Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 990 MXP TANDBERG
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1 User Manual Software version F2 D13356.03 This document i s not to be reproduced in whole or in par t without permission in writing from:.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 2 T rademarks and Copy right All rights reserved. This document contains inform ation that is proprietary to TANDBERG.
User Manual 3 Environment al Issues Thank y ou f or buy ing a product, which contributes to a reduction in po llution, an d thereby helps save the environment. Our products reduce the need for travel and transport and thereby reduce pollution . Our products have either none or few consumable parts (chem icals, toner, gas, paper).
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 4 Operator Safety Summary For yo ur protection, please read these safety instructions c ompletely before operating the equipment and keep this m anual for future ref erence. The inform ation in this summ ary is intende d for operators.
User Manual 5 ISDN cables - CAUTION - T o reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AW G or larger telecomm unication line cord. Servicing - Do not attempt to service the apparatus y ourself as opening or rem oving covers m ay ex pose y ou to dangerous voltages or other haz ards, and will void the warranty .
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 6 T able of Content s 1 Introduction ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............. 10 1.1 At a Glance .......................
User Manual 7 3.11.4 PC Sof t Presenter and V NC ............ ............................. ............................. .................. 77 3.11.5 Dual Stre am ( DuoVideoTF/H.239) ........................................ ..........................
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 8 4.4 Call Qualit y ........................ ............................. ............................. .............................. ......... 139 4.4.1 Video Alg orithm ................................. ......
User Manual 9 8 Glossary ............................................. .............................. ............................. ...................
10 1 Introduction The T ANDBERG 770/880/990 M XP incorporates the features and functions of larger sy s tems in a portable high pe rform ance set top unit.
Introduction 11 Mu ltiSite* The em bedded MultiSi te T F func tionality c an cater for up to 4 video sites and 3 audi o sites and supports screen layouts such as VoiceSw itched, AutoSplit, 4 Spl it and 5+1 Split. The MultiS ite functionality supports any combination of ISDN and IP participa nts in a conference.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 12 Interoperability The T ANDBERG 770/880/990 M XP is worldwi de com patible with othe r standards-based videoconferencing sy s tems . * - optional feature. To check w hich options are installed, s elect Control Panel - Syst em Information in the men u.
Introduction 13 1.1 At a Glance Camera The built-in camera includes a high quality colour cam era with a fast pan/tilt/z oom action. The cam era is controlled by the system ’ s infra -red rem ote control and operates pan/tilt, focus and zoom. Codec The Codec is the heart of the system.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 14 Table microphon e The high quality table microphone is designed to use on a table d uring a video conference. You can connect up to two microphones. The ideal location for the microphone is on a flat surfac e at least 2m (6.
Introduction 15 1.2 Menu Structure The m enu structure is divided in tw o. T he Main Menu is avai lable for all users and contains all functionality of the system. T he Administrator Menu contains all the settings of the sy stem . Enter Administrator Settings from Main Menu - Control Panel .
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 16.
17 2 Inst allati on Precautions: Never install comm unication wi r ing during a li ghtning storm . Never install jacks f or com m unication cables in w et locations unless the jack is specifically des igned for wet location s.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 18 2.1 Unpacking and Mounting The T A NDB ERG 770/ 880/990 MXP consists of the follow ing items: Videoconferencing sy s tem with built-in camera Tab.
Installation 19 2.2 Connecting Cables.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 20 1. Micropho ne cable Connect the microphone to the micr ophone cable. Connect the microphone cable to micr ophone input 1 o n the sy s tem. 2. Mon itor cable(s) Scart (Europe): Connect the Scart adapter to one of the Scart connectors on y our m onitor.
Installation 21 5a. LA N cable To use the system on LAN, connect a LAN cable from the ‘ Ethernet ’ connector on the system to y our LAN. 5b. Wireless LA N - Insert PC Card Remove the “ dum my ” card by press ing the ‘ Eject ’ button next to the slot.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 22 2.3 Monitor Configuration Power on Power on the monitor and use the m onitor remote control to select the Audio/Video input used (refer to your monitor manual). If you are using S-vi deo f rom the sy s tem, r emem ber to select S- Video inpu t to avoid a black and white picture.
Installation 23 2.4 Sy stem Configuration The system m ust be configured for each installation . Configuration settings can be made via the system menu. Navigate through the menu system using the arrow keys and OK. Remember to press the Save button on the botto m of each m enu to save y our changes.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 24 5. A uto Answer, Max Call Lengt h, Global Phone Book Setting s and Permissions Leave Auto A ns wer, Max Call Leng th, Access code and Perm issions unchanged if no special needs are required. See chapter 4.1 General Settings for more infor mation.
25 3 General Use Wake up the system W hen the sy stem is not in use, it is in standby m ode and the screen(s) are black. W ake up the system by pick ing up the remote control. An incoming call or pressing any key on the rem ote will also wake up the sy stem .
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 26 3.1 The Welcome Screen W hen the sy stem is switched on, y ou will see the welcome screen. T he welcome screen presents the Main Menu a nd display s your Mai n Camera im age in the background (Main Camera is system default).
General Use 27 3.2 Using the Remote Control The system is controlled with a remote control. Think of the remote control as a m obile phone with number keys and call key s. Us e the arrow key s and OK to naviga te the menu. The system ’ s mos t com monly used functions are also accessible directly fr om the rem ote control.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 28 in and out. (See 3 .10.2 Zoom ) 12. Selfview displays y our outgoing vide o. Press Selfview agai n to turn selfview off. (See 3.2.2 Selfvie w ) 13. Store and recall y our video contacts via the sy s tem Phone Book f or easy placement of c alls.
General Use 29 3.2.1 Nav i gation A rrow keys and OK Navigate in the menu with arrow key s . The orange selector on screen shows the selected item. Press OK to select. Cancel key In the main m enu, pressing Cancel (X) will hi de the menu. If the m enu is hidden, bring i t back with OK.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 30 3.2.2 Selfv iew Selfview show s the outgoing image. Norm ally this is the im age from the main cam era, e.g. showing the u ser of the system. Selfview i s useful for s ingle monitor sy stem s to be able to see the out going vid eo.
General Use 31 3.2.3 Layout The lay out of the screen can either be shown as Picture in P ic ture (PIP) or Picture outside Picture (POP) when display ing m ore than one video image. The behaviour of the Lay out button is dependent on the Picture Lay out setting in Administrator Settings - General - Screen Settings, see 4.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 32 How to use Layout button w ith POP: 1. Press the Lay out button to get the 1+3 lay out. T he far end im age wil l be display ed as the main video, with the near end, usually the user of the system, as a sm aller image in the upper right corner.
General Use 33 3.2.4 Mic Off To m ute y our micr ophone during a call , pr ess Mic off . An on-screen indicator appears when the micr ophone is off. In a call, if audio is detected, the o n-screen symbol will start to flash. Pressing Mic off one m ore time will activate the microphone again.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 34 3.2.5 Volume + and - Press the Volume k ey to adjus t the volume level of the codec only and not the monitor. An on- screen indicator will show the current level .
