Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product SL320 Beafon
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User Manual SL320.
2 General Informat ion Con gra tu la tion s on y our pu rc ha se of a B ea- fon SL320! P le a se re a d th i s i nf o rm a ti o n fo r b et t e r handling o f t h e t el ep h on e. W e d o n ot a s su m e a ny liability due to impro per use. We are constant ly striving t o impr ove our products and our service.
3 Bea-fon SL320 Contents: 1 Telephone 1 Charging stat ion 1 Charger 1 Battery 1 USB cable User Manual.
4 General Informat ion Sh ou l d th e f on t be t oo sma ll an d ha rdl y legible for you, you may view a larger version of the user manual on our website. Go to Product s on our websit e: Device Code: T he u s e o f th i s co de ca n pr e ve nt unauthorized pe rso ns fr om us in g th i s tel eph on e.
5 Table of Contents General Informa tion ................................ 1 Device Code: ...................................... 4 PIN Code: ........................................... 4 My Telephone SL320 ................................ 8 Getting Started .
6 New contact ....................................... 24 Editing a cont act ................................ 24 Delete all contact s .............................. 25 Preferred sto rage ............................... 25 Speed dial ...................
7 Taking photog raphs ............................ 37 Show pictures .................................... 39 Copy picture s to the computer ............. 39 File manager ...................................... 40 Settings ...............................
8 My Telephone SL3 20 1 Menu button, left (M1): i n st and by m od e, yo u can en te r t he main menu with thi s button One touch key (M1) I n st an d by mo de , pr es s an d ho ld th e key f o r 2- 3.
9 4 Speaker 5 Arrow k ey (upwards), in standby mode to access the SMS menus, cam era, alarm clock and calendar 6 Menu button, right In order to access the Phonebook in standby mode One touch key M2 In.
10 Getting Started What is a SIM card? Every mobile telephone requires an SIM card ( Su bs cr i be r Id en ti t y Mo dul e); wi tho ut t he SIM card, you cannot make phone calls. The SIM card is a micropr ocessor that saves your data and contacts. The refore, hand le the card with care and exercise caution when inserting or removing the card.
11 Getting Sta rted 6. M ic ro SD : Ca re fu lly pu sh th e Mi cro SD card in the SD Micro SD card holder (2) and lock it afterwa rds..
12 Inserting the Battery 1. Align the g old-colored cont acts of the battery with the correspondi ng contacts of the phone. 2. Press the other end of the battery until it snaps into place. 3. Slide the battery cover on the device until it locks into place.
13 1. Insert the charger connector int o the telephone. 2. Connect the cha rger to a power outlet. 3. It could take several hours to charge the battery. If the telephone is charged while it is switched off, it takes a few seconds before the charging indicator appea rs in the display.
14 4. P re s s an d h ol d th e re d ke y fo r 2- 3 sec onds in order to s witch off the tele phone. N o t e: W i th o u t th e SI M ca r d , on l y t he em e rg en c y call number can be dialed. If the PIN code is entered wrong 3 times, the telephone asks for the PUK code, which you received along with your SIM card from your ne twork operator.
15 You can still use the emerge ncy call button even when the keys are l ocked. Flash light (Torch) On the home screen, press the “0” key for a few seconds, you can turn o n the torch, thus the torch light is on; If you press the key again, then the torch is off, and the light is off.
16 Display (Home screen) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. Reception strength 2. Symbols 3. Battery status 4. Network operator 5. Time 6. Date 7. Menu 8. Messages 9.
17 Display symbols Reception strength : The vertical bars show the strength of th e re ce pti on of y our n et wo rk op era tor . New Messages This symbol is displaye d when you receive a ne w message. SI M ca rd ha s an un rea d me ssa ge . This sy mb ol bl in ks whe n th e In box folder i s fu ll .
18 Bluetooth This symbol is displayed when the Bluetooth is switched on. Battery indicat or This symbol changes color depending on the stat us of the battery: , , , Headset/Bluetooth mode If a h ea ds et is con ne ct ed to th e U SB s ock et (or a Bl ue to ot h He a ds et ) , yo u can an sw er th e call with the button on the heads et.
