Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product XAV-63 Sony
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©2012 Sony Corporation Operating Instructio ns 4-410-680- 61 (1) XA V -64BT XA V -63 GB AV Center.
2 Wa r n i n g T o prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expo se t he un it to r ain or mo is ture . T o av oid electric al shock, do not ope n the cabinet . Refer ser vicing to qualified personnel only . CA UTIO N The use of optical instru ments with thi s product will increa se eye hazar d.
3 T able of Contents Notes on sa fety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Notes on in stallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Copyrights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Note s on Blue toot h func tion (XAV-64BT only) .
4 Useful Functions Listing up tracks /image s/vide o files — List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Selecting a t rack/image/v ideo file . . . . . . . . 30 Selecting a f ile type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Using Gest ure Command .
5 Additional Information Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Notes on LCD panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Notes on discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Playback o rder of MP3/WMA/AAC/JPE G/ Xvid/MPEG-4 fil es .
6 Notes on safety • Comply w ith you r loca l traf f ic ru les, l aws an d regulatio ns. • While d riving – Do not w atch o r opera te the u nit, as it may lead to distract ion and ca use an acci dent. Park you r car in a saf e place t o watch or opera te the unit.
7 Copyrights Manufact ured under licens e from Dolby L aborat ories. Do lby an d the do uble-D sy mbol a re tradem arks o f Dolb y Labora tories. Microsoft , Windo ws, Windows V i sta and Windows Medi a and log os are tra demar ks or regist ered trad emarks o f Mi crosof t Cor porat ion i n the Un ited States and/o r other coun tries.
9 Playable discs and symbols used in these Operating Instructions This unit ca n play v ari ous video /au dio dis cs. The f ollo win g cha rt he lps yo u to check if a disc is supp orte d by t his u nit, as wel l as w hat fu nct ions are available for a given disc type .
10 Location and function of controls/terminals Main unit Fo r details, see the pages lis ted belo w . A Z (Eje ct) but ton page 17 B Reset bu tton pag e 14 C Recepto r fo r the re mote co mmander D Disc slot page 17 E T OP bu tton Fo r X A V-6 4 BT Press to o pen the top me nu.
11 Screen displays A “Sour ce Li st” ke y T ouch to op en t he sou rce l ist . B “T op” key XA V -6 4BT T ouch to op en t he top menu. XA V -6 3 T ouch to op en t he sou rce l ist . C Cloc k page 14, 48 D (Close) key T ouch t o close t he menu .
12 RM-X170 Remote Commander • The remote command er can be used to operate the audi o contr ols. For men u oper ations, use the touch panel. • For detail s, see the pag es list ed bel ow . • Re move the in su latio n film bef or e use (pag e 14 ).
13 J .m / M> butto n s Radio: Press to tu ne to sta tions automatic ally . Press and hold to f ind a st ation manual ly . Disc * 2 /USB: Press to skip a c hapter/trac k/scene/f ile. Press and hold momenta rily to re v erse/ fast-f orwa rd v ideo . Pres s and h old to reverse/fast -for ward a track.
14 Getti ng Started Resetting the unit Before o perating the u nit for t he fir st time, o r after r eplacin g the car battery o r chan ging the connection s, you must reset the unit. Press th e reset b utton ( page 10) with a pointed object, s uch as a bal lpoin t pen.
15 Radio Listening to the radio 1 T ouch “Source List, ” then “T uner . ” (For XA V -64BT only: Fro m the top menu, touc h “ A V Sour ce, ” then “T un er . ”) The r adio rec eptio n displa y appe ars, an d the preset lis t is display ed automatica lly .
16 Reception indications A C urr en t sou rce icon * 1 B Band nam e, pr eset number * 2 , frequenc y/ stat us C V o lume le vel* 3 D EQ 7 setti ng status *1 Appea rs only wh en the contro ls are d isplayed. *2 Appea rs only wh en a p reset stati on is r eceived.
17 Selecting PTY 1 During FM rece ption, touch “PTY List. ” The P TY lis t appear s if the station i s transmitt ing PTY data. T o scroll the list, touch v / V . 2 T ouch the de sired program type . The u nit sea rches fo r a sta tion br oadcast ing the selec ted program ty pe.
18 Pla yback cont rols T ouch the di splay if the playba ck con trols are not displa yed. AT T To p Play Menu DVD Control Source List 1 45 2 3 6 Common to al l discs/ form ats AT T To p Play Menu DVD Control Source List 7 AT T To p Play Menu PBC Panel Source List 8 1 “Source List” T ouch to open the source lis t.