General Use 35 3.2.6 Number and Letter key s Pressing a number k ey w hen you a re outside a call w ill take you to the call m enu. W hen y ou are in a call, the n umber k eys are used for Camera Pres ets. Press a num ber and y ou go to the corresponding Camera Pres et (see 3.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 36 3.2.7 Touch Ton es Sometim es you need to dial extension numbers with the number k eys w hen you are i n a call. Pressing numbers will r esult in a camera preset. In these cases , press # to enable Touch tones.
General Use 37 3.3 On-screen Indicators The system has a number of icons signaling dif ferent settings: Microph one Off This indicator is shown when th e microphone is turned off . Press the Mic off button again to turn the microphone back on. Volume Off This indicator is shown when th e volume is turned off.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 38 3.4 Using the Menu Main menu outside a call and in a call. Press the Menu button on the remote control to display the menu.
General Use 39 The menu con tains the follow ing items: Make a Call/Add Another Cal l Standby /End Call Phone Book Move Camera Presentation MultiSite Services Control Panel See 1.2 Menu S tructure for a f ull overvi ew of the m enu.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 40 3.5 Make a Call Display the call menu by eithe r: 1. Select Make a Call from the m enu, or 2. Press the green Call button on the remote control The T ANDBERG sy s tem c an mak e both video calls and te lephone calls.
General Use 41 3.5.1 Place Video Call In the Make a Call menu enter the Dial Number either: 1. Manually , or 2. Select the book sy mbol in order to display the Phone Book and select a conference participant, see 3.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 42 3.5.2 Place Telephone Call In the Make a Call menu enter the Dial Number either: 1. Manually , or 2. Select the book sy mbol in order to display the Phone Book and select a conference participant, see 3.9 Phon e Book for details.
General Use 43 3.5.3 A dd Call (optional feature) Conference systems with built-in Mul tiSite can handle up to 6 v ideo calls and 5 tel ephone calls simultaneously. It is possible to both set up a conference wit h many participants and also add participants during a conference.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 44 A dd p articipant(s) during a conf erence Display the call menu during a call by either: 1. Select Make a Call from the m enu, or 2. Press the green Call button on the remote control Enter the new participants in the same way as descr ibed above.
General Use 45 3.5.4 Call Settings The Call Settings specifies the quality of the call. Each call w ill be set up w ith the Default Call Settings if the settings are not al tered.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 46 3.6 Answer an Incoming Call How to answer an incoming call: To accept an incom ing call, press the OK button or the green Cal l button on the rem ote control.
General Use 47 3.7 End Call How to end a call: Press the red End Call button on the remote control, or Press the Menu button on the remote control to display the menu and select End Call.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 48 In the list of participants: Select a participant an d press the OK button or the red End Call button. Select End Al l Calls to end the whole conference. Note that switching off the m onitor(s) will not end a cal l.
General Use 49 3.8 Standby The system will automatically go to Standby m ode when it is not in use. In standby m ode, the screen(s) are black. It is however still po ssible to receive incoming calls.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 50 3.8.1 Delay Standby for 1 hour Delay Standby f or 1 hour postpones the sy stem from entering standby m ode for 1 hour. This func tion is useful when using the monitors f or a local presentation to prev ent the system from autom atically blanking the monitors.
General Use 51 3.8.2 Delay Standby for 3 hours Delay Standby f or 3 hours postpones the automatic standby mode for 3 hours. This func tion is useful when using the monitors f or a local presentation to prev ent the system from autom atically blanking the monitors.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 52 3.8.3 Do Not Disturb To prevent the sy s tem f rom accepting any incom ing calls, the function Do Not Disturb has to be activated. The caller wi ll hear a busy tone when calli ng the system. T he monitor will be bla ck when Do Not Di sturb is active, see figure below.
General Use 53 3.9 Phone Book The Phone Book is available v ia the Phone Book button on the remote control, directly f rom the menu, or when Make a Call is selected. Using the Phone Bo ok is tim e saving and prevents the u ser from inadvertently calling the wrong number.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 54 3.9.1 Local Phone Book The Local Phone Book stores up to 200 contacts. The first entries in the L ocal Phone Book are: Last Numbers Dialed whi c h lists.
General Use 55 Note that the tele phone or video n um ber of the selected contact is display ed at the bottom line. See 3.9 Phone Book on how to navi gate the Phone Book.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 56 3.9.2 Global Pho ne Book The Global Phone Book is availab le if the system is connected to an external m anagement system like the TANDBERG Management Suite (TMS). These contacts can not be changed locall y by the system, only f rom the managem ent system.
General Use 57 3.9.3 New Con tact The New Contact function is availabl e f rom the Local Phone Boo k, see 3.9.1 Local Phone Book for details. When the New Contact icon is selected, the New Contact d ialogue box is displayed. A dd a new cont act to the Local Phone Boo k by: Enter Name by using th e letter keys on th e remote control.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 58 3.9.4 New Mu ltiSite Contact (Optional feature) The New MultiSi te Contact function is availabl e f rom the Local Phone Bo ok, see 3.9.1 Local Phone Book for details. It is possible to pre-define the participant s of a conf erence meeting as a MultiSite Contact.
General Use 59 Bandwid th for a M ultiSite Contact call W hen calli ng a MultiSite Contact, the sy stem will try to call the participants w ith their specified bandwid ths. If the total bandwi dth exc eeds the sy s tems m aximum bandwidth, the sy stem will downspeed and d istribute the avai lable bandwidth eq ually for all the participants.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 60 3.9.5 Edit Contact The Edit Contact function is availabl e f rom the Local Phone Boo k, see 3.9.1 Local Phone Book for details. How to edit a contact in the Lo cal Phone Book: 1. Select the contact that is to be e dited.
General Use 61 3.9.6 Delete Contact The Delete Contact function is availabl e f rom the Local Phone Book, see 4.4.6 Local Ph one Book for details. How to delete a contact: 1. Select the contact that is to be d eleted. 2. Press the left arrow on the remote control, followed by the down arrow un til the Dele te Contact icon is selected.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 62 3.9.7 Copy Contact to Local Phone Book The Copy Con tact to Local Phone Boo k f unction is avail able from the Global Pho ne Book, see 3.9.2 Global Ph one Book for details. It may be w ise to copy contacts that are often used from the Global Phone B ook to the Local Phone Book.
General Use 63 3.9.8 Search Global Phone Book The Search Global Phone Book function is availabl e f rom the Global Phone B ook , see 4.4.6 Global Phone B ook for details. The Global Phone Book can contain an unli m ited am ount of contacts. Using searc h mak es it easier to find the wante d contact.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 64 3.9.9 Clear Searc h The Clear Search function is available from the Global Phone Book, see 4.4.6 Global P hone Book for details. W hen a search in the Glob al Phone Bo ok is m ade by using the Search Global P hone Book , only contacts m atching the search text are display ed.
General Use 65 3.10 Camera Control How to move the camera: Use the arrow keys to move the camera fr om s ide to side and up a nd down, see 3.1 0.1 Arrow Key s .
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 66 3.10.1 A rrow Key s W hen the menu is hidden, the arrow keys w ill work on the cam era. If the m enu is display ed, press the Cancel button on th e r emote control to hide it. Use the left and right arrow key s to pan the camera, and the up and dow n arr ow keys to ti lt the cam era.
