Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product SRC-3310/9320 Sunwave Tech.
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SRC-9310/9320 Touch Screen Remote Control User Manual 031021.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al ii Preface About this manual This manual is designed to make using the SRC-93 SERIES Touch Screen Remote Control as eas y as possible. Information in this document has been careful ly checked for accuracy; however, no guarantee is given to the corr ectness of the contents.
ii i Table of Contents Chapter 1 - Introducing the SRC- 93 SERIES..................................... 1 SRC-9 3 SE RIES Fe ature s .......................................................... 2 Unpac king t he S RC-93 SERIE S ..........................
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al iv Chapter 4 - Controlling Devi ces ................................................... 27 Sele cting Dev ice t o Contro l ............................................... 2 7 Chan ging To uch S creen Page ............
1 Chapter 1 - Introducin g the SRC-93 SERIES Congratulations on your purchase of the SRC-9 3 SERIES Touch-Screen Remote Control. The SRC-93 SERIES is a digital universal remote control that is easy to use, enabling you to control all of your electronic devices equipped with an in frared (IR) remote.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 2 SRC-93 SERIES Features The following list identifies the SRC-93’s key features. • Large touch screen display. • Macro sequence function—each macro can store 60 commands. • Controls up to sixteen devices including DVDs, TVs, Sat ellit e Re ceiv ers , VCRs an d CDs .
3 Identifying Components Please refer to t he following illustrations t o identify the components of th e SRC-93 SERIES. Figure 1: Front and Rear Views Infrared Eye Point the infrared eye at the device you want to operate. To u c h S c r e e n The T ouch Screen panel enables you to configure and operate your devices by touching the screen.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 4 Chapter 2 - Getting Started This c hapter will gi ve you th e infor mation you nee d to know to quic kly get us ing the SRC-9 3 SERIES a s your single remote control. Features Overview The following illustration highlights the different sections of the SRC-93 SERIES .
5 • LCD Indicators: LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display and these indica tors at the top of the d isplay give you feedback and information. You can l ook here to see if the beep is turn ed on, if .
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 6 Installing Batteries The SRC-9310 operates on four AA Alkaline batteries, SRC- 9320 o pera tes on four AAA Alk ali ne batt eri es (batteries are not included). Batter ies must be inserted before you can operate the SRC-93 SERIES.
7 Battery Low Indicator When the batteries are low, the battery low icon will be displayed in the upper left hand corner just above the SETUP bu tton: Figure 4: The Battery Low Icon Battery Tips and Precautions • Immediately re place the batteries when the bat tery low icon appears.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 8 Touch Screen The touch screen reduces the number of buttons by changing its configuration for each devi ce selected. In this way , the touch sc reen can provide a to tal of 768 buttons (16 devices x 2 pages x 24 buttons per page).
9 immerse it in liqu id. • Don't expose the SRC-93 SERIES to extreme tem peratures. Keep it away from heat sources . • Avoid dropping the SRC-93 SERIE S. • Don't drop anything on the touch scr een. • Clean the LCD touch screen wi th a soft cloth.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 10 • Page / Date Button: Toggles from Page 1 to P a ge 2 o f th e T ou c h S cr ee n b u tt on s. If he ld do w n for more than two seconds, the date and year then week will be shown.
11 Setup Menu Menu Item Description page DATE Set the system clock and date. 40 NEW Create a new device from scratch. 13 CODE Assign a preprogrammed manufactures infrared code to a device . 17 LABL Rename a Device. 14 LAY Change the T ouch S creen la yout to you want to have based on all possible LCD c hoices.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 12 Delete Menu Menu Item Description page KEY Allow you to delete the infrared codes for a specific Touch Screen or Rubber button. 25 BANK CODE: Allows you to delete all infrared codes for a specific device while le aving the Touch Screen l ayout the same.
13 Chapter 3-Setting Up the SRC-93 SERIES to Control a Device B e f o r e t h e S R C - 9 3 S E R I E S c a n b e u s e d t o c o n t r o l a device, it needs to be configured to display you r existing remote control buttons and also programmed to send the correct i nfrared signals.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 14 1. Press the device key yo u wish to use for this device. For example, if this is a new TV you should press the TV bu tton. For a new DVD player, press the DV D button. 2. Give your new Device a label. Use the UP and DOWN arrows to change the letter.
