Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product EQUIUM L300D Toshiba
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SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintena nceManua l Toshib aPersonalCo mputer SatelliteL30.
ii SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintena nceManua l Copyright © 2008 by Toshiba C orporation.
SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintena nceManua l iii Preface This maintenance manual describes h.
iv SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintena nceManua l Themanualisdividedint othefollowingp.
SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintena nceManua l v Conventions This manual uses the following formats to describe, identify , and highlight terms and operatingprocedures.
vi SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintena nceManua l Tableof Contents Chapter1 Hardw are Overview 1.1 Features ................
SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintena nceManua l vii Procedure4TestProgramCheck ..................................................... ..........
viii SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintena nceManua l 3.2.6 AudioRecordTest .............. ................... Error!Bookmarknotdefined. 3.
SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintena nceManua l ix Safety Precautions .................................................... ................................
x SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintena nceManua l RemovingtheWirelessLANCard ............. ...................................... ...............
SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintena nceManua l xi 4.18 TouchPadandTouchPadBoard ......... ....................................... ......
xii SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintena nceManua l A ppendic es AppendixA HandlingtheLCDModule ...................... .......................
Chapter1 Hardw areO verview .
1HardwareOverview ii Satellit eL300D/ L305 D/SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/SAT EGOL300 DM aintenan ceManua l.
1HardwareOverview SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/S atellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML30 0D/SATEGO L300D Ma intenanceM anua l iii Chapter1 Contents 1.1Features ................................. ...
1HardwareOverview iv SatelliteL3 00D/L 305D/S atellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML30 0D/SATEGO L300D Ma intenanceM anua l Figures Figure1-1I DPartsDescriptionPl acement ............ ..........
1.1Features 1Ha rdwareOverview SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/S atellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML30 0D/SATEGO L300D Ma intenanceM anua l 5 1.
1HardwareOverview 1.1Featu res 6 Satelli teL300 D/L305 D/SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/SA TEGOL300 DM aintena nceManu al 4096MB(512M × 64)/667/800M Hz HardDiskDrive(HDD) Thecomputeraccommodates2.
1.1Features 1Ha rdwareOverview SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/S atellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML30 0D/SATEGO L300D Ma intenanceM anua l 7 Key board Thekey boardhas30kinds’countrieskeyboard.
1HardwareOverview 1.1Featu res 8 Satelli teL300 D/L305 D/SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/SA TEGOL300 DM aintena nceManu al The internal LAN supports 10/100Mbit , enabling connection to a L AN at up to 100Mbps.
1.1Features 1Ha rdwareOverview SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/S atellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML30 0D/SATEGO L300D Ma intenanceM anua l 9 Figures 1-1/1-2/1-3 and 1-4 sh ow the computer and its system unit configuration, respectively .
1HardwareOverview 1.1Featu res 10 Sa telliteL30 0D/L30 5D/Satell iteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maint enanceMan ual Figu.
1.1Features 1Ha rdwareOverview SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/S atellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML30 0D/SATEGO L300D Ma intenanceM anua l 11 Fig.
1HardwareOverview 1.2Syst emUnit Compo nents 12 Sa telliteL30 0D/L30 5D/Satell iteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maint enanceMan ual 1.2Sy stem UnitComponents Figure1-4isBlockDiag ramoftheS y stemUnit .
1.2System UnitCom ponents 1HardwareOverview SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/S atellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML30 0D/SATEGO L300D Ma intenanceM anua l 13 T.
1HardwareOverview 1.2Syst emUnit Compo nents 14 Sa telliteL30 0D/L30 5D/Satell iteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maint enanceMan ual .
1.2System UnitCom ponents 1HardwareOverview SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/S atellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML30 0D/SATEGO L300D Ma intenanceM anua l 15 .
1HardwareOverview 1.2Syst emUnit Compo nents 16 Sa telliteL30 0D/L30 5D/Satell iteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maint enanceMan ual .
1.32.5-inchHDD 1H ardwareOverview SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/S atellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML30 0D/SATEGO L300D Ma intenanceM anua l 17 1.32.5- inchHDD The computer contains an extremely low-profile, lightweig ht and hi gh-performance HDD.
1HardwareOverview 1.4Com bo CD-RW/DVD-ROM omboCD-RW /DVD-ROM 18 Sa telliteL30 0D/L30 5D/Satell iteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maint enanceMan ual 1.4ComboCD-RW/DVD-ROM TheCombo CD-RW /DVD-ROM drive accepts1 2-cm(4.
1.5DVDSuperMulti(+-RDou bleLayer ) yer) 1HardwareOverview SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/S atellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML30 0D/SATEGO L300D Ma intenanceM anua l 19 1.5DVDSuper Multi (+-RDoubleLay er) The DVD Super Multi drive accepts 12-cm (4.
1HardwareOverview 1.6Pow erSupply 20 Sa telliteL30 0D/L30 5D/Satell iteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maint enanceMan ual 1.
1.6Power Supply 1Har dwareOverview SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/S atellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML30 0D/SATEGO L300D Ma intenanceM anua l 21 1.
1HardwareOverview 1.7Bat teries 22 Sa telliteL30 0D/L30 5D/Satell iteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maint enanceMan ual Table1-5Quick/NormalC hargingTi me State Charge Time Off-State Charge 3/6/9 Cell About 4 hours max.