19 *1 The spe ed depe nds on th e format or th e recor ding method . *2 Av ailability depends on the disc. *3 When the 4- digit inpu t prom pt appea rs, inpu t the languag e code (p age 62 ) for the de sired lan guage. Note If the di sc contai ns multiple file types, on ly the selected file type (audio /video/im age) c an be pl a yed.
20 Using PBC (playback control) functions The PBC menu inte racti vely assi sts with oper ation s whil e a P BC-com pati ble VCD is played. 1 Star t playing a PBC-com patible VCD. The PB C menu app ears. 2 T ouch “P BC P anel. ” The me nu c ontrol pane l appe ars.
21 Changing the audio channel Whe n pl ay ing a VCD /C D/M P 3/W MA /A AC/ Xvid/MPEG-4, you can listen to both the right and lef t channe l, only the righ t channe l, or only the left channel vi a both the right and left spea kers. The opti ons are i ndicat ed below .
22 The sh uff le opti ons an d switch ing orde r of each disc/fo rmat are indi cated belo w . *1 Av ailable only wh en playing a version 1.0/1.1 VCD , or a version 2 .
23 USB Devi ce Opera tions • MSC (Ma ss St orage Class) and MTP (Me dia Transfer Prot ocol) type US B devices co mpli ant with the U SB stan dard can b e used . • Compat ibl e code cs ar e MP3 (.mp3) , WMA (.wma), AA C (.m4 a), JPEG (.jpg), Xv id (.
24 Enjoying music according to your mood — SensMe™ Sony’ s unique “Se nsM e™ cha nnels” and “SensM e™ mo od” fe ature s automat ically group tracks by channe l or moo d, and al low you to enjoy music intuit iv ely .
25 T ransferring tra cks to the USB devi ce using “Content T ransf er” T o enable th e SensMe™ functio n on this unit , trac ks nee d to b e anal yzed and tr ansf erred to th e re gist ered U SB de vice usin g “Co nten t T ran sfer. ” 1 Connec t the re gist ered USB devi ce to your computer .
26 Channel list x Recommend ed, Shuffl e All x Bas ic chann els Plays tra cks ac cordin g to the m usic type . x In-c ar chan nels Plays tra cks th at are su itabl e while dr iving. “SensMe™ channels” playbac k controls and indications A T o displa y the cont rol keys: “S ource Li st, ” “A T T, ” “T op.
27 Playing tracks in mood maps — SensMe™ mood “Sen sMe™ mood” distri butes tra cks as dots on a two-axi s mood m ap, bas ed on th e charac teris tics of t he in di vidu al tr acks . By touching th e point on the map according to your m ood, a c ircle a ppears aro und th e tou ched poi nt, a nd the trac ks insi de th e ci rcle are pl ayed.
28 Searching for a track by listening to track passages — ZAPPIN™ Whil e play ing shor t trac k pass ages fro m a USB device in seq uence , you can s earch for a tr ack you wa nt to liste n to. This fu nction is con venient, fo r examp le, when search ing fo r a track in shu ffle or shuffle repea t mode.
29 Abou t pla ybac k con tr ols and indications Y o u can co ntrol i Pod play back in the same way as disc playbac k. For deta ils, se e “P laybac k contro ls” o n pa ge 1 8. For detai ls on pla yback in dicati ons, se e “Playb ack indi catio ns” on pag e 19.
30 Operating an iPod directly — Passenger App Control Y ou can di rectly opera te an iPo d conn ected to this uni t. 1 During playback, t ouch “Play Menu, ” then t he “Passeng er Ap p Control” b ox to set to “ON. ” Deactivating P assenger App Cont rol T ouch the “Pass enger Ap p Cont rol” b ox to se t to “OFF .
31 2 T ouch , then “A udio, ” “Im age, ” or “Video” to select the file type. 3 T ouch the desired file . Playb ack of the sele cted file starts. Using Gesture Command Y o u can pe rform frequen tly -used op erat ions by draw ing the followin g command stroke on the recept ion/p layback di splay.
32 3 Handsfree c alling/audio str eaming Y ou can make/ receive a handsf ree cal l, or listen to audio throug h this unit. Fo r det ails on the comp atibi lity o f yo ur de vi ce, visit the support s ite on the back cov er .