19 Call functio ns Call 1. Enter the telephone number including the area code an d p ress the green key . International Calls: Prior to entering the area code, enter a + -symbol by pressing twice as well as the country (or re gi on al) c od e. ( If ne ce ss ary , om it 0 before the area code).
20 photo contact and then press the Call key (green key). The selected photo ap pears in the photo contact d irecto ry. Car ry out the followin g steps in order to assign a photo to this contact: Create photo contact 1. In the de fault screen, press the Arrow key (downwards) in order to go to the photo contact menu.
21 Answering a call When you receive a call and the telephone rings or vibrates, you see the number or the name on the display. 1. If you would like to answer the call, press the green key or M1 . 2. If you would like to r efuse the call, press the red key o r M2 .
22 Hands-free You can switch the han ds-free function on/off by pressing th e right menu button ( M2 ). Main menu.
23 Menu 1. Phonebook 1. Add new contact 2. Photo contacts 2. Messages 1. Write message 2. Inbox 3. Outbox 4. Drafts 5. Sent messages 6. Settings 7. Broadcast - Messages 3. Calls 1. Missed calls 2. Dialed calls 3. Received calls 4. Call log 5. Call duration 4.
24 Phonebook You can save up to 300 telephone number s in your SL3 20 telephone. On the SIM card, t he re i s ro om f or u p t o 300 t el ep h on e numbers. Accessing your telephone numbers You have tw o options to g o to the cont acts: 1. When in defau lt mode, press the M2 key 2.
25 2. E di t t he en t ri es . T o s av e th e c han ge s, press Options and select Save and co nfirm with OK Delete all contacts 1. Se le ct Me nu , Ph on eb oo k a nd p res s O K ( M1 ) 2. Press Options (M 1) 3. Se le ct Del et e al l con ta cts and pre ss OK ( M1 ) 4.
26 Up to 8 number s can be saved as speed d ial numbers (2- 9) 1. Select Set numb ers and press OK . 2. Se le ct th e de sir ed N o. ( 2- 9) a nd pre ss Edi t . 3. Select the desired nam e from the P ho ne bo ok an d p r e ss OK ( th e de s i r e d name must already be stored und er Contacts ).
27 Messages Write messages 1. Select Menu, Me ssages and press OK 2. Press Write messa ge 3. Select SMS or MMS and press OK In this menu, you can comp ose messages. The number of letters used can be seen at the upper right edge of the display. Text input The following functions are av ailable: Press 0 to add a space.
28 Activate or deactivate the automatic word recognition When you write a text, press Options, and select Input met hod options . To activate or deactivate a utomatic word recognition, select Auto. Word r ecogniti on and press OK Word recognition: Enter the desired word by pressing the keys for each individu al lett er only once .
29 a nd yo u s ee t hi s sy m bo l o n t h e de fa ul t screen in the display. Press Options for the followin g functions: V i ew , R ep l y b y SM S, R e pl y by M MS , Ca ll sender, Forward, Del ete, Delete all an d Sort by Note: If the short message memory is full, the symbol blinks o n the default screen.
30 V e r s u s a c on ve nt i on al SM S, in th e M M S settings you have th e following addit ional options: Add picture, Add sound, Ad d video, Add subject, Previe w MMS, Slide option, Advanced and Save . Settings 1. Select Menu, Me ssages and press OK 2.
31 Select the storage location for the SMS Telephone or SIM Multimedia Messages Data account: Select the data account to be used Common sett ings: T he fo ll owi ng set tin gs are av ai la bl e: Compose, Se nd , Ret ri ev al , Pr ef err ed s to rag e an d Memory status .
32 1. Select Menu, Me ssages and press OK 2. Select Settin gs and press OK 3. Select SMS an d press OK 4. Select SIM and press OK 5. Select Voicema il server and press OK 1. Select 1. <Empt y> and press Options . 2. Select Select o r Edit 3. If you select Edit , enter a name and the number of you r voice mailb ox number.
33 Call history Call history 1. Select Menu, Call logs and press OK Your tele phone stores logs for Miss ed calls, Dialed calls , and Received calls The newest ent ries are at th e top of the list .