2T roubleshooting 2-i Sa telliteL300 D/L305 D/SatelliteProL300D/EQUI UML300D/SATEGOL300 DMa intenance Manual 2 Chapter2 T roubl esho.
2T roubleshooting 2-ii Sa telliteL300 D/L305 D/SatelliteProL300D/EQUI UML300D/SATEGOL300 DMa intenance Manual Chapter2 Contents 2.1 Outline ......................... ................
2T roubleshooting SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa tellitePr oL3 00D/EQ UIUML30 0D/SAT E GOL300 DMa intenanc eManual 2-iii 2.10 AudioT est ..................................... ...................
2T roubleshooting 2-iv Sa telliteL300 D/L305 D/SatelliteProL300D/EQUI UML300D/S A TEGO L300D Ma intenance Manual Figures Figure2-1 BasicFlowchart ....................................
2.1Outlin e 2 T roubleshooting SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa tellitePr oL3 00D/EQ UIUML30 0D/SAT E GOL300 DMa intenanc eManual 2-1 2.1 Outline Thischapterdescribesth efaultdiagnosisprocedu resforfieldreplace ableunits(FRUs)int he computer .
2T roubleshooting 2.2Basi cFlowchart 2-2 Satellite L300D /L305D/S atellitePr o L300D /EQUIUML3 00D/SATEGOL300D Maintena nceMa nual 2.2 BasicFlowchart Thebasicflowchartin Figure2-1servesasaguideforidentif yingapossibl yfaultyFRU.
2.2BasicFlow chart 2T roubleshooting SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa tellitePr oL3 00D/EQ UIUML30 0D/SAT E GOL300 DMa intenanc eManual 2-3 .
2T roubleshooting 2.2Basi cFlowchart 2-4 Satellite L300D /L305D/S atellitePr o L300D /EQUIUML3 00D/SATEGOL300D Maintena nceMa nual .
2.2BasicFlow chart 2T roubleshooting SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa tellitePr oL3 00D/EQ UIUML30 0D/SAT E GOL300 DMa intenanc eManual 2-5 Ifthediagnosticprogram cannotdetectanerror ,th eerrorma ybeintermittent.
2T roubleshooting 2.3PowerSupply 2-6 Satellite L300D /L305D/S atellitePr o L300D /EQUIUML3 00D/SATEGOL300D Maintena nceMa nual 2.3 PowerSupply Thepowersuppl yinthecomputercontrolsman yfunctionsandcomponent s.
2.3PowerSupply 2T roubleshooting SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa tellitePr oL3 00D/EQ UIUML30 0D/SAT E GOL300 DMa intenanc eManual 2-7 .
2T roubleshooting 2.3PowerSupply 2-8 Satellite L300D /L305D/S atellitePr o L300D /EQUIUML3 00D/SATEGOL300D Maintena nceMa nual Procedure.
2.4 System Board 2T roubleshooting SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa tellitePr oL3 00D/EQ UIUML30 0D/SAT E GOL300 DMa intenanc eManual 2-9 2.
2T roubleshooting 2.4System Board 2-10 Sa telliteL300 D/L305 D/SatelliteProL300D/EQUI UML300D/S A TEGO L300D Main tenance Manual Procedure.
2.52.5-inchHDD 2T roubleshooting SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa tellitePr oL3 00D/EQ UIUML30 0D/SAT E GOL300 DMa intenanc eManual 2-1 1 2.5 2.5-inchHDD T ocheckifthe9.5mmor 12.
2T roubleshooting 2.52.5-in chHDD 2-12 Sa telliteL300 D/L305 D/SatelliteProL300D/EQUI UML300D/S A TEGO L300D Main tenance Manual cr ea teaDOSpartition ondriveC.Thenrestartthecomputer .
2.52.5-inchHDD 2T roubleshooting SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa tellitePr oL3 00D/EQ UIUML30 0D/SAT E GOL300 DMa intenanc eManual 2-1 3 .
2T roubleshooting 2.52.5-in chHDD 2-14 Sa telliteL300 D/L305 D/SatelliteProL300D/EQUI UML300D/S A TEGO L300D Main tenance Manual Procedure5 ConnectorChecka ndReplacementChe ck TheHDDorsystemboar dmaybefault y .
2.6Keyboard 2T roubleshooti ng SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa tellitePr oL3 00D/EQ UIUML30 0D/SAT E GOL300 DMa intenanc eManual 2-1 5 2.
2T roubleshooting 2.7Displ ay 2-16 Sa telliteL300 D/L305 D/SatelliteProL300D/EQUI UML300D/S A TEGO L300D Main tenance Manual 2.
2.7Display 2T roubleshooti ng SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa tellitePr oL3 00D/EQ UIUML30 0D/SAT E GOL300 DMa intenanc eManual 2-1 7 3.Ifthereisstillanerror ,p erformCheck4.
2T roubleshooting 2.8ODDDrive 2-18 Sa telliteL300 D/L305 D/SatelliteProL300D/EQUI UML300D/S A TEGO L300D Main tenance Manual 2.
