Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product AgGPS 332 Trimble
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U S E R GU I D E Ag GPS ® 332 GPS Receiver 56370-00_332GPS_reciever_MC_7.25x9_0805.indd 1 15/08/2005 9:28:10 a.m..
www T rimble Navigation Limited Agriculture Business Area 7401 Church Ranch Blvd Westminster , CO 80021 USA +1-913-495-2700 Phone T rimble Navigation Limited Corporate Headquarters 935 St.
V ersion 1. 00 Revision A Part number 56370- 00-ENG September 2005 USER GUIDE Ag GPS ® 332 GPS Receiver.
Corporate Office T rimble N avig ation Limited 645 North M ary A venue PO Box 3642 Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA www Legal Notices © 2005, T rimble Naviga tion Limited.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide v Contents 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 W elcom e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 About the Product . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents vi Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide Optional compon ents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 M ounting the Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Choosing a lo cation .
Contents Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide vii OmniST AR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 W AAS/EGNOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Con figur ing t he Ag G PS Rec eiver to Operate in Beac on M ode .
Contents viii Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide C NMEA-0183 Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Intr oduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 NMEA-0183 Message Structur e . . . . . . . . .
CHAPTER 1 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 1 Intr oduction 1 In this chapter: Q We l c o m e Q About the Pr oduct Q Related Information Q T echnical Assistance Q Y our Comments.
1 Introduction 2 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 1.1 We lcome This manu al de scr ib es h ow to inst all a nd c onf igure th e T rimbl e ® AgGPS ® 332 r eceiver .
APPENDIX 2 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 3 Overview 2 In this chapter: Q Introduction Q Receiver Connections Q Receiver Input/Output Q GPS Positioning Methods.
2 Overview 4 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 2.1 Introduction This chapt er de scribe s the Ag G PS 332 receiver and gi ves an overview of GPS, DGPS, and related information . The Ag G PS 332 receiver comb ines high-pe rformance G PS rec e pti on wi th a D GP S- c ap abl e receiver in a light weight, durable housing.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 5 Overview 2 21.1 Standard Features A standard Ag GPS 332 r eceiver provides the following feat ures: • 10 Hz (10 pos itio ns per seco nd) ou tpu t ra te • 12 GP.
2 Overview 6 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 2.2 Receiver Connections F igure 2.1 shows the c onnector por ts on the Ag G PS 332 recei ver. Figure 2.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 7 Overview 2 2.3 Receiver Input/Output The Ag G PS 332 receiver data/power cable (P/N 30945) connects to a receiver conne ctor port to supply power .
2 Overview 8 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide • 1 PPS output T o synchronize timing between external instruments and the internal clock in th e receiver , the c onnection p ort outputs a strobe signal at 1 PPS (p ulse p er second). T o output this signal , the receiver must be tracking satellite s and computing GPS posi tions.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 9 Overview 2 2.4 GPS Positioning Methods GPS positioning systems are used in dif fer ent ways to provide different level s of accuracy . Accuracy is measured in absolute terms (you know exactly where you ar e in a fixed refer ence frame ).
2 Overview 10 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide A trans mit ter in the ba se station sends the corrections through a radio link to the rover radio, which sends th e corrections to the Ag GPS 332 receiver. The rover r eceiver uses RTK corrections from t he ba se station to calculate its p osition to centimeter-le vel accuracy .
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 11 Overview 2 Subscription-based corr ections The Ag G PS 332 r ecei ver uses OmniS T AR XP/HP or OmniS T AR VBS differential corrections in the same way that it uses W A AS/EGNOS corrections but are provided on a subscription basis.
2 Overview 12 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 24.4 Sources of Err or in GPS Positioning The GPS positioning method inf luenc es the accuracy of the GPS p o s i t i o n t h a t i s o u t p u t b y t h e Ag GPS 332 r eceiver. The factors described in T able 2.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 13 Overview 2 Minimum elevation > 10 Satellites that are low on the horizo n typically produce weak and noisy signal s and are more difficult for the receiver to track. Satellites below the min imum elevation angle are not tracked.
2 Overview 14 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 24.5 Coordinate systems Geographic data obtaine d from different sour ces must be referenced to the same d atum, ellipsoid , and co ordinate format. Di fferent formats provide d if fer ent coo rdi nate values for an y geogra phic locatio n .