15 1. Use the de vice keys to sel ect the device you want to lab el. 2. U se the arrow keys to give th e device a new label. 3. Press OK when finished.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 16 1. Press the device keys to select the device you want to modify. (ex. Press TV button ) Press the button (Page Button) to change to the Touch Screen page you want to modify. Press the button to show all available LCD choices for all buttons.
1 7 configure all buttons on the SRC- 93 SERIES for use with a specific manufacture model number. This fe ature is the fastest way to program the S RC-93 SERIES but requires that your device be locate d in Preprogrammed Code Table as the separate page with this manual.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 18 Press and hold the SETUP button on the Touch Screen. Press each numb er button (2, 4, 6, 8) until it disappears. Use the arrow button s on the Touch Screen to select CODE and the n press the OK button. 1. Use the device buttons to select the device you want to change.
19 4. You may also use th e TUNING buttons to increase or decrease the code. When finished, press the OK button to return to the Setup Menu. When you enter the Manufacture Code , but sho ws ‘ERROR’ message, two possibilities maybe ca used : 1. That code number is not existed among the Manufacture Code table yet.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 20 The AUTO mode‘s preprog rammed code circle depends on the range of Manufacture Code table reserved for that default device screen.
21 Learning from Another Remote Control To teach th e codes from y our remote, set both remotes on a f l a t s u r f a c e f a c i n g e a c h o t h e r . B e s u r e t o p o i n t y o u r device’s remote control at the SRC-93 SERIES’s learning eye, which is located at the bot tom of the unit.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 22 To learn infrared codes di rectly from a device’s remote control, follow these steps: Press and hold the SETUP button on the Touch Screen. Press each number b utton (2, 4, 6, 8) until it disappears. Use t he a rrow b utton s on t he To uch Screen to select LRN and then press the OK button.
23 3. Press and hold the button on the other remote control for 2 seconds. 4. Check to see whether ERROR or OK on the top of the SRC-93 SERIES Touch Screen is displayed. If ERROR is disp layed , try again. ( Y ou ha ve to hold the oth er remote control’s button for about 2 seconds before letting go.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 24 Collecting Unrecognized Infrared Codes Use this procedure if the SRC-93 SERIES is unable to recognize the infrared signals from anot her remote control. (You only see the ERROR indic ator w hen Using the Learning Function on page 20.
25 Deleting a Specific Ke y To erase the infrared cod es for a specific Touch Screen or Rubber key, follow these steps: Press and hold the DELETE button on the Touch Screen. Press each number b utton (2, 4, 6, 8) until it disappears. Use t he a rrow b utton s on t he To uch Screen to select KEY and then press the OK button.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 26 To delete a device from the SRC-93 SERIES follow these steps: Press and hold the DELETE button on the Touch Screen. Press each numb er button (2, 4, 6, 8) until it disappears. Use t he ar row bu ttons on the Tou ch Screen to select BANK and then press the OK button.
2 7 Chapter 4 - Controlling Devices T h e S R C - 9 3 S E R I E S i s d e s i g n e d t o b e s i m p l e a n d s t r a i g h t forward to operate. This chapter explains how to use the SRC-93 SERIES to control all your devices. This Chapter assumes you have already setup the SRC- 93 SERIES and assigned Infrared code s to different buttons.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 28 Controlling the Device M a k e s u r e t h e S R C - 9 3 S E R I E S i s p o i n t i n g a t t h e d e v i c e y o u are trying to control and simply press the button you want to send: • Press the Touch Scr een buttons.
29 Chapter 5 - Creating and Using Macros Introduction to Macros A macro is simply a series of commands. T he MACRO feature enables you to initiate a sequence of up to 60 commands with a single button. You can create a macro on any control button and also insert time delays into the sequence.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 30 Set up the macro using the following steps: Press and hold for two seconds the MACRO butt on on th e Touc h Screen . Press each number bu tton (2, 4, 6, 8) until it disappears. Use the arrow button s on the Touch Screen to select KEY and then pres s the OK button.
31 6. Press the DVD device button. 7. Press the POWER butto n. 8. Press the TIME DELAY button. 9. Use the UP and DOWN arrows to select a ti me delay ( in seconds). Press OK to co nfi rm tim e delay . 10. Press the PLAY button. 11. Press OK to sa ve the Macro.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 32 Using Macros To start a Macro for a speci fic device, first select the device and then s imply press the key assigned to the Macro. If you for get whi ch ke ys hav e Macros assigned to them, press the MACRO but ton and all keys with valid Macros will be shown .
