Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Qosmio F50 Toshiba
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Toshib aPersonalComp uter Qosmio F 50 MaintenanceM anual TOSHIBA CORPORA TION .
Qosmio Ma intena nceMan ual iii Preface Thismaintenancemanualdescribeshowtoperformhardwareservicemaintenanceforthe ToshibaPersonalComp uterQosmio 0,referredtoastheQosmio 0Seriesinthis manual.
Qosmio Ma intena nceMan ual v Someoperationsrequirey outosi multaneouslyusetwoormorekey s.Weidentify such operationsby thekeytopsy mbolsseparatedby aplus(+)sign.
Qosmio Ma intena nceMan ual vii 2.12 ExpresscardTroubleshooti ng ........ ............................... Error!Bookmarknotdefined. 2.13 IEEE1394Troubleshooting .
viii Qo smio 0Ma intenan ceManu al 2.
Qosmio Ma intena nceMan ual ix 3.19Memory check...…..……………….……… ………………..…………… ………..... Error!Bookmark notdefin ed. 29 3.
x Qo smio 0Ma intenan ceManu al RemovingtheOptionalMemory .
Qosmio Ma intena nceMan ual xi 4.14 PowerSwitchBoard ............................... ........................... Error!Bookmarknotdefi ned. Removingthepowerswitch .
xii Qo smio 0Ma intenan ceManu al RemovingtheSub-woofer .
Qosmio Ma intena nceMan ual xiii A ppendice s AppendixA HandlingtheLCDModule ........... .......................................... ............................. A-1 AppendixB BoardLay out .
Chapter1 Hardw areO verview .
1HardwareOverview Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 1- ii.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. 1Hard ware Overview Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 1- iii Chapter1 Contents 1.1 Features .
1HardwareOverview Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 1- iv Figures Figure1-1A I DPartsDescriptionPlacementPartA ........................ .................................. 1-8 Figure1-2 SATAHDD .
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 1HardwareOverview Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 1- 1 1.
1HardwareOverview Error! UsetheHometabtoapply 2to thetextthatyouwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
1HardwareOverview Error! UsetheHometabtoapply 2to thetextthatyouwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
1HardwareOverview Error! UsetheHometabtoapply 2to thetextthatyouwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
1HardwareOverview Error! UsetheHometabtoapply 2to thetextthatyouwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
1HardwareOverview Error! UsetheHometabtoapply 2to thetextthatyouwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
1HardwareOverview Error! UsetheHometabtoapply 2to thetextthatyouwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 1HardwareOverview Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 1- 13 1.
1HardwareOverview Error! UsetheHometabtoapply 2to thetextthatyouwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 1HardwareOverview Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 1- 15 1.
1HardwareOverview Error! UsetheHometabtoapply 2to thetextthatyouwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 1HardwareOverview Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 1- 17 6.
1HardwareOverview Error! UsetheHometabtoapply 2to thetextthatyouwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
Chapte r2 Troublesh ootingProce dures .
2Troubl eshootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual .
2Trouble shootingProcedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual .
2Troubl eshootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual .
2Trouble shootingProcedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual .
2Troubles hootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual .
2Trouble shootingProcedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual .
2Troubles hootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual .
2Trouble shootingProcedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual .
2Troubles hootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual .
2Trouble shootingProcedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual .
2Troubles hootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual .
2Trouble shootingProcedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual .
2Troubles hootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual .
2Trouble shootingProcedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual .
2Troubles hootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual .
2Trouble shootingProcedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual .
2Troubles hootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual .
2Trouble shootingProcedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual .
2Troubles hootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual .
2Trouble shootingProcedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual .
2Troubles hootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQO SMIOF50SeriesMainte nanceManual 21 2.
2Trouble shootingProcedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50Se riesMaintenanceManual 22 Figure2-6TV-outt rouble.
2Troubles hootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQO SMIOF50SeriesMainte nanceManual 23 Todetermineif thecomputer’sTVTuner portisfunctioningproperl y,performthefollowin g procedures.
2Trouble shootingProcedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50Se riesMaintenanceManual 24 Chec k1 MakesureTVTunerAntennaisf irmlypluggedintobot htheTVTunerModule.
2Troubles hootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQO SMIOF50SeriesMainte nanceManual 25 2.
2Trouble shootingProcedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50Se riesMaintenanceManual 26 Todete rmineifthecomputer’s built-inTouchPadisfunctioni ngproperly,performthe followin gprocedures.