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 15 Overview 2 24.6 Satellite DGPS mode status indicators Wh en the receiver is in Satel lite mode, th e second lin e of the Hom e screen displays the status indicators shown in Figure 2.2. Figure 2.2 Satellite DGPS mode status indicators T able 2.
2 Overview 16 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 24.7 Receiver input / output The receiver is abl e to output R TC M in base station mod e. W hen you are using an external radio, it can als o receive DGPS corrections.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 17 Overview 2 24.9 Receiving Beacon DGPS T o obtain free r adiobeac on differential signals, the Ag G PS 332 receiver uses dual-channel , full y-automatic beacon receiver electronics and tracks broadcas ts that conform to the IAL A (International Association of Li ghth ouse Authorit ie s ) St and ard .
2 Overview 18 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide • Sky wa ve inter ference with ground wave During darkness, w hen the b eacon tower is mor e than 240– 480 kilomet ers (150–300 mil es ) from the receiver , th e sk y wave beac on s igna l ma y be r ef lected off the ionos phe r e.
CHAPTER 3 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 19 Connecting the Receiver 3 Q Introduction Q System Components Q Mounting the Receiver Q Connecting to an External De vice Q System Components Q Routing a.
3 Connecting t he Receiver 20 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 3.1 Introduction This chapter d escrib es how to che ck the equipment that y ou ha ve received, set up th e receiver , and c onnect the receiver to another device. 3.2 System Components Check that y ou have received all compon ents for the Ag GPS sy stem that you have purchased .
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 21 Connecting the Receiver 3 3.3 Mounting the Receiver C WAR NI N G – For continued protection against the risk of fire, the power source (lead) to the model Ag GPS 332 r eceiver should be provided with a 10 A (maximum) fuse.
3 Connecting t he Receiver 22 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 33.2 Environmental conditions Although the receiver has a waterproof housing, you shoul d install it in a dr y location .
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 23 Connecting the Receiver 3 3.4 Connecting to an External Device After installing th e receiver and connectin g the appropriate cablin g, you c an connect the r ecei ver to vario us extern al devices. F or example: F igure 3.
3 Connecting t he Receiver 24 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide Wh en routing the cable from the receiver to the ext ernal devi ce, avoid: • shar p o bje cts • kinks in the cable • hot surfaces.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 25 Connecting the Receiver 3 3.5 System Components M ount the receiver on a le vel , f l at surface. T o mount it on a ceiling, contact your local T rimble Reseller for the appropriate bracket. Plac e the antenna upri ght with the magnetic base on a f lat m etal surface.
3 Connecting t he Receiver 26 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide Note – If you use ma chine screws, tap t he mounting holes to fa sten the receiver to the mounting surface. T rimble recommends that you u se 8-32 UNF socke t head cap scr ews. Alte rnatively , u se self-tapping scr ews.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 27 Connecting the Receiver 3 Wh en routing the antenna cabl e, avoid the fo llowin g hazards: • shar p o bje cts • kinks in the cable • hot surfaces ( exhaust .
3 Connecting t he Receiver 28 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide F igure 3.4 shows how to connect the receiver to an external de vice using the 5.5 m (18 ft ) standar d powe r/data cab le.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 29 Connecting the Receiver 3 3.2 Connecting to the EZ-Guide Plus System Fi g u re 3 . 5 a n d Fi g ur e 3. 6 s h o w h o w t o c o n n e c t t h e Ag GPS 332 r eceiver to the Ag GP S EZ -G ui d e P lu s sy st em . Figure 3.
3 Connecting t he Receiver 30 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 3.3 Connecting to the EZ-Steer Assisted Steeri ng System Fi g u re 3 . 7 a n d Fi g ur e 3. 8 s h o w h o w t o c o n n e c t t h e Ag GPS 332 r eceiver to the Ag GPS E Z-St ee r assi st ed ste er ing sy ste m .
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 31 Connecting the Receiver 3 3.4 Connecting to a Laptop Computer F igure 3.9 shows how to connect the receiver power/data cabl e to a lapt op com puter .
3 Connecting t he Receiver 32 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 3.5 Connecting to a Windows Handheld Computer F igure 3.10 shows how to conn ect the receiver power/data cable to a Windows CE handh eld computer . Note – T o connect the receiver to a Compaq iP AQ han dheld computer , you require a RS232 9-pin serial cabl e (PN 236251-B21).