General Use 67 3.10.2 Zoom The zoom button on the remote control will z oom the picture in (+) and out (-)..
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 68 3.10.3 Mov e Camera It is possible to move the near end camera by using the remote control or via the menu. If the far end supports H.281, Far End Cam era Control, it is also possible to move the far end cam era.
General Use 69 How to use Far End Camera Control in a call: 1. Select the Move Camera icon f rom the menu when in a call. 2. Select Far End in the dialogue box that is display ed. 3. Use the arrow keys on the remote c ontrol to pan and ti lt the far end cam era.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 70 3.10.4 Camera Pre sets Use Cam era Presets to easily vary betw een predefined near end cam era positions. This is useful when pictures from m any different camer a positions have to b e s ent to the far end. E.
General Use 71 How to use Camera Presets via the menu: 1. Select Control Pane l - Camera Presets in the menu. 2. Select Display Cam era Presets and select the wanted preset w ith the arrow keys on the remote c ontrol. 3. Press OK to select a Cam era Preset.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 72 3.11 Presentation The Presentation Functionality in the sy stem enables you to show other ava ilable v ideo sources as in addition to y our Main Cam era. This is perf ect for m eetings where y ou would like to show a PowerPoi nt presentation for instance.
General Use 73 3.11.1 Presentation Key The quick est way to show a presentation is to use the presentati on k ey on t he remote control. The presentation key is used to start (and stop) a presentation using the default presentation video source. W hen holding the presentation key f or 1 second, the presentation menu will be display ed.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 74 3.11.2 Presentation Menu The Presentation menu off ers you all available video sources; Main Camer a, PC, Document Camera, VCR, AUX and VNC. All these sources can be used as Main Video or Presentatio n (Duo Video / H.
General Use 75 Note that Start Presentation is only ava ilable w hen you are i n a call and the v ideo systems support Duo Video or H.329. How to stop a Presentation (Duo Video) : 1. Choose Stop Presentation from the Presentation menu. 2. Press OK to stop the presentation.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 76 3.11.3 PC Presenter (DVI/XGA In put) (Optional feature) Users often have their presentations on a laptop t hat is brought into the meeting room . Remem ber to connect your PC to the codec before you press the Presentatio n button.
General Use 77 3.11.4 PC Soft Presenter and VNC (Optional feature) PC SoftPresenter is used to display PC images on your sy stem without using a VGA cabl e (PC Presenter). The system and your PC must be connected to the same LAN. In addition, V NC (Virtual Netwo rk Com puting) server sof tware must be installed on the PC.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 78 3.11.5 Dual Stream (DuoVideoTF/H.239) (Optional feature) W ith Dual Stream you hav e the opportunity to show two different live vide o stream s simultaneously, main vide o and one addi tional source. This is handy when showing a presentation.
General Use 79 3.11.6 Take New Sn apshot The system can tak e a snapshot of you r live vi deo. Snapshot is handy when yo u are in a call with a sy s tem that does not support Dual St ream. Us e Snapshot to show a snapshot of y our presentation and continue the meeting with main camer a.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 80 3.11.7 Display Snapshot The system stores the last sent or rec eived Snap s hot. The snapshot is deleted automatically af ter the call. How to display snapshot: To view a stored snapshot, choose Display Snapshot in the Presentation menu.
General Use 81 3.12 MultiSite Services A Multipoi nt Control Unit (MCU) enables several sites to participate in th e same c onference. During a multipoint or MCU conference, the status line wi ll provide inform ation about the conference. You can make a m ultipoint conference in different way s.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 82 Request/Release Floor View P ar ticipant/End Vi ew Chair Control If you take Chair control, yo u get the follow ing services: Relea.
General Use 83 3.12.1 Request Floor and Release Floor W hen requesting floor, y our video w ill be broadcasted in full screen to all other participants in t he conference. Request Floor is useful when y ou want to speak or display something in front of all participants.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 84 3.12.2 MultiSite L ayout (Only s upported by T ANDBERG MultiSi te) W ith a TANDBERG Multi Site you can choose betw een the lay outs: Auto Split, 4 Spli t, 5+1 Spli t and Voice Sw itched view. Auto Sp lit display s all participants on the screen simultaneously .
General Use 85 3.12.3 Terminal Names Choose Term inal Names to s ee a list of the participants of the Multi Site conference. Press Cancel to go back..
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 86 3.12.4 Chair Control (Not supported by T ANDBERG MCU or MultiSite) As chairman, you have access to m ore MultiSite Servi c es. Select Chair Control to assume the role of chairm an of the conference. Select Release Chair to end the role a s chairm an.
General Use 87 3.12.5 A ssign Flo or and Release Floor from Participant Assign Floor allow s the chairman to select which of the conference participants that is to be broadcasted to all other participan ts .
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 88 3.12.6 View Site and End View (Not supported by T ANDBERG MCU or MultiSite) View S ite allows y ou to view any participant in the conference regardless of whom having floor and chair. Choose End Vi ew to go back to normal.
General Use 89 3.12.7 Disconnect Participant Disconnect Participant allow s the chairm an to disconnect any p articipant in the conference. In a multipoint call, this is equiv alent to disconnecting a participant from the end call menu.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 90 3.12.8 Terminate Meeting Term inate Meeting allo ws the chairm an to term inate the conference altogether. In a Mul tiSite call, this is equival ent to pressing End All Calls f rom the end call menu.
General Use 91 3.12.9 More about Multi Site (embedded MCU) (Optional Feature) Calling in to a M ultiSite Any system can be part of a MultiSite conference by calling in t o a MultiSi te. T he dial-in numbers to the MultiS ite depends of the network that is used.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 92 3.13 Control Panel The Cont rol Panel contains the features: User Guide Streaming Far End Control Camera Pres et Camera T ra.
General Use 93 3.13.1 User Guide The on screen user guide takes y ou through a quick step-by -step introduction to videoconferencing. It give s the user basic sk ills in how to use the sy s tem.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 94 3.13.2 Streaming Streaming lets yo u broadcast y our meeting to participants on web. The web participants can listen to the meeting, see snapshots, but not participate themselves. Snapshots of c urrent stream (if MultiSite), selfview , f ar end and DuoVideo streams are acces sible via htt p.
General Use 95 Source Selection of whi c h site to be streamed is done using voice switching (the site that speaks is s tream ed). Local: Only the local vi deo wil l be stream ed. Remote: Only the far end video wi ll be stream ed. Local and far end audio is alw ays streamed.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 96 3.13.3 Far End Control It is possible to get some control of the far end system. T his means that y ou can control your conference partner ’ s cam era, video sources and presets. You can also request a snapshot from the far end side.
General Use 97 3.13.4 Camera Pre set In the Display m enu y ou find Display P r esets and Save Preset Display Pre sets display s cam era presets 0-9 in a menu. The disabled buttons represent cam era presets that are not saved y et. Use arrow k ey s to select a cam era preset.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 98 3.13.5 Camera Trac king Through Cam era Tr acking and the use of two or three microphones, the cam era can automatically pos ition itself on the current speaker. Before using cam era track ing, the camera positions used must be stored at Preset 7 (Mic1) and/or Preset 8 (Mic2).
