Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product RC-898 Tascam
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» R C-898 Remote Contr ol Unit D00376100A O WNER ’ S MANU AL.
TO THE USER This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
Ta ble o f Co nte nts TOC-i 1 –Introd uction 1.1 Key featur es ..... .. ..... .... ... .... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. 1-1 1.2 Unpac king ... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. .... ... .... ... .... .. ..... 1- 1 1.3 About t his manual .. .. ..... .... .
Table of Contents TOC-ii 7 –Making setting s on the DTRS units 7.1 Tr ack operat ions ..... .. .... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. 7-1 7.1. 1 Track d elay .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... . 7-1 7.1. 2 Track co pyin g .
Section 1.1 - Key features 1-1 1 – Intr oduc tion The RC-8 98 is a fully-featured remote con trol unit, which allo ws you to co ntrol up to six DTRS units (D A-98, D A-88 or D A-38 units) with a sin- gle cab le, as we ll as uni ts i mple ment ing t he S ony P2 protocol, or using parallel control.
Section 1.4 - P recautions and recommendatio ns 1-2 cator [10 ] will light”. T he number in brackets fol- lo wing the name of the control is the number of the control as sho wn on the fro nt panel illustra- tion, as well as that u sed in the appropriate sec- tion s descr ibing th e fr on t and r ear pane ls.
Section 1.5 - Accessori es 1-3 ital audio conn ections between DTRS record ers, DTRS recor ders and di gital mixing consoles, etc . 1.4.4 Reference c loc k in a digital stud io It is likely that th e RC-898 will be operated in an en viron ment where there is more than one digital audio source av ailab le.
Section 1.5 - Acce ssories 1-4.
2 - RC-898 features 2-1 2 – RC-89 8 feature s.
Secti on 2.1 - Front panel 2-2 This section giv e s a brief ov er view of the front and re ar pan e l co nt r ol s and t hei r fu nct i o ns . 2. 1 Fr ont pane l [1] REC FUNCTION keys These keys with .
Section 2.1 - Front panel 2-3 T o change the timecode type u sed by the system, see 8.1.3, “Selecting a timecode type” . [8] MA CHINE number indicator s (1 thr ough 6, E 1, E2) This indicator shows the machine currently selected for control with the transpor t keys.
Secti on 2.1 - Front panel 2-4 [20] ENTER/LO AD key This key is used to confirm the en try of numerical v alues of location times or memo ries or when used with th e SHIF T ke y [23], transfers the data sho wn in the LO CA TE T IME/ V AL UE di sp lay [15] to the par ameters being set in the di splay screen.
Section 2.2 - Rear Panel 2-5 It is also possible to s e lect “Machine 0” (only with this CHA SE key). This w ill control the se cond (f irst slav e) DTRS unit, and toggle the chase status of this unit, with all other sla v e units in the cha in then changing to r eflect the chase status of th is fir st slav e unit.
Section 2.2 - Rear Panel 2-6 [45] DIP switc h es (1 & 2) The two DIP switches are both o n when in the down position. As shipped from the factory , switch 1 is off (up) and switch 2 is on (dow), and you probab ly will not need to change them.
Section 3.1 - Connection to DTRS uni ts 3-1 3 – Conne ctions This section describes not only the co nnection of the RC-898 to other equipment, but also provides some information on setting u p a digital audio system u sing the RC-898.
Section 3.2 - Connections (parallel uni ts) 3-2 the lowest I D . Refer to the units’ manuals for full details of setting the ID. 3.2 Co nne ctions (parallel uni ts ) The RC-898 allo ws transport control of a unit con- nected to the EXT 1 parallel port .
Section 3.5 - Memory and batteries 3-3 3. 5 Mem ory and batte ries As yo u ha ve no tice d, the RC-8 98 requ ires no po wer su pp ly of its o wn, dr awing its po wer fr om the DTRS units to wh ich it is connected. Location memories and config uration settings are stored using a b attery backup system.
Section 3.5 - M emory and batteries 3-4.
Section 4.1 - Navig at ion 4-1 4 – Menu an d bas ic oper at ions The RC-8 98 sets parameters on the connnected units using a menu system, with the parameters and their v a lues displayed on the LCD disp lay screen and selected and en tered using curso r and dat a en try keys.
