Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MT5634SMI-34 Technics
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Embedd ed Data/Fa x Glob al Modem MT5634SMI-34 MT5634SMI-92 Serial Build Parallel Build Medical Device Build Industrial Temperature Build Developer’s Guide.
SocketModem Developer’s Guide Serial: M T5634SM I- 34, MT 5634SM I-92 Parallel: MT 5634SM I-P-92 Med ical Device: M T 5634SM I-HV-92, M T5634SM I-P- HV-92 Industrial Temperature: M T 5634SMI-ITP-92,.
SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 3 Table of Contents Chapter 1 – Product D escrip tion and Speci ficati ons ............................................................................. .6 Introduction ........................
SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 4 Sample Rat e Sel ectio n and Su ggested Compre ssion Metho d ........................................................... 62 Answer Pho ne, Play Greetin g Mess age , an d Record Me ssage Example .
SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 5 EMC, Safet y, and R &TTE Direct ive Comp lian ce .................................................................................... .8 8 New Zealand Te lecom W arning N otice ............
Chapter 1 – Pro duct Des cripti on and Specif icatio ns SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 6 Chapter 1 – P r oduct Descript ion and Specif icat ions Introduction Multi-T ech’s Socke tModem cre ates commun ication-r eady dev ices by in tegrating dat a/fax/ voice funct ionality i nto a single pro duct de sign.
Chapter 1 – Pro duct Des cripti on and Specif icatio ns SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 7 Features Matrix Model Build Option Serial Interface Parallel Interface (16C5 50) v.92/56K Max. D ata Speed V.34/33.6K Max. D ata Speed V.
Chapter 1 – Pro duct Des cripti on and Specif icatio ns SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 8 Technica l Specificatio ns a nd Featur es The Socke tModem me ets the fol lowing spec ification s: Client-to-Ser ver Data Rates Supports V.
Chapter 1 – Pro duct Des cripti on and Specif icatio ns SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 9 Power Consum ption Standard Typical: 24 5 mA (1.25 W @ 5V DC) Standby or Slee p Mode: 148 mA Max imum: 420 mA (2.1 W @ 5.25V DC) MT5634SMI-IT-92 (Industrial T emperature {3.
Chapter 2 – Mech anical Spec ificati ons SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 10 Chapter 2 – Mechanic al Specif ications Physical Dimensions – All Model s Figure 2–1.
Chapter 2 – Mech anical Spec ificati ons SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 11 Pin Configurations The MT 5634SMI SocketM odem use s a 20-pin interf ace to provide an o n-board DAA with ti p and ring connect ions, audio circuit for call-pr ogress mon itoring, LED driver for call st atus annun ciation, and serial interface.
Chapter 2 – Mech anical Spec ificati ons SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 12 indicates t o the DT E that it should not tran sfer data acr oss the int erface on TXD. 39 –DCD O Data Carrier Detect. –DCD output is ON (l ow) w hen a carrier is detect ed on the telephone line or OFF (high) w hen carrier is n ot detecte d.
Chapter 2 – Mech anical Spec ificati ons SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 13 The MT 5634SMI-P (Parallel) SocketModem uses a 22-p in interfac e to provide an on-board DAA w ith tip an d ring connect ions, audio circuit for call-pr ogress mon itoring, and paralle l interface.
Chapter 3 – Electric al Ch aracterist ics SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 14 Chapter 3 – Electr ical Character ist ic s Introduction Electrica l characterist ics for the 5V Serial So cketM odem, 3. 3V Serial Sock etModem, 5V Parallel Soc ketModem , and the 3.
Chapter 3 – Electric al Ch aracterist ics SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 15 3.3V Parallel – Standard (SMI) and Industr ial Temperature (SMI- ITP) Build Options Electrica l character istics for Pa rallel MT 5634SMI SocketModem devi ces are pres ented below .
Chapter 4 – Sock etModem Paral lel Inter face – A Program m er’s Desc ription SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 16 C ha p te r 4 – S oc ke t M o d e m P ara l le l Inter .
