Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product m620 Sprint
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© 2007 Sprint Nextel. All rights r eserved. No r eprod uction in whole or in par t without prior writte n appr ov al. S PRI NT and other trad emarks ar e tr ademarks of Sprint Ne xtel.
Table of Contents Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Your User Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Downloading Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Accessing the Download Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Selecting an Item to Download . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Downloading an Item .
1 W elcome to the next gener ation in wireless ser vice . This guide intr oduces you to all the adv an tages of Sprin t P ower V ision. Sprint P ower V ision gives y ou more choice and fle xibility , so you can mak e the most of your wir eless service.
2 Her e are some of the e xciting f ea tures a v ailable with y our Sprint P ow er V ision ser vice. Sprint Pi cture Ma il Shoot and s end high-quality pictures and video clips f aster than ev er with y our Sprin t P ower V ision phone. Messaging Send and receiv e IM or email i n a flash.
3 STR E A M I N G M U S I C Str eam music to y our phone with Mu sic Choice® . Choos e fr om ro ck, pop , hip-hop , R&B , and mor e. Plu s , get ex clusiv e video clips , performances , and in terviews fr om y our f a vori te artists. Games Download and pla y en ter taining , inter activ e games tha t y ou’ll w ant to pla y all th e time.
4 Phone as Modem Y our Spri nt P ower V isi on phone can be a high- speed Internet c onnec tion f or your laptop c omputer anywher e on the Sprint National Network. Simply connect your phone using a USB cable or the built -in c onnection on Bluetooth-enabled phones.
Getting S t ar ted 5 Getting Star ted Wi th your Sprin t service, you ar e r eady to start enjoying the adv an tages of Sprint P ower V ision. This section will help you learn the basics of using your data services, including managing y our user name, launch ing a V ision connection , and na vigating the W eb with y our phone.
6 䢇 On y our phone. Y o u can fin d y our us er name un der the Phone Inf o option in y our phone’ s Settings menu ( Menu > Settings > Phone Inf o > Phone Number ). Launching a Data C onnec tion T o launch a data c onnect ion: 䊳 Select Menu >W eb .
Getting S t ar ted 7 Net Guard When y ou first c onnect to the W eb , the Net Guar d will be displayed to confirm that y ou want to connect . Th is f ea ture helps you av oid acciden tal connections. Y ou can disable the Net G uard in the futur e by sel ecting Alway s Auto -Conn ec t when the Net Guard is displa y ed.
8 Da ta C onnection Status and Indicators Y our phone’ s displa y lets y ou know the current sta tus of yo ur da ta c onnection thr ough indica tors wh ich ar e display ed at the top of the screen.
Getting S t ar ted 9 Na viga ting the W eb Naviga ting through men us and W eb sites during a data session is easy once you’ve learned a f ew basics. Here are some tips f or getting ar ound: Sof tk ey s During a da ta session, the bottom line of y our phone’ s Main L CD cont ains one or more sof tk e ys.
10 Select ing Once y ou’v e l earned how t o use sof tke ys and scr oll, y ou can start navi ga ting the W eb . T o select onscreen items: 䊳 Use the naviga tion k ey to highligh t the desir ed item, and then pr ess the desi red sof t ke y button (or pr ess ).
Sprint Picture Mai l 11 Sprin t Picture Mail With Sprin t Picture Mail, y ou can instantly shoot, share, and print sharp , high-r esol ution di gital pictur es and tak e and send sho rt video clips with your phone. Use your phone to tak e full- color digital picture s or video clips with sound.
12 Ta k i n g P i c t u r e s T aking pictures with y o ur phone is as simple as choosing a subject, pointing the lens, and pressing a button. F or details on how to use all the camer a f eature s of y our phone, please see y our phone’ s user guide.
Sprint Picture Mai l 13 Crea ting Y our Sprint Picture Mail P ass word The first t ime you a t tempt to upload or sh are pi ctures or use the Picture Mail W eb site, you will need to establish a Pictur e Mail password thr ough y our phone. This password will also allow you to sign on to the Picture Ma il W eb site at ww w .