2.8ODDDrive 2T roubleshoot ing SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa tellitePr oL3 00D/EQ UIUML30 0D/SAT E GOL300 DMa intenanc eManual 2-1 9 Check3 TheODDd rivemaybefaulty .ReplacetheODDdrivew ithanew one followin gthestepsinChapter4.
2T roubleshooting 2.9LAN 2-20 Sa telliteL300 D/L305 D/SatelliteProL300D/EQUI UML300D/S A TEGO L300D Main tenance Manual 2.
Err or!Refer encesourc e notfound.Error!Refer encesour c enotfound. Audi oT est 2 T roubleshooting SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa tellitePr oL3 00D/EQ UIUML30 0D/SAT E GOL300 DMa intenanc eManual 2-2 1 2.
2T roubleshooting 2.1 1CoolingModu le 2-22 Sa telliteL300 D/L305 D/SatelliteProL300D/EQUI UML300D/S A TEGO L300D Main tenance Manual 2.
2.1 1 C oolingModule 2T roubleshootin g SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa tellitePr oL3 00D/EQ UIUML30 0D/SAT E GOL300 DMa intenanc eManual 2-2 3 .
Chapter Diagnostic Programs.
3DiagnosticPro grams ii Chapter Contents 3.1 General ................................. ....................................... ....................................... ........... 1 3.2 QuickStart .
3DiagnosticPro grams iii 3.9 Communi cation(COMM) .................. ....................................... .................................. 55 3.10 Peripheral............................................
3.1General 3Diagno sticPrograms 1 3.1 General Thischapterexpl ainsthediagnosticprogramswhi chtestsanddia gnosesthefunctionsofthe hardwarecomponentsof thiscomputer.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.1General 2 Beforerunningthedia gnosticprograms, getthefollowingtoolsprepared: AServiceDiagnosticBOOT.
3.2QuickStart 3Diagn osticPrograms 3 3.2 QuickStart Whenthes ystemisbootingfromServiceDia gnosticCD,thefollowi ngscreenwillbedispl ayed: Pleaseselectatestitemorselect 0 to exitto )UHH -DOS: 3.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.2QuickStart 4 Select ‘Test Mouse’ o r press F8 to run the te st. The prompt inform ation wou ld be displayed in the screen as below.
3.2QuickStart 3Diagn osticPrograms 5 Hereisanothermethodt orunthetest:Highli ghtatestitemb yusingarrowke ys,then, press Enter tostart.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.2QuickStart 6 3. TestResult Systemwillautomaticall yrunanddispla ythetestresultasfollows: Fo.
3.2QuickStart 3Diagn osticPrograms 7 Astothemethodadopte dinCPUS peedtest,usershouldhighlightthetest itemand press Enter tostarttestin g.Andtheuserhastoset uptheparametersever ytimebefore runningthetest.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.2QuickStart 8 Itrequiresusertopresst hekeyandcheckwhethe rthekeyinthescreench anges colorornot.Usercanter minatetestb ytyping‘ END ’.
3.2QuickStart 3Diagn osticPrograms 9 3.2.6 AudioRecordTes t Checkwhetherthes ystemcouldrecordthesound normall y.Ifthereisnoerrordurin g thewholetest,Pass;ot herwiseFail.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.2QuickStart 10 Inthisscreen,Alllinesw hichattributecouldbeed itedandupdated.
3.2QuickStart 3Diagn osticPrograms 11 Theattributesthathaveb eenmodifiedwouldbem arkedinred;otherwisein yellow. Usercouldpress F2 tosa vethechanges,orpress F4 toignoreandex itthecurrent program.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.2QuickStart 12 Usercanusefunctionke yslistedonthebottom ofthescreentodi splaytheconfi guration ofthecomponentorex itthecurrentprogram.
3.2QuickStart 3Diagn osticPrograms 13 3.2.11 Ex itto DOS Selectthisitemto exitto )UHH DOS. 3.2.12 The DiagnosticsS creenExplanation Belowisanexampl eofrunningatestitem.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.2QuickStart 14 Thee r rorlistofeachtest moduleisdi splayedatthelowerrightcornero fthescreen.
3.2QuickStart 3Diagn osticPrograms 15 Curre n tTime(C.TIME) :C urrents y st emtime,e.g.‘C.T IME:2008-0 -16 :42:40’in the.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.3Option 16 3.3 Options 3.3.1 Overview InServiceDiagnostics,wit hthe Options menuusercanconfigurethebatch parameters,testitem’spa rametersandthosepara meterscreatedb ytheLOGfile.
3.3Option 3Diagnos ticPrograms 17 Configurebatchparametersandallt hetestitem’s parameters. • LoadBatchParameters Uploadallthetestitemsandt heparameterstothe*.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.3Option 18 • TestOrder Specif ytheorderofthetestitems.Choos e'Sequence'toadoptthesequential mode;choose'Random 'torunthetestitemsinran domsequence.
3.3Option 3Diagnos ticPrograms 19 Monitortheremainin gbatter ycapacity(percent). MonitorCPUThermal MonitortheCP Utemperature.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.3Option 20 Repeattimesofthetestitem. • Interactive Iftheitemisenableddur ingthetest,thetest.
3.3Option 3Diagnos ticPrograms 21 Inthiswindow, youcanspecifythe.IN Ifilesthatyouwantedtobeedited or modified. 3.3.5 SaveBatchPa rameters Hereyoucansavetheedi tedormodifiedcontentt othebatchparametersfil es.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.3Option 22 3.3.6 LOGPa rametersSetting Youcanaccessthe LogParametersscreenthrou ghServiceDiagnostics Options- GenerateReport.