33 Chapter 6 - Other Features The SRC-93 SERIES has the following additi onal features: • Timers: Can be used to start a macro or send a command at a later time. Many timer s are available including: daily, weekly, weekends only, wee kda ys only, or specific days and times.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 34 Setting Up a New Timer Press and hold the MACRO button on the Touch Screen. Press each number bu tton (2, 4, 6, 8) until it disappears. Use the arrow bu ttons on the Touch Screen to select TIMR and t hen press the OK button.
35 4. Use the arrow keys to select the time. 5. Press OK Note: If you used SPEC ( Specific Day/Time) you will also set the date. 6. Select the key that the timer will press. If you w ant you ca n switch devices ( use device keys) or Touch Screen pages.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 36 Setting up Quick Channel Lists Press and hold the MACRO button on the Touch Screen. Press each number b utton (2, 4, 6, 8) until it disappears. Use t he a rrow b utton s on t he To uch Screen to select Q CH and then press the OK button.
3 7 Deleting Channels from a Quick Channel List Press and hold the DELETE button on the Touch Screen. Press each numb er button (2, 4, 6, 8) until it disappears. Use the arro w buttons on the To uch S c r e e n t o s e l e c t Q C H a n d t h e n p r e s s the OK button.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 38 Using Quick Channel Lists Press the Quick Channel button you wish to use. (It will beg in to flas h.) Now use the Channel Up and Channel Down buttons to scroll through all channels in this classificati on. When finished, press the Exit b utton again to re turn to normal operation.
39 Using Sleep Mode S l e e p m o d e a l l o w s t h e S R C - 9 3 S E R I E S t o s e n d a command or start a Macro after a speci fied time delay. One example is you could use sleep mode to shut off a T V after you have already fallen asleep. To use sleep mode: 1.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 40 Displaying Version Number For technical support reasons , the version number might be needed by SUNWAVE. To display the two version number of PROG and DATA, use the VER selectio n in the SETU P Men u . Cha pte r 7 - Changing SRC-93 SERIES Parameters Many of the SRC-93 SERIES parameters can be changed.
41 Power Down Time Pe riod This setting specifies the ti me delay the SRC-93 SERIES will wait until it automatically shuts down. ( The touch screen will go blank to conserve batter y usage.) This setting can be changed from 1 minut e to 90 minutes by using the PWDN selection of t he SETUP men u : 1.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 42 Beep Toggling This setting specifies whether you want the SRC-93 SERIES to beep each time a button is pressed. Use the BEEP sele ction in the SETUP Menu to change this setting: 1. Use the OK button to toggle the beep from ON to OFF .
43 Appendix A - Specifications Model SRC-9310 SRC-9320 Dimensions (WxHxD): 3.2" x 7.3" x 1.2" (8.2cm x18.5cm x 3.2cm) 3.2" x 7.3" x 1.1" (8.2cm x18.5cm x 2.9cm) Weight (Without Batteries): 7.8oz ( 220g) 7.8oz ( 220g) Number of Device: 16 devices 16 devices LCD Screen (WxH) : 2.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 44 Appendix B - Accessories SLC–2080 The SLC–2080 is an optional link cable that enables transmission of system setup t o a personal computer or another SRC-9310/9320. With th e RemoteComm software enables user to customize the remote control , create macros and timers.
45 Appendix C - Troubleshooting Problem Solution LCD does not show anything when you touch it or press the rubber buttons. Batteries may be dead. Replac e the batteries with 4 new AA Al kaline Batteries. ( page 6) Check that the ba tteries are properly installe d.
SRC-9 3 SERI ES User’ s Manu al 46 Problem Solution You can not operate a device even after teaching the device using the learning function. Make sure that yo u have correctly “taught” your device’s r emote control to the SRC-93 SER IES. (page 21) Delete the devic e data from the SRC-93 SERIES and carry out the learning function again.
4 7 Problem Solution A button of your existing remote performs two or more functions Some remotes issue mult iple commands when a button is held down. Please be sure to teach differe nt buttons of SRC-9 3 SERIES for these diffe rent commands. Each button of SRC-93 SERIES can only learn one co mmand.
An important point after buying a device Sunwave Tech. SRC-3310/9320 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sunwave Tech. SRC-3310/9320 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sunwave Tech. SRC-3310/9320 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sunwave Tech. SRC-3310/9320 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sunwave Tech. SRC-3310/9320 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sunwave Tech. SRC-3310/9320, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sunwave Tech. SRC-3310/9320.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sunwave Tech. SRC-3310/9320. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sunwave Tech. SRC-3310/9320 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center