Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product CPU-56 Toa
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CONTENTS FUNCTIONS W H IC H REQUIRE ADDITIONAL U NI TS TIELINE CONNECTION O F EXCHANGES WIRING FOR TIELINE CONNECTION O F THE EXCHANGES Page 3 4 6 8 P A R T 1 . Operating of CPU U n it a nd No . 20 0 Programming 1. Precautions f or Installation of CPU-56 10 11 13 17 18 19 2 .
Page 7. Programming Record for Functions ............................................ Function Table for Stations ( 1 ) . . . ............................................... Function Table f or Stations (2).............................................
INTRODUCTION TO T HE OPERATION INSTALLATION MANUAL FO R E X E S -5000 This manual forms part of the Installation Manual f or TOA INTERCOM SYSTEM EXES-5000. You ma y add the CPU-56 to your T OA INTERCOM SYSTEM EXES-5000, according to your specific needs, to obtain various other functions.
FUNCTIONS W H I C H R E Q U I R E ADDITIONAL U N IT S (When t h e Exchanges a r e n ot connected by means o f Tie-line.) Those fu nctions of the CPU-56 which requi re either the addition of spe cific un its o r pr ocessing in ex i st i ng uni ts a re as me nti one d be low .
FUNCTIONS WHICH REQUIRE ADDITIONAL UNITS (When t h e Exchanges a r e connected b y means o f Tie-line.) Those functions of t he CPU-56 which require either the addition o f specific units or processing i n existing units are as mentioned below. Bef ore installation and adjustment of equipment, make sure t o check your system.
TIELINE CONNECTION O F THE EXCHANGES 1 . Function o f th e Central Processing Uni t CPU-56 T o make communications between exchanges possible i n th e EXES-5000 system, th e CPU-56 an d t he Tieline Unit TI-52 ar e required in addition t o the exchange EX-510 or th e EX-520.
2 . Number o f station, paging zones an d links Composition o f exchange(s) Without tielines 2 exchanges 3 exchanges * Th e links within own exchange a s well as t h e tieline links a re us ed i n each tieline communication.
4 . Reduction o f the number o f stations a nd paging zones which results fr om the us e o f th e Tieline U n i t TI-52. 1 . Mounting one ( 1 ) piece o f th e TI-52 d ec r eases the number o f t h e LMU-52A (th e 7th or t he 15 th LMU-52A) b y one ( 1 ) .
WIRING F O R TIELINE CONNECTION O F THE EXCHANGES E ac h exchange can be connected b y means o f a cable w i t h a diameter of 0.65mm for a distance o f up t o 2km . Regarding t h e tieline links which a r e no t used, turn o f f th e DI P switch of each unused tieline link inside th e Tieline U n i t TI-52.
2. Wiring f o r tieline connection o f 3 exchanges Exchange A Exchange B Exchange C Be s u re t o connect T L (link No. 0,1,2,3) to T H (link N o. 4,5,6,7) between the exchanges. Connection o f T H t o T H o r TL t o T L w i l l lead t o failure o f proper operation o f th e system.
3 . T he Example o f connection o f 2 E X-520 exchanges ( YR-801 must be connected to J15 for EX-520 exchange or to J7 for EX-510 Exchange Terminal board Terminal board BOX-064X2 BOX-064X2 YR-801 f o .
4.The Example of connection of 3 EX-520 exchanges (YR-801 most b e connected t o J15 fo r EX-520 exchange or t o J7 fo r EX-510 exchange) Terminal board BOX-064X2 Terminal board BOX-064X2 YR-801:Junct.
P A RT 1 . OPERATION O F C P U U N I T A ND N O . 2 0 0 PROGRAMMING 1 . PRECAUTIONS FOR INSTALLATION O F CPU-56 Please re ad th e following in s t r uc ti on s carefully to ensure proper operation of the CPU-56. N g normally. INDICATION . H for #200 Programing " position only at time of initial program- and registration of functions.