3.3Option 3Diagnos ticPrograms 23 Ifselectingthisparamete r,errorsandtimewillbe recordedonl ywhenthetest fails. AppendtoO ldLogFile Ifselectingthisparamete r,thenewlogwillbeaddedt otheoldone.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.3Option 24 Inthisscreen, youcanspecifyaLogfileandview itwith theviewerdesignatedin Specif yLOGViewer.
3.3Option 3Diagnos ticPrograms 25 Scrollapagebackwardo rforwardonthescreen. • Esc Exitth eL o gviewer. • F1 DisplaytheHelpinformat ionaboutthe Logvieweroperationsandthe functionalke ys.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.3Option 26 BaseMemoryTest .
3.4Subtests 3Diagn osticPrograms 27 3.4 Subtests Test Group Sub Item ID Subtest Test ID Testitems InternalName System 01 CPU.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.4Subtests 28 Memory 02 RandomIncrementRead/Write [RandIncr] 11 DataBusTest [ DataBus] .
3.4Subtests 3Diagn osticPrograms 29 VESA x x KMode VESA x x32bitMode 1 X VideoModes VESA1 x x256Mode VESA1 x x64KMode.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.5SystemT est 30 3.5 SystemTest Movearrowke ysandpressthe Space ke ytoselectCPUtesti temfromService Diagnosticmenu,thenhi ghlight CPU andpresst he Enter torunthi stestitem.
3.5System Test 3DiagnosticPrograms 31 CPUSpeedCo mparison --Whether youwanttomakeacomparisonofth e CPUspeedwiththevalueseti n‘ExpectedCPUS peed’,youshouldchoos e ‘Yes’;otherwise,‘No’.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.5SystemT est 32 5. CPUProtectedModeTe st Thistestitemis tocheckwhetherCPUprotected modeinstructionworks normally. 6. MMX Thetestitemistoconfir mwhethertheCPUsu pportsMM Xinstructions.
3.5System Test 3DiagnosticPrograms 33 Thistestitemis tocheck: 1. Whetherthecurrents ystemsupportsPlug-n-Pla y; 2. WhetherthereisanESC D(ExtendedS ystemConfigurationData)in theBIOS; 3.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.5SystemT est 34 .
3.6MemoryTest 3 DiagnosticProgr ams 35 3.6 MemoryTest Thistestmodul eistocheckwhetherthememor ychipworksnormall y.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.6MemoryTest 36 PatternSize: Choosethepatternsiz e–BYTE,W ORD,DWOR DorALL. Percent(%): Choosetheper centageofthedefin edrangeofthememor yto betested.
3.6MemoryTest 3 DiagnosticProgr ams 37 testcoveragewouldbebasedon thesettingandth evaluein‘Percent(%) mentionedatbelow. PatternSize: Choosethepatternsiz e–BYTE,W ORD,DWOR DorALL.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.6MemoryTest 38 Inadditiontotheabove patterntestofthememory,the reisRead/WriteC ycletest andReadC ycleTestfortheextendedmemor y. Belowistheparameterd ialogwindowoftheex tendedpatterntest.
3.6MemoryTest 3 DiagnosticProgr ams 39 Thetestitemistoensu rethatthereisnoshortcir cuitr yissueinmemorychip.The parameterdialogwindow isthesameasthatin‘Sub test02Pattern’.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.6MemoryTest 40 Thistestitemis tocheckwhetherthedatabusworks normally. Subtest12MemorySpeedT est Thistestitemis tocheckthedata-transferringrate forthecachememor yandthe systemmemor y.
3.7Storage 3Diagn osticProgram s 41 3.7 Storage Subtest01HDD Thistestitemrunso nIDEharddisks.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.7Storage 42 LBAStart,LBAE nd --Specifythestartandend byteinLBA(LargeBlock Address). Percent —Specif ythecoveragerateinpercenta geofthetotaldisk.
3.7Storage 3Diagn osticProgram s 43 Percent-- Specif ythecoveragerateinpercentageofth etotaldisk. TimeLimit(h): Choose orInputthe.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.7Storage 44 Subtest02ODD TheODDtestrunson IDECDROM/DVD-ROM &CD-RW. I twi llcheckt heODD driver’sfunctionalit yandperformance. 1. ControllerTest ChecktheCDROMcont roller’sstatus.
3.10Peripheral 3Dia gnosticProgram s 45 3.8 Video Thistestitemtest sthevideoby: 1. displayingthefiguresind ifferentgraphicmodes. 2. displayingthepropert yandcolorofthecharacters indifferenttextmodes.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.10Peripheral 46 Itwoulddispla ythebelowtextsofthedifferentatt ributesinthescreen: 1. Textinnorm alattribute; 2. Textinbl inkingnormalattribute; 3.
3.10Peripheral 3Dia gnosticProgram s 47 4. TextCol or Thistestitemis tocheckwhetherall16colorsforeground andall8colors backgroundworksnorma llyinVGAtextmo de.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.10Peripheral 48 Thistestitemis tocheckwhether80*25Tex tModeworksnormall y. Inthetest,userisrequire dtorespondaccordin gtotheinstruction inthescreen.
