Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product PROL550 Toshiba
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Toshib aPersonalComp uter Satellite MaintenanceM anual TOSHIBA CORPORA TION .
SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nual Copyright ©2009byToshibaCorporation.Allrightsreserved.Underthecopy rightlaws,thismanual cannotbereproducedinany formwithoutthepriorwrittenpermis sionofToshiba.
SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nual iii Preface ThismaintenancemanualdescribeshowtoperformhardwareservicemaintenancefortheToshiba PersonalComputerSatell ite,referredtoastheSatelliteSeriesinthismanual.
SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nual Themanualisdividedint othefollowingparts: Chapter1 HardwareOverviewdescribestheSatelliteSeriessy stemunitandeach FRU.
SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nual v Someoperationsrequirey outosi multaneouslyusetwoormorekey s.Weidentify suchoperations by thekey topsymbolsseparatedby aplus(+)sign.
SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nual Tableof Contents Chapter1 Ha rdw areOverview 1.1 Features................................................................... .............................
SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nual vii 2-17 BUTTONtroubleshootingprocess ........... ........................................... .................................41 2.18 Modemtroubleshoot ingprocess .
SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nual Chapter4 Re placem entProcedu res 4.1 General ......................................................... ........................................... ................
SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nual ix 4.8 FunctionBoard .................................................. .......................................... ..................... 4-23 RemovingtheFunctionBoard .
SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nual I nstalli ngtheCPU ...................... .......................................... ........................................... . 4-42 4.19 WLANCard .....
SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nual xi Figure4.14 Removingthefunctionboard ......................... ........................................... ........... 4-23 Figure4.15 RemovingtheBluetoothcard .
SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nual Figure4.45 RemovingtheL VDScable........................................ .......................................... 4-53 Figure4.46 I nstallingtheLCDHingeAssembly .
Chapter1 HardwareO verview .
1HardwareOverview SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 1-ii Chapter1 Co ntents 1.1 Features .......................... ........................................... .......................................... .
1HardwareOverview SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 1-iii Figures Figure1-1A I DPartsDescription PlacementPartA ....................................... ................... 1-5 Figure1-2 SATAHDD .
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 1HardwareOverview SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 1-1 1.
1HardwareOverview Error! UsetheHometabtoapply 2to thetextthatyouwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
1HardwareOverview Error! UsetheHometabtoapply 2to thetextthatyouwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
1HardwareOverview Error! UsetheHometabtoapply 2to thetextthatyouwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
1HardwareOverview Error! UsetheHometabtoapply 2to thetextthatyouwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
1HardwareOverview Error! UsetheHometabtoapply 2to thetextthatyouwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 1HardwareOverview SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 1-11 1.
1HardwareOverview Error! UsetheHometabtoapply 2to thetextthatyouwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 1HardwareOverview SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 1-13 6.
1HardwareOverview Error! UsetheHometabtoapply 2to thetextthatyouwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
Chapte r2 Troublesh ootingProce dures 2 .
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ ProL550 SeriesMainte nanceManu al 1 Chapter2 Content s 2.
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL5 50/ProL550 SeriesMai ntenanceM anual .
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ ProL550 SeriesMainte nanceManu al 3 2.
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL5 50/ProL550 SeriesMai ntenanceM anual 4 15.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ ProL550 SeriesMainte nanceManu al .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL5 50/ProL550 SeriesMai ntenanceM anual .
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ ProL550 SeriesMainte nanceManu al .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL5 50/ProL550 SeriesMai ntenanceM anual .
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ ProL550 SeriesMainte nanceManu al 9 2.
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL5 50/ProL550 SeriesMai ntenanceM anual 10 asinstructe d.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ ProL550 SeriesMainte nanceManu al .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL5 50/ProL550 SeriesMai ntenanceM anual .
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ ProL550 SeriesMainte nanceManu al .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL5 50/ProL550 SeriesMai ntenanceM anual 14 2.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ ProL550 SeriesMainte nanceManu al .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL5 50/ProL550 SeriesMai ntenanceM anual .
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ ProL550 SeriesMainte nanceManu al 17 2.
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL5 50/ProL550 SeriesMai ntenanceM anual .
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ ProL550 SeriesMainte nanceManu al 19 2.
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL5 50/ProL550 SeriesMai ntenanceM anual .