General Use 99 3.13.6 Text Chat W hile i n an ISDN or IP call to another sy stem supporting Tex t Chat (T.140), select T ext Chat from the Control Panel . Enter text in the display ed window. How to use Text Chat: 1. Choose Text Chat fr om the Control Panel to open the Text Chat wi ndow.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 100 3.13.7 System Information In Sy stem Inform ation you find all information about the sy s tem. The most u seful information f or users is listed first: .
General Use 101 3.13.8 A dministrator Settings Administrator Settings contains the configuration of the whol e sy stem . It is recomm ended to password protect Administrator Settings to prevent occasional users to mak e changes to the system. See 4 Administrator Settings for further details.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 102 3.13.9 Restart Restart the system by pres sing the Restart button. Y ou are prom pted with a dial og box s ay ing: Do y ou want to restart the sy stem ? Press OK to restart, press Canc el (X) to abort.
103 4 Administrator Settings Administrator Settings contain all the setti ngs of the system. Making changes to Administrator Settings wi ll change the behaviour of the sy stem . It is recom m ended to password protect the access to Adm inistrator Settings to prevent occasional u sers fr om m ak ing crucial changes to the system, see 4.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 104 4.1 General Settings W hen instal ling the sy stem , go through the General Setti ngs menu to ensure that you h ave the right settings for yo ur system, see Sy s tem Conf iguration.
Administrator Settings 105 4.1.1 Language The system supports 13 diff erent languages for its on-screen m enus; English, German, Frenc h, Norwegian, S wedish, Ital ian, Spani sh, Portuguese, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Japanese, Russian and Korean.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 106 4.1.2 Sys tem Name System Name identifies the system: On the welcome page. During an MCU conference call. W hen using the W eb-interface. W hen the codec is acting as an S N MP Agent.
Administrator Settings 107 4.1.3 Dual Monitor TANDBERG systems can be used with both one and two monitors. If you use tw o m onitors, m ak e sure that Dual Monitor is set to " On". On Selfview, snapshots and Dual Stream will be di s play ed on the second m onitor.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 108 4.1.4 A u to A nsw er The auto answer setting decides whe ther an incoming call is put through automatically or manually. On The system will automatically answer all incoming calls. On+M ic Off The system will automatically answer all incoming calls and switch the microphone off when the call is connected.
Administrator Settings 109 4.1.5 Max Call Length This feature will automatically end both incoming and outgoing calls whe n the call tim e exceeds the specified Max Call Length. Ma x Call Length can hav e the followi ng values: 0-999 (minutes), where 0 means off .
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 110 4.1.6 Global Phon e Book Settings Global On Global Phone B ook is available in the menu. Off Global Phone B ook is hidden from the menu and is unavailable for users. IP address Enter the IP address of the managem ent system that provides the Ph one Book.
Administrator Settings 111 4.1.7 Permissions Permiss ions contains settings for incom ing MCU Calls, incoming telephone Cal ls, Far End Control and Fallba ck to T elephony . A ccess Code An access code will help y ou control the use of the system. All users m ust enter a code to identify themselves and the call wil l be charged on their account.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 112 Fallback to Telepho ny W hen dia ling a number and the sy stem f ails to place a vi deo call to the nu mber dialed, the system will attempt to place a telephone call i f Fallback to T elephony is enabled. On Enables fallback from video calls to telephone call s .
Administrator Settings 113 4.1.8 Screen Settings Picture Layout (wide screen monitors only ) The Advanced Picture Lay out is related to the Lay out button on the remote control and it can be used at any tim e to change the screen lay out. For wide screen systems POP m ode is recom m ended.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 114 Example of Picture outside Pic ture (wide screen). Example of Side-by-Side view (wide s creen). TV M onitor Format (wide screen monitors only ) To fully le verage y our wide screen display , activate the Native 16 :9 form at by s etting the TV Monitor Format to W ide.
Administrator Settings 115 Wide screen VGA or TV monitor In Wide (native) mode. VGA Out M ode VGA Out Mode mak es it possible to specify which signal to send to the VGA/DVI o utput. Main Should be used i f you want to use a VGA monitor as y our m ain monitor.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 116 Normal VGA output will hav e 4:3 aspect ratio on wide screen monitor. Wide VGA output w ill util ize the wid e screen m onitor at full. PC presentation shown in Normal (correct ratio) mode. PC Presentation shown in W ide (stretched) mode.
Administrator Settings 117 4.1.9 Softw are Options The system requires a valid option key to activate MultiSi te and/or Presenter f unctionality . In order to activate addit ional bandw idth, yo u need to enter a band width key. A restart of the sy s tem is required after entering a new option and/or band width key s.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 118 4.2 Menu Settings Menu Settings contain the sett ings: Menu Tim eout In Call W elcome Menu W elcome Picture Logo Menu on TV.
Administrator Settings 119 4.2.1 Menu Timeout In Call Main menu appears on the bottom line of the screen. Set Menu Timeout In Call to On if yo u want the menu to time out autom atically when y ou are in a call. On The m enu will time out automatically after 15 seconds if there is no activity on the remote c ontrol.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 120 4.2.2 Welcome Menu The W elcome Menu contains the Main Menu, Sy stem Status, y our System Nam e and dial i n numbers . On The W elcome Menu is shown when the sy stem wakes up from standby mode. Off The W elcome Menu is not shown when th e s y s tem wak es up from standby mode.
Administrator Settings 121 4.2.3 Welcome Picture The W elcome Picture is what y ou see in the backgr ound of the welcome menu. Selfview Selfview is shown in th e back ground of the welcome m enu. In m ost cases this means that m ain cam era is display ed and yo u can see the video i m age of y ours elf.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 122 4.2.4 Logo It is possible to upload a company logo t o the sy s tem. For m ore infor mation about how to upl oad a Logo, see Appendi x 6 . Set the Logo settin gs to On to display the logo. On Choose On if yo u want the company logo to appear in the background of the welcome m enu.
Administrator Settings 123 4.2.5 Menu on TV The Menu on TV setting decides if the menu shall be display ed on the TV scr een or not. For optimal lay out of the m enu, Menu on TV should be Off if Menu on PC is On and v ic e versa. On The m enu is availabl e on the T V screen.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 124 4.2.6 Menu on PC The Menu on PC setting decides if the menu shall be display ed on the PC (VGA screen) screen or not. For optimal lay out of the m enu, Menu on TV should be Off if Menu on PC is On and v ice versa.
Administrator Settings 125 4.2.7 Balloon Help It is possible to enable / disable the bal loon help window . On Choose On if yo u want hel p tex t window s to appear.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 126 4.2.8 Display Welcome Tex t The welcome text displays y our system name and dial in numbers by default. It i s possible to hide this inform ation by choosing Display W elcom e Text Of f. On W elcome text is display ed on the welcome m enu.
Administrator Settings 127 4.2.9 Welcome Text You can change th e welcome text to any text you like, instead of the default text. Remember that Display W elcome T ext m ust be On to be able to edit th e welcome text.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 128 4.2.10 A dministrator Passw ord It is recom mended to put an Administrator Password on the sy stem . The Adm inistrator Password can be maxim um 5 digits long. The Administrator Password dialog box wi ll pop up when y ou choose Administrator Settings from the Control Panel.
