Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DVDPublisher/2 Teac
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CDDVD Disc Publisher System Model DVDPublisher/2 User Manual Revision 1.0.
ii C o p y r i g h t Co py ri ght © 2 00 5 TEAC A merica, Inc.(T EAC). All r ig hts r es erv ed . Thi s man ual an d the s of twa re d es cr ibe d in it a re co py rig hte d wi th all r ig hts r es erv ed .
iii Piracy Stateme nt The TEAC CDDVD Publisher and Print er Systems are designed to help you easily reproduce material for which you own the copyright o r h ave ob ta ine d p er miss io n f ro m t he c op yri ght o wne r t o make co pi es .
iv TABLE OF CON TENTS QUICK START ............................................................................................................................................ 1 B OX C ONT ENTS ..........................................................
1 Quick Start Thank y ou for purchasing the TEAC CDDV D Disc Publisher sy stem (Disc Publisher). Your new Disc Publisher is designe d t o allow fast, easy and reliable duplication and thermal printing of CDDVD discs. The following sections will get y ou started copy ing or comparing discs quickly .
2 NOTE: If your Disc Publisher is damaged during shipment, please contact the freight carrier first, then contact your distributor or TEAC. You should save your shipping materials so that if the need arises you can return your Disc Publisher for service.
3 Operating Environment Your Disc P ublisher syste m should be used in a climate controlled environment free of dirt, dust, ex cess humidity, excessive heat or electro-magnetic interfere nce. Your Disc Publi sher sy stem shoul d be placed on a sturdy level surface – away from sources of vibration.
4 Once position is correct, press the ENTER key to save cha nges ( to cancel without saving change s, press the STOP key ). Close the printer tray , and remove the disc from the pi ck arm.
5 Quick Start Copying ( 220 Max. disc capacity) This quick start section assumes the Duplication Options (Setup Menu | Duplication Options) are set as for use with either P-55 Thermal Printer of FlashJet Inkjet Printer (descr ibed earlier).
6 Put the Master Disc in the Input Hopper on top of the Bla nk disc and press the ENTER key. The Autoloader will pick the Master Disc, and place it in the drive tray, the tray will close and the Master Disc will be analyse d and then read.
7 Operation This chapter provides detailed operating instructions for y our Disc Publi sher. Your Disc Publisher has many options and fe atures designe d to make it more productive and ea si er to use. Please read throug h this chapter carefully so that y ou can take full advantage of all the features of y our sy stem.
8 Keyboard Following is the function of e ach key on the key board: < YES Key L eft arrow or YES – If be i ng prompted to enter a number or character this key moves the cursor 1 char acter to the left. I f prompted with a question this key answers YES.
9 Menu Structure Use the up / and down / arrow key s to posit ion the cursor (a > character on the le ft m ost column of the display ) to the desired menu item. Then use the ENTER key to select it. Following is a descr i ption of each menu se lection.
10 Network Mode The Network Mode a llow y ou to connect to PC using the TrueNet software. Givi ng y ou additional options you ha ve use (See TrueNet Manua l for details). Utilities Menu The utilities menu provides several useful functions require d t o maintain and set up y our Disc Publi sher sy stem.
11 This function re-initialises t he hard drive directory st ructure. I t should be run any time a new hard drive is inst alled in a sy stem. This function can a lso be used to quickly erase all image s in the hard drive. NOTE: This function does not actually remove Images from the hard drive and is not a secure erase of the image data.
12 Loader Utilities L oader utilities provide a m eans by which the loader mechanism can be tested or diagnosed. These utilities are meant for TEAC approved service per sonnel and advanced user s only .
13 Duplication Options These functions set up options used during the duplication process. Use the up arrow / key to scroll up or pre ss the down arrow key / to scroll down.
14 Available only on TrueNET enabled sy stems, setting this to YES will cause the sy stem to enter network mode immediately on power on. Set to NO, the sy stem will run in stand-alone mode. Multi Image HD I f set to YES discs read will be named and stored on the hard drive for future use.
15 Max Consec.bad Default Setting for this should be OFF. Master Drive This option allows the user to select which drive (recorder or CD-ROM drive if installed) will be used to read the master. Use the le ft and right arr ow keys to select the desired drive.
16 Speed Setup These settings select the drive speeds to use for ea ch ty pe of drive I /O. To selec t higher speeds press the up arrow key / . To select lower spe eds press the down arrow key / . Only those speeds supported by the inst alled drive will be display ed.
17 Password Menu The TCP series copiers allow ac cess to be r estricted by pa sswords. A different password can also be set for ge neral use (Operator Password), and for sy stem setup (Setup Password).
18 Disc Image Name I m age names can be up to 14 chara cters long. Ava ilable char acters are A-Z , 0-9 and space (blank). Key String Key S trings are 14 characters long . Available chara cters are 0-9 and A-F. Numbers Numbers are 4 digits long. Available digits are 0- 9.
19 Place the desired number of blank discs into the input stack of the loader. Then, using the /, /, < & > key s enter the required quantity to copy (see Ente ring Numbers).
20 Comparing Discs Comparing Discs allows a copy to be compared against a master imag e, to make sure there are no detectable diff erences. This feature is not available for Audio or Video tracks, because Audio/Video tracks do not have ECC (e rror corre ction codes) to guara ntee data integrity .
21 Appendix A - Error Messages Following is a list of error messages that may be displayed. No HARD DISK !! This would appear during the power up sequence if no hard disk could be found.
22 !! WARNING !! Copier is in SIMULATE m o de The duplication options are set to simulate, and will NOT write to the media. This means that the system will go through all the motions of writing discs, but will not actually burn them. See the menu item Setu p Menu | Duplicatio n Options | Burn CD in the Operation section for more info.
23 Appendix B - Setup Default Setup Following is the default or as shipped from the factory configuration. Duplication Options Setup This menu is located at Setup Menu | Duplication Options. The f actory defaults are: Speed Setup This menu is located at Setup Menu | Speed Setup .
24 Supported Formats Following are supported formats as of this writing. Contact y our authorized distributor or TEAC for an updated list. CD-ROM Mode 1, Form 1 (ISO 9660, UF S , HFS etc) CD-XA Mode 2.
25 Menu Structure Following is the Disc Publisher menu structure. TrueCopy.
28 Appendix C – CD Creation hints & tips CDs for Distribution Many use rs ask how t hey should make CDs sui table for mass distribution. There are many software package s available for CD mastering. TEAC does not recommend any specific packag e over another.
Technical Supp ort For technica l support, please contact the TEAC America Support Center TEAC America, I nc. (USA) Technical Support Telephone: (323) 727- 4 8 6 0 • F a x : ( 3 2 3 ) 8 6 9 -8751 Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 pm PST http://www.teac.
An important point after buying a device Teac DVDPublisher/2 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Teac DVDPublisher/2 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Teac DVDPublisher/2 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Teac DVDPublisher/2 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Teac DVDPublisher/2 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Teac DVDPublisher/2, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Teac DVDPublisher/2.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Teac DVDPublisher/2. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Teac DVDPublisher/2 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center