3.10Peripheral 3Dia gnosticProgram s 49 Subtest03VES AVideoModes Thistestitemis tocheckwhetherallthevideomodess upportedb ythevideocard worksnormall y.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.10Peripheral 50 I fpr essCtrl+Breaktoforcethet esttoterminatedurin gexecutionofVES A VideoMemor y,thetestprogramwillnotoperat eanddispla yproperlyinfurther tests.
3.10Peripheral 3Dia gnosticProgram s 51 Subtest07 RegisterT est Thistestitemis tocheckwhethertheregistersofth evideoadapterworks normally.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.10Peripheral 52 Subtest09 DirectColorT est Thistestitemis tocheckthevideoadapter’scomp osingabilityofdirectcol orin highandtruecolormode.
3.10Peripheral 3Dia gnosticProgram s 53 NOTE1:AMDplatform can’tsupport thisitem Subtest11 BitB ltEngineTest Thistestitemis tocheckwhethertheBitBltengineworksn ormall y.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.10Peripheral 54 NOTE1:AMDplatform can’tsupport thisTestitem .
3.10Peripheral 3Dia gnosticProgram s 55 3.9 Communication(COMM) Subtest01 LANCard Thistestitemis tocheckwhetherthemodulecand etecttheexistenceofthenetwork cardanddisplayitsrelate dinformation.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.10Peripheral 56 3.10 Peripheral Subtest01 Keyboard Thistestitemis tocheckwhethertheke yboardworksnormall y. 1. KeyboardDataLineTest Checkwhethertheke yboarddatalineworksnorm ally.
3.10Peripheral 3Dia gnosticProgram s 57 Subtest03 Led Test 1. LedTest CheckwhethertheDevic eledworksnormall y.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.11 ErrorCodesan dDescription 58 3.
3.11ErrorCo desandDescription 3Diagn osticPrograms 59 04 (XMS)MemoryProblem Thetestpatternreadoutfrom the extensionmemoryisdifferent fromtheonethathasbeen writteninthisaddress.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.11 ErrorCodesan dDescription 60 configuration.
3.11ErrorCo desandDescription 3Diagn osticPrograms 61 15 VESAVRAMTestError Physicalproblemswiththevideo cardorthemonitor. Checkwhetherthereisany physicalproblemwiththevideo cardorthemonitor.
3DiagnosticPro grams 3.
3.12QuickTestItem List 3Diagnost icPrograms 63 3.12 QuickTestItemList Device TestItems Comment CPU BasicFunctionality.
Chapter4 Replacement Procedures 4 1 .
4Replacement Procedures 4-ii SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual .
4Replacement Procedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-iii Chapter4Contents 4.1 General .....................
4Replacement Procedures 4-iv SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual I nst allingtheKey board ............................... ..........
4Replacement Procedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-v RemovingtheCCDandMIC .................... ....................
4Replacement Procedures 4-vi SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual Figures Figure4-1Removingthebattery pack ...........
4Replacement Procedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-vii Figure4-29RemovingCCDboardandMI C .......... ........
4.1General 4Replacement Procedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-1 4 1 4.1 General Thischapterexplainshowt odisassemblethecomputerandreplaceFieldReplaceableUnits (FRUs).
4Replacement Procedures 4.1General 4-2 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual SafetyPrecautions Beforey oubegintodisassembly readthefollowin gsafety precautionscarefully .
4.1General 4Replacement Procedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-3 CAUTION: 1.
4Replacement Procedures 4.1General 4-4 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual BeforeYouBegin Beforey oubegintodisassembly th ecomputer,keepinmindtheprecautionsandadvicein thissection.
4.1General 4Replacement Procedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-5 Disassembl.
4Replacement Procedures 4.1General 4-6 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual Toolsand .
4.1General 4Replacement Procedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-7 Colorso.
4Replacement Procedures 4.1General 4-8 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual RemovingtheBatteryPack Removethebattery packaccordingtothefollowingproceduresandFigure4-1.
4.1General 4Replacement Procedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-9 Installin gtheBatteryPack I nst allthebattery packaccordingtothefollowingproceduresandFigure4-1.
4Replacement Procedures 4.1General 4-10 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual Removing.
4.1General 4Replacement Procedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-11 Installin.
4Replacement Procedures 4.1General 4-12 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual Removingth.
4.1General 4Replacement Procedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-13 Installin.
4Replacement Procedures 4.1General 4-14 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual Removingth.
4.1General 4Replacement Procedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-15 Installin.
4Replacement Procedures 4.2HDD 4-16 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4.2 HDD RemovingtheHDD CAUTION:Donotp ressonthetopo rbottom ofthedrive.
4.2HDD 4Replacem entProcedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-17 3. RemovetheHDDpackby pul lingonthetabattachedtothepack,followingthe directionofthearrows.
4Replacement Procedures 4.2HDD 4-18 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual Installin gtheHDD I nst alltheHDDaccordingtothefollowingproceduresandFig ures4-5,4-6.
4.3ODDBayModule 4R eplacementProcedur es SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-19 4.
4Replacement Procedures 4.3ODDBayModul e 4-20 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual I.