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ ProL550 SeriesMainte nanceManu al .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL55 0/Satellit eL555/S atelliteL5 57/Sate lliteProL550 22 2.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ SatelliteL 555/Sat elliteL557/ SatelliteP roL550 .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL55 0/Satellit eL555/S atelliteL5 57/Sate lliteProL550 24 2.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ SatelliteL 555/Sat elliteL557/ SatelliteP roL550 .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL55 0/Satellit eL555/S atelliteL5 57/Sate lliteProL550 26 2.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ SatelliteL 555/Sat elliteL557/ SatelliteP roL550 27 Figure2-15outli nestheprocess.
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL55 0/Satellit eL555/S atelliteL5 57/Sate lliteProL550 28 2.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ SatelliteL 555/Sat elliteL557/ SatelliteP roL550 .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL55 0/Satellit eL555/S atelliteL5 57/Sate lliteProL550 30 2.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ SatelliteL 555/Sat elliteL557/ SatelliteP roL550 .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL55 0/Satellit eL555/S atelliteL5 57/Sate lliteProL550 32 2.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ SatelliteL 555/Sat elliteL557/ SatelliteP roL550 .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL55 0/Satellit eL555/S atelliteL5 57/Sate lliteProL550 34 2.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ SatelliteL 555/Sat elliteL557/ SatelliteP roL550 .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL55 0/Satellit eL555/S atelliteL5 57/Sate lliteProL550 36 2.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ SatelliteL 555/Sat elliteL557/ SatelliteP roL550 .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL55 0/Satellit eL555/S atelliteL5 57/Sate lliteProL550 38 2.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ SatelliteL 555/Sat elliteL557/ SatelliteP roL550 .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL55 0/Satellit eL555/S atelliteL5 57/Sate lliteProL550 40 2.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ SatelliteL 555/Sat elliteL557/ SatelliteP roL550 .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL55 0/Satellit eL555/S atelliteL5 57/Sate lliteProL550 42 Figure2.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ SatelliteL 555/Sat elliteL557/ SatelliteP roL550 .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL55 0/Satellit eL555/S atelliteL5 57/Sate lliteProL550 44 2.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ SatelliteL 555/Sat elliteL557/ SatelliteP roL550 .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL55 0/Satellit eL555/S atelliteL5 57/Sate lliteProL550 46 2.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ SatelliteL 555/Sat elliteL557/ SatelliteP roL550 .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL55 0/Satellit eL555/S atelliteL5 57/Sate lliteProL550 48 2.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ SatelliteL 555/Sat elliteL557/ SatelliteP roL550 .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL55 0/Satellit eL555/S atelliteL5 57/Sate lliteProL550 50 2.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ SatelliteL 555/Sat elliteL557/ SatelliteP roL550 .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL55 0/Satellit eL555/S atelliteL5 57/Sate lliteProL550 52 2.
2Troubles hootingProcedures SatelliteL550/ SatelliteL 555/Sat elliteL557/ SatelliteP roL550 .
2Trouble shootingProcedures SatelliteL55 0/Satellit eL555/S atelliteL5 57/Sate lliteProL550 .
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nualS eriesT& D 1 Chapter3 TestsandDi agnostics.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/Sa telliteL555 /Satellite L557/S atellitePro L550S eriesT& D 2 Conte nts 3.1 TheDiagnosticTest . ........................................... ....
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nualS eriesT& D 3 3.1TheDiagnostic Test Thischapterexplainshow.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/Sa telliteL555 /Satellite L557/S atellitePro L550S eriesT& D 4 3.2Executingt heDiagnosticTest DOSisrequiredtoruntheDIAGNOSTI CSPR OGRAM.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nualS eriesT& D 5 Thebelowdisplay wills howupatthebeginn.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/Sa telliteL555 /Satellite L557/S atellitePro L550S eriesT& D 6 I fanerrorisdetectedanda.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nualS eriesT& D 7 I twill skipthisprocessif“N”key pressed. Andthenitwillcheckifit’snecessarytoleavethisprogr am.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/Sa telliteL555 /Satellite L557/S atellitePro L550S eriesT& D 8 3.
3TestsandDiagno stics SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nualS eriesT& D 9 3.4Au diosoundtest Theaudiosoundtestallowst heusertoaurally confirmthespeakerfunctions.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/Sa telliteL555 /Satellite L557/S atellitePro L550S eriesT& D 10 3.5FanON/OFFTest Thefantestallowstheusertotestaurallywhetherthefa nisworking.
3.6FanON/OFFTest 3.TestsandDiagnos tics SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nualS eriesT& D 11 3.6M ainBatter y ChargeTest NOTE : TheACadaptor shouldbeconnectedtosuccessfullyrunthi stest .