2Troubles hootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 27 2.
2Trouble shootingProcedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 28 Todete rmineifthecomputer’s built-inspeakersarefuncti oningproperly,performthe followin gprocedures.
2Troubles hootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 29 2.
2Trouble shootingProcedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 30 Figure2-9 Opticaldrivetroublesh .
2Troubles hootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 31 Procedure4 Connectionche ckandreplacementc heck Theopticald riveconnectstothesystemboard.
32 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 32 2.
33 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 33 Thissectiondescribe showtodetermineift hecomputer'smodemisfunct ioningproperly.
34 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 34 2.
35 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 35 Thissectiondescribe showtodetermineift heExpresscardplayerisfunctionin gproperly.
36 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 36 2.
37 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 37 Figure2-12IEEE 1394troubleshoot.
38 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 38 Chec k4 Thesystemboardmaybedama ged.Replaceitwithanew onefollowingthe instructionsi nChapter4.
39 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 39 2.
40 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 40 Figure2-13W irelessLANtro.
41 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 41 Replacewit hanewantennaf ollowingtheste psinChapter4, Replacement Proced ures .
42 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 42 2.
43 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 43 TheCame raboardorsystemboardmay bethereasonofaC amerafault.
44 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 44 2.
45 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 45 TheBluetoothan tennawire,Bluetoothm oduleorsystemboardma ybethereasonofa Bluetoot hfault.
46 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 46 Chec k3 TheBluetoothmodulema ybedamaged. Replaceitwithanewonef ollowingthe instructions inChapter4.
47 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 47 2.
48 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 48 Thissect iondescribeshowto determineifthe7IN 1Cardplayerisfu nctioningproperly.
49 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 49 2.
50 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 50 TheH DDorsystemboardma ybethereasonofaHDD fault.Ei therofthesetwocompone nts maybe damaged.
51 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 51 2.
52 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 52 Todete rmineifthecompute r’sCRTportisfunctionin gproperly,perfo rmthefollowing procedu res.
53 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 53 2.
54 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 54 Todete rmineifthecompute r’sHDMIportisfunct ioningproperly,pe rformthefollowing procedu res.
55 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 55 2.
56 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 56 Figure2-20 SPDIFtroubleshoot ingprocess Thesystemb oardmaybethere asonofaSPDIFfault.
57 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 57 2.
58 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 58 Figure2.
59 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 59 2.
60 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 60 Figure2-22 Fingerprintertroubleshooti ngprocess TheFinge rprinterboardors ystemboardmaybetherea sonofafingerpri nterfault.
61 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 61 2.
62 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 62 A R e p l a c e s y s t e m b o a.
63 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 63 Procedure1: FMTune rAntennac.
64 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 64 2.
65 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 65 Figure2-24E -SATAtroubleshoot ing.
66 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 66 Chec k4 Thesystemboardmay bedamaged.Replacei twithanewonefollowin gthe instructions inChapter4.
67 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 67 2.
68 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 68 Todete rmineifthecompute r’sbuilt-inFelicaisf unctioningprope rly,performthef ollowing procedu res.
69 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 69 2.
70 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 70 A R e p l a c e s y s t e m b o a.
71 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 71 Procedure1: TMAp owercableco.
72 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 72 Chec k2 Try connecting adifferentTMAModule tothecompute r.Ifthereplacement TMAMo duleworks,theoriginalM odulemaybedam aged.
73 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 73 2.
74 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 74 Todete rmineifthecompute r’sUWBisfunction ing properly,pe rformthefollowing procedu res.
75 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 75 Check 2 Tryconnectinga differentUWBModuleto thecomputer.If thereplacement UWBModulew orks,theoriginal Modulemaybedama ged.
76 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 76 2.
77 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 77 Todeterm ineifthecomputer’sb uilt-inIRBlasterisf unctioningprope rly,performthe followingp rocedures.
78 Trouble shooting Procedures QOSMIOF50- QOSMIOF55-DYNABOOK QOSMIOF50 SeriesMaintenanceMan ual 78 2.
79 Troublesh ootingProcedures QOSMIOF50-QOSMIO F55-DYNABOOKQ OSMIOF50SeriesMaint enanceManual 79 Todeterm ineifthecomputer’sG PSisfunctioningprope rly,performthefollowing procedures.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 1 Chapter3 TestsandDi agnostics.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 2 Conte nts 3.1 TheDiagnosticTest ................................... ........................................... ............................... 3 3.2 ExecutingtheDiagnosticTest .