4.3ODDBayModule 4R eplacementProcedur es SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-21 DisassemblingtheODDDrive NOTE:Donotdisas sembleth eODDdrivewhenitis workingn ormal ly.
4Replacement Procedures 4.4Keyboard 4-22 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4.4 Key board RemovingKeyboard RemovetheKey boardaccordingtothefollowingproceduresandFigure4-9.
4.4Keyboard 4Replacem entProcedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-23 Installin gtheKeyboard I nst allthekey boardaccordingtothefollowingproceduresandFigure4-9.
4Replacement Procedures 4.5MDCModu le 4-24 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4.
4.5MDCModu le 4ReplacementP rocedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-25 Installi.
4Replacement Procedures 4.6WirelessLA Ncard 4-26 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4.
4.6WirelessLANC ard 4Replacemen tProcedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-27 .
4Replacement Procedures 4.7TopCover 4-28 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4 1 4.
4.7TopCover 4Replacem entProcedures SatelliteL 300D/ L305 D/SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-29 M 2 5 x 6b l a c kf l a th e a ds c r e w .
4Replacement Procedures 4.7DisplayAss embly 4-30 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4.
4.7DisplayAssem bly 4Replacem entProcedures SatelliteL 300D/ L305 D/SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-31 M 2 5 x 6b l a c kf l a th e a ds c r e w .
4Replacement Procedures 4.9System Board 4-32 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4.
4.9System Board 4Replacem entProcedures SatelliteL 300D/ L305 D/SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-33 Installin gtheSystemBoard I nst alltheSystemBoar daccordingtothefollowingproceduresandfigure4-16.
4Replacement Procedures 4.10CPUCool ingModu leandFan 4-34 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4.
4.10CPUCooli ngModulean dFan 4R eplacementProcedures SatelliteL 300D/ L305 D/SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-35 M 2 5 x 5w h i t ef l a th e a ds c r e w .
4Replacement Procedures 4.10CPUCool ingModu leandFan 4-36 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Mainten.
4.10CPUCooli ngModulean dFan 4R eplacementProcedures SatelliteL 300D/ L305 D/SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceM.
4Replacement Procedures 4.11CPU 4-38 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4.11 CPU RemovingtheCPU RemovetheCPUaccordingtothefollowingproceduresandFigures4-22,4-23and4-24.
4.11CPU 4Replacem entProcedures SatelliteL 300D/ L305 D/SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4-39 Installin gtheCPU I nst alltheCPUaccordingtothefollowingproceduresandFigures4-23,4-24.
4Replacement Procedures 4.11CPU 4-40 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/ SATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 3. SecuretheCPUbyrotating thecam120d egreestotherightwithaflat-bladescre wdriver.
4.12DisplayMask 4R eplacementPro cedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4 - 41 4.
4Replacement Procedures 4.12DisplayMas k 4 - 42 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S.
4.13FLInverterBoa rd 4Replacemen tProcedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4 - 43 4.
4Replacement Procedures 4.13FLIn verterBoard 4 - 44 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 0.
4.14LCDModul e 4ReplacementPr ocedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4 - 45 4.14 LCDM odule NOTE: ICsarefragile.
4Replacement Procedures 4.14LCDModu le 4 - 46 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S A.
4.14LCDModul e 4ReplacementPr ocedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4 - 47 Inst.
4Replacement Procedures 4.15CCDB oardandMIC 4 - 48 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4.
4.15CCDBoar dandMIC 4 ReplacementPr ocedures SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4 -.
4Replacement Procedures 4.16Speaker 4 - 50 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4.
4.17TouchPadan dButton Board 4Repla cementProcedure s SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4 - 51 4.
4Replacement Procedures 4.17TouchPad andButt onBoard 4 - 52 SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/.
4.18USBCab le,CRTCable,Pow erButton Board , 4Replacement Procedure s AC-INcableandR J11Cable SatelliteL 300D/L 305D/ SatellitePro L30 0D/EQUIUML3 00D/S ATEGOL30 0D Maintena nceMan ual 4 - 53 4.
4Replacement Procedures 4.18USBC able,CRTCab le,PowerButto nBoard,A C- INcableandRJ11cable 4 - 54 .
6000 1 Appendices .
Appendice s App-ii SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00DM aintenanceM anual Appendix Conte nts Appendix AHandli ngtheLCDModu le ...............................
Appendice s SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00DMa intenanceMa nualApp -iii C.17CN500 Battery PackConnector(9-Pin) .........
Apx.AHan dlingth eLCDModule Appen dices SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintena nceManua l A-1 Appe.
Appendices Apx.A Handlin gtheLCDModu le A-2 SatelliteL 300D /L305 D/SatellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML3 00D/SATEGOL 300D Ma intenanceM anual 3. If thepanel’ssurfacegetsdirty ,wipeit withcottonor asoft cloth.
Apx.AHan dlingth eLCDModule Appen dices SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintena nceManua l A-3 5.
Appendices Apx.A Handlin gtheLCDModu le A-4 SatelliteL 300D /L305 D/SatellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML3 00D/SATEGOL 300D Ma intenanceM anual 7. Donotexpos ethemoduletodirectsunlightorstrongultravioletraysforlongpe riods .
Apx.AHan dlingth eLCDModule Appen dices SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintena nceManua l A-5 9. Donotdisassembleth eL CDm odule.Disassemblycanca usemalfuncti ons.