34 Extras Alarm 1. Select Menu, E xtras and press OK 2. Select Alarm and press OK Up to a maximu m of 5 ala rms can be set. Setting the alarm: 1. Select an ala rm and press Edit . 2. Setting the alarm: On or Off , (using the “*” or “#” key) Time, Snooze, Repeat Volume, Alarm tone and the Alert ty pe .
35 uncompleted, Send vCalenda r and Save as file . Calendar 1. Select Menu, E xtras and press OK 2. Select Calendar and press OK You can enter reminders in th e calendar. On the calendar interfac e, press the bottom and top arrow keys and the “+”/“#” k eys to browse through different da ys.
36 With this function, you can use your mobile telephone as a p ocket calculator. The pocket c a l c u la t o r c an p e r f o r m ba s i c ar i t h m e ti c f u nc ti on s. Functions: Enter the numb ers (1 to 0). Press # for th e decimal point .
37 Multimedia Camera 1. Select Menu, Mul timedia and pre ss OK 2. Select Came ra and press OK Taking photographs A i m t he ca me ra l e n s at a lo ca t io n o r an object and press the camera button (upwards arrow key) to take a photo. After the snapshot has been tak en, the photo is shown on the display and auto matically sa ved.
38 Photos: View the saved p hotos (in .jpg format). You can send and als o receive th e photos via Bluetooth . The following functions are available to your under Options : View, Browse style, Send, Use as, Rename, Delete, Sort by, Delete all , Storage and Ima ge informatio n.
39 Show pictures 1. Select Menu, Mul timedia and pre ss OK 2. Select Image viewer and press OK V i ew t h e sa ve d p h ot os (i n . jp g fo rm at ) . Yo u can s e n d a n d a l s o r e c ei v e t he ph ot os v i a B lu et oo th .
40 File manager Use the file manager to manage your files and folders in the phone memory and on the memory ca rd. 1. Select Menu, Mul timedia and pre ss OK 2. Select File mana ger and press OK Open: To display th e content of the selected folde r. New folder: To create a ne w folder.
41 Settings Tone Settings 1. Select Menu, Settings and press OK 2. Select Tone Sett ings and pres s OK The following tone settings a re available: Alert type, Ring type, Rington e, Ringtone volume, No.
42 knows that it is an emerge ncy and it also sends an emergenc y SMS! If the first num ber cannot be reached, the next number is automatical ly dialed, etc. If no emergency call number is save d or your t el ep h on e c a rd i s e m pt y o r yo u ar e in a for eign network (e.
43 SOS settings 1. Select Menu, Settings and press OK 2. Select SOS Sett ings and press OK The following menu items are available: SOS Status You can switch t he SOS Status on/of f. SOS number Define a maximum of 5 SOS numbers and their priority s equence.
44 One touch keys M1 M2 1. Select Menu, Settings and press OK 2. Select One touch keys M1 M2 and press OK Here you can edit the M1 an d M2 numbe rs. By pressing and holding (2-3 seconds) the M1 or M2 button in default mode, the SL320 dials the allocate d telephone number.
45 Auto. Keypad lock You can set the telephone such that the keypad automatically locks after a preset time period. Power on display S e l ec t yo u r ow n wa ll pa p e r o n ce t h e telephone is booted. Power off display S e l ec t yo ur ow n w al lp a p e r wh il e t h e telephone is switching itsel f off.
46 Call settings 1. Select Menu, Settings and press OK 2. Select Call setti ngs and press OK Depending on the network operato r, you can use the followin g services: Caller ID Here you can def ine whether your number is withheld or visible for the p erson being called.
47 Call barring With this network service, you can restrict your calls. Advanced Automatic redial If the line of the person you are calling is busy or if the call was not answered, an automatic re dial action can b e initia ted.
48 GPRS-preferred The SL320 cannot simultaneously send or r e c e i ve an M M S an d m a ke ta lk o n t h e telephone; set the pr iority to whichever connection you prefer. Security settings 1. Select Menu, Settings and press OK 2. Select Phone s ettings and pre ss OK .