Section 4.2 - Dat a entry 4-2 4. 2 D at a entry T ypically , the UP and DO WN ke ys are used to set the values in the display screen menus. Howe ver , there are one or two additional features regarding data entry which are explained her e.
Section 4.3 - Selecting the unit control l ed by the menu s 4-3 4.2.4 “Fine-tunin g” v alues The JOG/S HUT TLE cont rol s [28] m ay als o be used to “fine-tune” the values entered and d is- played on th e LED VA L U E di sp lay . 1) Pr ess the D A T A IN C/DE C key [27] so that the indicator light s.
Section 4.5 - Storing and recalling user setups 4-4 If y ou have not as si gne d a m enu to a fu nc tion key , the de f ault (f actor y) menu- to-k ey ass ignmen ts will be used a s follo ws: 4.
Section 4.5 - Storing and recallin g user setups 4-5 3) Highlight the Load f ield, and change it so that it r eads Save , using the UP key . 4) Use the LEFT and RIGH T keys to highlight the user memory into which you wish to store the current settings, and pr ess the UP key .
Section 4.5 - Storing and recalling user setups 4-6.
Section 5.1 - Transport control s 5-1 5 – Basic DTR S ope rations This section cov ers the basic operations of con- trolling the DTRS units connected to the RC-898.
Section 5.2 - M o nitoring 5-2 tape f rom the beginn ing, you should wait until the end of the tape b efore re winding and e jecting i t. 5.1.3 Arming tracks The tracks of the DTRS units are armed using th e RE C FUNC TI ON keys with their indicators.
Secti on 5.2 - Monitori ng 5-3 Use the flowchart (5.2.5, “ Monitoring flowchart” and ta bles (5.2.6 , “Monitorin g tables”) for refer- ence to the monitoring modes av ailable.
Section 5.2 - M o nitoring 5-4 5.2.5 Monitoring flo wchar t This flo wchart is applicable to D A-98 oper ations, provided that you hav e not made any manual monitor set- tings using the INPUT MON IT OR ke ys, an d th at co nfide nce mode is off.
5.2 - Monito rin g 5-5 5.2.6 Monitorin g tables T able 1: D A-88 and D A-3 8 PLA Y REC ST OP , FF . REW JOG/ SHUTT LE ALL IN PUT on Source ALL IN PUT off AU TO M O N of f REC F UNC TIO N on RE C FU NC.
Section 5.2 - M o nitoring 5-6.
Section 6.1 - Reference modes 6-1 6 – Loca tion func tions The RC-8 98 can store and re call up to 1 00 loca- tion memory positions, allowing you to find ke y points in a recording project easily .
Section 6.4 - AB S setting 6-2 3) When the ta pe is at th e time y ou want to make the “zer o ” point, pr ess the CA PTURE k ey [29] . The cur r ent ti me v alue from t he f irs t DTRS unit will b e disp layed o n the LOCA TE TIM E/V AL UE displ ay [15].
Section 6. 5 - Location op erations 6-3 The time mode selected here is the refere nce time mode for pun ch operations, location operations, etc. 1) Fr om menu g r oup 3, mov e the cu r s or to TimeMode and pr ess SELEC T : In the abo ve sc re en, all mach ine s are ref er enc ed t o the AB S time .
Section 6.5 - Location operations 6-4 the l ocati on in a m emory ”) and rec alled for l ater use. 6.5.4 Manual entry of a location p oint Y ou can also use the n umeric keypad to enter a time value manually from a cue list, etc. to wh ich you can lo cate.
Section 6.6 - Repeating a sect ion 6-5 2) Use the numeric keypad [16] to enter t h e number of the loc ation memory you want to recall. The numbe r will “f ill up” from the righ t.
Section 6.7 - Punch operations 6-6 3) Move the cursor t o the time fields, and use the UP and DO WN keys to set t he time value. Alter nati vely , you c an use the numer ic k eyp ad to set the tim e value . 4) Mo v e the cu rso r to the Start parameter , and pres s the UP k ey to select the End parameter .