Chapter 4 – Sock etModem Paral lel Inter face – A Program m er’s Desc ription SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 17 FIFO Operation The 16-byte tra nsmit and r eceive dat a FIFOs are enable d by the FIFO C ontrol Regis ter (FCR) bit-0.
Chapter 4 – Sock etModem Paral lel Inter face – A Program m er’s Desc ription SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 18 Time Out Interrupts The interrupts are enab led by IER bit s 0-3. Care must be ta ken when handling th ese interrupt s.
Chapter 4 – Sock etModem Paral lel Inter face – A Program m er’s Desc ription SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 19 RBR Receive Buffer (RX FIFO) All eight bit s are used for receive channel data (host read/d ata in; host write/data out).
Chapter 4 – Sock etModem Paral lel Inter face – A Program m er’s Desc ription SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 20 FCR FIFO Control Bits 6–7: Used t o determine RX FIFO trigger levels. Bit 5: Used to detect a c hange in th e FCR.
Chapter 4 – Sock etModem Paral lel Inter face – A Program m er’s Desc ription SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 21 LSR Line Status Bit 7: Error in RX FIFO. This bit i s alway s set to 1 if at lea st one data byte in the RX FIFO has a n error.
Chapter 4 – Sock etModem Paral lel Inter face – A Program m er’s Desc ription SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 22 SCR Scratch The host progra mmer use s this regi ster for tempor ary data sto rage. DLL Divisor Latch (LSByte) This register contai ns low- order byte for th e 16-bit clo ck di vider.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 23 Chapt er 5 – A T Com m ands , S -R egisters , and R esult Codes Introduction The AT commands are used to co ntrol the oper ation of your mode m.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 24 N n Modulation H andshak e O n Return Online to Data M ode P Pulse Dial ing Q n .
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 25 AT Commands Command: A T A ttention Code Values: n/a Descripti on: T he attention code precedes all command lines ex cept A/ , A: and escape sequen ces.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 26 Command: E n Echo Comm and Mode Charact ers Values: n = 0 or 1 Default: 1 Description: E0 Do not echo key board inpu t to the t erminal.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 27 Default: 0 Descripti on: Q0 Enable result codes. Q1 Disable re sult c odes. Q2 Returns an OK for ba ckward co mpatibili ty with som e software.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 28 Command: &D n Data Termi nal Ready (DTR) Control Values: n = 0, 1, 2, or 3 Default: 2 Descripti on: &D0 M odem ignores t he true status of the DTR signa l and re sponds as if it is alw ays on.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 29 Command: &S n Data Set Rea dy (DSR) Control Values: n = 0 or 1 Default: 0 Description: &S0 DSR is alw ays high (on). &S1 DSR goes high only during a con nection.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 30 Command: K n Break Control Values: n = 0–5 Default: 5 Descripti on: Control s the respon se of the mode m to a br eak received fr om the computer, th e remote modem, or the B command .
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 31 Command: X n XO N/XOFF Pass-Through Values: n = 0 or 1 Default: 0 Descripti on: X0 Modem respo nds to and discard s XON/XO FF characters.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 32 Command: %S n Command Speed R esponse Values: n = 0, 1 Default: 0 Descripti on: %S0 Sets mode m to respon d to AT co mmands a t all nor mal speeds .
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 33 Command: +VDR=x, y Distinctive Ring Report Values: x = 0, 1 D istinctiv e Ring report c ontrol. See de scripti on. y = 0–255 M inimum rin g interval in 100 ms u nits.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 34 Command: #C BRy Callback Security Reset Values: y = 0–29 Default: None Descripti on: Clears the passw ord and pho ne number i n the y me mory locati on.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 35 V.92 Commands Command: +MS= Modulation Selection Values: See descr iption.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 36 automode An optiona l numer ic value t hat enables or disable s automati c modulati on negot iation usi ng V.8 bis/V.8 or V.3 2 bis Annex A.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 37 Command: +PMHF V.92 Modem Hook Fl ash Values: n/a Default: n/a Descripti on: Cause s the DCE to go on- hook for a specifi ed period of time, and t hen return off-ho ok for at least a spe cified peri od of ti me.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 38 Command: +PQ C=n Quick Connect Control Values: n = 0, 1, 2, or 3 Default: 3 Descripti on: Controls th e V.92 shorten ed Phase 1 a nd Phase 2 startup pro cedures (Qui ck Connect).