49 Telephone security: Telephone lock While powering the PIN prompt on or off , you will be prompted to enter the correct Phone password of the telephone. Changing the password To change the passwo rd, ent er the actual password an d then the new password 2x.
50 Press M1 to activate or deactivate the Bluetooth fun ction. Visible You can set your teleph one so that it can be recognized by other Bluetoot h devices. Recognized devices: In this menu, you can establis h a connection with already recognized Bluet ooth devices.
51 The configuration of a data acc ount is dependent on the d ata of your network operator. Important: Please contact your netwo rk operator and have the configurati on data for the MMS Sett ings sent to you. Restore factory settings 1. Select Menu, Settings and press OK 2.
52 FAQ If your phone appears the questions frequently, p lease refer to t he answ ers a s follows. A fter that, yo u ca nnot solve th e questions, please contact with the mobile phone deale rs or network ope rator . Can’t turn the phone on: Check battery installation, please install battery correctl y.
53 Please contact your network operat or, if you still ha ve a weak signal or no signal. Bad talking quality: Weak signal? See: W eak signal or no signal. Check if battery if battery is low. Charge the battery or change the ba ttery. Use the up v olume k ey to adjust the microphone v olume during a call.
54 Your phone may be affected with damp, keep it dry. PIN locked: Check if entered incorrect PIN code 3 times in a row. If yes, the phone is locked, then you should enter yo ur PUK code (please contact your networ k operator for your PUK code).
55 only with the chargers approve d by the manufacturer. Unplug the charger when not in use. Do not leave the b attery c onnected to a charger for lon ger tha n 10 days, since overcharging may shorten its lifetime. If left unused a fully charged battery will discharge itsel f over time.
56 performance is parti cularly l imited in temperatures well below freez ing. Do not dispose of batterie s in a fire! Dispose of b atteries accordi ng to local regulations (e. g. recycling). Do not dispose as househ old waste. Do not charge y our mobile phone if th e battery is not installed.
57 Do not store th e phone in cold areas. When i t warms up (to its normal temperature), moisture can form inside, which may damage electronic circuit boards. Do not attempt to open the phone. Non- expert handling may damage it. Do not drop, knock or shake the phone.
58 For your safety Read these simple guidelines. Breaking the rules may be dangerous or il legal. Do not switch on the p hone when wireless phone use is prohibited or when it may cause interference or danger. Road safety come s first Do not use a hand-held phone while driving.
59 Traffic Safety: Do not use a hand-held telephone while driving a vehicle. Always secure the phone in its holder; do not place the phone on the passenger seat or where it can break loose in a collision or sudden stop.
60 Electronic devices: Most modern electronic equipment is shielded from radio frequency (RF) signal s. However, certain electronic equipment may not be shielded against the RF signals fro m your wireless phone.
61 Some digital wireless phones may interfere with some hearing aids. In the event of such interference, you may want to consult your network operato r. Other medical devices: Operation of any radio transmitti ng equipment, including cellular phones, may interfere with the functiona lity of inadequately prote cted medical devices .
62 Users are reminded of the need to observe restrictions on the use o f radio equipment in fuel depots (fuel storage and distribution areas), chemical plants or where blasting operations are in progress. Areas with a potential ly explosive atmosphere are often but not always clearly marked.
63 For your safety Certification information (SAR): This model phone meets the EU requirements f or exposure to radio waves. The exposure standard for mobile phone s employs a unit of measuremen t known as the Specific A bsorption Rat e, or SA R. The SAR limit recommended by The Council of the European Union is 2.
64 Information Liability Disclaimer: Bea -fon Mobile GmbH shall not bear any liabilit y for any relevant, indir ect, special, incidental , or inevitable injurie s caused by using o f this product, includ ing in juries which have been considered, or unconsidered, likely to happe n.
65 Information: SL320 distribut ed by Beafon For more Information, pleas e visit the Bea- fon Homepage: www.beafon .com or contact us: support@bea fon.
An important point after buying a device Beafon SL320 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Beafon SL320 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Beafon SL320 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Beafon SL320 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Beafon SL320 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Beafon SL320, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Beafon SL320.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Beafon SL320. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Beafon SL320 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center