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 3 3.1TheDiagnostic Test Thischapterexplainshowt ousetheTest&Diagnosticprogramtotestthefunctionsofthe (Base onIrving10/ 10GT&Dversion1.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 4 3.2Executingt heDiagnosticTest DOSisrequiredtoruntheDIAGNOSTI CSPR OGRAM.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 5 Thebelowdisplay wills howupatthebeginningofT&Dprogr am I fthetestresultpasse.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 6 I fanerrorisdetectedandatestfails,thefollowingmessagedisplay s: Thenpressany key fornextactions– thebelowdisplay presentedifcopying testlogfileonto disketteisnecessary .
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 7 Andthenitwillcheckifit’snecessarytoleavethisprogr am.Programwillqui twhen“ Y ” key pressedanditwillgobackmainmenufornext testif“ N ”key pressed.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 8 3.3 Display Configuration ThisItemwillshowtheunitconfiguration.Itincludes: CPU(CP Utype;Cache;CPUsp eed;CPU FSB) DDRAMSIZE PanelID HDD1type&cap acity(VendorID.
3.3Displayconfigurat ion 3TestsandDia gnostics 9 3.4BeepsoundTest Thebeepsoundtestallowstheusertoaurallyconfirmthespeakerfunctions.Andcheckboth speakersifthey areOKwithin3times“Beep”soundgenerated.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 10 Thecomputerwillletthefanbe“ON”afterany key pressed.Feelthewindor listentherotatingsoundtocheckwhetherthefanisworkingornot.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 11 Thistestshowsandm easuresthemainbattery : Battery ty pe(Lion) Manufacturer(Sany o/Panasonic/Son.
3TestsandDiagno stics 12 TheFloppy DiskTestincludest hreesubtestsofthe: 1. Sequentialseek/verify function(Range:Track0~79) 2. Funnelcodeseek/verify function(Range:Track0~79) 3.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 13 3.8 Computracecheck Thecomputracecheckwillchecky ourPC’scomputracefunctionwasdisableorenable.Andcan disablecomputracefunction. item1.
3TestsandDiagno stics 14 item2.disablecomputracefunction.Asbelowpi ctureshow: NOTE: 1.disablecomputracefunctio nneedreboot1times 2.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 15 2. J (Japan,forJapan) 3. K (German,forEurope) UKkeyboardtestprogramnotready:productionli neno.
3TestsandDiagno stics 16 Japankey board NOTE: The“ Fn ”keycannotbetestedinthekeyboardtest.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 17 TheTouchPadbuttonsubt estallowsuserstotesttheirTouchP adbuttons.Ifthebuttonsare clicked,thecursorsshouldappearinthecorrespondingboxofthebutt onfigurethatisdisplay ed onthescreenasbelow.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 18 -including320*200(4/16/256colors),64 0*200(2/16colors),640*350(2/16 colors), 640*480(2/16/256colo rs),800*600(256colors)and1024*768(256colors).
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 19 2>.I ftheLidswitchtestpass,itwill showbelowdisplay: .
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 20 3.13LA NTest TheLA NtestcheckstheLANfull-duplexenvironment.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 21 BusI D–it’s“E”. TheLA Ntestin cludesthreesubtestsofthe: 1. Speed1000 2. Speed100 3. Speed10 Thesubtestsrunautomatically.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 22 I fanerrorisdetectedandatestfails,thefollowingmessagedisplay s: .
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 23 3.14RTCTest Checksthecomputer’sRTC(RealTim eClock)andcalendarfunctionsby comparingtheDOS andCMOSvalues. Thetestrunsautomatically.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 24 3.15Read1394 GUID Thistestwillcheckifthecomput er’sEEPROM1394GUIDcodeiscorrec t. NOTE: MustopentheRAMDoortoseeRAMconnectorGUIDbarcodebeforetest item begins.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 25 3.16Speaker EQ(Equalize rQualityfactor)Ty pe Check&Re-Write Thistestwillcheckifthecomput er’sEEPROMEQtypeiscorr ect. TheEQTy petestincludestwosub testsofthe: 1.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 26 3.17Sensor ButtonTest TheSensorbuttontestall owstheusertomanuallytesteac hofSensorbut ton buttons. Presseachofthebuttonsonthefrontpanelint urn.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 27 I fthepictureshowsasbelow,i tmeansheHDCPKEYfunctionisNG .