14 Re c o rdi ng Vi de o s R ec ording videos with your phon e is as simple as taking a picture. F or details on how to use all the video f ea tures of your phone, ple ase see y our phone’ s user guide.
Sprint Picture Mai l 15 Sharing Spr int Picture Ma il Once you’v e taken a picture or a video , y ou can instantly shar e it with f a mily and friends. Y ou can send pictures and videos to their email a ddresses or to their messaging-ready phones. T o share Picture Mail from your phone: 1.
16 Y o u can als o send pictur es and videos fr om y o ur pho ne’ s Messaging menu. T o share Sprint Picture Mail from Messa ging: 1. F r om th e main men u, sel ect Mess aging > Send Mes sage > Pic ture Mail . 2. Select an option to en ter or select reci pients f or y our picture mail.
Mess a gi ng 17 Messaging Y ou c an send and r eceiv e emails and text messa ges and participate in W eb -based chatr ooms right from you r p ho n e. Me ss ag i ng al lo ws yo u t o s tay con ne c t ed to friends , fam ily , and c owork ers 24 hours a da y an ywhere on the Sprin t Na tional Network.
18 Accessing Sprint Mail Sprint Mail all ows y ou to perform many of the typical email functions fr om your phone that y ou can from y our personal c omputer . Y ou can manag e y our Sp rin t Mail acc oun t fr om your phone or fr om your personal c omputer at ww w .
Mess a gi ng 19 Accessing Additional Email Pr oviders Wi th Sprin t P ower V ision, y ou can use popular em ail services such as A OL® Mail, AIM Mail, MSN® Hotmail, and Y ahoo!® Mail to keep in touch, e ven while y ou’ r e on the go. T o access email providers from y our phone: 1.
20 Accessing Sprint I nstant Messaging Sprint P ower V ision also provides you with access to pop ular instant messaging (IM) clients, including AOL® Instan t Messenger TM , MSN® Messenger , and Y ahoo!® Messenger . T o access instant messagin g clients from y our phone: 1.
Mess a gi ng 21 Accessing W ireless Cha tr ooms Sprint P o wer V ision giv es you the abil ity to join wir eless cha t r oom s f ro m y our p hone. The f ollowi ng instruc tions are f or “ Jum buck Chat & Flir ting ,” but you can also choose fr om additional chat pr oviders and services.
22 T o post a message: 1. Select Add T e xt . 2. En ter y o ur mess age. Us e y our righ t sof tk ey t o sel ect a text en try mode . 3. Select Send . T o set up a priv a te cha t r oom: 1. Select 1->1 . 2. Select a par ticipant with whom you’ d lik e to launch a priv a te chat r oom.
Sprint TV 23 Sprin t TV With Sprint P ower V ision, y ou can wa tch live TV o n the go right on y our wir eless phone. Accessing y our Sprin t TV channels is as easy as using the remote control in y our living room. Where v er y ou go on our wireless high- speed multi media network, y ou can get more o ut of your Sprint TV s ervice .
24 T o access y our phone’ s Sprint T V channels: 1. Select Menu > Sprint TV to laun ch the Media Pla y er . 2. Select Sprint TV and pr ess . 3. Select the channel y ou wish to wa tch, either fr .
Music 25 Music Sprint P ow er Vision lets y ou use y our phone as a por table personal jukebo x. Fr om the Sprint Music Stor e to a v ariety of str eaming music options, y ou’ re bound to find the music y ou w ant , when y ou wan t it.
26 The Sprint Music Store The Sprin t Music Stor e enables y o u to p urchase and download digital music fi les to pla y on y our pho ne or PC. Accessi ng the Spri nt Music Stor e Y ou can access the Sprint Music Store right fr om y our phone’ s m a i n m e n u , a n y w h e r e o n t h e S p r i n t N a t i o n a l N e t w o r k .
Music 27 P urchasing and Downloading Music Now that y ou’ r e in the store, y ou can shop for songs to purchase a nd downloa d to your phone’ s microSD TM card.