33 4 Oper ate the Bluet ooth device to search for this uni t. A de vi ce li st appe ars on the disp lay of the de vice . This un it is di splay ed as “Son y Automoti ve. ” 5 If p asskey * input is required on the display of the device , input “00 00.
34 Connecting to t he audio device last- connected from this unit 1 Make sur e th e Blu eto oth sign al o f th is unit and the audio device is turned on. 2 T ouch “Source List, ” then “BT Audio. ” 3 T ouch “Co nnect. ” “ ” flas hes while t he connectio n is bein g made, then s tays lit while connected.
35 The B lueto oth Phone disp lay appear s. 2 T ou ch “Call Menu, ” then “Recen t Call Browsing. ” The c all hist ory list ap pears. T o scroll the list, touch v / V . 3 T ou ch the desire d item in the list . The c ontact confirmatio n disp lay appe ars.
36 Operations during a call The followin g displ ay appear s dur ing a cal l. T o adjust the talker’ s v oice v olume T urn th e vo lume control dial during a call. The le vel o f the talke r’ s vo ice vol ume will be stored int o memory , indepe ndently from the regu lar vo lume le vel.
37 Audio streaming Listening to a Bluetooth device v ia this unit If t he ot her de vice sup ports A2DP ( Adv ance d Audi o Distri bution Pro file), you ca n listen t o the playba ck so und v ia th is uni t. 1 Connect this unit and the Bluetooth device ( page 33).
38 Sound A djustment Selecting the sound quality — EQ7 Y ou can sel ect an equ alize r curv e from 7 music types (“ Xplo d, ” “V ocal, ” “Edg e, ” “ Cru ise, ” “Spa ce, ” “G ra vity , ” “ Custom, ” or “OF F”). 1 During rece ption/playback, touch “Source List, ” then .
39 Optimizing sound for the listening position — Intelligent T ime Alignment The u nit can ch ang e the l ocal izat ion o f so und by delaying the so und outp ut from each spe aker to suit y our positio n, and si mulate a natu ral sound field with th e feeli ng of bei ng in the c enter of it wher ev er you si t in t he car .
40 Speaker configuration and volume setup Creating a vir tual cen ter spea ker — CSO T o fully enjoy su rround sound, it is pref erable to have 5 speake rs (fro nt le ft/ right, rear left/ righ t, center ) and 1 subwoo fer .
41 Moni to r Adju st ment T ouch panel calibration T ouc h panel ca librati on is re quired if the touching pos ition d oes not c orresp ond w ith the proper item. 1 T ouch “Source List, ” then . 2 T ouc h “Ge neral . ” The general setting menu appears.
42 Customizi ng the picture The options “Custo m 1” and “C usto m 2” of Picture EQ allow you to ma ke your own pic ture setting by adjusting the picture to nes. 1 During video/imag e playback , touch “Source List, ” then . 2 T ouch “S creen , ” th en “Pictu re EQ .
43 Setting s The setting menu includes the follo wing categori es. • “Gener al” : Gene ral s etti ngs (pa ge 4 4) • “Soun d” : Soun d se tting s (pag e 46) • “Scr een” : Screen sett .
44 General settings T ouch c “Gene ral” c the desi red ite m c th e desire d optio n. For detail s on this pr ocedu re, see “Basic set ting op eration” on page 4 3. Fo r details, see the pages lis ted belo w . “ z ” indicates the def ault setti ng.
45 Item Opti on Purp ose Unit status Front A UX Input (page 51) Sets whethe r or no t an audi o device’ s input signal s are dete cted via t he fr ont A UX input. OFF T o dea ct iv ate the A UX input. No source select ed Au di o ( z ) T o activ ate the A UX input.
46 Sound settings T ouch c “Sou nd” c the desi red i tem c the desi red optio n. For details on th is procedure , see “Basic set ting op erat ion” on page 4 3. Fo r details, see the pages lis ted belo w . “ z ” indicates the def ault setti ng.
47 Item Opti on Purp ose Unit status Rear/Sub Out Switches the audio output betwee n the rear sp eake rs and subw oofer . Rear T o outp ut a udio si gnal s to the re ar spe akers (amplif ier). No source select ed Sub ( z ) T o outp ut a udio si gnal s to the su bwoofer.