2. INITIAL CPU-56 S ET UP Make s ure th at you have turned o f f the A C power switch. Connect th e exchange, terminal boards and stations. 1 . Connect Da ta Transmitting Unit (DT-E11) a n d Data Re ce iving U n i t (DR-B61). 2. Se t channel select switches (CHANNEL SELECT) of DT-E11.
Dial operation from station No. 200. — Initial programming of the exchange — Di al the Following: Dial tone will b e heard (Station N o.200 becomes a programming station) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Confirmation tone w i l l be heard. (Clears function group A ) Confirmation tone will b e heard.
3 . TROUBLE SHOOTING 3- 1 C h e ck of R OM & NMOS-RAM - N o c alls o n th e system. 1 . P u t t he 4 "LINK SELECT" sw i tches o f th e HCU upward (Link N o. 1 5 SE LEC T) a nd s wit ch o n the AC power of the exchange. 2. I f there i s no error, n o H C U indication lamps will light.
3-4. Dia l receiving test I f you place all "LINK SELECT" switches ( 1 ~ 4 ) of SW-A on th e CPU-55 i n "OFF" p o sition, conversation is impossible but the dial cod e from e ac h station is indicated on the LED's of the PI U as dialed.
3 - 6 . T h e order o f Tie Line l ink usage. T he Tieline Link Number which i s used in calls between exchanges i s not directly indicated, but you c a n possibly get i t f ro m t he l i n k number which i s indicated on th e HCU-52.
Reference fo r Connection Link Number between DLU an d T I Link Notice: I f th e TI Tieline Lin k which c or re spond with t he DLU Li nk No is already b us y, then, the next Tieline Link is automatically used.
4. CPU-56 DI P S W I T C H F U N C T IO N SELECTION SW-A SW-B SW-C SW-D SW-E Functions Switch Link Selection ; Link No . 0 ~ 3 Link Selection ; Link N o. 4 ~ 7 Link Selection ; Link No. 8 ~ 1 1 Link Selection ; Link No . 12 ~ 15 Time Interval Adjustment for Paging Pre-announce tone On Activate 1 Sec.
5 . Function Co de Table f o r Station No.200 Programming Function Group A C D Function Executive Priority Continuous Calling Tone Stat ions Allowed Access t o A ll C all Stations Allowed Access t o C.
6 . STATION N O . 2 0 0 PROGRAMMING FOR EACH FUNCTION 6 -1 EXECUTIVE P R I OR I T Y (FUNCTION CODE 50) EXECUTIVE P RIO RIT Y Step 1 Touch Function Code N ew Registration ? Executive Station N o. ON Touch Executive Station N o. ON Touch Confirmation tone Ne w Registration finished ? NO YES Release ? Executive Stat ion No .
6-2 CONTINUOUS CALLING TON E (FUNCTION CODE 51) CONTINUOUS CALLING TON E Step 1 Ne w Registration ? Continuously Called Station No . ON Continuously Called Station No . ON Confirmation tone N e w Registration finished ? Release ? Continuously Call ed Station N o.
6- 3 STATIONS ALLOWED ACCESS TO A L L C A LL ( F UNCTION C ODE 52) STATIONS ALLOWED ACCESS TO A L L CA LL Step 1 Touch Function Code N ew Registration ? Allowed Station No. O N Touch Allowed Station No . ON Confirmation tone N e w Registration finished ? Release ? Allowed Station No.
6 -4 STATIONS ALLOWED ACCESS TO CONFERENCE (FUNCTION CODE 53) STATIONS AL LOWED ACCESS TO CONFERENCE Touch Function Cod e N ew Registration ? Allowed Station N o. ON Touch Allowed S tation No . O N Touch Confirmation ton e Ne w Registration finished ? Release ? Allowed S tat ion N o.