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 28 3.19M emory test Thistestwillcheckifthecomput er’sDDRRAMVendor,frequency andsizeiscorrectinevery slot. 3.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 29 Aftery ouselectthemethod,theninput password:“harddisk”,ifinputpasswordisR ight,the screenwou.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 30 Thescreenwilldisplay asbelowpicturetoshow thesubtestispassedorfailedwhenfinished: I fi.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 31 3.212 nd HDDTest TheHDDtestallowstheusertoverifythe2 nd HDDokornot.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 32 Aftery ouselectthemethod,theninput password:“harddisk”,ifinputpasswordisR ight,the screen.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 33 Thescreenwilldisplay asbelowpicturetoshow thesubtestispassedorfailedwhenfinished: I fit.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 34 3.22ReadDM I I fyouwanttodoublechecktheDMI data,pleaseselectReadDMI item,t he.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 35 3.23Wri teDM I WhenyouwanttowriteDMI data,pleaseselectwhichdatay ouwanttowrite,thefigurebelow willbedisplayed: 1.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 36 AfterwriteOK,y oushouldrebootthesystemthatcanmakethesettingeffective,ory ou.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 37 NOTE : shouldinput correctDMIdata,andshouldreboott hesystemthatcanmakethe settingeffective. 3.24M emory R/Wte st Memory R/W testwilldomemoryreadandwritetest.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 38 Afterbootfromdisk3,testprogramwillautost art,Testpictureasbelow: I fthepictureshowasbelow.Itmeansmemory readandwritepass.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 39 YoucanpressESCtoex ittestaftertestpass!.
Chapter4 Replacement Procedures .
4Replacement Procedures Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- ii .
4Replacement Procedures Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- iii Chapter4 Contents 4.1 General ...... ........................................... .......................................... ...............
4Replacement Procedures Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- iv 4.8 ODD ............ .......................................... ........................................... ..................... 4-24 RemovingtheODDBay Module .
4Replacement Procedures Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- v 4.18 IRBlasterB oard ........... .......................................... ........................................... ... 4-50 RemovingtheIRBlasterB oard .
4Replacement Procedures Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- vi 4.28 CCDBoard,MICandAntenna..................................................... ........................ 4-70 RemovingtheCCDBoard,MICandAntenna .
4Replacement Procedures Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- vii Figures Figure4-1Removingthebattery pack .. ........................................... ...................................... 4-9 Figure4-2RemovingtheHDDpackcover .
4Replacement Procedures Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- viii Figure4-31RemovingTMAscrews ..................... ........................................... .................... 4-54 Figure4-32Removingthefanscrews .
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- 1 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- 9 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- 11 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- 23 3.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- 29 2.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- 31 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- 35 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- 37 2.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- 39 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- 45 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- 47 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- 51 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- 55 2.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- 59 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- 61 3.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- 63 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- 65 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es Qosm ioF50 Maintenance Manual 4- 67 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual A-1 Appen dixA A ppendixA H andlingtheLCDModule Precautionsfor handlingtheLCDmodule TheLCDmodulecanbeeasily damagedduringassembly ordisassembl y .
A-2 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual 3. If thepanel’ssurfacegetsdirty ormoist,wipeit withcottonorasoftcloth.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual A-3 5. Glassisusedinthepanel,so becarefulnottodropitorletitstrikeahardobject,which couldcausebreakage orcracks. 6.
A-4 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual 7. Donotexpos ethemoduletodirectsunlightorstrongultravioletraysforlong periods.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual A-5 10. Ify outransport themodule,donotusepackingmaterialthatcontainsepox y resin(amine) orsiliconglue(alcoholoroxime).Thesematerialscanreleasegasthatcandamagethe panel’spolarization.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual B-1 JP55 PJP1 JP1 JP25 JP18 JP2 JP28 JP1.
B-2 Qosmio F50 SeriesMainten ance Manual JP10 JP35 JP31 JP30 JP23 JP9 JP47 JP22 JP13 JP48 JP7 JP26 U37 U18 U8 U4 B.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual B-3 TableB-1SystemBoardICs(topandbott om) Number Na.
B-4 Qosmio F50 SeriesMainten ance Manual TableB-2SystemBoardConn ectors(topandbottom) Number Name JP1 CPUsock et JP2 FANconn.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual B-5 JP57 MDCconn. JPV1 VGABoardconn.
B-6 Qosmio F50 SeriesMainten ance Manual UV7 UV6 UV12 UV9 UV4 B.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual B-7 UV8 UV5 UV11 UV10 JPV1 UV1 B.
B-8 Qosmio F50 SeriesMainten ance Manual TableB-3VGABoardICs(topandbot tom) Number .