28 Pla ying Music Fr om the Sprint Music St ore The Sprint Music Stor e not only giv es y ou access to gr eat music, it also g ives y ou a place to l isten to and organiz e y our music libr ary . Accessi ng the Music Pla y er 1. F rom the Spri nt Music Stor e opening page, use y our Navigation P ad to selec t the Play er tab .
Music 29 Backing Up Y our Downloaded Music Files When y ou purchase and download a music file from the Sprint Music Store, y ou get two v ersions of the song: one to download and play on y our phone (file type: AAC+), and anot he r to down load fr om http:/ / music store.
30 SI R I US MUSIC SI RI US MUSIC channel s of f er a v ariety of gr eat, c ommer cial- fr ee music tha t y ou can access dir ectly fr om y our phone. T o access SI RI US MUSIC on y our phone: 1. Select Menu > Sprint TV to laun ch the Media Pla y er .
Music 31 䢇 Hair Nation : Glam r ock from the ’80s. 䢇 Fir st W ave : The ’80 s Alt-ro ck rev olut ion . 䢇 Soul T o wn : Classic soul hits. 䢇 Heart & Soul : The R&B hits fr om the ’80s , ’90s , and today . 䢇 New C ountry : T oday’ s hottest country hits.
32 Streaming Music In addition to the Sprint Music Stor e and the SI RI US Music channels , Sprint P ower V ision of f ers a v arie ty of musical options through the Music & Radio menu.
Downlo adi ng C ontent 33 Downloading C o ntent With the Sprint P ower V ision Network, you hav e access to a dynamic v ariety of Premi um Service content, such as downloadable Games , Ringers , Screen Sa v ers, and other app lications. ( Addition al charg es ma y ap ply .
34 Accessing the Do wnload Menus T o access the download menus: 1. Select Menu > M y C o nten t . 2. Select the type of file y ou wish to download ( Games , Ringers , Scr een Sav e rs , Applicat ions , IM & Email , or Ca ll To n e s ), and then select Get New .
Downlo adi ng C ontent 35 Downloading an Item Once y ou’v e selected an item y ou wish to download, highligh t it a nd press Go (lef t sof tk e y). Y ou will see a summary page f or the item incl uding its titl e, the v endor , the download detail s, the fi le siz e, and the c ost.
36 Using My C ontent Manager Whether you purchase y o ur Premium Services c onten t fr om y our phone or fr om y our on line acc ou nt man age men t pa ge a t www .spri m , all of y our purchases ar e stored in My Conte nt Manager and may be downloaded to y our phone from ther e.
Downlo adi ng C ontent 37 3. Select an option to con tinue: 䡲 Select the appropria te option to assign the downloaded item (or to start, in the case of a game or an application). Y our da ta session will end, and you will be r edir ected to the appr opriate phone menu scr een.
38 Games Sprint has partnered with the most cutting-edge elec tr onic gaming pr ovi ders to bring y ou a r eali stic and ex citing gaming ex perience. Adv anced Sprint P ower V ision phones with full-.
Games 39 P urchasing and Downloading Games T o purchase and do wnload g ames fo r y our phone: 1. Fro m t h e h o m e p a ge , s e le c t Downloads > Games . 2. Use your na vigation ke y to selec t a game you wish to download , or use the Ca tegories or Search options to locate a game.
40 Ringers Wi th the Sprin t P ower Vi sion Network, yo u can pers onaliz e your wir eless e xperience by downloading unique ringers and assigning them to numbers in your C on tacts list . S elect from thousand s of a v ailable ringers – including your f a v orite tunes and celebrity v oic e ringers – and download the m to y our phone.
Ringers 41 P urchasing and Downloading Ringers T o purc hase and download ringers for y our phone: 1. Fro m t h e h o m e p a ge , s e le c t Downloads > Ringers . 2. Use y our na viga ti on k e y to highli ght and select a ringer y ou wish to download, or use the C ategories or Search options to loca te a ringer .
42 Scr een Sa v ers Wi th the Sprin t P ower Vi sion Network, yo u can pers onaliz e your wir eless e xperience by downloading and assigning unique images f or screen sav ers or to entries in y our phone’ s Co nta c t s li s t .