3.TestsandDiagn ostics 3.7MainBatteryCh angeTest SatelliteL5 50/Sa telliteL555 /Satellite L557/S atellitePro L550S eriesT& D 12 3.7FDDTest NOTE : BeforerunningtheFDDtest,p repareaformattedworkdiskette(1.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nualS eriesT& D 13 .
3TestsandDiagno stics SatelliteL5 50/Sa telliteL555 /Satellite L557/S atellitePro L550S eriesT& D 14 3.8 M emory check Thistestwillcheckifthecomput er’sMemory Frequency andSizeiscorrectinevery slot.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nualS eriesT& D 15 3. K (UK,forEurope) Wheny ouex ecutethistest,thekey boardlayoutisdrawnonthedisplay .
3TestsandDiagno stics SatelliteL5 50/Sa telliteL555 /Satellite L557/S atellitePro L550S eriesT& D 16 Japankeyboar d.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nualS eriesT& D 17 NOTE: The“ Fn ”keycannotbetestedinthekeyboardtest.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/Sa telliteL555 /Satellite L557/S atellitePro L550S eriesT& D 18 NOTE: TheTouchPadtestcanno tbeusedtotestanexternalUSBmouse.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nualS eriesT& D 19 2. VGAMode -including320*200(4/16/256co.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/Sa telliteL555 /Satellite L557/S atellitePro L550S eriesT& D 20 Thenitwillindi catewhetherthetestispassedorfailed.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nualS eriesT& D 21 3.13LA NTest TheLA NtestcheckstheLANfull-duplexenvironment. NOTE: LANloopba ckneedstopluginbeforetestbegins.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/Sa telliteL555 /Satellite L557/S atellitePro L550S eriesT& D 22 LineSpeed–1000Mbpsor100Mbpsor10Mbps. BusI D–it’s“14”.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nualS eriesT& D 23 I fanerrorisdetectedandatest.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/Sa telliteL555 /Satellite L557/S atellitePro L550S eriesT& D 24 3.14RTCTest Checksthecomputer’sRTC(RealTim eClock)andcalendarfunctionsby comparingtheDOS andCMOSvalues.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nualS eriesT& D 25 3.15BUTTONTEST NOTE : Onlyforfivebuttons SKU.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/Sa telliteL555 /Satellite L557/S atellitePro L550S eriesT& D 26 Mechanicalty pebuttonsx 4torelatewithaboveshowed.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nualS eriesT& D 27 Aftery ouselectthemethod,theninput passw.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/Sa telliteL555 /Satellite L557/S atellitePro L550S eriesT& D 28 Thescreenwilldisplay as.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nualS eriesT& D 29 3.17ReadDM I CompalwriteToshibaP art.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/Sa telliteL555 /Satellite L557/S atellitePro L550S eriesT& D 30 3.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nualS eriesT& D 31 AfterwriteOK,y oushouldr.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/Sa telliteL555 /Satellite L557/S atellitePro L550S eriesT& D 32 NOTE : shouldinputcor rectDMIdata,andshouldreboott hesystemthatcanmakethe settingeffective.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/ProL5 50S eriesMaintena nceMa nualS eriesT& D 33 I fthepictureshowsasbelow,i tmeans.
3.TestsandDiagn ostics SatelliteL5 50/Sa telliteL555 /Satellite L557/S atellitePro L550S eriesT& D 34 .
Chapter4 Replacem entPro cedures .
4Replacement Procedures SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-ii Chapter4 Co ntents 4.1 General .................................... .......................................... ............................
4Replacement Procedures SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-iii RemovingtheLog icUpperAssembly ............................................. ............. 4-20 I nstalli ngtheL ogicUpperAssembly .
4Replacement Procedures SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-iv 4.18 CPU....................................................... .......................................... ..................... 4-41 RemovingtheCPU .
4Replacement Procedures SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-v Figures Figure4.1 RemovingtheBattery Pack ..................... ........................................... ............ 4-8 Figure4.
4Replacement Procedures SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-vi Figure4.31 Reapply Shinetsu7726greaseonthethermalmoduleand removeany releasepapers ............ ...........
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-1 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-9 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-11 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-13 3.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-15 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-19 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-23 2.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-25 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-29 3.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-31 3.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-33 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-35 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-39 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-41 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-43 1.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-47 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-51 3.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-53 4.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-55 5.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
Error!UsetheHometabt oapply 2tothetextthatyouw anttoappearhere. Error! Usethe Hometabtoapply 2tot hetextthatyouwanttoapp earhere. 4ReplacementProcedur es SatelliteL5 50Ma intenanceMa nual 4-57 5.
