Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product WMA 1400 Vestfrost
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CHAPTER-1 : TECHNICAL SPECIFICAT IONS 3 CHA PTER-2: B EFORE U SI NG WA S HIN G MA CHIN E 5 Safety w arnin gs 5 Rec omm end atio ns 6 CH AP T E R -3 : S ET T ING UP .
2 3 4 1 5 6 8 9 10 7 7 7 7 3 CHAPT ER - 1: TECHNIC AL SPECIF ICAT IONS 1. Det erg ent dr awer 2. Up per tr ay 3. Progra mme knob 4. El ectro nic dis play 5. Do or 6. Cov er of pum p filter 7. Tran spo rt saf et y screw 8. P ower c able 9. Di sch argin g hos e 10.
Oper atin g volta ge / f r eque ncy (V/Hz) (220- 240) V ~/50Hz Total c urren t (A) 10 W a ter press ure (M pa) M aximum : 1 M pa M inimum : 0.1 M Pa Total pow er (W) 2200 M aximum dry lau ndry c apaci.
SA FET Y WA R NINGS Do not use multi ple rec eptacl es or extensi on cord . Do n ot plu g in dam aged or t orn plu gs. I n case of a breakd own o f p ower c able, c ontact the near est authori zed s ervic e for r eplac ing i t. Nev er pull the c able w hen unpl uggin g.
You sh oul d abs olutely remo ve th e trans port scr ew s of yo ur machin e befor e th e first usag e. Faults occurr ing i n th e machin es operat ed wit h trans port screw fitte d shall be out of scope o f war ranty . Do not put disc harging hose of your mac hine in a vessel, bucke t or sink.
Befor e op erati ng yo ur was hing mac hine, y ou sh ould cer t ainly r emove the tra nsport s afety screw on t he rear si de o f the m achine. For this r eason , tra nsport s afety s crews s hall be l oose ned by b ein g rotat ed in cou nt er-cl ockwi se usin g an ap pro priat e wr ench .
Tr ansport s cr ews sh all b e rem oved by pullin g out. Fit th e pl astic trans port scr ew ta ps deli vere d in ac cessori es b ag to the plac es wh ere t rans port screws have be en rem ove d. The trans port sa fety screws should be st ore d to be us ed in c ase o f a trans portatio n.
Do not instal l y our m achine o n a carpet or suchl ik e gr ounds. To ensur e sile nt and vibr atio n- f re e oper atio n of y our machi ne, it sho uld be d eploy ed on a non- sl idi ng and fir m grou nd. Lo osen t he plas tic adjus tmen t nut .
Electr ical connecti on Your was hi ng mac hine is se t t o 220-24 0V and 50 Hz. M ains cord of your w ashi ng machi ne is e qui pped w ith a s peci fic grou nded pl ug. Thi s plu g shoul d alway s be i nsert ed t o a gro unde d recep tacl e of 1 0 amp eres.
Water dischar ge conn ection Ens ure tha t wa ter disch arge h ose is not fold ed, tw isted, crus hed or elon gate d. W at er disch arge h ose can be f i tted mi nimum 60 cm and maxim um 100 cm above the gr ound .
Separat e y our lau ndries accordi ng to their types ( cott on, synth etic, sensi tiv e, wooll en, etc .), their t emperat ures (c old, 30°, 40°, 6 0°, 90°) a nd d egree of c ontam inati on (s li ghtl y stain ed, stain ed, highl y stai ned) . Never wa sh y our colo ure d a nd whit e la undr ies tog eth er.
W h itening available No white ni ng Ironing t em per a t ur e i s maximum 11 0°C Ironing t em per a t ur e i s maximum 15 0°C Ironing t em per a t ur e i s maximum 20 0°C No ironing Dr y c l ean i.
Ope n the d oor of y our m achi ne. Spr ead yo ur laundr i es in yo ur mac hine. N ote: M axim um load ing capaci ty m ay v ary bas ed on t he laundry type you will wash, degree of contamination and the programme you have c hosen . Do not exceed maximum dry loading capac it y indicated in the progr amme table for washi ng progra mmes.
The amount of d eterge nt y ou will put in your m ach ine wil l dep end on the followi ng cr iteria: Y our deter gent util izati on will b e bas ed o n the d egree of cont amin atio n of y our la undri es.
16 CHAPTER 5: CONT R OL PANEL 1-Det er gent dr awer 2-Pr ogr amme k nob 3-El ectr onic displ ay and auxi li ary f uncti ons.
A. Pr ewas hin g com partm ent B. M ain was hing c ompar tment C. Softe ner comp artm ent D. Si pho n cover E. Li qui d level d eterg ent pla te 17 CHAPT ER 5: CO NT RO L PAN EL DET ERGENT DRAWER A B .
You m ay select the programm e you like to wa sh your laundr ies through programm e knob. You m ay set the pr ogramm e selecti o n operation by r otating the program me knob in both d ir ection. Ensure that the program me knob is exact ly on the program m e you w ant to select.