CHAPTER 4 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 33 Getting Started 4 In this chapter: Q Introduction Q Front Panel Q Navigating the Menus and Screens Q Menu System Fields Q The Home Screen Q Updating the.
4 Getting Started 34 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 4.1 Introduction This chapter d escrib es how to set up and begin using the Ag GPS 332 receiver. I t includes an over vie w of t he Ag GPS m enu sy ste m . 4.2 Front Panel The Ag G PS 332 receiver includes an integrated display and keypad for acc essin g the inter nal Ag GPS menu system.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 35 Getting St arted 4 4.3 Navigating the Menus and Scr eens Note – Use a menu to navigate to scr eens or o ther me nus. Us e a scr een t o view the receiver status or to change a configuration set ting. The top le vel of the menu system consists of the Hom e , Statu s , and Configu ra tio n menus.
4 Getting Started 36 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide F igure 4.2 shows the structur e of a t ypical s ub-menu , for example Dis pla y Op ti o ns . Figure 4.2 T ypical menu s tructure Pr es s 2 or 1 to move between screens. W ithin screens, select options, vie w receiver stat us, or enter d ata .
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 37 Getting St arted 4 4.4 Menu System Fields F ield s in a screen contain status information or conf iguration set tings. The information or settings appear in f ield s that are: • disp lay- only • multi pl e-ch oi ce • text 44.
4 Getting Started 38 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide Figure 4.4 Example of a multiple-c hoice field 44.3 T ext fields In these fiel ds, you can ent er only let ters (a lpha screens ), only numbers (numeric screens ), or a c ombination of t he two ( alphanumeri c screens ): 1.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 39 Getting St arted 4 4.1 The Home Scr een One e xample of a numeric field app ears in the Sa tellite Freq screen. Y ou manually enter the broadcast frequency of a satellite ser vice provid er . See F igure 4.5. Figure 4.
4 Getting Started 40 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 41.2 Satellite and SBAS DGPS mode The Ag G PS 332 r eceiver can r eceive L1 /L2, LBand, Beacon , and R TK sign als . Th e Hom e screen ind icat es which mod e the receiver is in for differential correction .
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 41 Getting St arted 4 Note – The “/” s ymbol in the position type spin s when the receiver is operat ing correctly . Satellite DGPS mode status indicators Wh en the receiver is in Satel lite mode, th e second lin e of the Hom e screen displays the status indicators shown in Figure 4.
4 Getting Started 42 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide T able 4.3 exp lains the sig nal-to-noise r atio va lues for both Sate llite and WA A S / E G N O S D G P S m o d e s . SBAS DGPS mode status indicators Wh en the receiver is in SBAS D GPS mod e, the sec ond line of the Home screen displays the status indicators shown in Figure 4.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 43 Getting St arted 4 41.3 Beacon DGPS mode Wh en in Beacon D GPS mod e, the Hom e screen displays “ B ” (Beacon DGP S) in the lower l eft corn er . F igure 4.10 explains the status indicators that appear on the f irst line of the Hom e screen d isplay wh en the receiver is in this mode.
4 Getting Started 44 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 4.2 Updating the Firmware T o ensure t hat the receiver and off ice computer c onnect, w hen you are read y to upd ate the firmware, do one of t.
CHAPTER 5 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 45 Configur ing the Receiver 5 In this chapter: Q Introduction Q Home Screen Q Configuring Differ ential GPS Q Configuring the Ag GPS Receiver to Operat e .
5 Configuring th e Receiver 46 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 5.1 Introduction Us e the LC D screen to change configur ation set tings in the Ag G PS 332 receiver. Y ou wi ll ne ed to configure the receiver if you conn ect to anot her device, fo r examp le.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 47 Configuring the Receiver 5 5.3 Configur ing Differ ential GPS F or the receiver to output GPS po sition coordinates of submet er accuracy , y ou must first select.
5 Configuring th e Receiver 48 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 3. Set the EZ Sat: Omni* field to the area you are operating in. F or example, if you are working in California , select N. A meri ca W est. 4. Press 4 then 5 to complete th e procedure.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 49 Configuring the Receiver 5 T o enable W A AS reception in the f ield: 1. T ake the receiver outside. Make su re that it has a clear southeast and sout hwes t view of t he sk y . 2. T urn on the recei ver . W AAS activation can tak e t wo or more min utes.