Screen S a vers 43 P urchasing and Downloading Screen Sav e rs T o purchase and do wnload sc reen sav ers fo r your phone: 1. Fro m t h e h o m e p a ge , s e le c t Downloads > Screen Sav ers .
44 We b Wi th W eb a ccess on y our phone, you can br owse full- color gr aphic v ersions of your f av o rite W eb sites, making it easier than ev er to sta y inf ormed while on the go . F ollow spor ts sc ores , br eaking news , and wea ther , and shop on y our phone anywhere on the Sprin t National Network.
We b 45 Using the Brow ser Menu Navi ga ting the W eb fr om y our phon e using the home page is easy once y ou get th e hang of it . F o r details on how to naviga te the W eb, select menu items, and more, see “Na vigating the W eb” on page 9.
46 䢇 Go to URL.... Allow s y ou to na viga te dir ectly to a W eb site by entering its UR L (W eb site addr ess ). 䢇 History . K eeps a list of links to y o ur most recen tly visited sites. T o navigate to a site, highligh t it and press OK , and then sele ct Conne ct .
We b 47 Access ing a B ookmark T o access a b ookmar k: 1. Pr ess the right sof t ke y to open the br owser menu. 2. Select View Bookmarks . 3. Scroll to highli ght the bookmark you’ d lik e to access , a nd press to go to the W eb site. Deleting a Bookmark To d e l e t e a b o o k m a r k : 1.
48 R eloading a W eb P age T o r eload (refresh) a W eb page: 1. Pr ess the righ t sof tk e y to open the brow ser menu. 2. Select Re fr es h t h is p age .
On Demand 49 On Demand With Sprint P ower V ision ’ s exclusiv e On Demand f ea ture, y ou can personaliz e y our phone’ s data services to suit yo ur needs. The On Demand f ea ture mak es it easier than ev er to r etriev e the most popular W eb inf ormation and ca tegories instantly .
50 Initializing Y o ur On Demand Service T o initializ e your phone’ s On Demand service: 1. Select Menu > On Demand . 2. Enter y our pr ef erred ZI P c ode and press Done (left sof tk ey). (The On Demand service will customize itself to your selected location and the On De mand menu screen will be di splay ed.
On Demand 51 T o access Movies inf ormation using On Demand: 1. F rom the On Dema nd menu scr een, select ShowBiz . 2. Highligh t Mo vies and pres s . 3. F rom the Mo vies displa y , select an option and f ollow the onscreen instructions. Options ma y incl ude: 䡲 By Theater to select from a list of theaters in your pr ef err ed ZIP code.
52 Select other c ateg ories , such as W eath er , Sports, an d Mone y , from the On Demand main scr een and enjoy the f ea ture- rich c onten ts of On Demand. Ev ery category of f ers you the capa bility to customiz e news and inf ormation based on y our pr ef er ence.
Phone as Modem 53 Phone as Modem Y our phone’ s data capabilities enable you to use its high- speed da ta connection as a modem for y our laptop computer . Y o u’ll be able to send and r eceive email, bro wse the In ternet, and access your c ompany’ s network anywher e on the Sprint National Network.
54 Setting Up a Data C onnection With Y our PC In order to use your phone as a modem, y ou’ll first need to load th e Sprin t P CS C onnection Mana ger SM sof t war e on your PC. Then, use a c ompatible USB cable or built -in Bluetooth c onn ection to connect your phone to y our PC.
Phone as Modem 55 5. Once the c onnection is established, launch an Internet session, check your em ail, or do anyt hing else y ou would do using a tr aditional da ta co nn e c t i on .
Index 57 Index B Bookma rks Accessing 47 Creating 46 Deleting 47 Browser Menu 45 C Chat 21 D Data Connection Launching 6 Status and Indicators 8 Dow nloa ding Cont ent 33–37 E Email 19 G Games 38–.
An important point after buying a device Sprint m620 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sprint m620 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sprint m620 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sprint m620 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sprint m620 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sprint m620, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sprint m620.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sprint m620. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sprint m620 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center