Apx.BBoar dLayout Appendi ces SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintena nceManua l B-1 Appen dixB A ppendixB BoardLayout B.
Appendices Apx.B BoardLayout B-2 SatelliteL 300D /L305 D/SatellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML3 00D/SATEGOL 300D Ma intenanceM anual B.
Appendices Apx.C PinAssign ment s SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintenance Manual C-1 Appendix C.... ..................... ..............................
Appendices Apx.C PinAssig nmen ts C-2 SatelliteL 300D /L305 D/SatellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML3 00D/SATEGOL 300D Maintena nceMa nual Appen dixC A ppendixCPinAssignments System Board C.
Appendices Apx.C PinAssign ment s SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintenance Manual C-3 3 DGND - 4 N$1054331 - 5 DGND - 6 N$1217468 - 7 DGND - 8 VSYNC O 9 DGND - 10 HSYNC O 11 - - 12 N$1148618 - 13 N$1148621 - 14 - - C.
Appendices Apx.C PinAssig nmen ts C-4 SatelliteL 300D /L305 D/SatellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML3 00D/SATEGOL 300D Maintena nceMa nual Pin No.
Appendices Apx.C PinAssign ment s SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintenance Manual C-5 5 SPK_OUT_L- O 6 SPK_OUT_L+ O C.
Appendices Apx.C PinAssig nmen ts C-6 SatelliteL 300D /L305 D/SatellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML3 00D/SATEGOL 300D Maintena nceMa nual C.
Appendices Apx.C PinAssign ment s SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintenance Manual C-7 19 CLK_R_PCIE_CA RD I/O 20 DGND - 21 PCIE_C_RXN0 I/O 22 PCIE _C_RXP0 I/O 23 DGND - 24 PCIE _C_TXN0 I/O 25 PCIE _C_TXP0 I/ O 26 DGND - C.
Appendices Apx.C PinAssig nmen ts C-8 SatelliteL 300D /L305 D/SatellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML3 00D/SATEGOL 300D Maintena nceMa nual 23 ACAR D_3S_AD2.
Appendices Apx.C PinAssign ment s SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintenance Manual C-9 15 +V 5S O 16 +V 5S O 17 DGND - 18 - - 19 DGND - 20 - - 21 - - 22 - - C.
Appendices Apx.C PinAssig nmen ts C-10 Sate lliteL300 D/L30 5D/SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/SAT EGOL300 DMa intenanceM anual 17 MA_DATA(2) I.
Appendices Apx.C PinAssign ment s SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintenance Manual C-1 1 87 +V1.8 O 88 +V1.8 O 89 MA_A(12) O 90 MA_A(11) O 91 MA_A(9) O 92 MA_A(7) O 93 MA_A(8) O 94 MA_A(6) O 95 +V1.
Appendices Apx.C PinAssig nmen ts C-12 Sate lliteL300 D/L30 5D/SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/SAT EGOL300 DMa intenanceM anual 157 M A_DATA(48.
Appendices Apx.C PinAssign ment s SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintenance Manual C-1 3 17 MB_DATA(2) I/O 18.
Appendices Apx.C PinAssig nmen ts C-14 Sate lliteL300 D/L30 5D/SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/SAT EGOL300 DMa intenanceM anual 87 +V1.8 O 88 +V1.8 O 89 MB_A(12) O 90 MB_A(11) O 91 MB_A(9) O 92 MB_A(7) O 93 MB_A(8) O 94 MB_A(6) O 95 +V1.
Appendices Apx.C PinAssign ment s SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintenance Manual C-1 5 157 MB_DATA(48) I/O .
Appendices Apx.C PinAssig nmen ts C-16 Sate lliteL300 D/L30 5D/SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/SAT EGOL300 DMa intenanceM anual 17 PIDE_3S_D(2).
Appendices Apx.C PinAssign ment s SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintenance Manual C-1 7 7 HDMI_L_TX0P O 8 DG.
Appendices Apx.C PinAssig nmen ts C-18 Sate lliteL300 D/L30 5D/SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/SAT EGOL300 DMa intenanceM anual 13 CLK_R_PCIE_H.
Appendices Apx.C PinAssign ment s SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintenance Manual C-1 9 Pin No. Signal Name I/O Pin No. Signa l Name I/O 1 N$11587 39 - 2 N$1158740 - 3 N$11587 41 - 4 MICS I/O 5 ANAGND - 6 - - C.
Appendices Apx.C PinAssig nmen ts C-20 Sate lliteL300 D/L30 5D/SatelliteP roL30 0D/EQUIUML 300D/SAT EGOL300 DMa intenanceM anual C.
KeyboardScan/C haracterCodes Appendices SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGO L300 DM aintenanceManua l D-1 Apx.
Appendices KeyboardScan /CharacterCodes D-2Sate lliteL30 0D/L305D /SatellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML 300D /SATEGOL30 0D MaintenanceMa nual TableD-1ScanCodes (set1andset2 )(2/4) Cap No.
KeyboardScan/C haracterCodes Appendices SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGO L300 DM aintenanceManua l D-3 TableD-1ScanCodes (set1andset2 )(3/4) Cap No.