4Replacement Procedures Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwantto appearhere. Error!UsetheHometab toapply 2tothetextthat youwanttoappearhere.
SatelliteL5 50/Pro L550S eriesMainten anceMa nual A -1 Appen dixA A ppendixA HandlingtheLCDModule Precautionsfor handlingtheLCDmodule TheLCDmodulecanbeeasily damage dduringassemblyordisassembly .
A-2 S atelliteA35 0Se riesMaintena nceMan ual 3. If thepanel’ssurfacegetsdirty ormoist,wipeit withcottonorasoftcloth.
SatelliteA 350 SeriesMainten ance Manua l A-3 5. Glassisusedinthepanel,so becarefulnottodropitorletitstrikeahardobject,which couldcausebreakage orcracks.
A-4 S atelliteA35 0Se riesMaintena nceMan ual 7. Donotexpos ethemoduletodirectsunlightorstrongultravioletraysforlong periods.
SatelliteA 350 SeriesMainten ance Manua l A-5 10. Ify outransportthemodule,donotusepackingmaterialthatcontainsepox y resin(amine) orsiliconglue(alcoholoroxime).Thesematerialscanreleasegasthatcandamagethe panel’spolarization.
SatelliteL5 50/Pro L550S eriesMainten anceMa nual .
B-2 Liverpoo l10M/10 MGMainten anceMa nual B.
Liverpool 10M/10 MGMainten anceMa nual B-3 TableB-1SystemBoardICs(topandbott om) Number.
B-4 Liverpoo l10M/10 MGMainten anceMa nual JESATA ESATA/USBCom boconn.
SatelliteL5 50/Pro L550S eriesMainten anceMa nual C-1 C. A ppendixC PinA ssignments Sy stemBoard C.1 JF A N TableC-1 FANI/Fpin assignments (3-pin) PinNo.
C-2 Liverpool 10M/10 MGMainten anceMa nual 37 +LCD_INV - 38 GND - 39 +LCD_INV - 40 BKOFF# O C.3 JCRT TableC-3 CRTpinassig nments(15-p in) PinNo.
Liverpool 10M/10 MGMainten anceMa nual C-3 PinNo. Signaln ame I/O PinNo. SignalName I/O 1 +3VS_FP - 2 USB20_N7 I/O 3 USB20_P7 I/O 4 G ND - C.
C-4 Liverpool 10M/10 MGMainten anceMa nual 13 GND - 14 GND - C.8 JESA T A TableC-8 eSATA/US BI/Fp inassignment s(11-pin) PinNo.
Liverpool 10M/10 MGMainten anceMa nual C-5 3 USB20_P9_R I/O 4 G ND - 5 GND - C.11 JWLA N TableC-11 WLAN Connecto rpinassig nments(52-pin ) PinNo.
C-6 Liverpool 10M/10 MGMainten anceMa nual A41 +3VS A42 NC A43 GND A44 NC A45 NC A46 NC A47 NC A48 +1.
Liverpool 10M/10 MGMainten anceMa nual C-7 PinNo.
C-8 Liverpool 10M/10 MGMainten anceMa nual 11 DQ S0# I/O 12 VSS O 13 DQS0 I/O.
Liverpool 10M/10 MGMainten anceMa nual C-9 69 N C - 70 DQS3 I/O 71 VSS O.
C-10 Liverpool10 M/10MGMa intenan ceManu al 127 VSS O 128 VSS O 129 DQ S4# I/O .
Liverpool 10M/10 MGMainten anceMa nual C-11 185 VSS O 186 VSS O 187 CKE0 I/.
C-12 Liverpool10 M/10MGMa intenan ceManu al 7 KSI5 8 KSI0 9 KSI4 10 KSI3.
Liverpool 10M/10 MGMainten anceMa nual C-13 15 SDCMD 16 MSCLK 17 +VCC_3IN1 18 SD_DATA3 19 GND 20 SD_DATA2 21 SDCD# C.
C-14 Liverpool10 M/10MGMa intenan ceManu al 51 PCIE_GTX _C_MRX_P11 52 PCIE_MTX _C_GRX_N11.
Liverpool 10M/10 MGMainten anceMa nual C-15 111 PCIE_GTX _C_MRX_P1 112 PCIE_MTX _C_GRX_N1 TableC-20 VGA/B Conne ctorpina ssignments(2 00-PIN)(3/4 ) PinNo.
C-16 Liverpool10 M/10MGMa intenan ceManu al 167 NC 168 LCD_T ZOUT 1+ 169 GND .