6 - 5 ST ATI ONS ALLOWED A CC E SS T O O N E S H OT MAK E OUTPUT ( FUNCTION C OD E 56 ) ST AT IO N ALLOWED ACCESS TO ONE SHOT MAKE OU TPU T Step 1 Touch Function Code N e w Registration ? Allowed Station N o. ON Touch Allowed S tation N o. ON Touch Confirmation tone N e w Registration finished ? Allowed Station N o.
6 -6 STATIONS ALLOWED ACCESS TO M AKE/BREAK OUTPUT (FUNCTION CODE 57) STATIONS ALLOWED ACCESS T O MAKE/BREAK O U T P U T Step 1 Touch Function Co de N ew Registration ? Al lo we d Station No. ON Touch Allowed S tation No . ON Touch Confirmation to ne N ew Registration finished ? Release ? Allowed St atio n N o.
6 -7 STATIONS AL LO WED ACCESS TO 8 SELECTABLE (OR DECIMAL) O UTP UT ( FUNCTION CODE 5 8) STATIONS ALLOWED ACCESS TO 8 SE LE CT A BL E (O R D EC IM A L) OUTPUT Step 1 Touch Function Cod e N e w Registration ? Allowed Station No . ON Touch Allowed Station N o.
6- 8 STATIONS ALLOWED ACCESS TO 4 DECIMAL DIGITS OUTPUT (FUNCTION CODE 59) STATIONS ALLOWED ACC ESS T O 4 DEC IM AL DIGITS OUTPUT Touch Function Code N ew Registration ? Allowed Station No . ON Touch Allowed S tation N o. ON Touch Confirmation ton e N ew Registration finished ? Release ? Allowed Station N o.
6 - 9 SECRETARY TRANSFER (FUNCTION CODE 60) SECRETARY TRANSFER Step 1 Touch Function Code N ew Registration ? Executive Station No . Secretary Station N o. Touch Executive Station No . Secretary Station No. Touch Confirmation to ne Ne w Registration fi nished ? Release ? Executive Station No.
6 - 10 MASTER/SUB RELATIONSHIP ( FUNCTION CODE 61) MASTER/SUB RELAT ION SHI P Step 1 Touch Function Code N e w Registration ? S u b Station No. Master Station N o. Touch Sub St a ti on No. Master St at io n No. Touch Confirmation to ne N ew Registration fini shed ? Release ? S ub Station No.
6 -1 1 PAGING RESPONSE ( FUNCTION C ODE 7 0) PAGING RESPONSE Step 1 Touch Function Code Paging Zone No. 1s t S tation No. L a s t S tation No. (0 1 ~ 15) of the Zone of the Zone Paging Zone N o. 1s t Station No . L a st St ation No . (0 1 ~ 15) of the Zone of the Zone Confirmation to ne N ew Registration finished ? Return NOTES 1 .
6-12 GROUP BLOCKING ; ESTABLISHING GROUPS (FUNCTION CODE 7 1) GROUP BLOCKING 1 ESTABLISHMENT OF EACH GROUP Step 1 Touch Function Code Gro up No. 1s t Station No. L as t Station N o. (1 ~ 8) of the Group of t he Group Touch Group No . 1 s t Station No .
6-13 TH E GROUPS O F STATIONS FOR CALLING PARTY INDICATION (Lamp Type). (FUNCTION CODE 72) ESTABLISHMENT OF EACH GROUP Step 1 Touch Function Code Group N o. 1 st Station No . Last Station No. (1 ~ 8 ) o f the Group of the Group Touch Group N o. 1 st S ta tio n No.
6-14 G ROUP BLOCKING ; ALLOWING CALLS AMONG GROUPS (FUNCTION COD E 81 ) GROUP BLOCKING 2 ALLOWING CALLS AM ON G GR OUP S Step 1 Touch N ew Registration ? Calling Group Called Group No . (1 ~ 8) No. (s) (max. 7) Touch Calling Group Called Group No. (1 ~ 8) No.