5 Configuring th e Receiver 50 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 5.1 Configur ing the Ag GPS Receiver to Operate in R TK Mode T o conf igure the r eceiver in R TK mode: 1. F rom the Home screen, select Configuration / DG PS Co nfi g . 2. Set the Sou r ce Se le c t field t o R TK.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 51 Configuring the Receiver 5 50.1 Configuring input/output communic ation The p ort input and output settings appear in the first screen . In Fig ure 5 .2 , t h e p o r t i s s et to a cc e p t T S IP in p ut s at a b a ud rat e of 1 1 5, 0 00 with a parity of 8-Odd-1.
5 Configuring th e Receiver 52 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide The default por t set tings are: Note – If the receiv er is to w ork with an Autopil ot syst em , en sure that the receiver port communication set tings are 8-N-1 TS IP 38.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 53 Configuring the Receiver 5 Changing the input or outpu t port settings 1. Fr om the Port A Config scr een , press 2 until the Port-A Inp ut/Output screen appears. 2. P res s 3 to activate the cursor . 3. P res s 1 or 2 to change the value.
5 Configuring th e Receiver 54 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 5.1 Display Options Use the Dis pla y Op t io ns menu to contro l how in formation i s displ ayed in the screens that you can a ccess from the Statu s and Configur atio n men us .
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 55 Configuring the Receiver 5 1. Na vigate to th e Uni ts screen: 2. P res s 3 to select the Unit s field. 3. P res s 1 or 2 until the required uni t is di splay ed . 4. P res s 4 to sele ct it and save the change s.
5 Configuring th e Receiver 56 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide B Tip – When the Configura tion menus are locked, you can view most Configuration menu settings from the Status menus. T o unlo ck the C onfiguration menus, repeat th e above pro cedure.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 57 Configuring the Receiver 5 3. P res s 3 to move to the ne xt digit. 4. Repeat S tep 2 throu gh Ste p 3 until all numb ers are entered. 5. P res s 4 to save changes. The screen displays the sele cted option as enabled .
5 Configuring th e Receiver 58 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide If an y password operation fails, the FlashLo ader200 utility displays a message that id entifies the fail ed op tion. Di sconn ect the receiver , then reconnect it and tr y again . If you are still unsuccessful, c ontact your local T rimble Reseller for assistance.
CHAPTER 6 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 59 T r oubleshooting 6 In this chapter: Q Introduction Q Problems with GPS Q Interference Problems Q Problems with the GPS Receiver Q Problems with the Fla.
6 T roubleshooti ng 60 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 6.1 Introduction This chapter describe s some problems that can ari se and explains how to solve them . It includ es a serie s of f lowchar ts to h elp with troubleshooting. As you w ork through this chapt er , you may need to vie w the receiver status or change values in som e fiel ds.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 61 T roubleshooting 6 Intermittent DGPS signal The correction signal strength can drop to unusable levels. Cause s include tre e canopy cover between the receiver and the differenti al satellit e, radar sets, and microwave transmitters.
6 T roubleshooti ng 62 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 6.1 Interfer ence Pr oblems Loss of initialization In RTK mode initi alization can be lost when the rover receiver is close to trees or bu ildings and the number of sate llites falls below four .
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 63 T roubleshooting 6 6.2 Pr oblems with the GPS Receiver Engine noi se An unshield ed ignition s ystem can ca use enough noise to block reception of a diff erential signal. Use resistor spark plug wires on the vehicle ignition system.
6 T roubleshooti ng 64 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide Cables One of the cables seems faulty . Use an ohmmeter to check the ca ble. The resistance of a good ca ble between connector pins at each end of the cable is zero. If the cable is sound, but the problem persists, try exchanging the cable with one that you know is workin g.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 65 T roubleshooting 6 6.1 Pr oblems with the FlashLoader200 Utility Problem Possible so lution The FlashLoade r 200 utili ty cannot detect the receiver or downlo ad the firmware. Make sure that: • Other programs, such as Microsoft ActiveSync technolo gy , are not using the COM port that the computer is using.