Administrator Settings 129 4.3 Presentation Settings Presentation Settings contain: Presentation Start H.239 Startup Video S our ce Presentation Source Snapshot Sour.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 130 4.3.1 Presentation Start If your sy stem has Dual Stream capabilities, y ou can show two video stream s at the same tim e (see also 3.11.5 Dual Stream ). Presentation Start is Auto by def ault. This m eans that y ou will start Dual Stream (a sec ond video stream) automatically w hen starting a presentation.
Administrator Settings 131 4.3.2 H.239 H.239 supports transm ission of two video streams. It com bines elements of Duo Video and People+Cont ent. If H.239 is disabled y ou will still be abl e to start TANDBERG Duo Video. Enabled Enables H.239 Disabled Disables H.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 132 4.3.3 Startup Video Source The Startup Video Source is the vi deo sourc e on display when the sy stem wakes up f rom standby m ode.
Administrator Settings 133 4.3.4 Presentation Source The Presentation Source is connected to the Presentation b utton on the remote. Pressing the Presentation button w ill put the Presentation S ource on display . Presentation Source is PC by default.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 134 4.3.5 Snapshot Source W hen y ou take a Snapshot, y ou get a snapshot of the Snapshot Source. Current is the default Snapshot Source. This m eans that y ou tak e a snapshot of the video source that is currently active.
Administrator Settings 135 4.3.6 A u to-Display Snapshot Select Auto to au tomatically d isplay a received snapshot. Turn Auto-Display Snapshot Manual i f y ou wish not to have them display ed on the screen when they are sent or received. The snapshots will be sent a nd received, but not d isplay ed.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 136 4.3.7 PIP A ppearance A Picture in Pi c ture (PIP) is a sm aller picture placed in o ne of the corners of the sc reen. The PIP enables y ou to see an extra picture in y our videoconference. A uto PIP Auto means that Picture In Picture w ill appear automatically when it i s suitable.
Administrator Settings 137 4.3.8 PIP Placing PIP Placing lets y ou decide where the PIP shall appear. You can of course m ove the PIP w ith the Lay out button on the remote anyti m e. Top Right PIP is placed in the Top Right corner. Bottom Right PIP is placed in the Bottom Right corner.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 138 4.3.9 VNC Settings VNC Settings is necessary when using a VNC presentation. See c hapter PC Soft Presenter and VNC for m ore inform ation on how to use VNC. A ddress The IP-address of the PC wit h the VNC software installed.
Administrator Settings 139 4.4 Ca ll Quality Call Quality contains the settings: Video Alg orithm Audio Alg orithm AAC-LD 128kbps Natural Video Video Quality .
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 140 4.4.1 Video A lgorithm The system will automatically select the best video algorit hm based on the video source and the capabilities of the remote system. Use this m enu to disable v ideo algorith ms in case y ou have interoperabili ty iss ues calling other sy stem s.
Administrator Settings 141 4.4.2 A u dio A lgo rithm The system will automatically select the best audio algorithm based on the call rate and the capabilities of the remote system. Use this m enu to disable aud io algorithms in case yo u want to remove “ low quality ” audio, or if y ou have interoperabili ty issues calling other sy stem s.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 142 4.4.3 A A C-LD 128kbps (stereo audio) Specify a call rate for 128kbps AAC-LD. From this call rate and above, " 128kbps AAC-LD" is availabl e. On lower call rates "64kbps AAC-LD" is availabl e.
Administrator Settings 143 4.4.4 Natural Video Choosing Natural Vid eo wil l enable 60 fields* per second true interlaced picture for high motion video. The use of Natural Video requi res the H.263+ and H.263+ + video protocols. Natural video will be disabled in H.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 144 4.4.5 Video Quality The diff erent video sources need different Video Quality Settings. Main Camera, VCR, AUX and Split Screen hav e Motion as default.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 146 4.4.6 Default Call Settings Default Call Setti ngs are connected with Call Settings in the call menu. If you le ave Call Settings unchanged when mak ing a call, the sy stem will use the Default Call Settings in the call.
Administrator Settings 147 Select ISDN to ensure that the call is set up as an ISDN call. Select H.323 to ensure that th e call is set up as an H.323 call. Select SIP to en sure that the call is set up as an H.323 call . Bandwid th Bandwi dth decides the quali ty of the video pi c ture.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 148 - as m aking 2 x 64 k bps or 2 x 56 kbps c alls to the same system. Place this ty pe of call by: Set Network to ISDN Set Bandw idth to 128 kbps A field for the 2nd number pops up in Call Setti ngs.
Administrator Settings 149 4.5 Audio A udio contains the settings: Inputs Outputs Echo Control Stereo Settings Audio Leve lling (AGC) Alert Tones and Volume.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 150 4.5.1 Inputs Mic 1- 2 and Audio input 3-4 By default, all inputs are enabled. Just plug in an audio source and it is active. Audi o inputs that are On will a utom atically be m ixed. Unconnected inputs will au tomatically be muted.
Administrator Settings 151 A few examples of m icrophone levels are: Audio Technica AT871R +3dB (default) Audio Technica AT851R +7dB TANDBERG Audio Science +19.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 152 4.5.2 Outputs A udio out 1 - 2 Audio out 1 i s intended for connection to telev is ions or audio amplifiers. Audio out 2 i s intended for connection to a VCR or other recording equi pm ent. T he signal is a mix of audio from far end and local end (except VCR in).
Administrator Settings 153 4.5.3 Echo Control Mic 1-2 Each of the 2 micr ophone inputs has a separate acoustic echo canceller. One echo canceller per input provide s m ore sophisticated control than havi ng one com m on canceller for all m icrophones.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 154 4.5.4 Stereo Settings Stereo Input M ode (stereo audio) If Stereo Input Mode is off, Audio out 2 w ill be a mix of audio input 3, micr ophones and the far end (the received far end signal is either mono, or stereo that is summ ed left+right into mono in near end codec).
Administrator Settings 155 4.5.5 A u dio Lev elling (A GC) On Select On to allow automatic adjustm ents (Automatic G ain Control) of audio lev els. W hen On, the AGC maintains the audi o signal lev el at a fixed value b y attenuating strong signals and amplifying weak signals.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 156 4.5.6 A l ert Tones and Volume Video Call A lert To ne and Teleph one A lert T one To help distinguish betw een incom ing video calls and ordi nar y telephone calls, it is recomm ended to use different ringing tones for video calls and tele phone calls.
Administrator Settings 157 4.6 Video Video contains the settings: Camera T rack ing Mode MCU Status Line Floor to Full Screen W eb Snapshots MultiSite Picture Mode .
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 158 4.6.1 Camer a Tracking Mode Slow: The system waits a whil e bef ore zooming in on a singl e pers on speaking. Suitable w hen wide-angle images are preferred over close-up im ages. Normal: Should be used i n r egular meetings.
Administrator Settings 159 4.6.2 MCU Status Line On The MultiSite / MCU / DuoV ideo indicators will be di s play ed and provide information about the conference. Off The MultiSite / MCU / DuoV ideo indicators will not be displayed. A uto The MultiSite / MCU / DuoV ideo indicators will be di s play ed for a f ew seconds and then timed out.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 160 4.6.3 Floor to Fu ll Screen W hen "Flo or to Full Screen" is enabl ed, som eone who request floor will be seen by all participants as full screen.