6 -1 5 GROUP BLOCKING ; AL LO WI N G GROUP ACCESS TO PAGING ZONES (FUNCTION CO DE 82) GROUP BLOCKING 3 ALLOWING ACCESS TO PAGING ZONES Touch Function Cod e N ew Registration ? Paging G roup No . (S ) ( 1 ~ 8 ) (max. 8) Touch Paging G roup No . ( S ) (1~8) (max.
7 . PROGRAMMING RECORD F OR FUNCTIONS Us e these tables t o keep a record o f those functions assigned t o each station. Function Table f or Stations ( 1 ) A Executive Priority Continuous Calling Tone.
Function Table f or Stations ( 2 ) Function Group Station No. A Executive Priority 50 Continuous Calling Tone 51 Stations Allowed Access to All Call 52 Stations Allowed Access to Conference 53 Station.
Function Table f or Stations ( 3 ) Function G roup Station No. A Executive Priority 50 Continuous Calling Tone 51 Stations Allowed Access to All Call 52 Stations Allowed Access to Conference 53 Statio.
Function Table f o r Stations (4 ) Function Group Station No. A Executive Priority 50 Continuous Calling Tone 51 Stations Allowed Access to A l l Call 52 Stations Allowed Access to Conference 53 Stati.
Paging R esponse Table < W h e n a single e xc hange i s us ed > Function Code 70 Station Paging Z one Department No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 st Station N o.
Tab les fo r Group Blocking 1 Only when t he exchange without tieline. 2 N o t u s e d when 2 exchanges a re tielined. Activated without No.200 programming.
9 . DIP SWITCH TABLE FOR DATA TRANSMITTING A ND RECEIVING UNIT Exchange Da ta Transmitter Dat a Receiver Re l ay Output No. – 44 –.
1 0 . System Diagram of Dat a Transmitting an d Receiving Units (When t h e Exchanges ar e n ot connected b y means o f Tie-line.) Exchange Stations < D at a Receiver (Equipment using D R-B61) >.
System Diagram of Data Transmitting and Receiving Units (When the Exchanges are connected by means of Tie-line.) – 46 –.
1 1 . EXPLANATION OF DATA TRANSMITTING UN IT O U TPUT CHANNELS CHANNEL SELECT FUNCTIONS IN/OUT Annunciation DESCRIPTION APPLICATION Personel in and p ut registration can be accomplished at any Master sta- tion by usi ng pe r sonal numbers M ax . 5 00 IN /OUT annunciations ma y be done.
1 2 . EXPLANATION OF DATA RECEIVING U N IT O UT PU T CHANNELS 12-1 Channel 0 (C H. 0) In/Out Annunciation (Di al Operation) Personal Number Registration Personal Number Cancellation (Relay Make) X X X.
12-2 Channel 1 (CH. 1) Exchange (1) One-shot Mak e Output (4) D ecimal Output (9 u ni t blocks) Dat a Receiver CHANNEL SELECT S w it ch One-shot Make Output Make/Break O utput 8 Selectable Make Output Un it No.
12-3 Channel 2 (CH. 2 ) Calling P arty Indication Lamp Type (1) Ea ch "Calling Station" or "Waiting Station" i s shown by Eac h Indication Lamp. Total N um be r of Stations wi th Indications : 4 Stations/Channel (8 Stations/2 Cha nnels ) To t al Number of C a lling Stations : Max.
12-4 Channel 3 (C H. 3) C alling Pa r t y Indication Lamp T yp e ( 2 ) Each "Calling Station" or "Waiting Station" i s shown by Each Indication: L am p. Total Number of Station w ith Indications : 4 Stations/Channel (8 Stations/2 Channels) Tot al N umb er of Calling S tations : Max.
T O A ELECTRIC CO., LTD. KOBE, JAPAN Printed i n Japan.
An important point after buying a device Toa CPU-56 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Toa CPU-56 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Toa CPU-56 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Toa CPU-56 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Toa CPU-56 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Toa CPU-56, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Toa CPU-56.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Toa CPU-56. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Toa CPU-56 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center