6 T roubleshooti ng 66 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide.
APPENDIX A Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 67 Cables and Connectors A In this appendix: Q Introduction Q Port A and Port B Connectors Q Standard Power/Data Cable.
A Cables and Connec tors 68 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide A.1 Intr oduction This appendix contains pin-out information for standard and optional cables. Use the information to trou bleshoot communication problems with the r ecei ver and devices no t sup ported b y the s tandar d and optional cables.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 69 Cables and Connectors A A.3 Standar d Power/Data Cable Ta b l e A . 2 g i v e s p i n - o u t information for the standard power/data cable (P/N 30945).
A Cables and Connec tors 70 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide.
APPENDIX B Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 71 Specifications B In this appendix: Q Introduction Q AgGPS 332 Receiver Physica l Characteristics Q GPS Channels Performance Q L-Band Satellite Differ e.
B Specificati ons 72 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide B.1 Intr oduction This appendix details specif ications for t he Ag GPS 332 r eceiver and the compatabl e T rimble ant ennas. B.2 Ag GPS 332 Receiver Physical Character istics B.3 GPS Channels Performance Item Descr iption Size 14.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 73 Specifications B RTK position accuracy H o r i z o n t a l 2 . 5c m ( 0 . 9 8i n ) + 2p p m , 2s i g m a , a n d v e r t i c a l 3.
B Specificati ons 74 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide B.4 L-Band Satellite Dif ferential Corr ection Receiver with OmniST AR Support B.5 Receiver Default Settings Satellite differential compatibilit.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 75 Specifications B B.6 DGPS Antenna B.7 Dual-Fr equency Antenna B.8 Beacon Channels Item Description Size 15.5 cm D x 14.
B Specificati ons 76 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide.
APPENDIX C Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 77 NMEA-0183 Messages C In this appendix: Q Introduction Q NMEA-0183 Message St ructure Q NMEA Message Summary Q GGA (GPS Fix Data) Q GLL (Position Data) .
C NMEA-0183 Messages 78 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide C.1 Intr oduction T rimbl e Ag G PS receivers ou tput NMEA (Na tional M arine Electron ic Association) messages for GPS position data trans fer bet ween electronics equipment. Information on the NME A-0183 communication standard for GPS rec eivers is available at www .
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 79 NMEA-0183 Messages C Each NMEA messag e i ncl ude s: • an identifier to distinguish it from other messages in t he dat a strea m • one or more fiel ds of data , separated by a comma • a check sum (preceded by *) to validate th e data T able C.
C NMEA-0183 Messages 80 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide C2.2 Checksum values Newer T rimble receivers conform to the NMEA-0183 V ersion 2.1 format, in which ch ecksums are mandator y for all me ssages. The ch eck sum is calcul ated from al l charact ers in th e messa ge, including c ommas but excludin g the “$” and “*” d elimiters.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 81 NMEA-0183 Messages C C2.6 Latitude and lo ngitude values The lati tude and longit ude val ues in NMEA-0183 messag es ar e presented in degrees, minut es, and d ecimal minutes , in a single f ield: • latitude ( ddmm.
C NMEA-0183 Messages 82 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide C.3 NMEA Message Summary T able C.3 descri bes the NMEA-0183 message set that i s supported by the Ag GPS rece ivers. Note – S ome messages are only supported when specific T rimble optio ns are installed on the rece iver .
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 83 NMEA-0183 Messages C All messages in this appendix are presented in the format shown in T able C.1. In each example, the structure is shown in the p aragraph before the table.
C NMEA-0183 Messages 84 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide C.4 GGA (GPS Fix Data) The G GA me ssage contains the tim e, po sition, and fi x related data . The G GA message structure is: $GPGGA,151924,3723.4 54444,N,12202.269777, W ,2,09,1.9,–17.49,M ,–25.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 85 NMEA-0183 Messages C C.5 GLL (Position Data) The GLL m essa ge spe cif ie s th e po sition fi x, tim e of p osit ion f ix, and sta tus . Th e G LL me ss ag e str u ctu re i s : $GPGLL,3723.4543,N, 1220 2.2696,W ,151933, A*3E T able C.