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual B-9 UV13 B.5VGABoard(DDR3)TopVi ew FigureB.
B-10 Qo smioF50 SeriesMain tenanc eManua l UV5 UV5 UV4 UV6 UV7 UV9 UV8 UV11 UV10 UV1 JPV1 B.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual B-11 TableB-5VGABoardICs(topandbot tom) Number.
B-12 Qo smioF50 SeriesMain tenanc eManua l JP6 U4 JP7 U7 UA1 B.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual B-13 JP5 JP5 JP9 JP1 JP4 JP3 B.
B-14 Qo smioF50 SeriesMain tenanc eManua l TableB-3AudioBoard ICs(topandbottom) Number.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual B-15 U2 B.9Fingerpri ntBoardT opV iew Figure.
B-16 Qo smioF50 SeriesMain tenanc eManua l U3 JP1 B.10Finge rprintBoa rdBottomView .
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual B-17 TableB-9Fingerprint BoardICs(topandbottom) N.
B-18 Qo smioF50 SeriesMain tenanc eManua l U3 U2 U1 JP2 B.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual B-19 B.12Robso nBoardBo ttomView Figure.
B-20 Qo smioF50 SeriesMain tenanc eManua l TableB-11RobsonBoard ICs(topandbottom) Number.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual C-1 C. A ppendixC PinA ssignments Sy stemBoard C.1 JP2 TableC-1 FANI/Fpin assignments (3-pin) PinNo.
C-2 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual 17 LCD_TX OUT 1- O 18 INVT _PW M O 19 LCD_TX.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual C-3 11 GND 12 HDMI_R_CK- O 13 HDMI_CEC.
C-4 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual 9 +3VS 10 +3VS 11 GND 12 GND.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual C-5 C.10 JP14 TableC-9 1 st AO CR/B(LS-41 64P)I/ Fpinassig nments(50-p in) PinNo.
C-6 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual C.11 JP15 TableC-11 Blueto othCo nnecto rpinassig nments(12-pin ) PinNo. Sign alname I/O PinNo.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual C-7 3 USB20_P11 I/O 4 GN D 5 G ND 6 GND C.15 JP20 TableC-15 Wi-Fi/W iMax& TVtuner Con nectorp inassign ments(92-pin) PinNo.
C-8 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual PinNo. Signalnam e I/O PinNo.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual C-9 5 NC 6 +1.
C-10 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intenan ceManu al 7 PM_SMBCLK O 8 PM_SMBDATA I/O 9 +1.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual C-11 C.19 JP25 TableC-19 TMAModulePower Co nnecto rpinassig nments(20-p in) PinNo.
C-12 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intenan ceManu al 7 EC_BD0# 8 NC 9 EC_BD1# 10 NC 11 G ND 12 NC C.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual C-13 17 DQ2 I/O 18 VSS O 19 DQ3 I/O .
C-14 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intenan ceManu al 81 VDD O 82 V DD O 83 NC - 84 NC/A.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual C-15 143 DQ41 I/O 144 VSS O 145 VSS O.
C-16 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intenan ceManu al C.25 JP33 TableC-25 InternalMicrophone Con necto rpinassign ments(12-pin ) PinNo.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual C-17 29 PCI_REQ#1 30 PCI_GN T#1 31 +3VS_.
C-18 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intenan ceManu al 97 +5VS 98 +5VS 99 PCI_A D1 100.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual C-19 3 NC 4 CURS_LED# I 5 NC 6 .
C-20 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intenan ceManu al PinNo. Sig nalname I/O PinNo. SignalName I/O 1 +USB_VCCB O 2 USB20_N1 O 3 USB20_P1 O 4 G ND O C.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual C-21 35 LEARNIR# 36 N C 37 REC_LED .
C-22 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intenan ceManu al C.33 JP57 TableC-33 MDCconn ectorpin assignments (12P-pin) PinNo. Signalname I/O PinNo.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual C-23 35 GND 36 VG A _TXOU T2+ 37 NC .
C-24 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intenan ceManu al 93 GND 94 PCIE_M T X_C_GRX_ P3 95 VGA _DV.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual C-25 135 GND 136 PCIE_MT X_C_GRX_ P10 137.
C-26 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intenan ceManu al 179 PCIE_GTX_C_M RX_ P13 180 A CIN 181 P.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual D-1 Appen dixD A ppendixD Key boardSc an/CharacterCodes TableD-1Scancodes(set1andset2)(1/4) Cap No.