1-Adj ustin g butto n for r evoluti on s peed 2-Adj usting but ton f or tem peratur e of was hin g wat er 3-Auxi li ary fu ncti on prewas h 4-Auxil iary fu nction for r apid w ash 5-Auxi li ary fu nct.
Plug your mac hine in. Open t he wat er fauc et. Open t he m achin e door . Spre ad yo ur lau ndri es in your mac hine . Push t he do or of y our machi ne until heari ng t he lo cking s ound to clos e it. Put d eter gent and s oft ener i n the det erge nt dr awe r.
Y our machi ne feat ures a hal f-lo ad d etec tion sys te m. In cas e you pu t appr oxim ately hal f or less am ount o f la undr ies o f maxim um laun dry cap acity in yo ur mac hin e, your m achi ne .
1-Revolution speed selection and auxiliary function of soaking You ca n s et th e wringi ng revol ution for yo ur la undr ies via r evol utio n spe ed set ting b utton . W h en y ou s elect a new progr amme, the maxi mum wr inging rev ol ution s peed o f the progr amme y ou hav e selec ted wi ll be vi ewe d on t he dis play of revol uti on sp eed.
I f this functi on is sel ected, your l aun dries w ill b e soak ed in t he lat est ri nsing w ater. W he n your m achi ne so aks y our la undri es i n the l atest rins ing w ater, symb ol will bli nk on el ectr onic displ ay. I f you w ant to ta ke y our l aundrie s out, press o n “S tart / Pause” butto n.
2-W ashi ng w ater t emper atur e s elect ion You ca n selec t th e w ashing w ater t empera ture wi th t he washi ng wat er temp erat ure adj ustme nt butto n. W h en ever y ou sel ect a new progr amme, the maxi mum washin g water temp erat ure is show n on t he was hin g water temp eratur e displa y.
3-A uxili ary f unct ion prewas h Y ou can ex pose your v ery dirty laun dries to prew ashin g oper ati on pri or to mai n was hing by using this a uxiliary functi on. W hen usi ng this function , you s hould put det ergent in f r ont was hin g compartm ent of t he deter gent drawer .
6-A uxiliary funct ion for del ay ti mer By usi ng this auxi liar y functi on, you c an let your m ac hine st art was hing a f t er hal f an hour t o 23 hour s. To us e auxil iary functi on o f delay tim er: - Pr ess tim e del ay b utton on ce. - Expres si on o f “0.
7 -Ant i- Alle rg ic a ux ilia ry fu nc tio n I n the pro grammes wh ere t his auxili ary functi on is active , your machi ne wi ll p er f or m an ex tra rins ing op erati on on yo ur laun dries prior to la test rins in g oper atio n. N ote: Anti-A ll erg ic auxiliary fu nction is s ele cted automat ically only in Hy giene pr ogr amme.
Star t/Pau se button By pr essin g on Star t/P ause butto n, you m ay start the progr amme y ou hav e selec ted, susp end a r unnin g progr amme. I f you sw itch y our m achi ne to paus e mode , el ectro nic display wi ll bli nk.
Laundry adding to / removing from the machin e I f yo u w ant to add or r emove l aundr ie s wh en yo ur machi ne is ru nning : - Switc h your m achine t o p ause mo de by pressi ng on St art/P ause but ton.
Ch ild lock To av oid pro gramme flow f r om b eing a ffected i f program me kn obs are press ed or pr ogramm e kn ob is tur ned w hen per form ing was hing oper atio n i n your m ac hin e, chil d lock i s availa ble .
Cance ll ing pro gramme I f yo u want to ca ncel a ny pr ogramm e ru nning: - Sw itch th e pr ogramm e knob t o 0. - Y our machi ne wi ll sto p the w ashing opera tion a nd t he pro gramme w ill be c ancell ed. - To g et rid of t he wat er acc umulate d in th e machi ne switc h th e progr amme k nob t o any progr amm e.
Fin ishin g progr amm e - Y our machi ne wil l sto p by itsel f as so on as the pr ogramme you hav e sel ected finis hes. -Expr essi on o f “ END” wi ll flash on t he elec tronic di splay. N ote: Wit hin 2 min utes after the pr ogramm e has finis hed, y our machin e will exting uish the electr onic dis play t o sa ve ener gy.
If symbol f l ash es on th e el ectr onic displ ay: - W ater fauc et m ay be clos ed. C heck. - M ains water m ay be c ut-off. C heck. I f so, switc h the program me kn ob to posi ti on 0. Yo u can s ele ct a pr ogramm e and ru n your m achin e aft er the mains water is s uppli ed.
If symbol f l ash es on th e el ectr onic displ ay: - Pump f il ter m ay be cl ogge d. Cle an t he pum p filt er. ( *) - D ischargi ng hos e may b e cl ogge d or tw iste d. Ch eck t he disc hargi ng hos e. (*) See th e cha pter r egardin g maint enanc e an d cl eaning of yo ur machi ne.
Unplu g your m achin e. Turn t he wat er faucet off. Filt ers to av oid dir t and f or eign su bstanc es in the water f r om penetr atin g into th e mac hine ar e availa ble bo th on th e side o f faucet and on t he ends of wat er valv es alo ng the wa ter in let hose of yo ur machin e.
