4:3 DŽ 3. ᅮᯊᓔ݇ᴎ˖䗝ᢽᓔᴎᯊ䯈Ϣ乥䘧DŽ 4. 㦰ऩᰒ⼎ᯊ䯈 : 䗝ᢽ㦰ऩذ⬭⬏䴶ᯊ䯈DŽ 5.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 23 ⬉㛥䆒㕂 1. ᯊ㛝䇗㡖 : ᬍব∈ᑇᆑᑺDŽ 2. Ⳍԡ䇗ᭈ : 䇗ᭈ A/D ⱘ䞛ḋⳌԡDŽ 3. ∈ᑇԡ㕂 : ᬍব⬏䴶∈ᑇԡ㕂DŽ 4.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 24 ѻક㾘Ḑ ൟো N3290w 䴶⠜ሎᇌ ( ሣᐩᇍ㾦㒓ሎᇌ ) 31.5”, 800mm ᳝ߚ䕼⥛ 1366x768 Ԉ䷇䕧ߎ 5Wx2 ᔽ㡆ࠊᓣ PA L ໄ䷇ࠊᓣ D/K, I, B/G ৃ.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 25 ᬙ䱰ᥦ䰸 ᬙ䱰 ৃ㛑ⱘ㾷އࡲ⊩ ≵᳝⬉ • ⹂ᅮ⬉⑤㒓ℷ⹂䖲ࠄ⎆⬉㾚ᴎⱘѸ⌕⬉⑤ᦦᄨЁDŽ • ⹂ᅮѸ⌕⬉⑤㒓ℷ⹂䖲ࠄ.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 26 ѻકϡᎹ • 䚼ᕅડབ䮾⬉䴭⬉Ӯᇐ㟈ℸѻકᎹϡℷᐌDŽ ℸ ᚙމ ϟˈ ᠧᓔ⎆⬉㾚ⱘ⬉⑤Пৢݡ䖯㸠᪡ˈ 㗙ᮁᓔ AC ⬉.
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 27 ヺড় RoHS 㾘㣗ໄᯢ ᴀѻક᳝↦᳝ᆇ⠽䋼ܗ㋴ⱘৡ⿄ঞ䞣ᷛ䆚བϟ㸼˖ ᳝↦᳝ᆇ⠽䋼ܗ㋴ 䚼ӊৡ⿄ 䪙˄ Pb ˅ ∲˄ Hg ˅䬝 ˄ Cd .
ViewSonic N3290w/N4290p/N4790p 28 ᳝䰤ֱ䆕 VIEWSONIC ® ⎆⬉㾚 ֱ䆕㣗ೈ˖ Vie wS o n ic ֱ䆕ѻકֱ䆕ᳳݙ᮴ᴤ᭭ Ꮉ㡎ᮍ䴶ⱘ㔎䱋DŽབᵰѻકֱׂᳳݙ㹿⹂䅸Ў᳝ᴤ.
Vie w So n i c ® Q41T4701709 1A.
An important point after buying a device ViewSonic N4290p (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought ViewSonic N4290p yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data ViewSonic N4290p - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, ViewSonic N4290p you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get ViewSonic N4290p will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of ViewSonic N4290p, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime ViewSonic N4290p.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with ViewSonic N4290p. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device ViewSonic N4290p along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center