Administrator Settings 161 4.6.4 Web Snapshots The system is able to generate JPEG snapshots and provide th em to the world outside by request (as ‘ http get ’ or via ftp). See A ppendix 6 for descriptions of the possible snapshot files. On Snapshots generation is enab led.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 162 4.6.5 MultiSite Picture Mode MultiSite Picture Mode decides the default lay out of a MultiSite call. Choose betw een the lay outs: Auto Spli t, 4 Split, 5 +1 Split , and Voice Sw itched. You can change the lay out during a call using the lay out option in Mul tiSite Se rvices.
Administrator Settings 163 Voice Swit ched mode.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 164 4.6.6 Picture Control Focus, Brightness and W hite bal anc e are set for auto focus , auto brightness and auto w hite balance by default. If you need to set focus, brightness and white balance manually , go to Picture Control in Vid eo Settings.
Administrator Settings 165 4.6.7 Video Name As a default, the vide o inputs are given the names Main Cam , PC, Doc Cam, VCR, AUX or VNC, dependent on w hat video sources are available on y our system.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 166 4.7 Security Security contains the settings: Encryp tion Encryp tion Mode Passwords.
Administrator Settings 167 4.7.1 Encry ption (Country s pecific) A uto The system will try to set up calls using encry ption. Point to poi nt c alls: If the far end system supports encryption (AE S or DES), the call will be encr y pted. If not, the call will proceed w ithout encrypti on.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 168 4.7.2 Encry ption Mo de A uto The system will try to use the mos t secure encryption - A ES, dependent on the capabilities of the other sites. For sites that do not support A ES encryption, DES encrypt ion wi ll be tried.
Administrator Settings 169 4.7.3 Passw ords Administrator Password, IP Access Password, Stream ing Password, VNC Password and Access Code are duplicated from their respective m enus. Using the Security m enu gives y ou a quick way to change all passwords of the sy stem .
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 170 4.8 Netw ork ' The netw ork menu cont ain: ISDN-BRI Settings LAN Settings Network Profiles Data Port.
Administrator Settings 171 4.8.1 ISDN-BRI Settings To make sure your system will work properly using ISDN-BRI, make the follow ing setting s: 1. Set ISDN switch ty pe 2.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 172 call a terminal with a sub add ress, separate the ISDN telephone number and the sub address with a ‘ * ’ . Note that this service has limited access on s ome ISDN networks. Example : 1234567 8*2 (up to four digit sub addresses are possible).
Administrator Settings 173 4.8.2 LA N Settings LA N Setting s contain: IP Settings H.323 Settings SIP Setting s SNMP Setting s W ireless LAN Setti ngs.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 174 IP Settings Remem ber to restart the system af ter mak ing changes to IP Settings. This can be done by selecting the “ Save and Restart ” at the bottom of the IP setting menu. Changes in IP Setting s menu will not hav e any eff ect before the system is restarted.
Administrator Settings 175 IP A ccess Password By setting an IP Access Password on the system, all access to the sy stem using IP (Telnet, FTP and W EB) requires a pass word.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 176 H.323 Settings E.16 4 alias This is the E.164 address of the system. The E.164 address is equivalent to a tel ephone num ber, som etimes c ombined with access codes. Valid characters are 0-9,* and #.
Administrator Settings 177 Note that if y our system is part of a T ANDBERG Expressway ™ firew all traversal solution and is placed outside the firewal l, you should register the IP address of you r Border Controller as the Gatekeeper IP address and set H.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 178 RSVP A uto Resource Reservation Protocol enables the sy stem s to request the optimal am ount of bandwidth for the duration o f an IP videoconference. Off Resource Reservation Protocol is switched off. QoS Type Off No QoS is used.
Administrator Settings 179 Reliability Tells the router to max imize the reliabi lity. Cost Tells the router to minim ize the cost. IP Precedence Telephony Used to define which priority audio should have in the n etwork for telephone calls. The higher the number, the higher the priority .
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 180 SIP Settings Proxy Settings To be able to mak e a call with an E.164 ali as or user nam e, Proxy mus t be set to On and an Outbound Proxy IP-address mus t be specified. Outbound Proxy uses alias to look up the far end IP-address.
Administrator Settings 181 Set the desired Registrar port wh en not using the standard port 5060. Full Name This is the nam e that wil l be display ed in your URL. Example: "Eric Harper" eric.harper@exam Username This is your username or you r E.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 182 SNMP Settings SNMP Settings SNMP Trap Host identifies the IP-address of the SNMP manager. SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol, SNMP Ver 1) is used for monitoring and configuring of differ ent entities in a network.
Administrator Settings 183 Wireless LA N Settings SSID (Service Set Identification) Example “ W LANNETW ORK ” . Defines a local network id for this wireless region.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 184 Key 1- 4 The 64-bit keys can consist of a leading star (*) and 5 characters. The 128-bit key can consist of a leading star (*) and 13 characters. Start with a * and then the te x t. Exam ple: 128 bit key: *secretkeyhome.
Administrator Settings 185 4.8.3 Netw ork Profiles This m enu consists of 6 network profiles; a prefix can be added for each prof ile. If y ou add a prefix to a profile, this prefix will automatically be added in front of the number being dialed. Example: 0 is added as a Call P r efix to the 2nd profile, ISDN.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 186 4.8.4 Data Port The system provides two standard RS232 serial ports to allow a com puter to be connected for data transfer and control purposes. Note that when connecting t o a PC the connecting cable mus t be a straight through RS232 cable.
Administrator Settings 187 4.9 Diagnostics Diagnostics allow s testing of individual s y s tem c om ponents and display s the current system settings. Diagnostics contain: Sy stem Inf orm ation.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 188 4.9.1 Sys tem Information Select Sy stem Inform ation to view sy stem numbers , line status, software version and othe r useful inform ation. Press arrow key up and down to scroll in the Sy stem Inform ation list.
Administrator Settings 189 4.9.2 Call Status Comprehensive inform ation about the call i s available through the Call S tatus window. The menu has two columns, one for transm itted and one for received audio/vi deo/data information. If Duo Video or Multi Site is used, pressing the UP/DOW N keys wi ll show one page per connected site.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 190 4.9.3 Channel Status Comprehensive inform ation about the call progress is avail able through the Channel Status window . T his window indicates the various stages each B-channel goes through whil s t establishing a connection.
Administrator Settings 191 PRI Yellow Alarm Yell ow alarm or Remote Alarm Indicator (RAI) m eans that the sy s tem is rec eiving framing info, but in this framing info the other side tells the sy stem that it is not reading the sy stem ’ s transm itted fram ing info.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 192 4.9.4 Sys tem Selftest The system perfor ms a check to determine internal hardware in tegrity . System Selftest is useful when y ou want to check if your netw ork connection is active.
Administrator Settings 193 4.9.5 View A d ministrator Settings This window di s play s all the system settings. Use the arrow key on th e remote control to scr oll through the list.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 194 Docum ent Camera VCR AUX VNC Split Screen Default Call Settings Call Ty pe Network Bandwi dth Restrict (56k ) Auto H320 Bandw idth Auto H323 Bandw idth A udio.