Section 6. 7 - Punch operation s 6-7 which allo ws you to restore the pre vious version. Only one lev el o f undo is allo we d, and if no v alue has been stored in the in or out memory p rior to the wrong value being entered, no undo is possi- ble.
Section 6.7 - Punch operations 6-8 • The tape w ill loca te t o the punc h pre-r oll poi nt and start pl aying. The INPUT MON IT OR indicators o f the armed tr ac ks wi l l go out, sho w ing that m oni toring i s of f-tape.
Section 7.1 - Track op erations 7-1 7 – Making se ttings on th e DTRS units This section cov ers the operations wh ich relate to the DTRS u nits, other th an those specifically related to timecode. 7.1 T rac k o perat ions The following series of operations relate to indi- vidual tracks of the DTRS u nits connected to the RC -898.
Section 7.2 - Unit-related functions 7-2 2) T o enab le track c opying on the select ed machine, move the cursor to off and use the UP k ey to ch an ge it t o on . In the screen a bov e, analog inputs 1 throug h 8 are route d to desti nati on tr acks 1 thr ough 8 (sho wn on the bot tom li ne of t he displ ay)on a “on e-to-one ” ba si s.
Section 7.2 - Unit-related function s 7-3 1) From menu gr oup F , mo ve the cursor t o Key Mode , and press SELECT : 2) Use the UP or DO WN key to select betwee n All and Individual . If yo u sele ct Individual , only that unit cur- rently selected for control ( see 5.
Section 7.2 - Unit-related functions 7-4 2) Use the RIGHT key to mov e the cursor to a second “in visible” field to the right of the frames f ield. The displa y will appear as f ollo ws: 3) Loc ate the two tape s (ma ster an d slav e) so that the y ha ve th e rig ht o ffs e t.
Section 7.2 - Unit-related function s 7-5 2) Use the LEFT and RIG HT keys to select a unit, and the UP and DO WN ke ys to cha nge the setting between Digital and Analog . See p1 5 and pp25 -26 of the D A-88 manual for f ur- the r in fo rm at io n regard ing th is fac i lit y .
Section 7.2 - Unit-related functions 7-6 7.2.12 Confidence mode Th e D A-98 allows of f- tape monitoring wh ile recordin g (confidence mode). This can be swi tch ed o n or off on a pe r-machi e ba sis .
Section 7.2 - Unit-related function s 7-7 1) Fr om men u gr oup 2, mov e th e cur sor t o Sine Osc. and pres s SELECT . 2) Use the UP and DO WN k eys to select between off , 440 Hz and 1 kHz . All ot her inputs w il l be o verri dden by the oscilla tor when it i s turned o n.
Section 7.2 - Unit-related functions 7-8.
Section 8.1 - Primary tim ecode functions 8-1 8 – Time cod e fu nctions This section describ es the timecode-based functions a v ailable through the RC-898.
Section 8.1 - P rimary timecode functions 8-2 ing on whe t her A BS-13 or ABS-23 has bee n se le cted. T he v alue o f xx va ries, dep end- ing on the st arting “hour” c hosen. If you select AB S-13 or ABS- 23 , us e t he UP an d DO WN keys to select the st arti ng h our .
Section 8.1 - Primary tim ecode functions 8-3 8.1.5 Star ting and stopping th e g enerator 1) Fr om menu gr oup 8 , mo ve th e cursor to Gen Mode and pres s SELECT : 2) Use the LEFT and RIG HT cursor keys to move between the Run/Stop and Mode fields.
Section 8.1 - P rimary timecode functions 8-4 6) T o chec k the off-tape timeco de as it is being recorded, from menu group E, mov e the curso r to Tape TC (there is no need to press SELECT )): The bot tom lin e of the disp lay sho ws the cu rrent timeco de v alue being o utput from th e tape.
Section 8. 2 - Advanced timecode fun ctions 8-5 3) T ransfer the value from the L OCA TE TIM E/ VA L U E display t o the LCD display by holding down the SHI F T key and pressing the ENTER/ LO AD ke y .
Section 8.2 - A dvanced timecode functio ns 8-6 1) Fr om menu gr oup 5, mov e the curs or to OutTc Src and pr ess SELECT : 2) Use the UP and DO WN keys t o select between the f our options a vailable: 8.