Liverpool 10M/10 MGMainten anceMa nual C-17 C.21 JEXM IC TableC-21 EXMICco nnecto rpinassig nments(6-pin) PinNo. Signalname I/O PinNo.
C-18 Liverpool10 M/10MGMa intenan ceManu al C.24 JM DC TableC-24 MDCconn ectorpin assignments (12-pin) PinNo. Signalname I/O PinNo.
Liverpool 10M/10 MGMainten anceMa nual C-19 39 S1_D13 40 S1_D14 41 S1_D15.
SatelliteL5 50/Pro L550S eriesMainten anceMa nual D-1 Appen dixD A ppendixD Key boardSc an/CharacterCodes TableD-1Scancodes(set1andset2)(1/4) Cap No.
D-2 SatelliteA3 50/A35 0DSeriesM aintena nceMan ual TableD-1Scancodes(set1andset2)(2/4) Cap No.
SatelliteA 350/A3 50DS eriesMainten anceMa nual D-3 TableD-1Scancodes(set1andset2)(3/4) Cap No.
D-4 SatelliteA3 50/A35 0DSeriesM aintena nceMan ual TableD-1Scancodes(set1andset2)(4/4) Cap No.
SatelliteA 350/A3 50DS eriesMainten anceMa nual D-5 TableD-2Scancodeswithl eftShiftkey Cap No. Key top Codeset 1 Codese t.
D-6 SatelliteA3 50/A35 0DSeriesM aintena nceMan ual TableD-3ScancodesinNumlockmode Cap No.
SatelliteA 350/A3 50DS eriesMainten anceMa nual D-7 TableD-5Scancodesinoverlaymode Cap No. Keytop Codeset 1 Codeset2 Make.
D-8 SatelliteA3 50/A35 0DSeriesM aintena nceMan ual TableD-7No.
SatelliteL550/P roL550Seri esMaintena nceManua l E- 1 A pp endix E K e y La yout 1.
SatelliteL550/P roL550Seri esMaintena nceManua l E- 2 3.
SatelliteL550/P roL550Seri esMaintena nceManua l E- 3 5.
SatelliteL550/P roL550Seri esMaintena nceManua l E- 4 7.
SatelliteL550/P roL550Seri esMaintena nceManua l E- 5 8.
SatelliteL550/P roL550Seri esMaintena nceManua l E- 6 10.
SatelliteL550/P roL550Seri esMaintena nceManua l E- 7 12.
SatelliteL550/P roL550Seri esMaintena nceManua l E- 8 14.
SatelliteL550/P roL550Seri esMaintena nceManua l E- 9 16.
SatelliteL550/P roL550Seri esMaintena nceManua l E- 10 18.
SatelliteL550/P roL550Seri esMaintena nceManua l E- 1 1 20.
SatelliteL550/P roL550Seri esMaintena nceManua l E- 12 22.
SatelliteL550/P roL550Seri esMaintena nceManua l E- 13 24.
SatelliteL550/P roL550Seri esMaintena nceManua l E- 14 26.
SatelliteL550/P roL550Seri esMaintena nceManua l E- 15 28.
SatelliteL550/P roL550Seri esMaintena nceManua l E- 16 30.
SatelliteL5 50/Pro L550SeriesMa intenan ceManua ll F-1 F. Appendi xF Ser iesScrew Torque List(K TW AA) TableF-1SeriesScrewT orqueList SCREWP/N SCREW SPEC Q'ty LOCATION SCREW TORQUE LCDASSY MACAJ0602G0 M2x2.
F-2 SatelliteA350 /A350DS eriesMainten anceMa nual LOGUP MA0000060G0 M2x3 (BZn ) 1 FUNCTION PCB TO LOGUP 1.
SatelliteL5 50/Pro L550SeriesMa intenan ceManua ll F-3 REARSIDE) MA0000062G0 M2.5x6 (BZn ) 4 LOG LOW TO SADDLE TO LOG UP (RIGH T REARSIDE) MA0000061G0 M2.
SatelliteL5 50/Pro L550SeriesMa intenan ceManua l G-1 AppendixG Appendi xG Reliabili t y Thefollo wingtablesho wsMT BF(MeanT imeBetweenFa ilures) foreachco mponent.
An important point after buying a device Toshiba PROL550 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Toshiba PROL550 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Toshiba PROL550 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Toshiba PROL550 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Toshiba PROL550 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Toshiba PROL550, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Toshiba PROL550.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Toshiba PROL550. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Toshiba PROL550 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center