A filter s ystem whi ch av oids thr ea ds remai ning fro m your l aundri es a nd tiny m ater ials f r om ent ering into t he p ump dur in g water disch argin g operati on c arried out b y yo ur mac hin e aft er compl eting was hing s o prolo ngin g the li f ecy cl e o f your pump is availa ble.
After clea ning the filter , f it the filter cov er by rot ating it in clock wis e. Fit the p ump sec tion of the toe b oard. Rememb er that wat er will leak if you do not f it the filt er cov er prop erly .
Y our deter gents m ay dep osit r esid ue in det erg ent drawer and ho using of det erg ent draw er over ti me . To cl ean th e resi due form ed, disass emble t he det ergent dr awer in partic ular per iods.
Siphon plug Di sassem bl e the d eter gent drawer . Di sass emble the fl ush st opper and clean t he s often er resi dues c omple tely. Re f it the f l ush sto pper a fter cleani ng it.
A lcoho lic drinks: Spot ted ar ea sho uld ini tiall y be wash ed using c ol d water , an d the n be wipe d wit h glyc erine an d water and ri ns ed wit h vi negar -mix ed wat er. Shoe shine: Spot shoul d be ru bbed out gentl y wit hout dama gin g the clot h an d be sc r ubbe d and rins ed w ith deterg ent.
Blood st a in: Submer ge your l aundri es i n cold wat er f or 30 min utes. I f the st ain is not rem oved, t hen s ubmerge in a mix t ure o f w at er and am moniac ( 3 spo ons o f amm oniac in 4 litr es o f water) for 30 mi nutes .
All r epair ing op erati ons r equir ed for yo ur mac hine sho uld be c arried out by our auth orised servi ce. I f your m achin e req uires a rep air or i f you c ann ot rem ove th e fault by th e hel p of t he in form ation provi ded as follows : Unplu g your m achin e.
F AUL T POS SIBL E CAU SE REM OVING M ET HODS Y our machi ne d oes not disc harge w ater. Di schargi ng hose cl ogged or twis te d. Check the dis char gin g hos e. Pump f il ter cl ogge d. Cl ean th e pump f ilter. (*) Laun dries s ettle d in the mac hine non- homo gene ousl y.
F AUL T POS SIBL E CAU SE REM OVING M ET HODS Excessive foa m is f ormed in the deterg ent dr aw er. Excess iv e am ount of deterg ent us ed. Press on Star t/P ause button. To elim inate f oa m f o rm ation, m ix a sp oon of sof tener w ith half li tres of w ater, and pour the m ix ture in the d eterg ent draw er .
FAULT POSSIBLE C AUSE REMOVI NG METHO DS Unsat isf act ory w ashing r esult. W ater b eing har d. (Dir ty, hard, etc.) Adjust th e am ount of deterg ent based on the instr uction of deterg ent m anuf actur er. Laundr ies dis trib uted in your m achine non- hom og enously.
FAULT POSSIBLE C AUSE REMOVI NG METHO DS W r ingi ng op erati on is not per forme d or ru ns l ate. No f a ult. Un bala nced load control s ystem has be en ac tivat ed. Unbal anced lo ad cont rol system will try to s pread your laun dries homo gene ousl y.
Y our machi ne is e quipp ed wit h the syst ems whi c h are c apabl e of bot h takin g nec essar y prec autions and w arni ng you in c ase o f any break down by me ans o f co ntin uous s el f - check in g durin g was hin g oper atio ns. TROUBLE CODE POS SIBL E F AUL T WH A T T O DO E01 The do or of your machi ne is lef t o pen.
T ROUBLE CODE POS SIBL E F AUL T WH A T T O DO W at er cut-o ff or low mai ns water press ur e.. - Water faucet m ay be closed. Check. - M ains water m ay be c ut-o ff. Check. - I f so , switc h the pro gramme kno b to positi on 0. Y ou c an sel ect a pr ogr amme an d run your ma chin e aft er the m ains water is s uppli ed.
50 CHAPT ER -12: DESCRI B ING SAVING ENERGY Ener gy an d water c onsumpt i on may v ary bas ed o n water pressur e, water hard ness, w ater tem peratur e, am bient t emperat ure, l aundry amou nt, a dditi onal functi on sele ctio n, volta ge fluc t uations.
Th is sy mbo l on the p rod uct o r pa ck age im pli es that t he prod uct sh ould n ot be tr eate d as domes tic was te. I nstead, it shoul d be deli ver ed to ap plica ble wast e col lectio n plac es recy cling elec tric al and el ectro nic equipm ent.
An important point after buying a device Vestfrost WMA 1400 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Vestfrost WMA 1400 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Vestfrost WMA 1400 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Vestfrost WMA 1400 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Vestfrost WMA 1400 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Vestfrost WMA 1400, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Vestfrost WMA 1400.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Vestfrost WMA 1400. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Vestfrost WMA 1400 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center