Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product VG400 BBQ XXL Steba
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www Barbecue - Gri ll V G 4 00 BI G Gebra uchsanweisung 2 Ins tr uc tio ns for use 8 Mode d´ empl oi 1 2 Geb ruik s aanwij zing 1 6.
2 3 Zusa m men bau Re in igen Sie die Gri llpl atte und die Fettau ffang behä lter in Seif enl auge und trock nen di ese gut ab. Nie mals d as Reg lerg ehäu se in Wa ss er t auch en. Mo nta ge Sta tiv Das lan ge R ohr mit dem Sch litz nac h unten in d en Fuß sch ieben, d ie Ab lag epl atte (A bb.
4 5 Decke leinhängung Um de n Deck el a ls Windsc hutz zu n utzen oder währ end des Grill ens a bzuleg en häng t man die s en vor si chtig a m Grif f - roh r e in.
6 7 K orrekte E ntsorgu ng dieses Produkt s: Aus ge diente G erät e sofo r t unb rauchb ar mac hen. Inne rha lb der E U w eist d ieses S ymbol d ar auf hi n, dass dieses Prod ukt n icht ü ber de n Ha usmü ll e ntsorg t we rden darf .
8 9 Gener all y This app li anc e is f or priva te use only and must not be used com merc iall y . P lease rea d the instru ction m an ua l care ful ly a nd k eep it at a sa fe p lac e. Whe n the app li anc e is give n to anot her p er so n the in s tru c tion ma nual sho uld be p as se d to that p er s on, to o.
10 11 Grillp late Th e soli d sur fac e is u se d for pr epar ing s aus age s , sea foo d and s mall pie ces of v ege tab le. Cle aning and m ain tenance : Th e divi ce sh ould b e clean ed af t er eac h us e. ∙ Th e wor se th e plate i s cle aned , the wo r se th e anti -a deh esi ve ef f ec t b eco mes .
12 13 Génér alement Cet a ppar eil es t co nçu po ur un u sag e pri vé et no n com merc ial. Veuillez lire a t tenti ve - men t le mo de d ‘emploi e t gar dez- le soi gneu s eme nt . En ca s de re mis e de l ‘appareil à une tie rce personn e, n’ oubl iez pas de join dre le mode d’em plo i.
14 15 In d ic at i o ns c on c e r n an t l a sé cu r i t é l or s d e l’ utilisation de l’ ap parei l Ne bran cher l’ appar ei l que sur des pr ises de co ur ant à con tac ts de prote ction. El les ∙ dev raien t êtr e proté gée s par u n disj onc te ur de cou rant de f uite .
16 17 Algemeen Dit toeste l is a lleen v oor hu isho udel ijk ge bru ik bestem d en n iet voo r hande lsgebr ui k. Gel ieve de gebr ui ksaanw ij zing aa ndac htig t e lez en en d ez e z orgvu ldi g te bew aren. De ge bru iksaan wi jz ing dien t samen met h et toestel a an a ndere perso nen t e worde n door gegeve n.
18 19 V e il igheidsvoorz ieningen tijdens gebruik: Slui t het to es tel e nkel aan op e en confo rm s top con tac t m et aa rding . ∙ Geb ruik h et toe s tel en kel wannee r het voll edi g in elkaar g ezet i s. ∙ Geb ruik d e grilpl aat nie t afzon der lijk en do mp el ze nooi t ond er in wate r .
20 21 Correc te afva lv er wijder ing v an dit produ ct : Versl ete n app araten o nmid dellij k onbr uikb aar maken. Bi nne n de E uropese Un ie d uidt dit symboo l ero p dat dit pro duct ni et samen met h uish oudel ij k af va l ver wi jderd m ag word en.
Ar t . N r. 48 0 -13247 St a nd 03 / 2 012 Ir r tü me r und t ec hn is ch e Än de ru nge n vo rb eh alt en S teba Elektrogerä te GmbH & C o. K G Poi nt st raß e 2, D - 9 6 129 Strull en dor f Ze ntral e: Tel.: 0 9 5 43 - 4 49 - 0 Ele kt ro @s te ba.
An important point after buying a device Steba VG400 BBQ XXL (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Steba VG400 BBQ XXL yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Steba VG400 BBQ XXL - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Steba VG400 BBQ XXL you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Steba VG400 BBQ XXL will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Steba VG400 BBQ XXL, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Steba VG400 BBQ XXL.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Steba VG400 BBQ XXL. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Steba VG400 BBQ XXL along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center