Section 8. 2 - Advanced timecode fun ctions 8-7 When the D A-98 is chasing timecode, it can be set to lock to timec ode once a nd run freely , or it can constantly monitor the timecode, and issue “speed-up” and “slow-do wn” messages to its transport to stay in sync.
Section 8.2 - A dvanced timecode functio ns 8-8 The park position can be viewed, and set manually in the follo wing way: 1) Fr om menu gr oup 4 , mov e the c urso r to Par k Posi , and press SELE CT . 2) If the cursor is moved to the time f ield , it can be edited with t he UP and DO WN keys .
Section 8. 2 - Advanced timecode fun ctions 8-9 1) Fr om menu gr oup 5 , mo ve th e cursor to Vid Rslv and pres s SELECT : 2) Use the UP and DO W N keys to swit ch the v ideo reso lve featur e on or off . 3) If video r esolve is on, se le ct the synchr onization mode from between free and re-sync .
Section 8.2 - A dvanced timecode functio ns 8-10.
Section 9. 1 - Controll ing the parallel port device 9-1 9 – Ext ern al con trol and settings This section co vers the contr ol of DTRS and other units. 9.1 Controlli ng the p arallel por t device When a un it is connected to the EXT 1 port [ 42 ] of the RC-898, the transport may be controlled usig the RC-898 transport controls.
Section 9.3 - Controlling the serial port (9-pin) 9-2 • Enter the starting memo ry number of your “bl o ck ” m inu s o n e in th e MEMOR Y N O . display . • While pl ayi ng b ack the program m aterial wh ich wil l be used wit h the GPI event s, u se t he CUE STR ke y [39] to add r e peate d cu e points to the list, as described in 6.
Section 9.3 - Controlling the serial port (9-pin ) 9-3 1) From me nu g r oup 7, mov e the cu r s or to 9pinLocPr and pr ess SELECT : 2) Use the numeric keypad to enter a time in minutes and seconds between 00:00 and 59:59 . 3) Press and hold down the SHIFT k ey and pr ess the ENTE R/LO AD key to tran sfer the valu e to the display s creen.
Section 9.4 - Other DTRS control func tions 9-4 function allows to ggling the serial unit recording capability . 1) Fr om menu gr oup 7, mov e the curs or to 9pinRecAc (9-pin recording acceptable) and pres s SELECT : 2) Use the UP and DO WN keys to choose b e tween on and off .
Section 9.4 - Other DTRS control functions 9-5 9.4.3 Timecode trac k mapping This function is related to th e track mapping func ti on de scr ibed ab ove. Ana log tra ck 3 in the controller mapping is tr aditionally used as the timecode track. T o map this track to the audio track selected ab ov e (see 9.
Section 9.4 - Other DTRS control func tions 9-6 which typically be gins recording a fe w fram es after the com mand is receiv ed fr om the editor (the D A-9 8 be gins r ecor ding i mme di a tely). M any ed i- tors allow for this delay , and so the D A -98 can compensate for this.
Section 9.4 - Other DTRS control functions 9-7 1) Fr om men u gr oup 7, mov e th e cur sor t o MIDI ID , and press SELE CT : 2) Use the UP and DO W N keys to select the requir ed ID number , taking care that each unit has a different v alue.
Section 9.4 - Other DTRS control func tions 9-8.
10.1 - Menu groups 10 - 1 10 – Me nu an d p ar am e te r re fere nce 10.1 Menu gr oups This section pro v ides a quick guide to the menus and their functions, providing a list of m enus in each menu group, the parame ters a v ailable in each menu, and the values that each parameter can take (factory values are underlined).
Secti on 10.1 - Menu groups 10-2 Menu gr oup 1 Menu grou p 2 Menu item Pa rameter(s) Va l u e s Refer ence GPI Setup Polarity W idth open , close 000 through 990 ms (in 10ms steps) 9.2.1, “Setti ng up GPI de vice s” Event GPI Event Num ber 1 through 10 GPI “channel” 1 thr ough 5 00 (off ) through 99 9.