C NMEA-0183 Messages 86 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide C.6 GRS (GPS Range Residuals) The GR S message is used to support the Re ceiver Autonomous Int eg ri ty Moni tor in g ( RAIM ). The GR S message s truc tu re is: $GPGRS,220320.0,0 ,-0.8,-0.2,-0.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 87 NMEA-0183 Messages C C.7 GSA (GPS DOP and Active Satellites) The GS A message i dentifie s the GPS po sition fix mod e, the SV s u sed for navigation, and th e Di lution of Precision value s. The GS A me ssage structur e i s: $GPGSA,A,3,19,28,14,1 8,27,2 2,31,29,,,,, 1.
C NMEA-0183 Messages 88 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide C.8 GST (GPS PRN) The GST message is used to suppor t Receiver Autonomous Integrity Mo n it o r i n g ( RAIM ). The GST messag e struct ur e is: $GPGST ,2203 20.0,1.3,0 .8,0 .5,166.1,0.8 ,0.5,1.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 89 NMEA-0183 Messages C C.9 GSV (GPS Satellites in View) The GSV m essage identif ies th e number of SV s in vi ew , the PRN numbers, ele vation , azimuth and SNR value s. The GSV m essage structure is: $GPGSV ,4,1,13, 02 ,02,213,,0 3, -3,000,,1 1,00,121,,14,13,172,05*6 7 T able C.
C NMEA-0183 Messages 90 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide C.10 MSS (Beacon Receiver Signal Status) The MS S messa ge identif ies the status of the beacon sig nal , including the be ac on sig nal stren gth , bea co n sign al- to-n oi se ratio (SN R), b ea co n frequency , and beac on bit rate.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 91 NMEA-0183 Messages C C.11 RMC (Recommended Minimum Specific GPS Data) The RMC m essage id entifies th e U TC time, status, latitude, longitude, speed over ground (S O G), date, and mag netic vari ation of the position fix.
C NMEA-0183 Messages 92 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 11 Direction of magnetic variati on E: Easterly variation from T rue course (subtracts from T rue course) W: Westerly variation from T rue course (adds to T rue course) 12 Mode indicati on A: Autonomous D: Diff erential N: Data not valid T able C.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 93 NMEA-0183 Messages C C.12 VTG (Course Over Gr ound and Gr ound Speed) The V TG (V elo city T r ue Ground) me ssage identifi es the actual track made good and speed over ground . The V TG message structure is: $GPVTG ,0,T ,,,0.
C NMEA-0183 Messages 94 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide C.13 XTE (Cr oss-T rack Err or) The XTE messa ge repo rt s the vess el’s cross-track error. The XTE message s truct ure is : $GPXTE,A,A,0.050,L,N*5E T able C.13 de scribe s these fi eld s. T able C.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 95 NMEA-0183 Messages C C.14 ZDA (Time and Date) The ZD A message identif ies U TC tim e, day , month, and year , local zon e number and lo cal zon e minute s. The ZDA me ssage stru cture is: $GPZDA,184830.15,05,1 1,1996,00,00*66 T able C.
C NMEA-0183 Messages 96 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide C.15 PTNLEV Pr opr ietary (Event Marker) The P TNLEV message is a T rimble proprietar y m essage for time-tagging and marking w hen an e vent input oc curs. If enabled, this event m essage is output wh ene ver an event i s dete cted .
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 97 NMEA-0183 Messages C C.16 PTNLID Pr opr ietary (T r imble Receiver ID) The P TNLID me ssage is a T rimbl e proprietar y me ssage for identify ing the receiver’ s machine ID , product ID , major and minor r elease nu mb er s, a nd fi rmw are rel ea se d at e .
C NMEA-0183 Messages 98 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide C.17 PTNLDG Pr opr ietary (T r imble DGPS Receiver Status) The P TNLD G me ssage is a T rimbl e proprietar y messa ge for identifyin g the D .
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 99 NMEA-0183 Messages C The PTNLDG message fields ar e define d in fr ee format. The maximum number of c haracters in each field i s indicated above ( for example, 25 bps displa yed as xxx,25,xxx instead of xxx,00025,xxx ).
C NMEA-0183 Messages 100 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide C.18 PTNL,GGK (Time, Position, Position T ype, and DOP) The P TNL,GGK m essage structur e is: $PTNL,GGK,172 814.00,071296,3723.4 6587704, N,12202.26957864,W , 3,06,1.7,EHT -6.777,M*48 T able C.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 101 NMEA-0183 Messages C C.19 PTNLSM Pr opr ietary (R TCM Special) The P TNLSM m essage is a T rimble proprietar y me ssage for identifying the Reference Station ID and the ASCII T ext me ssage that is in cluded in an RT C M Typ e 16 S p e c i a l Me ss a g e .