D-2 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intenan ceManu al TableD-1Scancodes(set1andset2)(2/4) Cap No.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual D-3 TableD-1Scancodes(set1andset2)(3/4) Cap No. Keytop Codeset 1 Codeset2 No.
D-4 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intenan ceManu al TableD-1Scancodes(set1andset2)(4/4) Cap No.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual D-5 TableD-2Scancodeswithl eftShiftkey Cap No. Key top Codeset 1 Codese t2 Make.
D-6 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intenan ceManu al TableD-3ScancodesinNumlockmode Cap No.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceMan ual D-7 TableD-5Scancodesinoverlaymode Cap No. Keytop Codeset 1 Codeset2 Make Break .
D-8 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intenan ceManu al TableD-7No.
A pp endix E K e y La yout 1. United Status ( US) Ke yboar d FigureUSkey board 2. T raditi onal Chin ese (CH) K eyboard Figur eCHkeybo ar d .
3. Thai (T I) K eyboard Figur eTIkeyboar d 4. K orean ( K O) Ke yboard Figur eKOkeybo ar d .
5. Unite d Kingdom (UK) Ke yboar d Figur eUKkeybo ar d 6. US Internat ional (UI) K eyboard Figur eUIkeyboard .
7. Hebrew (HB) Ke y board Figur eHBkeyboard 8. Danish ( DM) Ke yboard Figur eDMkey boar d .
9. Swiss (SW) K eyboar d Figur eSWkeyboar d 10. Arabic (ARE) Ke yboar d Figur eAREkeyboar d .
11. Czech (CZ) Ke ybo ard Figur eCZke yboar d 12. R ussian (RU) K eyboard Figur eRUkeyboard .
13. Portugues e (PO) K eyboard Figur ePOkeyboard 14. Slov akian (S L) K eyboard Figur eSLkeyboar d .
15. Italian (IT) Ke y board Figur eITkeyboar d 16. F renc h (F R) K eyboar d Figur eFRke yboar d .
17. German (GR) Ke yboar d Figur eGRkeyboard 18. Greek (GK) Ke ybo ard Figur eGKkeybo ar d.
19. Canada Fren c h (CF) K eyboard Figur eCF keyboar d 20. Hungarian (HG ) K eyboard Figur eHGkeyboa r d .
21. Spanish (SP) Ke yboar d Figur eSPkeyboar d 22. T u rkish (TR) Ke yb oard Figur eTRkeyboar d .
3. T urkish F (T F-F) K eyboard Figur eTF-Fkeyboar d 24. Swedish (SD) Ke yboar d Figur eSDke yboar d .
25. Belgian (BE) Ke yboard Figur eBEke yboar d 26. Y u goslavian (YU) K eyboard Figur eYU key boar d .
2 7 . Nor wegian (N W) Ke y board Figur eNWkeyboar d 28. Scan dinavian (ND) K eyboard Figur eNDkeybo ar d .
29. Canad ian Multinati onal (AC) Ke y board Figur eACkeyboard 30. Canad ian Bilingua l (CB) Ke ybo ard Figur eCB keyboar d .
3 1 . Japanese (J P) Ke yboard Figur eJPkeyboar d.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceManua l F-1 F. Appendi xF Ser iesScrew Torque List(JSK AA) TableF-1SeriesScrewT orqueList(High-end) SCREWP/N SCREWSPEC Q'ty LOCATION SCREW TORQUE LCDASSY MA000007 GG0 M 2.
F-2 QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intenance Manua l ODDASSY MA000007 GG0 M 2.0*3 2 ODDBRKTOODDMODULE 2.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceManua l F-3 MA0000069G0 M 2.0*4 2 LO W TOUP(Ba tteryhousing) 2.5~3.0kg MA0000061G0 M2.5*4 2 HDDDOORTOLOW 2.5~3.0kg MA000008 RG0 M 2.
QosmioF5 0SeriesMa intena nceManua l G-1 AppendixG Appendi xG Reliabili t y Thefollo wingtablesho wsMT BF(MeanT imeBetweenFa ilures) foreachco mponent.
An important point after buying a device Toshiba Qosmio F50 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Toshiba Qosmio F50 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Toshiba Qosmio F50 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Toshiba Qosmio F50 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Toshiba Qosmio F50 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Toshiba Qosmio F50, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Toshiba Qosmio F50.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Toshiba Qosmio F50. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Toshiba Qosmio F50 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center