10.1 - Menu groups 10 - 3 Men u group 3 Men u group 4 Menu ite m Par am et er( s) Va l u e s R ef eren ce Machine Offset Ti me value to frame accuracy + 02:00:00:00 7.2.3, “Chasing with an offset” Time Mode T ime r e fe re n c e ABS or TC 6.4.2, “Selecting T ime Mode” Control Proto- col T ype 9Pin , MIDI , Bus , off 9.
Secti on 10.1 - Menu groups 10-4 Menu grou p 5 Menu grou p 6 Menu item Pa rameter(s) Va l u e s Refer ence TC Frame Mode Timecode type 30 DF () , 30 NDF , 29.97 DF , 29.97 NDF , 25F , 24F 8.1.3, “Selecting a timecode type” Output TC Timing Output r efer- enc e Analog , Digital for each unit 8.
10.1 - Menu groups 10 - 5 Men u group 7 Men u group 8 Menu ite m Par am et er( s) Va l u e s R ef eren ce MTC Output Output Fast wind mode Stop (All paramete rs ) on , off on , off on , off 8.2.7, “MID I T ime- code output” MIDI/Bus ID ID for MMC and b us control 001 through 127 or Receive All 9.
Secti on 10.1 - Menu groups 10-6 Menu grou p 9 Menu grou p A Menu grou p E Menu item Pa rameter(s) Va l u e s Refer ence Shuttle Monitor E nabled or dis- abled f or each unit on , off 5.2.3, “Shuttle moni- toring” Input Select Input source Digital , Analog 7.
10.1 - Menu groups 10 - 7 Men u group F Menu ite m Par am et er( s) Va l u e s R ef eren ce Key Mode Enables control of all or one unit Al l , Individual 7.
Section 10.2 - Alphabetical list of m enu items 10-8 10.2 Alphabetical list of menu items In this table, if a menu item is assigned to a function ke y as a factory default, the function key name is sho wn in following the menu time nam e (e.
Section 10.3 - Speci f ications 10-9 10.3 Sp ecifications 10.4 Dimen sions Connections: D-sub 15-pin DTRS recorder control D-sub 9-pin Sony P2 control D-sub 15-pin Parallel control and tally , or up to 5 GPI-controlled units Size (w x h x d) 404 x 63 x 253 (mm) 15.
Section 10.4 - Dimensions 10-10.
Index [ A–E] Index- i A ABS time as re ference 2-3 , 6- 1 , 10-3 frame rat e 6-2 sele ction vs time code 6-2 synth esizing ti m ecode 8-1 with off set 8-1 Access ories 1-3 ALL INPUT 2-2 , 5-3 ALL SA.
Index [ F –O] Index-i i F Factor y setti ngs 4-5 , 10- 7 Fast wi nd spee d settin g (DA-98) 9-6 , 10-4 FF 2-5 Flowcha rt of monit oring modes 5-4 Fo rm atti ng tap es 5- 1 , 10-6 Fram e rate ABS 6-2.
Inde x [ P–T ] Index-ii i Output timing (DA- 88) 7-4 Output ting time code 8-6 P PAL/SECAM 2-2 , 8- 2 Paral lel port 2-5 , 9-1 pinout 3- 2 Park po sition 8-7 , 10- 3 Peak ho ld(meters ) 7-6 Pitch sh.
Index [ U–Z ] Index-i v as r efe re n ce 2- 3 , 6-1 , 10-3 auto of fset fu nction 8-5 ch asin g to ex t er nal so u rc e 8-4 co nt ro l lin g th e ge n er a tor 8-3 displ ay to fra me accuracy 6- 1 .
TE A C CORPOR A TION 3-7-3, Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-8550, Japan Phone: (0422) 52-5082 TEAC AMERICA, INC. 7733 Telegraph Road, Montebello, California 90640 Phone: (213) 726-0303 TEAC CANADA LTD. 5939 Wallace Street, Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1Z8, Canada Phone: 905-890-8008 Facsimile: 905-890-9888 TEAC MEXICO, S.
An important point after buying a device Tascam RC-898 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Tascam RC-898 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Tascam RC-898 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Tascam RC-898 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Tascam RC-898 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Tascam RC-898, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Tascam RC-898.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Tascam RC-898. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Tascam RC-898 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center