48 Screen settings To u c h c “S creen” c the desired ite m c the de sire d opti on. F or deta ils on this proc edure, see “ Basic set ting op erat ion” on page 4 3. Fo r details, see the pages lis ted belo w . “ z ” indicates the def ault setti ng.
49 DVD and other playback settings T ouc h c “ V isua l” c the desi red i tem c the desi red op tion. For d etai ls on this proced ure , see “B asic sett ing oper ation ” on p age 43. For detai ls, see the pages listed be low . “ z ” indica tes the def ault set ting.
50 Item Opti on Purpose Unit status Monitor T yp e Selec ts an aspect ratio suitab le for th e connect ed mon itor . (The screen as pect ratio of this unit a lso chan ges. ) Depe nding on the disc , “4:3 Lette r Box” may be sele cted automaticall y instead of “ 4:3 Pan Scan, ” and vice versa.
51 Using O ptiona l Equipment Auxiliary audio/video equipment Y ou can connec t up t o 2 opt ional de vic es, s uch as a porta ble med ia play er, game co nsol e, etc., to the fro nt AUX termin al and rear AUX termin als on the uni t. (The fr ont A UX te rmin al is for au dio only .
52 Rear view camera s ettings Y ou can di splay s ettin g items o n the p ictur e from the rear vie w camer a to assis t oper ation . This se tting is a v ailable only wh en: – “Camera Input” is set to “ON” (page 45). – the p arking b rake is app lied.
53 Notes on discs • Do not expose di scs to direct sunl ight or heat sourc es su ch as h ot ai r duct s, nor l eav e it in a car parked i n dire ct sunli ght. • Before play ing, wi pe the discs with a cl eaning cl oth from t he center out. Do not use s olven ts such as benz ine, thinn er, commer cially a v ailable clea ners.
54 About MP3 files • MP3, which stands for MPEG-1 A udio Layer-3, is a music file compressio n format standard . It comp resse s a udio CD dat a to appr oxi matel y 1/ 10 of its o rigina l size. • ID3 tag versi ons 1.0, 1. 1, 2.2, 2.3 a nd 2.4 a pply to MP3 only .
55 About Bluetoot h function The follo wing applie s only to XA V -64BT . What is Bluetoot h technology? • Bluetoot h wireless tech nology is a short-rang e wireless techno logy that ena bles wireless data communi cation betwee n di gital devices, su ch a s a cellular pho ne and a headse t.
56 Fuse replacement When r eplacing t he fuse, be sure to use one matchi ng the ampera ge rat ing state d on the original fuse . If the fuse blows, check t he power c onnec tion an d replace the fuse . If the fuse blo ws ag ain afte r repla cement, ther e may be an intern al malfunction .
57 *3 Blueto oth sta ndard p rofiles i ndicat e the pu r pose of Bluetooth communic ation between devices. P o wer amplifier sec tion Outp uts: Speake r outputs Speak er impedance : 4 – 8 ohms Maxim.
58 T roubleshooting The following c hecklist will help you remedy problems you may encoun ter with you r unit. Before goi ng through th e chec klist below , check the connect ion and ope rating pro cedures. If the problem is not solved, visit the suppo rt site on the b ack co ver .
59 There is no pi cture/picture no ise occurs in the rear moni tor . • A source/mo de which is not connected is sele cted. If there is no in put, no picture ap pears in t he rear monit or . • The co lor system setting is in corre ct. t Se t the color system to “ P AL ” or “NTSC ” accordin g to the connect ed monitor (p age 44).
60 Err or disp la ys/m essa ges Bluetooth functi on (XA V -64BT) The other Bl uetooth device cannot detect this unit. • Set “Sig nal” to “ON” (page 37). • While connectin g to a Bluetooth device, this unit cannot be detecte d from anoth er device.
61 If these solutio ns do not help imp rov e the situ ation, consult your nearest Sony dealer . If you t ake the unit to be repaired becau se of disc playb ack troub le, bri ng the dis c that w as used at the time the pro blem be gan. Disc Err or • The disc is di rty or inserted upsi de down.
62 Language code/area code list Language code list The lang uage spellin gs confor m to the ISO 639: 198 8 (E/F) stand ard. Code Lan gua ge Code Language Code Language Code Langua ge 1027 Af ar 1028 A.
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An important point after buying a device Sony XAV-63 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony XAV-63 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony XAV-63 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony XAV-63 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony XAV-63 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony XAV-63, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony XAV-63.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony XAV-63. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony XAV-63 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center