Administrator Settings 195 Number1 Number2 SPID1 SPID2 Line2 Setup On Number1 Number2 SPID1 SPID2 Line3 Setup On Number1 Number2 SPID1 SPID2 A dv anced ISDN Settings Subaddress Validate Numbers (MSN) .
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 196 IP Precedence Audio Video Data Signalin g IP Type of Service (TOS) Diffserv Audio Video Data Signalin g SNMP Settings SNMP Trap Host1 SNMP Trap Host2 SNMP Tra.
Administrator Settings 197 4.9.6 Restore De fault Settings Restore Default Settings wil l res tore all administrator settings. Note that this w ill not affect y our Call Directory inform ation, Network T y pe, Line Setup numbers or your SPID numbers.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 198 4.9.7 IP A ddress Conflict Check The system will giv e a warning if there is an IP conflict. The user m ay i nitiate this check by selecting IP Address Conflict Check.
199 5 Peripheral Equipment Using the optional peripheral devices outlined in t his chapter and the many o thers available, y ou will be able to build y our own application s for use with the sy s tem, thereby better in tegrating the system into y our business environm ent.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 200 5.1 Interfaces 5.1.1 Video 5 Video Inputs 1 video in put used by the built-in camera. 1 video in put supporting S-Vide o through a Mini-DIN connector. 2 video in puts supporting composite signals through RCA connectors.
Peripheral Equi pm ent 201 2 compos ite video o utputs, RCA connectors. 1 VGA/DVI-I (DVI = Digi tal Video Interface, I = Integrated Digital & Analog) outp ut supporting resolutions SVGA (800x600) and XGA (1024x768, ana log or digital .
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 202 Supported DVI cables: TANDBERG supports DVI-D Single-Link, DVI-A and DVI-I Single-Li nk f orm at cables. DVI-D cables transm it digital T.M.D.S. signals, DVI-A cables transmit analog VGA signals and DVI-I cables can transm it either digi tal or analog signa ls.
Peripheral Equi pm ent 203 Input impedance 2400 ohms (pin 2 - 3) 10K ohms Maximum input level 83 m Vpp 15.5 Vpp Minimum input level 6.2 mVpp 1.1 7 Vpp Range, menu adjustable input gai n 22.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 204 5.1.3 Netw ork Ethernet: 1 x Ethernet (RJ-45 Jack ) LAN interface (10/100 Mb) up to 3 Mbps To connect the system to a LAN, use the Ethernet cable prov ided by TANDBERG (or a s tandard Ethernet cable).
Peripheral Equi pm ent 205 5.1.4 Data port The data port(s) are im plemented as Digital Circuit Term inating Equipment (DCE). The connector used are fem ale 9-pin D-subs.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 206 5.2 Document Camera A document cam era can be used for s howing text, di agr ams and a variety of graphical material as well as small three-dimensional objects. How to use a document camera wit h your sys tem: 1.
Peripheral Equi pm ent 207 5.3 Video Cassette Recorder (VCR) VCR/DVD - Playback Mono For play back , connect a cable between Vid eo O ut on the VCR and V ideo In (VCR) on the system. Connect a cable betw een Audio Out on t he VCR and the Aud io In (VCR) on the system.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 208 VCR - Recording W hen recording, the V C R will r ecord the video as it appe ars on the main m onitor, the local audi o and the audio from the far end. W hen recording a v ideoconference, connect a cable between V ideo Out 2 on the sy stem and Video In on th e VCR.
Peripheral Equi pm ent 209 5.4 Additional Cameras Extra fixed Cameras You can connect extra fixed camer as to y our s y s tem, f or exam ple, a white board camer a. Connect the video ou tput of the additiona l camera to one of the available Vi deo inputs on the sy stem .
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 210 5.5 Additional Microphones If your env ironm ent is such that you requ ire more than one m icrophone for your room, e.g. y ou have a w hiteboard at a di stance from your tabl e micr ophone; it is possible to connect additional micr ophones to y our system.
Peripheral Equi pm ent 211 5.6 Web Interface It is possible to access and maintain the sy stem rem otely via a local area netw ork (LAN) using a standard W eb-browser. Connect y our system to a LAN with a Network cable. How to configure your system for web interface: 1.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 212 5.7 Dual Monitor It is possible to install the sy s tem in a Dual Monitor configuration. The Dual Monitor can be used to show full screen selfview, stil l images and Duo Video. To use the system in the Dual M onito r configuration: 1.
Peripheral Equi pm ent 213 5.8 XGA Monitors and Projectors (Optional) The system can be delivered wi th optional single or dual TV/XGA monitors. It can also be connected to any DVI/VGA/PAL or NTSC display .
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 214 5.9 VESA Display Pow er Management Because of the trem endous amount of energy consumed by monitors when operati ng, the system will r educe power consumption and extend monitor lifecycle by suspend (switch off) monitors and projectors when the sy s tem goes into sleep/standby .
Peripheral Equi pm ent 215 5.10 Extended Display I dentification Data (EDID) Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) is a VESA s tandard data form at that wi ll allow the system to comm unicate its capabilities, including vendor information like the supported VGA- form ats and frequency range li mits to a PC connected to the XGA/DVI input*.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 216 ADI A715 Dell W 1700 EIZO L367 EIZO F730 ErgoScan 400S Hitachi CM640ET Hitachi CM769ET IBM 9494-HBO IBM G97 IBM E74 IBM 6743-60N JVC LT-23X475 L ö ewe TAA112747 MAG D700 MAG DJ707 Panasonic SL75 Pioneer PDP-502MXE Pioneer PDP-50MXE1 Samsung 191T *This requires a system supplied with a X GA/DVI input.
217 6 Appendices A ppend ices: Appendix 1: Technical Specification Appendix 2: Band width Information Appendix 3: Env ironm ental considerations Appendix 4: Guidel ines for.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 218 Appendix 1 Technical Specification UNIT DELIVERED COMPLETE W ITH: W ireless remot e control, Built-in cam era, mic rophone, and cables BA NDWIDTH (770/880/990) H.320 up to 128 kbps/384 kbps/512 kbps H.323 up to 768 kbps/1.
Appendices 219 VGA (640 x 480 pix els) STILL IMAGE TR ANSFER CIF, SIF, 4CIF (H.261 Annex D), 4SIF, VGA , SVGA, XGA A UDIO STA NDA RDS G.711, G.722, G.722.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 220 Soft Mux H.331 Broadcast Mode IP Address Conflict W arning -20 ° C to 60 ° C ( -4 ° F to 140 ° F) at RH 10 -90 % (non- condensing) UNIT DIMENSIONS Height: 5.1" / 13.0cm W idth: 14.9" / 38.0cm Depth: 7.
Appendices 221 Appendix 2 Bandw idth Information for TA NDBERG endpoints Mo del 8000MXP, 7000MXP 6000MXP, M aestro Bandwi dth Point to point ISDN / IP Standard: 1920 / 4096 Standard: 768 / 3072 Option.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 222 4x512 video + 3 audio Rate Matching Yes Yes Dual Stream (DuoVideo / H.239) Yes Yes Secure Conference All bandw idths All bandw idths H.