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 39 Command: #CBF? Callback Fail ed Attempts Display Values: n/a Default: n/a Descripti on: Reques ts the num ber of failed c allbac k passw ords since r eset or pow er-up.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 40 S-Registers Certain modem value s, or parameters, are stored in me mory lo cations called S-re gister s. Use the S command to read or to a lter the cont ents of S-r egisters ( see previou s section).
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 41 18 = 31200 bp s 19 = 33600 bp s S38 decimal 0–23 1 Sets “ downstrea m” data rate w here V.90 provid es rate s of 28,000 t o 56,000 bps i n incre ments of 1,3 33 bps.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 42 Result Codes In command mode y our modem can send re sponse s called R esult Codes to your computer. Result cod es are used by co mmunicati ons pro grams and can also appear on your monitor.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 43 111 CONN ECT 49333 Connected at 4 9333 bp s 112 CONN ECT 50666 Connected at 5 06.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 44 Chapter 6 - V oic e Command s Introduction This ch apter descri bes +V com mand suppor t. The +V Comma nd standard IS-101 Voice C ontrol Int erim Standard for Asynchron ous DCE (prepar ed by the TIA Techni cal Subcom mittee TR29.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 45 Voice S-Register Summary Voice mode S-R egister c hanges are outlined be low. S-Register Description S0 Automatic an swer is d isallowed i n Voice mod e. S7 Wait for Carrier After Dial.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 46 Voice +V Commands Summary These co mmands supp ort Voice mode.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 47 Command: +FCLA SS=8 DTMF Detect Detect and Control DTMF Values: 8 ch aracters, case sen sitiv e Description: The +FCLASS=8 c ommand i s used to detec t and contro l DTM F using the procedur e below : 1.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 48 Command: +VNH=<hook><E nter> Automatic Hang-Up Contro l Values: 0, 1, 2, 3–255 Result Code s: OK if co mmand ac cepted; ERRO R if parameter out of range.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 49 Command: +VR X Enter Voice Receiv e State Values: 0, 1, 2–127, 1 28–255 Result Code s: Values (ab ove) if the modem accepts th e command; ER ROR if th e modem i s not conne cted to an off-hook Telc o line, or on e non-T elco input d evice.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 50 generates a d ual tone at 3 000 and 3300 Hz for th e default dur ation. [, 3300] mean s that the mode m generates a s ingle tone at 3300 Hz for the defa ult duration.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 51 Command: +VG T=<level> Set the Volume f or Transmitted V oice Samples Result Code s: OK if the modem accepts t he command; ER ROR if th e parameter i s out of rang e.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 52 3 LT M odem off-hook. Loc al phone c onnected to T elco. M odem conne cted to Tel co . 4 S Internal spea ker connec ted to the m odem. M odem is on-ho ok. Local p hone connect ed to Telco.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 53 Command: +VRN=<interv al> Set Ring Back Never A ppeared Timer Values: 0–10 (in 1 .0 second increments) Default: 10 Result Code s: OK if modem accep ts the command; ERR OR if the <i nterval> par ameter entere d is out of range.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 54 <cml> is u sed by the PC to select a compres sion method . The valid range of v alues is fro m 128– 256. The range of values from 0–127 i s reserved for future sta ndards.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 55 MP-LPC/Author Multi-pulse LPC LSLTCQ Least Squares Lattice Trelli s Coded Quan tization IS-101 does not make any provision s for standar d compres sion modif iers.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 56 The report f ormat is on e line per s ilence per iod, and one line per ring period. The len gth of the silence per iod is in the form C POF=<number i n units of 0 .