C NMEA-0183 Messages 102 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide.
APPENDIX D Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 103 Thir d-Party Interface Requir ements D In this appendix: Q Software Q Hardware.
D Third-Party Interface Requirement s 104 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide D.1 Softwar e The fol lowing t able lists the inter face requirements for connecting an Ag G PS receiver to third-party soft ware. Software Company Pr otoc ol NMEA messag es Baud rate Other Pos Rate Cable P/N req ui re d Notes AgGPS EZ-Map T rimble NMEA GGA 38.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 105 Third-Party Interface Requirement s D D.2 Har dwar e The fol lowing t able lists the inter face requirements for connecting an Ag G PS receiver to third-party hard ware. Company Hardwar e Protocol NM EA messages Baud rate Other Pos rate Cable P/N req ui red Notes Ag Leader Insight NMEA GGA, VTG 9600, or 19.
D Third-Party Interface Requirement s 106 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide Case T yler Aim Navigator NMEA GGA 19.2K 8-N-1 5 Hz 30945, 40947-18 Case-IH AFS Y ield Monitor w/ Universal Display or Univ.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 107 Third-Party Interface Requirement s D Mid-T ech Legacy 6000 NMEA GGA, VTG 38.4K 8-N-1 5 Hz 30945, 40947-18, 46441 Mid-T ech MC1000 NMEA GGA, VTG 19.2K 8-N-1 5 Hz 3 0945, 40947-18 Mid-T ech Swath XL NMEA GGA 19.2K 8-N-1 5 Hz 30945, 40947-18 New Holland (Ag Leader PF3000) New Holland PLMS Y ield Mont.
D Third-Party Interface Requirement s 108 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide SoilT eq Falcon II Controller NMEA GGA, VTG 9600, 19.2K 8-N-1 5 Hz, 10 Hz 30945, 40947-18 SoilT eq Falcon VR Controller NMEA GGA, VTG 9600 8-N-1 5 Hz 30945, 40947-18, 46441 SoilT eq Falc on VR Controller with Falcon T r ack LBAR NMEA GGA, VTG 9600, 19.
Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 109 Index Numerics 1 PPS output 8 A accuracy 9 activati ng O mniST AR 47 AgGPS 170 Field Computer 52 AgGPS 214 GPS recei ver 9 AgGPS 332 receiver 4 compon ents of 20.
Index 110 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide C cables 7 Compaq iP AQ handheld computer 32 conne ction diagram 23 data interface 69 laptop computer 31 routing 24 Windows CE 31, 32 Window s C E h and he.
Index Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 111 European Geostationar y Na vigation Overlay Sy st e m see EGNO S European Space Agency website 10 external devices, connecting 23 EZ- Gui de Plu s sy ste m.
Index 112 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide L languag e, c hanging 54 laptop computer , connecting 31 latitude 12, 16 LC T alker ID 80 LG T alker ID 80 loc ation of receiv er 2 1 lockin g Confi gurat.
Index Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 113 O OmniS T AR activating 47 configuring the receiver for 47 HP DGPS po sit ioning method 9, 11 specifications f or L-Band satelli te differential correction.
Index 114 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide radio noise emissions for Canada iii Radio T echni cal Commi ssion for Maritime Services see RT C M RAIM GAST sen tence 88 GRS ou tput sent ence 86 RAM, c .
Index Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide 115 statu s satellite D GPS 15, 41 WA A S / E G N O S D G P S 1 5 subscription-based corrections 11 supp or t, c on ta cti ng 2 T technical suppor t 2 temperat.
Index 116 Ag GPS 332 GPS Receiver User Guide X XTE mes sag e 94 Y yield monitor , connecting to 23.
An important point after buying a device Trimble AgGPS 332 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Trimble AgGPS 332 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Trimble AgGPS 332 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Trimble AgGPS 332 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Trimble AgGPS 332 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Trimble AgGPS 332, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Trimble AgGPS 332.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Trimble AgGPS 332. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Trimble AgGPS 332 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center