Appendices 223 (DuoVideo / H.239) Secure Conference All bandw idths All bandw idths H.264 Up to 768 Up to 768 Picture Mode MultiSite Not Availa ble Not Avail able.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 224 Appendix 3 Env ironmental considerations This section explains how to carry out basic adjus tments and sim ple tests to ensure that yo u s end and receive the best possible i m age and audio quality when using y our s y s tem.
Appendices 225 Appendix 4 Guidelines for setting up videocon fer encing rooms The following are a set of guideli nes to consider when eith er building a videoconferencing room, or using an existing room for videoconferencing. Lighting: Low Contrast desired for light intensity .
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 226 If the system has a separate m icrophone, it should be placed at the front of the table to ensure that all speech w ill be det ected. The best position for the m icrophone is at least 2 meters (6.5 feet) in front of the system on a plain, flat table w ith at least 0.
Appendices 227 Appendix 5 Security The system has several features both to protect fr om unauthorized use and sy stem access : Access Code: W hen Access Code is enabled, the us er will be as ked to enter an access code before he/she is able to make a call.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 228 IP Passw ord By setting an IP Access Password on the system, all access to the sy stem using IP (Telnet, FTP and W EB) requires a pass word. This password can be enabled from telnet or dataport using the com mand: ippassword <ip-password>.
Appendices 229 mec hanisms employed b y T ANDBERG are: AES, DES, H.233 , H234 and H.235 (H235v 3 & v2 for backwards com patibility ) with extended Diffie Hellman key distribution via H.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 230 Appendix 6 Using the file sy stem It is possible to access a file system within the T A NDBERG system by using ftp: DOS- window : ftp <IP-address of system>, or W eb- browser: ftp:// <IP-address of system> Description of the diff erent files: all.
Appendices 231 Appendix 7 Connecting the sy stem to PRI/T1 Using CSU adapter Connecting the sy stem to the ISDN network via the E1/T1-interface using an Adtran T1 ESF CSU ACE or equivalen t CSU, wil l allow up to 1.54 Mbps connection. The E1/T1- interface m ust be connected to a CSU approved according to IEC 60950, UL 1950 or equi valent standard.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 232 Appendix 8 Connecting the sy stem to the Sw itched 56 netw ork Using Telesync TS-256 SW56/ISDN adapter Connecting the sy stem to the SW 56 netw ork using a Telesync Adapter is described belo w. T here are different T elesy nc Adapters for differ ent configurations of SW 56 netw or ks .
Appendices 233 Appendix 9 Connecting the sy stem to ISDN using NT1 netw ork adapters Connecting Connect the first ISDN cable from ISDN 1 on the sy stem to the S-interface on your first NT1 network adapter. Connect the other ISDN cables to the appropriate NT1 netwo rk adapters.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 234 Appendix 10 (Not for set top systems) Wav e II Camer a Pinouts and Connecto rs 8-PIN RJ (shielded modular jack ): This connector is used f or the power and control signal s to the main cam era.
Appendices 235 This connector is used when cascading cam eras: Control (out) signal and external camera detection. Note: It does not provide pow er for casc aded camera.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 236 Appendix 1 1 Remote Control The T ANDBERG remote control transm its IR-signals using the following parameters: Protocol Siemens SDA2208 Reference fr equency 4.
Appendices 237 17 11 PRESENTER 50 32 18 12 0 51 33 19 13 52 34 20 14 53 35 21 15 54 36 22 16 0 ZOO M OUT 55 37 23 17 0 ZOOM IN 56 38 24 18 57 39 25 19 0 VOLUME DOW N 58 3A 26 1A 0 VOLUME UP 59 3B 27 1.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 238 Appendix 12 Cisco CallManager registration Configuring an H.323 client on the CallMan ager 4.0 The registration of a H.323 client in CallM anager is s upported on the Call Manager (CCM) 4.0 software and forward.
Appendices 239 Appendix 13 Diagnostic Tools fo r IP To use these tools, will requi re using a PC and setting u p a telnet session towa r ds the system. Q.931 To show Q.931 trace during a call y ou need to issue the comm and ‘ syslog o n ’ .One can get traces for RAS, Q.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 240 (*) Note: W hile using MultiSi te, if a s ite is disconnected and reconnected wi thout term inating the entire conference, the next site to be connected wil l have a H.
Appendices 241 Appendix 14 Declaration of Conformit y.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 242 Appendix 15 Dimensions.
243 7 Index A Access Code ......................................... ... 111 Add Another Ca ll................................... ..... 43 Additional m icrophone ............................. 210 Administrator Pass word ................ ........... 128 Administrator Sett ings .
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 244 Presentation ......................................... ...... 72 Presentation Sett ings .............................. 129 Presentation Sourc e ................................ 133 Presets ....................
245 8 Glossary # 199 A V1: External input for the TANDBERG/LOEW E monitor. 2nd monitor: T he second m onitor of you r videoconferencing sy s tem. T he second m onitor is normally pl ac ed on the right side of the first monitor.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 246 B Bandwid th: Decides the quality of the video call. High band width gi ves high quality . C Call control Leased Line: Is a non-dialing protocol and shoul d be used when two sy stem s are connected in a point-to-poin t c onnection.
Glossary 247 Diagnostics: Allows testing of indiv idual system com ponents and display s the current system settings. Digital ClarityTF: Participants enjoy presentations of exceptionally high quality resolution video . Disconnect site: As a Chairm an, y ou get the option Disconnect site.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 248 G.711: Audio algorit hm f or norm al quality audio (telephone quality , 3.1 kHz) The system will alway s have G.711 enabled. G.722: Audio algorit hm f or high quality audio (7 kHz). G.722.1: Audio algo rithm f or com pressed high quality audio (7 kHz) G.
Glossary 249 Max channels: Indicates the m axim um number of channels the sy s tem is allowed to use on the E1/T1 interface. MCU: Multipoint Co nference Unit. MCU st atus line: Shows indicators for MultiSite, MCU and DuoVideo MicOf f: Microphone is switched off.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 250 NTSC: National Television Sy stem Com m ittee. Vide o standard corresponding to 4SIF. Primary used in USA, Japan and other countries. O Option Key: Required by the system to activate optional features such as MultiSite and Presenter.
Glossary 251 S S-VHS: S-video S-video: T he standard cam era uses one of the S-video inputs in th e codec. Selfview: Outgoing vide o. In most cas es, the image of your self. Side-by-Side: Side-by -side view means that two pictures are display ed s ide by side each other on the screen.
D1335603_T770_880_990_MXP_User_Manual 252 System information: Lists system num bers, line status, software version and other useful inform ation. System name: Identifies a vi deoconferencing system T T1: Network type, 24 channels. Default for NTSC versions.
An important point after buying a device TANDBERG 990 MXP (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought TANDBERG 990 MXP yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data TANDBERG 990 MXP - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, TANDBERG 990 MXP you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get TANDBERG 990 MXP will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of TANDBERG 990 MXP, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime TANDBERG 990 MXP.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with TANDBERG 990 MXP. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device TANDBERG 990 MXP along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center