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 57 Interface Configuration Commands The comman ds in this section ar e used t o define the interface b etween the PC and the modem.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 58 Command: +VPR =<rate> Select DTE/DCE Int erface Rate (Tur n Off Autobaud) Values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Result Code s: OK if the modem accepts t he command; ER ROR if th e <rate> val ue is out of r ange.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 59 29 Stuttered Dial T one 30 Invalid Voic e Data Format 31 Lost Data Det ected Event 32 Facsimile A nswer 33-63 Reserved f or future stan dard above 63 M anufacturer specific _____ * Further stu dy required f or final spe cificatio n.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 60 Voice Mode Shielded Codes These code s can b e sent in ei ther Command mode or Data mode. T he DCE may re turn the eve nt detectio n reports after th e OK result code from th e +FCLASS command.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 61 d (64) Event Numb er 20 (DIALT ONE). May be repeatedly sent. K (4B) Event Number 21 (Reorder/Fast Bu sy). F (46) Event Number 22 (V.21 Chann el 2 7E flag s). u (75) Event Numb er 23 (T ransmit Buffer Und er run).
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 62 Sample Sessions This section pr ovides voic e m ode Send/R eceive hands haking ex am ples. Sample Rate Selection and Suggested Compress ion Method Command Response AT+VSM =? The PC inquires abo ut the compr ession me thods a nd bits-per-sa mple opt ions.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 63 AT+VLS=4 The modem select s the sp eaker. The modem had e arlier re ported that a speaker was available. OK The mode m agrees. AT+VTX The PC sele cts the Voi ce Transmit mode.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 64 AT+VLS=2 The DCE answ ers the pho ne. OK The DCE indicates th at it is in V oice Co mmand mode . AT+VTX The DT E selects Voice T ransmi t mode. CONNE CT The DCE agrees .
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 65 DTE/DCE In terface Rate s The table belo w indicat es the antici pated m odem -to- computer interfac e rates f or both the 7.2 bits- per- sample rate and the 8 bits-per-sam ple rate.
Chapter 7 – Fax Com mands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 66 Chapter 7 – F ax C omm a nds Fax comma nds have b een plac ed in two se parate do cuments: · Fax Commands Class 1 and C lass 1.0 D eveloper’s R eference Guid e · Fax Commands Class 2, 2.
Chapter 8 – Rem ote Conf iguration and Co untr y Code Configur atio n SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 67 Chapter 8 - R emote Conf ig uration a nd Cou n t r y Cod e Co nf i g .
Chapter 8 – Rem ote Conf iguration and Co untr y Code Configur atio n SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 68 Changing the Remote Escape Character To further improv e security , you ca n change a r emote modem ’s remote configurat ion escape character.
Chapter 9 – Firm ware Upgr ade Pr ocedure SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 69 Chapter 9 – Firmw are Upg rade P roc edure Introduction Flash Upgrade Firmware Your mode m is controlle d by semi-p ermanent s oftware, c alled firmw are, which i s stored in flash me mory.
Chapter 9 – Firm ware Upgr ade Pr ocedure SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 70 Step 2: Identify t he Current Versi on of the Firm ware Identify the current vers ion of the fir mware availa ble for your m odem on t he Multi-T ech web s ite.
Chapter 9 – Firm ware Upgr ade Pr ocedure SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 71 Step 7: Upgrade th e Modem’s Firmware CAUTION: If you are usin g Window s NT, you mu st disable W indows RAS and M icrosoft F ax Serv ice before upgrading the modem’s f irmware.
Chapter 9 – Firm ware Upgr ade Pr ocedure SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 72 Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Flash Programming Prot ocol Important: When inter acting w ith the boot code, it is possi ble to mak e the mode m inoper able.
Chapter 9 – Firm ware Upgr ade Pr ocedure SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 73 2. Other Supported Boot Code Commands 2.1 ATI0 - returns 000 2.
Chapter 9 – Firm ware Upgr ade Pr ocedure SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 74 Intel Hex Format An Intel For mat Hex File is a tex t file consi sting of “re cords”, one p er line, that start w ith a “:” charact er and include only digits 0- 9 and le tters A-F.
Chapter 9 – Firm ware Upgr ade Pr ocedure SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 75 2-3 Data Byte C ount “ 00” Alw ays 2 bytes for this record ty pe 4-7 Address “0000” Trans.