Appendices KeyboardScan /CharacterCodes D-4Sate lliteL30 0D/L305D /SatellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML 300D /SATEGOL30 0D MaintenanceMa nual TableD-1ScanCodes (set1andset2 )(4/4) Cap Codeset1 Codeset2 Note N o.
KeyboardScan/C haracterCodes Appendices SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGO L300 DM aintenanceManua l D-5 TableD-2ScanCodeswi thleftShiftkey Cap No.
Appendices KeyboardScan /CharacterCodes D-6Sate lliteL30 0D/L305D /SatellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML 300D /SATEGOL30 0D MaintenanceMa nual TableD-3ScanCodesin Numlockmode Cap No.
KeyboardScan/C haracterCodes Appendices SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGO L300 DM aintenanceManua l D-7 TableD-5ScanCodesin overlaymode Cap No.
Appendices KeyboardScan /CharacterCodes D-8Sate lliteL30 0D/L305D /SatellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML 300D /SATEGOL30 0D MaintenanceMa nual TableD-7No.
Apx.EKeyLayout A ppendices SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGO L300 DM aintenanceManua l E-1 Apx.E KeyLayou t Appendi xE Ke yLa yout E.1 UnitedStates(US)Keyboard FigureE-1USkeyboard E.
Appendices Apx.E KeyLayout E-2Satellite L300 D/L305 D/SatelliteProL 300D/EQUIUM L30 0D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintenance Manual E.3 Spanish(SP)Keyboard FigureE-3SPkeyboard E.
Apx.EKeyLayout A ppendices SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGO L300 DM aintenanceManua l E-3 E.5 Cana dian Biling ual (QB) Cana dian Biling ual (QB) Cana dian Biling ual (QB) Cana dian Biling ual (QB) Keyboard FigureE-5QBkeyboard E.
Appendices Apx.E KeyLayout E-4Sate lliteL300 D/L30 5D/SatelliteProL 300D /EQUIUML 300D/SAT EGOL300 DMa intenanceMa nual E.7 German(GR)Keyboard FigureE-7GRkeyboard E.
Apx.EKeyLayout A ppendices SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGO L300 DM aintenanceManua l E-5 E.9 Taiwan(TC)Keyboard FigureE-9TCkeyboard E.
Appendices Apx.E KeyLayout E-6Sate lliteL300 D/L30 5D/SatelliteProL 300D /EQUIUML3 00D/SAT EGOL300 DMa intenanceM anual E.11 DU,UE,USInternational(USE)Keybo ar d FigureE-11USEkeyboa rd E.
Apx.EKeyLayout A ppendices SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGO L300 DM aintenanceManua l E-7 E.13 Belgian(BE)Keyboard FigureE-13BEkeyboar d E.
Appendices Apx.E KeyLayout E-8Sate lliteL300 D/L30 5D/SatelliteProL 300D /EQUIUML3 00D/SAT EGOL300 DMa intenanceM anual E.15 Swiss/Switzerland(SL)Keyboard FigureE-15SLkeyboard E.
Apx.EKeyLayout A ppendices SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGO L300 DM aintenanceManua l E-9 E.17 Norwegian(NO)Keybo ar d FigureE-17NOkeyboar d E.
Appendices Apx.E KeyLayout E-10Sa telliteL30 0D/L3 05D/SatellitePro L300 D/EQUIUML3 00 D/SATEGOL30 0D Maintenance Manual E.19 Turkey(TR)Key b oard FigureE-19TRkeyboard E.
Apx.EKeyLayout A ppendices SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGO L300 DMa intenanceMa nual E-11 E.21 CanadianMultinational(CM)Key b oard FigureE-21CMkeyboar d E.
Appendices Apx.E KeyLayout E-12 Sa telliteL30 0D/L3 05D/SatelliteProL3 00D/EQUIU ML3 00D/SATEGO L300 DMaintenance Manual E.23 Czech(CZ)Keyboard FigureE-23CZkeyboar d E.
Apx.EKeyLayout A ppendices SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGO L300 DMa intenanceMa nual E-13 E.25 Hungary(HU)Keyboard FigureE-25HUkeyboar d E.
Appendices Apx.E KeyLayout E-14 Sa telliteL30 0D/L3 05D/SatelliteProL3 00D/EQUIU ML3 00D/SATEGO L300 DMaintenance Manual E.27 Yugoslavia(YU)Keyboard FigureE-27Y Ukeyboard E.
Apx.EKeyLayout A ppendices SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGO L300 DMa intenanceMa nual E-15 E.29 UnitedKingdom(EN)Key b oard FigureE-29ENkeyboar d E.
Apx.FBIOS RewriteProcedures A ppendices SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintena nceManua l F-1 Appen .
Apx.GEC/K BCRewri teProcedures Appendices SatelliteL3 00D/L3 05D/Sa telliteProL3 00D/EQUIUM L300 D/SATEGOL3 00D Maintena nceManua l G-1 Appe.
An important point after buying a device Toshiba EQUIUM L300D (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Toshiba EQUIUM L300D yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Toshiba EQUIUM L300D - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Toshiba EQUIUM L300D you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Toshiba EQUIUM L300D will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Toshiba EQUIUM L300D, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Toshiba EQUIUM L300D.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Toshiba EQUIUM L300D. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Toshiba EQUIUM L300D along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center