Append ix A – M echan ical Det ails SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 76 Appendix A – Mech anical De tail s Serial Test/Demo Bo ard Components Figure A–1.
Append ix A – M echan ical Det ails SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 77 5V / 3. 3V J um per – JP 1 This JP1 Jumper prov ides for s election of either 5 vo lt or 3.3-volt operation. Warning – Be sure t o set the 5V/ 3.3V jumper t o match the require ments of y our SocketM odem.
Append ix A – M echan ical Det ails SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 78 Parallel Test/Demo Board Component s Figure A–4. Par allel Test/Dem o Board Interrupt (IRQ) Sele ct Jumper – JP1 This JP1 Jumper is use d to define the modem’s IRQ valu e by shorting a pair of pins tog ether.
Append ix A – M echan ical Det ails SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 79 Parallel Test/Demo Board Blo ck Diagram S peaker DS1 Modem Module RJ-1 1 Connector ISA Bus V olume Control T ip/Ring Fuse Address Decoding Figure A–4.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 80 Appendix B - P roduct Appr o v al s , Desig n Conside.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 81 Regulatory Design Considerations This se ction dis cusses har dware consid eration s, PC board lay out consid erations, and Tele com labeli ng requireme nts.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 82 EMC Surface mount ferrites are u sed on T& R (Tip and R ing) to mitig ate emis sion levels o ut the RJ-11 cable.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 83 5V Tole rant In puts for 3.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 84 FCC Part 15 Regulation This equipm ent has bee n tested an d found t o comply with the lim its for a Class B d igital dev ice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC r ules.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 85 FCC Part 68 Telecom 1. This equ ipment co mplies w ith part 68 of the Federal C ommuni cations Co mmiss ion Rules.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 86 From FCC PAR T 68 Subpart D – Conditions for Registration Complete d ocument avai lable from US Government Printing Off ice: http://www.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 87 Fax Branding Stateme nt The T elephone Consum er Prot.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 88 Industry Canada C S-03 Canadian re gulations r equire that certified equipment bear an iden tifying cer tificat ion label, w hich is obtai ned from Indu stry Canada.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 89 New Zeala nd Tele com W arning No tice 1.
Appendix C – Cou ntry Conf igurat ion and Result Co des SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 90 Appendix C – Count r y C onf ig urat ion and R esult Codes This inf ormation is supplied t o illu strate M ulti-Tech’s co untry configura tions.
Appendix C – Cou ntry Conf igurat ion and Result Co des SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 91 Country Country Config. (hex) ATI9 Response Cote D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus .
Appendix C – Cou ntry Conf igurat ion and Result Co des SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 92 Country Country Config. (hex) ATI9 Response Lao People' s Democr atic Republi .
Appendix C – Cou ntry Conf igurat ion and Result Co des SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 93 Country Country Config. (hex) ATI9 Response Saint Lucia St.
Appendix D – Soc ketMod em and the New Seria lModule SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 94.
Appendix D – Soc ketMod em and the New Seria lModule SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 95 Inde x 5 56K operation digital los s when used w ith PBX, 41 A Abort timer, 40 Adaptiv.
Index SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 96 K, 30 M, 26 N, 30 N, 26 O, 26, 67, 68 P, 26 Q, 30 Q, 26 Sr?, 27 Sr=, 27 T, 30 T, 27 V, 30, 31 V, 27 VIP, 48 W, 27 X, 27 Z, 27 Attention.
Index SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 97 F Fallback , 26 Fallback and Fall Forw ard command, 31 Fax Branding St atement, 87 Fax com mands, 66 FCC Regula tions, 85 Features M at.
Index SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 98 Select DTE/DCE Int erface Rate (Turn Off Autobau d) comm and, 58 Select Flow C ontrol Meth od command, 4 8 Select Max imum MNP Bloc k S.
An important point after buying a device Technics MT5634SMI-34 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Technics MT5634SMI-34 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Technics MT5634SMI-34 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Technics MT5634SMI-34 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Technics MT5634SMI-34 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Technics MT5634SMI-34, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Technics MT5634SMI-34.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Technics MT5634SMI-34. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Technics MT5634SMI-34 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center